#msa document
sgseox · 2 years
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Service agreement sample - A level agreement is a legal document that states the goals and objectives of a company. It is an agreement between employees and the employer on what each party will achieve.
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(Tagging you because you’re also a part of the plot document)
Streber and Arthur after getting out of the flashbacks Lewis put them in:
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scrsoft · 3 months
What is an APQP Checklist?
An Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) checklist is a vital tool used in various industries to ensure the systematic development of products and processes. It serves as a comprehensive guide to managing quality throughout the product lifecycle, from initial design to production and beyond.
Importance of APQP in Quality Management
APQP plays a crucial role in maintaining product quality and customer satisfaction. By following a structured approach outlined in the checklist, organizations can:
Ensure Product Quality: APQP helps in identifying potential risks and quality issues early in the product development stage, allowing for timely mitigation measures.
Reduce Defects and Rework: Through thorough planning and risk assessment, APQP aims to minimize defects and rework, thereby reducing overall production costs.
Understanding the APQP Checklist
An APQP checklist is a document that outlines the necessary steps and requirements for implementing APQP processes effectively. It typically includes:
Definition: A clear definition of APQP and its objectives.
Components of the Checklist: Sections covering various aspects such as planning, design, process validation, and production.
Benefits of Using an APQP Checklist
The utilization of an APQP checklist offers several benefits, including:
Streamlining Processes: By following a structured approach, organizations can streamline their product development and manufacturing processes.
Enhancing Communication: The checklist facilitates effective communication among cross-functional teams, ensuring everyone is aligned with project requirements.
Facilitating Risk Management: APQP checklist helps in identifying and mitigating risks early in the product lifecycle, reducing the likelihood of costly failures.
How to Develop an Effective APQP Checklist
Developing an effective APQP checklist involves several key steps:
Gathering Relevant Information: Collecting necessary data and information related to product requirements, customer expectations, and regulatory standards.
Involving Cross-Functional Teams: Engaging representatives from various departments to ensure comprehensive input and buy-in.
Establishing Clear Criteria and Metrics: Defining specific criteria and metrics for evaluating product quality and process performance.
Implementing the APQP Checklist in Different Industries
APQP principles can be applied across various industries, including:
Automotive Sector: APQP is widely used in the automotive industry to ensure the quality and safety of vehicles.
Aerospace Industry: Aerospace companies utilize APQP to meet stringent regulatory requirements and ensure the reliability of aircraft components.
Healthcare Sector: In healthcare, APQP helps in developing safe and effective medical devices and pharmaceutical products.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using APQP Checklist
While APQP checklist offers numerous benefits, organizations must avoid common pitfalls such as:
Lack of Stakeholder Involvement: Failure to involve key stakeholders from different departments can lead to oversight and suboptimal outcomes.
Failure to Update the Checklist Regularly: An outdated checklist may not reflect current industry standards or regulatory requirements, compromising its effectiveness.
Ignoring Feedback and Improvement Opportunities: Organizations should actively seek feedback from users and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and refinement.
Examples of APQP Checklist Templates
There are various APQP checklist templates available, ranging from basic to advanced, tailored to specific industry requirements.
Basic Checklist Template: Includes essential steps and requirements for implementing APQP processes.
Advanced Checklist Template: Incorporates additional features such as risk assessment matrices and validation protocols.
Tips for Maximizing the Effectiveness of APQP Checklist
To derive maximum benefit from APQP checklist, organizations should:
Provide Adequate Training: Ensure that employees are trained in APQP principles and understand how to use the checklist effectively.
Regular Audits and Reviews: Conduct periodic audits and reviews to assess compliance with APQP processes and identify areas for improvement.
Continuous Improvement Initiatives: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement, where feedback is solicited, and lessons learned are applied to enhance processes.
Case Studies: Successful Implementation of APQP Checklist
Several organizations have successfully implemented APQP checklist, resulting in improved product quality and customer satisfaction.
