#ngl tho I love the fanfic material this gives us
One-sided Hörk confirmation??
Also zumindest implied?!
Also Leo ist zwar am Ende der Folge nicht gestorben, aber zumindest emotional kann er sich glaube zu Castiel und Derek in der Superhell gesellen.
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earthbovndmisfit · 3 years
I hope this isn't too weird of a message to send, but doesn't it seem like Jonawagon doujinshi are pretty uncommon? I've only seen maybe 3 posted online & I have a copy of a SpeedJona doujin but aside from those I haven't come across any. Is it like a rare pairing or something? I thought they were fairly popular
It isn’t weird at all, anon! All the opposite actually, cause I love getting asks even if i'm not always around or it sometimes takes me a hot minute to get to them gfjhkjh
This is gonna be long and probs gonna have bits that might sound rant-ish to some, but I hope that’s alright! :'D
For starters, sadly, jonawagon/jonaspeed/speedjona or however you call the ship is quite an underrated ship. This has to do partly with the wrong perceptions some folks have built around it and around the characters as well (that them both and the couple itself are the epitome of "purity" and "innocence", sometimes even labelling them as "boring" as a result even though both characters are far from that, that "it could only be a one-sided thing" on Spw's end despite both showing and sharing a certain bond/closeness towards each other -closeness that sometimes Jonathan didn't show towards anyone else-, etc), partly because of the many timeskips in PB and all the scenes the anime cut out and people wrongly assuming that the main events happened in the span of a few days and thus people dropping the ball on the ship/characters when Jonathan and Speedwagon actually knew each other for as long -sometimes even longer- than other more popular characters/ships in jjba did, partly because neither Jonathan or Speedwagon are as popular as other characters in the franchise as a whole, and also partly because, as sad as it is to say this, the ship lacks a LOT of support, especially from it's own fanbase. While jonawagon is a popular and well liked ship overall (in the sense that even general fans who don't care much about shipping, or those who are still on the fence about mlm ships, or those who just don't actively ship jonawagon actually like and support the ship or the idea of it upon seeing the actual dynamics between the characters and their potential and the fact that the ship can actually coexist with jonaeri without altering the characters/making them ooc, nor altering the story and so on), it still lacks a lot of support from it's fans. I often see most other ships/characters get lots of reblogs and exposure from their fans on literally any and all platforms, helping those ships/characters reach new audiences and gaining more popularity and drawing interest from potential new fans, while jonawagon stuff as well as solo Jonathan or Speedwagon stuff usually only get likes and a few reblogs at most from their fans, which is nice and all, but it doesn't give the artists/writers any exposure nor get those works or the ship any farther than that and just keeps them within part of the already existing fanbase at best, which often times makes the artists/content creators lose interest in continuing to create stuff for the ship/characters. This is also why I always strongly ask -almost beg at this point ngl- for people to support the artists/writers/etc via reblogs!! The ship having a bunch of different names also might have an impact on all of this, as it's not always as 'easy' to tag/find contents if you don't know how to tag/search for it. Jonawagon (normally used in the western parts of the fandom), JonaSpeed/SpeedJona (Western version of the ship's most popular names in Japanese: ジョナスピ/スピジョナ or JonaSupi/SupiJona respectively], SpeedStar (a name that became a bit more popular more recently after a mini jonawagon event in 2019), being the most common ones afaik, asides from the standard JonathanxSpeedwagon/SpeedwagonxJonathan ie and others. In short, Jonathan and Speedwagon as well as jonawagon are quite well liked and even popular to an extent, but they lack a massive amount of support from the fans, which also usually translates into artists and content creators for this ship losing interest in continuing to create new material for it and thus end up not making any more contents.
In regards to doujinshi more specifically, I’m a bit disconnected when it comes to Jojo doujinshi in general, but it seems to be a bit like that for most of the non "crazy popular" Jojo ships if you ask me, which is kinda normal considering the massive amount of characters in the whole series. Putting my experience as example, if it helps, I used to collect doujinshi from one of my previous fandoms, which had a shit ton of them for plenty of it’s ships and it was somewhat easy to acquire hard copies of despite it being an “old anime” basically while most Jojo doujinshi (especially anything that is not parts 3, 4 and 5) seems to be a bit hard to come across regardless of the ship(s) in them, even in auction sites or places like pixiv that sell digital copies if the author puts them up on sale, which is understandable since the aforementioned parts are some of the most popular parts in Japan, where most doujinshi is created, and thus take most of the fandom's interest -authors’ and readers’ alike-, as well as the hype for parts like Phantom Blood being long dead (with it being dead/dormant since the original airing of the anime ended in 2013, and it coming back ocassionally whenever there's a 'special' re-airing of PB in Japan or when events such as the Joestar Radio take place), so maybe my parameters on the whole subject are somewhat disproportionate?
