#nergui qestir story
enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP/OC Short Story]
Nergui Qestir: A Mystery Unveiled
(part 6)
Nergui tossed and turned in his bed at his family's iloh, trying to keep quiet so as not to disturb another's rest. Finally, with a big forceful sigh, he threw open the covers and swung his restless legs down onto the floor to rise up. His movements were violent almost, frustrated and furious. A woolen shawl was thrown over his winter smallclothes and he stepped quickly into a pair of furred mukluk boots to go outside. He finally stop stomping in the middle of an open field a short ways from the border fence of Reunion. He crossed his arms and stared up at the clear star-spattered sky.
It was quiet. Quiet and cold. His breath turned to a cloud of fog before him as he sighed again, more relaxed this time. His eyes dropped half-closed with the exhaustion, like he was too tired to even sleep.
What did it mean? He'd seen more disturbing visions from the echo that day, and none of them gave an explanation thwt he wanted. There was a man who matched the description of his father, cowering in fear and confusion in his bed, falling off of it and clutching blankets until...until something happened and he just fell limp after a brief painful struggle.
There was the woman he thought was his mother again, this time pregnant, and alive. She was crying, and grandmother was there, trying to comfort her. Did the events he saw happen in sequence? Was she crying over his father's death then? What happened to him, and was it the same thing that happened to her?
But why did everyone hold the belief that his mother had died of illness, and his father of an injury he suffered while traveling across the Steppe to trade?
And why was he getting visions of the void, and the Haukke Manor? Was it a voidsent that attacked them? Would his tribesfolk as well as his Mol guardians tell an elaborate lie to him for some reason for years, to protect him from something? Or was it the echo failing him since Hydaelyn had gone...in any case, it was all worrying.
Although, he wondered why for a moment...why did it matter? Why was something that happened in the past to parents he never met worrying? Whatever the reason they died, and whether or not anyone lied about it, what did it matter? The result is the same: he was born and lived his life the way he lived it. What, would he perhaps have some target for pointless vengeance? Was some powerful being after his life? Oh, yes, very terrifying. As if that has never happened before...
Nergui found himself wobbling tiredly, staggering a little as he stood wrapped up in his own arms, his eyes almost fully closed now. It was time to go back inside and attempt to sleep in the cozy blankets. He knew not if staying on the Steppe would provide him any more insights, but he decided to try it out for a week and then if no conclusion came of it, attempt to go back to the thirteenth reflection for his own reasons this time.
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enolareven · 1 year
I have renamed and moved the story I’ve been writing about Nergui. The first chapter has been edited and added to. I will write more later.
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enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP/OC Short Story]
Nergui Qestir: A Mystery Unveiled
(part 5)
His footsteps trampled through shallow pools of water on pale stone. Chatters, shrieks, and howls of wind filled the scene with ambient sound. One-eyed winged creatures known as ahriman still flew around the area, coming from the rifts that sometimes still came up around the old Haukke Manor, where a succubus known as Lady Almandine was slain by his own flames in a time that felt very long ago.
It was not to fear; the creatures were too weak, and smart enough not to bother the Au Ri mage below them who excuded a scent of extremely powerful aether that was oddly umbral-aspected for a mortal of this world.
The manor inside was quiet. Barely a sound could be heard besides the echoes of Nergui's footsteps through its halls. He thought he heard the flapping of wings somewhere, but it was surely nothing to worry about. Just another ahriman, or perhaps an imp or succubus that had no intention of going anywhere near him.
The library inside was dimly lit and covered in cobwebs. No one ever came by this place but a few adventurers and looters looking for valuables, maybe some scholars out to study the voidsent. He stood by the spot he saw in his vision - the corner of a room, a bookshelf with a tall candelabra beside it. The candles were burnt out, so he replaced them with a few of his own white taper candles that he'd brought and lit them.
He sat down on the floor with legs crossed. It felt calm here, so quiet and solitary. He almost wanted to stay and just relax on the lonely old dusty sofa, and read whatever was on the shelves without thinking of much else. He removed the stole, a purple candle, an amethyst, some incense, and the obsidian and turquoise pair his bag. He set them out in a little spell circle on the floor before attempting to meditate and call the echo into action.
A long time passed, but nothing happened. No echo. Not even a new vision or irrelevant thought. His mind remained blank and peaceful.
