#none of these characters was persecuted for going to therapy but suddenly AZ yes?
elainsweetcobalt · 1 year
Really the other side is right Azriel should go to therapy, know who else should go Nesta since the thoughts of self-loathing continue there, also Mor since there are situations that she still can't talk about, also Emerie since she lived an abusive upbringing, also Cassian since he suffered abandonment, also Feyre since she lacked love and protection in her childhood/adolescence, also Lucien since he suffered several abuses by trusted people, also Rhys who must address his fear of letting go of control 50 year long hostage and SA situation, also Elain since she lived a traumatic situation and she has not talked about it, also Nuala and Cerridwen since they were at UtM and we can only imagine what they went through... the list goes on and on ALL the characters should go to therapy.
You should also go to therapy and me and Sarah fucking Mass.
So please think before using this argument which is basically nonsense crap ☺️
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