#oddgeir thune
mariatryti · 2 months
Ein dag for takksemd og glede! I dag er det siste framsyning av Nære relasjonar - iallfall for no:
NÆRE RELASJONAR Det Norske Teateret våren 2024
Våren 2024 har teaterstykket Nære relasjonar gått for fulle hus på Scene 3. Christian Ruud Kallum har hatt hovudrolla, og Marie Blokhus har hatt regi. I tillegg bidrar Josephine Frida Pettersen, Oddgeir Thune og Tirill Heide-Steen.
Det var eit lukketreff at ein tidleg, teaternær versjon av teksten kom i hendene på Marie Blokhus medan eg var i innspurten av boka. Sjeldan har eg fått følga ein prøveprosess så tett og kjent meg så på nett med dei andre scenekunstnarane. Vi har jobba raskt, fritt og med stor tillit til kvarandre.
Romanen og teaterstykket med same namn er i nær slekt, men dei er sjølvstendige tekstar. Formata inviterer til ulike forteljarstemmer og dramaturgiar, og teaterteksten inneheld scener og situasjonar som er borte frå romanen, og omvendt.
Materialet byrja faktisk som scenetekst, før eg bestemte meg for å skriva roman (noko som var nytt og som tok tid - men som blei ferdig i 2023) - og så blei teaterversjonen henta fram igjen og ferdigstilt rett før premiera i januar 2024.
Stykket har fått mykje omtale. Det meste er lenka til her.
NÆRE RELASJONAR - omtale i Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift
“Velvalgte regigrep og et intenst scenisk nærvær befester den tragiske realismen i Maria Tryti Vennerøds nyanserike og innsiktsfulle tekst om vold i nære relasjoner.”
“Å skrive godt og nyansert om et så ladet tema må være utfordrende, der man balanserer i et minefelt av sjokkartet skandale og velment sosionomi.”
AMUND GRIMSTAD: "Teksten er både truverdig og munnleg, og fell særs naturleg. Og forteljinga og handlinga blir bygd opp dramaturgisk på meisterleg vis. Blokhus følgjer opp dette i regien, og med enkel og kreativ bruk av papirforhenga, skapar ho overraskande vendingar, og sterke brot. Og der romanen sluttar med, om ikkje ei løysing, så i alle fall ei retning, er teateroppsetjinga gitt ei heilt ope ending. Det er eit godt val, for denne oppsetjinga vil for mange i publikum neppe bli avslutta ved teppefall, men halde fram med refleksjonar og diskusjonar i ettertid, slik ei god framsyning skal."
"Teksten av Maria Tryti Vennerød er utrolig fin, sårbar og enkel å henge med på. Den belyser skyldfølelse og forholdet mellom makt og avmakt og offer og voldsutøver. Gjennom teksten får publikum også et større innblikk i hva som gjør at noen velger å bli i destruktive forhold, noe jeg tenker er viktig at snakkes om i dagens samfunn. Om ikke alle kan relatere til alt som skjer i forestillingen, så vil jeg tro de aller fleste kan kjenne seg igjen i deler av historien på ulike måter."
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Home for Christmas (Season 2: 2020)
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2:1 Love You, Love You Not
After a quick recap of season 1 (I reviewed each episode in 2019), we launch into season 2 with a very romantic looking scene and Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) freaking out and leaving. Then it cuts to the scene at the end of season 1, and we find out who was at the door. Then Johanne goes back to her apartment alone. Shortly after, Henrik (Oddgeir Thune) shows up to tell her that one of the patients they were treating didn’t make it.
As the episode goes on, we see Johanne and Henrik’s relationship. When it becomes less than perfect, they start fighting. Johanne wants a break, but she doesn’t seem that worried about it until her roommate Jørgunn (Gabrielle Leithaug) gets engaged to her boyfriend. Great first episode- 4 stars.
2:2 Sweet Revenge
I don’t think there’s a better way to show a hot mess express of a person going through a break up. Henrik is trying to get in touch with Johanne, but she doesn’t want to speak to him. They work on the same floor of a hospital, but Johanne asks for different shifts. She and her brother Morten (Christian Ruud Kallum) are trying to take care of their dad, Tor (Dennis Storhøi). Finally, a coworker takes Johanne out clubbing, and she becomes the epitome of the drunk girl looking for validation after a break up. It was difficult to watch because we’ve all been to that level of crazy, but it’s never pretty. 4 stars for this episode.
