#m: haebaragi
choujinx · 14 days
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HAEBARAGI (2010) by kim yeon-ju
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blossomgrovehqs · 5 months
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⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 DADOS BÁSICOS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
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PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Norte-americano, coreano.
OCUPAÇÃO: Marido de Aluguel.
MORADIA: Haebaragi, 102.
SUBGÊNERO: Alfa anima.
AROMA: Cedro e âmbar.
CONTA: bsg_harvey
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 BIOGRAFIA︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
GATILHO(S): Abandono parental.
Gerações e gerações de uma família repleta de alfas elevavam, sem sombra de dúvidas, a grandiosidade na sociedade, e Harvey era um dos agraciados com essa nobre descendência. Dentre os filhotes da família, ele destacava-se como o mais imponente, sua genética notavelmente mais animalesca que a dos antecessores revelava a natureza incomum de um anima híbrido de leão negro. Essa singularidade, entretanto, não apenas o diferenciava do restante de sua família, mas também instigava o temor nos progenitores, que lidaram com aquela mutação como uma mancha na perfeita linhagem familiar, o que resultou na rejeição e no abandono já na infância.
Passou da infância à adolescência dentro de um orfanato, uma jornada solitária impulsionada pela desconfiança e rejeição da sociedade, onde o preconceito persistente não lhe concedia trégua. Enfrentar a solidão e a rejeição durante seu crescimento foi um desafio, mas longe de ser impossível. A necessidade de aprender a sobreviver por conta própria cultivou nele a convicção de que suas decisões não dependiam da aceitação alheia, tornando-se bem independente, uma característica intrínseca de sua personalidade.
Diante da marcante diferença, ele se tornou um narcisista, superestimando suas habilidades e exagerando em suas realizações como uma forma de compensação. Aproveitando seu tamanho e força, ele incitava o medo em todos os subgêneros possíveis, muitas vezes sem precisar recorrer à violência, pois sua presença imponente por si só era suficiente para impor respeito. Essa estratégia, uma espécie de autopreservação psicológica, envolvia escolher amedrontar antes de correr o risco de ser rejeitado, mantendo assim uma postura inabalável diante do mundo que o cercava. O seu porte intimidador tornou-se uma armadura, moldando a forma como ele interagia com os outros e se protegia das feridas do passado.
A falta de suporte familiar durante seu crescimento o desviou do caminho tradicional seguido por muitos, como frequentar a universidade, e o impulsionou a explorar diversas ocupações ao longo do tempo. Com ampla experiência em vários setores profissionais, na fase adulta, Harvey encontrou sua verdadeira vocação como Marido de Aluguel, utilizando suas habilidades manuais para oferecer assistência em tarefas domésticas. Essa mudança não só se revelou como uma fonte sólida de renda, mas também como uma maneira eficaz de preencher o vazio emocional que carregava consigo ao longo da vida.
A vida do híbrido deu uma reviravolta surpreendente quando uma rica senhora sul-coreana o contratou para fazer diversos serviços em sua casa nos Estados Unidos. Com o tempo, ela ficou impressionada com as habilidades e dedicação dele, notando uma semelhança com seu filho falecido. Sentindo uma conexão emocional única, a senhora decidiu voltar para a Coreia do Sul e ofereceu ao alfa a oportunidade de continuar seus serviços em seu país natal, com uma remuneração significativamente melhor. Aceitando a proposta, ele embarcou em uma nova jornada, mas infelizmente, alguns meses depois, a senhora faleceu, deixando Harvey desempregado em um país estrangeiro, diante de um cenário imprevisto.
Assim, sem uma direção clara, ele teve que enfrentar mais um recomeço. Com opções limitadas, acabou fixando residência no primeiro condomínio que cruzou seu caminho, o Blossom Grove. Apenas não sabia se aquela mudança seria definitiva ou temporária.
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 HEADCANONS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
Por sua genética animalesca única, enfrentou rejeição e abandono na infância devido à percepção da família de sua mutação anima como uma falha. Portanto, cresceu em um orfanato, privado da experiência de uma família de verdade.
Ao atuar como Marido de Aluguel, ele se aproveita da confiança depositada pelos clientes para furtar tudo o que for considerado por ele como objeto de valor. Como diz o ditado, o que foi achado não é roubado, certo?
O seu anima, o leão de pelagem preta, influencia não apenas seus cabelos, mas também a coloração de sua cauda e orelhas felinas quando elas decidem aparecer, tornando-o verdadeiramente único entre os animas dessa espécie.
Da mesma forma que os leões que apreciam o calor do sol em seu habitat natural, Harvey desenvolveu uma inclinação por banhos de sol regulares, procurando constantemente locais ensolarados em Blossom Grove para aproveitar os raios solares. Não é à toa que escolheu morar no quarto com mais incidência de luz durante o dia.
Um total de quatro tatuagens adornam seu corpo, sendo cada uma uma expressão artística intrinsecamente ligada à natureza.
Não gosta quando demonstram pena ao falar sobre sua ausência familiar e solidão, revelando desejar ser reconhecido por sua força e independência, rejeitando qualquer compaixão.
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hyojongpromo · 6 months
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171117 Gimpo Airport Departure
cr. Cafe_Haebaragi
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blkjkr · 2 years
Who's Taeyong?
Send ’Who is… + a character name’ to find out what your character means to my muse.
I've been sitting here for a while trying to properly word who Taeyong is to me. He's my favorite hello and hardest goodbye. He's someone who's arms feel like home, feel like somewhere I belong. When I'm with him everything makes sense and makes even the saddest days better. He's the only lips I want to kiss, the only one I want to hold. Taeyong is someone where I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. I can't wait for us to grow together and create a life filled with love and laugher. He completes me in every sense of the word. When we're together our hearts beat in sync. He makes me feel like I can do anything. He's my greatest supporter. He's the sun, moon and all the stars. Taeyong is my soulmate. The love of my life.
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9stxrsan · 11 months
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The feeling of that night replays in Kadira’s mind, over and over again. Never stopping, she reminisces about the same thing, his hair, his body, his voice, his eyes… those eyes. Full of lust and satisfaction. Never in a million years would she think that she could feel anything slightly similar to the touch of that guy… that mysterious guy, who’s name she might have forgotten, however his face will always be stuck in her head… making her feel that same satisfaction as she did before.
Warnings|| Explicit scenes, crying, fighting, arguing, threats, guns, drinking, cursing, unprotected sex, etc.
Rating|| 18+
Genre|| angst, lemon, smut
Author's note|| yeahhh soo this is the ff I've been working on, the other parts will come soon. Promise
April 21st, 2020 Haebaragi University
A loud banging noise approached KaDira's dorm room, Who the fuck would ever knock on her door like this? Getting up off of her sofa, walking towards the door, she lets out an annoyed sigh before unlocking and swinging the door open. Of course its Soona. And she forgot her key. Again.
