#kundli match making
astrolexaa · 4 months
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astroharish · 2 years
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subir-astrologer · 4 months
Forget about our life partner, every event of our life is pre-destined and still we believe in vedic astrology and go to astrologer for knowing our future.
Yes, this is true.
I always say in many of my articles that one need to understand astrology and not take it directly. The understand of astrology will reveal the hidden meaning of it and one who implements that will be benefited from its knowledge.
I will explain it with an example : When there is a forecast for Tsunami ( dangerous cyclone and flood created by sea ), one can not stop it with any means, one cannot save his home from drowning, but can save him / herself and the family by moving on a hilly place where water and cannot reach.
In the same way by doing the Kundli Matching we try to minimize the negativities of our destiny that will get activated after our marriage as both the partners have their own destiny by birth.
One gets a chance to understand the key areas where they need to focus in order to lead a happy life after getting married as no matching can be 100% fully matched.
And this is called FREE WILL.
If one is destined to always have difference of opinions with his / her spouse then one gets a chance to develop an understanding in advance stating that there will be opinion issue among them but they will not fight and get it resolved with understandings and logics with love and not with fighting.
Understand understand understand astrology . . . . please . . . .
Astrology do not have the miracle wand that by moving it on our head everything will automatically get settled. NO NO NO absolutely no. . . .
We ourselves have to be our own magic wand by understand the depth of its knowledge and implement it in our life.
In very exact answer astrology teaches us / give us the information / knowledge to get aligned with our horoscope to have best in our life. . . . .
Now what is getting aligned with horoscope . . .ha ha ha ha . . . . read my other articles on this subject. . .
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ommblogs · 10 months
The Timeless Tradition of Kundali Matching for Marriage
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"Unlock cosmic compatibility! Discover the profound significance of Kundali Matching in timeless marriage traditions."
In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, kundali matching emerges as a celestial thread, intricately woven into the fabric of marriage. Steeped in history and mysticism, this age-old practice, also known as kundali milan or kundli milan, delves into the cosmic forces governing our lives, seeking to decipher the potential compatibility between two individuals. Encompassing kundali milan in Hindi and the profound aspects of horoscope matching, it's a journey that blends science, tradition, and the enigmatic dance of celestial bodies.
At the heart of kundali matching lies the concept of gun milan, a process that assesses the alignment of planetary positions in the prospective couple's birth charts. With kundali matching by name being a popular approach, the cosmic choreography takes on a personal touch, as the resonance of names converges to unveil a cosmic connection.
The Cosmic Dance: Exploring Kundali Matching's Foundation
Embraced by cultures worldwide, this art of matchmaking is known by various names – be it kundli milan in Hindi, marriage matching, or kundali making. It's the endeavour to fathom the symphony of energies that two individuals bring into a marriage. The intricate calculations of planetary positions, known as gun milan, reveal the harmony and dissonance, much like musical notes forming a melodious composition.
Horoscope matching for marriage transcends mere astrological calculations. It's akin to deciphering the universal language of energies that the cosmos orchestrates. Just as musicians harmonize their notes for a masterpiece, prospective partners align their cosmic imprints for a harmonious life journey.
 Behind the Scenes: Factors Influencing Kundali Compatibility
Intriguingly, kundali matching by name isn't solely about finding common letters or sounds. It's a tapestry of vibrations and resonance, where each letter carries a numeric weight, contributing to the overall cosmic equation. As names intertwine, they form a pattern, either enhancing the celestial rapport or introducing discordant frequencies. The name isn't just a label; it's an energetic signature that influences the cosmic choreography.
While online kundali matching has modernized the process, it retains the essence of tradition. The digital realm brings convenience, but the cosmic calculus remains unaltered. The algorithms, programmed to replicate the meticulous process of astrological scholars, create virtual constellations from the digits and letters of names, offering a glimpse into the cosmic affinity between partners.
 The Rituals and Process of Kundali Matching
Kundli matching for marriage doesn't stop at planetary positions and name synergies. It delves deeper into the multidimensional aspects that shape human relationships. Traits, tendencies, and temperaments are mapped against the cosmic canvas, revealing potential areas of resonance and those that might demand compromise.
