#mail forwarding
ibexsystems · 1 year
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Efficient Mailing Services in Dubai, UAE | Ibex Systems
Our mailing services provide fast and reliable delivery for your business. Let us handle your mail processing and distribution with top-notch efficiency
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mygermanycom · 2 years
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Mail Forwarding Germany: mygermany has the best Mail forwarding services in Germany including forwarding mails and letters by scanning them. They forward all the mails & letters which are attached with the packages. https://mygermany.com/
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
Hi. I've calmed down a bit, and I think it's better if I just take a break from Tumblr for a while. Right now, I don't feel the fandom to be the same chill and safe space as I felt it to be, so I'd rather take some time until I can feel comfortable again with posting. All my side blogs will be on hiatus too. I'm terribly sorry for any discomfort this may cause.
A deep, wholehearted thank you to anyone who reached out in the last hours in replies, asks and dms to share their support and love. Seriously, you can't imagine how much it meant to me, how meaningful every single message I got was to me. Yesterday I was really believing my blog didn't bring anything but negativity and hatred to the community; thank you for reaching out to tell me I was able to share a little happiness, too. Words cannot express how indebted I am to you; you made me feel again like the posting I made on my blog was worth it, for you alone.
I don't think I'll deactivate for the time being. The temptation is still very strong, but I've poured so much time and dedication and love on this blog, I don't think it'd be fair to delete it. I hope in the future there'll still be people who my posts can make happy.
Lastly, I want to apologize once again to the people for whom my posts evoked so many negative sentiments. I know it's impossible to avoid, but I'm still sorry that happened. I apologize to you.
Please, be kind to each other. Make some ss/kk posts on my behalf while I'm away :)
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gomacave · 18 days
Draw req..... seph braiding her hair like aeriths.......
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(she has too much hair to put in one braid) what a good request my god anyways. time to feel unwell about sephagain.
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scoobydoodean · 3 months
the way bronlies are so obsessed that they’ve just become sam in the way they don’t like/won’t allow dean to have other friends 😭
it’s crazy to me, especially for a question whose different answers are both true to an extent bc your definition of “knowing somebody” is totally subjective!
lol that said, i am curious, soo… who do you think knows dean best, sam or cas? somebody else? do you think it changes over the seasons?
One of my friends was just saying that about bronlies and Sam sjhbfhsdhjf. Truly tho they're more insufferable than Sam's ever been. Bronlies are every spoiled child antagonist in every children's book. The Veruca Salt's of fandom. Miserable little cry baby brats screaming throwing tantrums trying to hit everyone with their baby rattlers... over Supernatural (2005) POLLS.
Their indignantion at that poll is pretty hilarious, because Sam doesn't start out the series actually knowing who Dean is at all. He thinks he knows who Dean is, but he doesn't, and this is illustrated to us over a dozen times in season 1. I do think Sam grows to understand who Dean is better over time, but he still sucks at understanding Dean for the vast majority of the series, because in many ways, he doesn't actually care to stop and think and study who Dean is and ask himself whether he actually knows him. He prefers an image he's made up in his head of who Dean is instead—an image that comforts him or bolsters his own self-image in some way. Dean is smart when Sam wants him to be smart and stupid when Sam needs to feel smarter (1.10, 1.16, 4.12, 8.14). Dean is strong when Sam wants him to be strong and weak when Sam needs to feel like the strongest person around (4.10, 4.11, 4.14, 4.16, 4.20, 4.21). Dean isn't opening up enough (2.02, 2.03, 2.04), then Dean is too emotional and soft and needs to get over it (2.10, 2.11, 2.14, 4.14, 4.16). Dean is a protector and nurturer who is failing to nurture and/or protect Sam adequately (3.09, 4.04, 8.23), then Dean is smothering (5.07, 8.20).
Basically, because Sam spends so much time trying to force Dean to fit into the shape he wants Dean to fit into, instead of actually trying to understand who Dean is, he often (unknowingly in some cases) completely lacks insight into who Dean actually is, and I'd say while he gets better at recognizing this, and better at understanding who Dean really is over time, surrounding certain subjects (especially things like grief), this refusal to see the actual real Dean continues through the entire run of the show (ex: 13.04).
I guess the question is then... is Cas actually better at understanding Dean than Sam is? And for me? Honestly I think it's a wash. I don't actually think either of them is Mr Amazing Perfect Dean Understander to be quite honest with you. I mean—practically Dean and Cas's entire schtick is perpetual misunderstandings bolstered by their own insecurities? They understand the important parts like that they each have good intentions and are good hearted, but I don't think Cas ever really understood how their repeated cycle of conflict made Dean feel. I don't think he ever understood how deeply entwined Dean's well-being became with his own, to the point that Dean was Not Fucking Okay when Cas was dead. I think Cas had a leg up in getting genuine insights into Dean's feelings straight from Dean for a long time because of the childhood dynamics and previous events that have made using Sam as a confidant uncomfortable and/or unsafe for Dean (2.03, 2.11, 4.14, 4.21, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03). I think Cas also understands Dean’s feelings more than he lets on and often acts on his perceptions of Dean's feelings without communicating those perecptions to anyone (and sometimes he's right... but sometimes he's also very VERY wrong).
We get a sort of back and forth with Sam and Cas understanding or not understanding different aspects of Dean's feelings or behavior. Think about "Nihilism" for example, when Sam and Cas walk through the darkness of Dean's mind, and Cas is shocked by the amount of trauma in Dean's mind and Sam just says, "Well. Yeah." But then compare that with 10.03 "Soul Survivor" where Cas was able to explain to Sam why demon Dean didn't want to be cured no matter how much blood they gave him. Sam didn't understand, but Cas understood Dean's perspective immediately (and that entire episode was a scathing commentary on Sam's lack of insight into Dean tbqh).
