#let the redheads represent dammit
keepofkandrakar · 7 months
no bc why are there only two power rangers with red hair?
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britishassistant · 3 years
Supervillain AU! I formally request the special addition of Yuu’s first kidnapping please.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
“Yoo-hoo, Reporter-chan? Wakey-wakey, it’ll be bad for you if you don’t get up soon~”
Yuu shakes their head groggily, the sing-songy voice not helping the pounding in their temple.
“Did someone get the number of the truck that hit me?” They mumble, blinking to try and get their eyes to focus.
“Dammit Deuce, you gave them brain damage.” A familiar, much more annoyed sounding voice said. “Their head’s gonna be all screwy and useless now, dumbass.”
“It was just a lovetap though!” A third voice, also familiar, protested.
The floor finally stopped moving in front of their eyes and Yuu realized some very important things.
One, the floor they were staring at was not the floor of the library where they last remembered being.
Two: Their arms and legs seemed to be tied tight to the arms and legs of an iron garden chair.
Three: There are many odd-looking people standing near them, all in clothes that are too coordinated not to be a uniform but too outlandish to represent a government group of some kind.
Oh Great Seven, Yuu thinks with a rising sort of hysteria. It’s finally happened.
Clowns have come to take me away for not brushing my teeth enough like Mom said when I was little.
“...Are ya sure you didn’t break ‘em?”
Yuu wonders if they should feel offended at being talked around like this.
“Enough of this nonsense!” A hand seizes Yuu’s chin and pulls their head up to face the latest speaker. An imperious-looking young man stands and walks towards the reporter, clicking his fingers. “Three of Clovers.”
A tall man in glasses hands the imperious young man what Yuu recognizes as their wallet. The shorter man glances at the contents disdainfully. “You. First and last name and age, now.”
“Y-Yuu Radcliffe, 23 years.” The reporter stutters, their initial hysteria morphing into a sinking feeling in their gut. If not the clowns, then... “Can I ask who I have the pleasure of talking to?”
“No.” The redhead holding their wallet snaps. “Current occupation and birthday?”
“Field reporter at TWST local news.” They force themselves to relax the fists their hands have balled into. “March 18th.”
Remember what Uncle Divvy always says. Stay calm, act cooperative, do or say whatever you need to to avoid injury. Any supervillains on this level trying to curry favor with or blackmail the dumb bird will have to go through Uncle Divvy first to contact him, and he’ll take care of the rest.
All Yuu needs to do is keep themselves alive until then.
They still can’t help but dread what they know is coming next.
The supervillain seems to notice their distress, and smirks cruelly. He takes his time walking forward and leaning down until he’s on the reporter’s eye level, hands resting on the back of the chair and eyes flicking over their face, almost as if he’s savoring the moment before he makes their life that much more painful.
Yuu braces themselves as he opens his mouth–!
“What is the best type of tea?”
“Wait, what? I don’t—” Yuu asks, backpedalling as the supervillain’s face grows stormy at their lack of response. “Uuh...green tea? I guess? I mean, it’s the one I like the most, but I’m more of a coffee or hot cocoa person, so I’m not the best one to ask...”
The person holding their chin sucks in through their teeth and the annoyed familiar voice outside their periphary snickers “Oooh, busted~”
The supervillain is beginning to go as red as his hair, and the reporter can hear his teeth grinding. His hands are now gripping the back of the chair so tight Yuu would almost swear they hear the metal by their ears creak.
“Ri–Royal.” The man with glasses says.
The supervillain inhales and exhales almost violently, until what’s visible of his face under that mask is looking less flushed.
“The correct answer,” He says, voice trembling with emotion. “Was all teas at their due times. To drink green tea instead of rosehip at breakfast, or lemon tea at 8pm...the nerve of your arrogance is astounding!”
Yuu...genuinely isn’t sure how they’re supposed to respond to that. Instead they just go with, “I’m sorry, I’ve never had rosehip or lemon tea. Do you like them?”
“Do I—?!” The supervillain’s mouth works soundlessly, gradually going red again. He pushes off the chair sharply. “I—the ro—i-it’s not a matter of liking!! These are the Rules!! And the Rules must be obeyed!! Three of Clovers!”
“Yes, Royal Flush?” The glasses man asks.
“The reporter is forbidden from having any montblanc after dinner, and will take two cups of lemon tea at 8pm tonight and two cups of rosehip tomorrow at breakfast.” Royal Flush flashes them a cruel smirk. “Consider it a light punishment for your impertinence.”
Yuu blinks. Tries to make sense of what they’ve just heard.
Blinks again.
“You know if you just wanted to ask me out to dinner, I’d have taken a nice invitation or a bouquet. You didn’t need to knock me out and tie me up like this, I’m not that picky. I do have Tinder.”
Glasses guy makes a choking noise and erupts into a coughing fit.
The hand that’s been holding Yuu’s chin migrates to their shoulder for support as its owner lets out an undignified snort and gasps out something that sounds vaguely like “why wasn’t I recording, that was Magicam gold!” as he giggles. He’s a redhead too, but much more orange than his boss.
There’s a sputter of hysterical laughter that has Yuu twisting their head to see the two guys and the cat from the hydroelectric plant, both with these odd-looking metal collars around their necks, but otherwise unharmed. The talking cat is trussed up in so many ropes that it looks more like a bobblehead, also wearing a weird collar.
The third redheaded one is bracing his hands on his knees, wheezing out a litany of “holy shit, holy shit” between chortles. The dark haired one is holding the cat a confused expression, cutting off his friend’s laughter when he turns to ask, “Ace, what’s tinder?”
The momentary silence lets an odd squeaking noise be heard.
One that gradually grows in volume until it’s an outright screech coming from the supervillain in front of them. He’s so red Yuu is honestly worried about his blood pressure, pointing a shaking finger at them.
Yuu chokes a little at the feeling of cold metal materializing around their neck, dragging their head down with its weight. The supervillain continues screeching, refusing to even look at the reporter. “YOU—! DUNGEON! RIGHT NOW!! NO DESSERTS!! GO!!”
There’s an awkward moment as Royal Flush turns away from them, as if expecting them to get up and walk out of their own accord while his back is to them.
“...So, does that mean you want them to untie me or something, or...?” Yuu wiggles their firmly bound hands and feet for emphasis.
The supervillian makes a sound like a kettle whistling, before he barks out. “Two of Spades! Ace of Hearts! GET them OUT OF MY SIGHT until they’re WILLING to COOPERATE!!”
The dark haired young man quickly shuffles forward, grabs the back of the chair, and drags it and the poor reporter attached to it out of the room and into the corridor. The metal screeches as it moves from carpet to concrete.
“Wh—Two, no, untie them first.” The man with glasses says, despairing, appearing in the doorway. “You’ll mark up the floor otherwise.”
“Ah! Sorry, senpai!” Two looks between the cat in his arms and the knots on the chair, before shoving the cat into the arms of the redhead who answers to “Ace”. Neither of them look happy with this development.
“Fgnah! Quit squeezing, ya jerk!” The cat protests, wriggling as best it can.
“Oh? What’s that? I’m sorry, I just need to make sure that greatest, lamest supervillain in the city doesn’t escape to go setting random crap in the lair on fire again.” Ace says sweetly, grip tightening.
“Tha’s your fault, an’ you know it!” The cat wheezes out, thrashing harder.
Yuu winces. “Hey, quit hurting him. Whatever he did, he doesn’t deserve this.”
The dark haired minion barks out a laugh as he tugs the ropes away from their right wrist while his redheaded counterpart sneers at them.
“Oh really? Bet you’ll change your tune real quick once you learn it’s thanks to him you’re here in the first place.” Ace of Hearts mocks. “Dumb monster sang like a damn canary when Royal pressured him a tiiiny bit, saying it was all your fault his precious ingredient is now in the sewers.”
“Tha’s a lie!” The monster? cat blurts out too quickly for comfort. “It’s all these two morons, I swear!”
“Why you little—“
“I don’t care.” Yuu cuts in before Two of Spades can hit the animal. “I didn’t destroy that thing, but even if none of you said anything, your boss would’ve found out I was involved anyway from watching my report on it on the news. So I don’t care, just-just quit hurting him.”
There’s a tense moment as the two minions stare down at the reporter. They do their best to meet the gazes without flinching.
Then the Ace of Hearts tosses the cat into their lap as the Two of Spades sinks back down to keep working on their ankle. “Fine. Since you like it so much, you can take care of it. Just don’t expect me to cover for your ass—you still owe me for the power plant.”
“I’m sorry?” Yuu curls their free arm around the bundle of rope, fur, and yowling insults and pulls it closer to them. “Shouldn’t that be the other way round?”
“You locked me in a closet with him!” Ace hisses. “Do you know how hard it was to get out before the cops came with him freaking out and messing stuff up?!”
“Oi.” Two shoots him a dark look from where he’s finished untying the reporter’s left hand. “Like you weren’t whining about us being digested until you knocked a broom over!”
“Sh-shut up!”
“Well excuse me for trying to save your lives.” Yuu bites back, rubbing the rope marks on their wrists. “Next time I’ll just run and let the sludge monster eat your unconscious bodies.”
“It’d save us all the trouble of this shit if you did!” Ace spits, jabbing a finger at his collar. “At least then we wouldn’t be on Royal’s shit list!”
Yuu lets the piece of information they were just given marinate in their brain as they glare at him. Well, now what exactly was that supposed to mean?
“Ngh...this knot won’t come loose.” Two says from by the reporter’s left foot.
“How about now?” Replies an unfamiliar voice, as a disembodied hand pulls deftly at a loop in the rope.
“Ah!” Two of Spades brightens up as the rest of the rope falls away. “Thanks a lot—”
The disembodied hand punches him in the face.
Yuu cries out in alarm at the sight of the minion falling backwards into the Ace of Hearts, knocking him down like a bowling pin.
A pair of clawed hands are then scooping them up, extra cat and all, and the reporter finds themself looking at the unsettlingly wide smile and purple cat ears of one of the city’s top heroes, running at full speed while sharpened playing cards whizz past his face and Ace calls out behind them “Senpai! It’s him again!!”
There’s a percussive boom somewhere in the distance, and screams of how the flamingos are loose as the hero winks down at Yuu. “Seems you’re a popular one today, kitten! But let’s get you back to where you where before you were so rudely catnapped, yes?”
“Not so fast, hero!” The orange haired guy choruses from the entrance to the staircase, and—from behind them as well?
The reporter’s heart sinks as more and more versions of the minion keep popping up around them, to the point where the hero is forced to stand on the bannister of the balcony they’re on.
And based on the fact that the hero hasn’t used his invisibility? Intangibility? powers, it’s likely that he can’t use them while holding Yuu and the cat.
They’re surrounded.
“You really can’t keep your paws out of anything that’s mine, can you?” Royal Flush’s tone is clipped as he glares up at the hero.
“Hey R-kun, Three-kun!” The hero pouts, hugging Yuu closer to his chest. “I come a~ll this way to play, only to find you’ve got a nyew toy you’re already playing with without me! How mean! You guys really are cruel!!”
“We’re sorry about that.” Three of Clovers says, edging closer. “If you just hand the reporter over to Four, they’ll be put away and we can all “play” together, no distractions. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
The hero makes a deliberating noise, holding Yuu out and away from him over the drop, tilting his head this way and that.
His grin grows unsettlingly wider.
“Look, R-kun, Three-kun!” The hero calls out. “Nyo hands!”
Wait, what—
The hero’s body vanishes.
Yuu and the monster cat plummet screaming past the illogically winding staircases of the evil lair.
Yuu tries to angle their body so that the frantically crying cat will be shielded from the brunt of the fall—!
There’s a sound like glass shattering, and a feeling of being enveloped in something soft, cold and buoyant. The two of them bounce a few times and land back on it more gently each time.
Yuu cracks open their eyes to see that they’re seated on a strange, red, jelly-like mass. The cat in their arms tentatively sniffs, and then lunges to take a bite out of their cushion before the reporter can stop him.
“Shtrawberry?” He says through a full mouth. “Tashtes good!”
The reporter grabs him before he can go for another bite, a little thrown by his speed now that collar isn’t weighing him down. But where did this thing come from–?
Yuu looks up.
Royal Flush is leaning dangerously far over the balcony countless flights of stairs above them, one arm outstretched down towards them.
They stare at each other for a moment.
