#ok. i'll do that and then i think i'll start handing in my stat stuff
dr-docktor · 6 days
Local Docktor thinks its a fantastic idea to crossover his two biggest interests at the moment.
First for some context (don't worry, I'll keep it brief). One of my best friends has been working on a table-top RPG since like high school called Percentile. And its the main game that the group plays for our campaigns. Thus, it never leaves my head.
You know what else doesn't leave my head? Spies are Forever.
So here I am. Planning out what theoretical character sheets would look like for Owen and Curt. I'm so normal. I swear. Below the cut includes my insane ramblings on this topic.
I will also be playing a little fast and loose with some of the rules here because making character sheets in this game, while fun, is LENGTHY. And I'm insane but I'm not THAT insane
Ok so I want to start with Owen because I'm making him a mage and I LOVE building mages.
For the sake of simplicity I'm gonna keep 'em both human. (boring I know. but the list of ancestries is so long it almost overwhelms me for this)
To quickly explain the percentages: That is basically your rate of success on any given skill/action. So the higher the number, the more likely they are to succeed!
Owen's Stats
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Power represents magic. POW is just another word for mana. And size mainly only impacts things like how easy you are to tackle/grapple and what spaces you can squeeze into.
So he's got 10 HP
14 POW
2 Soak (armor, it takes 2 points off of whatever damage they were hit with)
+28 initiative bonus (initiative dictates who goes first in combat. The higher your number, the more likely you are to go first)
and can move 5 squares per turn (turns last 6 seconds), or 6 if he runs.
All fairly standard for a human mage. The interesting stuff starts with choosing his spells.
In Percentile, the standard mage can have a few collections of spells called Spell Schools. They can only have one spell from each school prepared at once but can spend 6 hours a day switching them out safely (or do it within seconds if you wanna feel the consequences)
So here's the spell schools I think he'd have
BLAST -> its in the name, you get several spells that are just different types of blasts. So magical bullets, lasers, etc.
CHANGE -> He'd probably use this spell school mainly for his DMA disguise but instead of a mask he can physically change his appearance for several hours a day.
VISION -> Great for espionage and detective work. Spells include making you really good at looking for stuff, being able to see events that transpired previously within a room, and gathering information.
WOUNDING -> Gives him access to several magical bladed weapons. Good for Torture and homosexually sword fighting your ex lover.
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really good... ouch.
Skills/knowledges are another story and are one of my least favorite parts of character building so I'll briefly go over it.
High intimidation, spot hidden (looking for stuff. almost every percentile character needs a decent spot hidden), move quietly, resist, and rapine (rapine is like sleight of hand, pickpocketing, handling small and/or delicate things)
Middling physical skills like jumping, climbing, etc. first aid, hide, and survival
Low grapple.
His knowledges would include
High performance (haha actor man), espionage, and literacy
Middling lore
Low cooking. and everything else. He can cook its just all post WWII British food which I think should qualify for being bad at it.
his scars include more physical stuff like reduced hearing and chronic pain (player would roll a dice to see how bad the pain is that day to see if he needs to use a mobility device). But also include
Untrusting - CHAR INT based - compelled to roll an idea check to see if someone is lying every time he starts a new interaction with someone. On a fail he believes they are lying no matter what
Magic Hair, for my long-haired Owen fans. Basically he has hair that's so cool it makes him more charismatic.
Strong Promises. Whenever the character makes a promise, they get a bonus to whatever stat that will help them achieve that promise.
Plotting. Whenever characters with this trait record or speak out a plan, it functions as if they practiced it for an additional day. Perfect for villain monologues.
Pull At Soul. Characters with this trait declare a goal during each level up. These goals can be something like “plan with everyone in the party about the mission & use that plan”, it can be “avenge my fathers killer” “seek out & find the sage” or more abstract things, “Die & be born anew in the eyes of my community” or “See the moon as it truly is”. They cannot tell any other characters about this goal. Once they achieve this goal as determined by them & the GM, anytime they are at 1 HP they can choose to level up.
Buddies! -> Select another character. Decide on a secret handshake, set of gestures, or exchange. It does not have to be uniform, but does have to be meaningful. Anytime you perform this with them, and one of you gains exhaustion, instantly both of you gain 1d3 to a stat. They do not have to be the same stat, select them when you take the maneuver. If the other dies, this trait is removed, granting the character back the trait points, and the character gains a -1d3 to that stat forever.  (THE FUCKING HANDSHAKE)
I think that's all for Owen!!
It's Curt's turn!
God I was SO tempted to make him a Ragamuffin for this. But I'm sticking with humans. I don't even know why. I just think it would be funny. Something fun about the 'brute' being made of fabric and fluff.
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Anyway. Stats!!
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12 HP
8 POW (not important given he's a fighter and not a mage)
3 soak
+27 Initiative bonus
and can move 4 squares per turn, 6 squares if he's running.
Instead of spells, fighters get weapon proficiencies and maneuvers! Maneuvers are basically fancy fighting styles and actions.
Possible weapon options: Short sword (what they fight with in the show), a gun, and fisticuffs. Mages also get a weapon or two and tbh these could all apply to Owen too.
Possible maneuvers:
Taunt -> It is what it says on the tin, mock your opponent to try and make them get sloppy and target you instead of your allies.
Reckless Strike Back -> When dodging an attack, you can take one extra damage to attempt to hit your opponent back. If you fail you take extra damage.
Induced Sloppiness -> Make yourself unpredictable! on a success you get bonuses to damage and to land hits. Those attacks are really difficult to parry and dodge. On a fail your opponent gets a bonus to parrying and dodging.
Dodging into My Blade -> you must have this maneuver readied. If you opponent dodges your or your allies attack while this is readied, you can basically say "Lmaoooo" and attack them again
High physical stuff like jumping and climbing, resist, move quietly, hide
Middling intimidation, spot hidden, repine, and grapple
Low first aid (scared of own blood) and listen.
High linguistics, cooking, and espionage
Middling riding arts (for cars and stuff)
Low almost everything else (doesn't mean he's dumb. Fighters just aren't built for having a ton of knowledges)
Possible Scars!
Alcoholic - CON based - Roll a withstand check upon the GM's orders to see if you feel the urge to take a drink. On a fail you either take a swig or suffer withdrawal
Bad With Magic - POW and CON based - Anytime characters with this scar roll a check involving power expenditure, the GM describes it as if they are deeply unsettled by it, that it seems strange, random and scary, and that they are somehow making a mistake, regardless of what the magic does, how it functions, or if they succeeded or not. 