Future Trends in APQP Checklist Development
As technology advances and industry requirements evolve, APQP checklist development is expected to incorporate:
Integration with Digital Tools: Increasing integration with digital tools and software platforms to streamline APQP processes and enhance collaboration.
Emphasis on Sustainability: Incorporating sustainability criteria and metrics into APQP checklist to address growing environmental concerns.
In conclusion, an APQP checklist is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to ensure product quality, minimize risks, and enhance customer satisfaction. By following a structured approach outlined in the checklist, businesses can streamline their product development processes and stay competitive in today's dynamic market.
What is the role of APQP in quality management?
APQP plays a crucial role in maintaining product quality by identifying potential risks and quality issues early in the product development stage.
How can organizations develop an effective APQP checklist?
Developing an effective APQP checklist involves steps such as gathering relevant information, involving cross-functional teams, and establishing clear criteria and metrics.
In which industries is APQP commonly used?
APQP principles can be applied across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and healthcare sectors.
What are some common mistakes to avoid when using an APQP checklist?
Common mistakes include lack of stakeholder involvement, failure to update the checklist regularly, and ignoring feedback and improvement opportunities.
How can organizations maximize the effectiveness of APQP checklist?
Organizations can maximize effectiveness by providing adequate training, conducting regular audits and reviews, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
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fairuzfan · 8 months
People who are in universities and schools: please pen and send an open letter to your school, with the aid of either the Students for Justice in Palestine, Muslim Student Association, or other relevant associates that would be interested in cosigning and spreading around.
One of the ways we can pressure our governments to change their stance is through our Universities speaking out or in support of Palestinians. Make sure to highlight any anti-racism/diversity pledges they made in the past couple years, and emphasize the abandonment Palestinian/Arab/Muslim students feel in the wake of the genocide in Gaza.
The universities might not say anything — but that's alright, we just need it to be documented that someone spoke out at an institutional scale.
Also: if you're close with your department head, I advise asking them to cosign your statement and help boost it. Then from there, to your specific school's leadership and then from there pressure the university at large to put out a statement (ie, the art school of Harvard putting out a statement before all of Harvard putting out a statement).
If you're a teacher, please please please reach out to your school's MSA or SJP and see if they need help — most likely they need a lot of help right now, but they don't know who to turn to.
I can provide an example that I sent to my university if you'd like, just be sure to reach out in dms or in asks.
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A self-indulgent MSA x DP crossover. Oneshot.
Vivi’s hair at the back of her nape stood up.
She had ventured into her fair share of creepy basements. Only three of them had been hidden in average houses – although she could argue nothing about the Fenton’s house was ‘average’.
She didn't even mean the eye-searing ad bolted (?) to the house's roof. Between the automatic anti-ghost defense system and the fridge’s contents, this house was worryingly high on the list of ‘most haunted places I’ve ever encountered’.
But it was just their luck warning signals only were blaring in her mind in the fourth basement of an average seeming house.
She tightened her hand around her bat. The parents had left for a ghost convention several states over. Tucker was monitoring their phones so they wouldn’t receive any surprise meetings. She still felt watched as she hopped the last steps down. Her whole body jittered with nerves.
Looming at the lab’s far back was the reason for her dread.
A massive octagonal metal door covered almost the entire wall. Various warnings signs had been slapped across the surface, but less than there should be in her opinion.
The door was the source of the humming. Vivi fiddled with Obaa-chan’s newest protective charm. The humming had settled inside her teeth when she passed the basement door, but she had ignored it while checking the floors.
The hum grew heavy as the door opened, revealing the other side was unpainted lead.
It had become louder when she descended the stairs.
Where the fuck were the security measures compared to the upper floors? Even without this supposed portal, the Dres. Fenton were working with dangerous chemicals and weapons! Even Tempo High had had better lab safety when she was in school.
