entwifeexperience · 1 year
Mörkopoly [Early access] by NeonoN
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(The cute lil goblin is staring into my soul!)
This game is by no means a complete finished product and is currently in the phase of early access pre-alpha-male testing.
Please reach out to me if you had a chance to play the game and:
noticed things that didn't work for you, were unbalanced, game breaking, or not fun
have some ideas on how to expand the gameplay and what would you like to see added
have some ideas on how to make the game more lore-friendly and better aligned with the current phase of the MÖRK LUDIC POLYVERSE.
would like to see it as a fully fledged, finished product in the future and not just a joke that overstayed its welcome
simply liked it and have some encouraging words to say
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Mörk Borg Monopoly what's not to love/ loathe entirely?
I'm so very excited to get more to grips with this and not just fall out and no longer speak to friends and family, but leave the scvm bloody, beaten and robbed in the Dying World!
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
THEME: Pokemon
Today's recommendations focuses on Pokemon-inspired tabletop games, or games about catching/befriending creatures!
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Pokemon Essence, by KingBim
Pokémon’s tone is Noble and Bright. Noble means that the player character’s actions can have a lasting positive impact. Bright means that most characters in the setting are good people, and that the institutions and norms of the society have a positive impact on everybody’s lives.
This is a game that is looking to replicate the themes of the Pokemon anime, as well as the battle style. You look to your humans to determine their personality, goal, and aesthetic. Meanwhile, moves, types and abilities are in the realm of your Pokemon, who will be used in both combat and non-combat challenges.
Pokemon Essence mainly relies on a d6 to resolve actions. There is an energy mechanic that determines your Pokemon's ability to use certain moves, and evolution is treated as a form of character advancement. All in all, there's some cool-looking systems at play here, without the heavy detail of a much crunchier system.
Ligmàmon RPG, by NeonoN.
Welcome to a bustling world full of wondrous creatures known as LIGMÀMON. Here, where every problem and dispute can and should be resolved through a LIGMÀMON battle, together with your friends you will seek adventures in ancient ruins, discover rare LIGMÀMON species, train to become a LIGMÀ League champion, or maybe even stop a shady criminal organization in their tracks!
This game comes with a special little program called LigmàBoy, which requires Adobe Reader to run. It will generate different kinds of Ligmàmon for you to battle or catch. If you can't use the LigmàBoy, you can still generate new Ligmàmon using roll tables on the PDF! On the GM side of things, there's a quick evil team generator that you can use to give your players some antagonists to foil time and time again.
All of the rules you need to play Ligmàmon fits onto one brochure. So print off a copy for each player and you are good to go!
MONS, by benji t.
“Hello there! My name is Ginkgo! People call me the Etymon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called etymons! For some people, etymons are companions. Others treat them as peers. Myself... I study etymon as a profession. First, what is your name?”
MONS is a pretty stripped-down version of a Pokemon game, using the 24XX system. You choose a character trope, and build three etymon using a roll table. You can only keep three etymons at a time, and there are mechanics for saying goodby to etymons once you have trained them up.
What I like about this system is the focus on adventuring with a creature companion, and away from battling with them. Etymons are helpers in discovering new information, unraveling mysteries, and interacting with other Etymon trainers. If you're interested in the idea of bonding with Pokemon more than you are with the Pokemon battles, and if you like a stripped-down, easy-to-start rules system, this is the game for you.
Shatterkin, by Scribbles and Dice.
Shatterkin is a tabletop role-playing game about kids with evolving monster pets. Each player takes on the role of two different characters — a small-town kid and a strange evolving monster (known as shatterkin), who have formed a bond to help each other learn and grow.
Defend your small town from dangers — wild shatterkin, agents of the secretive Syndicates, or the mysterious power known as the Malice. When the situation is dire, your shatterkin can evolve to new levels of power, to face ever-greater foes. Be careful not to put too much strain on your shatterkin — you don't want to break their trust!
Shatterkin is Forged in the Dark, and each player gets two sheets: one for their character, and one for their Shatterkin companion. You don't collect beasts in this game - you focus on bonding with a single companion, whose well-being depends on the trust they have in you as their gemheart.
This is a great option if you are interested in games that focus on a single, fragile bond, rather than collecting various creatures. It's also good for improv and action resolution in-media res, as is the standard for Forged in the Dark.
