#mission karaoke star 2024
Mission Karaoke Star: Day 2
少女S - SCANDAL: 知らない言葉
素顔(すがお)= true face
扱う(あつかう)= to deal with, to handle, to treat
せいにする = to blame
は = indicates contrast with another opinion, adds emphasis
逃げ隠れる(にげかくれる) = to run away and hide
日々(ひび)= daily, every day
アテになる = reliable, dependable
わ (suffix) = indicates emotion or admiration (female)
とりあえず = for now
わがまま = self-indulgence, selfish
消える(きえる)= to disappear, to vanish, to go away, to become lost, to fade
愛情(あいじょう)= love, affection
友情(ゆうじょう)= friendship
奥(おく)= interior, back (of a drawer, one's throat etc)
叩く(たたく)= to knock, to strike, to hit, to pound
そうやって = like that
傷(きず)= scratch, wound, injury
誤魔化す(ごまかす)= to deceive, to cheat
信じる(しんじる)= to believe
かっこ付ける(かっこつける)= to play it cool, to show off, to try to look good
素直(すなお)= honest, frank, upfront; obedient, meek, docile
強がる(つよがる)= to act tough, to put on a brave front
残像(ざんぞう)= afterimage
夢見る(ゆめみる)= dreaming (lit. dream-seeing)
壊す(こわす)= to break
ような = I think that (colloquial, abbreviation); like, similar to
抱く(だく)= to hold in one's arms, to embrace, to hold, to have
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jbbarnesandnoble · 5 years
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Updated: May 4th, 2024
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》 I don’t write smut
》 authors favorite ☆
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Forever and Always: Series Masterlist 《on hiatus》
Summary: you and Bucky used to date until someone got in between you two. after a year without seeing him, he pops up in your life again, and old feelings with him? harsh words can never be taken back, but can they be forgiven? 《Modern AU》 Warning(s): angst, some fluff, mixed with bits of longing, some self-hatred, betrayal eventually
☆ Hearts in Secret: Series Masterlist 《complete》
Series Summary: Some seek love, others freedom. But what if Y/n finds both, by simply talking to a blue-eyed stranger underneath an Oaktree 《Royal AU》 Series Warning(s): fluff, lots of it! two strangers falling in love in the woods (please don’t never talk to strangers you meet in the woods) questionable writing, very poorly written and inaccurate medieval traditions and themes
Home For the Holidays: Series Masterlist 《in progress》
Summary: Christmas, Hot Chocolate, Fake Dating, Two (2) idiots in love, what more can I say? 《Modern AU》 Warning(s):
☆ New Girl: Series Masterlist 《on hiatus》
Summary: After the break-up with your boyfriend of six years, you decide to get a fresh start in a new city. you never expected to find it in a small loft with three roommates, in Downtown LA 《Roommate AU》 Warning(s): fluff, angst, brooding Bucky, lots of sarcasm, sass and teasing, enemies to lovers, slow burn, they literally all share one brain cell and no one uses it, lowkey chaotic, based off of the tv show New Girl
☆ The Things He Left Behind: Two-Shot, Part One // Part Two
Summary: Bucky falls off the train and you lose the love of your life 《1940s AU》Warning(s): death, angst, psychical/emotional pain and hurt sad things, you might cry.
Like Cherry Blossoms: One-Shot
Summary: some nights you just need to run at 3am to blow off steam. Warning(s): none
Stars Falling: One-Shot
Summary: stargazing in Wakanda is the most beautiful sight. Warning(s): fluff, platonic reader.
Mission Impossible: One-Shot
Summary: you’re on a top-secret mission when the winter soldier makes his appearance. Warning(s): fluff, mentions of pregnancy
Seven Minutes: One-Shot
Summary: seven minutes is all it takes to lose the love of your life. Warning(s): angst
☆ Stained Secrets: One-Shot
Summary: once a cheater always a cheater, right? Warning(s): mentions of cheating, sad Bucky, angst.
☆ Risky Business: One-Shot
Summary: celebrating valentine’s day with your husband doesn’t always mean getting dolled up to go out 《Modern AU》 Warning(s): dorky bucky, fluff, the title really doesn’t have much to do with the fic except for like one part.
