#no one in Class 1-A is Nuerotypical
echonvoid · 2 years
Bnha/rottmnt crossover
Because they’ve been sharing my hyperfixation and I’ve enjoyed figuring out how that’d work. They’re also my first two risetober pieces; a thing that I totally remembered was happening /hj
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So, I don’t have a lot of concrete ideas for this au, just that I know it’s after the rise movie and some point after Eri’s rescue. I know Splinter decides to take his kids to Japan (this definitely includes April and Casey Jones Jr) so they can reconnect with their ancestral home.
While there shit goes down and they’re trapped on the same island UA is. Everyone goes onto the campus for safety (so I’m apparently going for after the first war arc Manga era) Splinter was an alumni (only barely recognizable from how much he’s changed) (Lou Jitsu looked a lot like 2012 splinter); he introduces his family to nezu who is more than happy to let them dorm and practice with 2-A, and gets them in touch with the on campus therapists.
Essentially it’s the same except the Yōkai are not in hiding and Splinter was actually with Draxum for 2 years while he made their sons. Of course Lou thought it was gonna be more like artificial insemination and natural shit, and less like mad scientist. Draxum made the boys to be weapons since he knew Lou was still on the run from Big Mama. And he just really wanted to do a bunch of genetic research with quirks and ancient yokai blood and shit. When Lou found out the boys were made with the soul purpose of being weapons (even with good intentions) he got pissed and after Mikey was fully formed, he took the boys and left. So him and Draxum are (almost) literally divorced dads.
They still grow up in the sewers cuz big mama ruled the surface and would chain splinter and the boys the instant she found them and use them for what they were made for: weapons.
Everything else is mostly the same, except when Leo takes Splinter to Big Mama. Cuz Splints has a panic attack as soon as he found out where they were going. Leo helped him calm down and explain; and then Leo fills Splinter in on what his plan is. It’s vague but that’s cuz they didn’t have specific details of the battle nexus and shit. Splinter disassociates whenever he’s in the room with big mama.
I don’t know about April and Casey’s quirks or anything yet, but I do know that ninpo is still very much a thing. But they register their ninpo as their quirk, along with the family quirk: Turtle Power!
Y’all if you have any ideas for this au or wanna show off your own my hero versions of the turtles feel free to @ me!
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autist-tips · 5 years
Autistic tip #2
I know that a lot of autistics and other nuerodivergent people have trouble remembering to care for themselves, or have difficulting doing it because of sensory issues or fatigue. Here are some tips to help anyone who’s struggling around those problems.
1) Food
This tends to be a big problem area for a lot of people. I’ve gone through most of the common issues here and this is what I’ve learned:
-You do NOT have to eat three (3) meals a day
Eating three (3) big meals can make you feel sick if you have digestive issues or if you just don’t like eating in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with snacking throughout the day or eating more frequent, smaller meals. As long as you eat enough, you’re doing it right.
If you’re in school and there’s a rule against eating in class, eat before school, during transitions, and after. If you get blessed with a teacher that understands your situation and will let you have food in class, take advantage of that opportunity.
-Find something you like that has some nutritional value
This can be pretty much anything: cereals, nuts, fruits/vegetables, granola bars, smoothies etc. Try your best to meet all of your dietary needs with food, but if you can’t there’s no shame in taking supplements and/or vitamins.
The reason why I say foods that you ‘like’ and not foods that you can ‘tolerate’ is because eating something that makes you uncomfortable will stress you out. Unless you absolutely have to, don’t do that to yourself.
-Keep food beside your bed
If you’re bedridden for whatever reason, make sure you have food where you can reach it so you don’t go hungry.
2) Hydration
There are a lot of ways to stay hydrated that people tend to not think of. For example:
-Eat your water
If you can, eating fruits and veggies is a great way to stay hydrated. You can eat them raw, cook them, put them into a fruit salad, etc. You’ll also be getting something healthy to eat when you do this!