Sighing heavily in defeat, Nergui's eyes opened and he collected his tools into the bag again, slung it over his arm, and retreated from the manor. It was dark out, with a clear sky lit up by billions of stars and full moonlight. He smiled up at it on the way back to his shop. There, he would reorganize, enjoy a good evening meal, and sleep in the little Steppe-style bed he'd set up in the corner. The shoppe had become something of a home for him lately, though he did plan not to let his little personal dwelling in Ishgard grow too lonely.
As he laid on the bed staring at the cieling above, the little black cat he adopted roamed around the shop, where it was looked after by the staff. He held a rough-looking lilac stole in his hands, gently massaging the soft fabric.
"....The Haukke Manor must not have anything to do with my mother...or whoever owned this stole...but what is the connection? I also saw the thirteenth reflection's fallen kingdom of Troia in another meditation...I doubt it has anything directly to do with her either, but...perhaps it's that the void, or voidsent, had something to do with what I saw."
Before falling asleep with dreams of hunting and gathering on the Steppe, he decided to keep the stole with him wherever he went just in case he stumbled upon some piece of the puzzle. Perhaps tomorrow he could try visiting his homeland again, and staying until he found more explanations. He could certainly see more of the woman's past in the very place she once lived.
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enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP/OC Short Story]
Nergui Qestir - A Mystery Unveiled
(part 4)
Nergui stood above the newly laid rug in the corner of Id'Shidh, beside the bookcase and void magic tome. The rug was small and round, and had been enchanted with a spell that grew charming pink flowers from it. He had acquired it from a vendor in Idyllshire earlier while gathering ingredients and studying botany, an indispensable knowledge for a witch who desired to make magical potions.
It made for such a peaceful and comforting place to meditate. The flowers were sure to help protect one from harmful negative energy or spirits while in the sensitive trance state.
Nergui smiled in satisfaction and then sighed, pacing over to the window to gaze out through it while his shoulders slumped. He placed a hand longingly on the window as his thoughts carried on a monologue,
"What does it mean? It makes no sense. I don't get it...my echo has never told me a lie before."
The other day, when he'd gone to see his grandmother for advice on the Azim Steppe, she'd given him an old stole that belonged to her daughter- his mother. She held a hand on his head, signaling to him that he should use his gift and the stole to try to see into the past of its owner and learn something.
At first, he had his doubts, as it was very hard to force the echo's powers despite all the practice. But he wore it for the rest of the day, and even to sleep at night, in hopes of a vision. In his sleep, it came. He could tell right away that it was no ordinary dream; it was very lucid, and the colors were all faded unlike his usual vividly colored dreams. He was watching the past again.
He saw a Xaela woman who matched the description and photos of his mother: a light tan-skinned woman with long reddish brown hair pulled up, wearing the Qestir lilac-purple coat and a furres hat. She was out in a field pulling wild cabbages out from a patch of grass, and turned around as she felt something looming over her. Her face froze in terror, and she was knocked down almost as soon as she'd begun to run. She was dragged slaughtered by something large, a wild beast or monster of some kind with a exact shape that couldn't be discerned in the shadows of the dream.
Blood splattered, and a scream was silenced. The woman lay by the river, grotesquely mutilated with her head separated from her body, which had its parts rearranged quite a bit and many pieces visible that were not meant to be outside the flesh.
He had woken up with chills and confusion, holding his arms around himself tightly and furrowing as he stared into the floor and thought about the gruesome scene.
He had not told anyone yet; and still did not trust the dream entirely. The story he knew of his mother's death was nothing like this - she had died of an illness while he was a baby. She had it for some time and eventually became so weak and fatigued that she passed away. He was told that his mother was broken-hearted after his father's death, which worsened her condition. She was not attacked by a wild beast or murdered as in that gory dream-vision.
But why, and how, did the echo show him a false past this time? What was this? Was it true, and he was ignorant of some crucial detail? Was it not really his mother? Or did she somehow survive this brutal attack? The latter was highly unlikely from the looks of it.
Nergui shook his head and made a small, "tch!" sound from the corner of his mouth.
"I have no way of knowing when this supposedly happened, either. Was I born yet, or not?"
He drew in a deep breath and heaved it back out, letting the tension fall from his shoulders. Perhaps working the shoppe for another night would relax his mind while he pondered everything in the downtime. He went to setting up the spell for the day on the round table in the center of the room. An amethyst, purple roses, and lavender incense. For intuition, relaxation, mental strength, and powerful intuition.
He sent out a retainer to post a notice in the market board and sat down on the new rug in a lotus position to relax, and began reading from the tome where he left off, muttering about voidsent summonings as he read.