ForeverDex by World Champ Game.Co.
If you received this page in the mail, congratulations! You’ve been brought on to discover and archive a new creature!
Players will use the zip code of the person who sent them the ForeverDex to randomly determine aspects of the creature they witnessed, like Type, Look, Disposition, and Power Level. Then, you draw the creature and write briefly about your imagined encounter. Finally, you'll pass the page along to another person who will continue the cycle.
This game is only 2 pages long and is excellent for folks who may live in different time zones and find it difficult to game together. You can choose how closely your creature catalogue resembles Pokemon, so it might also be a good fit for friend groups who have slightly different interests. It's not just good for Pokemon trainers - it's also good for monster hunters, folklorists, and people with an interest in biology or zoology!
Pokemon Tabletop United, by Paradox. Pokémon Tabletop United is designed to handle a variety of different ideas for Pokémon tabletop RPG campaigns. You can use the system for a traditional game where the players take the role of young Trainers receiving their first Pokémon from a Professor as they prepare to leave town for the first time and conquer the Pokémon League. Or you could play a campaign about Pokémon in Space or a Wild West frontier exploration game. If you like a lot of stats, number crunching and note-taking, this might be the game for you. With a number of source books for different kinds of campaigns and themes, as well as consistently updated splats for newly released Pokemon, this fan project is immensely dedicated to giving you the tools to create the Pokemon game of your dreams. Pick through the supplements, put together your first Pokemon, and enjoy all of the free content put together by some die-hard fans.
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farmergadda · 1 year
Potion Brewing as a d6 minigame but also lowkey blackjack? Dm rolls xd6 and tallies up the number but doesnt tell the player. The player can roll a series of d6 and add those numbers to the pot, aiming to get as close as possible to the unknown target number without going over.
DM can use descriptions of the brew as it bubbles to hint at how close it is to done. Depending on the difference between the brew and target number, the potion can have varying degrees of effectiveness(?) But if the player pushes their luck and goes over, the cauldron explodes
Maybe theres a scale to the perfection. A potion that's 1 number from the target would work exactly as the brewer intended, with an increasing number of flaws the worse the brew is? The more I think about it the more I realize there needs to be an element of skill. So you dont know the target number the first time you brew a potion but once you've succeeded, the dm reveals the number so you can be strategic going forward.
Gonna steal from Neonon's "ABC of Alchemy" for a second and say that the intent of the potion determines how many ingredients are needed in the pot, one for each letter. A potion of FLY would require Feather of Flufferduck, Leaves from a Lilybush, and the Yawn of Yesteryear, and each one is a d6. So you've got 3d6 to brew this potion.
Something significantly more involved like Potion of DREAMWALKING means the chance of over brewing and ruining it is super high and risky, so potions wouldn't overshadow whatever magic system your game already employs?
Also go get ABC's of Alchemy, it's really cool and I lowkey view it as like, the bar by which I hope to judge my system agnostic work going forward.
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csmeanerr · 6 months
These are just, fucking base-filled dogs with neon colours. I fucking hate the state of CS these days. ~forums/5868(.)species-discussion/458723(.)making-neonons
the account posting also was created today so idk if its even serious
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igazikutya · 2 years
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2022 08
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Van az a konteó, hogy a torrenttrackerek programozását egy hangyakirálynő agyának matematikai modellé konvertálásával sikerült tökéletesre vinniük. A magamfajta félautistával megesik, hogy képes vagyok meredten figyelni ennek a szervezett intelligenciának a működését, ahogy leosztja optimálisan a feladatokat a peerek és seedek között. Az ötlet maga, hogy X tulaj dobja neked össze 1000 darabból, amit akarsz, de már, amint bármely darab tulajdonosa lettél, forrás is vagy – ez a társadalmilag sosem megvalósult tökéletes kommunizmus modellje. Vagyis, már megint eljutottam fejben a gyermekkor végére, is. Same in gifish, majd zene!