But. Oh wow. She ticked off a mental tally of the number of lethal weapons laying around on tables or hanging on the walls, just ready to be stolen. She adjusted her assessment of danger-
Focus. She had promised Jazz and Danny not to do anything but reconnaissance. Or first wave reconnaissance. It wouldn’t do anything to check out this place if the defense system attacked Lewis or Mystery or Arthur. She idly swung her bat in a vertical circle, carefully making her way to the side of the portal.
The power was there. Immense power. Familiar, from other tears into other realities she had encountered with the Mystery Skulls, although this one was still unique. They rarely encountered portals into afterlives, and this one radiated death. But not only. It made sense as that not every ‘ghost’ people called as such was the spirit of a dead person. Supernatural beings could come into existence in various ways.
And yet the portal was different. Most portals, even artificial ones, closed quickly if magic didn’t keep them open. Vivi sensed no such magic from the door.
Inhaling, she let some of her powers flow through her. She passed her free palm in the air across the door, snow crystals forming and melting in the same moment. A simply scan spell.
Still nothing. Only the energy from the tear itself, rather what was containing it.
Crud. Mystery would have kittens.
Was this truly technology only? Just how had the Dres. Fenton achieved that?!
Vivi needed more help in figuring this out. Definitely Arthur, and the kids. Even if their parents had forgotten to document the process how they developed this portal, between the two younger Fentons and Arthur and maybe Mystery, they could figure out this thing.
She hoped, at least.
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Wanna start a… plot document? For the sm x msa crossover?
Mayhaps 👀
...what's a plot document? (genuine question)
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robozombii · 2 years
yknow those fanzines people will collaborate on for a fandom. i find theyre mostly popular on instagram for the fact its better for business and selling, but the random thought of a msa zine occured to me and it felt interesting. like, having a physical document that compiled the work of a bunch of msa fans -artists, writers, and everything else- just seems so nice to me. id love that. id put that shit in a blender and drink it as a smoothie. msa fandom smoothie
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I am learning Arabic in my university and it’s MSA. A girl (who speaks Arabic) told me MSA is comparable to Shakespearean English but my teacher said they still use it in newspaper and the news channel. So I was wondering does it really sound outdated and if I speak it to someone would I get laughed at?
both are correct. MSA is used in "official" things like the news, legal documents, books etc but no one ever speaks it in real life and you will get laughed at if you use it. it's like cartoon arabic lol
each arabic country has it's different dialect (and ofc within that are the different accents) so much so that some arabic countries don't understand each other. for instance i'm from cairo egypt so i use cairene egyptian. which btw i recommend if you wanna learn conversational arabic because most arabs understand cairene egyptian as a lot of arabic countries consume egyptian media and it's a simple enough dialect. i like to compare it to american english. it's widely known and easily understood.
other than that the levant dialect (lebanse, syrian, palestinian) are aesthetically pleasing and sound flirty and sweet to arabic speakers. it's the sexy dialect in arabic lol
The benefit of using MSA is that almost all arabs will understand what you're saying. they'll giggle but they'll understand, unlike if you use a specific dialect. and they might give you a pass because you're a foreigner
hope that helped
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Oops sorry that you got reminded of that crippling number that ever expands. (yo is that why you have so many fic ideas right now? are you avoiding?)
If there are asks that have a good point or you like how it's worded but don't know how to respond to it/ it is now not relevant in way that matters/ redundant as in another ask put it better but you're not entirely confident that you should delete it .save it to a Word document and then delete the ask on the Tumblr page so if you ever think that it is a good idea to go back to it you can just copy and paste it.
[About the ask that are redundant it might be a good idea to group them together/ kill two birds]
If there is something that you feel like does belong out in the general space but said thoughts on said subject aren't coming to you because I imagine you have a lot of PC and Tringo shit I don't see why you can reblog your thoughts later.
(101 wow just wow. Holy Fuck. Good luck. Hope this helps.
lol no the ideas would be happening regardless. please believe me i cannot turn that part of my brain off i literally walk around every minute of my life rearranging fictional characters into different situations like puzzle pieces. honestly if anything i do this LESS with pokemon than a diff fandom like msa or something bc yall give me encouragement to stick with a single idea lmao
yeah i'll do... something about them when i get back to my computer though i guess
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sgseox · 2 years
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MSA document - A level agreement is a legal document that states the goals and objectives of a company. It is an agreement between employees and the employer on what each party will achieve.