The day was slow, with one Roegadyn woman entering the shoppe and sharing some interesting stories about her unique family, and her adopted Xaela sister who wished to know more about her own origins. He thought it yet another sign to investigate his past; there may be something to learning about one's unknown roots. When the lovely guest had left, he quickly closed up the shoppe after parting words and packed up a bag with his mother(?)'s stole and some basics, including a small bag of zefir, one of his favorite comfort foods that happened to be good for one's mental and magical ability and focus.
It was time to go have these new questions answered, and hopefully not with more questions again.
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enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP/OC Short Story]
Nergui Qestir - A Mystery Unveiled
(part 3)
"...fire rocks...ice rocks...that's it."
Nergui closed the notebook on his desk after a few strokes of a quill pen, and set the inventory/order list beneath the counter to be opened another night before the next opening.
The final morning of Heavensturn week had been a cheerful and interesting one. He closed his eyes to reflect and smiled, honestly hoping in his heart that he had provided valueable guidance to several Eorzean adventurers over the past few days.
He then opened his eyes and turned them to the lilac wood shelf beside the large tome of void magics, where he had set aside his own crystal guides: the obsidian and turquoise. He slid them into a secure pocket of his woolen coat along with his yol whistle, and grabbed a small satchel of essentials on the way out the door. It was time to heed the stones' advice and make a visit to someone who could help him.
For Nergui, the quickest way to the Steppes would of course be through aetheryte travel. He thought for a moment how privileged he must be to tolerate frequent travel in addition to being attuned all over Hydaelyn, and focused on the large blue crystal he wished to bring himself to. In a swirl of dark blue, he dissolved and sent his aether to the other side of the world in mere seconds.
Once his aether had properly materialized again, he smiled and looked up. The Steppe sky was a majestic expanse over a wide field, surrounded by mountains that seemed to isolate it from the rest of the world, making it feel like its own private one. He turned his attention down to the earth's level, and watched a few merchants walking by. One of them gave him a familiar wave, which he returned.
This was Reunion, the home of his tribe and open market overseen by them to promote peace, prosperity and cooperation between tribes as well as outside peoples.
Behind him was the iloh of the Qestir khan, where his grandmother often stayed as an advisor, healer and respected shaman. It was she who taught him his first magic spell, and she who he had come to visit.
Nergui took a deep breath and clutched the stones in his pocket, taking them out to hold over his heart.
"What is it you wish me to know?"
He marched forward intently and entered the iloh, pushing its scaffold aside and immediately bowing with respect as he came under its roof.
At the far side sat the leader of the Qestir, their khan Iturgen. He and the bodyguard beside him both nodded a welcome to Nergui as a white-haired elderly woman slowly walked toward him. She looked up at her grandson with joy in her eyes, as always. Nergui smiled warmly down at his grandmother, who stood at only half his height, if that. He stepped down onto one knee to give her a hug and then sat back on both to rest just below her eye level.
It was the way of the Qestir never to speak. This was a rule Nergui respected as part of the tribe whenever he was home, and sometimes in the presence of one outside the Steppe. Though he himself had not much problem with words, it was a way of honoring his culture and heritage. He was still and always would be a Qestir.
His grandmother watched attentively, knowing he had not come to visit again for any frivolous reason. Nergui slowly took the smooth obsidian and turquoise stones from his pockets and held them out in both hands to show them to her.
She looked down at them curiously, and then back at Nergui's red-violet eyes that seemed to thirst for answers. She needed no more than a minute to understand that these crystals were messages recieved in meditation recently.
She took both stones into her small, deep blue hands with care, and gazed into them for a moment before placing them back in her grandson's. Nergui watched with intrigue as she turned and walked away, leaving the khan's iloh and motioning for him to follow.
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enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP WoL Short Story]
Nergui Qestir - A Mystery Unveiled
(part 2)
Morning sunbeams shined through the frosted glass windows of the Id'Shidh Magic Shoppe & Cafe half an hour before its doors were opened to the public, lighting the room adequately for the shop's owner.
His cook was behind the kitchen preparing for the day, pressing dough for a batch of fresh buuz and mixing tea bricks with warm, fatty dzo milk in another pot. Nergui smiled with closed eyes. The scent was appetizing and pleasantly nostalgic.