As we explore the depths of cosmic chemistry, we encounter terms like prokerala kundali, a manifestation of the marriage between ancient wisdom and modern technology. The digital tools serve as the compass in the cosmic labyrinth, guiding seekers toward a deeper understanding of themselves and their partners.
 Real-Life Stories: Kundali Matching in Action
While some view kundli matching as a precursor to marriage, it's more akin to an alchemical process. Just as elements merge to create compounds, two individuals merge their lives, dreams, and destinies in kundali matching for marriage. The cosmic blueprint, unveiled through gun milan by name, offers insights into potential challenges and joys. It's not a deterministic path but a guidebook to navigate the cosmic journey of partnership.
As name matching for marriage blends with planetary positions, and the resonance of energies finds its echo, couples embark on a journey together. The cosmic chemistry isn't confined to favorable planetary alignments; it extends to the heart's resonance, shared values, and mutual aspirations.
 The Cultural Significance
In the ever-evolving landscape of human relationships, the ancient art of kundali matching remains a constant. It's a testament to the enduring fascination with the cosmos and its influence on our lives. As we tread the path of cosmic chemistry, we unveil a tapestry that transcends time, language, and culture.
So, whether it's kundali milan in Hindi or any other language, the resonance of energies speaks a universal dialect. The dance of celestial bodies continues, orchestrating not only the movements of planets but the intricate steps of human hearts. In conclusion, cosmic chemistry isn't just about planetary positions and calculations; it's the interplay of energies, a dance of destiny where names, planets, and souls converge. It's an art that marries tradition with technology, revealing glimpses of compatibility and harmony. As we embrace the enigma of kundali matching, we step into the cosmic ballroom, where the stars themselves waltz to the rhythm of love and connection
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aipbestastrologer · 2 years
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AIP - Best Astrologer
The best astrologer in the world, Acharya Indu Prakash Ji, has been crowned MAHAMHOPADYAYA by the four Shankaracharyas and possesses an ocean of knowledge, including Astrology, numerology, palmistry, Vaastu Shastra.
Website: https://www.acharyainduprakash.com/
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kundlimatching · 2 years
Kundli Matching
What Is Kundli Matching and How Does Kundli Matching Work? Is Kundli Matching Necessary For Love Marriage Do horoscope matching really work Understanding the Process of Kundli matching Is online horoscope matching correct Kundali Milan by date of birth and time
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horizonaarc1726 · 3 months
What are the main fundamental of kundli milaan?
Kundli Milan, also known as Horoscope Matching or Gun Milan, is a traditional practice in Hindu astrology to assess the compatibility of two individuals for the purpose of marriage. The main fundamentals of Kundli Milan are based on the analysis of the birth charts (kundlis) of the prospective bride and groom. The process involves several factors, and the most important aspects include:
Guna Matching (Ashtakoota Milan): Guna Milan involves the assessment of eight different aspects (ashtakootas) of the horoscope, each assigned points. The maximum score is 36, and a minimum of 18 points are considered acceptable for a match. The eight aspects are:
Varna (1 point): Spiritual compatibility.Vashya (2 points): Dominance and control in the relationship.Tara (3 points): Health and well-being.Yoni (4 points): Sexual compatibility.Graha Maitri (5 points): Mental compatibility.Gana (6 points): Nature and temperament.Bhakoot (7 points): Financial and family adjustment.Nadi (8 points): Health and progeny.
Mangal Dosha: Mangal Dosha is associated with the placement of Mars (Mangal) in specific houses of the birth chart. The presence of Mangal Dosha is believed to create challenges in married life. Assessing and understanding Mangal Dosha is an essential part of Kundli Milan.
Dasha and Bhukti Matching: Dasha and Bhukti refer to planetary periods in an individual's life. Analyzing the compatibility of these periods in the birth charts of both individuals helps predict the harmony and challenges they might face at different stages of life.
Lagna (Ascendant) Matching: The compatibility of the Lagna, or Ascendant, is crucial in determining the overall compatibility of the couple. Matching the Lagna ensures harmony in their basic nature, personality, and approach to life.
