#mintmatcha the woman that you are .....
moonshine-dan · 8 months
Just saw the THING @mintmatcha lost her virginity to .... #girl
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mintmatcha · 10 months
This reminds me of those dudebros on Reddit or Twitter who keep trying to tell everyone that women are most fertile between the ages of 16-24 and think any woman 25+ is an ancient withered hag
Its so funny to read fiction written by men because writing always says way more about how you see the world than you think it does
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nepenthendline · 4 years
First date - Ukai
I hope this SOMEONE @mintmatcha​ likes this Ukai because they deserve it
this is like a drabble in bullet points
Request: im not gonna say who but I know SOMEONE who would really like more cute ukai stuff. 👉👈 maybe a little first date action???
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You and Ukai had met after you visited his store a few times, you’d struck up conversation each time you came in, and you soon learned about him, such as his career as a coach and the farm he tended to
He’d talked about how things were going to be busy in the farm soon since many of the produce would be fully grown, resulting in hours of tedious picking before the efforts went to waste
After a few months, you had exchanged numbers with the cute store owner, resulting in you both calling every now and then, checking up on each other and learning more about each other’s lives
He was so sweet; he always seemed to complain a lot about the kids he worked with, but behind the words you could hear the tenderness
Every time the kids came in after school when you were also there ‘browsing the store of its goods’ aka checking out the hot guy behind the counter, he would always tell them to take care of themselves, and give them free snacks or drinks for their journey home
You’d gotten to a stage where you felt you were good friends with him, you’d come to him when you were feeling a little worn out for a chat and so would he
One evening, you got a text about how it was berry picking season, and how he couldn’t make your usual call since he had work to do in the farm
You remembered picking berries as a child, and how fun that was then, so you texted back, telling him about your memories
Much to your surprise, his reply mentioned if you’d like to come with him and pick some too, giving him a hand as well as keeping some for yourself to bring him
Of course you agreed, free berries and time with the cute guy? You’re sold
You wanted to look cute but also berry-picking appropriate, so you wore jeans and a baggy sweater, much like how he looked when you arrived
It was sunset when you got there, only some warmth of the sun left
He gave you an apron to pop on, coming behind you to help tie it, leaving you a little startled from him being so close
You two chatted about the farm, your childhood, your futures - it felt so natural to talk to him, he was a calming figure to be around
He had to scold you a couple times as you ate the berries straight after picking them, but the chuckles he let out after showed that he didn’t mind much
“I have to say, you’re quite good at this, although I don’t have much to compare to since this is the first time I’ve picked fruit with someone other than my mother,” he commented, his head tilted to the side in thought
“Scandalous, letting another woman into your farm? What is this, a date?” You teased, popping another berry in your mouth
His eyes went wide as he stared at you, his cheeks going red and he stuttered out, “w-what? A date? N-no, no,” he quickly looked away, cursing himself for getting so flustered
You’re smile dropped a little, you were only kidding, but you really were interested in him
You both continued picking for a little while in silence until he spoke up
“Um, I mean, this can be a date if you want?” He let out hastily
“Is that what you want?” You asked, with a gentle smile
He nodded, the pink still covering his face
“Then this is a date,” he let out a breath he was holding, and smiled to himself
After a few hours of picking, you two had finished and were now sitting side-by-side in the field with multiple baskets of fruits in front of you
It was dark out now, and the stars were filling the cloudless sky; you both stared up watching them twinkle
“Thank you for coming, and for helping out, I had a good time,” he said, looking to his side at you
“Me too, thank you for inviting me,” you were about to return his smile when you heard a strange, scary noise in the distance
You jumped in your seat, letting out a little squeak
“What the hell was that?” your voice trembled as he chuckled at you
“It’s just the crows in the trees nearby, it’s nothing to be scared of”
“Don’t laugh at me! That sound was scary!” You retort, picking up one of the berries and throwing it at him, watching him laugh and dodge
You were going to throw another when the sound happened again, leaving you to curl up into yourself while he laughed even harder
“C’mon, let’s head back before you get yourself eaten by a crow,” he stood up, brushing himself down and picking up the baskets while you sat on the floor with your jaw hung open
You quickly stood up and tried to follow him, but it was so dark out that you couldn’t see where you were going and tripped a couple times
“Here, hold my hand, that’ll stop you falling over,” he said it so casually, but his face was turned away from yours - you couldn’t see in the dark but he was flustered
You reached for his hand, clinging onto his arm with your other hand
He was so warm, and you could feel his muscles tense under his hoodie - something he must have built from years of volleyball and training
You didn’t say anything, but the late time and his warm made you feel a little sleepy
You couldn’t help but lean into him as you both walked back, resting your head on the top of his arm as you both slowly walked
“You know, if you want to get more free berries, you’re going to have to keep coming back to pick them,” he teased, looking down towards you
“Are you asking me out on a second date?” You questioned, smirking
“Well, waiting for next harvest season is a little to far away, so we could go out for dinner at the weekend?”
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mintmatcha · 3 months
as a bi (ik you said straight but i do feel attraction to men soo) woman who has no idea who tf this man is, he does look scruffy but not in a sexy appealing way. he gives me vibes of an incel or a guy who's obsessed with cryptos and who will try to explain something it related on a first date, who will only talk about himself and won't give you a chance to speak. basically sleazy misogynist. anyways i am getting mad just looking at him and would never sleep with him.
thank you my bi guy
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