2:3 Stuck in the Past
Johanne is trying to understand what went wrong with Henrik when Jørgunn points out that Johanne still hangs on to her ex of 4 years Christian (Stian Blipp). Johanne decides that she needs to move past it, so she goes to talk to Christian about why he left her after being with her for 8 years. Once that is settled, Johanne goes out to celebrate putting the past behind her and runs into Stein (Mads Sjøgård Pettersen), a guy she dated briefly last year. The next day, Johanne decides to get a new tattoo to empower herself to move forward, so love that for her. Tor shows up at her apartment to check on her and tags along, which begs the question why are dads so weird about tattoos? I felt that this episode put Johanne in the most relatable light so far, so 4.5 stars.
2:4 Christmas Speed Dating
Johanne accompanied her neighbor Nick (Edward Schultheiss) to a bar while he does some speed dating. Nick strikes out pretty hilariously, but Johanne meets a man at the bar who invites her to a Christmas concert with him the next morning. Come to find out, it’s Nick’s choir! So of course Johanne has to go. Nick has a pretty epic rendition of “O Holy Night” (Disclaimer- Nick is currently my favorite character in this series). Johanne goes out to eat, where she gets a blast from the past in Jonas (Felix Sandman), who is back from Bali and out with his family. I think this is my favorite episode so far, so 5 stars.
2:5 The Perfect Date
Johanne runs into Jonas again while he’s visiting a friend who is in the hospital. Johanne then tries to seal the deal with the guy from the previous episode, Knut (Hermann Sabado), but he isn’t picking up what she’s putting down. Then Johanne takes him a sleigh ride which triggers an allergic for Knut reaction to the reindeer pelt. Jørgunn is moving out, so things are emotional. Johanne invites Jonas to the Christmas “workshop” she’s having with Nick and his daughter to make Christmas decorations since Johanne doesn’t have many. I’m worried Jonas is going to break our hearts again, so a tentative 4 stars for this emotional roller coaster.
2:6 Christmas Chaos
Johanne is trying to get everything ready for Christmas Eve at her apartment even though she’s not sure who will show up besides Morten and his family. She sees Knut again, but it’s a little awkward. He honestly feels like he’s trying to convince himself that he’s into her but he’s not, and our girl Johanne is too nice to say no, but she’s not feeling it either. Once Christmas Eve arrives, she is struggling in the kitchen. She burns the rib roast and the rice pudding, but Nick comes in clutch with a new rib roast that he makes and they order some rice pudding for delivery. The whole family shows up, which surprises Johanne, but there’s so much love. Then Jørgunn calls and asks if she has found who actually sent the roses last Christmas. Once the whole family gets involved, Johanne has to be honest about her feelings. It’s very sweet and warms my cold, dead heart. 5 stars.
This season was less chaotic then the first because most of the characters were in the first season. Johanne grew so much this season, which we love to see. Let’s hope this happily ever after sticks. For the season, it gets 4.5 stars.
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cadwalladery · 5 years
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Films seen in 2019
# 6 - Blind Spot (Tuva Novotny, 2018)
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tarjeismoeworknews · 2 years
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This is what Tarjei recommends watching at this year's Heddadagene festival
Tarjei Sandvik Moe is an actor and screenwriting student, and can be seen on stage during the Hedda Days 2022 in the monologue performance “20. November ”at Teaterkjeller'n. 
Bror (Brother) 
Goksøyr & Martens på Det Norske Teatret
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I have seen a couple of performances of Goksøyr and Martens before, and am a huge fan. Then I have thought about what makes Oddgeir Thune so terribly good at playing in these performances. Theory: He manages to trample in a natural way, which suits this hyperrealism. So Thune trudges , he does not walk, nor does he strut or stroll (as is so often seen on stage). No, Thune is trudger. One can almost dare to say that he is pawing! And this show is sure to be a hit.
Eg er vinden (I am the wind)
Turnéteatret i Trøndelag
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Yes, so this winter I sat in cold, dark Lillehammer, and read five pieces by Jon Fosse in addition to the whole Septologien(Septology). I had read little of him before. And I was saved, in the original sense of the word; it was truly a religious experience. Of course, I also lost some courage as a script student, but so be it. Fosse says that writing for him is synonymous with listening . He does not push forward, but writes down what comes to him. A good actor is also one who listens. I am the wind  is one of Fosse's best pieces. Therefore, I reckon that this production is worth seeing, without having seen it; for the sake of the existentially painful text.