Slowly, he walked with his hands clasped together inside his sleeves around the counter to find his little velvet pouch of stones, and brought them over to the same meditation spot as the day before. He sat down on his knees and held the stones, focusing his mind into a trance state to seek further guidance. As he reached into the pouch to draw another stone, he began to recite a prayer under his breath that was taught to him by his Mol guardians as a child,
"Nhaama, Nhaama, tani khuukhet uilg baina..."
This time, a less busy vision came, again of the Steppe, and briefly of a familiar dilapidated library with tall candelabras.
His eyes opened to see the stone he had drawn out, a milky blue-green one with irregular shape.
He whispered as his staff carried on their own business in the background,
"It helps one reflect on the past while not being bound by it, to express your true self...and is also connected to mothers and childbirth.
He rolled the stone in his hand for a moment while scowling into space, and got up to his feet, setting it on the shelf next to the obsidian from the day before.
"Something...really wants me to learn more about my mother."
He made a mental note of a resolve to go visit his grandmother in Reunion later, and then made a final check of the shop's inventory before sending out notices of opening to the community board in Gridania's shaded bower.
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enolareven · 1 year
Just Nergui Thoughts
Why is is that I just can’t seem to...to make any friends? I can’t seem to connect with people the way others do. I’ve been around, doing business, performing, running my shops, saving the world and whatnot, but it’s almost like everyone treats me differently, even if they don’t know anything about me. Maybe it’s just something about my aether.
I’ve gone out to bars, to nightclubs, to parties, performed...and while others seem too always be in groups or making friends whether they’re very talkative or not, I’m just...by myself. The only people who really talk to me seem to be the other Scions. I wonder if they ever feel the same, and that’s why they mostly choose solitude except for the young twins. It must just be a certain vibe we give off. It looks so easy for everyone else.
Ever since I was a kid...it was always...I can’t really have friends because I’m different. Being friends with me would just get you into trouble, put you in danger, or be too much of a hassle. Me being friends with anyone else was too dangerous, it’s safer if I just keep to my magic practice and studies, my training. I’m too important, it’s because they needed me to be safe and become strong.
I was so lucky to have ever even met Aruktai, for the few years we knew each other. Who else could have gotten approval of my family and put up with the scrutiny and politics involved with being close to me? At least one night a week I imagine for a while what it would be like were he alive, had come traveling with me as we promised, and joined the Scions together.
He smiled, just faintly. It faded.
Arma for one seems to be really nice to me and spend a lot of time around me, but I can only have my doubts. She’s a machine, meant to hunt voidsent. She probably feels compelled to keep an eye on me. I don’t know what to think about it. Some of my staff members...like Rex, he seems like a very friendly guy, but they’re all just acquaintances. I don’t know if I’ll ever speak more deeply to any of them, beyond business. If anyone will become more important to me, or if I’ll ever be memorable to any of them. And then, the hosts I used to visit...it was so easy to just pay for the companionship. I’m...honestly uncertain if I’ll ever see any of them again. And Nil...Nil is........................
He smiled again, briefly.
I don’t know...he seemed to genuinely like me sometimes. But there is nothing I can believe. I wish he were still a host, so I could just spend time with him again, no confusion, no uncertainty. No worries. No complications. Not so much insecurity. Just bring him some gifts and gil on Sunday nights, sit there under the stars nestled against him, and look forward to the next time. But he is done with that phase of his life and I...am unsure where I stand.
His eyes closed in deep reflection.
Maybe I should stick to the shadows like the rest of us. Be content to just have an occasional tea or museum trip with Y’shtola, drinks and a cynical airing of grievances with Thancred, or read history books with Urianger and talk about magic and aetherology...and spend the night with Estinien as often as I can. The most wonderful person I could have ever asked to meet on this battlefield...a man I know will be accepted to live out a quiet and isolated life with me on the Steppes with my tribe should we reach the winters of our lives together, despite his being an outsider.
His face grew serene.
He’s a good listener and shoulder to lean on when he can, I just wish he were less emotionally distant sometimes. Lately he’s so fixated on this whole Vrtra and ‘repaying his debts to the dragons’ thing that his blood compels him to. It can’t be helped.
His expression became bitter again.
We’re all too serious, too gloomy. We’ve seen too much. There is no...social life for people like us. We’re not meant to have other friends, to love outside of our strange little company. We’re meant to just be heroes. Hell, we aren’t even meant to be alive. We’re just dead men and women walking, here to sweep up the rubble after we save the world from disaster after disaster, and await the next one. We’re just keepers of the realm, ensuring everyone else has a life to live. No rest for the righteous. I am here as I was before, to perform my duties and see the world, mostly travelling alone until it is time for me to return to the star. But...we still all have each other. Shouldn’t that just be enough? I’d be happier if I just didn’t care so much. Why must I feel empty and focus on what I don’t and may never have?
