edenslittlecloud · 2 years
i’m tired from labrinth and zendaya is a fucking masterpiece, and i will make my personality around that song
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edenslittlecloud · 2 years
i seriously fucking despise academic validation, it’s fucking exhausting and one can’t never be pleased no matter how tired and drained you get to achieve a perfect score it still won’t be enough so you crave more and more until eventually you crack
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edenslittlecloud · 2 years
How do you end a toxic relationship with yourself? I’m so tired of my own self and want the shitty side of me to fuck off but I don’t know how to stop it from growing and making everything worse
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edenslittlecloud · 3 years
college life, i guess (?)
man, i hate myself.
recently i got into college which made me very proud of myself but i just can’t take it anymore, it’s so hard to do everything on time and do it the right way.
i plagiarized a classmates work, and i don’t feel proud about it. i feel like college isn’t for me but i still want to do it because so many people are counting on me to finish my career and make them proud but i just can’t, it plays with my mental and emotional health a lot.
i’m studying what i wanted to, shouldn’t that be enough? why isn’t it enough? why are tears rolling down my cheeks? why do i feel like a piece of garbage for not understanding a fucking powerpoint presentation? why can’t i stand up for myself in group projects?
it’s just a lot.
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edenslittlecloud · 2 years
quiero comer
quiero comer
quiero comer
el dolor en mi estómago quema y me pide atentamente que busque algo con que llenar ese vacío que tanto me lastima…
pero no quiero
no debo
si logró dejar que esto pase sin llenarlo de comida o agua, tal vez y solo tal vez así pueda retomar lo que alguna vez fue mío.
ese peso ideal que me fue robado por mis propias avaricias y gula
eso peso que tanto he deseado recuperar no importa cuánto me cueste
ese peso con el que todos me querrán de nuevo
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edenslittlecloud · 2 years
a veces me pregunto que hubiera sido de mi si hubiera continuado con mi anorexia y bulimia ¿acaso habría logrado llegar a mi peso deseado? ¿mi familia lo habría notado? ¿me hubiera visto mejor?
in a world were being skinny is a privilege and gives you opportunities, the idea of not eating and being extra skinny with insecurities at all sounds so beautiful
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