Then clawed hands fasten around Yuu’s waist again with a cheery “Nyow wasn’t that fun?” and Royal Flush visibly tenses and begins screaming things after the escaping hero that are barely legible through his rage.
The hero deposits them both outside the TWST news station with their wallet and phone back in their pockets. He at least helps them untie the monster cat, who promptly declares he just let them protect him, and scarpers.
Of course the hero is gone too when Yuu turns back around, before they can ask him what the hell he was playing at, dropping them like that, was he insane?! If Royal Flush hadn’t interfered...
The reporter has to fight the urge to lose their lunch.
Their boss rushes out and envelopes them in a surprisingly powerful hug, the woman almost lifting the reporter off their feet as she babbles about whether or not Yuu needs a hospital after getting kidnapped by one of the seven major supervillains.
Yuuken is quick to join the embrace with a bear hug of his own. He pulls back, fingers prodding gently at Yuu’s bruised temple and declaring he’ll drive them to hospital to make sure they don’t have a concussion.
He graciously waits until they’re in the car to ask why Yuu smells so much of strawberries.
The reporter can only give a half answer, partly because they don’t want to worry him, and partly because they have another question of their own buzzing incessantly around their brain.
Why was Yuu kidnapped in the first place?
Royal Flush never even mentioned Crowley, despite all the chances he had to do so. Not even an oblique or confusing metaphor or code. Does that mean he’s ignorant of the connection between Yuu and the League?
But if that’s the case, it circles back around to the first question: why kidnap Yuu to begin with?
Somehow the reporter doubts it was to just ask their tea preferences or invite them to dinner.
Those minions referred to that monster as Royal Flush’s “precious ingredient”. Ingredient for what? Is there something that Royal Flush thinks they witnessed that’s integral to a scheme? Did they witness something and just not realize it’s significance?
Yuu’s reporter senses are screaming that there’s a deeper story to uncover here. Yuu’s common sense is screaming that investigating the dangerous plans of the supervillain they’ve just escaped from is a terrible idea.
Though he could have just...let them fall. But he didn’t. And won’t he just kidnap them again regardless?
This is a terrible idea.
But if Yuu’s common sense was stronger than their reporter senses, then they wouldn’t be in this city in the first place, would they?
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gabriel-gabdiel · 4 years
【Draft】Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Kinta Minakata has uncovered a casket of secrets from his family, much to his chagrin.
Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Back in Shimabara, six years ago...
Kinta Minakata (the Shogo Amakusa doppelganger) had finished another sparring session with Kaede Morinaga (the Kenshin Himura doppelganger) with the fight ending with the Mimawarigumi Battousai narrowly winning.
This was so because "Shiro Amakusa the Second" was busy with morning mass and the healing of the sick Kakure Kirishitans (Hidden Christians) with western medicine, so he didn't have time to spar with the warrior woman.
"STOP RUNNING AWAY AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" demanded the tempestuous Kaede. "COWARD!"
"....But you're a girl," said Kinta, which resulted in him backpedaling from a screaming Morinaga's Scorpion Nest (multiple sword swipes from two swords).
Ah, so he was right. This time around, Kaede was a girl. Because sometimes, she instead claimed she was a boy. Like a woman possessed by different spirits.
Morinaga was a curious lady. Sometimes she fought like a ferocious tigress. Other times, she was as frustrating to battle as a snapping turtle hiding inside a thick shell.
Once in a "blue moon", when she was consumed with bloodlust and bad memories, she became a mix of both.
He even heard that when she tied her hair like a topknot, she even looked like the Legendary Hitokiri Battousai himself, but he personally had no idea. He never met his Battousai namesake.
Blocking every strike and countering sharply. She was a yin and yang of patient defense and inimitable offense.
She didn't only fight with a different style every time but also with a different attitude. It was like fighting three different people altogether.
"DAMMIT!" she screamed and threw her shinai (bamboo blade) at Kinta, who parried it almost automatically with his own weapon. "I want a rematch! Round two! Next time, I'll break every bone in your body, you sullen Shogo-sama wannabe!"
"Go ahead," Minakata dared with a half-smile (or half-frown). "A broken bone becomes stronger once healed."
Morinaga harrumphed. "Admitting defeat already, Kagemusha?"
"...I believe in kintsukuroi (gold repair)," he stated matter-of-factly. "Whatever that's broken can be fixed. Made even better than before."
"How naive. Spoken like a privileged, spoiled samurai." Kaede laughed then grimaced. "There are some broken things that can never be fixed, no matter how hard you try."
Rurouni Yahiko
A Rurouni Kenshin Continuation Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda
Not-so-fabulous secrets are about to be revealed. A skeleton or two might even pop out.
Disclaimer: All characters used in this fanfic (save some others) are the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallup, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted material that are far too many to mention here. Don't sue me please, I'm very poor.
Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Somewhere in Yokohama, back at the Minakata safe house, Kinta Minakata reminisced about his time with Shogo and the Hidden Christians.
Kinta also wondered how a fight between Kaede and Soujiro would go.
He'd fought both, after all. Which one was better?
From his experience, unless something changed between the six years he last fought Morinaga, then Seta would probably win.
Especially the Soujiro whose feelings and bad intentions Minakata couldn't read at all: His "Heaven Sword" self.
So what made the Mimawarigumi Battousai think about Shogo's apprentice now of all times? Nostalgia, perhaps.
Or something to distract him from the depressing news he got about his dear ol' grandfather. Of happier times with Shogo, Sayo, Kaede, and the Hidden Christians that he called family once upon a time.
Before Kinta betrayed them to the Meiji Government.
Like grandfather like grandchild, apparently.
Although the fight with Tetsuo Akahori's latest pawn, Soujiro Seta, was one that Kinta Minakata almost lost, he was still able to retrieve documents of the utmost importance.
So in the end, he won. Kind of.
They were samples of the decoded papers that should help the Sanada Ninja Clan in unraveling the mysteries behind the Seiryu Clan's volume of the Black Book.
The decoders of the clan (since secret messages were among the specialties of these shadow warriors) came up first with the messages and correspondences from the bakufu to the Minakatas and back along with plans of wiping off the rebellious Ishin Shishi rebels.
The families involved in the creation of the Black Book, the Four Clans, were government spies that were tasked to preserve Japanese culture but ended up becoming embroiled in Bakumatsu politics themselves.
They covered all bases from both sides of the conflict... the Shogunate and the Patriots... while at the same time having no dog in the fight. They had loyalty to neither faction or to themselves but pretended that they did.
The Seiryu Clan represented the Bakufu or the Shogunate.
The Byakko Clan represented the Japanese Imperial Army and the Shinsengumi.
The Suzaku Clan represented the Ishin Shishi Patriots.
And the Genbu Clan represented the Rebel Samurai and the Hitokiri or Manslayers of the Ishin Shishi.
Whoever they represented, they had an extensive catalog of their info and members. The Four Clans were supposed to be objective observers outside the conflict looking in, gathering information out of all sides and exchanging them among each other for the sake of gaining favor of the government when the war was over, regardless of which side wins.
As typical of such setups, the Four Clans started to backstab each other, throwing objectivity under the horse carriage and vying for supremacy by taking a gamble and backing what they viewed were the ultimate victors of the war.
Because of this, some clans were wiped out completely. The Suzaku Clan, for example, was discovered by the Ishin Shishi as traitors and killed by their best hitokiri.
However, the Sanada Ninjas and the Mimawarigumi Battousai soon realized that relaying government secrets weren't the only things that the Black Book's secret codes were used for.
Back in the hideout of the kidnappers in the middle of the Hiroshima woods...
The rider from before arrived in time to attack Yahiko Myojin and Kaede Morinaga with his bullwhip, saying, "...I see you came too late ta save 'er, ya bitch! Da boss already got 'er, didn't he? Serves ya right!"
Yahiko Myojin, still miffed from before, grabbed hold of the whip before it cracked, let it loop around his wrist, then pulled the hooligan towards him in order to hogtie him with his own weapon.
"I got to your cowardly boss before he could touch her. We got here just in time," Myojin countered.
The bullwhip rider still wouldn't shut up, though. "Dun matter. I've seen the same look in her eyes from many a horse with a broken spirit! There's no fight in her left! She's dead inside! Soiled fer life! HAHAHAmmph!"
Yahiko had to tie a gag on the criminal just to keep him quiet.
Meanwhile, the one girl Kaede Morinaga wanted to save the most on that day... Mariko... broke down right before her eyes.
Her spirit was shattered into pieces like Kaede's. Realizing what had almost happened to her.
The pale Mariko looked back at the redhead with cloudy eyes, her quivering lips opening as though to say something.
Morinaga grabbed hold of the girl by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes to help her treat the wounds of her past.
Saying things that another special someone in her life had said to her before. Shogo Amakusa's words.
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," she quoted Shogo, who in turn quoted Jesus Christ from the Christian Bible's New Testament.
"Minoe-san..." Mariko trailed off, unaware of Kaede's multiple personalities, thus calling her by the name she knew her first.
"I'm not saying that because you've done anything wrong, Mariko. You're obviously not at fault here. These... criminals have no right to judge you. Listen to me. You are not soiled. You are not somehow 'less' of a person than any of us. Any of them, especially. They're scum. Don't let anyone ever say otherwise, y'hear?"
The clouds in Mariko's eyes lifted before, with a quibbling mouth and sobs that wracked her body, she hugged Morinaga tightly. She said, "...I was so scared!"
As for Yahiko, he grabbed hold of Takae's straw kabuto and placed it over his head to the point of covering his eyes, as though tipping it at the girls. He then walked away to let them have their moment.
"...Thank you for saving me. Good thing you got here on time," Mariko said after her sobs had finally subsided.
Kaede scratched her head. "N-No. The one who rescued you was my good friend, Yahiko."
Mariko smiled wanly. "Well, he saved me too. You both did."
"Oh." Morinaga looked away and smiled herself, nodding once and borrowing her other self's catchphrase. "Mochiron (But of course)."
As for Yahiko, he realized that he still had much to learn. He still needed more training if Kaede of all people had to stop him from murdering that bandit.
He merely wanted to be as strong as Soujiro and Kaede but not to the point of becoming as crazy as them.
Or was sanity the price of strength? To fight monsters, you had to become one?
No, you didn't have to. Kenshin proved that it wasn't the case.
A couple of hours later, the police arrived on the scene along with Chizuru Raikouji (who helped deliver the other kidnapped girls back to their homes in Hiroshima) in order to arrest the hooligans.
Kinta Minakata had heard all sorts of stories about his late grandfather from his mother's side: The Late Great Toshiro Minakata. The former head of the Minakata Clan and Seiryu Clan. A legendary samurai in his own right.
He was a swashbuckling, seafaring samurai... a Japanese buccaneer of the seas... who safeguarded trade and battled against Chinese smugglers and European invaders of the South China Sea during the period when Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world (also known as Sakoku), thus trade was restricted only in certain ports in the country.
Toshiro was among the samurais responsible for controlling Dejima and Nagasaki trade on behalf of the Bakufu while at the same time being part of the secret alliance of the Four Clans as the head of the Seiryu Clan.
It was under his watch that the Portuguese were expelled from the country while at the same time, the Shogunate engaged with discussions with Korean and Dutch representatives so that the overall volume of trade didn't suffer.
Kinta took a look at his inherited sword, the Akatsuki. Unlike ordinary samurai blades using "pig metal" or Japanese steel with low carbon content, it instead used steel melted straight from the swords of the fallen Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch smugglers. High-carbon European steel.
The katana, despite its popularity as a collector item among westerners or its beauty and style, was actually a comparatively fragile sword designed to be manufactured on a budget.
Japan didn't have very good access to good quality metals like European countries did. The majority of katanas were made out of low-class steel to save resources.
Furthermore, only the front part was made of good metal and even that was merely coated with a small, thin sheet of it (and sprinkled with carbon powder as they were forged). The back end or spine of the average Japanese sword was incredibly frail.
It also wasn't the defining weapon of the samurai. That would be the spear or the naginata that the Sakaguchi's adopted daughter "Satsuki" used. At certain time periods, the bow was instead the military's primary armament.
Additionally, according to some of the more disdainful European merchants and blacksmiths that his grandfather traded steel with, nothing about the "overrated" katana was completely unique to Japan.
Similarly shaped curves in blades existed in European and Indian sword creation in one form or another. The process of folding steel multiple times was also used by Vikings hundreds of years earlier.
The standards of the world was eye opening to any Japanese in Sakoku Era Japan who believed that Japan was number one at everything, especially in light of the superior military technology that the world's superpowers of the 18th Century possessed.
