#ml farah
Moonlight lovers is a disaster: part 3
Oh! is it a clown or is just Ivan?
Ivan, Ivan, Ivan... a disaster, a completely disaster. If one thing has taught me this route is to take things humorously. This is one of the worst routes together with Raphael's.
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Let's start with the positive points. chapter 1-3. That's it. Everything is good until chapter 4. Then it's stupid jealousy, toxic behaviour...(and when i say toxic i say real disgusting stuff that I don't think people like to experience as a player in a romantic game). Again, another route which could have been a hit, wasted.
They have let escape the chance of him and Eloise talking about the 2010's. When he was human there was a "boom" of musical hits: Lady Gaga's bad romance, rihanna, katy perry... I know he likes metal, but dude he could have been a bridge to create instant empathy with us. He is the character that could have been the most easy to talk to, and instead, he is the most difficult to seriously communicate with.
Ivan was kinda sweet vibes "he was a punk, she did ballet, what more can I say?". Vibe with me. The skater punk boy that OBVIOUSLY plays music and is good at rhythms. That's cool. Honestly, he was an interesting character to develop. We have a torment man who is obssesed with his human life and cannot accept his new condition. Also, he feels extremely guilty about his actions in the past and the present, and has problems to control his thrist.
Having said that, the first two chapters were focus on his inability to selfcontrol. Okay, fine by me. The third has a really cute dancing scene. Everything is okay except Ethan, who is predatory and d i s g u s t i n g (but i'll judge him in his own route to be fair).
But, here comes Constaaaance, how incredible it is that this company is forcing me to feel jealous about a 2d drawing. Nah, seriously I still had hope. I thought: "maybe he isn't in love with her but what she represents. The last link to his human life, his family, his friends, his dreams... everything. That 's why" I thought. So consequently, the game wants us to make him aware about what he truly feels to channel it from a perspective more filosophical. HA!
wHAT aN IDiot i was.
After, a lot of fights, jealousy, irrational and delusional behaviour. It turns out, Constance is super evil and killed him (incredible resolution). And suddenly, the love for her abandons ivan's body. Dude, it evaporates. And suddenly, Ivan understands that he actually wanted to fuck his childhood friend, the one he bullied, yeees. And the one who married his girlfriend.
At first I got angry but then i thought, this is actually super funny (except for the tortuous chapters about jealousy and shit). I mean... in the neutral ending this bag of shit breaks up with us to start dating the friend he never reminded in the past 10 years.
As a queer person I don't desire Ivan in my community. By the rights I don't possess I declare him heterosexual. I don't want this skinny runt inside my group, what a bad representation. Ivan you should learn of Aaron, my bi king.
What can I say? I remember the end and the memories and everything... It's so bad... so bad that I wanna forget. Still, iconic twist. At the end Ethan was right about him.
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verystrxxwberry · 18 days
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"Could you hug me?"
What turns the routes on.
Empty yet.
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magic-belodie · 1 year
I would have loved a route with Farah. It is very understandable but sad news.
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coeluvr · 1 month
I would like to begin by saying that I absolutely love your if. Adore it to bits. Would pay to give MC their much needed hug and pat Helios and Fadiya. Especially Fadiya, I love the others but Fadiya is just so absolutely bbg like I wanna pat her, hug her, cry on her shoulder and examine her under a microscope to try and understand how someone can be so absolutely lovable and make me go ":D" just by thinking about her like she's so amazing adorable gorgeous perfect and every synonym for all the words that I just listed but she's also so stupidly oblivious and I'm crying because Fadiya, bbg, I WANT TO MARRY YOU CAN YOU NOT TELL-
Anyway we don't get enough Fadiya appreciation, like this blog could become only about Fadiya and it still wouldn't be what she deserves.
Fadiya's greatness aside I do actually have a question, one that has been nagging at me since I read your post about Luceris and Farah's love story..
Why is Luceris such a manhwa ml.
Like, Oml, bro literally checks all the boxes.
White or black hair? Check.
Blue or red eyes? Check.
Daddy issues and a dead mom? Check.