This is also gonna sound all boomer-like, but I’ve also noticed, or it seems to me at least (still in comparison to the doujinshi from my previous fandom), that doujinshi books as we knew them aren’t /as/ common nowadays as they used to be a while back. Even the works themselves don’t seem to be much that way either. For example, doujinshi anthologies used to be a big thing a while back and, while they still exist, they don’t seem to be too common anymore (these worked as "promo books" of sorts for all the artists featured and they also helped lesser known/popular artists and ships to get some exposure to newer audiences). Nowadays such thing still exists, and I actually recall seeing a Jonaspeed/Speedjona anthology being made “recently” (recently as in 2019, if I’m not mistaken? it was published and sold during the mini Jonaspeed event they held at a Jojo con in Japan that year), but they aren’t nearly as common as they used to be, since now most artists can post any samples they want (much more reduced tho, cause you normally get a few pages instead of a full mini story) in places like Twitter or Pixiv. And it’s kinda the same with regular doujinshi. Before, most doujinkas had to publish a book in order to get their stuff out and get some exposure, so they were always working on new stories and making new books to sell and promoing their stuff, sometimes one after the other and even creating multi-volume stories in some cases. Now, thanks to how "easy" it is to get some exposure on social media, it’s much more common to see doujinkas for any ships/characters making short stories (1-4 pages, sometimes more) or just 1 page illustrations instead and posting them on their social media every now and then as a promo for their works. They also still make and sell their books (a few jonawagon artists on twitter do, at least), and these short stories/illustrations serve to boost their works instead, which is not a complain at all cause I think it's amazing tbqh! But this also translates into less stories/doujinshi being created as many of these artists often opt for leaving those stories that years ago would have been their own book or a mini story in a book as a prompt or a short story only.
As for actual jonawagon doujinshi, while it is not as common as say pt 3 doujinshi, there is quite a bunch of it. Some date from 2012-2013 (when the PB anime was originally aired), some are much older than that and some others are much more recent (as there are still some active jonawagon doujinkas around). There are also "fanfic books" that are also considered doujinshi and that seem to be a thing sometimes, but these contain little to no art at all and are usually written 100% in Japanese. The problem here is that not many of them have been scanlated/translated yet, sometimes because they aren't easy to find on sale online, sometimes because re-sellers who do have them set high prices for them plus shipping costs, sometimes because the artists/online shops won't sell stuff overseas, sometimes because those who do own doujinshi copies don't always know how to properly share them (since scanning a doujinshi in high or decent quality without destroying the book can be hard af) among other reasons.
All that said, there is a bunch of jonawagon doujinshi that has been scanned and is available online! but it can be tricky to get sometimes due to the different names this ship can go by and because of the "translations" of said names into different languages (as some doujinshi can only be found in Chinese sites, or Russian ones, and so on for example, so it can take some serious time to figure that out and have a successful search).
In all honesty, anon, I'm a dumdum and I had never thought about doing so in a more public manner until now, since I've already shared my entire jonawagon collection (pics, doujins, etc) with friends who have requested it more privately, but I can upload the doujins I have scans of if anyone's interested?? (I’d post the links where I found most of them but since my hd is pretty much dead and I can’t access Windows or my windows/mozilla profile, I’ve p much lost all my old bookmarks). They were only like... 8 last time I checked (9/10 if you count the Japanese and English versions of the "Joestarsaaaaan" one), but it's something :D Just be aware that some of them are nsfw! and that a couple are either part of a book that has stories from other ships in them (I only have the jonawagon parts tho) or contain other ships implied or openly shown in the jonawagon story.
I also have about 4 more, but the scanlator of one of them openly requested for the file to not be reuploaded, so Idk if it'd be alright to share it? (and they also deactivated their blog, so there's no way to ask them for permission). The other 3 are scans a friend sent to me of their own doujinshi copies, so I also don't know if it would be okay for me to post them?? (i haven't seen this friend in over a year so idk gfhgjkjlkñ). 2 of those 3 are nsfw.