Til Ungdommen(For the youth)
Oslo Nye Teater
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Here I am somewhat biased, since I played in this show in its first playing period. I have not seen it yet (difficult when you are on stage). But I see that there is still a strong small ensemble on stage, which I am sure will lift Linn Skåber's attentive, interview-based monologues up to fine heights in the minimalist, naked staging of wise, fine Mattis Herman Nyquist.
Skuddsikker vest (Bulletproof vest)
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Director Even Torgan is the devil's advocate in Norwegian theater. A man who has aroused a lot of theater interest in me. It is terribly inspiring to see a person who insists on creating art that has a place in society, and not just for art lovers. Everything Torgan does should be seen, and I reckon that applies to this too. There is drive, passion, playfulness, impudence and a dose of humor in everything that this trickster creates. 
source: https://www.heddadagene.no/nyheter/tarjei-sandvik-moes-tips-til-heddadagene-2022?fbclid=IwAR0UPUO7WJBtPO9JTxnbL0UGhv14B1uiyLLLjiGS7tST9R6h4P8h1gdxWIM
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deprotagonisten · 4 years
Blind Spot
Recensie Blind Spot (Blindsone) ★★★★1/2 - vanaf 23-4 exclusief te zien op @PiclNL Een tranentrekker die in een take is geschoten en voor ons een grote kanshebber is voor onze eindejaarslijst. @septemberfilmnl #BlindSpot #Blindsone
De dramafilm Blind Spot gaat over Maria, Anders en hun twee kinderen. Er gebeurt iets waardoor hun leven ineens op zijn kop komt te staan. Wat wij van Blind Spot vinden, lees je in onze recensie.
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chasenews · 4 years
#Netflix drops teaser for Home for Christmas season 2 and reveals some exciting news..
#Netflix drops teaser for Home for Christmas season 2 and reveals some exciting news..
Get cozy and grab a delicious lussekatter: Home for Christmas season 2 is just around the corner!
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Amsterdam, 23 November 2020 – Today Netflix announced some exciting news about the second season of Home for Christmas.The well-known cast includes Ida Elise Broch, Dennis Storhøi and Anette Hoff. We are also excited to reveal that fan favorites Gabrielle Leithaug, Oddgeir Thune, Felix Sandman and…
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liraatencio · 4 years
≈√Film Complet√≈» Tottori Sommeren vi var alene 2020 Film Complet en Francais ⇇✪PutLocker√
Regarder Tottori Sommeren vi var alene 2020 Film Complet en Francais,Tottori Sommeren vi var alene 2020 Film Complet en ligne Gratuit,REGARDER Tottori Sommeren vi var alene 2020 streaming vF Film Complet HD
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TitreTottori Sommeren vi var aleneDurée77 MinutesArchiveBluRaySous-titreEnglisch & FrenchCapacité750MBÉvaluation694 De 1202 VotesCatégorieFamily,Fantasy
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#Tottori Sommeren vi var alene,#Vega Østin#Billie Østin#Thomas Skjørestad#Nina Ellen Ødegård#Oddgeir Thune#Mette Arnstad#Kristoffer Joner,#Chezville,#telechargerfilmtorrente,#completvfgratuit,#EnStreamingVF #telechargement #gratuit #filmfrench #filmenligne #filmsfr #telechargermegaupload
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de agosto 2019
Este verano no pinta nada mal. ¿Habéis visto cuántas maravillas podemos disfrutar mientras nos damos el after sun?