All the same, this knowledge Toshiro gained resulted in him getting a Japanese sword forged with European steel. The best of both worlds in design and toughness.
The former Minakata head's military exploits and iron fist when it came to upholding the Sakoku Edict of the Bakufu was legendary. Indeed, Kinta's proud Minakata and Akahori lineages were what allowed him into the Mimawarigumi Army in the first place.
It was also during this time that Toshiro made use of naval codes to better facilitate the exchange of secrets between the Four Clans before they ultimately split up and chose sides during the Bakumatsu Era.
On top of all that, Kinta's grandpa used his influence as the head of the Minakata Clan to form what was known in modern times as their zaibatsu (Financial Group)... the Minakata Zaibatsu... with its riches taken from the importation and development of new drugs using western medicine, leading to the development of their Minakata Pharmaceuticals subsidiary.
His grandfather was ahead of the curve and hedged his bets accordingly. He knew that the writing was on the wall when it came to samurai privileges due to changing times. In the Meiji Era, if you wanted to remain in power, then you should get it through money instead of blood and prestige.
However, there were also rumors of Toshiro taking advantage of his high government position back in the Sakoku Era to run his own opium cartel on the down low.
This was just a baseless accusation and pure speculation, of course. Rumors and conjectures that the envious enemies of the Minakatas would use to drag their good name to the mud.
These same critics went on a feeding frenzy like sharks against their family when Kinta's mother had an affair with a foreign dignitary, leading to the murder of the same gaijin in the hands of Kinta's livid father, who then committed seppukku (ritual suicide) afterwards to protect his honor.
The slander that resulted from the incident made Kinta quite skeptical in regards to the assumptions people made about his father selling out his dignity and samurai blood for illegal drug money.
These accusations were never proven, at least. They were just conspiracy theories from idle minds at best.
At least, that was what Kinta hoped they were.
However, the recently discovered naval codes he got from the errand boy of his uncle from his father's side... Tetsuo Akahori... ultimately revealed the truth behind the elusive Seiryu Chapter of the Black Book. And his family.
An inconvenient truth.
By the time everything was sorted out at the police station and everybody from their group had a good night's sleep, the Sanbaka (Three Stooges) soon rejoined May Brooks/Satsuki Sakaguchi and her best friend, Chizuru Raikouji at a cafe near the Hiroshima train station.
The Great Gan, Yahiko Myojin, and Munenori Minoe arrived in time to bid their wistful goodbyes to the departing young teacher.
Reading the mood, Yahiko didn't mention anything about yesterday's storming at the camp of bandit kidnappers to Minoe. The Tokyo Samurai Descendant hoped that the eye-patched spy could figure out on his own the exploits of his female self, Kaede.
The three arrived just in time to overhear the conversation between the two best friends'... love life, of all things.
"...Oh my! You're such a damp squib, Chizuru-san! Especially with how you'd dare compare Kinta-sama to your crush, the vagabond. They are not alike at all!" said Satsuki.
They were apparently in the middle of some sort of conversation about Kenshin Kamiya (nee Himura) and Kinta Minakata (the man whom May had a crush on).
After Chizuru and May exchanged pleasantries, bows, and hellos with each other and the Sanbaka, the buxom blonde teacher then asked, "You're not making this vagabond guy up, are you? He's no make-believe boyfriend of yours, right?"
As Minoe mouthed, 'Damp squib? What's that?' the Raikouji heiress insisted, "HE EXISTS! But he's not my boyfriend, damn you! Anyway, Yahiko knows him! Tell her, Yahiko! Tell her about Homura Kenshi!"
'...Who the hell is that?' thought Myojin. 'Has she been infected by Gan's nicknaming sickness too? Get it together, Chizuru!'
Unwilling to bring up Kenshin Himura in Minoe's presence (lest his other personality, Kaede, was summoned by the name she hated the most), Yahiko decided to change the subject.
Ignoring Chizuru, the samurai boy told May, "I didn't know you practiced martial arts! You were amazing back at that kidnapper's hideout!"
He then remembered that, oh yeah, even Satsuki's stepsister Kyoko Sakaguchi from back in Shinshu practiced swordsmanship. Duh.
"HEY!" The Kaoru look-alike then stomped on Yahiko's foot with her booted foot, which he also didn't react to despite the pain. "I was talking to you, you rude boy!"
"...Do you pratice battoujutsu too?" Yahiko inquired further, recalling how close Kyoko was to fighting Soujiro and wondering how she would've fared. "Sorry, I meant iaijutsu," he corrected himself, remembering that battoujutsu was the old term for the Japanese sword-drawing style.
"Oh, good heavens no! I only use the naginata. I've never drawn a sword out of a sheathe in my entire life!" May tilted her head to the side. "Wait a tick, how did you know Musou Madden Ryu is an iaijutsu swordsmanship school, Joshua-kun?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Raikouji answered for Myojin. "I met Yahiko back when I was staying with the Sakaguchis in Shinshu. He knows Kyoko-chan! He even saw her wield her grandfather's sword that one time!"
"Oh, you've met my baby sister?" asked the adopted gaijin daughter of the Sakaguchis. "I haven't seen her in a while! Isn't she the cutest?"
Yahiko scratched the back of his head and admitted, "Y-Yeah, I guess she's kinda cute," while eyeing a smirking Chizuru from behind May. "...Don't start with me, Tanuki-chan (Miss Raccoon Dog)."
"I didn't say anything!" Chizuru feigned ignorance. "Also, that ain't my name, Yoshi-boy! Who are you calling a raccoon dog?"
All the same, Satsuki winked at Yahiko and invited, "If you want, spar with me sometime."
The grinning Chizuru then teased the adopted Sakaguchi child, asking, "What would Mister Frowny-Faced Samurai Guy say if he saw you flirting with another guy, Satsuki-chan?"
The Enlightened Gan then hit his palm in his fist, taking note to remember the "Frowny-Faced Samurai Guy" nickname that "Kaori-neechan"  came up with. Because he had his priorities straight.
With squinted eyes and a cherry pink blush, Satsuki grabbed Chizuru by the shoulders and shook her around.
"WAH! That's a load of cobblers and codswallop, Chizuru-san! And you know it! I'm not flirting with anyone! You Japanese are so shy that simply being friendly with someone seems like flirting to you people!"
Chizuru's sneering smile widened even while being shaken. Meanwhile, Yahiko looked away and Gan outright stared at the... jiggling girls. One of them jiggling more than the other.
"Oho, I thought you were Japanese too, Satsuki-chan," teased the Kaoru look-alike further, staring at Satsuki's not-so-Japanese chest. "Don't you mean 'us' Japanese instead of 'you' Japanese?"
"You're a meanie, y'know that?" said May with a pout and crossed arms. "I don't even think Kinta-sama and I ever shared a chin wag outside of 'Hi, how do you do!'"
"Well, Honey, it's because he's not the 'chin wag' kind of guy," Chizuru answered, primly straightening up her ruffled kimono and ribbon. "Don't take it personally."
In the background, Minoe himself reminisced about the silent Minakata, nodding in agreement with Chizuru.
Yes, the man certainly didn't wag his chin much indeed.
From there, the Morinaga within him awakened, seething in memory of how frustrating it was to spar with the high-ranking samurai turned Shogo Amakusa body double.
The Judas Iscariot of the Hidden Christians.
Satsuki's happy expression then changed altogether as she concluded with a lower lip quibble, "So I reckon this really is farewell, huh? Cheerio, I guess?"
Chizuru kicked the snow underneath her booted feet. "Aw. And we just got back together again after so long, Satsuki-chan." The rich girl sighed.
"Huh? But aren't you coming with me, Chizuru-san?" asked Miss Brooks.
"Eh? I was?" asked Miss Raikouji in turn. "B-But...!"
"Well, of course you are! I don't see why not! You're our family friend and this is a Sakaguchi Family Reunion!" May then put her hands on her waist. "You'll do great and Bob's your uncle!"
"Who the heck's Bob?" asked Chizuru, who bit her lip, her eyes wide and darting between Yahiko and Satsuki.
Myojin sighed, shoulders slumped, then shrugged and bowed at the Raikouji heiress. "I thought I'd still see your ugly face all the way to Kyoto, but if duty calls and family friends beckon, then I guess we'll just have to say our goodbyes here and now."
"N-Now hold on a minute...!" Chizuru stuttered some more.
"Aw, come on, Yoshi-boy! You still have me!" reassured the Gregarious Gan, who leaned on top of Yahiko's spiky hair like he were a countertop and picked his nose with his sausage-sized index finger.
"...Could you take Gan with you too? He's house trained, I swear," retorted the Tokyo Samurai Descendant while pointing at the thug with his thumb.
"I-I..." stuttered Chizuru, not knowing which path to choose. Should she go with Yahiko, who knew the vagabond, or her best friend, who was about to reunite with her childhood crush?
Yahiko, Gan, and Minoe looked at each other before bursting out laughing at Chizuru.
"Wait, what's going on?" asked Chizuru. "What am I missing here? Why are you laughing at me, you Three Stooges?!"
Myojin slung his arm over Raikouji's shoulders and said, "I was just kidding. We're all going. I've changed my mind. You don't have to go with me to Kyoto or Osaka because we're coming with you and Chizuru to Yokohama."
"W-What? Hey leggo, you perv," the heiress said before shrugging off the younger boy's arm over her shoulders. "But what about your Mushi-whatever? You were supposed to go on a pilgrimage for training, right?"
"Musha Shugyo (Warrior's Pilgrimage)," Yahiko corrected without a second thought before reassuring, "Don't worry about me. This is just a li'l detour before I head on out to Kyoto. Also, I want to spar with the students of Musou Madden Ryu for good measure. I want to see Kyoko and Satsuki in action, pitting their iaijutsu with my kendo."
'...Besides, the way I am right now, with both Minoe and Soujiro able to make short work of me at my current skill level, I don't think I'm quite prepared to face Kenshin's master of all people,' he told himself, remembering how much more mature Kaede was about the bandit situation than he was.
"ALL RIGHT! I mean, you know. Whatever. That's cool," came the petered-out exclamation of Chizuru, who brushed her silken "rich girl" hair back and squirmed in her boots after her best friend and the Three Stooges saw her sudden fist pump into the air.
"Oh my! That's indeed wonderful news! You're all coming with me?" asked Miss Brooks. "You've made so many new friends, Chizuru!" she added before whispering to her best friend, "Chizuru-san, why are they coming with us again? They're not staying over at the Minakatas' like freeloaders, are they? Kinta-sama's mother isn't going to like that!"
Raikouji herself shrugged. "But that's what they are. Freeloaders. Interlopers. People who don't know how and when to mind their own business. But seriously though, they'll be staying in their own tents and inns. I guarantee they won't be a bother."
Satsuki saw the glow in Chizuru's face and cheeks then relented, "Since you're all chuffed up about it, why not? The more the merrier, I say!"
To Yahiko, Chizuru said, "I guess it can't be helped. We'll still be seeing each other again real soon. You stupid dumbasses."
"Right back at you, Raccoon Face," mumbled Myojin to Raikouji.
The Son of Tokyo Samurai then offered his hand to Satsuki for a handshake. "This is how westerners greet each other, correcct? I look forward to challenging your Musou Madden School for a spar or two. Tell 'em Myojin Yahiko from Tokyo's Kamiya Kasshin School sends his regards."
May grabbed hold of Yahiko's hand but then curtsied with her dress and bowed in traditional Japanese fashion. "I'm kind of looking forward to it myself, Joshua-kun. I know my onions when it comes to wielding long poles."
Gan guffawed in the background at that suggestive comment, which prompted Myojin to kick his shin.
"OW! It's settled then! Yoshi-boy's Musashi Gundoh continues in Yokohama, training with Miss Melon, Soba Lady's daughter, and the Stone-Faced Samurai!" declared the Boisterous Gan with a wave of his giant metal bat.
"...Soba Lady's Daughter?" Satsuki asked Chizuru.
"He means Kyoko-chan. Soba Lady is his name for Nonoko-obaasan. Because, you know, he really likes soba," explained Chizuru. "The big oaf met the Sakaguchis back in Shinshu too, along with Yahiko and Minoe."
"Ah. How... quaint. What riveting wit he has."
"Hey, at least he doesn't call her Kaori. Or Miss Melons."