-Drink milk or smoothies with yogurt
Milk has calcium and other important things in it and tastes better than water. If you don’t like it cold, warm it up.
Smoothies are an alternative to eating fruits/veggies if you can’t stand the texture. You can also add ice to them to give them a thicker consistency. Adding yogurt to a smoothie can get rid of the grainy feeling of crushed ice/food particles and make the drink smoother.
You can drink fruit juices, but try to keep them in moderation. Drinking sugar is bad for you and can lead to diabetes down the road if you’re not careful.
-Find ways to make water bearable.
At the end of the day, water is the healthiest thing to drink. Do your best to get at least four (4) cups of actual water a day.
Finding a way to make it easier to drink isn’t as hard as it seems. Try adjusting the temperature and what you drink it out of. Sometimes straws make it easier to drink. Try adding a bit of lemon. You can also add sweeteners, but drinking a lot of sugar isn’t good for you, so do your best to avoid that.
If it helps, try sucking on ice cubes instead of drinking water. That’s what I do during the summer, and it works great.
-Keep a water bottle or other drink with you
Having a drink on hand will allow you to be able to drink without needing to get up and get it first. The presence of the cup/bottle can also remind you to drink when you would otherwise completely forget.
3) Hygiene
This is the thing I struggle with most. There are a lot of places where things can go wrong here.
If you can shower fine, awesome! But if it’s sensory hell for you, there’s nothing wrong with taking a bath instead. And if bathing is unbearable, try washing yourself with a washcloth and some warm, soapy water. You don’t have to stick to the nuerotypical way of getting clean. Do it however you can.
Don’t feel pressured to clean yourself every day either. You can go multiple days between showers/baths, and your hair only needs to be washed one (1) or two (2) times a week. If you feel a little stinky but don’t want to clean your whole body, just clean under your arms, your crotch, and your face.
I find that toothbrushes made for kids are easier to use than adult ones because the bristles are softer and the brush is smaller. If you can’t use a toothbrush at all, a damp washcloth with toothpaste on it works too.
If mint toothpaste is too intense, try other flavors. I don’t know how many they have for adults, but kid’s toothpaste is fine to use instead. The same goes for mouthwash- there’s no shame in using one that tastes like bubblegum.
If you can, you should floss. But as long as you brush your teeth and use mouthwash it’s not really required.
4) Wounds
I don’t feel when I get injured most of the time, and after I find wounds I tend to forget about them. But sometimes I’m also very oversensitive to pain.
-For those who are undersensitive:
Whenever you change your clothes, take the time to check your skin for injuries. This can save you from many unnecessary infections that happened because you never knew you were hurt. If you notice yourself bump into something, if you get scratched by something, etc, check to make sure you didn’t break skin. Doing this will also remind you of older wounds that you may have forgotten about.
When you do find wounds, take care of them. If you’re severely injured, call 911 or see a doctor. For smaller or less serious wounds, you can take care of them at home.
Stop any bleeding before anything else. Cover the wound with a tissue or clean cloth and press directly on it until it stops bleeding. If it doesn’t stop with just pressure, cooling the skin around the injury with ice/cold water/a cold pack will also help.
Once that’s done, make sure to clean the wound thoroughly. Use warm water to flush them, but don’t use soap. Soap irritates wounds and adds to inflammation. Instead, use neosporin or hydrogen peroxide. Cover the injury with a bandaid or a tissue with some tape to keep it clean throughout the day.
Give a cut a few hours to air out every day, but keep it covered most of the time until there’s a scab. If you’re like me and you pick at scabs, regardless of the reason why, keep your wounds covered until they completely heal. You’ll be less likely to remember it’s there, which will make it less likely that you’ll pull off the scab.
If you find a bruise, especially near organs, watch it to see if it spreads. If it is spreading, call 911, because you could be seriously hurt. Otherwise, it can be left to itself to heal. If you find a bruise that happened at an earlier time and it’s big (meaning about the size of your hand or bigger) but it’s not spreading, call your doctor to be safe.
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