#maybe instead I will just make another compilation of other wips and sketches like I did at the end of last year?
turbo-tsundere · 1 month
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Back to the regular programming. Have a wip! Still working on that thing. Things still progress as they were - sometimes I sit and draw a lot in one go, then I have to put it off for many weeks at a time; or I simply just don't have that much energy/focus to be creative - just life being life. But I'm forging ahead. With the help of my friend, all typos or grammar mistakes are now fixed, too, so that's one thing I thankfully don't have to think about anymore. Now I "just" need to keep and keep and keep on drawing, until it's all finished. Wish me luck.
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stepswordsen · 1 year
LimGuda WIP doodles
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I wanted to compile my collection of LimGuda doodles mostly from 2021 ~ 2022. They’re rough WIPs, but I wanted to post the ones I still like. I’ll put them under the cut, along with some rambles I have on LimGuda wearing Việt phục, traditional Vietnamese clothes! I’ve been meaning to redraw these sometime in the future.
LimGuda my comfort headcanon NBLNB couple!!! 🥺 💚 🧡  God I love them so much it's unreal. 
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Việt phục talk 
I’m planning for Douman and Ritsuka to wear matching Việt phục (“Vietnamese traditional clothing”). The specific type of Việt phục they’re wearing is called áo tấc (“10 cm dress”). It’s also called áo tế (“Ritual/Ceremonial dress”). Tấc is a unit of measurement. In modern times, 1 tấc = 10 cm, and it’s the width of the hem of the dress or bound seam. 
Áo tấc is the historical predecessor to Vietnam's national dress, áo dài (“Long dress”). Áo tấc is also called Áo ngũ thân tay thụng (“Five-panel robe with loose sleeves”). It’s a type of Áo ngũ thân (“Five-panel robe”) with large loose sleeves. Áo tấc was worn by all classes for various occasions. 
I have an art idea of Douman and Ritsuka wearing green and red áo tấc... Red is a colour worn by Vietnamese brides. I usually see Vietnamese brides wear red, pink, or gold, etc., or bright colours at their weddings. Red, blue, green, and pink are common Vietnamese wedding colours! So that’s why I want LimGuda to wear green and green áo tấc.
That reminds me, I've had the idea of LimGuda wearing áo tấc in my head for the longest time and I haven't refined the rest yet because I haven't been able to decide whether I want Douman’s hair in braids or ponytail LOL. These are my ideas for them:
Green áo tấc with black trousers, hair based off his 1st Ascension design, but styled into braids or a low ponytail. I think I’ll end up going with the braids! I’m also thinking of another version with him wearing black and red áo tấc with black trousers, based off his 3rd Ascension design.
I think for Douman, I'd use the same muted emerald green he wears. Áo tấc are usually simpler in style compared to outfits like áo nhật bình (“Square collared dress”). 
Red áo tấc with white trousers, maybe a red khăn đóng (turban headpiece), white and red beaded necklaces, and elaborate gold hairpins. As for their hairstyle... maybe I can have their tied back in a bun with some loose strands (the common Vietnamese bride look). Or their hair could just be let down loose.
LimGuda in in Việt phục… wearing my culture’s traditional clothes??? I AM ON THE FLOOR. The Nguyễn dynasty's áo tấc and áo nhật bình make great wedding attire. Red is such a classic colour for traditional wear and weddings to, and Ritsuka would look so kissable in red áo nhật bình~ My wifey wife wife...
I wanna draw them in áo nhật bình eventually, but the patterns on nhật bình are more colourful and detailed, so I'm saving that for another time.  
Extra rambles
Douman has such a good design. Their design is amazing, but it’s so detailed and complex, so I wanted to draw LimGuda in áo tấc so I can have simpler designs to refer back to whenever I want to draw them quickly.
I still have to redraw the áo tấc Ritsuka though, it's an old doodle from 2021, and I improved a lot since then, so it’s outdated compared to my current art style. Somewhere around ~2022, I started using a weighted inky brush instead, and I think it suits my art style more! I love using weighted inky brushes! I've been using it as my sketching/lining brush ever since.
I read an article before that talked about how combinations of green and red in Viet weddings were considered a symbol of courtship and marriage... and romantic with erotic symbolism... Oh my god... LimGuda...
I read a post by @/lotusinjadewell that in Southern Vietnam, Viet brides would wear 2 áo ngũ thân on top of each other, with the outer layer being green, and the inner layer being red. That reminds me of Douman colours...
LimGuda wearing green and red Việt phục (Combusts) I wanted to choose those colours because green and red are also notable wedding colours! Anyways I'd have many more things to say about them, but it'd be an essay, so I just wanted to let people know about my immense love for them!!!
