#no context except for 1
krzdragon · 2 months
Portgas D. Ace is my Eurydice
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ride-a-dromedary · 3 months
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the darkest of nights, in truth, still dazzles.
a halsin fanmix  [listen]
01. Heart of Spring - david arkenstone | 02. Cé Hé Mise Le Ulaingt? / The Two Trees - loreena mckennit | 03. Pussywillows, Cat-tails - gordon lightfoot | 04. Maybe Tomorrow - f&m | 05. Don't Stop Me Now - queen | 06. I Was Born Under a Wand'rin' Star  - bryn terfel  | 07. A Tenuous Bond - derek duke | 08. Closer - nine inch nails | 09.  Into the Darkness - jeremy soule  | 10.  Colorblind - counting crows | 11. Natural Light - ludovico einaudi | 12. Under the Greenwood Tree - royal shakespeare company | 13. The Grove - bear mccreary | 14. Blood Upon the Snow - hozier & bear mccreary | 15. A Quiet Darkness - houses | 16. Spellplague - alderfall | 17. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - jonathan antoine | 18. Only Everyone Can Judge Me - crywank | 19. Blue Skies - kathryn calder | 20. The Buzzard - old blind dogs | 21. Constant Craving - k.d. lang | 22. The Cave - mumford and sons | 23. Jim Cain - bill callahan | 24. I Won't Back Down - johnny cash | 25. The Ash Grove - laura wright | 26. The Wind - yusuf/cat stevens | 27. To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuarithe) - hozier | 28. The Logical Song - supertramp | 29. Tapestry - don mclean | 30. Big Yellow Taxi - joni mitchell | 31. Eat Your Young (Bekon's Choral Version) - hozier | 32. The Flock - david maxxim micic | 33. Changes - david bowie | 34. Ri Na Cruinne - clanaad | 35. The Moments of Happiness - ken page | 36. My Back Pages - the byrds | 37. If This Journey - tom hanford | 38. Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There is a Season) - Live - pete seeger
#BG3 Musing#BG3 Fanmix#Halsin BG3#Halsin#Halsin Posting#my fanmix#i give up this is about as done as it will ever be - i've been talking about this enough i need to get it away from me#i could have made at least one or two other playlists with the number of songs i cut from this#there were some things that hurt me to cut but i figured others had them in their playlists so they're out there#(the impossible dream you will always be famous i am so sorry :(()#i had three goals with this 1. make it more of a timeline in that it follows a narrative order (which hopefully is easy enough to follow)#(it makes sense to me about as much as it is ever going to lol)#2. try to avoid using songs that other individuals have used in their playlists (with a handful of exceptions - i highly encourage you also#take a listen to the others around! lots of good stuff and i figured if you were missing it from this one you can find another with it)#(and if i did use one the context might be different#'closer here is being used in a different way than i usually see it - it's putting more emphasis on the 'you can have my isolation' bit use#in context of the matron and patron for example)#and 3. focus as much as possible on non-romance path elements of halsin's character - i.e. again that's a topic that is highly explored#in other fanmixes to great success - this one is about the childhood he references and the adventures and the capture in the underdark#and the shadow curse and the burying of people he loved and the uptaking of the archdruid position and the healing he did#and possibly did not do#and the radicalization he comes into when his goals are met and he's faced with injustices#and the struggle he has of redefining himself and figuring out who he is after all of it#hopefully the 'eras' are clearly defined but hey it's all gravy from here#honestly if there is one song to listen to that encapsulates halsin for me it's tapestry - highly recommend that#anyway i am blabbing - let the lyrics and such talk for themselves jemi please#but if fanmixes aren't your speed have a kinda nice edit i guess#edit: now with bonus song i just had to add after shamefully forgetting it
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meirimerens · 8 months
straight up not respecting some of the alleged p2 characters' ages as they were given on the VA's papers bc you're telling me this is a 27yo man on the left & a 35(!)yo woman on the right? you jest. this woman is in her 20s at most. she doesn't have a wrinkle of age on her face. just worry. i know men age like milk this is taking the piss. i know patho 2 is the "hot blemishless 20something white(-passing) women" game but at this point own it. don't try lying to me. she doesn't look a day past 29. got friends below 25 with more winkles. in the first half of the 20th century too. where would she be getting her anti-aging serums.
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you're telling me this woman who's a chronic worrier, dealing with chronic pain, who smokes like a locomotive to cope is allegedly 5 years Older than this guy who's been drinking himself to sleep for like 5 years.