Laments how miserable he is because of the scheming people around him while sitting in his luxurious bed in his bedroom that's like the size of 3 living rooms while somebody fans him with a palm leaf very slowly and a maid feeds him grapes that probably got harvested from a plant that was watered using the tears or a starving medieval peasant? The vibes are saying check.
And most important of all... He falls in love with a blonde person. Oh and who's also nice and nothing like the scheming nobles??? AND THEN HE GOES PSYCHO MURDER MODE WHEN SHE DIES???
Coe, with all due respect, Lancelot is just waiting to fall down a flight of stairs, hit his head without dying, and regain the memories of his past life as a broke 17 year old with parental issues who got hit by a truck while saving a kid.
Aw I'm glad you like this story! 💗 Thank you for your kind words.
I completely understand your love for Fadiya, anon. She's truly amazing beautiful everything good in this world. 🥺 She's a bit oblivious but that's just part of her charm okay. She's a cutie!
Lol I get a lot of "Farah and Luceris sound like a fairytale romance" and I get it because it is supposed to be that way. 🤭 I love them and their silly little love story. 🥺
Lancelot didn't get hit by a truck and didn't transmigrate so I guess I'm safe from the manhwa allegations? 🫣 There is time travel but that's just for our lovely MC so...
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dangermousie · 6 months
I could have dealt without second season of Adim Farah deciding to imitate Sen Anlat Karadeniz with Farah’s evil ex and all that, but the OTP chemistry is still insane and hey there are worse shows than SAK to borrow plot points from. And they couldn’t do the whole “will he pick the mob or her and will she be OK with his past” any more anyway since it was resolved.
Also since both MLs are named Tahir, it was predestined 😝
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norellenilia · 1 year
Je ne sais pas si tu suis encore l'actu de ML mais Beemoov a abandonné l'écriture de la route de Léandra et Farah par manque de moyens financiers + désintérêt des joueureuses pour ces deux personnages. Je suis un petit peu perplexe mais je préfère ça a du fétichisme à outrance (Coucou Priya et le fétichisme autour du couple de HH et Ewe) et toi tu en penses quoi ?
Effectivement j'ai mis le jeu de côté après l'incendie d'OVH parce que c'est tombé sur une période extrêmement difficile pour moi donc j'ai pas vraiment repris depuis, en fait je crois que la dernière fois que je me suis intéressée au jeu la route de Neil venait à peine de sortir (et rien qu'avoir une route avec lui ça me débectait un peu), j'avais vu un teasing pour la route avec l'un des deux persos féminins je sais plus laquelle est sortie en premier mais c'est tout, du coup je ne savais pas x)
D'un côté je suis pas très étonnée que ce soit les deux persos féminins qui aient suscité le moins d'intérêt, je suis prête à parier que la plupart des personnes qui jouent au jeu sont des meufs hétéro donc si y'a eu des sondages ou quoi c'est possible qu'elles soient arrivées dernières. Beemoov essaie toujours l'inclusivité, est-ce que c'est par bonne volonté ou pinkwashing, voire les deux, on sait pas, mais force est de constater que ça marche pas. Et ça je pense que c'est pas uniquement à cause d'un manque d'intérêt du public. Parce que ok, la plupart sont des femmes hétéro, mais je pense que la majorité d'entre elles n'est pas opposée à la présence d'une route lesbienne et pourrait la jouer sans aucun problème (tout comme ça me gêne pas de jouer des routes avec un perso masculin en tant que femme lesbienne).
Comme tu le soulignes, y'a eu Priya, Hua et Ewe, mais j'ai bien envie de citer Alexy aussi qui a eu ses heures de gloire en tant que mec gay stéréotypé à outrance. Et je pense que le public de Beemoov, de plus en plus, réalise que les représentations homosexuelles dans les jeux de la plateforme sont bancales au mieux, même les personnes qui n'ont a priori pas d'"""intérêt""" à avoir une route lesbienne/un perso LGBT+ de manière générale. Du coup je pense que ça a pu jouer dans le désintérêt des joueurs/euses (y'en a aussi forcément dans le tas qui en voulaient pas en se disant que t'façon c'était que pour les quota/agenda woke du lobby gay machin etc mdr mais bon).