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A legfaszább industrial drone-ambientet még mindig ez az elvetemült German Army játssza. Vagy én lettem észrevétlenül hadifogoly. Ebben a műfajban nagyon nehéz olyan igazán meredeken eredetit alkotni (zsinórban), de van valami nyers, elevenség, afféle rücskös tenyérsimitás a kopasz kobakodon / de kurva hideg néha ez a furcsa világ kombó effektje az egésznek. Az Endless Suburb pont azt hozza, amit  a címe(k) sugall(nak): Liquid Locality, Melting the Fixed Points, Transition to What, a Loss of Expression. A kiadvány a manchesteri Natural Sciences Records-nál jelent meg, formátuma természetesen: magnókazetta, illetve vinyl és bandcamp.
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Miközben itt hétről hétre tolom a zenei antinácit, és mindenféle fúziókról áradozok, műfajok, korszakok, stílusok között, melyek a hiperfokozatai az elektronikus zene fejlődésének - hiszen a közelmúltban alműfaji mélységekig kialakultak a stílusjegyek, klisék. És akkor itt egy remek alkalom, aminek – ha gúnyos akarok lenni – már a címe is szpojlerezni látszik, az Orbital - Thirty-Something. Az általam egyik legtöbbre tartott, és az egyik legszédületesebb diszkográfiával, történelmi lenyomattal bíró zenei páros, az a Hartnoll fivérek munkássága. ÉS akkor itt az ideje a visszatekintésnek, időnk van rá, hiszen egy utóbbi időkben alkalmilag koncertezik, de kiadványok tekintetében kb inaktív az Orbital. Az eredmény a 23 remixből álló válogatás, közte hét ún. 30 Something Years Later önremixszel, a többi pedig a kortársakra maradt. Ja igen, és két füstölt béoldalas, íme az egyik:
Vakarom a fejem, mint valami eltévedt szobakálámbó, és csak ilyenek jönnek, hogy itt valami félrement, illetve hogy olyan öreg vagyok ehhez a harminchoz, és nem vagyok képes a jelenből szemlélni, de ez nem igaz. Ezen a blogon folyamatosan olyan megjelenéseket, trackeket dícsőitek, melyekben a frissenmost találkozik az oldschoollal, öreg fiatallal. De csak tegyük fel, hogy mégis itt valami félrement! Vegyük az Orbital 1989-2004-es korszakának zenéit és onnan húzunk egy vonalat 2012-es  Wonkyig. Ha azt meghosszabbítjuk, akkor, valahol a túlszaturált neonon túl, a Kábé Harminc egy logikus eredmény. Vagy csak agyamra ment az Alapítvány és pszichohistória. Orbital – A lapítvány. (Bocs) A 23 felvételből hármat válogattam be a Traxelektorba, és elrettentő példának szerepel a megjelenések között is. A „30 Years Later And The Earth Is Still Burning Mix” címadásért pedig csattanhat háromkezes hatujjas pacsi! És lécci, ne higgyetek nekem, hallgassátok meg, lehet, én vagyok elállítva.
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A támbler négy fala közti temporális szobordöntögetéseim során is ügyelek a genderballaszra. Riz Maslen. Sóhajt. Itt időnként hivatkozok rá, mint a pszichedelikus elektronika egyik fontos origójára. Néha mások tisztelgése kapcsán merül fel: Dean O'Brien Resorts - A Tribute to the Beautiful Pool That You Weren’t Invited To <= Neotropic - Beautiful Pool [1996, 15 Levels Of Magnification]. Nyilván az se véletlen, hogy Riz új albuma nem Neotropic, hanem Leda Maar pszeudó alatt jött ki. A Stairway 13 dupla bakelitje 4 oldalanként egybefüggő 10-15 perces dark ambient mixet tartalmaz. A foci van tele olyan béna zsargonokkal, mint ha azt írnám, ehhez a lemezhez hangulat kell, uramatyám! de tény, hogy nekem ez alatt a pár hét alatt nem volt hozzá. Valamiért nekem Riznek ezek az elnyújtott vokáljai ekkora fesztávon nem működnek. Vagy csak belevágyom a Neotropic virtuóz zsenijét, mert az csalhatatlanul hallható, hogy Leda Maart is Riz Maslen alakítja.