All of that said, I think I did vote in that poll and I picked Cas, and I would do it again. :) In fact, I will vote against Sam in any moment of uncertainty in any poll I see going forward, because bronlies are pathetic cry baby brats victimizing themselves 24/7 over Tumblr polls and can get fucked.
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stuffbymail · 2 years
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WHO WOULD WIN: two months of artblock or the girl with the gall
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c-kiddo · 4 days
exciting !
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keischreiber · 25 days
Additionally, the perfumes also have their cadet variants.
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Additionally for Reiner, there's also this:
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heich0e · 9 months
liv did u hear about what happened in the latest jjk chapter </3
no what's jjk
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tw0starz · 3 months
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oozeandgoo-art · 3 months
This is going to sound unexpectedly specific compared to my usual vague-as-fuck questions. Context being: I want money, I cannot commit to doing commissions at the moment and drawing is my only marketable skill.
If you were to buy a character "adopt" - premade design for your use, art by me and no rights retained except to like merchandising that original art - would it be a significant factor in either a positive or negative direction if the art were originally done digitally vs traditionally?
Likewise, if you were to buy a traditionally-drawn adopt, would the inclusion of the original paper-and-ink drawing be a significant benefit to you that you would consider paying more than just "base" price for?
Third, regardless of medium, would you want "scratch" papers where I did the brainstorming before the final concept was finished - this wouldn't be at any extra cost i just wonder.
Fourth, would you prefer a "flat" sale or an auction? (I like buying things at auction-style sales, and it means you might get a cheaper price than i'd normally list whatever it is for, but I am given to understand that my preferences vary from the norm pretty significantly lol) .
Fifth, would TF or at lesat mecha designs be more interesting than non-TF ones or would more general "can use this as any oc for anything" type characters be more appealing?
Ah - sixth and last, do regular ocs appeal more or less than kink/fetish-oriented ocs like "suspiciously wide-hipped lady who just so happens to have a mouth in her crotch" or stuff in that vein lol? I'm not sure I can stop myself from coming up with at least one erotic as fuck design because that's just how my brain works, but it's good to know if i should try and focus on that or leave it be and just focus on concepts that seem interesting enough to get a shape out of.
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vanessaaftonsgirl · 11 months
i have over 300 emails in my work inbox cuz apparently my coworkers think i don’t have anything better to do
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sunshinenextdoor · 9 months
Letter Prompts! Give me the [ Mistake ] letter! :> That one sounds like it can be fun!
((Tried to make it open so that anyone can join in if they would want to:> ))
Someone woke up to find a mysterious letter in their mailbox. It's soft to the touch and ornated with green leave stickers, sealed with a beautiful light teal wax seal that has a wind chime flower stamped into it. They find it a bit strange at first, as they have never gotten any kind of mail like this before, but went on to opening it nonetheless. Since it could only be meant for them, right?
As their hands go on to open the neatly decorated case, they get slapped by an intense smell of lotus honey and probably some kind of hibiscus and lavender scented perfume, just oozing out of the slightly crampled paper inside. "Wow, okay, this is getting *really* weird" they probably think to themselves.
A few minutes later, after the intense aroma wears off, it may be possible to read it afterall! The letter reads as followed:
"Oh my Dearest, Only Love, my heart aches to be with you again. I miss every little breath, every warming glimpse you give to me. It's only been a day, but I already feel the urge to feel the touch of your fingers, the imprint they make on my skin as they burn, and how they get hotter as your blush grows on your body when I embrace you. I know I act coy, and I'm a jerk sometimes, but in reality, you are the only one who ever saw me this way, and the thought of it makes me drunk. No one can know of our relationship, for they don't understand, but I still want to pursue your love, for it is sweeter than honey, and truer than any word Nivara could say in a thousand years. (Please don't tell her I said that..) Ahem, I wish to meet up in secret again, unknown from the world. I'll be waiting for you by night. I need to feel your warmth again.
- Wesley"
Well. Seems like someone's in big trouble at the Nel'Vari post office! Maybe try to find the person who this could be addressed to?
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mcondance · 1 year
hobie is so obviously clingy. when he isnt out causing trouble or doing a show, hobie can usually be found with you. sometimes he's subtle, sometimes not. holding your hand when your outside, letting you lead him forward. his hand brushing against your waist to pass you in the kitchen to grab something. a finger in your belt loop. thigh pressing against yours.
oh man dont even get me started when he fucks u 😋😻
the last two… finger in the belt loop… thigh pressing against yours.. yeah you prayin on my downfall.
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subwaytostardew · 3 months
Ingo would probably enjoy a date in the restored Community Center, there's a lot to do in the place and another incentive to restore the poor place. But if it's still not yet done you and Ingo watch Chandelure go Junimo hunting while Ingo helps motivate you to finish the Community Center.
The Community Center is one area is interesting track to take but that also means that Thylak will have to figure out the code for the event to play - Like if Community Center complete - play this event and vise versa. Which means 2 possibly events.
I might have to discuss the idea further with him - since uhh Emmet's 8 heart event took like... 2... months.. ish.
(It was a lot of figuring out separate routes etc.)
Plus any code involving Community Center is messy LOL.
But I can definitely see Ingo and the farmer having fun at the community center or Ingo wondering why Chandelure is so drawn to the center.
Honestly the Junimo stuff could be a Chandelure event.... 🤔 Hmmm....
Pokémon Events are later down the line... but definitely something for me to think about.
◁ - Station Stewardess Kade
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writing some letters and im going to be goddamn fucking heartbroken if the post office loses these like they did the last batch of postcards. please god let me fucking show my cool new stationery to my friends
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