#no but seriously why did they decide to position them together like that aaahhhhh
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I can't believe Beelzebub and Gabriel are married in season 2
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boosolmates · 7 years
Okay....let’s play pretend
pretend its actually Sunday and I’m not late af
Remember that fic rec I promised 2k years ago? No? I don’t blame you. I forgot too. But here, here I have some fics that I believe if you ship Verkwan you just gotta read. Why? 
you just gotta.
so, without further a-do
these are some of my favorite SVT fics with Verkwan in no particular order at all btw.
Welcome to Seventeen *
Synopsis: In which all the members of Seventeen work under Seventeen magazine.
Notes: Okay I’m literally a sucker for Office/Work AUs and this is a perfect example of my tastes. I tend to read funny, cracky, light and fluffy stuff (sorry if you’re looking for angst lmao). This story has the pairings kind og take a back seat there are moments and stuff you have to kinda squint to see them all but Verkwna is the main couple. If you wanna laugh and you enjoy Meanie then I say check it out! Warning it’s 13 chapters but I don’t believe it’s done and author-nim hasn’t updated in awhile….(hence the one asterisk)
And They Told Me Office Jobs Were Boring***
By Achilleus
Synopsis:"When I accepted this position," Seungcheol hisses, "I figured it would be easy. I would just have to review some articles, correct some spelling errors, maybe conduct an interview or two...but instead, I get this." He gestures aimlessly with his hand to absolutely nothing, but Junhui more or less understands what he's getting at.
OR: Seungcheol is Jeonghan's bitch (for forever, bitch), Seungkwan and Hansol are broken up (and never ever getting back together, like ever), Junhui is attempting to woo Minghao via horoscopes, Soonyoung and Seokmin have a bet going on (with both their cash money and bodies at stake), and something's going on with Wonwoo and Mingyu but no one knows what. At least that's how the story starts...it gets a bit messy later on.
Notes: Easily one of my favorites omg I love it so much!! Like I said I love office aus and it’s like Welcome to Seventeen with a bit more drama and all of my favorite ships it’s just starting and it seems very promising! It makes me smile/laugh like a complete dork and I can’t wait to find out what happened between Seungkwan and Vernon….
Show Me Your Fallen In Love Face ***
By Unfunny
Synopsis: Seungkwan likes the regular. Somewhere, Jihoon is sighing. (or, the AU where Seventeen are uni students on summer break and half of them work in a pizza joint)
Notes: I LOVE THIS FIC! Omg it’s one of my favorites honestly! 21K of pure pinning and really cute Verkwan. I love fics where the mutual feelings just kind of make them a thing and they naturally fall in love. Call me cheesy, I live for this kind of stuff.
All I’m Asking For **
By Unfunny
Synopsis: Hansol is so, so screwed.
Notes: This little one-shot continuation of Show Me Your Fallen In Love Face (sorta) one of my favorite Verkwan fics was too great! I loved the additional members and the way they write the crew is so realistic and funny (contrary to the name). I recommend if you want fluffy established relationship Verkwan; read this.
Candy Canes and Lipstick Stains
By RomanosCheese
Synopsis: “I bet you’d look dead sexy in a miniskirt, though.”
“Hansol, the only one who's going to be anything remotely ‘dead’ in the near future is you!”
Notes: This is smut but with like a hecka lot of plot. It’s a slow burn but tbvh the smut is A1. I love how the author wrote it naturally. It felt like a couple making love not like most smuts (they're all good tho lol) but the way they act seems so intimate...so real….aaahhhhh Plus this fic is why I have a thing for Seungkwan in tight girl clothes and Vernon have an Oppa kink jsjsjsjssj
Found in Translation***
By Naegahosh
Synopsis: Let's be real here, airports are the most cliché place ever for a break up. But it happens. Yet so does a start of something, and that's when the beauty of cliché kicks in.
Notes: OKAY! This author did such a great job! They had to have watched tens of thousands of those rom-com flicks because this fic is so movie-esque. Plus it’s incredibly romantiiiiiicccccc! Ugh I was squealing the whole time reading! Definitely if you want a really cute rom com with Meanie thrown in I promise you won’t be disappointed!
you in your high-tops any day**
By Brightlight
Synopsis: “Can’t we just be like, friends who exclusively hook up with each other? Isn’t that a thing?” Seungkwan asks.
Hansol nods. “That sounds like it should definitely be a thing.”
“Okay. Then we’re that,” Seungkwan decides, raising his popsicle up to knock against Hansol’s at their decision. A cheers, of sorts.
Hansol and Seungkwan are very certain that they're not dating, but no one else they know is.
Notes: More natural couple-y stuff lmao like that literally my favorite way for Verkwan to get together. That mutual feeling and crushing and pining till they finally do something...it’s beautiful. Read this if you want chill casual domestic stuff.
In the Eye of the Beholder*******
By Woozifi
Synopsis: Vernon is a half-demon, and a lifetime of prejudice and watching people avoid him for his frightening appearance has made him alone and friendless for most of his life. Seungkwan is a breath of fresh air, willing to approach him when no one else will—maybe because he's just that nice of a person, probably because he is completely, totally blind.
Notes: O KA Y. I am not okay after reading this. First off, Woozifi is my favorite artist and their writing style is beautiful. I love the way they write the crew and the stories they create. Like the world they created was so unique and without having to explain a lot I was able to envision it. A bit angsty and it holds a very meaningful moral at the end of the day. I could go on and on about how amazing this fic is, but you'll know after you read it tbvh. Okay, I’m being a little biased but it's seriously a masterpiece of over 30k words! GO READ IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YA! (added Soonseok, Jicheol?)  
it’s in the stars **
By boo98 (butter)
Synopsis: Seungkwan has two older sisters, which he likes to use as an excuse for being an absolutely awful romantic.
Notes: Okay unpopular opinion; I don’t really like soulmate AUs. Nothing’s wrong with them, just not my cup of tea. However, this story was too sweet, too cute and fluffy for me NOT to enjoy. I love how they wrote the characters! (some side! Soonseok and another couple I wont ruin the surprise read it ;0)
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