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Hölgyeim és Uraim, Gendereim a Genezisben! Emeka Ogboh performanszát láthatják, amint megpróbál elrugaszkodni a field recordings biztos talajáról. Mint láthatják, hallhatják a siker teljes. Emeka Southtworldos terepasztala a Luke Slater által protezsált Beyond The Yellow Haze számára készült tavaly, s ha azt szerették, ezt duplán fogják. Ugyanis ez ugyanaz a terepasztal, olyannyira, hogy az album címe egy helykoordináta, 6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E, ami Nigéria fővárosában, Lagos Yaba kerületében, az Ojuelegba Roadra mutat.
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Szóval ez ugyanaz a terep, csak Mr. Ogboh elkezdett olyan elemeket felpakolni rá, amitől erőteljesebb ritmusa lett a pulzálásnak. Így lett  a field recordingszból ethno-trip-hop és ambient-leftfield, tribal sprintekkel tagolva.
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Ha ez videoblog volna, kocsmai arcközelibe mondanám parasztul, gunyában hasispipát szippogva, ilyen bakonyi leeperryben, hogy – az öreg Sztívrócs még mindig tudja, hogy hol tenyészik az ambient. Úgy dezintegrálja a nemzetünk nehézségein járó súlyos agytekervényeit, mint betyáros tekintetet aszályban a déli szellő. A What Remains egyetlen trackje két fokot hűt lakásán nem nyomasztja többé a rezsicsökkentés csökkentése a nemzet négyzetgyökminuszeggye rezsifraktálja n-1 Mandelbrot Szilárdból n számú Steve Roach-ot ajánlja!
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Az olyan hivatalos minőségében nemzetközi villanyispán, mint Carl Finlow (vasár- és ünnepnap Silicon Scally) tudja igazán, hogy az elektro tiszta formájában kevésbé reaktív, az elektronikus zene desztillált vize, mérnökien tökéletes alapvetésekkel. A 20/20 Vision laborjában előállított Desequence EP öt különféle módon szennyezett, majd részletes minőségellenőrzésen átesett elektrovegyületet tartalmaz. 
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A The Black Dog diszkográfiájának már az exponenciális sebességgel közelgő világvége se árthat, ugyanis ha most leállna a futópad, a 33 évnyi életmű akkor is teljes. Így aztán a srácok egy évtizede hektikusan, jókedvükben rilízionálnak, egyszer egy hónap alatt 3 albumot, máskor meg három évig csak a yorkshire-i éter zizeg a háttérben, vagy fordítva. Madártávlatból elmondhatjuk, hogy a The Black Dog 2020 év végén zárta a Conspiracy-korszakát, ami a Very Extended Play EP-t követő hároméves szünet után, 2018-ban kezdődött a tíz részes Conspiracy Tapes szeptemológiával. Közben néhány jéghegy, a Black Daisy Wheel és a Fragments albumok, EP-k terén pedig a négyrészes Hoaxer és a korszakzáró Allegory (RGB trilógia).
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A napjainkban zajló korszakra az egyik album alcíme a Construction lehetne működő cimke, s mely 2021-ben indul a Dubs EP trilógiával (Sheffield, Brutal, Construction), melynek album reflexiója a Music for Photographers. Az idei tavaszt a Brutal Minimalism / Fighting Modernism / Concrete Reasoning ambient-dubtech EP trilógiával köszöntötték, és a trilogikán-túli, meglepően diszkós Dubs: Volume 4 - Suburbia EP-vel.
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A felsoroltakra nyáron érkezik két a Construction-korszakból építkező nagyon erős összegzés, a koncertalbum Live In Barcelona 25​/​03​/​22, illetve frissen pedig a Brutal Five To One Mix V2 nevet kapott ambient-drone stúdiómix. Az összes idei kiadványuk hibátlan és minőségi és koherens.
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És hogy miért az augusztusi számban publikálok félévnyi Black Dogot? Esküszöm az előbb még nem volt ott semmi, nem tetszik hogy épül a jószág?
