#nefir hasenuf
princess-ibri · 1 year
Of the various villains from the Aladdin series, where do Amuk Moonrah, the Ethereal, and Nefir Hasenuf fit into the larger Disneyverse cosmology?
Well they're all some sort of ifrit/djinn/elementals. The way i've decided to go is that all the mythologies spring up in their own locals. They can exist outside their home countries but they're weaker.
The only real hierarchy there is is that Chernabog is the ruler of all dark forces, and there exists a counter light force to him that would draw in all beings aligned with it. Neither Chernabog nor this light force are meant to actually be the devil or God of Christianity though, even if they correspond with them in basic cosmological function
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dragonsruby · 3 years
Aladdin (animated series) Incorrect Quotes:
Because my obsessive phase has lasted years and it's time to do something with it.
Feel free to add on, if you want! This was a lot of fun!
Aladdin: "People have asked me how I get the 'Natural and earthy' look to my body. I've told them that it's the Essence of Agrabah."
*Monster of the week smashes a cart in the background, causing splinters and sand to fly everywhere*
Aladdin: "It's literally just sand."
Cassim: "The son I raised is a strong and responsible man."
Genie: "Did you perhaps raise a son that we are unaware of?"
Nefir: "My one and only dream, which was to obtain money, has come true!"
Abis Mal, adressing his crew: "Today, I'm going to show you how to face your fears! Now the first step to facing your fears is-"
*Abu falls off of wall behind Mal and Mal screams loudly*
Haroud: "Every time you feel like yelling at your boss, put a shred of gold in your 'No yelling' sack, and soon you'll have a wEAPON TO BEAT-"
Ambassador: "I've brought you frankincense."
Jasmine: "Thank you."
Ambassador: "And I've brought you myrrh!"
Jasmine: "Thank y-"
Ambassador, flinging off his cloak to reveal Abis Mal with his latest magical doomsday artifact: "Myrrh-DER!!!"
Jasmine, sighing: "Abis Mal, this is the eigth time."
Fasir, looking at Agrabah: "When will you learn-"
Fasir, looking at Mirage: "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN-"
Fasir, screaming at the globe: "THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!!?!!"
(Also applies to the Etherial)
Iago: "ARE YOU-"
*Abu screeches*
*Abu screeches*
Aladdin: "What in the name of-"
Jasmine: "I told Iago that he shouldn't use council-inappropriate words while we have guests over. Abu is saying them for him."
(Side note, you can't convince me that Abu wouldn't have the worst potty-mouth in the series next to Iago)
Mirage: "Ya know, I really love dressing up for the occassion and looking proper and taking a knife and STABBING PEOPLE ON THE WEEKENDS!"
Mirage: "Now, we shall all make our move to destroy Agrabah!"
Etherial: "There is no need. The people are doing that just as well on their own."
Chaos: "It's really boring! They don't even need us to do anything!"
Scooter: "...?"
Arbutus: "I never wish to leave my garden. However-"
*Aladdin waters a fake plant in Agrabah*
Arbutus: "Some time in prison will be worth the actions that I shall take."
Iago: "Nah, I can't ever be with a bird of the fairer breed. I am all the fair this bird needs!"
Thundra, flying across the globe at the speed of light: "WHO THE BLIGHT PUT THE ROBOT-SLEEZE IN MI SELVA?!?!?! MAY ROOTS GROW WITHIN SUS ÓRGANOS FOR THE NEXT ONE THOUSAND YEARS- Ah, Ramone, mi amore! Ever shall you join me!"
Iago: "...My worldview has been expanded for two."
Iago: "Sometimes I think..."
Iago: "...and then I end up in federal prison."
Genie: "Whatever you have heard about me isn't true. I don't know where people get the idea that I like it safe (watch your step, loose tile,) it's ridiculous (careful, hanging plant.) You wear a helmet to an ambasador meeting one time, and you're labeled for life (watch out, broken glass). Frankly, I like taking risks and would welcome a little danger in my life."
Genie: "Dhandi, kid, dear Eden and I have decided to have a child together!"
Dhandi: "Oh, congratulations! I didn't know that you could have-"
Eden, producing adoption papers from the air: "And that child is YOU!!!!!"
Genie: "As your prisoner, I'm not going to associate, I'm not going to conversate with you-"
Mozenrath: "I think it's 'converse.'"
Genie: "...Wh-"
Mozenrath: "Just say 'talk.'"
Abu: Jailed for Monke Crimes (and also repeated attempts at robbery)
Mozenrath: "GET THE DOG-"
Aladdin, casually holding the Thirdac's chain: "It don't bite!"
Mozenrath, halfway up the nearest wall: "YES IT DO, BI-"
Aladdin: "And another hit! Better start waving your white flag, Mozenrath!"
Aladdin: "...Only one problem with that, but besides the point-"
Aladdin, at the end of the 1992 film: "Man, things are going pretty well for me! I'm off the streets, I have a family who loves me, and none of my enemies can touch me anymore! Things are finally looking up!"
The Return of Jafar, the 1994 series and The King of Thieves: *Jaws theme*
I will cherish the chaos of this series forever.
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Mechanicles: What does the "Arab" in your profile mean? Is it like AMAB or AFAB?
Nefir: I'm Egyptian...
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"What are you doing standing around?!? Every idle moment is money out of my pocket, food from my mouth, blood from my veins."
💰 💰 💰|💰 💰 💰|💰 💰 💰 @magigorical
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tampire · 10 years
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