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workflowprocesstest · 1 month
Mastering the Procurement Process: A Comprehensive Guide
Effective procurement is a cornerstone of organizational success, offering substantial benefits when executed proficiently. Despite its significance, the procurement process often goes unnoticed amidst the daily operations of a business. However, for those involved, it demands meticulous planning and execution.
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In this guide, we delve into the intricacies of the procurement process, highlighting key stages and strategies for enhancing efficiency and output, thereby bolstering the bottom line.
The Procurement Process: A Step-by-Step Breakdown
Identify the Need:
Procurement begins with identifying the organization's requirements, whether for final products or underlying resources.
Collaboration between stakeholders and procurement teams is essential to define needs accurately and set budgetary parameters.
Create and Submit a Purchase Request:
Formal purchase requests are submitted via specialized procurement software, detailing required goods or services.
Requests are reviewed by the procurement team, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and budget constraints.
Evaluate and Select Suppliers/Vendors:
Vendor selection involves assessing various factors beyond price, including communication ease, ethics, and production capacities.
Depending on the nature of the purchase, either Strategic Sourcing or Tactical Buying approaches are employed.
Negotiate the Terms:
Contract negotiations are pivotal, establishing the legal framework for future transactions.
Pricing, delivery schedules, and other terms are negotiated to ensure mutual agreement and mitigate risks.
Finalize the Contract:
Contracts are formalized through documents such as Purchase Orders (POs), Master Service Agreements (MSAs), or Statements of Work (SOWs).
These documents outline specific terms and conditions, facilitating clear communication and accountability.
Implement the Contract:
Successful contract implementation requires structured communication and training to integrate new suppliers seamlessly into existing operations.
Ongoing communication and quality control are crucial to ensure adherence to contract terms and resolve any issues promptly.
Manage the Supplier:
Supplier management involves monitoring performance, fostering collaboration, and ensuring contract compliance.
Clear performance expectations, regular reviews, and feedback sessions drive continuous improvement and value creation.
Enhancing the Procurement Process
Leading procurement organizations have evolved into strategic partners, leveraging advanced strategies such as strategic sourcing and category management. Despite challenges, partnerships with external experts can facilitate procurement transformation, unlocking cost savings, efficiency improvements, and stronger supplier relationships.
Workflow Process - Wix
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scrsoft · 3 months
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isomalta · 1 month
What Makes ISO 9001 Certification Important in Malta
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s to identify and eliminate inefficiencies. This can lead to streamlined operations, reduced waste, and cost savings.
Reduced Risk of Errors: By establishing documented procedures and implementing a robust quality control system, ISO 9001 helps to minimize errors and non-conformities. This translates to a more consistent product or service and reduced costly rework or recall risk.
More decisive Competitive Advantage: ISO 9001 certification is a powerful differentiator in a competitive market. It demonstrates a company’s dedication to quality and sets it apart from competitors who may need a more rigorous quality management system.
Increased Credibility and Trust: Obtaining ISO 9001 certification enhances a company’s reputation for quality and reliability. This can be particularly beneficial when tendering for contracts or attracting new clients, especially those with a strong focus on quality themselves.
Improved Communication and Collaboration: The standard emphasizes effective communication and collaboration between different organizational departments. This can foster a more cohesive work environment and promote better decision-making.
A Foundation for Continuous Improvement: ISO 9001 is not a static set of requirements; it’s a framework for continuous improvement. By regularly auditing and evaluating their systems, companies can identify areas for improvement and ensure they are constantly adapting to meet the evolving needs of their industry and customers.
Potential for Government Funding: The Maltese government recognizes the value of quality management systems and may offer financial incentives to businesses pursuing ISO 9001 certification in Malta.