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(mike's mic voice) don't piss me off
#alledged(?) VA papers? would love to have a peep. might go wander VK if i can make the trek#sorry for getting heated over p2 yulia again. it's no secret i vastly prefer her design in p1#but this is aggravating. chrewly.#i know why that is. i knooooowwww why that is. it's because people in the team (coughs) (coughs) & in Media in general cannaeeeeee stand to#create women who actually look over 25. even women who are supposed to be older.#which while a media Trope/problem across media and genre it's not helped with a certain writer's. hmmm. alleged proclivities.#i would respect her being 35 if you have her to me looking 35. her skin is as smooth as 10 yrs younger Lara with one (1) slit#between the brows that just seems to come from her being a thinker & a worrier. nuh-uh!#ah hell naw!!!#i'm profoundly a p1 ages truther except for most of the kids + rubin. i know men age like milk but that guy is Not 23.#also p2 27yo daniil vs 30yo twins They Have Naht met at first year uni with that timeline. & it is important for me that they do.#most of the kids being averaged to ~15 real to me though. we all been here.#neigh (blabbers)#some of the ages on it make no sense [not just yulia but also like. aspity. who looks like a 20something & is actually ageless/5yo]#& while i can guess it's for like The Vibes / voice acting direction i assume it would make more sense to give the actual age & then add#like context to why they would sound older because that's something you might(?) need to know... would really want to see that with my eyes
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fullmoonfireball · 9 months
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turns out i cannot leave things as just a "maybe" even when my body has decided to turn against me
apologies for the untranslated phrase in Dog Gone (Continued) but my lack of skill with japanese combined with the fact i keep randomly feeling like i'm going to faint has made me decide to stop banging my head against the wall and just. give you what i can instead.
EDIT (01/09/2024): HI HELLO THESE ARE SUPER OUTDATED! the first two have been officially translated now, and I gave the third another shot since they skipped over it! this time I was actually able to figure out what Olimar was saying!
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communistkenobi · 1 year
having gone through (and still in the process of going through) the thousand different processes for changing my legal name and gender marker in every conceivable place those things could come up, one thing I’ve noticed is that being trans wreaks administrative havoc. the particular process of changing your name because you’re transgender isn’t strictly unique, because people change their legal name(s) for lots of different reasons, but there is a systemic unpreparedness for dealing with the scenario of a user or client or patient whose name and gender has changed simultaneously. the most common response I get when I ask somebody at a front desk if I can change my name and/or gender in their system is “huh, this has never happened before!” and then they go talk to their manager. and so to get anything done you have to continually assert that it’s possible, you have to explain that you’ve changed it elsewhere, you have to carry around legal documentation to prove that it’s happened, and you effectively become a perpetual edge case for any given administrative system you exist in. I know, intimately, how my university’s IT systems work in terms of field input because it’s so decentralised that changing information one place doesn’t change it in a lot of other places, and the act of having to be registered at a university with two conflicting legal names means I have to have an ongoing relationship with their IT help desk. People talk a lot about how we have to become medical experts in order to assert our own identity, but you also have to become a fucking IT expert too
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curioscurio · 1 year
ITS 9 AT NIGHT DONT YOU NEED TO LEAVE AND TAKE YOUR 4 YEAR OLD HOME YET GO AWAY I WANT ALL OF YOU TO LEAVE MY HOUSE AND GIVE ME SOME PEACE FOR A FEW HOURS. literally my social battery is negative its negative and you playing cocomelon at 9pm on this Saturday night in my own fucking home is killing me. I have not had more than 30 minutes of privacy the past 3 days just GO AWAY GO AWAY
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possessable · 4 months
Work In Progress EEXTREMELY rough animatic to another uhhhhhhhhhhh epic the musical song becuause my friend showed me more of the songs and I was like "how do i make this about my ocs"
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mewkwota · 10 months
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*Hm-hmm as I stroke my chin and then stroke Simon's*
It should be a ~tad~ softer, I'm thinking. I've always been especially careful with Simon's face shape because I'm trying not to make it identical to Trevor's whose chin is a little flatter to indicate his age.
My other challenge is drawing Simon's face from his left side so there's just a bunch of takes of that here (but I kept covering his chin by accident, so much for personal references uwahah).
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 26 days
When you have that random burst of energy after you’ve been sick for a days and turn into the yapamaniac
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caffeinatedopossum · 9 months
Me: I do x thing because I'm autistic!
Person: I do that but I'm not autistic
Person: omg that's AUTISM? :0
Person: I think I'm autistic cause I relate to (this one trait)
Me: yeah it's not an ✨️exclusive experience✨️
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Random thing I enjoyed that they changed in adapting the Wingfeather books to a tv show (that’s also in the short film but anyway):
~*SPOILERS*~ if you haven’t read book 2, “North! Or be Eaten”
The scene where Leeli sings Yurgen’s Tune with the dragons on the cliffs in the first episode and Yurgen pops up over the cliff and just hovers over her. In the books, the dragons are watching from the Dark Sea, but they keep their distance from the cliff walls, so while the kids still experience the magic of Leeli’s singing and the dragon’s memories, there’s no enormous creature hovering there speaking directly to them.