Placement of Planets: The positions of the planets in different houses of the birth charts are analyzed for compatibility. This includes the positions of the Moon, Mars, Venus, and other significant planets.
Navamsa Chart Compatibility: The Navamsa chart, which is a divisional chart used for understanding the finer details of married life, is also considered for compatibility analysis.
It is important to note that horoscope matching is a traditional practice, and while many individuals follow it, its scientific validity is a matter of debate. Some people choose to give importance to astrological compatibility, while others rely on other factors in making decisions about marriage. For which you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software.
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youremyheaven · 1 month
Hey! You said you were Indian and I saw in another post you said you don’t talk to ppl much about ur astrology interest bc it’s too woo woo and seen as something of older generations (pls correct me if I’m wrong!). I just wanted to ask what the general attitude of Vedic astrology is India ? I imagine it would be hard to generalise just considering how many sects of Hinduism there are and how huge India is. Also this may be silly (and I hope I don’t sound ignorant) but do you learn about it at school? Not necessarily in a religious way but like from an academic, historical way? I live in Europe for example and I go to a historically catholic university, and so I have a course on ancient Roman religion which ofc doesn’t have much to do with our modern context or anything, but inadvertently we do learn about astrological signs and their archetypes. Just wondering if there would be an equivalent in Indian schools?
This post is so long winded I’m sorry. Last question: have you ever heard of the proto-indo-European theory, in terms of the origins of certain ancient religions in regions of Europe and Asia? It’s a super interesting linguistic theory, I would like to explain but this anon is already super long haha, I would recommend reading about it tho, and if you would like I could totally explain!
Yes I did indeed say those things. India is a large country and a country of a billion people. Astrology is a big part of Hindu culture. Some people are more religious than others and more superstitious than others. Astrology is not synonymous with religion tho. Its a part of it but not all religious people are going to also be deeply invested in astrology? Many people are but its not necessary. However, astrology is very important in certain areas of life, when fixing a marriage for example; since arranged marriages are common in India, astrologers are consulted (and being an astrologer is a real job here too) to draw up the synastry chart (we call it kundli milan which kind of means chart matching?? very literal lol, its to see how much your charts match with each other) and its a very elaborate process and on many occasions marriages don't take place because the kundlis dont vibe well or because it spells doom and gloom (indian astrologers can be vvv black and white, they will literally say "if you marry xyz, you will die a painful death etc although in many traditions its forbidden to predict death??), astrology is also used to fix a muhurat which means the most auspicious time to perform that activity? suppose you're constructing a house or moving into a home or getting married or sometimes even with elective C section, people choose the date based on the astrology of it (after consulting an astrologer)
regardless of caste or sects, astrology is kind of deeply permeated into Hindu culture and even many non Hindus are invested in it. contrary to what popular depictions of India may have you believe, religious syncretism is very much alive and has long been a part of Indian culture. so many Hindus go to dargahs, celebrate muslim festivals and many muslims celebrate hindu festivals and go to temples and there are many other religions in india as well and everybody kind of has a mish-mash of many different belief systems. but i would say upper caste Hindus can often be more "puritan" in their practices and beliefs and less willing to embrace others. all that said, for a lot of people, especially the younger generations (more than 50% of indians are below the age of 25) astrology is tied to superstition simply because for many many years, astrology has been used in many damaging ways.