"That's Miss Melon, Kaori-neechan!" corrected the Clueless Gan, which earned him swift shin kicks on each leg care of both Kaori and Miss Melon.
After recovering from the pain, the Gabby Gan added, "Of course, we'll keep tagging along with Yoshi-boy for shits and giggles. The Sanbaka rides again. Right, Patches?"
"Mochiron!" responded Munenori.
Yahiko spared Minoe a glance, which made the wigged and eye-patched "man" smile and give him a thumb's up (because a wink was out of the question).
How could he surpass Kenshin when he couldn't defeat his two Kagemusha, the Ten Ken and the Battousai of Speed?
Also, he was more than a little curious about this Shogo doppelganger who also took on Kenshin's name, the Mimawarigumi Battousai.
Yet another Fake Battousai for him to meet. 'The plot thickens.'
Back at the kidnappers' hideout, after the local police force finally arrived along with Chizuru...
As the coppers rounded up the bandit kidnappers in shackles and handcuffs, Morinaga told Myojin, "I've made my decision. I'm going to Yokohama. I need to face off with the man who betrayed Amakusa Shogo-sama. His Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior)."
"K-Kagemusha...?" trailed of Yahiko. "What do you...?"
"It's Minakata Kinta. He served as a body double for Amakusa-sama six years ago. The Mimawarigumi Battousai. The one who betrayed the Hidden Christians to the devil himself, Akahori Tetsuo."
She turned her back on him and walked away. "Someday, when we meet again, maybe you can tell me all about Himura Kenshin. The Hitokiri Battousai."
"W-Wait, M-Morinaga...!"
He grabbed hold of Kaede and turned her around, only to end up facing the winking, gentler face of Munenori Minoe.
"Oh. I mean, Minoe. Hi."
Dammit, the Battousai of Speed ran away from him again.
Even without the wig and the eye patch, Myojin could sense the change in Kaede's demeanor after traveling with the weirdo for so long.
"AH! Yahiko-chi! What is it...?"
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Yahiko told Minoe, "I'm coming with you and May Brooks to Yokohama. We all are."
"Ah. Okay. Mochiron, Yahiko-chi!" said Munenori without thinking before blinking and realizing what the Tokyoite just told him. "Um, come again? We're going where now?"
Chasing Minoe... Kaede... and the rest of the Battousai Group was the right decision. Maybe by taking them down, Myojin would find the strength to surpass the real Battousai and bear the full weight of his heavy sakabatou.
It was silly, but his actions were spurred from seeing another chance at getting extra training to make himself stronger.
He just wanted to be stronger. He had no complex motivations of conquering Japan or avenging the death of a loved one.
He simply wished to be worthy of carrying the Battousai's... no Kenshin's... sword.
His most important inheritance.
What an idiot he was, he realized. No wonder he and Sanosuke Sagara got along so famously.
Toshiro Minakata was crazy. Crazy as a fox.
That was why he went from nobleman to merchant in order to keep his wealth and privilege regardless of which side won the Bakumatsu. This was also why he had his daughter, Kinta's mother, marry into the similarly wealthy and influential Akahoris.
He was a samurai who was ahead of the curve in regards to changing times, even though not all of his schemes went according to plan.
Like his daughter's affair with a gaijin. Or his own untimely death.
A prolific gambler in the prime of his life (like his fat lawyer son Kaneda), he knew how to hedge his bets and take calculated risks every time. Even if he lost, he'd somehow find a way to win.
According to his critics and enemies, Toshiro Minakata (allegedly) got his extra funding for his pharmaceutical business from illicit drug running. They said he was in fact a corrupt government official to the core.
The legit business that imported and made western medicine for distribution into Japanese households was the perfect front and money laundering scheme for all his illegitimate smuggling, complete with labs he could use to make both legal and illegal drugs.
The Elder Minakata got filthy rich from being a drug kingpin that no policeman could pin down until his legitimate pharmaceutical business (that he initially used as a front while using its very labs for opium processing) eventually became financially solvent itself.
It was the same bait and switch scheme done by the wealthiest families of the United States of America. Drug barons who made so much money, it lasted their family for generations to come.
However, there was no proof of such wrongdoing except rumors.
As far as the Bakufu and later the Meiji Government was concerned, Toshiro Minakata was an honest, honorable samurai turned head of a major conglomerate.
However, the naval codes unlocked info that suggested otherwise.
The naval codes used to hide info that the Seiryu Clan gathered from and on behalf of the Shogunate revealed more than just top secret documents from the past government hidden within piles of redundant paperwork.
The more messages that the family ninja Kaita delivered to him (which Kaita's sister Misanagi compiled and summarized for Kinta's convenience), the more the uncomfortable truths about Toshiro Minakata and the Minakata Family was exposed.
Toshiro's critics and their speculations didn't even scratch the surface of how much of a wily fox the old man was. He pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.
According to the puzzle pieces of hidden correspondences dating back decades and records hidden in code within what appeared to be mundane receipts and past contracts, Toshiro had been quite the busy man.
Working on both Dutch and China trade in Nagasaki as a trade regulator and enforcer that was answerable only to the Shogunate, Toshiro was the watchman whom no one else watched over. Betrayed by the very guardian who was supposed to protect them.
He realized that the writing was on the wall in regards to Japan and samurai after seeing the growing sentiment of dissatisfaction over the Bakufu by many of its soldiers and warriors.
The entirety of Japan had lost face thanks to the disaster that was the arrival of the Black Ships of Commodore Matthew C. Perry back in 1853.
The Shogunate was seen as weak and it soon became desperate to save face and crush the growing Ishin Shishi mutiny against it. The chain of events led not only to Toshiro becoming a covert drug runner but also the formation of the Four Clans spy group under the behest of the Shogun himself.
A government intelligence group tasked to protect the Japanese way of life in light of changing times.
Conveniently, Toshiro also took advantage of the resulting reopening of trade to the West after the Black Ships Incident in his plan to safeguard his personal wealth, assets, and influence in the future along with the Four Clans.
Taking inspiration to how the Sassoon, Rothschild, Lincoln, and Forbes families built their own riches in the 1830s to 1840s (the deciphered documents outright referenced them), Toshiro covertly engaged in opium trafficking at night (just like Robert Bennet Forbes) while overseeing the changing trading policies of Post-Sakoku Japan during the day.
He then married into a merchant family who had a pharmaceutical business in order to further help process the opium he imported from Hong Kong then resold back to China using his secret yakuza connections.
Yes. Rather than damn the Japanese, Toshiro had enough national pride to instead damn the already damned by also indulging in opium trade on their behalf along with the rich elite like the Delanos and the Forbes.
He even personally oversaw the safe delivery of his goods under the noses of policemen and his own samurai underlings even as he got rid of his black market competition of Wokou Pirates and the Three Harmonies Society.
He laundered his ill-gotten wealth and opium fortune to fund his actual legitimate businesses like real estate and his existing pharmaceutical company in order to get away with being a criminal mastermind that destroyed the lives of countless addicts for a couple of decades.
By the time the smoke cleared and the Opium Wars had passed, he was already a multimillionaire with a business empire that could rival the Mitsubishis.
All this time. All that wealth. All that privilege. They were all from the money his grandfather made off of the degradation and suffering of the Chinese people.
A cold sweat ran through Kinta's spine as more and more information surfaced from the Seiryu Clan's declassified copy of the Black Book. Names of past and current ministers kept popping up.
Men complicit with his grandfather's crimes... and benefited from them, so they allowed him to remain a powerful man in politics who was effectively above the law.
Such info from the Black Book was probably present in Tetsuo Akahori's own volume. The volume of the Genbu Clan. And two other volumes covering the secrets and sins of the various warring factions and other information of national importance all compiled in one voluminous book.
Every name, crime, and sin was listed along with the crimes and sins of the (grand)father. The measures they took and the bets they made during such a chaotic, uncertain time.
It was as much a history book as it was a "black book" that contained the list of secret contacts and people liable for punishment. Or blackmail.
Like with the rich families of the U.S. and Britain, Japan's elites and multiple political dynasties had an awful lot of drug money in their hands, making the Meiji Government more of an oligarchy than anything else.
This sobering reminder showed the unsurprising truth that if one dug deep enough under the family trees of the one percent, skeletons would be unearthed down below.
Inside a train going in a five hour trip straight to Yokohama in the Kanagawa Prefecture...
"Throughout my travels as a food connoisseur..." began Gan.
"...You mean food bandit," drawled Yahiko.
The five companions of Yahiko Myojin, the Great Gan, Munenori Minoe, Chizuru Raikouji, and Satsuki "May Brooks" Sakaguchi had collectively bought tickets straight to Yokohama from Hiroshima.
They were currently seated on couches facing each other, with Chizuru and May sitting on one couch then Yahiko and Gan sitting on another couch. Just behind his fellow men was Minoe.
Yahiko originally wanted to travel there by foot and rough it out on the woods (mosquitoes be damned) like he did when he traveled from the Kamiya Dojo to Shinshu in Nagano.
Then he went straight to Shura's crew at the docks of Naoetsu. Then he pushed further from Hakata Bay to Fukuoka, where he fought ronin who were terrorizing the town. Then to Hiroshima where he met the English teacher known as May "Satsuki Sakaguchi" Brooks, who helped the Sanbaka bring down a den of creepy kidnappers.
He'd been all over the map, so to speak. His Musha Shugyo had been... fruitful. He'd been perfecting his Revisal Techniques he developed on his own to harness the hardness and heaviness of the sakabatou (reverse-edged sword).
"Quiet, Yoshi-boy. Anyway, I've eaten all sorts of ramen. Okinawa soba. Kumamoto ramen. Hakata ramen. Tokushima ramen. Wakayama ramen. Onomichi ramen. Tokyo ramen. Kitakata ramen. Sapporo ramen. Ashikawa ramen. I even tasted Sakaguchi soba at Shinshu, which was one of the best I've ever eaten! Wait, where am I going with this?" said the Gluttonous Gan.
"If I have to hazard a guess, you're going to Yokohama City to try out the cuisine there," deadpanned Chizuru, murmuring, "Better not stiff the bill on us again, you fat pig. No more freebies from me for sure."
"Damn straight, Kaori-neechan!" said the Scatterbrained Gan, who ignored Chizuru's side comment, too focused on the dishes he felt entitled to partake in. "Can't wait to get a hold of those Yokohama goodies! What are they, anyway? What do I have to look forward to?"
Miss Brooks unironically answered the Ghastly Gan's inquiry with, "Uh, well we have Sanma-Men ramen in Yokohama. Oh, aaand also Shoronpo dumplings, Gomadango sesame balls, and the Gyunabe beef hotpot. Most of those are specialties of the Yokohama Chinatown though, so I'm not sure they count."
"Actually, that's perfect! All ramen comes from China, right? Didn't they invent the wheat noodle? So it's both Chinese and Japanese!" reasoned the Starving Gan, licking and smacking his lips. "Sanma-Men ramen, huh? But what about Soba for the Soba King?"
"We're not going on a food trip! While we're at it, you should've stayed in Hiroshima, Shinshu, or wherever you came from!" said Chizuru. The rich girl then nudged Satsuki's side, saying, "Don't humor him! It's not as if he pays for his own meals!"
"Oh my, let him be, Chizuru-san! No need to be chuffed about him," said the beatific teacher as though Gan were one of her misunderstood "bad boy" students. "Just think of him as a hungry bodyguard! Or a big, cuddly doggy."
"Ah, Megami-sama! You are such an angel, Miss Melon! A goddess from heaven!" said the Grateful Gan. "And quite the looker too! Woof!"
"Aw, shucks," said May. "You're beautiful too, Galileo-san! Uh, in your own way. You're a knees up kind of bloke!"
"Huh? You do nicknames too? We're going to get along famously, Miss Melon!" said the Japanese Galileo. "Oh, and speaking of melons, do you have some special Yokohama fruit desserts or sweets over there? Like melon bread or taiyaki?"
"Fruits? Desserts? Melon?" repeated the adopted Sakaguchi with an innocent bounce. "Well, yeah, I guess we have melons in Yokohama too. But they're not exactly Yokohama specialty."
The Grinning Gan was about to quip about something crass when Yahiko raised his wrapped-up sakabatou and aimed it at the bandanna-wearing man's head. "...What? The melons are coming back to Yokohama."
And so Myojin conked the goon's thick head with his sword scabbard. The Unfeeling Gan barely even winced.
Located south of Tokyo in the Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama was Japan's second largest city. The Minakatas settled there (or so Satsuki informed them) because of their influence in trade back in the Sakoku Era.
