#male to muslimah
lucidtg · 11 months
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corrupted-doll · 7 months
I've been talking with @madeeha-amtullah and she suggested the name "Maha" for me. It means "beautiful eyes" she says. So If you want to call me Maha, you can do that.
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mahamuslimah · 18 days
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Its important for us to know our place.
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hypnowave15 · 1 year
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softeningmyheart · 11 days
Hello and welcome. My name's Rachel. I made this blog because I'm interested in learning more about Islam. I feel called to Islam, but my heart is still torn because of fear and bad circumstances. So please be patient with me as I learn and grow. Insha Allah I will gain the courage and willpower I need to overcome all barriers between me and Allah.
I am not yet Muslim though. I have not taken my shahada. Please do not pressure me to grow faster than I am ready. I will take it when I am ready, when I am able to live a muslim life and exist within a muslim community. I have many barriers in my living situation and in my habits that keep me from being openly muslim or doing things like salah. Rather than judging me, please keep me in your prayers so that I might overcome these circumstances and be free to pursue faith as I choose.
I ask that men, please do not DM me. I am not comfortable with talking to men in private at this stage in my journey. I do not wish to invite any more negative temptations into my life than already exists. Muslim women however, please feel free to reach out. I am all by myself in my journey right now and I hope that will find friendship and sisterhood that will help me grow into a better person.
If you want to know why I'm interested in Islam, there's a few reasons.
Firstly, I feel abandoned by western feminism and I seek real and true sisterhood, without compromise. It feels like Muslimah are the only ones who truly understand what sisterhood is supposed to be, rather than just using it as a means to fuel her own ego and wealth at the expense of others. I feel like I have been encouraged to make myself vulnerable and unprotected for those with the worst intentions.
I have been taught that I am wrong for feeling violated by the exposure of my chest and my hair and I must learn to enjoy being objectified. I have lost all faith in western feminism to help women at all. Western feminists will never look after me or come to save me. It is every woman for herself, so long as she is sufficiently naked and consumerist.
All this, in the name of making a point for a movement that does nothing to actually help women in the worst situations. So for this reason, Islamic ideas of womanhood and the rights of women are highly appealing. Islam gives me the right to gatekeep my beauty. Islam gives me the right to protect myself from the predatory eyes of evil men. Islam tells me that I do not need makeup, or fast fashion, or plastic surgery, in order to be a woman because I was made exactly how I am meant to be by Allah. In Islamic feminist thought, I feel truly protected and liberated from the male gaze.
Some struggle to want the hijab. I struggle because circumstance will not allow me to veil myself. Hijab is a beautiful gift to protect women.
Another reason is because it is fully compatible with my own experiences of the supernatural, as a former neo-pagan and occultist. Through following these paths I saw some of the worst of humanity and I've experienced first hand how these things are not only real, but dangerous. Nothing I ever contacted or indulged in ever felt anything like Allah. No other spirit ever offered me guidance, respect, or protection like Allah.
I will not go much more in depth, because I know I should not project my sins, but I feel it is important to explain my background so you can understand where I am coming to Islam from. I was not a Christian, nor a Jew, nor a Buddhist. I was raised new age, I bounced between polytheist practices that led me down the dark path of the occult and Satanic. Now Allah has blessed me with a change of heart. I hope Allah will forgive me for what I did in ignorance. It is a long road ahead for me, but there is nothing beyond the power of Allah.
So that is why I feel called. There are many reasons, but here are a few of my thoughts on the matter. I have a very complicated life situation and a very complicated relationship with faith. I pray only that my heart be softened, my gaze turned to the straight path, and that the right doors will open to lead me toward truth and goodness in a state of flow and ease. I wish only to be a good person, live a good life, know community, know love, and know spiritual fulfillment. Please pray for me so that the right doors will open for me and lead me into a virtuous life.
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monsterlore · 20 days
Iggy (she)—BLU Demowoman
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The flag is East Pakistan (modern day Bangladesh)
Lim's "slayy gf" 😩👌🏽
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Together, they're inseparable; share 1% of the brain cell; and ruin everything. Iggy is one of the only people who know about Lim's secret millionaire/politician boyfriend.
Ig was named after how she has two pet iguanas 🦎 A male named Sangitajna/Musician and a female named Nartaki/Dancer. Please have mercy I don't understand how to pronounce those 🙏🏽
Muslimah 💙
She's tough, I think she could beat the shit out of her own teammates, unarmed (except the Heavies)
Pretty sure Erik the Heavy ended up having to be Iggy and Lim's dad against his will
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Erik: I must protect my children these grown-ass adults I'm not related to
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comicsart3 · 1 year
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“Whores From Hell!”