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mydearjonah · 4 years
jenni’s TMA fic recs
for Elena @wellbustmybuffers but also anyone who wants it. 
i have spent a lot of time reading fanfiction, and i have read (at this point) almost everything that has piqued my interest in the tma ao3 tag from it’s inception to roughly july 18th, 2020. this is an absolutely non-exhaustive list of my all-time favorites. i tried to pick the things that stuck in my mind the best. it is also heavily skewed, naturally, by my own personal preferences.
to see all that i have bookmarked (as well as my own work), go here. i stand by all of these fics & only bookmark if i was really impressed with something. 
i marked the ones that i rec the absolute STRONGEST with a star.
☆ A Measure Outside of the Lines by Rend_Herring; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22202806  
imo i consider this to be THE scottish safehouse period fic. scottish safe-house period is a great sub-genre of jonmartin fic that i highly rec to you, elena, especially if you’re just coming off of 159, and this is my favorite and the one that i feel captures their personalities and dynamic the best. highly, highly recommend; one of my top three favorites in the whole fandom. 
Yesterday is Here by CirrusGrey; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22230022/chapters/53078617 
“Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.” 
extremely well-written jonmartin timetravel shenanigans pining. really, really good jonmartin content. i would describe the genre as “time travel fix-it au romantic comedy.”
take sides in divided cells by bibliocratic; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22456720 
“Martin's father comes back into his life.“ 
post-series 5 jonmartin happily ever after set-up that allows the author to delve deeply into martin’s psyche. fanfiction at it’s finest. 
Dethroned by inkedinserendipity; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22342663 
post-series take. warning for major character death. this is peak well-written yet sad & indulgent angst-y jonmartin. 
Be Your Raincoat by free_smarcher; https://archiveofourown.org/works/23479480
“It's a rainy night at the tail end of 2013, and Arctic Monkeys' latest record is everywhere - including at the pub where a young Martin Blackwood is hung up on his coworker from the Institute.” 
pre-series oneshot that i adore for three reasons. 1) the jonmartin pining is absolutely excellent, in-character, gorgeous, 2) the author has a very sharp grasp on martin blackwood specifically that i think is rare in the fandom and 3) the author PERFECTLY captured the late 2013 Arctic Monkeys perpetual AM album zeitgeist in a way that makes me specifically feel SUPER nostalgic. 
The Watford Gap by chewsdaychillin; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24886216
“a Martin and his relationship w the og three study w class/accent discourse, pet names, slang, and tenderness. jonmartin north/south power couple“
pre-series oneshot jonmartin pining that i cannot recommend enough. author has an extremely good grasp on s1 characterization as well as british sociocultural realities. this fic makes me very emotional for a lot of reasons. 
jonmartin but with heavy monster!jon (and written before s5 aired so speculative as to the endgame plot--still rec tho if you like monster!jon)
☆ ceylon, assam, and darjeeling by Sciosa; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20577347/chapters/48849719 
“People do not bring Jonathon Sims tea. Martin Blackwood, newly-minted archival assistant, has apparently not received this memo.”
i absolutely cannot express how much i adore this fic. it’s a three-parter that follows the jm relationship as it develops through the lens of martin making jon tea. the final part is the real whammy. i have read this fic repeatedly and cried each time.
Fall into the night with you by ZaliaChimera; https://archiveofourown.org/works/19851157 
“It's the end of the world, and Martin has one more thing to do before it is the end of him too. There is a calm wrapped thickly around the Institute, the eye of the storm, and Martin climbs.“
for me, this is the absolute peak monster!jon/martin. i will not lie, you gotta heed the warnings on this fic. but the end of this fic haunts me. 
lonely eyes
a note: i LOVE lonely eyes but a lot of it is really smutty or slice of life. i tried to choose the fics that i thought captured both characters the best and were smart & intentional about the dynamic. elena, if u ever go down the lonely eyes road & are interested in other recs, please let me know!
☆ Luck Be A Lady Tonight by prodigy; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20257240 
“In 2014, Elias Bouchard takes a rare trip outside of his comfort zone. Peter Lukas wastes a bunch of money. You'd be surprised how many things can go wrong for two beings of cosmic power.”
this is a black comedy casino episode lonely eyes take that is one of my favorite pieces of work in this fandom and also, honestly, one of my favorite pieces of fiction straight up that i have ever read. prodigy has an extremely sharp grasp on both peter and elias (but especially peter), and they breathe life into the world of mag in a way that is absolutely unparalleled, even at times by the original series imo. 
walled up in your kingdom with radio wires by Ronabird; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24465679 
so i’m not gonna lie i’ve never read His Dark Materials but this is a daemon au that i just can’t get enough of. it’s a short lonely eyes piece; the basic gist of it is that peter has lost a bet and now jonah gets to meet his daemon. this fic has everything that i want and rarely get in lonely eyes works: statements on both peter and jonah’s characters, and their dynamic sharply written. again, the last lines of this piece have stayed with me as well. 