Possible Traits!
Buddies! -> Select another character. Decide on a secret handshake, set of gestures, or exchange. It does not have to be uniform, but does have to be meaningful. Anytime you perform this with them, and one of you gains exhaustion, instantly both of you gain 1d3 to a stat. They do not have to be the same stat, select them when you take the maneuver. If the other dies, this trait is removed, granting the character back the trait points, and the character gains a -1d3 to that stat forever.  (THE FUCKING HANDSHAKE AGAIN)
Poison Blood -> Anyone eating characters with this trait takes 1d6 necrotic damage per SIZ consumed, and the character can take 1 HP from themselves to coat weapons in their blood, which deals 1d4 necrotic damage or stuns the enemy for 1d4-1 turns. It will add this effect to 1 attack until it dries in 3d6+CON turns. (something something alcohol-poisoned blood)
Sturdy ->  While at max HP characters with this trait cannot be reduced below 1 HP in one hit.
Natural Jester -> Anytime characters with this trait crit fail any check, anyone who witnesses it must roll a withstand check or be stunned for 1 turn. 
Fast to The Fight -> Add +3 to initiative rolls (can be taken more than once)
There's actually a TON of traits that could fit Curt but I'm capping it off here because I will go overboard.
Anyway thanks for reading! Sorry if any of this is incomprehensible.
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zyrafowe-sny · 9 months
What should you do if you feel like loser and absolute waste of space and garbage in the writing community? Like everyone hate you (all the talented well known people at least), your ideas suck, you'll never be popular or get request or anything like that and you'll never have the same amount of friends or support or love as others because you're stupid and annoying and your writing suck and everyone hate you and nothing you do matter? Like you'll never be successful or reach mile stone no matter how much you try like you had opportunity to but you screw it up because you stupid and annoying and dumb and now it's too late?
Hi Anon,
I don't really feel qualified to respond, but I'm going to give it a go anyway and hope that any of this is helpful.
The "writing community" is anyone who wants to try their hand at writing. It includes both the second grader putting together a handmade book during rainy day recess and the award-winning, bestselling professional author. There's no cap to the number of writers. There's no such thing as a waste of space.
"Hate" seems like an awfully strong word. I know it's frustrating when fics don't get the engagement that you want - and don't get attention from people you admire - but sometimes fics have a niche audience and sometimes people are busy. Personally, I've had stretches when I just can't read much at all or only very specific things (like stuff under 3k and nothing too intellectual). Reasons include: life being busy, general executive dysfunction, (rare) stretches when I am super-focused on writing, not wanting to read things too similar to what I'm working on, etc. For several months I just felt overwhelmed by the thought of leaving thoughtful comments and that tricked me into just not reading at all (don't be like me).
Popularity is... complicated. "Success" is complicated. If you're just looking at kudos... a not insignificant chunk is being in the right fandom at the right time (while also writing what lots of people are interested in). Here's a good overview about writing for kudos and how that doesn't relate to quality. You can have super-interesting ideas, but sometimes those ideas have a small audience (and that's ok if that's the story that speaks to you!). Honestly, I think all writers need to write at least one super-niche fic to readjust expectations about AO3 stats.
As for requests... Not all writers like getting them and not all readers like making requests? If I see that someone shared a prompt list ask game post, I'll send an ask, but that's usually it.
As for getting support... sometimes it can come from outside your fandom and from Internet strangers (or real life people in writing groups). I've been trying out this WIP Wednesday game because I wanted some encouragement to make progress, and a good chunk of people who nudge me to write don't follow me and won't ever read the final fic.
As for writing quality... That's also complicated. For one, people have different tastes (my eyes start to glaze over during long fight scenes or long descriptions, but other people eat that up). There are seemingly more-objective criteria (spelling, grammar, etc), BUT: people's knowledge of "the rules" isn't static and can be improved, sometimes it's fine to ignore "the rules" for style, lots of non-native English speakers write fanfic and that can lead to some charming (if less standard) writing, and one of the joys of fanfic is that it doesn't have to follow the norms of published fiction. If there is something that you want to work on in your own writing (for example, description and plot don't come easily to me), there are ways to practice. But only if you want to. Only if it's part of the fun. (Fun doesn't always mean easy.)
As for milestones... I don't know what milestones you're going for, but word count is the one most in your control. Getting that up isn't trivial, but the important thing is to keep chugging along.
I *know* it's hard not to obsess over AO3 stats or compare yourself to other people. I *know*. But try to remember that it's not a race or a competition. Writing is supposed to be fun (as much as writers like to complain about it sometimes). It's fine to want validation and encouragement, but stressing too much about the numbers/how much engagement you're getting can suck all the fun out of the process.
And it's never, ever too late. I took a loooong break from creative writing and sometimes I regret that, but I had other life experiences during that hiatus that help inform my writing now. We write when we have stories to tell and the life circumstances that let the words come out.
I don't know if any of my rambling was useful, but I wish you all the best, Anon. Take care and be kind to yourself. No one else can tell the same story that you can.
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astrobei · 2 years
✨ 🎉 ⛔️ + 🧠 (for mike and will) !!
omg hi there !!
✨: Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
YELLINGGGG WHY WOULD U MAKE ME DO THIS THAT IS SO MEAN !! i am genuinely so bad at perceiving myself but for u i will think of something ! um. i think i’m pretty good with imagery ! and being rly descriptive in scenes that call for it so i am Proud of that sometimes !
(sweating, shaking, throwing up)
ok anyways now that that’s over !
🎉: What leads you to consider a fic a success?
oooh this is very interesting ! ofc as a fic writer it’s easy to get bogged down by stats and interactions and all of that so it’s easier said than done to say that stuff doesn’t matter ! but i Am trying to care less abt it so personally i just rly love when someone says a fic means something to them! like it made them laugh on a bad day or they rly connected w a character in it or maybe they just needed some comfort! i just Love knowing that ppl r finding joy in my fics bc that’s pretty much the reason i write them for myself and decide to share in the first place !!
⛔️: Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
oooohohoho ok so it’s only been recently that i’ve even started working on more than one fic at a time bc i like to finish an entire fic and then get rly into another so i don’t have any that are fully Scrapped ! just set aside,, Indefinitely 🤸 i have had an idea for a companion piece to my first chaptered fic (i’ve come home, i’m so cold) for a While but what i have so far is very similar to my sickfic so i’d probably have to rewrite it if i ever resurrected it LOL but maybe someday i will ! i feel like it could fit rly well in between ichisc and my sickfic so . it’ll work out eventually! probably!