Around 1859, the government opened up the Port of Yokohama. It was one of the first places in Japan that allowed open foreign trade from a multitude of nations, spelling the end of the closed-off and controlled Sakoku Era Trade.
Knowing this, one of the premier hatamoto officials of the previous era packed his bags and moved his family to Yokohama along with the samurai family serving under him (the Sakaguchis).
That was how eccentric "Grandpa" Toshiro was, claimed Satsuki. He was a game-changing, forward-thinking maniac cut from the same entrepreneurial cloth as the patriarchs of the Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Mitsui, and Yasuda Clans. But this time with samurai blood and influence involved.
At any rate, Yokohama soon became a progressive city right after the Black Ships of Commodore Perry forced Japan to open trade with the rest of the world, making it one of Japan's most internationally minded cities.
It served as a gateway to items like jazz music, baseball, beer, and beef; products that would eventually play a role in shaping modern Japan and, in turn, Yokohama cuisine.
In fact, Asia's biggest Chinatown area (outside of actual Chinese towns) was in Yokohama. It was filled with traditional landmarks, restaurants, and shops that occupied several city blocks.
Speaking of Yokohama, Kinta Minakata learned even more about his grandfather in the context of the city's transformation as an international merchant town.
Reams and reams more of hidden codes started getting deciphered by the Sanada Ninja Clan. Other names and families came up with their own questionable histories during the Bakumatsu and their connection with the dying Shogunate.
Some of whom were still in high positions in government. Many others had died in the war, leaving their families in poverty. Their children and grandchildren suffering from the sins or karma of their fathers and forefathers.
Some even had their family line wiped out entirely.
But none of those puzzle pieces fascinated the Mimawarigumi Battousai more than his hatamoto grandfather and his shenanigans for obvious reasons.
His case was personal, after all.
The Chinatown in Yokohama boasted countless stores, making it the largest Chinatown in the world by the time the 20th and 21st Centuries rolled along.
The Yokohama Chinatown was established in 1859 along with the opening of the ports of the city. The shores of Yokohama were where all the Chinese merchants went and gathered after being forced to do restricted trade in Nagasaki for centuries under the watchful eye of samurais like Toshiro.
Yokohama became the new center of trade with western countries, and Toshiro Minakata grabbed the opportunity to himself indulge in western medicine importation and, on the down low, making and distributing his own brand of opium to China to fund his burgeoning pharmaceutical empire.
Kinta expected to unlock the sins of the forefathers of the current Japanese administration by decoding the Seiryu Clan's volume of the Black Book, not uncover that his grandfather was among those criminals.
The shards from his shattered glass house cut deep.
The opium that brought China to its knees in order to give Britain a more favorable tea trade agreement also pushed his grandfather and their family up to hatamoto-class.
"So what? Queen Victoria herself is history's largest drug dealer," was one of the smug coded messages that Toshiro left to justify his own sins.
Even as Japan suffered from Unfair Treaties by countries that bullied it into submission so that it could open its shores for trade once again, the Minakatas were among the elites who plundered and took advantage of the suffering of their own nations and other nations that were also headed towards the same fate as China.
As food for the new superpowers of the world. Manifest Destiny.
The saddest part was none of this disturbing info really shocked Kinta in any way. He suspected it from the start. Or rather, he wouldn't put such actions past his family.
It almost seemed typical for a Minakata to act this way, especially the oh-so-great Toshiro. Every one of the children of Toshiro and Mieko (his grandmother) were groomed for success.
Tatsuya overcame his lack of talent in swordsmanship and physical strength to grow up into a banker that handled the entire family's significant fortune stemming from its multinational financial group named after it.
Kaneda overcame his own inferiority complex of living under his assertive elder brother's shadow (and his own body image issues) by completing his studies and becoming a lawyer himself.
Even Daddy's Millionaire Princess did her part for the family by having an arranged marriage with the Akahori Family's eldest son to strengthen political bonds and secret ties as well as merge their accumulated wealth.
Although according to Grandmother Mieko, Kinta's mother was spoiled rotten by his Grandfather Toshiro.
Even Kinta served as a pawn to the Minakatas. Or the Seiryu Clan itself.
He had to become another Battousai to counteract the Ishin Shishi Battousai that murdered many fellow Mimawarigumi samurai (even though their paths and blades never crossed through a twist of fate) and earn back his grandfather's trust that was lost from him when his mother had her affair.
As though he were the fruit of that union rather than the biological son of Azuma Akahori and Aoi Minakata.
Even Kinta had to curry favor of his own high-standard hatamoto-class samurai family (and relatives) in order to not be treated like their black sheep or a redheaded bastard.
This was all understandable... even characteristic... of the Minakata Bloodline.  
The Mimawarigumi Battousai had heard stories on the dinner table from his bragging grandpa about how their Sengoku ancestors were defeated and became Ochimusha (disgraced samurai who'd lost standing and became low-ranked citizens; could also mean the remnants or corpse of a defeated warrior).
Legend had it that instead of becoming Burakumin (outcasts) hiding in the boondocks, the surviving members of their family stole the land under the control of another family of samurais known as the Minakatas by killing them, taking their identities, and defending their uncaptured land before allying themselves with the Tokugawas.
Known for the shaved top of their heads and disheveled chonmage (topknot) after being disgraced by defeat, the new shogun allowed these ochimusha to grow their hair back along with their dignity and standing as reward for their help.
The False Minakatas became the True Minakatas.
They henceforth became known as the Minakatas (their original clan name had been lost in time), replacing the family they massacred. Through their cunning, they managed to save face and cease from being Ochimusha. Allegedly.
"What are you going to do now, Kinta-sama?" asked Misanagi in reference to these discoveries they'd unearthed regarding his grandfather.
"...." said Kinta.
Back in the train to Yokohama where the Sanbaka (and friends) were riding...
Unable to take more of the Gluttonous Gan's inane food talk, Yahiko switched seats (it was a half-empty train) to sit with Munenori Minoe (or Kaede Morinaga) from behind them.
The Son of Tokyo Samurai sat beside Shogo Amakusa's own prodigy, who had her Minoe "disguise" on and was snoring softly with her head nestled on the closed window.
Or his head. Whatever.
Munenori (or Kaede) was, after all, the reason why Yahiko decided to do his Musha Shugyo training pilgrimage in Yokohama along with him (or her).
The samurai kid couldn't risk Morinaga separating from him and doing any political assassinations and whatnot under his watch, specifically on this Minakata fellow whom she described as a traitor to Amakusa and the Kakure Kirishitans.
After all, Kinta was Satsuki's crush and all.
Regardless, Kaede was the person who almost defeated Soujiro Seta the Ten Ken (Heaven Sword), who in turn almost defeated Kenshin Himura.
According to the former Juppon Gatana member, his Shun Ten Satsu (Instant Heaven Kill) was as fast although not as strong as the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki (Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash).
Yahiko remembered how Enishi Yukishiro countered Kenshin's ultimate technique with his own ultimate technique, the Kofoku Zetsu Tou Sei (Absolute Trap Blade Wave) or Kofuku Zettousei.
He then learned the mechanics of Zettousei from when Shura, the Scourge of the Pacific, used the same technique to get her revenge against Captain Masakichi Hananuma Inoue for sinking her ship and killing her first mate.
As the Pirate Queen turned Privateer Queen slowly but surely found a way to counter Captain Inoue's Wanmei Fengbao (Eye of the Storm) with the Kofuku Zettousei, Yahiko also put two and two together and realized that the Hirameki was susceptible to attacks from below the vortex it created, allowing a chance to counterstrike between the gap of the initial strike and the second counterstrike.
Myojin even began getting faster and stronger from sparring with both the Great Gan and the Battousai of Speed. Gan helped him work on his stamina. Minoe helped him work on his reflexes and dexterity.
They were the best training partners a growing teenage boy could ask for.
If the Tokyo Samurai Descendant could get on the level of the Nisemono Battousai (Fake Battousai) and the also-similar-to-Kenshin Ten Ken, then perhaps he could someday finally wield the heavy sakabatou and the accompanying burden of responsibility that came with it.
So that the injured Kenshin who could barely practice the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu wouldn't have to bear that burden himself.
Unbidden, Minoe began to stir and moan.
"Minoe?" whispered Yahiko. "Are you awake?"
"Amakusa Shogo-sama... is amazing. I'm sure that even the Hitokiri Battousai would fall against him. They use the same sword style, am I correct?" Yahiko heard Minoe murmur in his sleep, his one exposed eye closed and his other eye covered by an eye patch.
Ah, so he was talking in his sleep.
Yahiko smirked and harrumphed. "I've seen Kenshin in action. He's amazing. He helped the Ishin Shishi win against the Bakufu. What feats has your Shogo-sama accomplished?"
He then bit his lip, remembering how much of a touchy subject the mass murder of the Hidden Christians rebels were to Amakusa and Morinaga.
Thankfully, the half-asleep Munenori didn't interpret his words in such a malicious manner.
With his eyes (or eye) still closed, he rebutted, "Amakusa-chi is a gifted swordsman from birth, taking out young men his age in kendo tournaments then taking on older, more experienced swordsmen as well when none of the kids could match his kenjutsu prowess."
Huh. The Tokyoite didn't know that. Of course, most any sword style should succumb to the superman's sword style known as Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. "So he learned Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu at a young age, huh?"
Munenori shook his head. "He used Nikaido Heiho when he was younger. That was his father's swordsmanship school. His Uncle Hyoue taught him Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu later on, after... escaping from Japan when the Bakufu first rounded off, tortured, and murdered the Kakure Kirishitan, including his parents."
"Oh. I... I see." Yahiko didn't know what else to say.
"...Besides, he's also a one-man army that took down whole squads of policemen and whole platoons of soldiers. Or have you already forgotten what happened in Shinshu? How you can barely keep up with Shogo-sama?"
Or maybe Minoe did find Yahiko's rebuttal earlier malicious after all. That was... harsh of him to point out, to say the least. Munenori just reminded Myojin of his failure to save the lives of many a copper.
On the other hand, if the Tokyo boy remembered correctly, weren't some of the policemen at Akahori's Mansion involved in an incident with Amakusa six years ago? From another government-sanctioned massacre of sorts?
Shogo, as Shiro Amakusa the Second, assassinated the murderers of his parents (some of whom were still in power), only for the current Meiji Administration to retaliate against his growing rebellion.
The two went silent as the sound of the rumbling train and the murmur of the passengers drowned out their thoughts.
The samurai kid turned his head, only to see someone else other than Minoe stare back at him. The person beside him removed his eye patch, revealing a new character.
Kaede Morinaga had just woken up. He'd been talking to her all this time, not the gentle Minoe.
Kaede rubbed her eyes and recounted to Yahiko the things Lady Magdalia told her about Shogo and his exploits.
Magdalia had specifically told her the story of how she and her brother escaped the Bakufu's clutches.
Even though Shogo himself didn't seem to remember how he manhandled the samurais who were after him, his sister, and his mother at the time, Lady Magdalia filled in the details.
Shogo took out the initial wave with only his shinai before that broke and he was forced to steal a katana that turned him into a bloodstained whirling dervish.
Amakusa might've remembered things differently due to the trauma of the situation. However, had his master Hyoue Nishida not intervened, Shogo might've outright murdered the samurais that stabbed his mother to death.
In fact, Kaede had compartmentalized her skill set into two categories... Cancer Stance for defensive moves and Scorpion Stance for offensive moves... based on the dual styles Shogo used (the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu and the Nikaido Heiho).
"Oh yeah? Well, Kenshin himself trained hard with his master for years. And when he was 14 years old, he also took down grown swordsmen himself as a hitokiri assassin! Grown experienced noblemen samurai, even," boasted Yahiko.
The boy blinked. As much of a bad guy he painted Amakusa as in his mind, the Hidden Christian was similar to Kenshin in many ways.
Except for one important thing, but he held his tongue in regards to that in order to not incur the wrath of the emotionally unstable Nisemono Battousai.
"That's nothing! Shogo-sama defeated his master when he was the same age! Using a technique of his own making, the Rai Ryu Sen!" Kaede countered.
"Okay? Kenshin defeated his master to acquire the ougi (succession technique)."
"Ha! I knew it. Shogo-sama is better."
"What? No! Kenshin's master is a god who walks among men. A superman in his own right. Also, last I checked, he's the official bearer of the Hiko Seijuro name. Shogo's uncle isn't, so he must be the weaker of the two!"