indian astrologers can make very black and white predictions and since Indians in general love to be fatalistic and believe things are predetermined at birth, astrology negatively feeds this attitude and often punishes people who've done nothing wrong (here's an article that goes into some of it) an astrologer can say that your cousin will negatively impact your business and some people will go out on a limb and murder that cousin 💀💀im not in the slightest bit exaggerating when i say that people often take astrological predictions to the extremes in india. esp in the context of arranged marriage, it often happens that the person who is a perfect astrological match for you is some 34yr old man with a pedo stache (and you're 20 and the astrologer predicts that if you dont get married by 23 your family's luck will be ruined) so astrology is majorly practiced in ways that are demoralising and fcked up. this is why people think youre kind of insane or stupid or straight up fcked in the head if they know you believe in or practice astrology. its hard to try to explain to them that im more into decoding patterns based on the mythology of the stars and understanding the more philosophical and symbolic meaning of nakshatras *sigh*
no we dont study astrology in schools and its not looked at as a "legitimate" study either. spirituality is largely looked at as a scam in india because we have sooo many fake gurus and fake astrologers peddling their bs. astrology and spirituality are also heavily gatekept. many believe in it but they dont study it even if they practice it lol
i looked it up and all i could understand is that there is a common ancestor language to indian languages and european languages?? 😭idk more than that but it would be nice if you could explain it. idk if you mentioned it randomly or if there is a connection between the theory and vedic astrology?? either way, id like to hear your thoughts<333
sorry that this is soooo long lol
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jyotishgher · 4 months
Moon in the 12th house means that you might get more comfortable with tapping into & accepting your spiritual gifts. 1️⃣2️⃣✨
This also shows that you might do a lot of healing throughout your life that could eventually make you feel better and more at ease. 😌
Moon in the 12th house people might find a lot of comfort from spending time alone. At some point you might get more comfortable with being by yourself & might not feel lonely. You mugnt learn to enjoy your own solitude. ✨
This also shows that you might travel to spiritual and foreign places that make you feel comfortable, healed, safe & spiritually enlightened too. 😌💙#astrology #jyotishgher #predictions #news #vedicastrology
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astrolexaa · 5 months
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astroharish · 2 years
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subir-astrologer · 4 months
Forget about our life partner, every event of our life is pre-destined and still we believe in vedic astrology and go to astrologer for knowing our future.
Yes, this is true.
I always say in many of my articles that one need to understand astrology and not take it directly. The understand of astrology will reveal the hidden meaning of it and one who implements that will be benefited from its knowledge.
I will explain it with an example : When there is a forecast for Tsunami ( dangerous cyclone and flood created by sea ), one can not stop it with any means, one cannot save his home from drowning, but can save him / herself and the family by moving on a hilly place where water and cannot reach.
In the same way by doing the Kundli Matching we try to minimize the negativities of our destiny that will get activated after our marriage as both the partners have their own destiny by birth.
One gets a chance to understand the key areas where they need to focus in order to lead a happy life after getting married as no matching can be 100% fully matched.
And this is called FREE WILL.
If one is destined to always have difference of opinions with his / her spouse then one gets a chance to develop an understanding in advance stating that there will be opinion issue among them but they will not fight and get it resolved with understandings and logics with love and not with fighting.
Understand understand understand astrology . . . . please . . . .
Astrology do not have the miracle wand that by moving it on our head everything will automatically get settled. NO NO NO absolutely no. . . .
We ourselves have to be our own magic wand by understand the depth of its knowledge and implement it in our life.
In very exact answer astrology teaches us / give us the information / knowledge to get aligned with our horoscope to have best in our life. . . . .
Now what is getting aligned with horoscope . . .ha ha ha ha . . . . read my other articles on this subject. . .
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akashvaaniteam · 1 year
Can Astrology Predict Second Marriage Through Kundli Chart
Can Astrology Predict Second Marriage Through Kundli Chart
As the divorce rate is increasing, most people generally go for second marriages. Most of them do not want to repeat the same mistake in their second marriage. Also, they want to know if there are provisions for second marriage in their horoscope. So they go to an astrologer to predict second marriage according to date of birth, through the Kundli chart.  Role of the horoscope in second…
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abroadastrology · 11 months
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Purva phalguni nakshatra career
Purva Phalguni nakshatra individuals possess a charismatic and creative energy that can excel in various career paths. Purva phalguni nakshatra career natural charm and artistic abilities make them well-suited for fields like acting, fashion, modeling, or entertainment. They also thrive in leadership roles, marketing, or public relations. Their strong sense of justice and compassion can lead them to careers in law, counseling, or social work. Explore your true potential with a career aligned to your nakshatra.  If you are looking Best kundli matching content us.