"Soona what the actual fuck?" KaDira shook her head, "Why can't you just knock like a normal person would? And where is your key?"
"Sorry, I'm just so excited!" She squealed like a dying cat on the side of a sidewalk.
"About?" KaDira questioned, letting the blonde haired female with fair skin walk inside the room.
"You're not gonna believe it!" She stalled.
"Just tell me Soona!" KaDira grew impatient.
"Okay, Okay." She shouted, "So you know my boyfriend, right?"
"Jungkook? Of course," KaDira scoffed, "He's like, one of the most popular douchebags on campus, besides Tae and Theo."
"Yeah well he's throwing a party tonight and he's inviting all the upperclassmen." She explained.
"And?" KaDira shrugged.
Soona tilted her head at KaDira, expecting her to catch on to why that information was important and why she was so excited about it.
KaDira's eyes widened, "Oh hell no, I'm not going."
Soona smacked her teeth, "KD please!" She begged, "This is our last year here, and you haven't gone to one frat party."
"That's a fucking lie, I've been to two of them." KD scoffed.
Soona rolled her eyes, "You went to a party off campus that got shut down by Mr.Lee as soon as it started, and the other one was not a party, it was a Christmas gathering for people who didn't want to leave campus."
"Which was very fun by the way," KD said, moving her locs out her face.
"I don't care how fun it was. You're coming to this party." Soona scoffed.
KD leaned on the doorframe, accepting the fact that Soona wasn't going to leave her alone about the party, "I don't even have any 'party' clothes."
"Lucky for you, I have lots!" Soona smiled.
"Yeah, no." KD waved her hand, "I'm not dressing like you."
"What's wrong with how I dress?" Soona groaned.
"I'm not walking around practically naked," KD rolled her eyes.
"It's nothing wrong with showing a little skin KD," Soona got up off the sofa and walked into her room, straight to her closet.
"Yeah your definition of 'little' is completely different from mine," KD exaggerated.
"You're gonna have to manage, we're the same size anyway." Soona snickered, looking at the outfit choices in the closet.
"And how do you know that?" KD said, folding her arms.
"Well uh," Soona laughed nervously, "I borrowed some of your clothes before."
"Kim Soona!" KD shouted.
"It was only at the beginning of the semester, I haven't done it since." Soona shrugged.
"You could have asked," KD argued.
"Oh hush, you didn't ask me for my hair cream you used without my permission," Soona scoffed.
"That was in the ninth grade!"
"It still happened didn't it!"
KD shook her head in annoyance. Soona continued to search for an outfit.
"Ah... This is the one right here." She smiled, holding a shiny, dark purple outfit out to KD.
"Purple isn't really my color.." KD hesitated.
"Girl take the fucking dress," Soona groaned.
Kd rolled her eyes and snatched the dress from Soona, and went into the bathroom.
Slipping on the dress and standing in front of the mirror, KD was in complete shock. The dark purple dress with major cleavage, a slit on the side and a choker that was attached really complemented her dreadlocs and milk chocolate skin.
"KD come out," Soona shouted from the other side of the bathroom door, "We need to speed this process up."
KD swung the bathroom door open and Soona's jaw dropped to the floor, "Oh my.."
"Well, how do I look?" KD shrugged.
"You look like a bad bitch. A bad bitch that will take anyone's boyfriend." Soona squealed in excitement.
"Alright," KD chuckled, "I don't plan on taking anyone's man."
"Well you better prepare yourself, because every guy at this party is going to want a piece of you," Soona teased.
"Yeah, I doubt that." KD scoffed.
"Maybe you'll get lucky and y'know," she teased, nudging KD's arm, "Hook up."
KD looked at Soona, "A one night stand? At a frat party?"
"You say that as if that's impossible." Soona rolled her eyes.
"For me, it is." KD shrugged, "One night stands seem childish to me."
"Well they aren't," Soona scoffed, "It's just having fun."
"Childish." KD exaggerated...
"Well you're dressed, So now I'm gonna go change," Soona squealed.
"Oh god we're gonna be here for hours." KD groaned.
About forty five minutes later, Soona came out of the bathroom, dressed in the most provocative pink and black slim dress, her hair was gathered into a ponytail with little hairs on the side, and she had earrings that would blind you for weeks, "Ready to go?"
KD nodded, getting off the sofa and letting out a soft exhale.
Soona smiled, and grabbed her keys and they both headed out the door.
As they pulled off, KD nervously tapped the window.
Soona noticed her nervous gestures and sighed, "Kadira, there's nothing to be nervous about. You'll be fine."
"Easy for you to say," KD scoffed, "You've been to lots of these parties, you're more social than I am."
Soona shrugged, "Sometimes you have to step outside of your comfort zone babe. You may not like it at first but it will get better as you go."
"Yeah, yeah." KD waved her off, continuing to tap.
After what felt like hours, they pulled into a parking lot that sat right in front of a house with flashing lights and loud music.
"How on earth is this allowed?" KD chuckled in disbelief.
"Jungkook kind of paid off the teachers to keep their mouths closed," Soona smirked.
"Of course he did," KD rolled her eyes.
"Come on!" Soona said ,hopping out the car.
KD took a deep breath and followed Soona to the front doors.
As they approached the doors, a black haired male, who is supposedly a lookout, greeted them with a warm smile, "Soona, Kadira."
"Hi Mark." KD waved politely.
He gestured to them to go ahead and walk in, telling them to have fun.
Soona and Kadira walked through the doors and the sound of music and chatting rang in Kadira's ears, the smell of alcohol and weed filled the air.
"Kim Soona!" a deep male voice called from a far, "Is that you?"
Soona turned around, only to see a tall male with dirty blonde hair, and a sleeve of tattoos walking up to her with a bottle of Hennessey in his hand.
"Babe, are you kidding me? You're drunk already?" Soona scoffed.
Jungkook threw his arm around her and smiled, "I'm a little tipsy," He looked over at KD and flashed a smile, "Hi KD,"
"Hi JK." She giggled at his immaturity to drinking.
His head turned back to Soona, looking her up and down, smirking, "You look nice."
Soona smiled, "I know," She looked around the room, raising an eyebrow, "Where's Tae?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Probably drinking his life away with Theo," he said, pointing into the kitchen.
Soona kissed Jungkook goodbye, grabbed KD's arm, and dragged her into the kitchen, where they approached the highly attractive brown haired male and his blue haired friend. Both were intoxicated.
"Look at you two," She scoffed, "Pathetic. How could you drink without us?"
