blortch · 1 year
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Rlmblr I’m curious to hear how your list would look like... The rules are to discard 15 out of the 30 tracks of the beatles’ white album
Here’s mine:
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Eddie’s favorite Beatles album is the white album, because when his mom was having a good day she’d put it on and they’d laugh while singing along. It’s the album that they’d sing along to in the car whenever they went to visit his uncles Wayne and Dan. It was in the background when they made pancakes on the occasional Sunday morning. Even when she was really sick she would sing him to sleep with “Blackbird.”
The first time he laughs after his mom passes, his uncle Wayne puts on the album—because while Eddie lost his mom, Wayne lost his best friend—one Sunday while they’re making breakfast. He starts giggling when Dan dances with both Wayne and Eddie during Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 7 months
personal affront to ME that while my guitar gently weeps is followde by obladi oblada on the new compilation album
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maybesimon · 3 months
ringo no-no song... wtf
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oasisoclock · 4 months
you ever have multiple songs stuck in your head at once and your brain creates an ungodly mashup-mix of them
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tooru-avispa007 · 5 months
Satoru Akefu would be a The Beatles enjoyer, that's why he named his pet rock insect "Obladi Oblada".
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passione-vera · 1 year
Charlie Charles torna con il singolo “OBLADI OBLADA”
Tra le diverse certificazioni collezionate dall’artista ci sono anche il triplo platino per “Peace & love” con Sfera Ebbasta e Ghali e quelle per le produzioni di album iconici come “Sfera Ebbasta” (tre dischi di platino), “Rockstar” (sette dischi di plat
Charlie Charles in questi giorni ha disseminato indizi in giro: un cartonato con lo spoiler della strumentale al Parco Sempione di Milano, riferimenti ai Beatles inseriti in www.charliecharles.com e l’annuncio, tramite il sito, dei tre featuring d’eccezione presenti nel brano. Adesso è finalmente arrivato il momento di ascoltare il suo nuovo singolo, “Obladi Oblada” feat. Ghali, thasup & Fabri…
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geoparisol · 2 months
i feel like people don't talk enough about the esher demos. like they're all just so good. ever since i heard them for the first time, i honestly can't listen to the album versions of blackbird, i'm so tired and obladi oblada anymore.
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glittter-skeleton · 1 year
Dirk headcannons (feat. Brotzly):
I’m not even sure this one isn’t canon, we never see him sleep any other way. He sleeps like a soldier and it takes a long long time for him to grow out of it. Mostly because he can’t cuddle Todd like that. But for a while it was Todd’s leg over him and maybe his arm while he lays straight. The first times he stayed over he made sure to wake up before Todd so he wouldn’t notice.
Again, this is canon I think but his power isn’t being a detective, it’s getting pulled into messes, surviving and some extra way of seeing connection. The whole detective thing is an identity he created to be useful with his gift, not it’s purpose
He’s terrible at uno and always getting dealt awful hands in cards. All the intuition is for the cases
His sleeping routine is hideous. He wakes up when the universe wants him to but we made breakfast plans, you asshole! Wake up!
His hair burns easily, that’s why it’s darker after blackwing. Give him some sunlight and we’ll get the almost ginger look back. Or maybe we see it dyed in s1
One of his love languages is physical touch but he never knew that cuz he never really got it in his life. Mostly just sitting super close to another person, he loves it
He got so good at the daydream thing at blackwing that sometimes he makes comments about outings and happy memories that didn’t actually happen. Everyone is initially confused but after he confesses about the dreams to Todd and Farah one night it all falls into place
His memory is amazing. He can recount everything he he’d had for breakfast for the last 2 weeks
If pressed, he’ll say his favorite band is the Beatles because there’re the only ones he know more than two songs from. He really enjoyes their sillier ones, sometimes hums them under his breath. Todd decides to be cute and plays Yesterday and Hey Jude (remembered from his younger years) for him but in that way people cover songs that makes them sound sad so Dirk almost cries and doesn’t get that these were meant to be something specifically for him to enjoy. “They’re too sad, Todd! Why would you play a song about a breakup to me!?” After that Todd makes more of an effort and learns “Here comes the sun” and “Obladi-oblada” so they can sing together
Dirk also enjoys any song that has a lot of words to remember. He knows all of “we didn’t start the fire”, “it’s the end of the world as we know it” and “one week”. The only person vaguely able to keep up is Amanda
I strongly disagree to the notion that he only watches cartoons. His cinema knowledge is goes from “Who’s this again? Oh, obi-wan kenobi, okay” to “I’ve seen every movie with Pierse Brosnan” so through movie nights the agency slowly goes through the classics and he enjoys a lot of it. My pics for his favorites would be “Little Miss Sunshine”, “Knives Out” and “Big Fish” but I’m not too much of a movie buff to truly know.