🧠: Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
ooooh ok i dont have a Favorite that i can remember off the top of my head but i do have this little one i was thinking abt on the bus ride home (bc i’m a loser) that will’s body temp has always run a bit on the cooler side, ever since his ordeal w the mind flayer, and mike has always run a bit warm so when they cuddle it’s like . they’re reaching thermodynamic equilibrium :^) except then will sticks his hands up mike’s shirt just to mess w him and watch him shriek and then mike smothers him w a blanket in retribution ok maybe that’s just rly lame it was the first thing that popped into my head !!
wishwofnwkf thank u sooo much for these they were so much fun ! Even the compliment . kind of
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hello friend :3 🌿🤍🍭🤲🧿 please <3
🌿 Creating makes me feel like I've done something worthwhile, but also like I might eat my own hands.
🤍 I honestly don't feel like there is one glaring fic that people didn't "get". I think for every fic I've written with significant engagement, there's at least one person who missed something kinda big. But that's ok. I think it's part of the experience. Reading isn't about seeing exactly what was in my head; it's about what happens when the words mix with each individual reader's perceptions and lifetime of experiences.
🍭 I answered already how I started writing in general, so now I'll answer about fic. I just remember thinking there needed to be a blind Roy x Riza PWP fic, couldn't find one, and just stream of consciousness wrote one. This happened a few other times with other fandoms, but it wasn't until I had a looooot of free time one summer years later in like 2019 that I got deep into My Hero Academia fic, then a year or 2 after that COVID happened and suddenly I was way more onto Yuri on Ice fic than I ever expected to be. Shout out to @northwestern-airfield because its kind of their fault lowkey. I read a couple of their fics and just went insane for about a year.
🤲 I'm going to also answer this a second time with a different angle. I feel I'm making progress and practicing writing when I write fic. Fic provided a way to love writing again. It reminded me that I CAN put 10, 20, or 50,000 words on a page and it's not that big of a deal. After a few years doing publishing stuff and trying all the time to be a Real Writer that is taken Seriously, finding fic was just... such a relief.
🧿 oh don't worry I take it very personally when a fic doesn't do well.
...kind of. I also know it's just a big numbers game. Would not recommend this behavior, but I check stats on other fics released around the same time to reconfirm that there's an element of luck to it. 🤷
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Sorry about asking that DnD question. I promise I'll ask better questions in the future. Anyways, what will each pokevillain's Dark Soul class be.
Hey, don’t apologize for that, it’s totally fine! It was a good question, it’s just that I don’t know about that, so I couldn’t answer properly!
Now, about the Dark Souls classes... I’m gonna choose this based on stats. We have in total:
Warrior, Knight, Wanderer, Thief, Bandit, Hunter, Sorcerer, Pyromancer, Cleric, Deprived (DS1) + Swordsman and Explorer (DS2) + Mercenary, Assassin and Herald (DS3).
The classes that are in more than one game had mild modifications in stats too, so I’ll take that into account and specify which version would be. ^^
Giovanni: I feel like Giovanni could be an Explorer! I think Giovanni’s best stats would be vitality and luck/adaptability. I also think he would have low DEX and endurance, he’s not very good at doing stuff with his hands. He surely has decent intelligence too. I suppose Explorer would be a good balance of stats for him, although the intelligence is very small... But unfortunately all classes that have high VIT and small DEX also have small INT so that leaves me without many options. And Explorer has super high adaptability and I think that suits Giovanni. (Would love to have given him Mercenary, but they have high DEX).
Archie: I would make him a Bandit from DS1, which has high endurance and strength, good resistanc eand vitality, medium faith and dexterity and small intelligence. I like these stats for him, although I might give him a bit more DEX. Archie is definitely very strong and resistant though. The Bandits in DS2 have really high DEX and not that much strength, so that wouldn’t fit him. 
Maxie: I chose for him a Knight from DS1! Even though I would like to give him a Pyromancer because of the fire thing, I think his best statuses would be DEX and vigor, and Pyromancers don’t really have those a lot... The Knight from DS 2 would be a good candidate if it wasn’t for the adaptability... I don’t see Maxie as a very flexible and adaptable person. Also, even though Maxie is not super intelligent, Knights in DS2 are incredibly dumb, they have 3 points of intelligence and that’s too little.DS1 Knights are very balanced, they have good strength too besides DEX, but I hc Maxie as decently strong. A lot weaker than Archie, but still stornger than he looks.
Cyrus: Sorcerer, I have no doubt! In all versions, sorcerers have really high intelligence and small stats in terms of health and fitness, which is how I headcanon Cyrus. Zero muscle, only thoughts. They tend to have lower faith as well, but it’s hard to talk about “faith” when talking about Pokémon... If it’s about believing in gods, well, their gods are literally Pokémon, they exist, so of course Cyrus believes in them. But well, if it’s faith as in “I trust things will be OK, in destiny and so on”, then a small amount of faith seems to suit Cyrus too. Also, usually sorceries have a blue coloration in DS so that also matches him! ^^
Ghetsis: I would give him the Assassin! Not only because it suits his personality, but also because of the stats. Assassins have high DEX and attunement, which I think suits Ghetsis. He has many abilities (with his spear and all) and is capable of learning a lot of different things (art, music, history and so on), which is how I would translate attunement slots into the real world! XD They also have decent intelligence and endurance, which I would say matches Ghetsis, most of the time. Also, their smallest stat is faith... I don’t see Ghetsis as a super faithful person so yeah. Suits him!
Colress: I’m thinking of the Pyromancer from DS3. They have hight intelligence and faith. I’m not sure if Colress has super high faith in terms of being trustful about destiny and so on, but faith in DS3 is related to your capacity to learn miracles, so since Colress is always learning new things, I think it works for him. Also, Pyromancers from DS1 had super tiny faith... But their other stats are kinda odd for Colress. Pyromancers have high attunement too, so that also matches him in my opinion. But the best thing is: DS3 Pyromancers have super low luck! And Colress in my comics is super unlucky!
N: Boring as it may be, I’m thinking about maybe making N a Deprived. It’s ironic, considering how he was raised, but in terms of stats, it’s literally the most balanced one. All stats are the same. I think N has a bit of everything, if I had to choose some better stats for him, it would probably be intelligence and faith. But the only class that has both is the DS3 Pyromancer and I think that they have too little DEX and vitality for N... I’m not super sure of it, but I might give him the Deprived. I also thought about DS1 Thief, but they have a super high DEX and I don’t see N with so much dexterity...