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Jamie Hodge (nem keverendő a bristoli Hodge aka Jake Martin-nel) 17 éves ifjú techno producerként került Richie Hawtin Plus 8 kiadójához, és Born Under A Rhyming Planet pszeudó alatt 1993-ban a Digital:Hell / Analog:Heaven EP-vel a kiadó ma már legendás és beszerezhetetlen korai felvételeinek egyikét jegyezte. Jamie Hodge otthonról a jazz szeretetét hozta, chicagoi születésű, így a detroiti hatás ellenére egyre jobban előtérbe kerülő együtteseivel (Conjoint - Earprints, Studio Pankow - Linienbusse) amolyan jazz-techno-ambient irányba mozdultak el, és itt gyakori hivatkozás egy ismertebb chicagoi kedvenc, a Tortoise, és az egyik alkotótárs David Moufang, ismertebb nevén Move D. A Diagonals - gyakorlatilag a Born Under A Rhyming Planet első albuma – a Demdike Star duó new yorki kiadójánál, a DDS-nél jelent meg. A források szerint Hodge-ra, mikor egyetemi tanárként nyári szünetét egy lemezforgalmazónál töltötte New Yorkban, katalizátorként hatott a közeg, illetve a New Music Seminar-on érte zenei hatások. A fent említett hatások dacára a Diagonals egy erősen vintage műfajú album, majdhogynem visszanyúlás az Analog Heavenig, és Hodge ezt az általa kiválasztott eszközökkel - Korg MS-20, Atari ST, Nord Micro Modular, ARP Axxe, Yamaha TG77 és TX816 - determinálta, hogy a mű valahol a Black Dog-Plaid-Tortoise háromszögben pihenjen meg.
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Techno-trance-jungle-wave-eket okád szüntelen magából a végtelen világűrbe az ASC nevű mikrokvazár, s most gravitációs teréből bukkant fel újra a Sciama nevű kisbolygó. Michael Watters eddigi összes albuma az Auxiliary Recordsnál jelent meg, akár a mostani Myriad EP. A Sciama, amolyan asc-copy-nak tűnt eddig, ezért nem esett itt komolyabban szó róla. Ellenben a Myriad azzal, hogy James Clements kereső üzemmódban készült kiadványainak experimentalista merészségével született, a Sciama elérte a szökési sebességet. 
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A Skinny Puppyból ismert Mark Walk a  londoni psych-garage vokalista Lesley Rankine-nel 1995-ben megalakították a Ruby formációt. Első albumuk, a Salt Peter is feltűnést keltett, de nekem nem igazán innen, hanem a következő évben kiadott Salt Peter Remixed (Revenge, The Sweetest Fruit) remix albummal hajították el messze a sótartót. A remixerek - többek között Ceasefire (Dereck Dahlarge, Meat Katie), Peshay, Red Snapper, Da Lata, Fila Brazilia – valahogy nagyon ráéreztek, és egy hangzásában is érdekes diverzió keletkezett. A negyedszázados évfordulóról kicsit lecsúszva fut neki a Salt Peter 25 remix projektnek a duó, bár van egy olyan érzésem, hogy inkább Leslie. Eleve önremixekről van szó, amik alól sikerült kiremixelni az instrumentumot, vagy stílusközhelyeket kreálni. Úgy hogy inkább hallgassuk meg minden idők egyik legjobb drum and bass remixét Peshaytől, 1996-ból:
Nem nyilvánvaló, hogy a holland Steffie Doms és friscoi Sepehr Alimagham a drogalkoholizmus fogyasztási problematikáit, a problematika generálta megaproblematikákat kivánta-e feldolgozni, tematizálni? Konkrétan ugye van az a tudható, miszerint a hallucinogének hatása alatt kevésbé hat az alkohol, ezért lehet állat mód inni – má’ annak, aki szereti (az italt) - egy ideig... aztán ez néha átbillen. Azok többnyire embert próbáló idők, és hála az előzménynek, az idő se szalad el sietve, s lehet morpholt extra slow motionben villámdetoxikálni. A Drunk On Psychedeli(c)a EP a holland Klaksonnál jelent meg, és végül két felvétellel került be a Traxelektorba..
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Nem fogok újabb Shackleton ajnározásba kezdeni, fogadtam meg az imént, meg amúgy is csak a traxeletorig jutott most. Annyit kijelentenék távirati stílusban, hogy a pali még mindig virtuóz módon bánik azzal a rengeteg hanggal, amivel körbejátssza magát. A Honest Jon's Recordsnál megjelent The Majestic Yes EP a belátó bólintás bágikus bentségét boncolgatja. A lemezborító meg valamiért erősen inverzben emlékeztet markoferko tumblista diktátorfotel selfthreadjére.