“You whores from hell!” raged the furious Ahmed. “How dare you interfere with God’s work? You will suffer a million torments in the fires of Jahannam for this impudence!” Maryam, leading the procession of securely tied bearded male captives, a captured knife in each hand, yawned impatiently. “Will you shut up?” she directed at the ranting Ahmed, firmly held by his shoulders by the tall and elegant Fazia, who kept her dark eyes staring straight ahead, as she strode forward ignoring the crazy Islamist, forcing him to trot to keep up with her. “Just because we interrupted your little beheading party doesn’t mean we broke any of the commandments of Allah - I think that is more your territory.” The scowling Yusuf, similarly bound, nonetheless found himself agreeing with his female captor. “Yes shut up, Ahmed.” he muttered bitterly. “It’s your fault we got captured by these Muslimahs. I told you to stop smoking that weed!”
Maryam laughed at that. “I wondered why he seemed half asleep when I handgagged him!” she exclaimed. She looked over her shoulder at Fazia and Aleena. “Let’s pick up the pace, ladies,” she urged, “I want to get these two yahoos safely stowed in a jail cell before sundown. And Fazia, if your Mad Mullah doesn’t pipe down, feel free to gag him!” Aleena smiled. “Insha’Allah…”she intoned. Even Yusuf miserably nodded.
My interpretation of the story behind this art by Ahmedhse. This is typical of his depiction of strong Muslim women. I suspect an execution is on the cards for these two guys, but perhaps not…. Ahmedhse can be found on Deviant Art.
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hanyasebuahkisah · 11 months
Antara Aku,Engakau Dan Sehelai Kain.
Aku adalah seorang hamba yang penuh akan dosa serta Engkau adalah zat yang selalu membukakan pintu maaf kepada hambamu ini. Lantas apakah salah sehelai kain yang menutupi wajah (cadar) ini digunakan oleh seorang yang penuh dosa ini jika engkau saja masih memberikan jalan untuk bertaubat.
Desember 2022
Bismillah ya Allah bolehkah aku si hamba yang penuh akan dosa ini Istiqomah dengan sehelai kain yang biasa di sebut dengan Cadar. Apakah cadar hanya boleh digunakan oleh wanita wanita muslimah yang telah berilmu tinggi yang sudah taat akan engkau yang cantik. Apakah hamba yang penuh dosa ini tak boleh memakainya (gumamanku di Desember 2022).
Aku tau kalau aku tak cantik maka apa yang harus kututupi dari wajahku, tapi aku nyaman ya Allah dengan menutupi mukaku seperti ini. Walaupun banyak orang yang beranggapan aku mengenakan sehelai kain ini hanya ikut ikutan teman, hanya menghindari dari cemooh orang yang beranggapan aku males ngerawat diri mangkanya ditutupi.
Entahlah berapa banyak opini opini dari orang diluaran sana.
Di bulan di akhir tahun 2022 aku berucap pada diriku sendiri
Aul, Yuk kamu harus kuat ya Istiqomahan cadarmu walaupun kamu masih lepas pasang karena kondisi lingkungan dan keluargamu bisalah Istiqomahkan hal baik ini hingga ada seseorang yang menjemputmu untuk membersami menyempurnakan separuh agamamu, meski keluargamu tak mendukungmu kelak jika kamu telah bersuami, suamimu lah yang berhak menentukannya, semoga kelak aku mendapatkan orang yang tepat dan mendukung aku untuk memakai sehelai kain ini jika bukan di depan dia.