Hungry Eyes: One-Shot
Summary: a night out with your friends leads to you singing karaoke in front of an entire bar. you might be singing in front of them, but everyone knows who you’re singing to《Modern AU》 Warning(s): fluff, drinking, bar setting, cringy dialogue (i did not hold back on this one yalls) happy ending, my bad writing, and this was edited once (by me, i can tell you in full confidence that my editing skills suck)
Unrequited Love: Drabble
Summary: for the past four years of high school, y/n has loved Bucky, she did everything and anything for him. but it was never enough for him to love her back. 《High School AU》 Warning(s): sad themes, feelings are shared, feelings are hurt, angsty i guess, jerk!Bucky
Let Her Go: Drabble
Summary: loss is never easy, especially when it’s the love of your life《Modern AU》 Warning(s): angst, mention of character death, sad/grieving!bucky, use of alcohol, no happiness, pure angst
His Sun, Her Moon: Drabble
Summary: Coffee, An orange sunset, lots of love. What more can I say? Warning(s): none, unless you count fluff and hair braiding
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Something Borrowed: Series Masterlist 《on hiatus》
Summary: Steve is your attractive neighbor, who happens to be your son's 11th-grade history, teacher. you’re a single mom with two kids, trying to balance work and raising your children. but never have time for yourself or a relationship. what could go wrong when you’re finally ready to start dating again? 《Teacher AU》 Warning(s): fluff, soft Steve, moody teenagers, mentions of abandonment
A Day In London: One-Shot
Summary: three years after leaving New York, to love London. you have a re-encounter with an old friend. Warning(s): fluff
Untitled: One-Shot
Summary: When you suddenly go missing. Steve asks his best friends to help find you. Warning(s): none, I don’t think
A Minute Too Late: One-Shot
Summary: everyone is born with a soulmark on their wrist. it’s something their soulmate has said to them. the only issue? it’s their last words to you. You only know until it’s too late. Warning(s): endgame spoilers, mentions of death, angst, grief, regret, the tiniest hint of fluff, like a splash of it, (you guys have seen Endgame, you should know what to expect)
☆ A Picture Perfect Christmas: One-Shot
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Summary: it’s Christmas time in the Avengers tower, and with all the twinkling lights, falling snow, and Christmas music. you remember your first Christmas as an Avenger. Warning(s): fluffy Avengers Christmas mixed with hot cocoa, snow, and (2) two idiots in love. Oh, and my bad writing:)
What Could Have Been: One-Shot
Summary: Steve attends the wedding of his first love, now he can only wonder what could have been. Warnings: angst angst angst, regret, my best friend's wedding type pain, Steve doesn't get the girl in the end so the pairing is a lie... sorry
S-Mitten For You: One-Shot
Summary: Morning runs, snowball fights, puns and coffee dates :)  《Modern AU》 Warning(s): FLUFF, play fighting (do either of those need to be a warning? idk) BAD PUNS, I edited it once, but it’s 12:53am and I’ve been exhausted all day so that means nothing.
I'll Be Home For Christmas: One-Shot
Summary: Sam promises to be home for Christmas, what happens when he can't meet him family's expectations? 《 Modern AU 》 Warning(s): angst at first, ends with fluff
Merry Christmas: Drabble
Summary: it’s snowing and there’s no place Sam would rather be than holding his wife in his arms and sipping hot chocolate. 《Modern AU》 Warning(s): fluff cause sam deserves all the love and cuddles and sam in a sweater, yes, I thought that should be a warning cause he’s extra soft in sweaters!
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少女S is actually not an easy song to learn when you don't understand most of it. The melody of the chorus is easy enough but the bridge and verses have taken me a while to get down.
Gonna try and pick something with an easier melody next month!
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Mission Karaoke Star 1/10
If you read my 2024 goals post (I don't expect you to have lmao) then you my remember (or not) that one of my goals for this year is to learn 10 songs in Japanese to a level where I can just bash them out at karaoke. I'm hoping to learn one a month.
First up is... 🥁🥁🥁🥁
My first order of affairs is a little listening exercise, where I listen to the song a couple of times and write down any words or phrases I hear.
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After that, I got the lyrics and checked, highlighting in yellow words I correctly heard and in light blue words I was close to.
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As you can see, there's a lot I didn't get. That's okay; I'm a beginner after all!
I then listened to the song again with the lyrics in front of me. I need to replace unknown kanji with hiragana so I can follow them properly, but first I need to identify the unknown words and get a translation. That'll be a job for tomorrow though! Today I'm tired and jetlagged 😅
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Language Learning Log 2024 Week 3 (14/01 ~ 20/01)
Photo: We had more snow this week and it looks so pretty on the traditional buildings!
Listened to the radio
Reviewed difficult vocab
Italki lesson (45m)
Practised singing in Japanese (Mission Karaoke Star)
2x Burde vært pensum podcasts
Worked on more Word of the Day posts
Read 5x articles
Kveldsnytt x1
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I listened to a lot of Japanese radio this week. Made sure to listen while I was prepping lessons or while I was walking places or even while I was just sat at home. As usual, I barely understood anything, but I always get excited when I hear a word I know. Norwegian I mostly just read articles, but I did listen to the radio a bit too.
Last week's goals:
Learn the first verse of 少女S - Almost! There's like one line I can only do after I've practiced it a couple of times and I need the lyrics in front of me, but I'm counting this as achieved.
1 chapter of Minna No Nihongo - Didn't even touch it lmao
Do 2-3 sessions of stretching or light exercise - Uhhh I went for a 30-minute walk on Wednesday but that's it :/
Finish and queue the last few days of January's beginner Norwegian crash course + maybe start on February's posts - In typical ADHD fashion I made a start on February's posts while completely neglecting January lmao
This week's goals:
Learn the first bridge + second verse of 少女S
1 chapter of Minna No Nihongo
At least 1 HIIT session and 2 stretching sessions
Finish January's beginner Norwegian crash course + another 2-3 of February's WOTD posts
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