Why I like this change so much is because at the end of book 2 we get the exact same visual, except this time Yurgen isn’t just curious, he’s trying to end them, he’s ready to straight up destroy the ship they’re on. And as he hovers there, massive and intimidating, tiny Leeli gets out her whistleharp and stands there in utter defiance of him and plays Yurgen’s tune, which calms him down enough that he doesn’t just immediately kill them.
(And then Leeli reaches out and touches him, the first person to touch a dragon in epochs.)
And the parallels of these scenes, when we have them both visually done, are going to be so powerful and impactful. The first episode of season 1 and (what I assume will be) the last episode of season 2 with the same visuals but in vastly different context.
I can’t wait to see it.
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eggs-can-draw · 2 months
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Guy who feels like he has smth to prove draws hands, 23 injured 17 killed
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bokatan · 10 months
for the fruits and vegetables questions: 🍉 🍑🍋 for Reed?
@wishbonemotel [ oc interview questions: fruits & vegetables ]
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
So I've already outed him about it in fic, but he doesn't willingly tell anybody about the whole Margot killing a stray dog incident. It might be something he'd let slip if he's very drunk and up in his feelings, but it wouldn't be in a coherent manner and he'd probably completely lose his shit before actually saying what happened. He's more secretive about that incident than he is about the dog he has in the Commonwealth being a synth replacement- and he only tells like 3-4 people about that.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
He's kinder than he thinks he is. He frequently helps defend Minutemen settlements & gives them supplies and caps regularly despite not actually being affiliated with the Minutemen, he helps basically everybody that asks him even if he's kind of an asshole about it, and in general he has no issue lying to cover for people and turning a blind eye to petty theft - he's also very willing to steal things for others if they need it.
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
Pretty obvious answer here, but: Margot. Animals are a weak spot for him in general but he'd do literally anything for that dog. I'm not even kidding when I say I kept the whole "synths don't age" thing solely for Margot so I can play around with post-canon storylines without having to either put him through that kind of loss or just kill him off immediately after canon.
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months
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various little Pictures of thinges
#photo context/information described here in the tags since there are no longer photo captions#(from top Left to right) image 1: BABYY!!!!! SON!!!!! HE!!!!!!!!!!!!#image 2: I found a patch of these clovers that were kind of mutated or infected or something? like they were not actually Red clovers#it was patches of totally normal green clovers except every once in a while one of them would have one leave thats red or half red or even#be completely red. AND they were growing near a patch of these wildflower weeds that have red stems to them. so I wonder if it's even poss#ble that maybe some of the red like.. got mixed in with the clovers somehow? a lot of the patches with a few red ones look spotty and unhea#thy so it could have been the sun or something. I dont know how plants work. I just thought it was really cool to find these one or two#special mutant clovers in huge patches of ohtwerise totally normal green clovers.. :0#image 3: look at these weird round fat baby carrot things... Rotund#image 4: laying out some fabrics for a costume just drafting them and seeing what looks okay in the pile and what doesnt etc.#thats my whole process is just 'throw things into a pile on the floor that look okay and match then put them on eventually' lol#image 5: MORE wii scores lol.. I think this is my best score on this one though. There's 10 little markers you have to select so getting 7#means I selected more than one per second.#image 6: I couldnt decide which type of muffins I wanted so I just made a batch of plain/vanilla batter and then added things to each littl#section to make multiple flavors without having to actually make a full batch or multiple batters lol. I think it's chocolate swirl (with d#rk chocolate chunks). banana cinnamon. strawberry. normal chocolate. rosemary and lemon. peach. ginger peach turmeric. and#'scraps of the other batters all thrown together' lol. Decent however the random recipe I found online for a basic cupcake batter was#not very good and they were weirdly dense and spongy.#image 7: A PICTURE OF THE dishscapes that I watched and rambled about (to the like 5 of you who saw that post#and read the tags of it lol).... beach houes..I still so much wish I could make my own Fantasy Screensaver Story.. oughh#image 8 & 9: a really cool flower from outside. I like that it has all these weird spindly little things from the center :0#photo diary
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my toxic trait is listening to classic rock and becoming convinced that actually i can totally fail my classes and somehow get a classic car and pursue my middle school dream of being a paranormal vlogger getting income from ???? and this is totally realistic
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