Alhamdulillah hingga tulisan ini ku buat aku masih Istiqomah dengan sehelai kain tersebut ya mungkin ada kondisi dimana aku melepasnya tapi aku selalu berdoa
"Ya allah jika hamba boleh meminta tolong kuatkan hamba untuk Istiqomah melaksanakan Sunnah yang ku pilih ini hingga akhir hidup hamba ya Allah" Aamiin
Kenapa berdoa seperti itu? Ya karena rasa nyaman dan tenang selalu membersamai aku ketika diluaran sana menutup muka dengan sehelai kain ini dan aku yakin dengan sehelai kain ini aku bisa membuat hamba makin taat kepada engkau karena aku merasa sehelai kain ini bukan hanya untuk fashion namun juga sebagai rem untuk hamba yang masih banyak dosa ini jika berada di lingkungan lingkungan tertentu yang mungkin masih banyak ajakan untuk keburukan dari pada kebaikannya
Sekian ceritaku tentang sehelai kain(cadar) yang udah aku Istiqomahkan memakainya hampir setengah tahun ini semoga kedepannya aku makin Istiqomah lagi tidak hanya masalah cadar tapi masalah lain2 antara aku dan engkau Ya Rabb
Satu lagi aku bisa dipertemukan dengan orang yang bisa menerimaku seperti saat ini bukan justru memintaku melepaskan apa yang telah ku perjuangkan. Aamin
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sisterssafespace · 1 year
Assalam alaikum sister,
I wanted to share a concern that I have for all those beautiful and innocent sisters that I see online... I wish I could tell them that their blog (unless it's on private) and the internet cannot be their safe place.
They (we) do not know who is reading, watching and drawing conclusions. In public places, we can usually see who is watching us... but the internet is a public place where we can be seen without knowing who is watching and how.
As muslim women we try hard to protect ourselves from the male gaze... So we have so much we wish to share and social media seems to be the perfect outlet.
We think we are safe because we are mostly anonymous (like here on tumblr) so we share our deepest feelings and thoughts, pics (even blurred) or private moments. But our hearts are soft and in spite of a semi anonymity we create ties with others... some are males. But it feels safe because it's "only the internet" and yet... it's still reality. Am I right to think this is dangerous?
When I see guys (even muslim) lurking on posts by muslimah bloggers : I worry for my sisters. I know it's not my business so I stay quiet... But my conscience is bothering me, that's why I'm writing to you.
May Allah keep all our sisters' heart safe.
(This is a reminder for me too. May Allah forgive me.)
Assalamualaikum beautiful soul 🤍
This ask really touched me because I share the same feelings regarding this topic. Sübhanallah. You are right, the illusion of anonymity that tumblr provides is tricky. I am not going to say much further because your ask is already straight to the point. I pray that Allah swt protects the hearts and the conscious of Muslims everywhere, and help us learn how to respect Allah's boundaries and never cross them, ameen.
The only thing I felt like I wouldn't agree with much is about " sharing our feelings ".. as I am a firm believer in the power of sharing, and healing thru sharing, usually, if I am writing a tumblr post about something personal that happened to me it is basically because I think maybe another sister could learn something from it, or if someone is going through the same thing she wouldn't feel alone in her struggles.. (anyways that's not the point now)
Now, back to our topic, I hope one day we reach a level of consciousness and awareness where my sisters in Islam and sisters in Humanity would see their worth and not give worthless people or random people access to their lives. I hope we reach a stage where a girl's heart is only and primarily attached to her Lord. May Allah swt protect His female slaves from the Shayateen of ins and jinn. Ameen.
Jazaki Allahu kulla Khayr for bringing this up! I hope it reaches so many girls, at least here in the muslim community on Tumblr! May Allah swt keep you steadfast on His path and fill your heart with taqwa my dear. Ameen.
- A. Z. 🍃
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tofulovu · 1 year
Gimana Cara Maksimalin Ramadhan?
1. Ingat Mati
banyak orang di antara kita yg gabisa ngerasain ramadhan tahun ini. kita pun gaada jaminan bisa ngerasain ramadhan tahun depan. So, masih mau males-malesan?
teringat sebuah kisah dari Thalhah bin Ubaidillah yg bermimpi ketemu 2 orang yang berada di pintu surga. orang pertama adalah orang yg mati syahid. orang kedua adalah orang yg meninggal di luar medan jihad. lalu Allah memanggil orang kedua untuk masuk surga terlebih dahulu dibanding orang pertama. Thalhah pun heran, kenapa Allah tidak mendahulukan orang pertama masuk surga duluan, padahal kan beliau mati syahid. alasannya adalah orang kedua memiliki kesempatan 1 kali ramadhan lebih banyak dibanding orang pertama.
betapa berharganya ramadhan, bukan?