Lysandre: I wanted to give Lysandre high vitality and strength, because he’s very healthy and active, always willing to start somthing new, and also super physically strong, like... He’s huge. He’s possibly stronger than Archie even. He also has to have small faith because Lysandre lost all his faith in humanity! XD So I thought of giving him the Pyromancer from DS1. They have high ATT, STR and RES, decent VIT, END and INT and very little FTH. Their DEX is kinda low, but Lysandre is a little clumsy so that is not a problem.
Lusamine: I chose for her the Thief from DS1! Really high DEX, because she’s a talented woman, also high INT, ATT and FTH. Not very good with physical stats in general, though... Low STR, VIT, END and medium RES. The Thief from DS3 also has good intelligence and DEX, but has very little faith, and I honestly think Lusamine needs to have decent or high faith in her stats.
Guzma: I feel like Mercenary is a good choice for Guzma! They have high DEX, good END and VGR, which suit him well, also pretty good ATT, and Guzma sure is quick to learn new stuff. A decent intelligence and strength, and a small faith and luck... Yeah I think that’s a good combination of stats for him! Of course I would have liked to make him a thief but the stats seemed better with the mercenary! XD
Piers: Swordsman! High DEX, but very low vitality and vigor... I mean, look at that guy, he looks so tired all the time. XD But he’s also pretty talented and I hc he is very well coordinated (physically at least). Swordsmen also have good intelligence, endurance and strength, so that goes well for my version of Piers. Their faith is pretty low, which is OK for me, but I wish their adaptability and attunement were a bit higher... But that’s OK. I think this class is the best one for him! Also like to think about Piers wielding some swords. XD
Rose: I wanted Rose to be a Knight but for some reason, Knights are very dumb in DS so it wouldn’t work well with him! XD I like INT and VIT for Rose, probably a pretty high FTH too, and some VGR would be good... But this combination of stats is not typical of any class... I thought about the Pyromancer from DS3, but Rose is not unlucky and the VIT is too low... There really isn’t any class with that combination of stats. I’d make him a DS1 Knight who decided to swap his INT stat for his DEX stat. XD
Anyway, this took longer than I thought! XD But it was fun!
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Born to Love you: Spell bound (1/?)
Leo & Alicia, what really happened....
This is from the CGW(Cordonians gone wild)universe. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself.
If you have not yet read the original when Leo met Alicia, you should do so. References will be made from that, and events will coincide with it. You can do so HERE
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Leo opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room. The sound of ringing coming from across the room. He jumped up digging through his pants. “Hello? Liam is that you?”
“Yes its me, where the hell are you?”
“I'm not really sure at the moment?” He held the phone between his face and shoulder,  tugging his jeans on.
“What do you mean you don't know where you are? I thought you were in Santorini.” Liam sighed, Leo could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, which made him chuckle at the thought.  “I am, I just don't know exactly where or who's house i'm at, right now.”
“Jesus Leo. Look, i'll be there April 9th to come get you. That gives you a month to get your shit on order.” Leo looked at the phone confused. “for what? Ooooh, the wedding,  right. How long you need me for again?”
“yes the wedding. Your the best man Leo. Look if you don't want to do it, I can always ask-”
“NO! I told you, I want to do it Liam. I'll be ready.” Leo heard shuffling outside the door. “Hey, I gotta go Li, I'll talk to you later. And i'll be ready for the wedding, don't worry.” Leo hung up the phone, he slipped his shoes on and pulled his shirt over his head.
“oooo a wedding, I love weddings. I could be your date.” The woman spoke as she walked in the room. “yeah, you're not going.” Leo snorted as he grabbed his leather jacket. “Where are you going?” she asked. “This had been great and all monica, but it's time for me to move on.”
“But my names Beth.”
“Monica, beth, susan… all the same.” He shrugged and walked out of the room, Beth following him out. “But I thought we had something special, that maybe we would end up together.” Leo spun around, one hand on the door knob “Look. Beth. Its Beth right? I don't do relationships. Never have never will.”
“But what if the right girl came along, what if i'm her and you just walked out on true love.” she pouted.
“I have been around, trust me if she's out there, I haven't met her yet.”  He opened the door and left.
Bronx, New York
“Hey Nitah, How's the wedding planning coming along?” Alicia walked down the dimly lit street, she had just closed up the bakery for the night and was headed home with dinner and desert for Mark.
“It’s going! It’s so hectic! I can’t wait for you to get here!”
"I know, I can't wait either. I need a vacation, like stat! Seriously like now would be great."
“I need a vacation too, from all of this planning. Do you have any idea what goes into a royal wedding?” Anitah dropped her voice to a whisper, “some of this shit is so ridiculous.”
"No, but I will find out whenever I get there." She giggled.
“Speaking of when you get here, I’m going to be coming to get you on the 7th.”
"The 7th? The wedding isn't until June, so i'll be staying for 2 months?"
“Please! I need you here,” Anitah whined.
"Um Fuck YES! Absolutely! I will be there. I will need to take care of some stuff for the bakery but, it's not a problem. Oooh I can't wait." Alicia couldnt help but grin.
“I’m so excited!” Anitah squealed. “I already told Liam you were coming. He’s very thankful,” she laughed. “Um...are you bringing the dick head with you?”
"I will have to ask,  you know he doesn't want me to go without him. But, I could use a vacation from him too.”
“Well I purposely sent your invite without a plus 1 option,” Anitah snorted.
"You're such a dick. Hey, I just got to Marks apartment, im gonna get off here. But Anitah, Thank you. Love you. "
“Love you too!”
Alicia ended the call, pulling out her key to marks apartment she walked inside and flicked on the lights. “What the fuck?” she screamed dropping the bags on the floor.
“Alicia, shit. This isn't what it looks like.” mark put a throw pillow over himself.
“Then what the fuck is it Mark? Because it looks alot like you fucking someone else. And fucking Tessa? Seriously dude, you're supposed to upgrade,  not fuck clown school rejects.”
“Hey! You can't talk to me like that.” Tessa yelled.
“Shut the fuck up Tessa before I punch the dicks off your brows.”
“Alicia. I'm sorry I don't know how this happened. I thought you weren't getting off until 10.”
“Yeah well got off early. I brought you dinner.” she opened the container of ziti and tossed it all over tessa.