Taehyung looked up and smiled, "Soona, Hey." he murmured. He turned his head and looked at the stunning female beside her and opened his mouth in shock, ".. Am I just really drunk, or is this goddess I'm staring at Kadira Lee?"
Soona giggled, "It's definitely Kadira, isn't she stunning!?"
KD flashed a smile and chuckled a bit.
"Stunning is far too modest." Tae scoffed, "She's out of this world," he placed his hand over his face, "Do I need to worry about you and pull the big brother card? Pretty sure the majority of the guys here are going to want to be all up on you tonight."
"No need to worry about me Tae," KD said, running her hands through his hair, "I doubt that's gonna happen."
"Yeah right," Tae rolled his eyes.
"Is.. Theo alright?" Soona giggled nervously.
All three of them turned their heads to the blue haired male whose face was as red as a cherry tomato, lying with his head on the table.
"He'll be fine," Tae waved him off, he passed Soona and KD red cups and signaled them to the fridge.
Soona squealed and rushed to the fridge, searching for the fruity liquor. Once she found some, she grabbed KD's cup and put ice in it, then poured a good amount of the liquor. KD hesitantly looked at her friend.
"Don't worry, it's not hard liquor." Soona reassured her.
KD inhaled, and gulped the cup down.
"Woah," Soona shouted, "When did you become a party animal KD?"
"Oh shut up," She grunted, "Pour me another cup."
"Yeah!" Tae shouted, "That's what I'm talking about,"
Time passed by, and the amount of liquor in KD's system grew more and more. Slowly becoming intoxicated, she sat on the couch zoning out.
"Woah KD, You alright?" Soona touched her shoulder, concerned.
KD stared into the crowd of people.
"Kadira!" She snapped her fingers in front of KD's face.
"Hm," KD Finally snapped out of her trance.
"You alright?" She said moving her dreadlocs behind her ear,
"I'm fine, really fine." KD giggled.
Suddenly, Her eyes flowed towards the door, where a male with black, slick hair walked into the living room. No doubt this guy was stunning, his beauty was far beyond anything Kadira had seen in her life.
"Who- Who is he?" KD pointed towards the door in shock.
"Oh him," Soona said in a sneaky tone, "That's Park Jimin, he's not really known for anything but his beauty and the fact that his parents own a famous Café. Why? Wanna talk to him?"
KD shook her head, "Nah, too angelic."
"What do you mean? You two would be perfect." Soona scoffed.
KD shook her head in disagreement, "Nope, that would never work. Pretty boys like him break hearts." She took another sip from her cup, and threw it on the floor," I wanna dance."
Soona's eyes widened, "Uhm no.. You are in no condition to be dancing."
"Oh shut up!" KD stuttered, "You're not my mom." She hopped on top of the living room table, and started giggling.
"KD got down from there," Soona said, regretting her decisions on giving her alcohol in the first place.
Suddenly, Soona heard the speakers start playing "28 Reasons by Seulgi" and instantly start praying that KD didn't pay any mind to it.
But of course she did.
She start rocking her hips to the music, and singing.
"Tae come help me!" Soona shouted to him from the living room.
Tae laughed and walked to the living room, "Alright KD.. That's enough," He gently grabbed her arm, trying to get her down off the table.
"No, I gotta finish the dance," She yelled, pulling away from Tae's grasp.
People started laughing, singing the song with her, and recording her foolishness.
Before the song could finish, KD started rubbing her forehead, "Shit my head.."
"Oh honey, I think you should go upstairs and go lay down." Soona said, finally getting her off the table, touching her face, "You're burning up."
"Mkay," KD said standing up, almost falling to the ground.
"Woah there, You need help getting upstairs?" Soona grabbed her.
"I got it." She stuttered.
"KD you're drunk." Soona argued.
"No, No." KD slurred, "I can manage." She regained her balance and headed upstairs.
Walking past locked doors, She attempted to find an unoccupied room. She came across a room with the door unlocked and opened it, only to see a fully naked couple, kissing on the bed, "Wow!" She gasped in shock and embarrassment.
The couple jumped up in a fright and panicked.
KD quickly covered her eyes, "For future reference,  lock the door." She muttered nervously before leaving back out.
She walked down the hallway, replaying that image of the couple in her head, "God.. I never wanna see that again." She mumbled to herself.
Finally she found a room that was completely empty, and luckily had a bed that looked comfortable. She slid her shoes off and plopped on the bed, letting out a deep sigh before falling asleep.
About Twenty minutes later, Kadira was awakened by someone opening the door. She turned around in shock, letting out a frightened gasp, "Who the hell-" To her surprise, the same angelic male who she had seen downstairs, was standing in the door, with a confused look on his face.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" The male asked, in a deep but soft voice.
"I'm Kadira," She groaned, still intoxicated, "And I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing here? Haven't you heard of knocking?"
"Well if you haven't noticed, this party is in the boys lounge.. Therefore, these rooms up here are the boys' dorm rooms.." He explained, "This. Is my room."
KD's eyes widened in shock, "Excuse me?"
"That's my bed." He chuckled, pointing to the bed she was lying on.
Kadira slurred, as she sat on the side of the bed palming her forehead, "Oh I'm so sorry, I had no clue-"
"Nah, It's fine, it's fine." He assured her, laughing, "I don't mind." He walked around the bed and went into his closet, pulling out a black hoodie, and unbuttoning his white button down shirt., "You look familiar, Aren't you the girl who was standing on the table singing a couple of minutes ago?"
"I was, wasn't I.." She sighed, palming her forehead in embarrassment.
"It was pretty entertaining," He chuckled, "Why'd you come up here?"
"I was just trying to sleep this-" She muttered, turning to the male, quickly turning back, "Woah.. What the hell are you doing?"
Jimin looked at her with confusion, "I'm changing my shirt? Problem?"
"Yes!" Kadira yelled, "I mean no, this is your room but I'm still in here. I can leave if you're gonna-"
"I said there's no need for that. I don't mind you being here." He shrugged.
"But you're changing, I don't wanna see all of that." She scoffed, "I barely know you."
Jimin laughed, "There were abt ten guys downstairs shirtless. Didn't bother you then did it?"
KD stuttered, "No.. But I still don't wanna see-"
"Yet, I see you watching me from the corner of your eye," Jimin scoffed, "I'm sorry. But that shirt was stained, and I couldn't stand the sight of it."
"Uh-huh.." KD mumbled, staring at the male from a far, suddenly she got this massive shock of pain in her stomach, "Fuck.."
"Oh shit," Jimin said, rushing over to the female who was groaning in pain leaning over the bed, "You alright?"
"Mhm," She hummed, "I'll be fine." She grunted, gripping the side of her stomach.