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aipbestastrologer · 2 years
What is Kundli Matching?
Online Kundli Matching is the easiest and most accurate way to match the Kundlis for the bride and groom anytime and anywhere. Horoscope Matching or Kundli Milan is an ancient method of Vedic Astrology to analyze the harmony between couples. Kundli Matching as Hindu Vedic Astrology is performed in the Ashtakoota style of Guna Milan. In Hindu marriage, Gun Milan's fine points are essential to a happy, long-lasting, and successful marriage.
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How Does Kundli Matching For Marriage Work?
Kundli Matching or Guna Milan is the most important element in every Hindu marriage. Hindu astrology puts great emphasis on Janam Kundli Milan before the couple ties the knot to secure a happy and long-lasting marriage. Initially, the matching Kundli to marriage was performed by a family priest or any Astrologer. But with Online Kundli Matching, it has become much easier and faster to test the compatibility of a two-person marriage.
In particular, there are two ways to compare a Horoscope for a boy and a girl
Kundli Matching by name
Kundli's corresponding date of birth
Kundli Matching by name is basically a marriage match made in the name of the bride and groom only. This is also called Guna Milan by name as it involves a test of the suitability of marriage by looking at the Gunas Brides and Grooms using their names.
Kundli Matching by name of birth, also known as the Janam Patrika symbol, is based on the ancient Ashtakuta method and determines the compatibility of two people using their respective birth details. In Western Astrology, some believe in using the Love calculator to find their Love School score and test their Zodiac Sign compatibility with their partners to find their emotional, mental and physical compatibility.
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Although Horoscope matching by date of birth and name is based on Guna Milan points calculated by the marriage match calculator, Kundli matching for a date is considered more accurate and is always recommended.
What is Kundli Matching?
According to Hindu tradition, Kundli Milan is an important ritual before marriage. It is a process of comparing the stars (birth charts) of a bride and groom to determine if their stars are compatible and thus have a successful and happy marriage. Commonly known as the similarities of the Horoscope, Janam Kundli Milan, Patrimilan or Gun Milan, the analogy of the Kundli wedding is based on many incoming objects to obtain the same Kundli points also known as the Gunas.
Matching Kundli with birthday and name is the best and most accurate way to match the stars and establish the harmony between a boy and a girl. It can be used to predict Shubh Muhurat for a wedding event, so you can enjoy a long and happy relationship.
The same Kundli report is based on three main points-
Guna Milan's goals
The presence of Manglik Dosha
Navamsa Chart Power
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Is Online Kundli Matching For Marriage Reliable?
Interestingly, Online Kundli Matching is the best and most sought-after way to produce an accurate Horoscope Matching report online. When a computer is produced, there are no human errors or minor errors in the report. At astroeshop, you can find an accurate marriage scorer (Guna Mian) that produces Kundli reports that are carefully analyzed by astrologers. Gun Milan by date of birth is more accurate rather than Gun Milan by name. We provide you with the most accurate and complete results.
The world's top astrologer Acharya Indu Prakash Ji. The four Shankaracharyas bestow the title MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA on him. He knows everything about astrology, numerology, palmistry, Vaastu Shastra, Vaayu Gyan, Swapn vichar, and Disha Vigyan. He changed the lives of countless people over the course of his 45-year career, leading them to the pinnacle of success. The predictions of Acharya Indu Prakash Ji will always come true, as he has disclosed many times regarding natural disasters or tragedies that will also come true.
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astrologyindia · 1 year
Which nakshatra is compatible with Moola Nakshatra?  
In Vedic Astrology, Moola Nakshatra is the 19th of all 27 Nakshatra in the zodiac. The Moola nakshatra ranges from 00°00' - 13°20' degrees in the sign of Sagittarius. It is also the Gandmool Nakshatra because of its placement at one of the Gandanta positions in the zodiac. Gandanta is the position that represents an end and a starting point for both signs (Rashi) and (nakshatra).
Moola or Mula word itself narrates its meaning. The symbol for Mula Nakshatra is the root and meaning of the word. Ancient astrological texts address the meaning of Moola Nakshatra as Roots (lion's tail) tied or bunched together.