¡Feliz agosto!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de agosto: iZombie (series finale) en The CW
2 de agosto: 
Dear White People (3T completa) y Otherhood en Netflix
Descendants 3 en Disney Channel
This Is Football en Amazon
Hold the Sunset (2T) en BBC One
Swamp Thing (series finale) en DC Universe
4 de agosto: 
Preacher (4T y última) en AMC
Euphoria (1T finale) en HBO
5 de agosto: 
Five Points (2T) en Facebook
Divorce (series finale) en HBO
6 de agosto: 
The 100 (6T finale) en The CW
Blood & Treasure (1T finale) en CBS
7 de agosto: BH90210 (1T) en FOX
8 de agosto: 
Two Sentence Horror Stories (1T) en The CW
Wu Assassins (1T completa) y The Naked Director en Netflix
This Way Up (1T) en Channel 4
9 de agosto: 
GLOW (3T completa), Las chicas del cable (4T completa) y Sintonia (1T completa) en Netflix
Free Meek en Amazon
11 de agosto: Succession (2T) en HBO
12 de agosto: 
The Terror: Infamy (2T) y Lodge 49 (2T) en AMC
Our Boys en HBO
14 de agosto: 
David Makes Man (1T) en OWN
Deep Water (1T) en ITV
The Handmaid's Tale (3T finale) en Hulu
15 de agosto: Why Women Kill (1T) en CBS All Access
16 de agosto: Mindhunter (2T) en Netflix
18 de agosto: 
The Righteous Gemstones (1T) en HBO
Good Witch (5T finale) en Hallmark
21 de agosto: Beforeigners (1T) en HBO
22 de agosto: 
Brassic (1T) en Sky One
Baskets (series finale) en FX
25 de agosto: 
The Affair (5T y última) y On Becoming a God in Central Florida (1T) en Showtime
Power (6T y última) en Starz
30 de agosto: 
Carnival Row (1T completa) en Amazon 
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (1T) en Netflix
When Hope Calls (1T) en Hallmark Movies Now
Estrenos de series
BH90210 (FOX)
Beverly Hills, 90210 se emitió en FOX entre octubre de 1990 y mayo del 2000. Sus actores protagonistas vuelven a nuestras pantallas en un drama que seguirá sus (ficcionadas) vidas actuales, cuando uno de ellos sugiere que ya es hora de volver a la tele con un reboot. Con Tori Spelling (Donna), Ian Ziering (Steve), Shannen Doherty (Brenda), Jason Priestley (Brandon), Jennie Garth (Kelly), Brian Austin Green (David) y Gabrielle Carteris (Andrea). Christine Elise y Carol Potter, que interpretaron a Emily Valentine y Cindy Walsh, también volverán. Les acompañarán La La Anthony (Power, Unforgettable), Vanessa Lachey (Truth Be Told, Dads), Ivan Sergei (Jack & Jill, Charmed) y Natalie Sharp (Hit the Road). Creada por Tori Spelling y Jennie Garth y escrita por Mike Chessler (So Notorious, Awkward) y Chris Alberghini (So Notorious, Awkward). Seis episodios. Estreno: 7 de agosto
Two Sentence Horror Stories (The CW)
Antología de terror, adaptación de la serie corta estrenada en go90 en 2017, con historias contemporáneas sobre las cosas que nos siguen atormentando a pesar de los avances tecnológicos y sociales, la desigualdad o el deterioro medioambiental. Con Nicole Kang (Batwoman, You), Jim Parrack (The Deuce, Suicide Squad), Greta Quispe (New Amsterdam), Wai Ching Ho (Daredevil, Iron Fist), Kate Jennings (Notorious) y Aleyse Shannon (Charmed). Creada y producida por Vera Miao (Best Friends Forever). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 8 de agosto
Wu Assassins (Netflix)
Ambientada en la Chinatown de San Francisco, sigue a un aspirante a chef (Iko Uwais; Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Raid) que se convierte en el último Wu Assassin, elegido para reunir los poderes de una triada ancestral y restaurar el equilibrio una vez más. Con Katheryn Winnick (Vikings), Lewis Tan (Into the Badlands), Tommy Flanagan (Sons of Anarchy, Gladiator), Tzi Ma (Arrival, The Ladykillers), Byron Mann (Arrow, The Expanse), Lawrence Kao (The Originals, The Walking Dead), Celia Au (Lodge 49), Li Jun Li (Quantico, The Exorcist), Mark Dacascos (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hawaii Five-0) y Juju Chan (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny). Escrita por John Wirth (Falling Skies, Hell on Wheels). Diez episodios. Estreno: 8 de agosto
Sintonia (Netflix)
Tres adolescentes de la misma favela de São Paulo persiguen sus sueños mientras mantienen su amistad en un mundo de música, drogas y religión. Con Christian Malheiros (Socrates), M.C. Jottapê y Bruna Mascarenhas. Creada y dirigida por Kondzilla. Seis episodios. Estreno: 9 de agosto