jonelias (i’m sorry...)
note: none of these are terribly explicit but instead largely it is about their dynamic. 
a fish hook, an open eye by marrowbones; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22351618 
“Jon and Martin take a surreal holiday after escaping the Lonely. Everything would be fine if only Jon's strange dreams of Jonah Magnus would stop.”
this is a jonmartin fic in equal turn. set during the scottish safehouse period. essentially, jon is trying to reconcile that fact that elias is jonah while also being visited by him in his dreams. this is one of the first jonelias fics written after the “elias is jonah magnus” reveal, and i think it is still one of the absolute best. the author does a phenomenal job capturing this looming, atmospheric sense of dread. they also totally nail jonah magnus and the jonelias dynamic. 
thieves in the temple by havisham; https://archiveofourown.org/works/23287711 
“Elias wins and takes Jon out on the town.“
very short; shares a lot of the same dna as a fish hook, an open eye. essentially a dream-state meeting between the two of them during early s5. “a perfect fic.”
Eye to Eye by Dribbledscribbles; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24194554 
“In which Jonah Magnus attempts a post-apocalyptic pep talk.“
a s5 pep talk from jonah, who the author absolutely NAILS, to jon. this is not a fic with a happy ending so be warned. but it is a very satisfying read and the ending is... not quite a twist, but a really well done, dark reveal. 
heterochromia by screechfox; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21186011 
“After Jon drags Martin out of the Lonely, Jon and Elias trade an eye for an eye. Quite literally.“
post-ep 159. this is basically a jonmartinelias fic, honestly. i am adding this here because i love it SO MUCH but also it is so intensely up my particular alley. hurt/comfort/angst. also GORE AND BODY HORROR. but it wraps up to be weirdly sweet. i cry every time ngl i’ve read this fic a lot. it’s because i’m a monsterfucker i’m sorry. 
a love that tastes like spring by sugarboat; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20189953 
this is a comically well-written jonelias hanahaki fanfic. that’s it. that’s the plot. it’s amazing. it’s basically a shojo oneshot except with in-character jon and elias. this is one of the first fics i read in this fandom that totally blew me away. 
☆ The Timeline of the Theseus by Applea; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24018289/chapters/57784525 
“Jon tries to force the Spiral to send him back, but the Sprial's corridors never twist things quite the way you want them to. Back in 1996, Elias has no idea why or how the Eye made such a powerful Avatar out of an 8 year old, especially when said 8 year old doesn't actually know he has any powers at all. Clearly such a child cannot be left outside the Institute's care.”
i absolutely cannot say enough about this fic. this is one of the few works of fiction i’ve read in my life that i was so obsessed with i genuinely ruined my sleep schedule to finish. this fic is absolutely HILARIOUS. essentially, jon is an extremely powerful 8 year old w/ no knowledge of who he is who is being raised by jonah, who is completely out of his depth. also has a nice touch of gertrudeagnes & the author really nails their dynamic/the tragedy of their relationship...
☆ Scarred Ground by DictionaryWrites; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21791737/chapters/51999124 
this is a really interesting work of fiction just generally. it features a non-linear narrative, plays with a lot of unreality, and has a great deal of time wonkiness. i actually can’t explain the plot without giving it away, which i resolutely do not want to do because piecing together what is going on is a huge part of the fun. martin is the primary character, but everyone is featured. jonmartin and lonely eyes are the two ships. one of my favorite works in the fandom.
the last lines/final reveal absolutely tore me apart. i cried like a baby. 
patterns by fadewords; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22015792 
“Jon is ill and can't stop Knowing things. Daisy helps.“
long and worth it. very well-written. the author is very talented and essentially uses the world/set up of mag and the beholding to play. set during s4. everyone is extremely in character. 
out in the drowning deep by Wildehack; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21473506 
“Basira holds it together.”
basira-centric s5 speculative fic. it has since been jossed but that’s no matter. this is one of the best basira fics in the fandom imo, and honestly the only one that i’ve read that i feel really nails her character and her relationship with daisy specifically. in general as well, this is a really fun speculative take on the apocalypse written before s5 aired. 
Chasm-e-Baddoor by kashinoha; https://archiveofourown.org/works/23917396/chapters/57510853 
“Wherein Jonah Magnus gets acquainted with defeat at the hands of his associates. Repeatedly.”
lonely eyes a little but overall gen. essentially just a very well-written 3 piece suite about instances over the course of jonah magnus’ long life when he gets absolutely schooled by people within it. the gertrude piece is my favorite, to the point where i consider it canon. 