"No, he's not! He was the swordsman Kirisaki, who protected the Hidden Christians for the longest time single-handedly until that fateful massacre. I heard he also spared his master, Hiko Seijuro, from death by countering the Kuzu Ryu Sen with something other than the ougi!"
"...A likely story!" said Yahiko with a shake of his head. "Kenshin has a better, stronger master who actually inherited the Hiko Seijuro mantle, so of course he'd whup Amakusa's ass real easy."
"HA! I bet Amakusa's twice as fast as the Hitokiri Battousai! He'd have Super Godspeed compared to the slower Battousai!"
"Yeah right! Kenshin defeated Psycho-Kid when he was still part of the Juppon Gatana... in his prime, mind you... and Amakusa can't! He got completely defeated by Psycho-Kid back in Shinshu!"
"T-That's... unfair! He fought multiple policemen at Akahori's Shinshu Mansion before facing the Ten Ken! He was already spent! Besides, he showed that emotionless bodyguard of Akahori who's boss when he used the Rai Ryu Sen on him!"
"More excuses, huh? Well Kenshin faced off against an Oniwabanshu Okashira (Garden Guard Boss) before facing Psycho-Kid back in Mount Hiei, and he defeated both of them while holding back on killing them, which made taking them down twice as difficult!"
"Shogo-sama's master Kirisaki avoided killing the people he fought all the time, including Kenshin Himura's master, whom he also faced off against. He was a pacifist, so he became skilled enough in swordsmanship to defeat everyone without killing them. That's the kind of master Shogo-sama had!"
"Yeah, well, Mr. One-Man Army didn't help win a civil war against the Bakufu to install the Ishin Shishi into power!" Yahiko blurted out even though he didn't mean to. He couldn't help himself. His emotions got the better of him.
He wasn't even particularly proud of Kenshin helping the Meiji Government rise to power, especially in light of his experience with its corrupt officials.
However, instead of threatening to cut his loose tongue or castrate him, the Fake Battousai pledged to him, "Shogo-sama's own revolution is near. Once he gets the Black Book from Akahori, he'll have all the ammunition he needs to topple this government."
Kaede herself then slapped her hand over her mouth, realizing that she had said too much as well.
Reading the mood, Myojin changed the subject. "In full health, who's faster? Psycho-Kid or Amakusa?"
Morinaga turned her head away, placing the eye patch back on her eye as though to "summon" back her alter ego Minoe before muttering, "The Ten Ken is a little faster than Shogo-sama. But Shogo-sama can still beat him. Stupid Urchin-Head."
The Son of Tokyo Samurai heaved a sigh and confessed, "It's fine. Kenshin told me that Psycho-Kid is faster than him too. Seta Soujiro might even be faster than the whole Hiten Mitsurugi School itself. Maybe."
"...But I bet the Hitokiri Battouai is waaaay slower than the Ten Ken compared to Shogo-sama, who's only a little slower."
"Hey! Don't get ahead of yourself!" said the inheritor of the sakabatou. "I give you an inch and you take a mile. Honestly."
Much later still...
"You wanted to speak to me?" Tatsuya Minakata said. The banker son of Toshiro Minakata. Kinta's uncle from his mother's side.
"Yes," said Kinta.
"What the hell do you want, you brat?"
...And Tatsuya was every bit as intimidating, menacing, and cunning as his uncle from his father's side, Tetsuo Akahori. The complete opposite of his other uncle and Tatsuya's younger brother, Kaneda.
But that was in the past. Kinta was no longer a small child or gangly teenager that the alcoholic could push around and abuse whenever he was drunk.
Uncle Tatsuya might've not inherited any of Grandpa Toshiro's immense talent in swordsmanship, but he certainly had his father's business acumen as the person in charge (by proxy and with Grandma Mieko's blessing) of the Minakata Family's vast wealth.
As expected of a ruthless banker who was as thin as Uncle Kaneda was fat.
From behind Tatsuya was their newly hired manservant bodyguard who towered over the two like an outright foreigner despite being Japanese. Meanwhile, Kinta's uncle sat on his chair behind his desk, his arms folded and his mouth a scowl.
His eyes staring straight into Kinta's eyes.
Toshiro's grandchild could hear the insistent taps from the shoes of Toshiro's eldest son.
Hiding behind Kinta's shadow though was Kaita of the Sanada Ninja Clan.
Not that the Mimawarigumi Battousai who faced off against Hitokiri Gensai Kawakami needed help defending himself or anything.
The ninja Kaita was also there to remind him of anything he missed regarding the intelligence they'd decoded in their search for the Seiryu Clan's Black Book.
Kinta didn't want to make a single mistake about the uncovered intel before asking about them straight from one of their primary sources.
Conversing with his grandfather's son about past crimes was the ex-Kagemusha's way of giving Toshiro the benefit of the doubt. Even though Tatsuya himself could very well be an accomplice to those crimes.
"...Well? What is it? I'm a busy man," said Tatsuya with a dismissive snort, breaking contact with Kinta's gaze. "I have no time to play with you. We have goddamn assassins after us, if you haven't noticed!"
Kinta went straight to the point. "What do you know about the Seiryu Clan's Volume of the Black Book?"
There was a pregnant pause.
"Seiryu Clan? I have no idea what you're talking about," denied Tatsuya. Like Jesus Christ's disciple Thomas, as Amakusa would say.
The younger Minakata then placed his copy of the decoded papers on the Elder Minakata's desk.
"What is this nonsense? I have no time..."
"There are declassified documents about Grandfather Toshiro's drug dealings in China using Minakata Pharmaceuticals as a front."
Tatsuya's scowl turned into a snarl. "Drug dealings? Are you saying your grandfather is a drug lord? Is that it? Those are some grave accusations you're hurling, kiddo. Be careful what you say."
However, Kinta always was careful. He spoke the way he fought. Methodically. With no wasted movement or words.
The nephew presented a different document from Kaita. This time full of names, addresses, and quantities of delivered goods. Contact persons, if you would. More like accessories to his grandfather's crimes.
The names listed meant nothing to the Mimawarigumi Battousai, but he summarized and said them aloud nonetheless. They were Toshiro's contacts from the warehouses he stored his opium. The names of his chemists who processed the drug.
The list of ports under his control that allowed him to ship to China his own brand of premium-grade, potent opium that was easier to access than the ones being sold by the Indians, the British, and the Americans in Hong Kong and the Pearl River outside Canton.
Although his uncle would not divulge one piece of information about the Black Book, the reactions he gave to the uncovered information spoke volumes.
Kinta had all the puzzle pieces of the Black Book right at the palm of his hand.
Through seemingly redundant and suspicious documents, bogus employee contracts in triplicate, and receipts for business expenditures that were nonexistent, his grandfather had weaved a web of lies he used to communicate with the underworld in order to go about his opium trade in ways that would've made the likes of Takeda Kanryu jealous.
The sheer amount of opium Toshiro sold and money he made was many magnitudes larger than Kanry's lifetime wealth. It involved millions of yen's worth of drugs sold by the ton. The same way the Rothschild and Forbes families built their fortunes.
Tatsuya stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on his desk, with both bodyguards... the tall nameless one beside the uncle and the ninja hidden in the darkness behind the grandchild... stirring in reaction.
For Kinta's part, he stood his ground. In his younger years, he would've flinched or cowered away from Tatsuya. Not anymore. Not after everything he'd been through.
Tatsuya got in Kinta's face before smirking and attempting to feint a punch, but the swordsman wouldn't buy it.
The ruthless businessman had half the mind to punch his nephew. Show him who was boss. His little sister's forgotten piece of excess baggage.
Like the good ol' days.
"As if Father would leave a paper trail behind," Tatsuya rebuked, calling his nephew's bluff. "What piece of fiction have you written up here? Decode? There's nothing to decode here! Spare me your conspiracy theories and nonsensical speculation!"
"If this is all false, then you won't mind the police investigating all this evidence, correct?"
Tatsuya grabbed Kinta by the collar. The younger Minakata still wouldn't flinch. Defiant to the end.
"Call the police? We own the police!"
"The Minakatas haven't been influential in politics since grandfather's death," Kinta called Tatsuya's own bluff.
"Ever since you became one of those Mimawarigumi goons from back in the day, you've been full of yourself. You've changed. But I know better. You're still the same scared little snot I've whipped with my belt time and time again. How many times do I have to teach you that lesson, boy?"
Tough talk from a drunkard who never held a sword or killed a man his entire life.
Kinta didn't say those words, but Tatsuya must've heard his unsaid sentiment through his eyes because the banker soon swung at his face immediately after.
A swing and a miss.
To Be Continued...
Miss me? It's been a while, huh?
Salamat, Abdiel
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eternalravendreamer · 6 years
Every Voltage MC is Special Now Because I Say So - BMP 1
Note: I am not a master on every character's routes and trivia. I made these up because I’m tired of boring MCs with no unique traits
Wilfred’s MC: Loves camping! She’s very experienced at it, so she would invite him out and totally amaze him. They’d stay in a cabin the first time, to help ease Wilfred into the idea (also because Claude was absolutely scandalized by the idea of his Prince sleeping on the ground, sleeping bag or no). But MC made sure Wilfred got the rest of the big camping staples, like a bonfire, s’mores, nature trails, etc. It’s not exactly his thing, but it makes him happy to see MC so excited. (Also, he totally didn’t stare at her ass when she was setting up the fire, nope)
Keith’s MC: Plays electric guitar! Can shred with the best of ‘em. He’s too stubborn to ask her to teach him, even though he really wants to. She calls her guitar her “baby”, much to Keith’s confusion (”Oh yeah, you haven’t met my baby yet!” “YOUR WHAT”). Sometimes she’ll play some more laid-back tunes for Cathy and he can’t help but fall a little bit more in love with her.
Roberto’s MC: Absolute. Meme. Trash. She tries to act formal towards him when they first meet, because…well, he’s a Prince. But after getting comfortable with him, she accidentally lets a meme slip and Roberto gets fucking WHIPLASH turning towards her. (”DID YOU JUST SAY A MEME” “Oh god what have I done”). He’s so excited that MC’s sense of humor is similar to his!! She knows so many memes!!! He’s more sheltered than he acts, so she has to explain some of them, and even manages to prank him a few times (”Hey Roberto does your kingdom have updog?” “Hmm I don’t know. What’s updog—wait.”). They totally reenact vines with Alberto.
Joshua’s MC: a mural artist! At first he looks down on it, assuming that it’s just illegal graffiti. But when he sees her work for the first time, a project for her college, and he’s astounded. It’s a true work of art, taking up a whole wall, and she’s explaining about the materials she used and what the image is meant to represent, and what inspired it, and there’s so much light in her eyes. At that moment he can’t help but think “this person is amazing”. He commissions a mural for a public building from her soon after.
Glenn’s MC: a hardcore animal lover. She studies animal sciences and dreams of working at a wildlife sanctuary or zoo. At the moment she interns at a small wildlife veterinary center, where her main job is feeding orphan babies. She shows Glenn all her “kids” and he’s amazed how well she handles all of them. She even lets him help with some of the more domestic animals, while she feeds things like bear cubs, wolf pups, and vulture chicks.
Edward’s MC: a stress baker, but not just simple stuff. No, she goes all out. Almond macaroons, red velvet cupcakes, two-layer buttercream cake (with matching fancy piped icing), double-chocolate fudge cookies…she bakes and bakes and bakes until she runs out of steam. Edward walks into the kitchen and doesn’t know whether to be impressed or concerned (in the end he’s both). She goes even more overboard whenever she does it at the castle, and often has to apologize to the chefs for using up an ingredient or two.
Yakov’s MC: dyes her hair all sorts of colors. She takes a gap period between bleaches to let her hair recover, but her hair is dyed for the majority of the year. When Yakov meets her, she’s a redhead. The next month, her hair is purple. He had no idea there were so many varieties of hair dye! And you can even mix them to make different hues! A lot of people give MC flack when she’s pushed into the public eye, claiming her hair is too nontraditional and that it makes her an inappropriate choice for the Prince’s lover. The next day Yakov shows up to a press conference with half of his braid dyed a literal rainbow. They have no further harassment (well, at least not about the hair dye)
Zain’s MC: it freaks him out - his MC has almost inhuman night vision. One night while staying at Nobel Mitchel, she wakes up at like 2 a.m. for a drink of water. Since she can see pretty well in the dark, she doesn’t take a light or anything with her. On her way to the kitchen she freaks out a security guard. In the morning Zain has to deal with rumors of a ghost girl walking the castle halls without a light. MC thinks it heckin’ hilarious
Butler Luke’s MC (not to be confused with KBTBB’s Dr. Luke): you know those old ladies who always have sweets in their bags? That’s Luke’s MC, only not old yet. She has a seemingly endless supply. Strawberry hard candies? Check. Chocolate balls? Yep. Lollipops? In every flavor! Luke is amazed. This girl has an entire candy shop in her purse, fully stocked. All anyone has to do is mention being hungry, having a bad taste stuck in their mouth, or being sad, and out comes the goodies.