He always guesses the plot twist btw
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remdrawci · 4 months
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Who the fuck names the rock animals from jojolion like???? Did tooru just find this wierd parasite creatcher and go "yeah shit definitely looks like an obladi oblada" or do they have actual name species?? Who agrees on the name species??? WHO FUCKING NAMED DODODO DE DADADA AND WHY
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strictlyfavorites · 1 year
Obladi-Oblada   cover
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mermaidemilystuff · 10 months
Obladi Oblada
E mille bolle blu
C’è una pubblicità
Per non piangere più
E sei così bella la la
Più del fumo e dell’erba ba ba
E con te resterò nel mio ghetto magico
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nenynra · 2 months
3, 9, 23, 29 and 30 for the music asks:3
3: A song that reminds you of summertime -> Good Time by Owl City (there's many more, but it's also a bit nostalgic:>)
9: A song that makes you happy -> There's a lot, but currently, I'd say...Dead by My Chemical Romance;3
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to -> Crawling by Linkin Park (did I wanted to say the whole first album of Linkin Park? Absolutely) (Or basically all of the songs on my playlists:3)
29: A song that you remember from your childhood -> Obladi Oblada by The Beatles (it was one of the first songs I've ever heard and remembered, next to Yellow Submarine:>)
30: A song that reminds you of yourself -> People Pleaser by Cat Burns
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rebeccasteventaylor · 11 months
Bless me, for I am going into my indepth, rambling analytic rewatch of Episode 6..:
Rather nice to see Gabriel being Aziraphale’s assistant as he very competently sets up a trap, explains things to Nina and Maggie and faces down Shax. It’s rather sexy.
Shop is full of electric candles and fire extinguishers. I don’t know if this is down to Crowley or Aziraphale but between them they’re doing everything to make sure this bookshop never burns again.
Considering how traumatic Crowley’s last visit to heaven was, he’s enjoying this rather too much!
You go Maggie! Argue with the demon! That you don’t seem that surprised about for some reason…
Maggie had brothers? Not has? Had? Past tense?
Aziraphale is very good at this coolly heroic thing. It’s very sexy. I wish Crowley could see this.
Did Aziraphale, by opening that portal, make it possible for the Metatron to come to Earth?
Muriel is so lonely. No wonder she’s imprinted on Aziraphale and Crowley.
So Crowley, when an Angel, was high enough to get access to confidential records. What else did he learn? When Aziraphale told him about the 6000 year thing, did he go and look?
There’s so much pain on Aziraphale’s face when he talks about the book shop fire. But he wasn’t there when it happened, so all that pain comes from his memory of Crowley’s pain when telling him. Imagine a late night conversation when it’s all over. And Aziraphale asks exactly what happened to the bookshop. And Crowley tells him everything - including running into a burning bookshop to find Aziraphale. And the next morning the shop is full of electric candles and fire extinguishers (sorry, quick digression into fanfic thoughts there)
Aziraphale doesn’t really seem bothered about being described as Crowley’s emotional support Angel. But the irony of Gabriel/Jim being puzzled by Shax shaming Aziraphale over eating and sushi when the last person to do that was Gabriel.
Well now it makes sense that Gabriel is quite happy to be cast down to hell.
Aw, Crowley giving Muriel a little companionable shoulder punch!
Isn’t that halo thing from the film script?
What damage did Aziraphale do to himself when he removed the halo?
Crowley just assumes that Muriel is coming back with him. He has to invite Saraqael specifically.
Ok, in Gabriel’s box is stored two lost Shakespeare plays (Goldiggers 1589 and Robin Hoode) mentioned in the novel Good Omens. Also some kind of loan agreement in 1913 with the postmaster of New Cumnock, or rather his late estate. New Cumnock is a town in Scotland and there really was a postmaster called John Gibson. I’ve no idea why Aziraphale has a loan agreement with his estate though.
The fly going into Gabriel’s eye is disgusting.
So it seems the whole Ineffable Bureaucracy thing does start in canon as it started in fanon - the little conversation about how difficult Aziraphale and Crowley just made their jobs at the airfield.
The more Gabriel talks to Beelzebub, the less of a dickhead he is. And he didn’t know what music was until Beelzebub told him.