Puis bah c'est un cercle vicieux, à Beemoov ils vont se dire que "ah bah ils veulent pas de la route lesbienne, tant pis on la continue pas", personne va avoir envie d'investir pour écrire des relations homo correctes, du coup celles qui existent continueront de pas plaire au public, donc ils vont pas les prioriser/ils vont les arrêter, et on s'en sortira pas. Mieux vaut faire des routes avec l'antagoniste qui a tué les parents de l'héroïne lol 🙄
(Je sais qu'il y a Uncoven qui a fini par sortir mais je sais pas du tout ce que ça donne, j'avais ouï dire qu'il y avait un perso NB mais j'en sais pas plus)
Quant à savoir si c'est une bonne chose si ça nous évite d'autres affaires de fétichisme, honnêtement je crois que oui tant qu'ils se seront pas décidé à engager des gens qui savent écrire des persos LBGT+ sans tomber dans les clichés, ou même des sensitivity readers dans la phase de bêta-lecture s'ils en font vraiment une (je pense aussi que les conditions d'écriture sont probablement pas idéales, notamment en termes de temps, et ça c'est pas la faute des scénaristes, pour tout ce que j'ai à leur reprocher).
J'ai lu quelques articles de blog du nouveau scénariste d'Eldarya, notamment celui où il "répond" à certaines critiques qui lui sont régulièrement faites sur les épisodes du jeu : j'aimerais prendre un jour le temps d'analyser un peu cet article, mais ce qu'il en ressort c'est qu'il semble très sûr de lui, pour ne pas dire imbu de lui-même lorsqu'il s'agit de son écriture, pas très loin de la condescendance vis-à-vis des lecteurs/trices et parfois bien à côté de la plaque sur certaines critiques qui lui sont faites. Quant à l'une des autrices de ML, je ne sais pas si c'est toujours la même depuis, mais j'avais vu une conférence qu'elle avait animée sur le thème "un otome peut-il être féministe ?" avec pour base ML qu'elle était alors en train d'écrire. C'était très risible et ça aurait mérité une analyse plus poussée ça aussi (je voulais le faire et puis la vie m'est tombée dessus mdr).
Tout ça pour dire que tant qu'il y aura ce genre d'écrivain-e-s aux commandes des scénarios Beemoov, je crois que c'est pas trop la peine d'attendre grand-chose des routes lesbiennes. Et ça me peine parce que Beemoov reste l'un des plus gros producteurs d'otome du pays, ils auraient pu être un vrai moteur de changement, mais comme avec beaucoup de choses concernant leurs jeux, ils ont tout gâché.
Désolée du pavé, je pensais pas que j'allais écrire autant XD
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tetrakys · 2 years
hi treta! do you think beemov gave up on leandra’s and farah’s route? it has been taking a while
Who knows anon, personally I think yes they gave up on it. The route should’ve come out right after Neil but we got Lysander instead. If you look on Beemoov's website they now have half the employees so I don't think they're able to work on both AL and ML at the same time. My opinion is that because there aren't enough people interested who'd bother them for info, they are just pretending like the route was never planned 🤷‍♀️
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magicalyaku · 2 years
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My June was literally just sleeping and reading. After Dokomi on the first weekend I was soo exhausted. I had to catch up on all the hours of sleep I missed in April and May ... And just when I thought I'll return to the land of the living the printhouse finally reacted to my complaint about the quality of my books, and hell, it's been years since I've been that angry! 8D Stillll dealing with that shit. So yeah, first half: physically exhausted. Second half: mentally exhausted. Great!