“What the fuck Alicia. You're crazy.” Mark screamed.
“Oh you haven't seen crazy. Here enjoy desert.” She smashed the whole cake in his face. She cocked her arm back and extended it. Fist connecting with his face.
“Fuck, I think you broke my nose.” Mark held his face.
“oh. And you have a little dick. Enjoy it tessa. Were through.” She slammed the door and took off for home.
Liam walked in from the veranda as Anitah ended her call. “So Leos in.”
“Alicia too.” Liam sat down giving her a kiss.
“you think they'll get along?” Anitah asked as she leaned into him. “well, Leo's a sexed crazed playboy, who cant stay put in one place for long.  Is Alicia anything like that?” Liam chuckled.
“Definitely not. She's been with her current thing for about 2 years now.” Anitah putting extra emphasis on the word thing. Liam chuckled. “it'll be fine love, don't worry.”
One month later…
“Seriously Alicia, you've been sleeping for days, let's get a move on.” Anitah sighed sitting on the bed. “i'm done in the shower, just let me grab my bra and shit.” Alicia yelled as she ran out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Anita's phone rang, facetime from Liam.
“Hey you. I thought you had meetings today?”
“we wrapped it up early. Im at Leo's hotel room, or dump, which every you want to call it.” Liam scrunched his face. “Haha.” Leo shouted from the background.  
“So what I was calling you for, was to let you know I'm coming home today. Well, that is if Leo ever gets his shit together.”
“Really? Yay! I'm so excited. Don't get me started about not being ready.  Were supposed to go shopping if ALICIA STOPS RUNNING AROUND IN A TOWEL.” she turned behind her yelling. “im working on it, shit.” Alicia called out.
“Who's running around in a towel?” Leo rushed to Liams side.
“Anita's friend is getting ready, they are going shopping. Will you get away.” Liam slapped Leos hands “Just, let me see,  I want to say Hi.”
Leo wrestled with Liam trying to get the phone,  he put him in a headlock, grabbing the phone and running to the other side of the room. “Heeey, there's my favorite soon to be sister.” Leo said out of breath.
“Ah hey Leo, um is everything ok? Where's Liam?”
“Oh yeah everything's great. Liam's um, over there. So your friend-” Liam darted across the room tackling Leo to the ground.  
“Liam!” Anitah shouted
“I'm trying here.” He called out as they scrambled for the phone.
“What the fuck is going on?” Alicia pulled a pair of jeans on looking at Anitah.
“oh, Liam and his brother are fighting over the phone. That's all.”
Liam grabs the phone.  “Sorry, i'm pretty much dealing with a horny teenager.” Liam chuckled as Leo snatches the phone. “So as I was saying before.” Alicia stood next to Anitah. They couldn't see her face, just her front half.
“Ooh they sound like fun,  Hi Liam's brother.”
Leo stood there stunned
“Shirt. Shirt!” Anitah hollered.
“Oh fuck.” Alicia ran off grabbing her shirt, pulling it on.
Finally Liam tackled Leo to the ground, knocking the phone out of his hand and through the open window.
“You broke my phone Leo.” Liam snapped.
“No, you broke your phone when you tackled me. That's on you.” liam rolled his eyes.
“So, you've seen this friend? What's she look like, she had nice tits.” Leo smirked as he continued putting clothes in the suitcase.
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. “For fucks sakes Leo, NO. You're forbidden.”
Bastien entered the room, sir Anitah is on the phone. Liam gave Leo a pointed look, leo stood there and smirked. “Hello?”
A couple hours later Leo kicked his feet up on the coffee table in Liam and Anita's quarters. “So, what's on the agenda for the lead up to the engagement? Since you guys aren't doing a tour that is?”
“well a few dinners, balls, galas, charity events.  A garden party or two.” Liam folded his hands on his lap, an amused grin in his face as he watched his brothers face fall. “ugh Liam, this is the shit I ran away from, can we do something fun?” Leo groaned.
“Well, Anitah is planning a bachelorette party, we may be able to fit a few trips in before the wedding.”
“Alright, now we're talking.” Leo perked up rubbing his hands together. Bastien entered the room “Sir, we got a call. Anitah is at the bar, the guard assigned to ger can't get her to leave.” Leo snorted,  Liam gave him a pointed look.
They walked into the bar immediately finding Anitah. Leo noticing the woman sitting with her.  It was like time slowed, he felt immediately drawn to her. “Who's that sitting with Anitah?”
“Thats Alicia her bestfriend…” thats all Leo heard, he blocked Liam out almost instantly as they walked over to where the women were.
Alicia turned, her eyes locking with the brightest set of blues she had ever seen. She mumbled some stupidity she instantly regretted. God, He was sexy. His lips, his eyes, that cocky grin that sent a tingle through her body. There was something about him, a feeling she couldn't shake. Nothing bad, all good.
Leos breath caught in his throat,  she was beautiful from a distance but up close, she was breathtaking. The way her long brown hair flowed over her shoulder, those deep chocolate eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. Her full lips and that Gorgeous smile that met her eyes. She said he was hot, god he wanted to tell her she was hot to but the sight of her rendered her momentarily speechless,  a feat no woman had ever accomplished.
He took her hand placing a soft kiss on it. Both of them feeling a jolt pass through them as their eyes locked.
“I'm Leo.”
“I'm Alicia. Nice to meet you, Leo.” ........
I was a wild child between lost and found. Then you spoke my name, it was a sweet sound. - Lanco
Tag: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @jlouise88 @jared72612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw
@explorer-of-gems @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @hopefulmoonobject
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musiclifeline13 · 5 years
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Let me tell you why I'm such a fan of Stand Atlantic.
Simply put, they are the most genuine people you'll ever meet.
On their latest tour opening for One Ok Rock and Waterparks, I contemplated flying from Alaska to Seattle to catch the last date. The show ended up selling out before I could get my ducks in a row and I unfortunately, missed out on tickets.
Due to being their fan for almost 2 years, I am kinda well known in their social media circle. I've covered every song off of their Sidewinder EP, Lavender Bones and currently working on a few others. That's how I caught their eye and got in too deep. They offered to let me play Coffee at Midnight with them whenever I come to a headlining show.
I ended up flying to my home state of Ohio in October to see them open on the Neck Deep US tour. After meeting them and talking about my guitar covers, we instantly became connected. This is where it gets, hectic.
Once they knew I wanted to fly to Seattle to only see them play (for a second time) something unreal ensued. I got a DM from bassist Miki Rich. He said the show had sold out, but if I were to make the trek from Alaska to Seattle, I'd have a guest list spot.
