#loki keeps injuring himself in his injury-free cell
worstloki · 3 years
About the 14 year old Loki au, imagine Loki's only cannon married partner Sigyn, who is one of asgards victory gods hearing about this. "You we're only 14 and needed 5 very strong mortals and your brother Thor. Who is the strongest among us! To take you down!!"
Odin: my idiot son fought thor on the bifrost last year to distract from his ending of an entire war and he only lost because he committed suicide when thor wasn’t competent enough to do the deed himself
Sigyn, professional victory god, a healer in training, 15, kinda impressed and kinda turned on by this: o-oh? 
Odin: yeah so anyway the idiot son managed to fail at that and stay alive somehow and the first thing he did was attack midgard and it required a team of superpowered mortals and thor to take him down this time 
Sigyn, professional victory god, a healer in training, 15, very impressed and very turned on by this: i see
Odin: so he’s a bit beat up and needs a general checkup before he’s brought into the throne room...
Sigyn, nodding in understanding: so I make sure he’s all healed up before you receive him to officially acknowledge his accomplishments
Odin: yes. and then we throw him in prison for them. 
Sigyn: and then we throw him in— WHAT.
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 67: Cauldron of Despair
Chapters: 67/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature Warnings:
Relationships: Loki x Reader (There We Go)
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Loki Has A Bad Time, But Like, Dude Did Some Bad Shit
Summary:  It’s easy to forget what he did.
Thor circled the Frost Giant's corpse trying to decide what to do about it.
“Well. This is a mess.” He said, staring down into his brother's azure face. “And I'm not just talking about body cleanup.”
“She doesn't listen!” Loki seethed. “Why does she always go headlong into danger; does she not realize what it does to me? I have never run so fast in my life!”
“Mortal women seem blessed with an excess of virtues.” Thor shrugged. “Curiosity, courage, and responsibility among them. Jane was no different. You remember.”
“I do. I also remember that she managed to avoid getting badly hurt, because she knew how to run and hide!”
“Perhaps. But she also-”
“Norns, I don't care! Get this thing off me, you great oaf!”
“Temper, temper.” Thor chided, rolling the body over with his boot. “You're so angry, you've gone blue in the face.”
“I will kill you.” Loki snarled, squirming free.
“You were certainly insistent that she not see you. Still keeping that secret?”
“Shut up. We have to get this cleaned up. We have to assess the damage, and we have to check the tunnels for more. How did it get here? Is it a relic from the old war? How many are down there?”
“I will go check.” Thor volunteered. “You should go to the healing wing and try to calm things down. No doubt it's a little hectic there right now.”
Loki nodded, waiting the few moments it took to regain his milky complexion, then the brothers parted ways for opposite sides of the palace complex.
“So he was frozen in here? Like some kind of cell?” Thor glanced around the scintillating bubble in the ice. There was a large slot in one wall, where the giant had presumably been sleeping. There were objects strewn about, covered in ice, that to Thor, looked like they could be a Frost Giant's version of a soldier's mess kit.
Thor knew that no humans had been down in these tunnels. The government of Iceland hadn't even known they were there. This Jotun must have been here for a very long time, sleeping in the ice. Perhaps a trapped soldier, perhaps a lost traveler.
His journey was over now. It was actually rather unfortunate, Thor mused. Even though they had invaded and killed many humans, a Frost Giant could do much good on Earth now. They could generate ice at will. On a world where important glaciers were rapidly disappearing, a Frost Giant ally could be quite successful.
How frightened he must have been, to wake up suddenly, alone, not knowing how many years had passed. Still in the mindset of a war that had long ended, surrounded by enemies. Everywhere he ran, more enemies, more unfamiliar surroundings, more fear and desperation.
Yes, he had killed people on his rampage, and yes, Thor had killed him. But, as a warrior, Thor sympathized. This was tragic, all around.
“We need to clean this area out.” He said. “Gather and clean all of these objects. Do not proceed with digging unless accompanied by einherjar. We won't know if there are more until I bring Heimdall down here.”