I did not expect to find a common theme among the books this month but surprisingly there is one: "Leave the past behind and start something new". I mean, maybe that's almost every book ever buuut ... Here's what I read:
The good ones: So this is Ever After (F.T. Lukens): Much needed fantasy and lots of fun and warmth and cuteness! I hope F.T. Lukens stays in the fantasy lane. I need more of this! I hope you get this message (Farah Naz Rishi): Finally the real end of the world, not just a metaphorical one. And honestly? People are scary! But I loved how it all came together in the end. All the struggling gets rewarded. The Friend Scheme (Cale Dietrich): I feel, this one took the easy way out on several (possible) confrontations but it was still a nice read. A different setting than usual for sure. Heartbreak Boys (Simon James Green): Perfect summer read. More cute fun. (And for once, the German cover is so much better than the original, which is horrendous, sorry 8D) Kiss & Tell (Adib Khorram): Has some important things to say and is still entertaining! The bad thing is that now I kinda want to listen to their music. Someone give me an animated music video pretty please.
Suprisingly Good: Where we left off (Roan Parrish): Borrowed this from the library for the train ride. Judging by the cover of the first volume I did not expect anything. But I liked it the moment Will explained how he glared at babies just to annoy their mothers. 8D I think this is the first book I read up to now that is solely focussed on the characters’ interactions and growth. As in nothing else happens at all. It’s interesting how it works.
Hmmm: Paper & Blood (Kevin Hearne): I enjoyed the first volume but getting through vol2 was a little bit harder. In vol1 there was a cameo of a character of the author's earlier series and I thought that was cool. But in this one that guy came as an additional cast member and while he was likable it still kind of annoyed me, because it made me feel like I missed out on so much stuff as I have not read his series ... I hope vol3 will finally be about Al's curses. That will be more fun again probably. If you change your mind (Robby Weber): Uhm, the drama of privileged white kids? It was sort of entertaining but the characters did annoy me on multiple occassions. Like when the ex wanted his date. He knew the scriptwriting was important for the protagonist and that there was only a little time left but he still insisted the date had to be now. Why not just wait a week?! ML as well though. Tell him off, boy! Show some spine! D: Also worst names ever. Harry and Haley? I couldn’t help wondering how similar these names would be in Japanese. “8D
On another note, I gifted “The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo” to my mother for her birthday and she seems to like it, while my sister found my copy of “Heartbreak Boys” lying around, read the blurb and totally dismissed it. Rude! Also “Aru Shah” is finally being published in German which is great because everyone everywhere should read it, but wtf is with that cover? Is it the lighting or is that girl’s hand white ....?!
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pinkaboutboxes · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Farah Hydrating Eyeshadow Primer.
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roobylavender · 4 months
I knew I was raised right when even as a child watching diyar e dil I was rooting for sanam saeed's character even though everyone hated her. Maybe it was bc of my extreme bias towards sanam since I used to adore her (still do) so much but in my eyes she could do no wrong. I only rewatched the drama two times so I don't remember much except for a few bits but there was one scene I could never forget bc just how intense it was. The moment when the ml barges into the fl house and literally dragged her to go with him to his house. Like I mean he literally dragged her she fell to the floor he still yanked her arm like that. I remember she got hurt along the way too but the mf did not care 😭 like damn maya gave her all in that scene omg. And by the end of the drama I was shocked she still managed to fall in love with him despite everything he did to her. Me personally I would've poisoned his drink or smth if I was humiliated like that but Ig that wasn't the direction the drama wanted to go 😮‍💨
wali is SO terrible and there's even one scene where they're at a dinner together and bc farah is being "insolent" (i.e., still not adjusting to the fact that she was forcefully engaged and married to him against her will) he says something like "i should slap you right now".. and yet bc he gets his "redemption" in the end everyone endlessly fawns over him lol (and i mean tbf obi and maya's chemistry was at its peak at that time and they really are very good scene partners so i think that's something to factor in too). i'm told his arc in the book is better and that he's way more remorseful about his prior dickheadedness than he is portrayed to be in the drama so there's that ig but tbh it still doesn't help the setup of the drama and its reliance on arranged marriages that turn out to be the "right" decision in the first place. the whole thing reeks and i hate it
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licuadora-nasir · 3 years
Y'all gonna kill me but...
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I do want this route.
I mean... We haven't even seen anything about it yet. And I'm genuinely excited for it since Ive never been really engaged with any of the first six boys.