The songs on the jukebox are Mull of Kintyre, Dignity from Deacon Blue, Daddy’s Gone by Glasvegas, Letter from America by the Proclaimers, Shang a Lang by Bay City Rollers, News from Heaven by Runrig and Obladi Oblada. The film in the background is Spirit of St Louis. The song chosen (before it changes) is Letter from America - where Warlock is now, i presume.
Right, if you be been following my ‘S3 is based on Powell/Pressburger film A Matter of Life and Death’ theory, there’s more proof here - in The Resurrections pub in their last meeting, there are ‘Pressburger’ advertisements on the wall all around.
Oh god, Gabriel’s face when he sees Beelzebub - such love. (I can’t believe we got canon Ineffable Bureaucracy!)
Gabriel and Beelzebub finding something that mattered more than choosing sides, in Aziraphale’s bookshop, in front of Aziraphale! And he grasps Crowley’s shoulder and yet in ten minutes he’s talking about sides again and WHAT THE HELL DID THE METATRON DO TO HIM.
Oh, Crowley grinning at his Angel taking charge.
Muriel has been absorbed in a book all this time. She hasn’t noticed a things
Oh, the way Aziraphale looks at Crowley when he mentions Alpha Centauri. There’s guilt there.
Aziraphale watching Beelzebub and Gabriel in love and clearly thinking that angels and demons can be in love, and then looking lovingly at Crowley and if Crowley had kissed him then he would have melted into his arms.
Aziraphale resits the Metratron at first. I’m not sure if there’s anything in the coffee but buying it for him is an act of kindness. It’s classic coercive control - when they expect cruelty, lead with kindness. I bet Nina’s Lindsay was just like that at first.
And the Metatron glares at Crowley as the one person who could possibly break his control of Aziraphale.
Oh, Crowley planning is time and breakfast at the Ritz.
Crowley given Muriel Crow Road and tidying up the bookshop and the romantic music is playing and he’s expecting a happy ending to all this!
Oh. Nina calls Maggie Angel! And it’s Nina and Maggie pointing out that Aziraphale and Crowley don’t ever talk about they really think.
Aziraphale acts excited but deep in his heart of hearts he knows Crowley won’t like this.
The Metatron is recruiting Aziraphale because he knows if he left Aziraphale on Earth with Crowley they’d fight whatever plans he has. And he tempts Aziraphale with the one thing that would work - redemption for Crowley. He’d never have to see Crowley dragged down to hell for punishment. He’d never have to see the angels erase Crowley from the book of life. The Metatron is offering the one thing Aziraphale wants - Crowley’s safety. Even if it costs Aziraphale everything.
And Aziraphale still cannot get rid of the idea that Heaven is the good guys. He didn’t see Gabriel’s trial. He didn’t see his own trial. He hasn’t seen all the things Crowley has, and what he did see, they’ve convinced him is his own fault, not theres. Think about those people who keep going back to an abusive home, because they think home is where they should be and if it’s wrong, it’s their fault, not home’s.
I can’t bear Crowley’s crying! It breaks my heart.
‘Nothing lasts forever’ I bet thats what the Metatron said to Aziraphale. This all feels like the abusive family dragging him back with the ‘it’ll be different this time’ and ‘we’ll listen to you this time’ and ‘you don’t want to break up the family do you?’ line. Poor, abused Aziraphale. He was so close to getting away.
‘No nightingales’ No happy ending. No ‘us’.
Aziraphale does sink into the kiss for a moment. There’s a moment where he grasps Crowley. Crowley almost breaks the Metatron’s programming.
But that ‘I forgive you’ is nasty. He spits it out as if Crowley is vile. I don’t think Aziraphale means it; but he’s so torn between the life he thought he wanted and the life with Crowley and he’s taking it out on the only person he’s allowed to be angry with - Crowley.
You know the fact that there is a kiss, that Crowley wanted to kiss and Aziraphale responded for a moment, makes me think we’ll get a more loving, gentler kiss inS3
Aziraphale touching the lips still tingling with Crowley’s kiss, taking in the last touch from him, and then deciding that’s it,he’s made his choice and if Crowley has rejected him, he’ll go back to heaven where they want him and be a good Angel. (I still can’t believe we got a kiss)
‘Anything you need to take with you’ and he looks out of the window to Crowley.
The Bentley plays ‘A Nightingale Sang’ because the Bentley ships and wants to remind Crowley he loves Aziraphale. There can be nightingales again.
The closer Aziraphale gets to heaven the less human he is, the more like the other angels he is.