I wanna draw them more, since they’re one of my top favourite ships ever and incredibly important to me, but Douman’s design is the most detailed and complex out of my faves. Still, I'd like to become powerful at drawing them someday. Plus, I wanna give myself simpler outfits to fall back on whenever I don't want to draw their canon outfits (especially Douman's which has too many details)
They give me constant brainrot I think about them every single day. I’ve been down bad for them since December 2020. LIMGUDA
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nananarc · 1 year
Sharing some vague plans for the future (long rant)
I have some long-term projects in mind that i want to be able to work on for the few years at least. Hopefully i can successfully monetize them and be able to make a living for myself doing what i actually love instead of having to take on a corporate job in a shitty company drawing fucking awful shits for awful people.
- a sporadic comic of the daily life of two women living in Hanoi. It's just gonna be a cutesy lovey story. And it's gonna depict the beauty of an ordinary life in my home country. I plan to release lineart version for free, while colored version with extras will be paid. This will allow me to work on the story faster bt dividing it into 2 phase (lineart and then color later), and also allows everyone to have access to my stories.
- nsfw comics: one shots or short series of sexual stories. I have a lot of stories in mind that i want to work on in the future. Stories of angst and fluff alike, but there's gonna be a lot of kinky boinking. I really like telling sexual stories and drawing sensual arts as you can see, so hopefully in the future i can properly share with yall what i have in mind. This is probably gonna be all paid, unfortunately. Nsfw comics are much harder and riskier to work with, so i need to make a living more out of it accordingly.
- some other slice of life comics from waaaay before: i honestly don't know how they are going to play out, but let's just put them here as a self reminder that they still exist lel.
- in the far future, a fantasy epic graphic novel with my sister: thus is more of a passion project at the moment, and it relies on my sister a lot so I can't really say much about it.
- "a complete dummy's guide to drawing" book that covers everything in the process of making art. I strive to cover all the fundamentals and self learn resources for beginners to start drawing. My goal is to provide a framework of thinking so that anyone can self study for art, especially beginner, making art more accessible to everyone. This is a very long term project and I'm only in the very early stage of skeletoning for it. It will be available for free on a pay-what-you-want basis. There are probably something like this already exist, but from my experience, the knowledge and content is very scattered and illogical. I want to give people a more scientific, logical and easier to follow approach to art. So there will be a lot of textbook formatting and havard citing xD well i came from a business background and i found scientific research methods are really convenient in self study. I have not think of a way to make this more profitable tho, especially when it's such an ambitious and long term project. Maybe I'll put it off for another few years before working on it more seriously, when I'm more financially stable. I'll still be writing notes on it on and off as i have been doing for the past couple of years tho.
- zines of artworks and sketchbooks: i plan on compiling more sketches and wips of the past and future into zines to earn some living money out of it. There will also be themed nsfw arts zines that are exclusive, but this is still a very vague idea that i have not hashed out yet.
- paid content will be either available through one time purchase zines, or subscription. Zines are simple to work out, suitable for oneshots, sketchbooks and tutorials. But subscription requires additional maintenance that frankly I'm reluctant to take on. I'm very much not a social person or social media person, and having to consistently giving creations and engaging with people sounds dreadful to me. It's also gonna be tricky to incorporate nsfw and sfw contents in the same subscription so I'll have to work that out in the future if i want to go this route.
- zines and subscription will probably be priced relatively cheap, as I'll mostly be making profits through volume, at least until i figure out a better fitted business model. Something like 5-15$, with nsfw priced higher.
- experimental art project, for a lack of better word: i have some ideas for some experimental shits, some are mixed media with original music and stuff. It will explore old ideas in a new lense, and also explore Vietnamese traditional values as well. I hope to be able to bring the full experience to both offline and online audience, but that's obviously not possible, so I'll try to tweak it so it will still be fun despite on how you experience it. There might be a way to make some money out of it, will figure it out later as i actually work on it. It's gonna be exciting and weird.
- in a far future, I'll open some sort of art mentorship that is based on subscription. I'll be coaching individual over online meetings and personal mentoring, and this is probably gonna be only 1-2 at a time. This is a far future tho.
- I think I'm gonna have a hard time making a living wage for myself considering how niche i am. All the the above are niche at least to a level. So maybe doing commission as active income is still gonna be main income. Even then my audiences are still pretty niche lmaoo but i digress. For the near future, maybe I'll only work for individual clients instead of company due to creative freedom. Not like there will be a line of company begging for me to work for them tho lel it's the opposite.
- i have always been interested in furry arts but never got to really explore this. You'll be seeing more experiment of my art on this in the future. Furries seems to be able to make money more easily too so that's a good thing.
All in all these are just some points I'm telling myself to work on in the future. It's truly hard to find a career here since no one i know irl walk in the same path, so all i do is just fumbling in the dark as i find a way. Tonight i managed to string a few coherent thoughts together so might as well put them down for future reference.
Sorry if i make it all sounds so money and business, but the hard truth is we are living in capitalism and I'm not born into a rich family. I need to be able to live alongside of actually learning how to enjoy living.
Please tell me if you have any comments or suggestions on this, because i really do need the help ahahahahhaa *crying uncontrollably
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