“What shall we do if there are more, my king?” One of the clean up crew asked.
“We dig them out.” Thor said. “Slowly. Under my supervision.”
“Could we not just...leave them there?” One ventured. “Stop digging and leave them encased in ice?”
“The climate on this world is changing.” Thor explained to him. “There is a strong possibility that the ice will melt no matter what we do, and free them anyway. Best to do it under close watch, where they can be subdued, and their situation explained to them.”
“Mercy, my king?”
“It is a new age, and we are a people reborn.” Thor proclaimed. “We can try doing things in a new way.”
“She will be fine.” Bjarkhild assured Loki. “It turns out that our Blood Burn remedies are very effective on mortals. She will have sore spots on her arm for a few days, no more.”
“And Kolla?” Loki asked.
“Two broken ribs, a broken wrist, and a broken nose. She will have to stay under a Soul Forge for a week or so, but is expected to make a full recovery.”
“Very good. The messenger lad?”
Bjarkhild sighed deeply. “He will lose the arm. A terrible shame, but the damage was just too great. Perhaps if he had stayed laying down when he was hit, but pushing himself to go find you...”
Loki sat silent for a moment.
“We will Retire him.” He said finally. “It's the best we can do for him now. I will draw up the papers, if you will sign them.”
“Yes, your Highness.” Bjarkhild agreed.
Asgard loved it's heroes, and provided for them, whether military or civilian. A soldier had a pension, guaranteed care for if they were grievously injured during noble battle. A civilian, however, wasn't expected to put themselves in harm's way. For those that did, and suffered for it, there was the institution of Retirement. All of his needs would be taken care of; he would never be without food, home, quality clothing, or respect.
Bjarkhild was right. The messenger's arm might have been saved, had he simply lay still and waited for medics to come to him. But instead, he had found Loki, to warn him of the danger, which gave him the head start needed to reach you in time. This was a heroic act on par with any einherjar.
One day, they would have their technology up and running at the capacity Old Asgard once had. And if the man wanted it, a nearly seamless prosthetic could be offered. But Asgardians tended to cherish their battle wounds, which was why Odin never got an mechanical eye, and great-uncle Tyr never replaced his hand. They could have, of course, but they had earned those wounds in the defense of Asgard. It was a matter of personal pride.
“Shall I have you notified when I release her, or should I just send her to you?” Bjarkhild asked.
“Send her to me.” Loki said. “You need all your people here. How many are...”
“Beyond my help?” Bjarkhild finished. “Six. The other ten are in various stages of injury, but expected to pull through.”
Loki nodded solemnly. Six of their all-too-rare people.
He left the healing wing, noticing Gloa hovering anxiously in the corridor outside. He approached, and took her by the arm.
“Gloa, I want to thank you for-”
She whirled with a startled cry, and struck him across the face.
Loki quickly stamped down the stab of rage within him, watching the emotions fly across her features: Shock, realization, acceptance, and finally ownership over what she had just done. She jerked herself out of his grasp.
“Don't just grab me!” She snapped. “I don't care who you are, you don't have permission to lay hands on me whenever you want!”
“Gloa...” He growled.
“Don't talk to me right now. Not when your filthy kind has robbed me of yet another person I love!”
Loki flinched. Gloa's family had not come through Ragnarok whole. He knew she blamed him for it, for unleashing Surtr, and he didn't know how to explain that it had been Thor's idea without seeming like he was just passing the blame.
“Gloa, your father and uncle were brave warriors, and we honor them-”
“My father and uncle were heroes, and they died saving the people of Asgard!” Gloa interrupted. “I am satisfied for them. They rest in Valhalla with all those who died well.”
“Then why do you blame me?” He demanded.
“Not for them! For my brother!”
“Your brother?”
“You don't even remember. My brother was chosen as a guard in the Allfather's vault. We were all so proud.” Gloa scoffed bitterly. “The eve of Thor's coronation-the first one-he was guarding the Cask of Ancient Winters. He was murdered by invading Frost Giants, who sneaked in to steal it.”
And just like that Loki's throat closed, a fist of guilt squeezing his heart.