Yu’s MC: to his surprise, she’s a fairly well-known movie and film critic. She writes professional articles, maintains a blog for more casual reviews, and even makes YouTube videos on occasion. Honestly, if it wasn’t for his job making him too busy for movies, he probably would have found MC again years earlier. Movie dates are common, though she makes sure to let him know she isn’t just taking him to movies for her work. He enjoys hearing her talk about the production side of things, and certain plot points. He makes note to buy DVDs of all her favorites for stay-home dates.
Claude’s MC: she makes handmade stuffed animals. She keeps some of them, and originally Claude found her hobby very childish. But the majority of her plushies she donates to charities - hospitals, orphanages, and homeless shelters, mostly. Sometimes she’ll sell a couple of them so that she can donate money to the causes as well. She never keeps the money for herself. Once Claude learns this, he feels bad for looking down on her, and tries to show interest. MC makes him a stuffie of his own after they start dating.
Alberto’s MC: “Uh before I move into the Castle can I go home to get my lizard?” “Your what now.” Yep, Alberto’s MC has a pet lizard, which she loves dearly. He’s confused, to say the least, but at least it’s not messy (until he finds out what it eats). After awhile, he gets attached to the little dragon, too. When the heat lamp needs replacing, he finds the best one for the species. He slips the little pal some treats when it’s been good. MC has to stop him from setting up an elaborate habitat for the smol scaly friend. And if Prince Roberto even tries to take some of it’s crickets for a prank, he will face two very protective reptile parents.
Jan’s MC: beep beep fuckers, this MC has a moped, and Jan unironically thinks that it’s AWESOME. I’m talking those Vespas you see in NYC, like Emmy Altava from the Prof. Layton games had. It’s her main source of transportation, so when she has to live in the Castle, she gets concerned about her ride. Jan asks her to teach him how to ride it, and when he rides passenger behind her on it he makes sure to hold onto her a little tighter than he actually needs to, just to be closer to her. They get matching helmets because they’re cute like that.
Louis’ MC: cutie with glasses! She has poor eyesight, but nothing too serious. Just nearsightedness. Since her lenses aren’t all that thick, she’s able to use cute and stylish frames, though they tend to be cheap and break easily. Louis enthusiastically gushes whenever MC tries on new frames, making sure to detail how they compliment her eyes or face shape. He doesn’t think she’s cuter or prettier with or without them, but rather that MC with glasses and MC without glasses are both uniquely beautiful.
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isheistherichard · 4 years
SD Chapter 1
rated m 
there is narration,public sex? sub/dom universe, and volleyball owo
My eyes fluttered open, welcomed by the sun shining brightly into them. I immediately close my eyes back and turn to Shoto to avoid the burning in my eyes caused by it.
I take this time to admire his handsome features. He’s gotten so much bigger since we were in college and when I met him at U.A.
I reach my hand out to move his hair that’s preventing me from seeing his beauty. Ah, my poor Shoto. Why did he have to have this scare here...It’s not that I don’t like it but something I love and something that represents him getting over his past even as a hero now. He’s so strong.
I close my eyes and grabs his cheeks, kissing his forehead. “Mmm, what do you think you’re doing?” Shoto’s raspy voice sends shivers down my spine. His big hands take a hold of my waist pulling mine into his own, making me feel his semi-hard cock. I already have a good idea of where this is going to go.
I meet his eyes and push his hair back with my fingers. “Well, morning to you too,” I say with a small smile. He hummed then makes his way on top of me. His bare broad shoulders and perfect muscles and oh his handsome face...Damn, I’m already wet.
“W-wait Shoto I can’t right now I have a volleyball game, remember?” I try to reason with him but he completely ignores me, leaning in to kiss me.
I put my hand over my mouth and instead his lips come in contact with my hand. I cover his mouth and push him up so I can get out of bed. He groans and I just stick my tongue out at him. “Later, okay? I promise.”
“Oh my god! I can’t believe we’re here! We’re going to play against the Cats, Nekonma!” I grab Shoto's shoulders shaking him.
About a week ago Bakugou, Deku, Kirishima, and Amillia came with me and Todoroki here for my volleyball final national match to represent the USA. This is our last match, winner takes all.
“Shoto! Aren’t you excited? I get to play against the best, baby, the best in America!”
At first, volleyball was just a club to me, some kind of ‘hobby’. But then I got serious about and I met- not even a lot of people here. The perfect people here, my friends I’ve known since U.A. and college. Until this day, I can’t believe they’ve been here to support me and bring me this far with volleyball that we’re in nationals and we’re going against the last team. Of course, Volleyball has changed over the years and people have been a lot more acceptable of others and competitive no matter what the gender. So here we are!
“Of course I am. I’m very proud of you, babe.” He says placing a kiss on my lips. His arm snakes around my waist to pull me into him, his tongue slowly sliding into my mouth but before he could I pulled away. I felt eyes on us in every direction and I was completely flustered.
“Shoto we’re in public..” I wiggle myself out of his arms backing up into something hard. I squeal and launch myself back in Shoto’s arms.
“Oi, love birds. How about you two get a fucking room, yeah?” I sighed in relief realizing it’s just Bakugo. “Bakuhoe!!” I yell bringing him into a hug.
“Oi! Get off of me you Shitty woman! And don’t call me that!” He grabs me by my volleyball uniform pulling me from him. “Don’t go out hugging me in public you fucker!”
“Shut up Icy-hot, I’ll burn you to the ground.”
I snicker as Bakugo lets go of my shirt. “The hells so funny?” He sneers.
“Oh, nothing.”
“Whatever. I invited shitty hair so he’ll be here soon along with that shitty Deku.”
“Alrighty!” I turn around to face Shoto who was holding my bag. “Thank you for carrying my things, you didn’t have to,” I say grabbing my black canvas shoulder bag.
“Well, I’m missing work out today so.”
Ah...That’s Shoto for you.
“Nasa?! Hey bitch!!!”
Oh my god. Have I forgotten we’re just standing in the goddamn lobby? With the rest of the volleyball teams from before..and audience! I totally ignored my surroundings! Damn it for being a reckless Pro Hero! I'm embarrassing my entire team..what kind if libero am I?!
A-arm wraps around my neck causing me to launch forward a bit. “Heyyy! What you two up to?”
“They’re probably planning on how they’re gonna fuck after we win.” A deep voice interrupts.
“Can you guys shut the hell up? We’re in public you fucking idiots.
Now, let me introduce you to the team. Our volleyball team is named Agnes. Camille is just a clown honestly- She’s always goofing around and almost always starts off her sentences with Hey. She’s our left wing spiker. The blunt one, saying we’re gonna fuck and is cocky about how we’re going to win, that’s Victor Agustin. Our Ace. The one getting them in check is Zenobia Apoll also known as Zenny. Our middle blocker, she knocks the sense into us when we’re fuckin up.
“Yes ma’am,” Victor replies.
“Is Darwin gonna be late again?” I roll my eyes and scoff.
“When is he, like not late?” A high pitch voice chimes in, popping her yellow bubblegum and the loud sound of keys rapidly being pressed.
Popping bubble gum, loud typing, and using the word ‘like’. How classic this is. And that is, Jain. Basically, she’s just some emo social nerd. Don’t get me wrong though shes a great setter! Who’s Darwin you ask? The bitch that’s never on time. He always shows up as soon as the match is about to start. He has a carefree attitude, he is a setter.
“Oh look, Stanley and Manjoi are here! Hey guys!” Camille says waving her hand at them.
“Ciao,” Manjoi says with his hand stuffed in his pocket.
“Wassup guys?” Stanley waves back at Camille.
Stanley is our secret weapon, we like to whip him out near end game. Kind of like Darwin. Whoever is tuckered out, we’ll unleash him and completely dominate our teams because everyone is just so damn tired but Stanley is on point, especially with his upper hand servers! Since Camillie is the first to get tuckered out, he usually plays Left Wing Spiker. Though he isn’t into volleyball like us and he sometimes doesn’t show up for games at all- He’s has soo much potential and he’d be put in the game way more if he’d give it his all. Manjoi is our Right Wing Spiker. (Opposite) He’s just super chill.
Todoroki groans grabbing me by my wrist. “Shoto?”
He drags me down the hall to the restrooms.
“Huh?? Where are Todoroki and Nasa going?” Camille questioned bringing her finger up to her lips.
“I told you they were gonna fuck,” Victor says a laugh following right after it.
Zenny slapped the back of his head and Victor's hand instantly shot up to his head. “Dammit, Zenny!”
“You’re so annoying Vic,” Jain said popping her bubblegum.
My teammates' voices grew weaker and weaker as we reached the Restrooms.
“Hey, Shoto-” He slammed the male's restroom door open dragged me inside. He sat me on the countersink and before I could question him again he presses his lips against my own, pushing his tongue through.
Our tongues battled for dominance, his hands gripping my ass. Groans and low pants left his mouth as we parted for just a moment, his lips attacking mine just as fast as we parted. I could feel my panties began to dampen, his crotch grinding onto mine. I pulled from the kiss his teeth clinging onto my bottom lip. “S-Shoto anyone can just walk in right now, I promised you we can do it later.” The sentences almost came our breathlessly, my mind completely mushed from the little make out I just had.
“I don’t want to wait.” He breathes out his tongue trailing up my neck to my earlobe, his teeth gently biting down on it. Soft whimpers escape my mouth as a result of my poor attempt to hold back my moans. He grinds his hard-on onto me as he moves his mouth down my neck, biting and sucking on my neck. I tilt my head on instinct for my Dom.
“You’re going to leave marks...I have a game in a couple, Shoto.” I say, slowly grinding myself back on to him, the sexiest groans leaving his lips. When he’s finally done marking up my neck, he lets his wandering hand travel up my Uniform to my breasts.
“W-wait, no!” I protest, grabbing his wrists to pull his greedy hands out of my shirt. His eyes meet mine and I can’t help but feel intimidated and pressured under his gaze. “ We’re on the men's bathroom sink and I have to get to my game remember! I told you-”
“When the fuck do you think you’re talking to, baby girl?” He interrupted, a low growl erupting from the back of his throat.
He’s quick to pull me off the counter and bend me over it. “Guess I need to remind you what your place is.” His fingers wrap around the waistband of both my panties and my shorts.
“S-Shoto!” I tug my shorts back up, backing myself onto his hard-on, an attempt to distract him. A low groan leaves his mouth his hand coming down on my left ass cheek. The hit sent a sharp pain through my body, hitting hard on my asscheek. A soft whimper leaves my lips, feeling myself getting wetter and wetter by the minute. He’s spanking me at such a public place like this! We can’t!
His arms cage me in, his hot breath fanning against my neck. He began to grind his cloth hard-on on to me, low moans that left my mouth sounded like helpless whimpers.
“Don’t you dare hold your voice back,” Shoto orders me, marking my neck once again. I squeezed my eyes shut trying my hardest not to fall into his little trap, but before I could do anything else the bathroom door was opened.
“Shut the hell up Sh-” The blonde stopped dead in his tracks staring at the scene before him. The redhead right behind him stopped to eyeing us up and down.
“Oi...” Bakugo said, placing his hand on his hip.
“Hey, guys.” Shoto greeted, backing away from me.
I got off the sink hiding behind Shoto. Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god. My best friend saw me- My Dom on top of me-! Dry humping me!
“The hell are you guys doing that for in a public restroom?” Bakugo asked as Kirishima made a big old fuss about it in the background.
“No reason. The game starting?” Shoto replied casually his desire slowly falling and the dominant side I just saw a few minutes ago- suddenly vanished.
I peek from behind Shoto’s arm to see Bakugo and Kirishima.
“Yeah, it’s about to. Figured I’d take a piss before but Shitty hair won’t shut up about how were you guys where. Never thought you’d be here,” He said in a calm voice as he headed into a stall. “Doing that.” He finished before closing the door behind him.