Although I can understand why some people dislike Farah after Aaron's bad ending (they fixed that scene when Aaron and Ello are making out and she thinks about Farah. If you're going to get the good ending, all her thoughts are focused on Aaron.).
But... Neil was a dick in Vlad's ending (And I'm sure he's gonna be a dick in his route too). Ethan was a dick in all routes. And Raphael also was a dick in his own route lmao.
I think it's fair to give it a chance? I'm not sure if people are disappointed by the fact it could be a poly route or because Leandra has to "share it" with Farah?
In a nutshell, between all routes, I think this one and Neil's are the most interesting ones. I can't wait to see how the circumstances will settle so they can develop the romance 😌.
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kanraandchrome · 3 years
Moonlight Lovers 8th route
I was lurking through the code and I found this gem nobody seemed to speak about ?
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Notice how all the LIs have their title + flirt as a type, but Leandra and Farah are just... girl xD. I'm sure it's because it's in it's early dev though ! Let's enjoy Neil first ♪
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verystrxxwberry · 27 days
MOONLIGHT LOVERS; “Could you hug me?”
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, ML routes (+ Farah and Leandra), comfort. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: As I promised, the same version as the Eldarya hcs but with ML! I will probably post mcl ones tomorrow, depending on how my study session goes in the morning… Enjoy! ♡
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
❖ AARON ;; as soon as he heard your question, he was a little surprised; but he wasn't going to refuse an offer like that. He would bend down a little to fit you perfectly in his arms, surrounding you with protective warmth. Maybe his grip would be a little tight, but not so tight as to overwhelm you, just perfect. One of his hands is on your waist and the other on your head, stroking your hair gently. "Are you okay? Do you need to talk?" It would help you clear your head in the comfort of his embrace, no matter if something bad had really happened or you just needed the hug. He definitely has a quite attractive natural essence that can easily remind someone of the forest and nature. Secretly, everyone in the manor loves Aaron's hugs. Ivan is the one who hides it the least, always hugging Aaron every time he sees him. Bear hugger, definitely.
❖ BELIATH ;; "What a subtle way of saying you want to touch me" He would mock you just with the intention of teasing you a little. No doubt he opens his arms and welcomes you into them. Beliath doesn't hold back with physical contact, and even more when you're the one asking for it. Hugging Beliath is a strange experience, it's not comforting or warm but it does lift your spirits. "No need to ask, if you want to hug me, just do it. It won't bother me at all" He murmurs against your hair, his hands caressing your back. To cheer you up a little more, he'd sway from side to side, reciting some comforting words, sometimes going so far as to say things so out of context that it would make you laugh.
❖ VLADIMIR ;; he’s not the type of person who is into hugs, even though he needs them, he is not used to them and prefers quality time. Anyway, you asking him makes him realize that he also needs to take refuge in someone's arms, so if you are alone, he would hug you and let you see a vulnerable side of him. His grip is firm and quite possessive, that no matter how hard you try to break free in a minute, you won't be able to. Vladimir's hugs are long, in a silent atmosphere and simply enjoying the warmth of the other. You already know that Vladimir is not the kind of person who can properly express his affection with words, so that hug was enough for you to notice the affection he has for you.
❖ RAPHAEL ;; "Yeah, sure, come here" is a hug lover, he enjoys every hug as if it was the last one. Along with Ivan, he’s one of the stickiest huggers in the manor. He initiates the embrace naturally, making you feel welcome and comfortable in his company. He is very gentle, holding you carefully and being patient for as long as you want to hold him. His head rests on your shoulder and in a soft voice he asks "how was your day?", being casual. Raphael is more than willing to listen to you, meanwhile his mind creates different ways to make you happy with whatever he can. 
❖ ETHAN ;; a soft laugh would come out of him despite the cruel urge of saying "no" to annoy you. "Maybe, but it's not free" he would say as he gives you a half hug, placing his arm over your shoulders, but finally laughing and completing the hug. Maybe it's a little awkward, as Ethan is all about giving quick hugs and back rubs. If it's in a slightly more delicate context, he'd try not to make some joke that could be misinterpreted and quietly embrace you, letting your head retreat into the hollow between his neck and shoulder. One of his hands would be caressing your back and the other would firmly hold you by the waist.