What it takes to get ISO 9001 certification in Malta
The journey towards ISO 9001 certification in Malta typically involves a well-defined process:
Commitment from Management: Senior management is crucial in driving the ISO 9001 implementation process. Their unwavering commitment and support are essential for the success of the initiative.
Gap Analysis: An initial assessment is conducted to identify any discrepancies between existing practices and the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. This helps the organization understand the adjustments needed to comply with the standard.
Development of a Quality Management System (QMS): Based on the gap analysis, the organization develops a documented QMS that outlines its policies, procedures, and processes for achieving quality.
Implementation: The developed QMS is implemented across all departments and levels of the organization. Training for employees on the new procedures and quality is often crucial to this stage.
Internal Audits: Internal audits are conducted regularly to verify the implemented QMS’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
Management Review: Senior management performs a comprehensive review of the QMS performance to assess its effectiveness and identify opportunities for further improvement.
Certification Audit: An external certification body accredited by the Malta Standards Authority (MSA) conducts a final audit to assess the organization’s compliance with the ISO 9001 standard. Upon successful completion, the organization is awarded the coveted ISO 9001 certification.
Finding the Right Certification Body in Malta
Several certification bodies in Malta offer ISO 9001 certification services. These bodies are independent organizations accredited by the MSA that conduct audits and other issues.
Why Factocert for ISO 9001 Certification in Malta
We provide the best ISO consultants in Malta, who are very knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. To learnhow to get ISO certification in Malta, kindly contact us at [email protected]. ISO Certification consultants work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO certification with proper documentation.
For More Information, Visit ISO 9001 Certification in Malta
Related Links:
· ISO Certification in Malta
· ISO 9001 Certification in Malta
· ISO 14001 Certification in Malta
· ISO 45001 Certification in Malta
· ISO 27001 Certification in Malta
· ISO 22000 Certification in Malta
· ISO 13485 Certification in Malta
· HALAL Certification in Malta
· CE MARK Certification in Malta
RELATED ARTICLE  ISO 9001 Consultants in Malta
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What is the preliminary process of incorporation in China?
The preliminary process of incorporation in China:
Step 1: Select Company Type The first step is to choose the type of company you wish to establish. Options include Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise, Joint Venture, Representative Office, Foreign Invested Partners Enterprise, Domestic Limited Liability Company, State-Owned Enterprise, and Private Limited Company, among others.
Step 2: Name Reservation Select a unique name for your company and submit a name reservation request to the local Administration for Market Regulation (AMR) or Market Supervision Administration (MSA) branch. Ensure compliance with Chinese naming regulations.
Step 3: Submit Documents Prepare necessary documentation such as articles of association, investment details, shareholder identity certificates, and other required information. Requirements may vary depending on the type of company and location.
Step 4: Submit Application Submit your application to the Chinese Incorporation authority. This step is crucial to ensure the suitability of your business. Accuracy in application details is essential to avoid rejection. Consulting with professional services can aid in completing the application.
Step 5: Request a Certificate of Approval Apply for an approval certificate and operating license (MOFCOM) from the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC). Additional licenses may be required for certain industries like food and beverage, manufacturing, telecommunications, or construction after obtaining the company certificate.
Step 6: Other Registrations After obtaining the certificate of approval, register your company for various taxes and funds necessary for operation. Mandatory registrations include Corporate Income Tax Registration, Transaction Tax or Turnover Tax, Social Insurance and Housing Fund Registration, Financial Registration, and other relevant registrations.
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kirankumar166 · 2 months
DOCU sign Ariba
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DocuSign and Ariba: Streamlining Your Procurement Processes
In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficiency and speed are paramount – even more so in the procurement world. Integrating DocuSign’s e-signature technology with SAP Ariba’s procurement solutions offers a powerful way to streamline contract management, reduce friction, and boost overall efficiency.
What is DocuSign?
DocuSign eliminates the headaches of traditional paper-based contracts. It’s a leading electronic signature platform that allows you to securely send, sign, and track any document from anywhere on virtually any device.