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Moola Nakshatra ideology
We know that the roots penetrate deep into the soil. Indian mythological references associate roots with the unseen realm lying under the ground. Thus, the Moola Nakshatra signifies getting into the deep meaning of everything. Mula Nakshatra's secrets consist of going to the roots of things. The Moola natives may adopt a scientific or philosophical approach to finding deep and hidden meanings. It also signifies boundaries, limits, rigidness, or bondage. The traits can be well understood regarding the symbol of bounded roots. 
Ketu is the lord of the Moola nakshatra, and the ruling deity is Nirriti, the goddess of removing evils. Scholars state the goddess Nirriti is a form of Alakshmi, the goddess of calamities, misfortunes, and miseries. She is the sister of Goddess Lakshmi. Nirriti goddess thus gives material deprivation and lack of prosperity after it is attained. Since Nirriti also signifies reversal, bondage, obstructions, delays, and losses, Mula Nakshatra shows the same traits and harm due to borrowing and lending activities. This is considered bad in astrology to lend or borrow during the Monn transits through the Moola Nakshatra Kundli. The debt may not come back or cause worry and disturbance in life. 
The Moola Nakshatra also signifies unseen things causing miseries, like invisible germs that still cause diseases. Roots are the beginnings, foundations, resources, and Moola nakshatra rules. Ancient and even modern times, the roots are used for medicinal purposes. This nakshatra also shows an association with medicines.
Mula Nakshatra's marriage life
Before we understand the married life of the Moola natives, it is essential to understand their basic traits. Marriage is an institution that is highly affected and dependent on the personality and mental traits of the partners Kundli  Matching .It is by understanding their essential traits we can predict their married life.
The Moola nakshatra natives uproot things easily that cease to be important to them. As an impatient and impulsive nakshatra, the Moola natives often regret their decisions and actions. If Jupiter is in harmony with the Moola nakshatra in the birth chart, the person reaches the apex of success.
Vedic Astrology says that the drive for individuality begins in Ashwini Nakshatra, grows in Magha Nakshatra, and ends in Moola Nakshatra. It exceeds the limitations of ego, arrogance, and selfishness. Sometimes, the natives don't understand their potential in arrogance and ignorance. The influence of Ketu makes the natives negative and dreadful.
The Moola nakshatra natives have their values, rules, and self-fulfillment. These natives are physically strong, proud, ambitious, god-fearing, and highly opinionated. They are probing into nature and exploring the depths of everything they encounter. The downside of Moola nakshatra involves that they are highly unpredictable, rigid, wrathful, decisive, and stubborn. 
The Moola Nakshatra love marriage may fail as they tend to get cheated by their love partners. The Moola natives show great commitment in their love relationship, but their love partners may not show the same dedication. Your expectations in your love life remain unfulfilled. 
Moola Nakshatra males are stubborn, passionate, knowledgeable, and trustworthy for their life partners. Moola Nakshatra male married life is good as they get a partner compatible with them. Due to their suspicious and curious nature, the male natives may not support their partner in all endeavors. The life partner should have a good understanding and patience to tackle Moola natives. Moola Nakshatra's male marriage age is usually 27-35 years. The Moola nakshatra male natives hardly get any benefits from their parents and are usually self-made men. They enjoy a fairly good conjugal life for their bold and reliable nature. The wife usually has all the noble and sober qualities. The wife can be fun-loving and show a great sense of responsibility at the same time. The Moola natives enjoy a much more stable married life than a love life.  
Best and Worst Matches for Moola Nakshatra natives
According to nakshatra compatibility, Moola nakshatra has following relations with other nakshatras:
The best matches for Moola nakshatra - Ardra, Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Hasta, Purva Ashadha, Shatabhisha, and Shravana. As per Revathi Nakshatra Astrology, the Revathi Nakshatras boys are the real soul mates of Moola natives. 
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Kundli Dosha     |       Best Astrology App     |             Bharani Nakshatra
Source link :  https://vedicastrologynews.blogspot.com/2023/02/which-nakshatra-is-compatible-with.html 
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