Our Boys (HBO)
El 12 de junio de 2014, los adolescentes judíos Gil-ad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach y Naftali Fraenkel fueron secuestrados por terroristas de Hamás en Cisjordania. Tras una búsqueda de casi tres semanas, se encontraron sus cuerpos cerca de Hebrón. Dos días después, el adolescente palestino Muhammed Abu Khdeir fue quemado vivo por extremistas judíos en un aparente acto de venganza. Se considera el inicio del conflicto de Gaza. La serie, grabada en Israel, se centra en el trabajo de un investigador del servicio de seguridad israelí (Shlomi Elkabetz) y en el juicio posterior. Creada por los israelíes Hagai Levi (The Affair, In Treatment) y Joseph Cedar (Beaufort, Footnote) y el palestino Tawfik Abu-Wael (Tanathur, Atash). Diez episodios. Estreno: 12 de agosto
David Makes Man (OWN)
David (Akili McDowell, The Astronaut Wives Club) es un niño de catorce años de South Florida atormentado por la muerte de su mejor amigo. Su madre (Alana Arenas; L.A. Confidential, Chicago PD) confía en que él pueda sacarlos de la pobreza, pero él deberá elegir entre las calles que le criaron o la educación que podría alejarlo de allí. Les acompañan Phylicia Rashad (Empire, The Cosby Show), Nathaniel Logan McIntyre, Isaiah Johnson (Hamilton, The Color Purple), Ade Chike Torbert (East Los High), Jordan Bolger (Peaky Blinders), Cayden K. Williams (Girls Trip), Travis Coles, Gillian Williams (The Girlfriend Experience), Ruben Santiago-Hudson (The Quad, Billions), Elvis Nolasco (American Crime) o Randy Gonzalez (Bloodline). Creada y escrita por Tarell Alvin McCraney (Moonlight) e inspirada en su propia vida. Diez episodios. Estreno: 14 de agosto
Deep Water (ITV)
Adaptación de las novelas de Paula Daly sobre tres mujeres que viven en los alrededores del lago Windermere, Inglaterra. Escrito por Anna Symon (Indian Summers, The Wilsons), es un vistazo a la familia y a la vida ajetreada. Protagonizada por Anna Friel (Pushing Daisies, Marcella), Rosalind Eleazar (Howards End, Harlots) y Sinead Keenan (Little Boy Blue, Being Human). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 14 de agosto
Why Women Kill (CBS All Access)
Tres mujeres que viven en tres décadas diferentes lidian a su manera con la infidelidad en sus matrimonios: Elegante y preocupada por las apariencias, Simone (Lucy Liu; Elementary, Ally McBeal) es una socialite de los años 80 casada con Karl (Jack Davenport; Smash, Pirates of the Caribbean), que sabe que es una pieza secundaria en la vida de su esposa. Beth Ann (Ginnifer Goodwin; Once Upon a Time, Big Love) es un ama de casa de los años 60 cuyo mundo gira en torno a su marido Rob (Sam Jaeger; Parenthood, Tell Me a Story). Y Taylor (Kirby Howell-Baptiste; Killing Eve, Barry) es una abogada bisexual, feminista y apasionada que mantiene una relación abierta con su marido Eli (Reid Scott; Veep, The Big C), un escritor que tiene una aventura con una chica lesbiana (Alexandra Daddario; Percy Jackson, True Detective). Completan el reparto Sadie Calvano (Mom, The Package), Alicia Coppola (Jericho, Shameless), Leo Howard (Wasabi Warriors, Santa Clarita Diet), Katie Finneran (Brockmire, Bloodline) y Adam Ferrara (Nurse Jackie, Rescue Me). Creada, escrita y producida por Marc Cherry (Desperate Housewives, Devious Maids). Diez episodios. Estreno: 15 de agosto
The Righteous Gemstones (HBO)
Comedia creada, escrita, producida y protagonizada por Danny McBride (Vice Principals, Eastbound & Down) que nos trae a los Gemstone, una familia mundialmente famosa de telepredicadores con una larga tradición de perversión, avaricia y trabajo caritativo, todo en nombre de nuestro señor Jesucristo. Con John Goodman (Roseanne, The Big Lebowski), Adam Devine (Workaholics, Modern Family), Edi Patterson (Vice Principals, Black-ish), Cassidy Freeman (Longmire, Smallville), Tony Cavalero (School of Rock, Hart of Dixie), Skyler Gisondo (Santa Clarita Diet, Psych), Tim Baltz (Drunk History, Shrink), Troy Anthony Hogan (Queen Sugar, Friday Night Lights), GregAlan Williams (Greenleaf, Drop Dead Diva), Kelton DuMont (The Astronaut Wives Club, Mosaic), Gavin Munn (Raising Dion) y Walton Goggins (Vice Principals, Six). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 18 de agosto