“I know it was you who let them in.” Gloa accused, tears rimming her eyes. “Maybe you didn't directly admit to it in that horrendous, self-aggrandizing play you had written about yourself, but I could read between the lines. The sick justification for your actions- all because you had decided that Thor was unfit to rule! That he didn't think things through, and he would get us killed through his bad decisions. But how are you any different? You were perfectly willing to sacrifice Asgardian lives-the very lives you claimed to have been trying to protect-for your own agenda! And it got you nothing! You shattered my family for nothing!”
Speechless, Loki stepped back under the sheer unexpected force of the tirade. What could he possibly say?
“You wanted to thank me for standing next to your little pet project? Pah! She is feeble, and brief, and weak, but she's not a coward, and she actually stood for our children. She may not be worth much, but she is still too good for you.”
Gloa stomped away, furious tears streaming down her face, leaving Loki stunned.
Thor gazed over the objects arranged on the table before him. All the scattered debris from the frozen cave, cleaned and brought to him for observation. These definitely made up a soldier's mess kit, and perhaps a higher class soldier, if the quality of the items we an indication. There were dishes and cutlery, hewn from bone and ivory, carved with foreign designs-Frost Giant art. There was decayed leather bedding and bags, waterskins, and a pack for rations that had long since rotted away.
And, untouched in the ice near where the giant had slumbered, a diary. Velum and ink from the strange sea creatures of Jotunheim, bound in leather, with ivory plates, it was a precious artifact from a thousand years before.
Thor picked up a page turning stick and very carefully opened the book. The ink that the Frost giants extracted from their oceanic beasts was thick, so thick that it raised slightly from the pages, making the letters look carved, rather than written.
Thor was not familiar with Frost Giant writing; until recently, he would not have thought they were literate at all. He had to wonder if examples of Frost Giant writing had been more common before their defeat at the hands of Asgard's armies, before the claiming of the Casket. What kind of dark age had that defeat plunged them into?
As Thor gazed at the unfamiliar runes, they resolved themselves in his mind into something he understood as if he had been raised on it; it was simply automatic. He read a few pages, absorbing what they revealed, until he realized that he could, in good conscience, read no more. This was meant for someone else.
This was meant for Loki.
Consequence. Every action set off a chain of events that never ended. Loki would never get the chance to be a good man again, because the fallout of his deeds would stretch out into forever. He would never actually be able to make amends. He could not restore Gloa's brother to life. All of eternity would pass without him. Without her brother, and without the other guard. He hadn't even considered their lives while he schemed. Hadn't known their names, nor attended their funerals. They really had just been a means to an end for him, acceptable casualties.
And he had considered himself more concerned with the safety of Asgard than Thor had been. What a fool! He had been exactly the same as his brother, only more secretive about it. Moreover, Thor's actions regarding Jotunheim, while irresponsible, had not actually cost any Asgardian lives. But Loki's actions regarding Thor's irresponsibility had. In a way, Loki had tried to play father to Thor, but he wasn't a father yet, and had failed in all of the ways he had blamed Odin for failing. And Asgard was poorer for his actions: Families shattered, people bereaved, grief and emptiness that would flow on until time ended.
Perhaps Gloa had been right all along. Perhaps he simply was the actual worst, undeserving of the happiness he had attained. Unworthy of you.
Certainly you had never done anything to endanger your world, or any others. You only had one murder under your belt, and it was not only self defense, but it had also been erased by the great reality reset. You were practically innocent. What had he actually done to earn your love?
All he had done was kidnap you and destroy your life. Take you away from your home and family, and force you into a new life and career, been rude, frightened you, kept secrets. Was still keeping secrets.
He shouldn't have yelled at you. He had been overwhelmed by fear, and adrenaline, the fog of war, but he still didn't have to yell. He had acted like an ogre to one of the few people who loved him.
His dazed wandering had brought him back to his only place of real safety; his bedroom, the black sheepsking rug in front of the faux fire. The place where he held you. He needed to hold you.