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Decemberben érkezik Terrence Fixmer új albuma Shifting Signals címmel, és íme az első single róla:
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Al Wootton - Wyre [2022, TRULE][EP] Black Dog, The - Brutal Five To One Mix V2 [2022, Dust Science][Comp-Mix LP] Black Dog, The - Dubs Volume 4 - Suburbia [2022, Dust Science][EP] Black Dog, The - Live In Barcelona 25-03-22 [2022, Dust Science][Live-LP] Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Diagonals [2022, DDS][LP] Carl Finlow - Desequence [2022, 20/20 Vision][LP] Emeka Ogboh - 6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E [2022, Danfotronics][2LP] German Army - Endless Suburb [2022, Natural Sciences][MC] Leda Maar - Stairway 13 [2022, Mana][2LP] Orbital - Thirty-Something [2022, Orbital Recordings Ltd.][Comp] Sciama - Myriad [2022, Auxiliary][EP] Steve Roach - What Remains [2022, Soundquest Music][LP]
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Traxelektor 2022 08 Spotify playlist (46/54, 4:38/5:12, 85%)
Traxelektor Playlist 2022 08
Al Wootton - Mercia [Wyre, TRULE] Al Wootton - Palants Grove [Wyre, TRULE] Al Wootton - Wyre [Wyre, TRULE]
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Ambien Baby - Engendrx [Taste the Bass, Delicate] Ambien Baby - You Can't Forget Groove [Taste the Bass, Delicate] Ateq & Orion - Crown [Cyclorama, Pale Product] Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Hot Nachos With Cheese, Cappuccino, Calling Cards [Diagonals, DDS] Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Hyperreal [Diagonals, DDS] Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Siemansdamm [Diagonals, DDS] Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Traffic [Diagonals, DDS] Broken English Club - Concrete [The Artificial Animal, Death & Leisure] Broken English Club - Grey Sands [The Artificial Animal, Death & Leisure] Broken English Club - Snub [The Artificial Animal, Death & Leisure]
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Carl Finlow - Desequence [Desequence, 20/20 Vision] Carl Finlow - Guttural [Desequence, 20/20 Vision] Carl Finlow - Wavefront [Desequence, 20/20 Vision] Dalibor Cruz - 02 [21 De Agosto, Macaruya, Chicago Research] Dalibor Cruz - 05 [21 De Agosto, Macaruya, Chicago Research] Dalibor Cruz - 06 [21 De Agosto, Macaruya, Chicago Research]
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DgoHn - Daisy Takes Two (Meat Beat Manifesto Dub Selection)[Undesignated Remixes, Love Love] DgoHn - Lucky Gonk (Forest Drive West Remix)[Undesignated Remixes, Love Love] Dosis - Naranja [Naranja, Delicate] Emeka Ogboh - Ayilara [6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E, Danfotronics] Emeka Ogboh - No Counterfeit [6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E, Danfotronics] Emeka Ogboh - Verbal Drift [6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E, Danfotronics]
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Extrawelt - Treuepunkt (Funk D'Void Remix) [Jetzt Neu: Alles Wie Früher - Remixes, Break New Soil] German Army - Melting The Fixed Point [Endless Suburb, Natural Sciences] German Army - Songs From A Failed State [Endless Suburb, Natural Sciences] German Army - Transition To What [Endless Suburb, Natural Sciences] German Army - Treatment Time And Discovery [Endless Suburb, Natural Sciences] Leon Vynehall - Endless (I) - Edit [Endless (I&II), Self-Released] Man Made Hill - Body Thoughts [Mirage Repair, Orange Milk]
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Mani Festo - Sleepless in West Norwood [Sleepless In West Norwood, Lobster Theremin] Mariusz Duda - News From The World [Lets Meet Outside, Kscope] Orbital - Are We Here (Dusky Mix)[Thirty-Something, Orbital Recordings Ltd.] Orbital - Belfast (David Holmes Remix) [Thirty-Something, Orbital Recordings Ltd.] Orbital - Impact (30 Years later And The Earth Is Still Burning Mix) [Thirty-Something, Orbital Recordings Ltd.] Sciama - Forced Inward [Myriad, Auxiliary] Sciama - Indignation [Myriad, Auxiliary] Sciama - The Lost Pleiad [Myriad, Auxiliary] Severed+Said - Delayed Sad [Tragic Seeker, Not Not Fun] Severed+Said - Unconscious [Tragic Seeker, Not Not Fun] Severed+Said - Unit Of Hurt [Tragic Seeker, Not Not Fun]
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Shackleton - The Majestic Yes [The Majestic Yes, Honest Jon's] Shackleton - The Overwhelming Yes [The Majestic Yes, Honest Jon's] Steffi & Sepehr - Drunk On Psychedeli(c)a [Drunk On Psychedeli(c)a, Klakson] Steffi & Sepehr - The Hairy Otter [Drunk On Psychedeli(c)a, Klakson] The Black Dog - CNIII [Dubs Volume 4 - Suburbia, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Darnall Drift [Dubs Volume 4 - Suburbia, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Form, Function and Friction [Brutal Minimalism, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Grey Not Green [Concrete Reasoning, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Sony 7IV [Fighting Modernism, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Sound Klash [Dubs Volume 4 - Suburbia, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Tuckered Out [Concrete Reasoning, Dust Science]
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nikkolodeon · 1 year
What Should You Look For In A Platform For Fundraising?