2. Muhasabah
Perbanyak muhasabah diri setiap hari, luangkan waktu sejenak, hanya antara kamu dan Allah, jangan ada distract. banyakin dzikir, istighfar.
muhasabah masa lampau, saat ini, dan masa depan.
muhasabah fisik diri, amalan yg tampak, hingga di dalam hati
muhasabah atas peran sebagai hamba Allah, muslimah, istri, anak, dkk
muhasabah bekal untuk surga
3. Perbaikan
senantiasa perbaiki diri setiap hari.
notes: jangan sampai usia muda melenakan kita, kita kira umur kita masih panjang, padahal tidak ada yang tau soal umur sampai mana. toh, jikalau umur kita panjang, dan yg kita kejar dunia, dunia juga akan layu dan rapuh. maka jangan sampai salah fokus tujuan yak!
catatan kecil dari kajian teh Karin pagi ini, barakallahu fiik teh🤍
#ceritahariini #day4Ramadhan
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nurramadanims · 1 year
Numpang Nulis Catetan: “Learn for next journey”
Karena kalo nyatet di Notion bikin berantakan, marilah kita simpen catetan ini di Tumblr hehe. Semoga kalo ada yang baca bisa bermanfaat!
Ini adalah beberapa buku dan kelas persiapan nikah yang pernah ku pelajari atau direkomendasikan oleh beberapa orang, here we go!
Menentukan arah: buku yang nyelarasin konsep menikah, ringan banget rekomended, refleksi diri sebenernya apa yang kita cari dalam sebuah pernikahan, langkah-langkah yang ditempuh apa aja, yang harus dipahami secara konsep apa
Pre Marriage Talk: ini bagus juga, lebih ke detail persiapan apa aja, lucu aja ada tugas-tugas yang harus kita isi, sangat membantu supaya tertuang aja gitu biar gaada dikepala doang
Trias Muslimatika: menurut aku ini buku bagus banget buat memahami peran wanita setelah menikah itu apa. selain tetep jadi muslimah, ada peran baru sebagai istri dan ibu yang bisa juga tetep berkarya
Wonderful journey: aku agak males sejujurnya baca ini cuman banyak orang yang ngerekomendasiin. Ada 6 buku kalo gasalah dalam series wonderful ini. Ada yang buat pasangan, buat istri, suami, ibu, dll. Aku belum beres bacanya.
Bahagianya Merayakan Cinta: belum baca baru mau, karena gada bukunya. Ini worth it si sepertinya apalagi dari sudut pandang islam
Melangkah searah: cerita ringan dari perspektif ibu dan istri tentang daily life tapi banyak hikmahnya
Waktu itu aku ikut dari teh jasmine tapi lupa nama bootcampnya apa. Berbulan-bulan gitu durasinya, kelas tiap weekend. Rekomended sih.
Kelas Proposal Taaruf: latihan mengenal diri buat nyiapin CV. tapi to be honest kelas ini malah bikin mikir asli, sebenernya kita tu kek gimana orangnya, trus di keluarga gimana, kelebihan kekurangan kita apa, rencana buat kedepan kita apa aja setelah dan sebelum nikah, maunya punya partner kek gimana, trus buat mencapai itu semua kita udah punya bekel sejauh mana. Rekomended ugha.
Sekolah Pranikah Salman ITB: rekomendasinya tsabitah kalo gasalah (belum nyoba) https://www.instagram.com/spn.salmanitb/?hl=en
Ada webinarnya dari fapsi unpad tentang marriage: ini bagus banget asli, kan jarang2 ya dapet sudut pandang dari scientifi-nya buk, tapi aku lupa linknya hiks. ini bagus banget kek mencerahkan sekali, nanti aku coba cari linknya
Kelas Belajar Jadi Istri: aku tertarik nyoba si karena materinya terstruktur menurut aku dan kek lumayan komplit. Trus dia waktunya sebulanan ples asinkronus gitu jadi lebih fleksibel. (Btw ini aku lagi nyobain kelasnya, kalau udah beres insyaallah akan ku review) https://www.instagram.com/sekolahrumahtangga/?hl=en
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muslimahsissysblog · 2 years
I'm a 21 year old male from India and i want to be a Muslimah Sissy . I need guidance can somebody help me?
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satsahebs-blog · 1 month
Quran Sharif and Bible has almost the same knowledge about Supreme God/ Allah. Bible Genesis 1: 27 State that God created human beings, making them be like Himself. He created them male and female which proves that God/Allah is Corporeal. He is in the Form
#quran #allah #ramadan #islamic #muslim #SANewsBihar #muslimah #jannah #namaz #makkah #madinah #BaakhabarSantRampalJi
#SaintRampalJiQuotes #SantRampalJiQuotes #SantRampalJiMaharaj
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