"No, No you won't not without some medicine," he said rushing into his bathroom, and grabbing a bottle of pills that read, "Hangover no more" on the front of it, he rushed to his mini fridge and grabbed a small water bottle, "Here take this."
KD looked up at the male and realized she was closer to him than she thought, his beauty was like no other. She grabbed the pill and took the water bottle with it.
Jimin silently looked at the female as she took the pill, and took a sip of the water he gave her, "You said your name was Kadira right?" He smirked.
She nodded.
"Well Kadira," He said in a seductive tone, "This is my first time seeing you at one of these parties, how come I haven't seen you at others"
"I don't enjoy parties." She looked back up at the male and saw that he was somewhat tipsy, his rosy cheeks showed it all.
"Why not" He smiled.
"Dunno... Just don't be around lots of people." She muttered, she looked down at her feet, avoiding looking into his eyes.
"That's surprising to hear after seeing your little performance downstairs," He chuckled.
"Its the drinking that's doing that," She shrugged, "Parties and people really aren't my thing, my friend forced me to come here."
"And you're telling me," He said, lifting her chin up, "A pretty girl like you stays in her dorm room all day?"
"Guess so." She laughed nervously, "God why is he so close," She thought.
Jimin stared at Kadira for about a good three minutes, her heart started pounding out of her chest.
"Y'know.." Kadira slurred, "You're not so bad yourself.." she felt her body moving closer to him, in her mind she thought What the hell am I doing.
"Oh yeah?" Jimin laughed, "What do you mean by that?"
"Yeah.. Your facial features are.. Beautiful." She muttered.
Jimin slowly inched closer to her, with his hand slowly approaching her thigh, "Keep going," he said in a slightly seductive tone, as if he was aroused by her talking about his beauty.
"Like, your eyes are very vibrant, and your lips.. They look very soft." Kadira whispered.
"Really?" he smirked, bringing his face closer to hers, "Wanna feel how soft they are?"
"Huh?!" Kadira said in a slight panic, "No I don't think-"
"Shh." Jimin pressed his lips against hers. As much as Kadira wanted to hold back, she couldn't get enough of the taste and feeling of his soft lips.
Slowly, his hands made their way up the side of her dress, fidgeting with her underwear.
"Wait.." KD muttered, moving his hand, "I've never.. Done this before."
Jimin chuckled a bit, he lifted her chin and smiled, "Neither have I."
KD's eyes widened in shock, there was no way this man was a virgin.
Jimin pulled Kadira back into a kiss as he slowly took his shirt off.
Kadira opened her eyes for a split second, only to see the male's upper body.
"Like what you see?" Jimin smirked, as he picked Kadira up by her thighs, and pinned her against the wall.
Something about the warmth of his hands sent chills down Kadira's body.
Jimin started gripping her thighs a little more roughly, kissing her passionately, down to her neck, giving her small hickeys.
Kadira started letting out slight moans, as she clung onto Jimin.
"Not only are you pretty..." Jimin grunted, "Your moans are too." He tossed her back onto the bed, as he kissed his way down to her inner thighs, slowly pulling her dress off, exposing her black lingerie.
Jimin smiled, "Every little thing about you is just beautiful." He said running his hand down her skin, making Kadira jolt up a bit.
He continued to leave hickeys all over her body, listening to Kadira's small moans and whimpers of pleasure, "You don't understand how bad you're turning me on right now.." He chuckled as he unbuckled his pants.
Kadira stayed silent as she watched the male strip naked in nothing other than his boxers.
Jimin sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled Kadira on top of him, refusing to break from the kiss. Kadira sat on his lap, and felt his bulge rubbing between her thighs.
"Fuck.." Jimin groaned, as they were grinding against each other, "This is turning you on, huh? I can feel it." He laid her back on the bed, and pulled her underwear down.
Kadira jumped up, Jimin gently kissed her inner thigh, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to be gentle.."
He continued to kiss her inner thigh, and gradually made his way down to her vaginal area, first kissing it, then letting his tongue slide in between the lips.
"Oh god," KD whimpered, as she felt the warmth of Jimin's tongue.
Jimin smiled as he pressed his tongue by her entrance, and slowly placed his finger under it.
He looked up at her, "Ever masturbated before?"
KD shook her head.
Jimin nodded, "Then this might hurt a bit, but I need you to relax for me..okay?"
Kadira was hesitant, but something about him made her want to trust him, she nodded and allowed him to proceed.
Jimin rubbed his finger against her dripping cunt, then slowly inserted a finger inside of her, causing her to let out a loud moan.
"Fuck... that feels..." She whimpered, "Weird.."
"Its gonna feel weird at first," Jimin reassured her, "I'm gonna start moving my fingers now."
Kadira nodded, as he started moving his fingers in and out of her.
Jimin felt her tense up around his fingers, "Relax.." he whispered, as he continued to use both his tongue and fingers at the same time.
That feeling drove Kadira insane, her moans and whimpers grew louder and louder. For someone to be a virgin, he definitely knew what he was doing.
Jimin got up and slid his fingers out, leaving her shivering slightly, "I think you're ready now."
Kadira looked at him confused for a moment, as he jumped on top of her, pulling his boxers down. Her eyes widened in shock, No way in hell is that thing fitting inside of me. She thought.
Jimin started rubbing his length against her entrance, moaning softly, "Im gonna slowly put it in now, it shouldn't be as bad since I loosened you up a bit but just tell me when it's too much,"
Kadira nodded.
Jimin slowly slid inside of her, making them both let out loud moans, "Shit.."
Kadira whimpered, holding onto his back, as he slowly thrusted into her, slightly in pain.
Jimin felt how tense she was getting on the inside, and looked at her dead in her eyes, intertwining his fingers with hers, "Hey, Relax and look at me, don't take your eyes off me."
Kadira obeyed and felt this weird satisfaction from just looking into his lust filled eyes.
Jimin continued to thrust into her, slowly at first, but gradually going faster.
Their synced moans filled the room, Kadira started shaking, reaching her climax.
Suddenly everything went blank...
"KD!" shouted a feminine voice, "KD wake up."
KD opened her eyes a bit and groaned, "mm.."
"Time to go." Soona said, shaking her, "Whose clothes are you in?"
"What?" KD said, sitting up, looking down at herself, only to see she was wearing an oversized sweater.
"Nevermind that, lets go," Soona scoffed, "We gotta go pack."
Kadira got out of the bed, and rubbed her head.
When they arrived back at their dorm room, they started packing their bags, to get ready to leave.
Soona went into KD's room and sat on her bed, "So,"
KD looked up at her while she was packing her suitcase.
"Anything  happen when you went upstairs yesterday?" Soona smirked.