❖ IVAN ;; he may seem uncomfortable with hugs, but in truth he is simply shy and needs a push to release that clingy side of him. "YES" and he leans towards you to give you one of the longest hugs you've possibly ever been given. He tends to sway from side to side and hum a song if he really has confidence in you. If something really bad happened, he would opt for the tickle method, making you laugh until you cry. Regardless, whether it's a comforting hug or just wanting physical contact, his cheeks would be tinged with a reddish color from happiness. Ivan is happy with hugs.
❖ NEIL ;; he freezes the moment you ask him that, do you really want a hug from him? No but like- really? He would look at you perplexed, and without saying a word, this is the very first time someone has asked him for a hug. He would open his arms and let you melt against his chest, in a somewhat awkward embrace. Neil doesn't know what to do, so he just pats your shoulders. In a polite way, he would keep silent, letting you talk so he can listen to you or just enjoy the warmth of your body. It may be a short and awkward hug, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you, far from it.
❖ FARAH ;; I wish I could receive a hug from her… sigh… As a way of showing affection naturally she resorts to half hugs, wrapping one of her arms over your shoulders. At the moment you ask her to do so, a small smile would escape her lips to then embrace you firmly, offering support and protection. Her hugs are useful to relax you, and many times even to make you get some sleep. And if you need to cry, do it, she’s there all the time you need, and while hugging her. She definitely will kiss your forehead and say “I love you.” Beemoov I need you to give me content of her…
❖ LEANDRA ;; “Oh, clingy, aren’t we?” Just like her brother, her intention is to mock you in order to embarrass you and then embrace you ofc -she couldn’t lose that chance-. Leandra is not such a fan of hugs, so maybe it's a short hug, but somehow, one of those hugs that brightens your day slightly. If the hug goes a little longer than normal, she would teasingly bite you or just tickle you.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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killergirlfuria · 4 years
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This is my contribution for this fandom. You can see a version with less visible watermark on my deviantart.
Wouldn’t that be nice if we had Farah and Leandra route? I’d like one.
(Also Farah hair killed me fyi, and it still doesn’t look as good as I’d like.)
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incorrectml · 4 years
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dangermousie · 1 year
I like how good this show is being about show not telling that Tahir, terrifying as he is, is not quite the monster he seems to be.
Like here, she tells him to close the window so the kid won’t get sick, and he complies without a word.
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Or here, when she snarls at him and he doesn’t say a word back. (Girl, you got balls, and I love you for this, but perhaps it’s not super wise to piss off scary mob hitman in charge of whether you live or die.)
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Or here when he goes to help her carry the kid (love her reaction btw - she is such a fierce mama bear.)
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Or when he helps her with the plastic covering, just automatically. And I love that this does not soften her - it shouldn’t! He’s a mob killer and he may very well off her and her kid if ordered (I mean we, as the viewers, realize he would never because he’s the ML, but she has no such idea.) I am so fascinated as to how she will ever warm up to him! (But then, that is what I wondered about Siyah Beyaz Ask or Engin’s own Fatmagul and they ended up doing it so well!)
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It is much too early to ship them - I am sure Farah would happily gut him with a rusty knife for a chance to escape - but their chemistry is amazing.
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Like he is so drawn to her...
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So drawn.
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The way he keeps peeking as she cleans...
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He is honestly just so delighted to her because she’s so strong but also so maternal and clearly whatever his issues are, she’s hitting them like a gong. Like look how amused he is when she curses.
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As I said, mother issues.
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There is a reason he peeks with such fascination as the cozy domesticity she makes for her son whenever she goes, under most insane circumstances.
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But then no wonder he is obsessed. She is tough and smart and even managed to escape, if not for long, by throwing stuff into his eyes as he was untying her (he tied her up because the cops came to the house and he did not want her found)
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But then she also says this:
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Our hitman does not know what hit him (side note - telling he did not seek revenge for her attempt. None of the stuff he’s done would be remarkable in a normal human being but for a mob killer, it’s pretty telling.)
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