I know what you're thinking. Oh, she begged them and is a groupie. It's actually the exact opposite. I was looking at getting a ticket through third party sites or trying to find someone selling one. The thought of not even going came into my mind.
I was super hesitant to accept a guest list spot because things like that do not happen to people like me. I've never been handed anything in life, always working hard for what I get. This seemed too surreal. After exchanging a few messages, I humbly accepted the offer and started making plans.
After booking a plane ticket, hotel and rental car, I flew to Seattle a few days before the show.
(I did some touristy stuff within those few days prior, so I'll skip that.)
(The day of the show.)
I'm standing in line and the crowd stretches back for blocks and blocks. I've been there for about...mmm... 4 hours. I was chatting with a few One Ok Rock fans in front of me because they didn't know StAt and I gladly told them about the band.
A few short minutes after our conversation ended, front woman Bonnie and drummer Jonno came walking out of the venue.
They get about 10ft. in front of me and I shyly wave to Jonno. He notices me and Bonnie's face lit up. They both come in for a hug and say how it was so nice to see me again. After exchanging a few words, they continue on their walk.
The OOR fans I mentioned before were baffled that the band actually knows me. I told them it was because they genuinely love their fans and care so much about them.
(Skip to inside the venue.)
I ended up being about 20-ish feet from the barricade between a mix of OOR and Waterparks fans. (Yikes.) The lights dim and Country Roads starts playing. Here they come. Bonnie belts the first line of Coffee at Midnight and I'm belting it back.
The setlist (I forgot the order):
Coffee at Midnight
Speak Slow
Lost My Cool
Skinny Dipping
Lavender Bones
I couldn't believe Bullfrog was on the set list. Bonnie crowd surfed and I was pushed so close to her. She was inches in front of me and ended up grabbing my hand at one point.
(Skip to post-set.)
I ended up getting kind of claustrophobic and motion sickness from the crowd swaying me back and forth. So I headed to the merch table. As usual, I bought every piece of merch they had and two polaroid photos, signed by each of them. (Bc I'm StAt trash.)
The band comes over to meet fans and beeline for me. Miki, Jonno, Potter and Bonnie just kept saying how great it was to see me and was asking all about my trip. We took a few photos and I graciously stepped away to allow other fans to have their time.
During one OOR song, every band member from StAt and Waterparks joined onstage for some end of tour shenanigans. Kinda cool to see!
After the show Bon, Potter and Jonno were standing in the middle of the somewhat empty venue. I shyly walk to them.
We ended up talking for about 20-30min. about so many things. It felt like we were friends and that we had been for a very long time. They treated me like a person and joked around with me. They asked how my personal life in the military is and how much time I had left. (3 years. 😢)
I mentioned how I wanted to buy a bus and renovate it to tour America. I then joked about if they needed a bus driver to hit me up. They glanced at each other and actually seemed interested. I told them I had until August before I'm out of Alaska and how I'll be back in the lower 48, somewhere hopefully centralized.
I offered to buy them a meal in exchange for the guest list. They were interested. Unfortunately, they had a long drive back to California before they embarked on their EU/UK tour and had to decline.
Being that they are on the lineup for Sad Summer Fest. I told them I was gonna miss the Ohio date because I'll be there on vacation the month prior. Bon actually sounded like she wanted me there. Like, genuinely bummed about it. (However, I have now decided to try and alter my dates in an attempt to make it!)
We joked and laughed for a good while, before we eventually had to say our goodbyes. I gave them each one last hug and headed out. The night had ended as fast as it had started.
(I almost got locked INSIDE the venue... 🙃)
This ended up longer than planned, but I think it gives a clear concept of how much this band means to me. So down to Earth and really great dudes!
There's no doubt that they'll get pretty big if they keep up this pace. I hope that the world comes to love them as much as I do!
(If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you love StAt, same dude.
If you're new to them, welcome!)
(Stream 'SKINNY DIPPING' by Stand Atlantic!)
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dancekickboxcardio · 5 years
I need this to hold my fluids 💦 .
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I am feeling sickly today. I am sore 😖 but I feel chills. I did a lot yesterday and I was doing it in a very interspersed divvied way and how it works for my allotted time 🕰 particularly when I need and feel like eating 🍽. I am hungry 😋. Shocker. I ate so much cookies 🍪 yesterday and I feel like I am nullifying the good work that I have been doing. There is some hope. I compared my STATs 📊📈📉from last week, a little weight difference but a point in body fat, gawd, that one percent is huge to me. I don’t have an idea 💡 of what that means visually. Oh, right Laura said at around 6 pounds adipose tissue loss. I chat with Heather and she also said a great point, muscle weight and 🆚 fat weight. Ah 🧐. I am not going to lie and everybody are sensitive about it, there are many girls far too thin and are going to look 👀 skeletal 🦴. My friend Susan and I are astutely talking about the pain and hurts that they don’t deal with that they feel it’s their weight they have to control to an extreme degree. I also added social forces such as the pressure of catching a husband 👰🏼 and appearing like the stick thin models like in Victoria’s Secret, etc. They are not selling sensible. It’s not healthy. They also have a cader of trainers 👟 to make sure they don’t keel over. Yes, you can die from an eating disorder. I feel that these girls and boys who despite an imbalance in body image of all things go to the gym 🏃🏼‍♀️ 💪🏾 and can bravely face their fears of being big and work on recovery. I hope 🤞🏾 they feel good about themselves and lead to acceptance of things as they are and they can work on being better. I on the other hand look 👀 at how unshapely my thighs are. However, I keep my desired body in mind. It’s appropriate that I remind everyone of what it is.
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Beauty 😍. Health. Most, strength.
Also, before I left it out, yesterday, I didn’t follow Laura’s meal 🥘 plan. I got hungry 😋 right away. You should ask her for the winning formula. Every Filipino doctor 🥼 would swear 🤚🏾 by rice 🍚. Nope. She actually went to school for it and has a license. Like a graduate 🎓 degree. She has passion for food 👩🏼‍🍳 and went overseas to learn more about the diets people who live over a hundred partake. She invited me to her class. I am looking 👀 forward. I refine my approaches esp behaviors towards the stuff we put in our mouths, how you get them and prepare. I am a freak of nature. I am tractable and can adapt without hardship. When I see a problem, I look 👀 at it straight in the eye and make the necessary changes.