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If you're trying to raise funds to support your cause, it is important to choose the best fundraising platforms for individuals. There are numerous options for platforms to raise funds. Here are some suggestions to help you choose the right one for you.
Donorbox, a fundraising platform created to make online fundraising easier, offers nonprofits a complete set of features to assist them in reaching their fundraising goals. It's free for non-profit organizations with less than $1000 per month, and provides a variety of payment options , including Stripe and PayPal. The user interface is platform-independent, so nonprofits can use it on any site.
Donorbox offers a simple setup procedure. It has a donation page that's easy to customize with your personal brand. It can be integrated into your website by using HTML code. It's also customizable with CSS, and you can choose from several colors that will match your organization's branding.
Donorbox is compatible with PayPal, Apple Pay, and Stripe. It also supports bank transfers. It is also able to connect to Zapier, Salesforce, Kindful and Salesforce. It's secure and comes with robust anti-fraud safeguards.
Classy provides advanced tools and robust integrations that assist nonprofits with creating highly effective donation pages and manage supporters. Depending on your needs you'll be able to select from a range of options that include an automatic email reminder to let users know that their credit card are due to expire. The classy app allows donors to add an optional tip to their donation. This is ideal for those who want to show their appreciation.
Classy offers an in-house payment processing service called ClassyPay. The tool offers low-cost transaction fees as well as industry-leading fraud prevention. It can also integrate with Venmo and PayPal. It handles recurring gifts and also reconcile payments. Visit here: https://xmalley.com/ for details.
DoJiggy was launched in 2003 and provides a variety of tools to promote charitable causes. It provides all the tools that nonprofits require to run successful fundraising events. It allows users to combine and mix various fundraising strategies such as online auctions and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.
DoJiggy offers a completely free online platform for fundraising, with tips and tricks for free to increase participation. Its platform has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an "A+" rating.
DoJiggy offers three pricing plans. The base package includes everything, but organizations can select which plan is best for their fundraising needs. The "Pledge for Crowdfunding" plan is for organizations that conduct several campaigns during the year. This plan offers support for donation management, mobile donations and ongoing donations.
GoFundMe will help you raise funds for weddings or renovation. It's easy to set up a campaign, and donors can help your cause by sharing it on their social media pages.
GoFundMe is a safe and reliable platform. All donations are processed by payment processors. This means that you can be sure that your money will go to the person or organization you choose. GoFundMe's customer service team is available to help you with any questions or concerns you might have.
GoFundMe is one instance of free fundraising platforms for individuals. Usually, fundraisers use GoFundMe to assist their families in the aftermath of a tragedy, or help them get through difficult times. When compared to other sites for fundraising, GoFundMe is especially welcoming to personal causes.
Neon One can help your nonprofit reach its fundraising goals regardless of how large or small. This fundraising software can assist you in achieving your goals, from tracking donors to personalized peer-to-peer funding.
This technology will enable you to develop stronger bonds with your community and ensure the long-term viability of your organization. You can also select from a variety of packages to meet your charity's needs.