I immediately ran out of the bathroom, past Kiri into the girl's locker room. “Guys!” I yelled. I burst into the bathroom, throwing myself onto Jain.
“What the hell, Nasa?” Jain says pushing me off of her.
Gasps go around the locker room as they see freshly red hickies littered all over my neck.
“Oh my gosh!! Nasa what the hell is on your neck?! Did Shoto do that to your neck?” Camille gasps as Zenny breaks into a laugh eyeing my neck.
“We didn’t bring any make-up babes!” Camille says cupping my face.
“O.M.G. The reporters are like so gonna be all over you.” Jain pops her gum, her eyes glued to her phone.
I sighed and slips myself out of Camille’s hands to change my shoes. I’m so fucked. Only amateur Dom and Sub bonds use hickices as a sign of who they belong to rather than using a collar. It’s already out that me and Shoto are a thing but have never seen anyone of our necks marked. Exposing hickies is considered inappropriate for a Pro hero.
I groan in frustration as I finish tying my shoelaces. This fucking sucks. I told that dummy Shoto to stop! I’ll get him when we get home, if not then another day he will pay. I say smashing my fist into my hand.
Zenny grips my shoulder to calm my nerves a bit. “Let’s go win and we’ll have the whole team beat him up, aight?” She says with a big smile on her face, giving me a thumbs up.
I smile and stand from the bench. “Yeah let’s go kick their ass!”
Walking onto the court my heart rate increased. It was huge! It was packed with people! Soon the boys came out of the male's locker room.
As soon as they saw my neck all of them burst out into a laugh. “What did I tell you!?” Victor says pointing at my neck. I groan and punch him on his shoulder. “Shut up you asshole.”
“Nasa what the hell happened to your neck??” Our manager runs to us, his assistant right behind him.
Our manager is Kevin Loon, and his assistant name is Colly Kew. They’ve been with us for about a year now. The teams old manager quit because of the lack of members. Lame right? Though, it seems like Kevin will be leaving us in a couple of months because of it infairs too much with is life as a Pro Hero- It sucks because he’s pretty amazing and he’s been here from the prelims all the way to the finals. We’re looking forward to see how Colly is gonna run things, that little airhead.
Victor opened his mouth to say something but Kevin quickly shut that down. “You know what? Nevermind. Line up, the match is about to start.” Kevin pointed towards the court.
I jumped up and down trying to shake off the nervousness. So many people are going to see the marks. It’s fine, it’s not like it’s out of the ordinary but it is for me...Fuck! No, it’s fine focus on the match. We’re going to play against the best of the best and we are going to win. Just like how we are going to save lives.
The all too familiar beep sounds and the crowd cheers.
We walk onto the court, seeing the other team is already here. Nekonma. Cats vs Unicorns. Damn, all that time fuckin around we could have been warming up. Whatever we’ll still crush em’.
“They’re a little late but Agens made it just in time! The volleyball team know as the destroyers, completely dominating the court with their attacks.” A man's voice booms through the speakers.
I can feel everyones eyes on me, and when they call me on I’m fucked. I’m going to get distracted because of that damned Shoto. I swear I’m going to get him.
A hard smack is placed on the middle of my back. I look back and I see Zenny. “What’s up with the poker face? Isn’t this like any other match?”
“Yeah, why so tense? Is it because of the marks? It’s not like it’s not normal.” Victor chimes in.
“That’s right Nasa, a lot of Doms do that if not a lot then all.” Camille says patting my head.
I let out a breath of relief, happy that I’m surrounded by people that care about me and has my back whenever i need help, they’re always able to give me a push in the darkest times to turn things around!
“Of course.” I reply casually, rubbing my hands together.
“Now huddle up everybody!” Kevin calls out to us. We huddle up and Kevin just does the same old, same old. Encouraging us but also keeping us aware that we will not always win. But for some reason, everyone was so determined to win. Even I, was planning on taking home the trophy.
The buzzer sounds and Nekonma makes their way onto the court.
“We have the Volleyball team here that passed the semi-finals all the way to nationals- and is the team to make it to the final match. Two years in a row they’ve been USA Top Volleyball team, representing us with their godly blocking! Will that change this year? Can anyone see over the wall?” The same man from before voice booms from the speakers.
“First we the team's captain, Neve Alverado, the left-wing spiker! Next, we have Silva Cassian! The team's Libero! Leonard Reid makes his way onto the court quite fashionable, the teams right-wing spiker! We have the team's middle blocker, Blaese Suranne. Neonmmy Tan, he always knows how to get the crowd riled up, the teams Setter! Lastly, in the top three aces, we have the teams Ace, Kellel Tatus! Let's all give applause for their mangers, Elto Sunny, and Tommy Disc.”
Everyone he announced we were all too familiar with, each of them has their own secret weapons- they are the secret weapons.
“The team that we just can’t get enough of for their undefeated title and their attacking- Agnes! Named right after the Holy Unicorn. They’re also known for how many Pro Heroes are on the team. But let's list 'em all off! The team captain, Zenobia Apoll, the team's setter. Known for her amazing blocks and one of the Top Pro Heroes, Nasa Peers, the middle blocker! Another amazing known Pro Hero, Jain Apoorva, the team's left-wing spiker. Next up who steps on the court is Victor Agustin the teams ace, In the top three Aces as well! Manoj Miazaga, the teams Right-wing spiker!”
When he was finally done with his introduction, everyone was in position. I could feel the energy coming from the team right across from me- it shivers down my spine, it made me feel small. To add to that, I could feel everyone’s eyes on my neck.
But I came here to win. Not getting worked up over what they couldn’t keep their eyes off, me.
“Kick their ass, Nasa!” I heard a voice yell over the cheers of the rest of the people. It was Kiri and Bakugo. I looked behind me into the stances to see Midoriya, Kiri, Bakugo, Shoto, Uraraka, and Amila along with Mina, Momo, and Denki! I didn’t expect them to take their time to come here especially from Hero's work!
I grin and turn around to meet eyes with Nekomna’s middle blocker, Blaese.
“We’re going to kick your ass,” I say with a grin on my face.
She grinned right back at me. “Challenge accepted.”
omfg. so long but im done uvu
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twistedstorm · 7 years
all of the asks for the identity ones!!!!
I love you dear anon! Here we go!
If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? Read: The Duff and Acheron, Watch: Buffy and Charmed, Listen: To my entire ipod because you don’t really know me until you know my music.
Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who? I don’t think I have….
List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow (I am also a spazzy gay redhead). Charmed: Phoebe or Piper. Dark Hunter series (Sherrilyn Kenyon): Bride and Tory (one because Bride is a fellow chubby anxious girl who taught me that I’m worthy of love and that I am beautiful regardless of my size and Tory because she taught me that I can always be strong as long as a I believe in myself, fight for what I want, and have a couple of good friends at my back). The DUFF: Bianca (I just really feel for her and I understand her mind and I really resonate with her). There’s way more but I don’t feel like going on
Do you like your name? Is there another name you think would fit you better? Well I love Zeta, ever since I started going by it in real life I’ve felt much more like myself. I didn’t my birth name or anything, it just didn’t fit me anymore.
Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do? I mean I create art so I call myself an artist, I sing so I call myself a singer, I write so I call myself a writer, so yeah in that sense I do identify myself but what I do. 
Are you religious/spiritual? Not really I guess. I mean I used to be a Christian, and then I was agnostic, and then I was an atheist and now honestly I don’t really care. I believe in an afterlife and spirits and magic and that kinda stuff so take that as you will.
Do you care about your ethnicity? Dude I’m 50 shades of white so tbh not really, honestly as much as I’m proud in a way of being Dutch and Danish and Scottish it doesn’t really effect my life, I’m mostly just a Canadian.
What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? So many. Avril Lavigne, Gretchen Wilson, Shawn Mendes, Metallica, R5, there’s a lot.
Are you an artist? Definitely! I love to draw and I love to color stuff and sometimes I do watercolors and I like spray paint and I make stuff out of clay and I do a lot of little comics.
Do you have a creed? Don’t be an asshole to anyone unless they were an asshole first, in which case destroy them.
Describe your ideal day. Park date with my boys and then movie/tv show marathon with triad cuddling on couch and then falling asleep in comfy pjs. There’s also buttermilk cookies and lotsa ice tea and so many mushy things said.
Dog person or cat person? Both and also a tarantula person and a yizard (lizard) person
Inside or outdoors? Depends on how I’m feeling and where I’m gonna be. Like a day down at the river? Fuck yeah let’s go outside. Day inside cuddling with my boys? I’m never leaving that spot until forced to.
Are you a musician? Well I can sing pretty well (First soprano, I can make your ears bleed and sound like a creepy little girl in a horror movie if I want to) and I’m working on learning the guitar and the ukulele so yeah I’m a musician.
Five most influential books over your lifetime. Wicked Lovely-Melissa Marr, Acheron-Sherrilyn Kenyon, The Duff-Kody Keplinger, Night Play-Sherrilyn Kenyon, Maximum Ride-James Patterson. 
If you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same? Probably not, a lot of who I am is based around my anxiety and my family and the way I’ve lived my whole life. 
Would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”? Probably yeah, although I’m much more awkward and loud in real life and I talk a lot more I think. 
What’s your patronus? Fruit Bat or a dragon (the pottermore test can bite me)
Which Harry Potter house would you be in? Or are you a muggle? Slytherpuff but I’d rather live in the Slytherin dorm tbh….and silver and green look really good on me…..and I hate yellow
Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? Dark Hunter world for the magic badassery and shapeshifting or Hogwarts because I just wanna be a fucking wizard dammit. 
Do you love easily? Not really….I like easily and sometimes I trust too easily but I don’t think I love easy (except when I met one of my two boyfriends and two seconds after meeting him my brain went “yeah that one, that’s yours, that’s your heart right there.” and then left me suffer for three years while I pretended that I didn’t love him, like I pretended so hard that I convinced myself I didn’t and then I yelled it at him in a library because I’m a dumbass) 
List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order. 1)Daydreaming elaborate scenarios usually with fictional characters. 2)Missing my boys/craving cuddles                                                           3)Re-watching shows/movies/youtube videos that I’ve already seen because I like them so much.                                                           4)Being gross and mushy with my boys, usually via text.             5)Planning out what I wanna write and thinking about writing and then not writing.
How often would you want to see your family every year? Most of them, honestly like once is good and only if it’s for my Great Grandma or there’s really good food. For my family that I actually like, I could see them every day and it would be fine. 
Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone? Meet my boyfriend Jesse, less than a month after meeting each other we were finishing each others sentences and saying things at the same time and admitting to thinking the exact same things. Like we kicked ass at the one word story game in drama (you each say a word back and forth to create a story) because we knew exactly what the other was going to say before they said it so our stories were awesome and actually made some kind of sense usually. The mind meld still exists to this day by the way, we freak people out with it a lot. 
Could you live as a hermit? I basically live as hermit now….although I need internet and my phone to talk to my nerds….and I need my nerds…so I guess not
How would you describe your gender/sexuality? Genderfluid polyamorous panromantic demisexual. I don’t like picking just one of anything. Why would I have one gender when I can have like four, one of which is no gender at all and another of which is a weird mix of masculine and feminine at the same time? Why have one boyfriend when I can have two and be stupidly happy with them both? Why only be attracted to one gender when I can be attracted to them all? Why never feel sexual attraction or always feel sexual attraction when I can do both depending on how I feel? 
Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”? Sometimes yeah, other times not so much. Disphoria doesn’t hit me as hard now that I’ve cut my hair short but it still gets me sometimes and it makes me hate my body. Bright side is that my general body image stuff is getting way better and I’m way happier in the body that I’m in lately and the more new stuff I figure out about my clothes and my hair and my makeup the more my body represents how I feel inside. Shapeshifting powers would be better but I’m doing the best with what I got.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin? Depends on the person and whether you mean like the negative way or the positive way. For instance for my boys it’s either a 0 or a 2, it was super easy. For some random asshole on the street? It’s like a 10, it’s not gonna happen.
Three songs that you connect with right now. 1) Head Over Feet-Allanis Morisette, 2) Fearless- Taylor Swift, 3) Safety Pin- 5SOS
Pick one of your favorite quotes. Not really a quote but a lyric “What a beautiful mess I’m in” 
Thank you again dear anon, this was really fun!
Feel free to send me more asks! Ask meme related or otherwise!
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