He ached for you. For your warm embrace, the comfort of you. Bjarkhild had said you would be released soon, mostly unharmed. He waited, wallowing in his torment.
He shot up to his knees the instant he heard you enter the chambers, hope suffusing him. He heard the door to your little room open and close, then nothing else.
His heart split and sank down, as he laid down flat on the rug.
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surteic · 4 years
A Witch To Love
Summary: After Bucky got hurt on a mission, he is brought to the hospital ward of the Stark tower. Loki and Steve, both concerned, wont leave his side but there is only one of them who needs to see him the most.
Pairing: Loki x Bucky (ft. Steve)
Fandom: Marvel Cinamtic Universe
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/ Comfort, Angst, happy ending
Warnings: hurt, injuries, blood
It wasn't often that Tony took Bucky on missions with them because even though Steve had convinced him months ago that he wasn't the Winter Soldier anymore, that Bucky wasn't under Hydras control anymore, he still didn't trust him. After all he had killed his parents back in the 90s and he could never have them back. So his trust in the soldier's mental state wasn't one of the strongest things on earth. As long as Bucky had lived with the others in Stark's new headquaters,he tried avoiding the man. He did everything he could to apologize, telling him that he was sorry even for a crime he couldn't even remember he had commit but Tony still gave him an angry glance, full of hatred and vengefulness, every time he passed him.
Eventually Tony got over it, still not fully accepting Bucky but at least he tried to. And after all that time that has passed everyone was glad he did,especially Steve. With Loki new to the Avengers Bucky had finally found a significant other. Someone who was misunderstood, tortured, being mistaken for someone he wasn't; and after a while they had gotten closer. Day by day the bond between them had grown stronger. They wouldn't let the other one out of sight and god forbid someone was causing any trouble. So it didn't come as a surprise that when the quinjet landed on a friday night and a beaten up and totally bloody Bucky lay unconcious in Steves arms, Loki sprinted to his side, worryingly following the soldiers. Bucky's flesch arm was thrown around the super soldier's neck and held in place only by the angle he was carried at; tightly pressed against Steve's chest in fear he'd lose his best friend.
"Steve. What happened?" asked Bruce, storming out of the building and directly towards the others. He took his glasses off his nose and came to a halt when he noticed that Steve wasn't getting slower.
"Something went wrong. We think it was a trap, Hydra was prepared; they knew we'd come" Steve said angrily, storming to the hospital ward of the building. Bruce following. Even though Steve was as battered as Bucky, he still had been walking too fast for the doctor to keep up with him.
As soon as they arrived at the nearest unoccupied room they could find, the captain laid his best friend on the bed, Banner already starting to examine him.
"Yeah, that's definitely broken. Two or three rips for sure. He's got a nasty head injury as well, probably a moderate concussion. He's got a lot of cuts. They're basically everywhere. We'll see how deep they are once we've got him cleaned up but looking at the blood he's covered in there might be a few that require stitches."
At that Loki looked up. He seemed terrified. All that time he had been quiet, trying to comprehend what was going on and how he could've gotten hurt that badly. He wished he had been there for him. It was his fault and now the only person he'd ever considered to be more than just a friend lay unconcious before him. Bleeding from everywhere.
"Is he going to be okay?" Loki asked softly, holding Bucky's hand as carefully as he could. He wouldn't dare hurt him any more than he already is.
Bruce wrote something on the soldiers chart as he answered, without looking up. "I don't see why not, Loki. As soon as he's patched up he's going to be his usual self-" he stopped and smiled before continuing to write. "At least after the pain medication wears off. He's going to be loopy for a while, so don't expect him to make much sense. Especially with a concussion."
Banner and a few other people got Loki and Steve out of the room to care for their injuried patient. Steve didn't mind, as long as they got Bucky out of the woods just fine he was willing to do everything. Even if it meant leaving his hurt friend for a while.
But even though the captain didn't mind, Loki was outraged. He couldn't believe that they dragged him away from the one he so much loved. But the demi good figured that giving his emotions free pass wasn't going to help his Bucky either. He kept his anger to himself and thought that maybe he should tell him. Tell Bucky how he really felt. About them.
