#megumi was a terror of a child and that’s my headcanon
nanamin-nah-nanamine · 7 months
how do you think megumi would react if his s/o had a nightmare? im curiouss
Okay I’m not feeling very well so this is pretty much off the dome but I feel like megumi would respond fairly calmly in this situation. I think he’s a light sleeper so he’d definitely be up before you with squinted sleepy eyes the minute you started to toss and turn. If you don’t look too bothered and you’re still sleeping somewhat soundly he’s going to let you ride it out because to him some sleep is better than no sleep. But if you’re becoming increasingly distressed he’s going to wake you up if you haven’t already woken up on your own. Ever the pragmatic approach he’s going to first, reassure you that you’re safe. Even if that means getting out of bed to pull the handle on the door making sure it’s locked and turning on the lights to throughly give the room a good sweep.
If you’re particularly shaken up he’ll bring out the shikigami and kinda just release them into the hallway, so if anything was lurking it’s not anymore 🤡
He doesn’t make you talk about it if you don’t want to, but if you do he’ll sit and listen. He’s not the best at comforting-he often defaults to problem solving-but one things learned is that it’s okay to just listen.
If you still can’t sleep and you want a distraction, he’s turning on the bedside table wrapping you in his arms and telling you stories from his childhood, stories that no one else but you would get to hear.
“Gumi, there’s no way”you snorted, and rubbed your eyes, sleep and tears still burning at the corners of them. Megumi gave you that lopsided smirk that meant nothing but trouble and nodded in earnest.
“Yeah, gojo wasn’t too happy about that”he said.
“You really brought out nue because he was late to pick you up?”you asked, snuggling deeper into his side. Megumi nodded again and when you looked up he had a little pout on his face, barely noticeable if you didn’t know what he looked like when he was sulking.
“Well yeah”he grumbled, “mother fucker was supposed to bring me to the zoo, I didn’t ace my report card for nothing!”
“You were a terror” you said shaking your head, “how did he react?”
And this time Megumi did laugh, a quiet little thing where you could only feel his shoulders bouncing.
“How would you react if a giant bird had you by the leg 100 meters in the air?”
“No fucking way!”you gasped, smacking his chest. “You sent nue after him?”
And all Megumi did was shrug. “Well he was never late again”
Reblogs are really appreciated if you like my work :)
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