And All Should Cry, Beware! Beware! by OldSwinburne; https://archiveofourown.org/works/24623179/
“When the Eye decides to select a new Avatar, it chooses Martin Blackwood, the Poet, rather than Jonathan Sims, the Archivist.“
very unique & well-written monster!martin that haunts me. 
avatar groupchat by gayprophets; https://archiveofourown.org/works/21599185/chapters/51501598 
fun gen popular chatfic. one of the only chatfics i’ve ever read where everyone is in character. a must-read in the fandom. lots of laughs to be had. i like that they bully elias. 
this is really just the surface!! there’s A LOT that’s still on my to-read list, and also obviously a lot of new and probably phenomenal work has been published since july 18th that i have to catch up on. i hope that you enjoy!!! i love fanfiction and there’s a lot of really unique and fun stuff in this fandom
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emperor-lover · 7 years
Hello could you please write a minhyun fanfic about him and Y/N being on we got married (and later on starts dating irl?) thank you (ps, i love your minhyun scenarios so much)
omg WGM :o hahaha ngl i was never a big fan of WGM even though two members of one of my favourite groups have been on it, but i tried my best! i’ll write anything fluffy for minhyun lmao Sorry about the wait!
A continuation of this will be up next which is from another anon’s request!! 
Hwang Minhyun WGM!AU 
Tumblr media
ok so lets give you a bit of background to set the scene 
you’re an idol, but originally you were going to be an actress except you really liked dancing and singing so your company was like ‘why not both?’ (think female version of Ong)
You became a fixed MC on a music show last year so you’ve been able to meet a lot of people
Popularity-wise, you’re pretty well liked, you’ve never had any scandals or issues
Plus because you’re bi/multilingual so you’ve been able to further expand Hallyu internationally, and yknow everyone loves a bit of patriotism 
So this is why you were extremely uncertain about being on WGM
It’s a show that puts you in the spotlight
and kinda tries to brand you with this false image, and if you don’t fit that image the public tend to be like wtf is wrong with you
WGM could be a make or break for the virtual couples who participated on the show
You had heard from other celebrities who had been on WGM about how strange it was, like just the whole concept of a “virtual” relationship wasn’t something you’d ever been too keen on
So you were skeptical and it didnt help that your company hadn’t given you much warning about being on it
They just said to be prepared for the invitation over the next week or so
So when the red mailbox appeared outside your dorm along with a bunch of MBC camera staff you realised they hadn’t been kidding
You had read the letter outloud for the cameras;
“To my soon-to-be virtual wife, our first meeting place will be at the xxxxxx Building tomorrow. Before we meet, I’ll give you a big clue as to who I am, I wonder if you’ll be able to guess! I’m in an idol group, and I’ve debuted twice…I look forward to meeting you~
You read the letter again, absorbing all the information….
“EH? Tomorrow??” 
no wonder your manager had been awfully quiet when you had asked her about your schedule
Oh well, guess you gotta prepare for this virtual blind date
Tbh…now that you had accepted the fact that you had to go on this show, you were kinda excited
It’s literally so rare for you to ever get the chance to go on a proper date, even if this counted as a fake/virtual one
——next day—–
You hadn’t slept well the night before, in both fear and anticipation
Hopefully the person you were going to ‘marry’ would be nice
Because your partner was fully in charge of organising this first date, you had decided to prepare a gift for him
Which you found to be super difficult, seeing as you weren’t sure who they were but tbh you had narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities
Like in the pre-meet interview that morning they had asked you if you had any idea who the person could be and you had listed a few names of idols you knew had debuted twice, like mino, or sungwoon or minhyunnnn
but seeing as you knew he’s an idol you decided on little things you knew you found helpful being an idol yourself
You packed a neck pillow, a heat pack, and this really big woollen scarf you had knitted yourself (imagine it’s winter time pls)
Your manager drops you off outside the building and you hop out of the car in this big fluffy sweater and black jeans, completed bundled up and warm
The staff ushered you over to the elevator and you’re left awkwardly and nervously rambling to yourself as they press the buttons to every 2nd floor
The doors open to the second floor and a hotel staff pops their head in and gives you a bouquet of flowers with a note
“You’re here! Today’s the day we finally meet~”
You smiled to yourself, seems like this guy is a bit of a hopeless romantic
The doors to the fourth floor open and sitting on the ground is a little fox plushie doll
You pick it up and attached is another note that says,
“I’ve heard that I resemble a desert fox~”
You froze, no freaking way could it be….