KD raised her eyebrow, "No?.. "
"Hmm.." Soona hummed, "That's funny, because as soon as you went upstairs yesterday,  pretty boy came to ask me if you were alright. About thirty minutes later, people say they seen him go upstairs, and you just so happened to be sleeping in his dorm room this morning."
Kadira started replaying last night in her mind, " I dunno what you're talking about."
Soona leaned closer to Kadira, and noticed multiple small purple, reddish marks on her neck, "Kadira."
Kadira looked at her, "Yes?"
"Did you hook up with pretty boy last night?"
"Uhm..No." She hesitated.
"You did!" She shouted in excitement, "You had to, your neck says it all! Oh my god how was it?"
"Did you hear me? I said I didn't" KD scoffed.
"You can deny it all you want, because not only did they say they saw him walk in there last night, they said they heard all types of noises coming from his room." Soona scoffed, "Who knew you could be sick a freak in bed KD,"
"Stop that," She said, pushing Soona away from her.
"Oh my gosh, my baby is growing up." Soona groaned with fake tears, "She finally has become a woman. You're very first one night stand"
"Would you shut the hell up," Kadira laughed, "It's not that serious."
"Was it good?" Soona teased.
KD smiled, "from what I can remember it was nice.. We both were pretty drunk."
"Doesn't matter, You had a one night stand, I'm just proud." Soona went on and on about it.
Though Kadira was embarrassed about that childish decision she made, when she replayed the memories of last nights, she definitely thought it was worth it. 
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pesquisaomegaverse · 6 months
manda mais spoilers mooooood!
Vamos de spoilerzinho sobre o condomínio, anon?
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Blossom Grove é um ambicioso projeto de “condomínio” que gira ao redor da ideia de co-living e renovação de mansões históricas e abandonadas de Donggul Tokki em Itaewon, Seoul. Revelado em 2022 durante sua fase de finalização de planejamento, o intuito do projeto seria retomar a identidade cultural do bairro e recuperar o sentimento de pertencimento, acolhimento e orgulho, tendo as Mansões Haebaragi, Maehwa, Jangmi e Beotkkot como ponto de partida para essa iniciativa.
Estima-se que as quatro mansões tenham sido construídas nos anos 1800, em datas diferentes, mas não há uma noção sobre o tempo correto devido às várias renovações pelas quais já passaram ao longo dos anos e os longos processos de leilões da prefeitura. De residências de famílias ricas até lar de acolhimento para jovens LGBTQIA+ e ponto de tráfico de narcóticos, as três possuem histórias diferentes e permaneceram fechadas nos últimos 50 anos, antes do filho de um magnata local decidir investir uma última vez antes que os locais fossem permanentemente destruídos pelo governo. Os nomes surgiram devido às várias flores e árvores que as circundam. Com uma aparência pitoresca que mistura o tradicional coreano com o romântico europeu, cada uma destaca-se pela pintura de suas fachadas: Haebaragi exibe um vívido amarelo, Maehwa um suave lilás, Jangmi um poderoso tom carmesim e Beotkkot um tranquilo rosa bebê.
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xojinnie · 2 years
one (1) missed call
SELF-PARA ; jinnie receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years.
     hate wasn’t a word jinnie used a lot ( or ever ) but when it came to this, it was the only descriptor that came to mind.  
     this being: phone calls from unknown numbers. every time a string of numbers — not a contact name — popped up on her screen, it filled her with anxiety. on a rare occasion, it was actually a call from someone who did need to contact her, like her therapist’s office or an industry friend she’d made at an event. however most times, the calls came from people who were trying to invade her privacy. sasaengs, really. jinnie didn’t like calling them fans. real valentines wouldn’t make her feel uncomfortable by trying to figure out her location or calling her non-stop. that was precisely why she sent those kind of calls straight to voicemail. 
     she’d been in the middle of brushing lulu’s hair when an incoming call appeared on her phone screen. the number was unfamiliar, causing jinnie to frown thoughtfully as she pressed the reject button. she hoped it was just a robocall and not an actual person. she already had to change her number once this year, and it was too much of a hassle with her family and friends to do again. a lump of uneasiness began to form in her throat, one that she swallowed down as she returned her attention to the cat. she started brushing lulu once again for a few silent moments before a ding interrupted the peace.
     jinnie glanced at her phone again. one new voicemail. she hesitated before she opened the notification, pressing playing. 
     “ haebaragi. it’s me. ”
     of all the voices in the world, she never expected to hear his. the last time she had, she’d been a little girl. but she knew her ears weren’t deceiving her. it may have been a voice she hadn’t heard in ages, but jinnie knew. only one person in the world ever called her ‘my sunflower’. a shaky exhale slipped from her lips, eyes widening in shock. she snatched the phone off of the nightstand to switch it to hand held, her fingers tightening as she brought it to her ear.
     “ it’s been a while, i know. ”
     eighteen years, to be exact.
      “ i’m not sure if this is still your number but if it is. . . call me ? your appa misses you. ”
     the voicemail ends unceremoniously. her skin felt like it was prickling with anxiety. how had he gotten her number ? what did he want ? she knew she probably should have called her mother and tell her what happened. but at the moment, she was too stunned to really do anything but stare at the phone. her body was moving before her brain as she scrolled to her missed calls, calling back the most recent number. numbly, the phone was brought back to her ear to listen to the dull rings until — 
     “ yunjin-ah ? ”
     her father’s voice cut in abruptly amidst the ringing. the familiar tone pierced through her heart. 
     “ hi. ” she choked out. 
     “ i knew you’d call back ! that’s appa’s girl. your brother and sister won’t answer my calls. ”
     she processed that information. he’d been trying to get into contact with jihoon and sunhi ? why ? after all of these years. . .
     “ i see your face everywhere, you know. and every time, i tell whoever is around me: that’s my daughter. an idol ! of course, they don’t have a reason to believe a crazy old man like me but i know it’s the truth. i always knew you had something special. always dancing and singing around the house. i knew it. ”
      jinnie’s hands trembled, tightening her grip on the phone. a sour taste formed in her mouth. it didn’t seem fair that he talked about her like he had any hand in any of this. she’d been four when he left their family behind. he’d taken all of their savings, left a note, and just left. she didn’t know that last part until she was much older, and it had hurt to hear when jihoon had told her. a part of her brain was screaming for her to hang up. he would have deserved it. but even when faced with a person who had hurt her so much, she didn’t have the heart to be cruel.
     “ are you still there ? ”
     she blinked out of her reverie and nodded, realizing a moment too late that he couldn’t see her. “ yes, appa. ” what a strange word on her tongue. she hadn’t used it forever. “ i-i’m still here. ”
     “ listen, i know you’re a busy girl making everyone proud. i won’t take up too much of your time. appa needs your help, sunflower. i’m not proud to admit this but. . . i need to borrow some money. ”
     there it was. there was the catch.