What is Ariba?
SAP Ariba is a cloud-based solution suite designed for complete procurement management. It facilitates sourcing, negotiation, contract management, and vendor collaboration.
The Power of Integration
Here’s how the DocuSign-Ariba partnership makes procurement easier:
Automated Workflows: Eliminate the manual back-and-forth of getting contracts signed. DocuSign enables preset and automated routing, ensuring documents reach the right people for signatures and approvals without delays.
Increased Speed: Say goodbye to the days of scanning, faxing, and mailing. With DocuSign and Ariba, contracts can be routed, signed, and returned in minutes or hours, not weeks.
Reduced Costs: Digitization means saving on printing, paper, mailing, and storage costs.
Enhanced Security and Compliance: DocuSign uses robust security measures to protect sensitive contract data. Its detailed audit trails ensure compliance and reduce the risk of disputes.
Improved User Experience: DocuSign and Ariba prioritize usability and intuitive design, making document signing effortless for any stakeholder.
Key Use Cases
DocuSign and Ariba can benefit numerous procurement processes:
Master Service Agreements (MSAs)
Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
Supplier Contracts
Statements of Work (SOWs)
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
And many more!
Getting Started with DocuSign and Ariba
If you’re already using Ariba, enabling DocuSign integration is generally straightforward. Here’s a basic outline:
Licensing: Firstly, ensure you have the required DocuSign subscription level and Ariba permissions.
Configuration in Ariba: Your Ariba administrator will enable DocuSign within the Signature Providers section.
User Setup: DocuSign accounts must be created for Ariba users involved in the signing process.
Integrating DocuSign and Ariba transforms contract and signature workflows within the procurement cycle. Companies utilizing this integration can experience a smoother, faster, and more cost-effective process that delights business partners, suppliers, and internal stakeholders.
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Arise Portal
Arise Portal is a virtual platform developed especially for workers. With the help of Arise Portal, employees can easily control their profiles just by logging onto the portal. The virtual solutions provided by Arise Portal have further helped to bring change in the methods of how the world works. With this, a bond is formed between the top-notch manufacturing firms and the service partners, which are hundreds in number.
Features of Arise Portal
Arise Portal is developed with functions that are highly advanced technologically and can be a great aid to entrepreneurs. 
With the Arise Portal, businesses can explore the customer service business according to their will. It becomes a link between you and technology. 
Also, it provides you with any help you require while working.
Arise Portal is quite easy to access, and once you have registered yourself here, you can easily start taking any benefits instantly by sitting at your place. 
This also means you need not visit the office regularly and can easily set up your work timetable. 
Moreover, working from home offers all employees many advantages, including the time you get with your family and loved ones. Moreover, no boss would create any difficulty for you. 
To avail of the services of the Arise Portal, you only need to register with the company or an individual company. And using the Arise Portal, you can also join a call center that existed earlier. This option is generally chosen by the ones who want to avoid creating their entity. 
Benefits of Using Arise Portal
There are several advantages that the users of the Arise Portal get, and some of them are stated below:
1- Get support using the portal
Using the virtual platform of Arise Portal, you can get support and access to their various tools, which are very useful, reference tools, and all the other materials available on the portal.
2- Manage the information
With Arise Portal, the users can keep updating their profile to log in to the platform. In addition, the users can also look at the agents’ details and keep track of their performance metrics and the metrics that may be applied to any of the client programs.
3- Get access to the documents 
With Arise Portal, you can look at the documents and the agreements, including MSA, NDA, SOW, etc.  Also, you can easily use the Starmatic Scheduling System 2.0, which is used for the planning service time and management tools.
4- Get information depending on your business
The login page of Arise Portal provides several points of view and details, which would vary based on whether you want to be an agent or a business holder on the Arise Portal.
5- Special benefits for the business owners
The business holders or the business owners get the details regarding programs and the information about the performance of every single employee working in the institution. 
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