Neon One offers a variety of services, including fund-raising campaigns and volunteer management, event management and many more. The company also offers a CRM system for a nonprofit to track donor data. The organization will be able to increase its fundraising efforts and work more effectively with Neon One.
Neon CRM is an online fundraising program that lets you track your group's donations and membership levels, is Neon CRM. The software also comes with custom online forms for donations. The system is customizable with custom colors, logos, and web pages.
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dresslikeaunicorn · 1 year
How Do You Choose A Good Fundraising Platform
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Choosing the right best fundraising platforms for individuals is crucial when you are trying to raise money to support your cause. There are many options for fundraising platforms. Here are some suggestions to help you choose the right one for your requirements.
Created to make fundraising online easier, Donorbox is a fundraising platform that offers nonprofits the full range of tools to help them meet their goals in fundraising. It's free for nonprofits that receive less than $1,000 per month and offers several payment options , including Stripe and PayPal. Its interface for users is platform-agnostic and therefore nonprofits are able to use it on any site.
Donorbox is easy to setup. The donation form can be personalized with your logo. The HTML code allows you to incorporate the form on your website. You can personalize it using CSS and choose among a variety of colors that match the branding of your organization.
Donorbox can be integrated with Apple Pay, PayPal, and Stripe. It also accepts bank transfer. It is also able to integrate with Zapier, Salesforce, Kindful and Salesforce. It's safe and comes with strong anti-fraud protections.
Classy provides advanced tools and strong integrations that are able to assist nonprofits in creating high-performing donation pages or managing supporters. Based on your requirements you'll have the option of choosing from a variety of features, including an automated email reminder to let users know that their credit card are due to expire. A Classy feature allows supporters to add an optional tip to their gift. This is an excellent way to show your support.
Classy also offers an in-house payment processing solution known as Classy Pay. It offers low transaction charges and world-class protection against fraud. It is also able to integrate with Venmo and PayPal. It handles recurring gifts as well as payout reconciliation. Read this: https://xmalley.com/ for details.
DoJiggy was launched in 2003 and provides a variety of options to help promote charitable causes. It offers everything that non-profit organizations require to run successful fundraising events. It allows users to combine and match different fundraising models including auctions online and peer-to–peer campaigns.
DoJiggy offers a completely free online fundraising platform, with tips and tricks that are free to increase participation. The Better Business Bureau has awarded DoJiggy an "A+" rating.
DoJiggy has three pricing choices. The base package includes everything, but organizations can choose which plan is the best one for their fundraising needs. The "Pledge for Crowdfunding" plan is for organizations that conduct several campaigns during the year. This plan gives support options for donation management as well as mobile donations and ongoing donations.
If you're looking to raise funds to pay for a wedding coming up or for a home renovation, GoFundMe is a fundraising platform that works for you. It's simple to create an account, and supporters are able to help you by sharing it on their social media pages.
GoFundMe is a safe and reliable platform. Donations are processed by payment processors so that you are assured that your donation will be delivered to the right person or organization. GoFundMe's customer service team is on hand to answer any queries or concerns.
GoFundMe is one of the best fundraising platforms for individuals. Most fundraisers utilize the site to help their families in the aftermath of a tragedy, or help them get through a difficult time. When compared to other sites for fundraising, GoFundMe is especially welcoming to causes that are personal.
Whether your nonprofit is large or tiny, Neon One has the technology to aid you in meeting your fundraising goals. From tracking donations to customized peer-to-peer fundraising, this software tool will help you attain the most satisfaction.
This technology will allow you to build stronger relationships with your community and guarantee the long-term viability of your organization. There are numerous packages to suit your needs.
Neon One provides a range of services that include fundraising, event management and volunteer management. Neon One also provides an online CRM system that allows non-profit to monitor donor information. Your nonprofit can boost its fundraising efforts and operate more effectively with Neon One.
Neon CRM is a fundraising software program that allows you to track your organization's donations and membership levels, is NeonCRM. It also offers customizable online donation forms. The system can be personalized by using custom colors, logos, and web pages.
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zeno-p · 3 years
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juliastarowicz · 2 years
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publication in Make-up Trendy Magazine,  mua  Agini - Agnieszka Krzyżowska, by focusedonthebeauty 
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jjbrine · 7 years
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#NEONON #NEONONICAL (at Vector Gallery)
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