     “ i’ll pay you back. ” ( he wouldn’t. ) “ i know i should be strong for you and your siblings, but i can’t. things have been really hard lately. appa hit some really hard times. ”
     there was a sudden franticness to his voice. jinnie wished she didn’t recognize it, but it brought her back to being a little girl — watching her father tear through the house to see if he could find any abandoned money within the crevices of their small family home. his tone had been frantic then, as well. he needed to pay them back. he needed to pay them back. she would watch him then, concerned, as he’d turn pillows over in his search.
     “ i promise i’ll pay you back. it may take me some time, but — ”
     “ how much do you need ? ” she normally didn’t interrupt when others were talking, but his rambling was making her grow more panicked.
     “ not much. just, uh, 143 million won would set me right. ”
     jinnie blanched at the number. what could her father possibly need with that amount of money ? it may not have been close to breaking her bank by any means, but the amount wasn’t insignificant. that was the kind of money she sent to her umma and grandparents to make sure all of their needs were taken care of: mortgage, bills, meals. to have the request coming from someone she hadn’t seen or talked to since she was four was shocking to say the least.
     “ that’s nothing for you. right, sunflower ? seen your face on billboards and in commercials. you probably make that kind of money with a snap of your fingers now, don’t you ? appa’s little superstar. ”
     “ that’s not true, i — ” her voice broke off. truthfully, this conversation made her uncomfortable. she never enjoyed talking about money. “ what do you need it for ? ”
      “ aish, what kind of question is that huh ? remember who you’re talking to. i’m the parent, not you. ”
     his tone shifted from warm to harsh in a matter of seconds. she winced, her shoulders stiffening in embarrassment. his scolding yet again reminded her of the past. once the charming smile went away, her father could become a different man — that was what her mother had always told her.
     “ i’m sorry — ”
      “ no no, yunjin-ah. i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have raised my voice. ” in an instant, the calm tone was back. almost as if he realized that he’d overstepped. “ i’m just... very tried. things are hard and your appa needs you. please. i’m not too proud to beg. ”
     the sadness was clear in his voice. she blinked back sudden tears, hating to hear him in pain. what was she meant to do ? tell him no ? circumstances aside, he was her father.
     “ ah, i gotta go. think about it, huh ? you have my number now. but i need to know sooner rather than later. you want to help your appa out. i know it. you always took care of all of us. but i won’t pressure you. just give it a think and call me back soon. i love you, sunflower. ”
     jinnie opened her mouth to respond, but the click signified that the call had been ended. silent tears streamed down her face as she pulled the phone away, staring at the home screen. her heart raced rapidly, expanding against her tight chest in such a painful way that she thought she was going to die. she hadn’t had a panic attack since the day of her music video shoot but she could feel the signs coming on yet again. fighting her bleary vision, she dialed the first number on her favorites list. deiji. she sniffled as the call rung and rung, before it connected.
      “ unnie ? ” she whispered hoarsely, her voice a bit thin from the panic. “ i-i need you. ”
      the phone dropped to jinnie’s lap as she closed her eyes.
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ncteby · 2 years
₍ ᶻᶻᶻ [NCTEBY] is typing ... ₎
❱ http:˚♡TOTHEWORLD여기는EBY!˚ˑؘ :🫂: ·˚•org
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪsʜ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪs ғɪʟᴇ?
ʏᴇs [ √ ]           ɴᴏ [   ]
ʟ ᴏ ᴀ ᴅ ᴇ ᴅ
➦ P A S S W O R D : 04/09/2016
➦ A C C E S S : C O N F I R M E D
➦ C O N T I N U E ?
┆○ NO      ● YES
┊      ┊     ┊⋆。  ┊     ┊    ┊    ┊
┊ ⋆。 ┊     ┊      ┊     ┊⋆。┊   ༊*·˚
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┊      ‧₊ ༉   ┊     ˚✩     ┊    ๑՞.
┊             ₊˚.༄             ┊
✩₊̣̇.                               ੈ♡˳
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Eusbia-Amala Adesida (Professionally known as EBY) is the eleventh member of the co-ed group NCT and is in the subunits consisting of NCT U, NCT 127, NCT VOXARA, and NCT DREAM. She first debuted on February 8th, 2013, but became an official NCT member on April 09th, 2016, with NCT U; on July 16th, 2016, with NCT 127; August 8th, 2016, with NCT VOXARA (her VOXARA members became official NCT members as well) and August 25th, 2016 with NCT DREAM under SM ENTERTAINMENT.
NCT Fandom Name: NCTZENS 
NCT Fandom Color: Neo Pearl Champagne
Solo Fandom Name: N/A 
Solo Fan Color: Black, Blue, and Red
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
BIRTH NAME— Eusbia-Amala Akunna Loyiso Adesida
KOREAN NAME— Kim Haebaragi
POSITION— Main Dancer/Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Center, & FOTG
BIRTHDAY— January 1st, 1999
HEIGHT— 5’10
WEIGHT— 160 lbs (72.57 kg) (This information is not known to the public)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
• She is the only female member of NCT 127 & NCT DREAM
• She has broken many billboard records and won seven Grammys
• Although, as of right now, she has her apartment, she still has solo rooms in both NCT 127 & DREAM’s dorms
• She is the first female Kpop soloist to perform at the Grammys
• Her favorite school subjects were math, science, and history
• She graduated valedictorian of both her high school & college class
• She is close with all of the the older members in NCT & SUPERM
• She has production, composition, and lyric credits on most of NCT, WayV, and SUPERM’s music
• She isn’t in the Limitless MV and the album cover because of her filming schedule she had to deal with (I’ll get into more details in the chapters I write)
• During the NCT 2020 era, she isn’t the following MV’s for 90s Love, Misfit, and Make A Wish (Birthday Song) due to her schedule for her solo and the NCT VOXARA album released in 2020 (She is part of the units though) and declined to be part of the photobook and the Make A Wish performances due to creative differences
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
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ilsangilbo · 2 years
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hello everyone! with the opening of our roleplay, we would like to share with you all our first event, founder’s day! this event is in place to celebrate ilsang’s 69th birthday! although the event in the storyline is from august 1st to august 31st, the admod team encourages all of our writers to write for this event from august 20th to september 17th. find out more about the event under the cut!
with the celebration of ilsang’s 69th anniversary, many businesses and townspeople have set special events in place for our lovely residents and visitors to enjoy! if you work at any of the establishments below, please keep in mind that you will be on duty for most of this event. muses with required work hours will be listed below their respective establishment.
cha ko latte:
the bakery has decided to host a cupsleeve event in celebration of the town’s anniversary! each person who stops by for the event will receive a beautiful cupsleeve with a sunflower emblem on it! there are also special drinks that will be available to the public for a limited time only!