Fuck me me that’s heartbreaking
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
The Last Beatles Song: Now and Then :')
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THE BEATLES BRODIIII!! Semenjak punya twitter aku udah follow official akun The Beatles karena ya ngefans lahhhh. Biasanya postingannya ya apalagi kalo bukan something nostalgic. And then suddenlyyyyy... Lauching lagu terakhir yg belom sempet "jadi", karena John keburu meninggal disusul George. Iya begitu klaimnya, mreka jg launching kemarin short movienya di Youtube sekitar 12 menit abistu baru semalam launching lagunya.. Update sekali infonya ih akutu yaiya kan follow akun beatles wkwk. Lsg dengerin bareng suami ditengah2 lg Netflix-an. Lagunya ttp easy listening khas beatles, cuma kaya bukan old beatles gt lebih modern. Merinding yaa suara John msh adaaa huhu, berkat teknologi jaman skrg jadi bisa gitu yaa. Tapi aku suka, pagi ini udah on repeat 10x huhu knp mengharukan dengerinnya yaaahh, sad and heartwarming at the same time..
Short filmnya yg cuma 12 menit. Waktu mreka ngerjain bertiga tanpa John (saat itu John belom mau gabung, lalu keburu meninggal.
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Tolong ini euphorianya dimana mana haaaa
Sepenggal liriknya :'). Siapa yg gatau meme iconic
Chandler. Skrg jd sedih lg :(
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Apakah aku seorang Beatlemania? Duh gatau jg, aku hanya menyukai tp ngga sampe menggilai.
Band legend kaya beatles mah pasti bapak2 kita jg tau, tp bapakku ngga sebegitunya sama beatles. Dulu tuh yg selalu masuk playlist bapak lagu "i'll follow the sun". Ya akupun jd hafal, setelah remaja ke dewasa baru deh tuh ngikutin beatles, lagu yg tenarnya mah udah tau lah dr kecil, smp, sma. Kaya "let it be", "yesterday", "i want to hold your hand", "obladi oblada", "twist and shout". Mulai dewasa, pas kuliah mulai explore aja tuh sama lagunya nya. Bukan hanya lagu2 ciptaan John & Paul (karena mreka berdua paling bnyk nyetak hits di lagu2 beatles). Dengerin jg lagu2nya George kaya "Something" (my favv), "while my guitar gently weeps". Ringgo juga! Paling suka "with little help from my friend", "yellow submarine" dan mreka berdua dikasih kesempatan jg jd lead vocalnya. Pokonya dari tiap album beatles dr thn 60an udah tau lah 4-5 lagu mah, banyak bgt lagunya dan enak2. Aku paling suka "strawberry fields forever", "in my life" dan masih banyak ituuuu pokonya.
Bahkan selain lagunya aku ikuti film2 yg berbau beatles atau cuma soundtracknya gt. Kaya, "i am sam", "nowhere boy", "across the universe", terakhir nonton "yesterday" ini ada di Netflix. Documentarynya jg, terakhir itu Get Back yg tayang di Disney+.
Dulu waktu masih seneng bola dan cheering for Liverpool FC gegara Xabi Alonso klubnya disana, iya ngefans bgt sm Xabi circa 2006 keatas deh hahaha bodor lah. Bermimpi kalo ke Inggris kudu bgt ke Liverpool, mau ke Anfield dan Museum The Beatles wkwkwk. Such a perfect combo, right!
Nah si sobi gigs ku mah beatlemania beneran dia krn bapaknya jg sama, dari mulai koleksian kaset, cd, piringan hitam dahlah the real beatlemania. Suatu wkt bapaknya dinas ke Inggris, sobiku si rajin lebih memilih kuliah drpd ikut bapaknya kan mayan atuh katanya bakalan ke museum the beatles, hih plis deh ngapa sih u!!. Balik2 bapake bawain oleh2 tas beatles dr enggres. "dah ini aja cukup buat gua mah".. Wkwkwk duh bestie! Oiya waktu resepsi kawinannya ada after party "beatles night". Sumpah seru pisan haha. Abis resepsi ngga ada capek2nya kita smua berjogedh dan bernyanyik.. Tepar tepar u ahhh..
Nah jd akupun tak cukup beatlemania utk ngefans. Cuma menyenangi karya2nya sajalah yaaa. Dan kalo ada band kaya G-pluck (band specialis lagu2 beatles) manggung, mau dengan senang hati nontoninnya. Sempet nonton G-pluck di JRL dulu, salah 1 membernya itu, member band Sore.. Lupa aku namanya siapa hihi. Bahkan mreka dress up like beatles sampe pake wig jg hahaha ngakak tp kami enjoy nonton live nya..
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