Loki's thoughts were interruted by Bruce, sticking his head out the door and soon appearing fully.
"He's as good as new. He woke up during our examination, complained about the pain and drifted off again." Loki smiled. Yes, that's how he is, he thought. That means he's going to be alright.
"We haven't given him any sedatives but he's full of pain medication so try to be quiet when you go and see him, alright?." and with that Bruce said his goodbye's and left for the living room, trying to get the whole story from Tony and Natasha.
Loki and Steve didn't have to be told twice. As soon as Bruce was gone and both had thanked the doctor, they entered the room. It wasn't a room like the ones in normal hospitals. This one was bright, not because the walls have been painted white but because of the large window that reached from the floor to the ceiling. Bucky lay in the centre of the room, in the bed Steve had him laid when they had come in. A chair was placed beside the head of the bed.  
"What happened, Rogers?" Loki asked darkly; not keeping his eyes away from the sleeing form on the bed.
"It was a trap. Hydra got us." Steve told him. But Loki already knew that. he'd heard the conversation the captain had with Banner before.
"I meant to Bucky."
Steve hesitated for a moment and looked at Thor's brother. He wasn't so sure if he should tell him. Loki didn't seem to be quite stable at the moment. Ready to burst ou and kill everyone who'd let him get hurt. And truth to be told, he wasn't as innocent either.
"A bomb." Loki tensed. His hands gripping the bedrail so thight that his hands turned white. "It was my fault, Loki. I'm sorry. I sent him in there without backup and-"
"It's hardly your fault. Sending backup would have injured more. I just wish I wouldn't have let him go today. I feel quite guilty. But no one's to blame but Hydra. How would you midgardians say? It's time to kick their ass."
"Steve doesn't like that kinda language." came a tired voice from the bed.  Both Loki and Steve looked at the man laying there, his eyes only half open but a big grin on his face. Steve was the first to break the silence.
"Good to see you awake, Buck. How do you feel?" "Tired; for the most part. But pretty floaty too. That's so weird, man." Bucky's grin only got bigger and bigger, followed by a small chuckle. "Anyone else hearing that ringing? It's annoying. I don't like it."
Loki smiled. It was funny to see how Bucky behaved. The normally quiet man who'd rather keep everything to himself and who was barely smiling showed more emotions than his brother. "Must be because of the explosion. Don't worry, Bucky, it will go away." Steve wanted to add something but was interrupted by his ringing cell phone. I really have to change the ringtone, he thought as he answered the call.
The room had gotten quiet. But as soon as Steve ended the call maybe a minute later he said: "We gotta go, Buck. Tony wants everyone in the conference room, planning the next mission." As Steve started to walk, Loki squeezed Bucky's hand one last time before turning to leave. But the soldier held onto his cool hand and squinted.
"Hey, hey. Wait, where are you going?" he asked. It melted Loki's heart, hearing his sleepy voice and seeing his tired eyes.
"Stark said everyone, Bucky." he relied calmly and let the man pull him down in the chair beside the bed.
"Yeah, I heard that. But for what?" it seemed that the pain medication started to fully take effect. What has only been the loopiness before will mix with confusion soon.
"For work, darling."
At that, Bucky nodded understandingly, almost like he knew exactly what Loki had meant. Still squinting his eyes he looked Loki up and down, recognizing the black suit he was wearing, before letting his head fall onto the pillow again. He was exhausted.
"Right...the gingerbread house won't build itself."  he said before closing his eyes. Still holding onto Loki's hand. For a moment Loki had thought that he might have already fallen asleep but as two blue, panic-fueled eyes glanced at him one more time, he grew concerned.
"Loki?" Bucky said tiredly. His body wanted to sleep so bad but the thing he had to say seemed to be too imortant.
"Yes, dear?"
"Please, don't eat the children. You're a good witch, right?" he said before his eyes closed again. Squeezing Bucky's hand a little tighter and running his other one down the other mans cheek he laughed. "Yes. I'm a good witch."  
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