‘haebaragi plaza’: a chilled citron green tea with fresh slices of lemon, honey, and mango chunks! ‘jeongsang park’: a frozen chocolate mocha drink with whipped cream, drizzled chocolate syrup, and tapioca pearls! ‘yeonhwa-gil’: a butterfly pea tea with sprite, fresh lemon slices, and mint!
ON CALL ↳ park hyemi ‘hailey’ ( barista ) ↳ hwang minho ( barista )
the town bar will be hosting an event every friday in the month of august; however, the type of event will alternate between every other friday. the bar will kick off their events starting with a karaoke night on august 5th and another one on august 19th! any resident will be able to access this event, as it is held in the main bar area of midnight. the themed parties ( august 12th and august 26th ), however, will be exclusive to those with a password only! for the day of august 12th, the theme for midnight’s exclusive event will be 'a blast of the past’ themed! muses are encouraged to wear a timepiece of some sort, whether it be a put together costume or an outfit from their grandparents’ wardrobe! on august 26th, the theme will be 'into the future’-- encouraging residents to dress as what they think the fashion statement of the future will be! 
in order to get into any of the exclusive events, muses will need a password, which means that all muns must incorporate at least one word in their writing for the following themes. failure to present a ‘password’ will leave your muse stranded outside the speakeasy doors. in other words, there is no ooc password. in order to get your muse in you must use the one of the words in a thread. a blast of the past: butthead, gnarly, cowabunga, righto, nifty into the future: unknown, bright, galactic, golden, technology
those who choose to participate in the speakeasy event may also make a graphic for their muse if they so choose (optional)!
ON CALL ↳ miyazaki mei ( bartender )
yeong stage & theater
as summer comes to an end, yeong stage & theater will be hosting their annual ‘movies under the stars’, which will take place in jeongsang park! residents and visitors are invited to join the theater on select nights throughout august for nights full of movie fun. as this is primarily a drive in theatre, guests are allowed to bring their vehicles in order to watch the movie in the comfort of their own car. however, for a more eco-friendly option, the theater has made room near the front of the event for those who choose to opt for a picnic style viewing. dates and their respective movie showings can be found below. ↳ AUGUST 3 — ALIENOID ( 2022, sci-fi/action ) ↳ AUGUST 10 — SPIRITED AWAY ( 2001, fantasy/adventure ) ↳ AUGUST 17 — JURASSIC PARK ( 1993, sci-fi/adventure ) ↳ AUGUST 24 — TOY STORY ( 1995, family/comedy ) ↳ AUGUST 31 — DIRTY DANCING ( 1987 , romance/drama )
the theater is a little short on staff this season and is asking for anyone interested in gaining a TEMPORARY POSITION to please reach out as soon as possible! to ‘apply’ for this event position, please write the name of the job in the replies below; your muse will only work this job for the event!
ON CALL ↳ food runners ( 0/2 ): ↳ ushers ( 0/2 ):
town parade
on the day of august 20th, the town will host it’s 68th annual town parade! all residents, establishments, and university clubs are invited to create their own float to roll down the streets of ilsang! at the end of the parade walk, residents and visitors will have the chance to vote on their favorite float of the season. mayor choi has so graciously volunteered to gift the winner of this event an eco-friendly electric scooter (which he claims values at 1 million won). participants may work individuals or in teams of two or more!
in order to participate in the event, muns are encouraged to make a graphic of some sort which indicates the theme of their float (can be what the float was inspired by, the float itself, etc... be creative!). the general theme for the parade is to showcase what ilsang means to you!
town carnival
on the night of august 20th, jeongsang forest will be lit up with neon lights as the town’s favorite carnival rolls in! there is an admission fee for guests of 13,000₩; however, all activities ( with the exception of vendors ) will be covered with the cost of admissions. here at the town carnival, there’s an activity for everyone! the town museum & library will be hosting a face painting booth, ilsang’s botanical garden will be hosting a sunflower contest to find the biggest sunflower of this season, and isang wonders will be letting guests have a shot at winning awesome prizes at their water gun racing game! for our thrill seekers, the town has set up three particular attractions: a ferris wheel, mirror maze, and a disco pang pang! for food, the bandal pocha has decided to open up shop as a vendor for the event! aside from some food and drinks off their usual menu (tteokbokki, odeng, corn cheese), moon insook has insisted on selling hot korean corn dogs and sotteok!
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kyungwonrp · 2 years
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CHEON SUJIN is 19 YEARS OLD and currently enrolled in kyungwon universitY. she is in her 1ST YEAR of the UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM, majoring in PERFORMING ARTS. she is  and a member of the MUSIC CLUB and DANCE CLUB. she is working ON-CAMPUS as a GARDENER at the HAEBARAGI GREENHOUSE. you may find her in the WEST WING (ROOM #1).
                    + ... // LOAD STUDENT BACKGROUND . . .
Sujin also goes by Marisol has been the type to make people around her smile, feel safe and laugh. She is a beautiful soul though it’s as people say those who smile the brightest are the most damaged. She is a natural protector being the oldest of three girls, Sujin took the abuse growing up in order to give her sisters a safer home. Physical and Mental abuse took a toll on Sujin closing herself off from making friends, but it never stopped her from smiling. She continued helping her sisters until the accident occurred. Sujin and finally turned 18 years old and was able to find work, promised her sisters they would move out and start a new. She had saved everything she could and make a deposit on a one bedroom apartment outside of Busan. Never did she imagine she would come back home to find the death of her sisters, and mother. Sujin was never rich or smart like her peers or her sisters, but she knew her father was out there laughing at her misery. He evaded the cops and Sujin had nothing to live for, and everything faded into darkness.
Sujin found a letter from her sisters for her birthday, that was a week away. She was brought to tears and realized she had a life worth living, if not for her then she should live for them. A year later she enrolled into Kyungwon University in oder to pursue something she always wanted, music, dance and art. While music was her love, dance  and art was in honor of her sisters. Behind her smile, darkness and sorrow follow and hopefully one day she can confront it. Sujin is also still trying to find her father but knows if she was to come in contact with him, it would be dangerous but she still wants justice, possibly revenge? Sujin is till trying to figure herself out after all these years, hopefully there is light on the other side.