On the sixth floor it was a jar of honey - “My voice is sweet like honey wahhh this is embarrassing >
Your eyes widened. There was no denying who it was now.
WGM had never done something like this before, usually people who went on the show had never previously met or had many interactions, but in your case it would be different
You had met Minhyun before, multiple times in fact
You had been good friends with Aron from NU’EST as well as other English speaking idols and had naturally gotten to know the other boys from NU’EST as well
And although you wouldn’t consider yourself best friends with Minhyun or anything, you had always been able to joke round with him
plus he’s a super cute and super nice guy that was always easy to talk to
Now that you think about it, it’s kinda even more terrifying now that you know who’s waiting for you and the fact you already know him as well??? and he doesnt have a clue who you are???? what if he’s disappointed??? like how awkward would that be, you’d actually die from embarrassment
Finally the doors to the 10th floor open and lo and behold Minhyun is standing there, with his back facing you
When he heard the door open he had immediately tensed up
He was nervous as hell too, poor thing
Like kinda kicking himself for being so cheesy with the whole elevator thing, but y’know, gotta make a strong first impression
He can hear your footsteps approach him and he fights the urge to turn round 
The staff signal to you to say something and you become a big stuttering mess, like what are you meant to say???
“uHHhhHH Minhyun, IT’S ME, Y/N”
And he whizzes round so fking fast with his eyes popping out of his head literally everyone is laughing so hard
And he’s bright red because in the pre-interview they had asked him who he’d choose if any idol was able to go on wgm as his partner, and he had said Y/N, and he just assumed that you wouldn’t be on this show and didnt have his hopes up
so the fact you’re actually standing in front of him about to become his virtual wife is so strange but surreal to both of you
so of course, the two of you hit it off right away, seeing as you already know each other
After migrating to a cafe, you thanked him for the gifts and the elevator surprises and gave him the present you prepared
and he loves it so much, and he puts on the scarf you made straight away and is super proud of it
and you kinda just catch up on life with him, and find out how he’s doing in Wanna One
and that night after the filming was over, he sent you a text telling you how he was happy that you were his partner
and you spent the whole night just messaging cute little shy texts back and forth
After a few more days of filming, the first episode was finally broadcasted
And you were anxiously sitting by the tv with your group members trying to gage their reactions
it was embarrassing to see yourself become such a blushing mess in front of Minhyun
It was embarrassing for your friends too though, because no one is used to seeing you all shy like this
Funnily enough, Minhyun was the same in his dorm, and all the W1 boys were teasing him relentlessly
like collectively cringing at the notes he had left for you, and commenting on everything he did
And after the episode finishes, you’re a bit anxious of what the viewers think of it all
but luckily it turns out lots of people tuned in and love it
It seems to be a realistic fantasy(?) of people’s to go from friends to lovers
so with each following episode, the public laps up all the cuteness the two of you just naturally exude
Like they love how both of you were supposedly motae solo (single since birth), and that for both of you this would be the first ‘proper’ relationship
And minhyun has always had Boyfriend goals vibe attached to him
and you were top notch wife material too
You guys become known as the “Royal” couple
every one is like “충성충성” (choongseongchoongseong) I pledge my loyalty to you
So the first time you guys had proper skinship was super natural but cheesy as well
It was a filming by the Han River and you hadn’t worn gloves and it was getting pretty chilly
You had been rubbing your hands together to warm them up and it hadn’t been particularly obvious but Minhyun just reaches over and gently clasps your hand in his and puts it in his pocket
literally at that part though, everyone watching it had squealed
even you had been like omg bf goals
And bit later on when you had moved into the honeymoon house, the two of you would often rest your heads on the other’s shoulder and read books together
One of the most heart pounding days had been the wedding day, because although you knew it wasn’t a legit thing, something about Minhyun wearing a tuxedo and standing there waiting for you to walk towards him had made you feel things
And clearly you had the same effect on him, because he was absolutely speechless when he saw you
That night before heading back to the dorm, it seemed that the something had changed between the two of you
The hug Minhyun had given you had been longer, and gentler, if that was even possible
and he’d brushed the hair away from your face and whispered a string of sweet nothings into your ear before giving you a cute little wave and scampering over to get into his manager’s van
and you weren’t too sure what to think of it, because it’s not like the two of you are properly dating or anything
although it definitely feels like it
You go on lots more dates every week and each one was full of memories
Like you’d gone to movies, but you’d actually fallen asleep and Minhyun had just giggled
“Minhyun, you should’ve woken me up!”
