#o3o fren
ask-klavinova · 1 year
*Getting the chills* stop that *boner wings * God danm why me
You oki kitty fren? I didn’t know you had wings tho 636
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pettydreamz · 10 months
i was so shook wen my fren told me some tea that she got an anon about a person that blocked the both of us. which makes me think that person that blocked us thought were the ones who said that hateful anons to him he really it was a totally different person.
like i never called him that i was shook they called him that o3o;;;;
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people who have internet don’t do things like rework the archery, conjuration, and illusion trees in skyrim while also making light edits to the restoration, alteration, sneak, and enchanting trees
they do this bc they *don’t* have internet and skyrim is like almost the only game they can play (along with Heroes of the Storm bc you can play that and it uses virtually no data which is w e i r d)
i’m getting good at modding perk trees now so like i’m p sure bethesda could hire me 
on a serious note, i’m on track to be 100% caught up with rent stuff this month. internet should be back in march at some point. i h8 making predictions bc bad things happen when i do so this is super subject to change (and now that i’ve predicted this you know something bad will happen that’s just how life is and stuff) 
but i live at least \o3o/ 
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shikariix · 3 years
Hiiiiiii, I just wanted too....
Yes, I know im extra. But that means I can give you extra love o3o
And then I saw the rest....
oh my stars okay
💛 i just think you’re a cutie  💗 i want to give you a hug  🔊 i’m glad i started watching you 👏 everything you say is great wha 🍏 your social views are great 🍰 youre unbelievably sweet 💜 i want to make sure you’re happy 💪 i’d fight someone if they talked crap about you 🎧 you have great taste in music 👑 your account aesthetic amazes me
i am going to cry??? i love you fren, thank you for all of this and right back at you 😭 i’m going to give you so many big hugs when the pandemic is over
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ajdqueen · 4 years
asks!! o3o
9: Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
14: Can you drive a stick shift?
19: If you could change your eye color, would you?
32: Do you like watching scary movies?
40: Did you have a good day yesterday?
44: What’s the best part about school?
9: normally I would wear jeans more, but since quarantine started I've worn them like once, and sweats the rest of the time
14: I can! I actually learned on a stick shift. Although since I started driving a manual I have gotten really bad at not stalling the car, so I stall it at least once every time I drive a car with a stick shift
19: nope! I have blue/green eyes that look like they change color a lot, and I think they're cool!
32: I absolutely love scary movies, especially when watching late at night with frens
40: yep! I finished my schoolwork early so I got a couple hours of relaxation! I absolutely destroyed those cubes in beat saber
44: well normally I would say seeing my friends, but this year I dont get to because of virtual school, so I think ap chemistry in general is my favorite part
Thank you for the ask!!!!!!
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daragosdragon · 5 years
Hemiko Birthdaaaay! :3
Birthday gift for a fren :3c Happy borth \o3o/ https://twitter.com/TheHemikoWay (This took me way more than I'm willing to admit for some reason ._.)
Posted using PostyBirb
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terrterr · 5 years
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Reviving this, since im sfw usually anyway so ynot. i do kinda miss tumblr anyway. Ill try to be more active here again with following things o3o
here, have a cropped version of my last thing i did for my fren. After I finish KH3 expect me to be posting a lot more! I dont play ff14 as much (i cant even call what i do really playing lol ) so that means moar art time
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[[ smelly butthead. I donno if i've done this before but if i have then disregard this. o3o ]]
((Thanks for reading!
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ambimakesarts · 6 years
hi fren can you teach me how to do that cuphead poster thingy- idk how--
There's no real guide to making one, you just need to download a transparent logo and make the background a soild color o3o (if you need one you find one on rustybirdcage's tumblr or just google it that's what I did ^^)
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ask-klavinova · 4 years
Do your buttcheeks clap when you walk around? And if they do dose everypony know your coming?
No, that's not how physics work fren o3o
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un-beeleaf-able · 6 years
hey i think you're really cool! i like you a lot! maybe we can hangout or something! O3O (Lmao sorry leaf XD)
Its okay Magi :0!! I like you too fren 💚
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cherrymangomuffin · 7 years
*waves* hi fren
*wave* Ello o3o
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lemonade-juley · 7 years
we frenz brah o3o im just bad at The Interaction
I kno fren me too
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nock-and-bolt · 3 years
Oldest sibling, dinosaur oatmeal for vibes. Also, you are my OG wifey. I marry you again O3O
Aww ty ty xD I shall just be collecting all the vibes, le dino oatmeal one is new haha and you are a very fren shaped dinosaur oatmeal OG DBH discord server wifey yourself haha 😆
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Fren I don’t think you have submissions on. o3o
now i do
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ask-klavinova · 5 years
W-Well!! It has been nearly two very full of butt teasing days! >////< And I am very weak~❤
Well you're smol fren and I'm bigg fren o3o
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