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wiiildrose-mixtapes · 5 months
Mixtape: Raining Spell for Love
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01. Sarangi Meotji Anhge (Raining Spell for Love) 02. Neorago (It's You) 03. Baegilmong (Evanesce) 04. Heads Up 05. Always 06. Meomunda (Daydream) 07. Yeohaeng (A Short Journey) 08. You Are the One 09. Uriege (The Melody) 10. The Lucky Ones 11. Somebody New 12. RESET 13. Don't Leave Me 14. Endless Moment 15. Haebaragi (Sunflower) 16. SHINING STAR
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choujinx · 8 days
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HAEBARAGI (2010) by kim yeon-ju
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blossomgrovehqs · 5 months
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⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 DADOS BÁSICOS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
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NOME COMPLETO: Saihara Kwon Kaede.
PRONOMES: Ela/dela.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Japonesa-Australiana.
OCUPAÇÃO: Camgirl.
MORADIA: Haebaragi - 121.
AROMA: Laranja, cranberry.
CONTA: bsgkaengaji
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 BIOGRAFIA︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
GATILHO(S): Nenhum.
Filha de duas alfas extremamente exigentes, Kaede foi adotada ainda quando era muito nova, não se lembrando de sua antiga família, e tendo memórias trágicas de sua família atual.
Desde sua infância até sua adolescência, e enfim, a vida "adulta", Kaede foi considerada uma alfa anormal por todos, por ser uma alfa mais feminina e delicada, Kaede era julgada por todos, tendo sido nominada como a vergonha da família.
As crianças onde vivia, geralmente de famílias poderosas, não pegavam leve com a pequena Saihara, sempre ouvindo desaforos, e nunca se defendendo.
Kaede não aguentava mais viver nessas condições, onde até suas mães a olhavam com desgosto tremendo.
A jovem alfa viu sua chance de liberdade quando suas mães contaram sobre uma viagem de negócios onde suas madrinhas moravam.
Kaede vendo como ultima opção, decidiu recorrer as suas madrinhas, sendo aceita logo em seguida.
Mesmo que tenha sido aceita, Kaede decidiu que não queria mais depender de sua família, mesmo que fossem importantes para si, ela queria poder ter suas próprias responsabilidades, e um lugar para chamar de seu, então, quando seus estudos chegaram no fim, Kaede se mudou para Haebaragi, onde sua nova vida atual começou.
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 HEADCANONS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
Kaede possui uma vida dupla, onde de dia é apenas uma alfa comum no meio de tantos outros, e, ao anoitecer, uma camgirl, onde seu objetivo é, não só satisfazer a seus viewers, mas, conscientizar a todos que alfas podem sim ser mais delicados e femininos.
Kaede possui facilidade em aprender idiomas, o poder de sua (ex) família influenciou Kaede a explorar sua habilidade. A jovem, mesmo que com pouco aprendizado, pode dominar facilmente idiomas.
Kaede após a morte de seus pais herdará o reinado que ambas as alfas conquistaram.
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ohpollenpowder · 1 year
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Haebaragi's Tears makes a charming backdrop for Mortician Vekkuz's tea
:) This map. I hate this map. So fucking tall. And no real good way to get up the tol without struggling. The ziplines don't help. Just. Ugh. My least liked map of new expansion goes to: New Kaineng.
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blkjkr · 2 years
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“I love you, my little bird.”
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Lee Haebaragi.
PRONOMES: Ela/dela.
NASCIMENTO: 05/10/2000.
CIDADE NATAL: Ulsan, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Líder da sub-unidade, dançarina, vocalista, rapper do Glittermoon.
DEBUT: 21 de janeiro de 2018.
CONTA: curdledmiilk
FACECLAIM: Choi Yena (solista), idol.
Participação em um single da companhia: Smiley by Yena (15)
Participação em um single da companhia: Smartphone by Yena (15)
DJ em show de rádio por 4 meses: 25 pontos
MC por 6 meses em music show: 25 pontos
Momento viral: Gangsta Yena 13/09/2020 (20)
Kuromi Yena 25/01/2022 (20)
TW: Grande diferenças de idade, gaslighting, dietas extremas, gordofobia, adição a jogos de azar.
Era claro que Eunbi amava Daejeong! Poderia existir uma diferença de idade de mais de 60 anos entre eles, e uma grande distância entre suas classes sociais, mas claro que era amor verdadeiro... Por isso que Eunbi tratou de ter uma filha o mais rápido possível — francamente, era um milagre que aquele mastro ainda levantasse —, assegurando a for... Quer dizer, assegurando uma prova de amor indescritível ao velho Daejeong. 
Haebaragi, como a flor favorita de Eunbi, nasceu no verão e trouxe consigo a certeza de que a mulher não seria destituída do dinheiro do marido quando este finalmente partisse. Ela não era boba, sabia exatamente o jogo que a mãe jogava. Quando Daejeong começou a exibir suspeitos sinais de cegueira, Haebaragi sabia ser obra de sua mãe. Além disso, o fato da mulher contar à filha todos os seus planos ajudava muito nessa certeza. De sua forma torta, Eunbi de fato amava Haebaragi e queria o melhor para ela.
O melhor, na visão de Eunbi, era ter fama e dinheiro. Dessa maneira, arranjou para que a filha desde cedo participasse de concursos de beleza mirim, grupos de dança, aulas de etiqueta, sessões de fotografias, comerciais, dentre outras ações publicitárias que pudessem alavancar sua imagem de alguma forma. No início, Haebaragi até gostava, porque a mãe fazia tudo parecer uma brincadeira. Quando Daejeong começou a ficar senil e seus irmãos mais velhos decidiram interditá-lo para seu próprio bem, a mulher se tornou um pouco mais amarga, e assim a profissão já não mais encantou os olhos de Haebaragi.
No entanto, ela não possuía escolha. A mãe lhe forçava a frequentar aulas de canto e sapateado, e quando exibia uma gordurinha a mais, era forçada àquelas dietas terríveis. Foi por pouco que Haebaragi não desenvolveu nenhum transtorno alimentar ou algo do gênero, mas ela certamente chegou perto disso. Seu vício acabou residindo em outro ponto: jogos de azar.
Quanto mais audições a mãe lhe obrigava a passar por, mais dinheiro Haebaragi apostava na roleta. Em algum momento, ela teve de se mudar de Ulsan para Seul com Eunbi, visto que todos os agiotas e criminosos do local estavam atrás da menina. Foi logo depois que ela recebeu a notícia de ter passado nas audições para o Glittermoon... E quão incrível foi perceber que, no final das contas, o mundo ainda a veria como um pequeno anjo imaculado.
Ethel virou seu “nome de guerra”. Ainda não entendia a razão de terem escolhido ela como líder de uma das subunidades, algumas trainees mais velhas até mesmo se ressentiam, mas ninguém poderia negar o talento de Ethel. Sorrindo diante das câmeras, sempre com a mão de ferro da mão puxando seus cabelos para mantê-la sob controle. Eles mal sabiam quem estava vindo atrás dela...
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