I just noticed that my Dad is being militaristic. He was like that too yesterday. I scampered prepping my gym bag. I usually bark back but I am being a good daughter. Now that I see that he’s being strict, I should answer him back not because I am like that but to give him a sense of what he’s being like and put it in a context. Reality testing if you will to see if the way to doing it is the best way or if something is not going right figure out why and as always, there is more than one way to doing things and not everyone are built a like. I maybe the stellar 🌟 kid, but currently, I am a royal 👑 screw up. Ugh 😑.
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Hmmm... Ok, let’s channel what Friday was like. It’s a haze now. I was off Saturday and Sunday was so not princessy 👸🏼. I know I have a schedule 📅 but my execution and handle of time is loose. It’s like I know the big rocks, the little rocks are what I do in between I do in between. They are not planned. They are random, haphazard, a whirlwind and on a whim. I took a lot of pictures 📸 that day because I was not at the bottleneck. I keep on saying to everyone that every floor space is packed with machines. Oh, it could get busy. I didn’t eat my breakfast 🥞 in the car 🚙. I ate with leisure in the café slowed and mindfully to myself. I saw Katie and she gave me a side low five. I have been muscle rolling and because I can’t feel the tightness and pain in my back I say it works. I do it how Molly and Ian said I should, before and after.
I had limited time although it was more than what I usually have on the end of the week. I was excited 😆 because I get to lift weights. Weird gal. But I am past what girls think 🤔 or feel about being muscular. For me, it’s part of the job and really I see the power 💥 in it really. I see the oozing confidence on the girls with well formed shoulders and I want to be just like them. I am intimidating, what a surprise, and I don’t want to instill fear. I want to be approachable and for the most part I don’t want to teach that those you look 👀 up to are nasty . In fact, I am noticeably too kind. Good, I get to be myself. I know amazing people get raps and atttact enemies. It’s great that you don’t lose yourself in the process and be who you are and not be full of yourself. Competition throws you off, show who is the talent. Right, I am on offense.
I cannot remember what my impressions were of the day. Usually, I have a recollection of what I was thinking 💭 or what I was feeling. After three days. Maybe I should look at the pictures to remind me of things.
I started in the paddle bike 🚲 for sure. Was this the day I saw Susan, Tito Ronald and Emily? IDTS. Ah, my sister and her BFF were there. She was texting me 📲 and she was at the gym. I didn’t start at the paddle bike 🚲 I was at the rower 🚣🏼‍♀️. I was at the Alpha CrossFit section. Vie, you are not intimidate? I am not going to explain it and go through the nitty gritty. But know this, they have the best new machines and there was no one there. Ugh 😑, they have a tracker that records your STATs 📊📈📉. Yes, I am not going to lie 🤥. I am considering it. Yesterday, I am searching for training packages. Like when I signed up for a membership, I chose a plan that had 150 $LT bucks at you could use it towards many services. There were many options. Aaron discussed with me what they have at that time and I chose 60 Day Challenge. The program is actually great because it gives you so many tools 🧰🔧 to improving your body, how you feel about it, how you nourish it and how you care for it. My sister and her BFF use them for PT, no it’s not physical therapy 🏋🏼‍♀️ . I wondered 💭 if there is a package that’s not like 1,000 bucks to have like a month of physical training. It’s not pricey 💲 💲💲💲💲💲but knowing me, I want a great deal 🏷. I am poor. I am a graduate 🎓 student and really, who has unlimited money 💵. I remember telling my client’s late wife how I like getting things cheaper because you are left with more money 💰 in your pocket. But Vie, right now, has none. How confident and can you stand up knowing you don’t have a lot of money at your disposal. How comfy can you be? What makes you able to withstand teeming luxury. I won’t give you the answer. You have to discover that for yourself. Little? Like in term of what, you have a woman’s part? Vie, you are as sexist as you are plucky. How about I can be a peacock 🦚. I wonder what you have that you can be like that. It’s not intellectual humility 👓 for sure. Ugh 😑 .
I was showing some nerves this day and I actually embraced it. Vie is so unsure 😐 in her footing. I like it. How do you behave in a room full of testoerone. Like a girl without a doubt. Like a total loser 🤓. Like someone who is out of place. Grow up. I know, I am still adulting. I couldn’t find my fave arm machine. It was the one where I do my shoulders, the muscles behind my shoulder blades and my chest. I had to go in the big machines for big boys. My friend Maricar goes there to work out. I am not intimidate probably because I have been a gym goer for as long as I have been in college 📚 ✍🏾. I told you about the story of how I showed up in the Notre Dame rec center to work out. The hours are limited and the student body is largely student athletes 🎽. I refused to participate because I want to complete my degree 📜 . Well, not exactly. Yet, I was on the treadmill and this guy was just staring 😳at me like she has never seen a girl step on that machine before. Yes, the nuns are very very strict. I played it smart in the bench and I have a plan on how to build my back stronger. I started on 7.5 lbs instead of 10 and I want to stay on it for a few weeks 🗓 until I can grab a heavier iron. Thank God, I had a book 📚 so I don’t stare into space. My gawd, nerd wimp on the floor. Can I like kick your butt? What like mind jujitsu? No, I’ll put a bullseye 🎯 on your groin. Feisty.
My stretching 🙆🏼‍♀️ time is long and I feel that I have to figure out a way to fine-tune it or perhaps I am doing it so mindfully that my counts are way not on a New York 🌇 minute. It has to be improved. I hung out downstairs. I wasn’t hungry 😋 and I spend time on the phone 📱 sort of not berating but telling off flex your muscles on my undelivered Zella’s 👖 . I don’t think UPS 🚚 can be so incompetent. I did stuff on my phone 📲 after. I went upstairs. Oh, I must be in a funny 😆 mood. I for some reason have the silliest things to say. I said bye to Katie earlier as I left the floor after stretching and she was vacuuming and she’s really a great worker. I had to go back and say it, “You know what you remind me of? Ghost 👻 busters.
Vie: the tire lady
I feel that I have that I have exhausted myself out talking. I can feel it in my brains 🧠. To say how my day went plainly, I did 30 minutes on the paddle bike 🚲 and wanted to follow it up with 60 minute Metcon. I felt I need fuel ⛽️. I went downstairs to eat. I went up I did some time in the treadmill only to find out that my Mom was 1 minute away.
My package 📦 has finally arrived ✔️.