Beforeigners (HBO)
En la primera serie noruega original de HBO, un thriller satírico, unas luces muy intensas se pueden observar sobre el océano e, inmediatamente después, comienzan a aparecer en todo el planeta personas de la Edad de Piedra, de la era vikinga y de finales del siglo XIX. Dos años después de aquel suceso, una visitante de la era vikinga (Krista Kosonen) se une a un agente de policía (Nicolai Cleve Broch, Frikjent) para investigar el asesinato de otra visitante. Con Agnes Kittelsen, Stig Henrik Hoff, Stig Amdam, Odd-Magnus Williamson, Herbert Nordrum y Oddgeir Thune. Creada y escrita por Anne Bjørnstad (Lilyhammer, Roeng) y Eilif Skodvin (Lilyhammer, Roeng). Dirigida por Jens Lien (Jonny Vang, Den brysomme mannen). Seis episodios. Estreno: 21 de agosto
On Becoming a God in Central Florida (Showtime)
Finalmente es Showtime -fue YouTube quien la encargó hace un año- la que emite esta comedia negra ambientada en Orlando a principios de los años 90 en la que una empleada de un parque acuático (Kirsten Dunst; Fargo, The Virgin Suicides) se propone infiltrarse en el negocio piramidal que se llevó los ahorros de su familia. Completan el cast Théodore Pellerin (Boy Erased, Juste la fin du monde), Ted Levine (The Alienist, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom), Mel Rodriguez (Getting On, The Last Man on Earth), Beth Ditto (Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot), Julie Benz (Defiance, Dexter), Usman Ally (Veep, A Series of Unfortunate Events) y Melissa de Sousa (Miss Congeniality, The Best Man). Creada por Esta Spalding (Masters of Sex) y escrita por Robert Funke (The Labyrinth) y Matt Lutsky. Producida por Dunst y George Clooney. Diez episodios. Estreno: 25 de agosto
Carnival Row (Amazon)
Drama que explora cuestiones relacionadas con la inmigración utilizando como medio una ciudad neovictoriana en la que conviven humanos y criaturas fantásticas y donde ha comenzado una ola de misteriosos asesinatos. Protagonizada por Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings), Cara Delevingne (Valerian, Suicide Squad), Indira Varma (Game of Thrones, Luther), David Gyasi (Man in an Orange Shirt, Cloud Atlas), Karla Crome (Misfits, Under the Dome), Tamzin Merchant (Supergirl, Salem), Simon McBurney (Rev., The Casual Vacancy), Alice Krige (The OA, Tyrant), Jared Harris (Mad Men, The Crown), Ariyon Bakare (Tyrant, New Blood), Andrew Gower (Outlander, A.D. The Bible Continues) y Jamie Harris (Kingdom, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). Creada por Travis Beacham (Pacific Rim, Clash of the Titans), escrita por René Echevarría (Medium, The 4400) y dirigida por Paul McGuigan (Lucky Number Slevin, Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 30 de agosto
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (Netflix)
The Dark Crystal, dirigida por Jim Henson y Frank Oz y estrenada en 1982, fue la primera película realizada exclusivamente con marionetas y escenarios móviles. Netflix nos trae una precuela en la que tres gelflings -Rian (Taron Egerton; Kingsman, Rocketman), Brea (Anya Taylor-Joy; Split, The Witch) y Deet (Nathalie Emmanuel; Game of Thrones, Four Weddings and a Funeral)- descubren un horripilante secreto tras el poder de los skeksis y emprenden un épico viaje para salvar el mundo. Lena Headey (Game of Thrones, 300), Caitriona Balfe (Outlander, Super 8), Helena Bonham-Carter (Sweeney Todd, Les Misérables), Harris Dickinson (Trust, Clique), Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones, The Fades), Eddie Izzard (United States of Tara, Hannibal), Theo James (Divergent, Zoe), Toby Jones (Harry Potter, Detectorists), Shazad Latif (Penny Dreadful, Star Trek: Discovery), Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Black Mirror, Jupiter Ascending), Mark Strong (Deep State, Kingsman), Alicia Vikander (Ex Machina, The Danish Girl), Hannah John-Kamen (Killjoys, Happy Valley) y Louise Gold (The Muppet Show, Strike Back) pondrán su voz a otros gelflings. Sigourney Weaver (Alien, The Defenders), Benedict Wong (Doctor Strange, Deadly Class), Awkwafina (Crazy Rich Asians, Ocean's 8), Harvey Fierstein (Smoochy, Mrs. Doubtfire), Mark Hamill (Star Wars, Knightfall), Ralph Ineson (Absentia, The Witch), Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter, The OA), Keegan-Michael Key (Key and Peele), Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (Lady Dynamite, Ófærð), Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Star Trek), Andy Samberg (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Saturday Night Live), Alice Dinnean (Sesame Street), Neil Sterenberg (The Furchester Hotel), Donna Kimball (The Happytime Murders) y Dave Goeltz (The Dark Crystal) darán vida a los skeksis y al resto de personajes. Escrita por Jeffrey Addiss, Will Matthews y Javier Grillo-Marxuach (Lost, Charmed). Dirigida por Louis Leterrier (Transpoter, Now You See Me). Diez episodios. Estreno: 30 de agosto
When Hope Calls (Hallmark Movies Now)
Es la primera serie original del canal, pero es un spin-off de When Calls the Heart ambientado a principios del siglo XX. Dos hermanas huérfanas, Lillian (Morgan Kohan, Ransom) y Grace (Jocelyn Hudon; Ice, The Strain), crecieron separadas pero se reúnen cuando son adultas y deciden abrir un orfanato en Brookfield, un pequeño pueblo del noroeste que está en proceso de transición del coche de caballos a una vida más culta y moderna. Les acompañan R.J. Hatanaka (Nurses), Greg Hovanessian (Another Life, The Mist) y Wendy Crewson (Saving Hope, Revenge). Diez episodios. Estreno: 30 de agosto
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kinoshnet · 6 years
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Шарлотта ведет вроде бы комфортную жизнь, встречаясь с братом лучшего друга и обучая маленьких детей танцам, но кое-чего ей все же не хватает: прохладное отношение матери и болезнь отца-алкоголика – это все, что она имеет от родных. Узнав о том, что Хенрик, ее сводный брат, которого она никогда не видела, переехал в Осло, Шарлотта пытается наладить с ним контакт. Невинные поначалу фантазии в этих отношениях очень скоро превращаются в самоубийственное сексуальное влечение, которое угрожает перевернуть вверх ногами и сломать сразу обе жизни…
Страна: Норвегия Жанр: Драмы Год выпуска: 2015 Качество: CAMRip Продолжительность: взвешенный: Режиссер: В ролях:: Ине Мари Уилманн, Саймон Дж. Бергер, Аннеке фон Дер Липпе, Силье Сторстейн, Oddgeir Thune, Кари Онстэд Винги, Терье Стрёмдаль, Ida Marianne Vassbotn Klasson, Oscar Ducasse, Arturo Tovar
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Home for Christmas 1:4 "Party Flirting" (2019)
It's Christmas party time! Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) is ready to party. She goes with the other nurses in her ward and Dr. Henrik (Oddgeir Thune). I think for like half a second that she's gonna go for Henrik, but then she starts flirting with this other guy who keeps smiling at her. Come to find out, he doesn't speak Norwegian, and it's the magician who cheers up patients at the hospital. How embarrassing.
Also at this club is the psycho dude from the escape room because the plumbers union is also having their Christmas party. And texting Johanne is super-sporty Stein (Mads Sjøgård Pettersen), who shows up when she can't hear him on the phone. Because that's not insane. A fight ensues, which prompts a drunk Johanne to call out the men on all their bullshit.
The next day, things at work are a little awkward with a female coworker that Johanne almost hooked up with last night. Johanne has a "come to Jesus" talk with Sebastian (Arthur Hakalahti), who is complaining that his girlfriend wants him to get help for his herione problem. After work, Johanne goes Christmas tree shopping with her family. There's a whole spruce vs pine debate (I've always had pre lit) and she sees her ex of three years. Her family goes on about how great he is and why would you guys split up, and she finally admits that she doesn't know why. He just dumped her.
Overall, I give this one 4 stars. It was a ride, y'all.
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Home for Christmas 1:6 "The Final Christmas Countdown" (2019)
So this is the season finale. I don't even know what to say besides that the ending is RUDE.
Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) is at work on Christmas Eve, but her boss sends her home early. But she still hasn't found the boyfriend (not that she doesn't have options in Stein (Mads Sjøgård Pettersen) and Henrik (Oddgeir Thune)). But Johanne seems to want a happily ever after immediately, but she's also not sure what she wants in a relationship. Maybe that's why she's single anyway. Her roommate Jørgunn (Gabrielle Leithaug) is also struggling because she started a house fire and feels horrible. Sebastian (Arthur Hakalahti) goes into cardiac arrest, so Johanne and Henrik can't even talk before Jørgunn shows up with Johanne's Christmas dress. Jørgunn hits it off with the hospital clown. Johanne goes home and says she invited someone who has helped her expand her horizons lately, and three people show up. NONE OF THEM ARE GUYS SHE DATED. Also, seems a little much to read The Little Match Girl on Christmas.
Overall, 5 stars. I hate myself. Please make a second season.
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Home for Christmas 1:5 "Heartache" (2019)
This one is a fucking trip y'all. So Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) goes to some biatholon thing with her dad, where she runs into super-sporty Stein (Mads Sjøgård Pettersen), who honestly is growing on me. Then she gets called in to work. At work, Sebastian (Arthur Hakalahti) has made arrangements to go to rehab after he gets out of the hospital and hugs Johanne for being real with him. In the hall, Henrik (Oddgeir Thune) wants to discharge Sebastian and have him come in for IVs every other day. Johanne says it's a bad idea because as an addict, Sebastian isn't likely to come back of his own free will at this point. Henrik listens. Then we find out one of her co-workers has started dating crazy escape room guy. So that's fun.
Johanne sees on Facebook that it's juvenile Jonas's (Felix Sandman) birthday, so she and Jørgunn (Gabrielle Leithaug) bake him a "love cake." Johanne shows up to the party without talking to Jonas, which goes about as well as you would imagine. So she ends up at Thomas's (Kingsford Siayor) bar and starts drinking with him and one of her friends.
Fast-forward to the next morning, Jørgunn is asking Johanne questions. Johanne doesn't wanna talk about any of it, but she (and we) know that some stepping out has happened, and we're not talking about Jonas.
Overall, I give this one 4.5 stars because I AM HOOKED.
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Home For Christmas 1:1 "The Big Christmas Lie" (2019)
This show is on Netflix, and I'm into it, but I'm not confident that I'm going to really know the names of the characters because it's a Norwegian show. So it's all in Norwegian with English subtitles (there are a few random lines in English, maybe to keep us interested?). But I'm gonna try to take more notes for episode 2.
Johanne (Ida Elise Broch) is a nurse, single, 30 years old, and concerned about not having a boyfriend. Her last relationship ended three years ago, and her family has shunned her to the eating with the kids at holidays. So she lies and says she has a boyfriend at Advent. Now she has 24 days to find an actual boyfriend to take home for Christmas. Now, for some reason that is not really clear to me, she doesn't want to go after the doctor she works with Henrik (Oddgeir Thune) who is clearly into her. That feels like the easiest thing, but I guess work might be awkward later. She goes to a bar to try speed dating (has that ever worked for anyone?). But I'm hoping she gets with the bartender, Thomas (Kingsford Siayor), because he seems sweet and not creepy. At the very end of the episode, she literally runs into a guy she actually kinda likes, so we'll see how that goes I guess.
Overall, I give this 3.5 stars.
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kinoshnet · 6 years
Ближайший Смотреть фильмы онлайн в хорошем качестве на https://kinosh.net
New Post has been published on https://kinosh.net/blizhajshij/
Шарлотта ведет вроде бы комфортную жизнь, встречаясь с братом лучшего друга и обучая маленьких детей танцам, но кое-чего ей все же не хватает: прохладное отношение матери и болезнь отца-алкоголика – это все, что она имеет от родных. Узнав о том, что Хенрик, ее сводный брат, которого она никогда не видела, переехал в Осло, Шарлотта пытается наладить с ним контакт. Невинные поначалу фантазии в этих отношениях очень скоро превращаются в самоубийственное сексуальное влечение, которое угрожает перевернуть вверх ногами и сломать сразу обе жизни…
Страна: Норвегия Жанр: Драмы Год выпуска: 2015 Качество: CAMRip Продолжительность: взвешенный: Режиссер: В ролях:: Ине Мари Уилманн, Саймон Дж. Бергер, Аннеке фон Дер Липпе, Силье Сторстейн, Oddgeir Thune, Кари Онстэд Винги, Терье Стрёмдаль, Ida Marianne Vassbotn Klasson, Oscar Ducasse, Arturo Tovar
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