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enolareven · 1 year
A Late Night Studying Alchemy
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If were possible at all, should I? Could it be without consequence, if I saw you again just for a minute or three.... Just to tell you how far I've travelled, of the battles I've won, about how I fulfilled my destiny, and how strong I became... And I'd just want to let you know that I'm not alone, either. I didn't have to do it all alone. I'm okay... (Nergui Qestir + his deceased first boyfriend, Aruktai Kha)
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enolareven · 1 year
I am looking to network and make mutuals for FFXIV, especially roleplayers, to develop our characters, have fun and write stories together.
My four main characters are on Japan data centers (one on Oceania but might move.) I'm comfortable with all sorts of topics and prefer paragraph writing style in private chats. I am unsubbed and returning for 6.3
Main character, Nergui Qestir (He/They):
A mysterious Xaela witch destined to be a hero; an aesthetic and curious world traveler who tries to hide his gloomy feelings.
(The WoL/Azem)
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enolareven · 1 year
FFXIV OC/RP short story (Nergui Qestir):
A Mystery Unveiled (part 1)
Nergui Qestir stood in his cozy new magic shoppe with the doors just recently locked, reflecting in the solitude and assessing the aesthetics of the room. It looked so homey; Steppe furniture all around, the banner of his "second tribe", the Mol, on the far wall, wood and greenery all about. It brought something he had longed for across the sea to Eorzea, where he spent much more of his time in the past ten or so years.
The pensive violet Xaela thought of a few more ways to fill the empty spaces on the walls and sighed, letting his thoughts turn themselves back to wherever they pleased. His expression became distant and vaguely sad as it rested, a look that was always common upon his soft, feminine face.
"A grave misfortune..." he thought to himself, recalling the words from the Heavensturn festival in Limsa.
"What exactly...could this year have in store for me?"
He found himself drawn to the crystals on his desk, absentmindly rolling them in his fingers and tracing over the smoother surfaces. After a moment, he decided to ask the little treasures of the earth for help for himself.
He produced a velvet black pouch from beneath the front counter, containing a personal set of crystals he used for divining and magical rituals. With slow strides, he brought it to sit down by the bookshelf with the amethyst druzy that would help with his meditation and mental focus. A fleeting thought passed by almost too fast to notice as he settled in place with his legs crossed in a lotus position,
"I wonder why it is that I always liked dark-aspected things, in color or aether. They just make me feel good..."
With eyes closed, he slid one hand gently into the pouch and felt around nimbly, pulling one crystal out when he felt that the time was right. When he withdrew his hand, a reflective jet-black stone came with it.
"...Obsidian..." He muttered, attuning himself to the stone's aether to guide his thoughts.
"Obsidian....for speaking with the spirits of deceased family and loved ones...a dark mirror to show you where negative aspects of yourself are hiding...a grounding stone to help you safely look into the shadows."
He gazed into its surface until his eyes fell shut, heavy with thoughts, allowing the subconscious to come forward in a meditative state.
A few vague images faded in and out- of the Steppe, of the flowers and courst of Troia where he'd recently returned from adventuring with the Scions, and a powerful feeling in his heart without form. He was left with a word when he stirred back to consciousness,
He scowled in concentration as he left the trance, giving a word of respect to his crystals and setting them back in his desk.
He stared at the things around the room as he thought about the messages...a map of Hydaelyn. An aether diagram. A tome having to do with void magics that he found himself reading lately...it reminded him of what he learned of the mages of Mhach, and its connection to the Eorzean black magic that he seemed to have an uncannily natural flair for, as well as the recent pact he'd made with a voidsent ally to help in battle.
"Mother....my mother is....I don't have any memory of her. I was too young...what could this possibly matter? Wouldn't my aunt or grandmother have told me already if she had any important message or wish for me? I already know about my destiny, and it's done. What more could the past hold that is of any significance to me in the present or future?"
He sighed and gazed into the beautiful purple roses on the shelf beside the door, and clicked the switch to shut off the cieling chandelier.
He shook his head and felt the curiosity gaining on him as he exited the room on his way to answer a call from Y'shtola, no doubt regarding their recent forays into the thirteenth reflection.
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