“But you looked cute! i think you drooled tho” 
And you’d gone tandem biking, and wandered round different museums, and you went to karaoke together, and Minhyun ended up serenading you with cute af songs
and there was a day that the two of you went shopping to look for gifts for each other, and you ended up getting matching phone charms
There was also the time where there was a special guest episode, where both of you had invited friends round and cooked dinner for them
And everything goes smoothly for the following couple of months, with your relationship only getting closer each day
Until one day a letter arrives, and it’s different from the others so both of you immediately know what it is 
A week before the final episode, you started to distance yourself from Minhyun
mainly because both of you have been so shy about your true feelings, despite talking lots and becoming closer, you still have no clue if minhyun actually considers you to be more than a friend
and because you knew it was coming to an end, you’d have to say goodbye anyways so you were trying to let go without having to have your feelings hurt more than they would be
it didn’t feel right though, and Minhyun could tell something was wrong 
so he had come up to you and put a hand on your arm just before the crew started filming the final episode to talk to you
“Y/N…are we…okay?”
You glanced up at him and you could see his eyes trying to decipher the expression on your face and as much as it pained for you to say it, you decided it would be the best to break ties now
“Yeah, why wouldn’t we be, we’re friends aren’t we?”
And after you had said that, Minhyun’s face had fallen
Like he was upset that you appeared so nonchalant that the ‘marriage’ would be over and you’d revert back to being just friends
He dropped his hand that was on your arm and nodded, his face hardening and he turned to walk away
A few steps though, and he stopped turning back, eyes meeting yours
“I know this was a virtual marriage, but I was always sincere every moment I spent with you. I just thought I’d tell you that before we started filiming.”
And he walked off towards his waiting room, and left you standing there not too sure what to do anymore
During the filming, you struggled not to cry as Minhyun’s hand held yours
The movie theatre dimmed and started playing all the memories you’d made together
it was making you so emotional, and the sad piano BGM playing did not help at all
so you couldn’t stop the tears from falling when the video cut to a solo shot of Minhyun sending you a video message
“…This marriage may be coming to an end, but I will always treasure all the times and memories we made together…”
Covering a hand over your mouth, you tried not to sob out loud but it ended up sounding like you were having a coughing fit 
Minhyun had been quite cold to you after the encounter earlier that day, and hadn’t been particularly affectionate at all, but when he looked over at you, his face went from expressionless to one of alarm when he noticed that your cheeks were stained with tears
he immediately reached over and gently dabbed the tears away with his sleeve and pulled you into his chest
“hey, hey, don’t cry Y/N, it’s alright, babe don’t cry, I’m here for you.”
and this only made you sniffle more
Minhyun’s hand was soothingly patting the back of your head and for a minute you both forgot about the cameras as he pulled back and gently pressed his lips to your forehead
and it was such a touching and emotional moment
until you hiccupped
and Minhyun broke out into laughter his own eyes shining back at you
and you couldn’t help but join in with him in the laughter
you left the set holding hands, still sad but not as emotional as before
and you realised that this would be the last chance for you to say something
He glanced down at you his gaze softening at the sight of your puffy eyes
“This isn’t goodbye right? Just because we’re not on the show anymore doesn’t mean we can’t see each other right?”
Minhyun just kinda looks at you like you’re crazy
“Did you really think that I’d just go on this show with you, the girl that i actually truly like, just to never talk to you again now the show’s over?”
and you were like ?? blinking in confusion…because minhyun actually does like like you, and it’s not one sided like you assumed girl it was so obv tho
He kept talking, “I looked forward to the days when i’d get to see you to film, because spending time with you is like the most natural thing in the world to me. Look I even keep this photo we took in my wallet.”
He shows you a cute little photo of the two of you at the cafe you’d been to on the first date.
“So Y/N? Don’t worry, this won’t be goodbye, you can’t get rid of your virtual husband that easily,” he says shooting finger hearts and winks at you
So, legitimately dating Minhyun is obviously not as open and conspicuous as WGM, but it’s still super cute
and on your first anniversary the two of you go on a late night outing to the cafe where you had your first date
and you buy the same drinks you had on that day and just enjoy each others company, forever grateful that you have Minhyun in your life
I hit 100 followers the other day and I’m so so grateful, thank you to everyone who reads my random little writings, even though I’m definitely still lacking lots! I’m working on the current requests that were sent in, so please hold tight if you’re still waiting~ ❤️❤️
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millipop · 4 years
@kindclaws tagged me in a thing! 10 questions for me and I have to come with 10 of my own, gulp.