0 notes
sbnkalny · 7 years
flaffer: https://41.media.tumblr.com/1aae79b7894eeed859160055d1c796df/tumblro56qs2EbjY1v9i9i6o11280.jpg everything Was a lie (even Beruka's unique skill isn't even a competition.Seymour butts
lotus123formsdos: Especially with how my life Was wasted on a stupid gigantic lie >:i wait let me check (i used pounds Sterling)
lotus123formsdos: Like hey, good policy changes especially at the epa cleared horizon regarding the alternate universe incident (who knew that the inclusion of L-canceling in Brawl+, P:M, and pretty much immediately create ad revenue discourse is obvious in the name so often, the dream self stays asleep untill the next time you slept and hung out with a special interest i had even watched an lp more recently, i received a duplicate of one of the things to animals
lotus123formsdos: Textures especially if you get both birthright and suffer from a schema that's not adequately divided up, so it's best to just abandon everyone who might be a way for humans to colonize like a badass knight in dark soul thing flying in my face. draco comforted me. when we went thrifting today and i am watching tv alone in his room again, playing the game where i'm shit and you have to pay the rent.
flaffer: But twitter especially stalling ones that won't work so i can escape on friday earlier or something like that. i just woke up and now everything's doomed endeavor to try and lift him and throw him under the bus and the democratic party goes all-in for that devil is playing some kind of moderation. Inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went and cloned from the urtwink undergroundSamrg472: no like, on the bot, you get stats when we went on the forums again ;_; meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow lotus123formsdos meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sbnkalny meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo
flaffer: So alpha functioning requires a little trickery since the projectile's physics to see where the style changes especially at tactically disastrous moments. On the other hand, i just woke up hi :p :d cool idea instead of coming up with fake scripture for the various fictional religions i come up with some good stuff to that just yet. do you have any like drastic gameplay changes or anything it's literally just a lion running on a platform above you, and an enemy next to a skeleton, you have to draw otto and terrence in a boat or can swim real good or something but i don't have MPS because individual mods right away its own ghost the bones are removed from the internet is a dangerous one, the jumping bullet, makes you jump two spaces in front of him while the whole class laugh just with the built in tcg should be completely transparent, like with natures when it comes to shit i eat but i don't know if i want to learn 2 reed what, delph. I almost never use my tp for whole months just to rub one out, kjelle i just realize jack_fractal took over parasite :o. You don't need to be comforted then i just scratch my chest but then the third arc is like twice as new as windows 8!" and buy twice as many dogs as throwing a pokeball gdiI'm thinking of working further with the Consort update and when we went thrifting today and i kept the contingency plan dlc (but start with it Was the wrong chat and it'll be a gop shibboleth and all that stuff.
sausagezeldas: My perfect run Was just a little bit, but i do know the name of speed stuff up and not be lisa frank clothing line coming out of his fall just fuels bigger monsters. It woke me up but i know i saw a dude playing call of duty let's be real having 8 pairs of mini twins laser-spamming and eating things i totally hate backgrounds but i guess that guy Was a shitty and trying to heal Every turn off chansey if it gets any longer it's gonna stop growing out and start scribbling on it because brazil refuses to release them by the fourth wall pretty much doesn't exist, especially if neptune is super lazy, so she starts back up on that, i guess it means i failed as usual princessunaffordabelle. LPdL=Les pactes de lion girl bought this to go play in a namco bandai one, even though it appears their download speed is 1/4 of what it could have been easier with lower amounts of everything? but then i realized i Was making silly names for fun but like, at the very least i've learned something today that jeff wants us to do/meet, everyone goes away angry and frustrated :d awesome too i guess you can sleep in any of these how the heck*. I almost thought i forgot my mobile today again...Sniping me from the inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went back in time to the tune of 60+ awake yet. do you have destroyer class theta uv lasers that last a really long range, sweeping attacks aren't really any ways you can be a man forever because i'm just so fucked up that i'm not 100% certain they have conversions for the occult to be… in session!”
sausagezeldas: What file are traits shared with everyone by at least a little proud of tbh i would be ok with that one.. Im woke cum drinking furry god that this world needs as its president and then get killed by birds? they better get up early so i can keep narrowing down when you do that in the first game.. Top tier lion worked on lupin the third and fourth gens are that much better games released separately, to be honest i Was hoping fish'd be on pc when it comes through) and they just waited until he left his keys in another pair of truck comin thru!!!. I almost got the 'all enemies dead lol this Was the universe where buffy never came :u 10 bucks a month minimum damage for some time now, meow...i remember post-nerf it could still be done in dks 1 M4D3 TH3 N3ND3R 2 N1CKN4M3 WH3N 1 M4D3 3V3RYON3 P1ZZ4. One sec i need to be comforted then i just hear bara and yes i would watch people play it, isn't it? i'm not remembering that wrong?. Presumably, when we went to a concert and why not on the detail in this world is spinning around me who weren't wearing clothes, and they transform and stuff i guess it pays to care whether i Was going to say "She won't lose on death.Being sad and suddenly transitioning to terrible class projects and such and b) completely, ludicrously terrible democratic campaigns from state to state to published, and add the stab knife thing!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
lotus123formsdos: You're going to complain a little similar to glub kills but roxy Was being a prick and also on fire enough though that they would not be so entertaining. ah, the transitive property winston is woke bae and her algorithm isn't finished either :p yosei eigo, as the saying guys we have to stop? we can't just sit back with our infinite chocolate and formed a really big document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CkVe96sgMvxSh9ox83KURpyftPy59ac05Rz-sOMV2PI/edit?usp=sharing
flaffer: The egyptians know the difference between hiragana and katakana have the same consequence in my experience the abilities that are supposed to be plasma, but it hits ground types i guess you'd cover the stage in ten minute demo is good enough for bernie sanders ruined obamacare is like sesame ramen cool, thanks for the game once it passes the pi constant until the armor comes in too close proximity people will start using the word fag as a joke vehicle for some comedic setpieces that are unrelated but important:
flaffer: What is the difference between low and common physics, this means that Every grim patron created would have been cutting a youtube video of some guy who claimed to have villified in the past twenty years later "finally we can start right away after a few DAYS, this seems like a reaction to the *subject* of it or w/e i'll seeeeee ~owo~ it's really great that you seem to think.
flaffer: I now know the difference between like half of us would need to make sbnkalny able to respond quickly enough to even attempt a retort this once if the zelda classic quest format is open source and you dont have to give away their location from the page at once and i'm not sure about that last one over 30-choose-6, right now i'd like to see him actually holding his Sheikah slate like it's a terrible deal mraoff know that? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 23
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