1. You can capture any smell in the world into a candle. What is it?
this might be cliche, but the smell of home to me is the sea. I grew up right near the beach so going down and smelling the sand and the salt and the coastal flora just makes me feel at home. So that would be nice to have in a candle.
2. You can bring something back from extinction, whether that’s a dodo or a discontinued chocolate bar from your childhood. What is it?
okay this is really hard, I’m both struggling to think of things but have too many. 
Can I bring back my thirst for reading books back from extinction? I used to be so voracious and now I struggle with it, which is very frustrating. So yeah, bring back from extinction my ability to easily focus on books/other such things. Yeah it’s selfish, so what?
3. What fictional world did you always wish you could escape to?
is it cliche to say HP? It puts a bad taste in my mouth now though, so fuck that. I always wanted to escape to fictional worlds where I was a princess and had powers??? i can’t think of a specific fictional work for that tho. so maybe just the world in his dark materials so I could have a daemon. Yeah, let’s go with that.
4. If you did, say, fall into a portal to another fantasy world with like dragons and swords, what would you consider fighting to come back for? Would you?
I would fight to come back to wifi. No lie. As much as I love dragons (are they friendly dragons???) and swords, there is a literal picture of me as a child hugging the car after we got back from an intense hike/bushwalk. I wouldn’t last very long in an environment without some sort of civilisation/technology.
5. What would you love to study if there were no tuition costs, no exams, no pressure to be hireable - or why not?
I kind of already studied subjects that are stupidly unhireable (writing and linguistics). So them, but also multiple other languages (french, korean, latin, oh my god so many I want to be able to speak) and also history. I love learning about history but didn’t want to write long ass research essays. And I loved learning foreign language but hated the assessment. So yeah. Writing, Linguistics, Multiple Foreign Languages, and History. also visual art...
6. Advertisements are now illegal. What do you fill the empty billboards with?
memes. but like, shitposting memes. memes that make no sense, indecipherable but to a few. But also cool works of art. Half memes, half paying artists to fill billboards and give them exposure. hell yeah, can we make this happen?
7. Best way to eat a potato?
all ways to eat potatoes are the best way to eat potatoes (except raw. if you do that you’re terrifying). I am weak for fries tho, ngl.
8. You have an unlimited home improvement budget and full creative control. What fun and zesty nonsense do you do to your house or workplace?
oh my god. okay so when I was a kid i used to draw like ‘dream houses/rooms’ so this is my SHIT. waterslides. multiple waterslides, leading to different places/pools in my house. Secret doors. All the secret doors that lead to hidden libraries and rooms full of random shit that I’ve collected. Spiral staircases with Slides. my house will be wacky and utterly impractical to live in, with lots of art and books and wood/ikea aesthetic like plants and storage and shit. It will be glorious.
9. I’m running out of dinner ideas. Pls link me your favourite recipe.
you’re really asking the wrong person here, oof. I’m a terrible and unoriginal cook. my go-to meal is microwaving frozen lasagne but putting spinach and more cheese on top. mm, delicacy.
10. What have you poured your soul into?
oh man we getting deep. uhhh. is it terrible to say the 100? I’m unreasonably and terrifyingly invested in it at this point and it’s going to be very very weird when it’s over. But i can’t think of anything else i’ve poured my soul into like this fandom/fanfic/friends. is that sad?? I really hope I find something more worthy to invest in/pour my soul into in the future (apart from the friends. I wouldn’t give up the friends i’ve made for anything).
okay i’m tagging @levitatingmp3 @pegschuylerr @ uhhhh i don’t really have anyone else to tag but honestly i seriously don’t mind if you just say I did tag you, if you’re eager to lose yourself answering questions for a little bit.
1. what is your very first memory?
2. if the world turned into being animated (stay with me here), what show/animation style would you want the world and you to look like?
3. what’s a weirdly specific superpower you’d want that isn’t the normal flying/strength/invisibilty etc?
4. how old were you when you realised life is curse and existence is a prison and what made you realise it? 
5. tell me about a book/show/movie you like that you hated the ending of. how would your ending, if you could write it, go?
6. you can only pick one flower to decorate your wedding/funeral/general celebration. what flower?
7. what’s something that makes you really worked up that you can’t help but rant about to whoever is in your vicinity when it’s mentioned?
8. three objects that define your aesthetic
9. what’s a movie you watched as a kid you still unironically love?
10. what’s something your friends/family love that you wish you could too, but something about it just doesn’t connect with you?
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