#okay listen this isnt like a cosplay or anything
gachapulls · 1 year
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and because im crazy explanations below
kasumi: i think shes big on young justice in general so tim is her choice
tae: she a big bunny person as we know and i think she likes damian for his animal love
rimi: big fan of classic comics batgirl babs! but still wishes dc would move on from giving her batgirl in current comics
saaya: do you guys remember s1 of the anime . yeah . i think shed relate to dick just a wee bit
arisa: she does not care at all no kasumi shes not going to kindate timsteph with you
ran: she doesnt care/really know about batfam specifically . she likes the lanterns!
moca: she sees the loser in jason . and she loves the loser in jason <3
himari: she loves stephs 1st spoiler and batgirl eras! doesnt collect comics but has every issue from her batgirl run i know this
tomoe: ako made her watch btas with her so they could cosplay together LOL but then developed an actual liking to dicks character! she doesnt say it out loud but she loves discowing so much
tsugumi: shes not interested herself but she loves listening to her friends ramble about the characters :) <3
kokoro: grew up on the 60s show thats the only version of batman she know . also this is the michelle situation again she does NOT know bruce wayne is batman
kaoru: will go into long shakespearien analysis about his character and how troubled he is . idk man Someone had to like bruce as their favorite ok .
hagumi: one of those younger siblings that watched her older brother play videogames . but i think what really made her like dick was ttg . im sorry but cmon its hagumi
kanon: super surface level doesnt reeeeally care but she reads the webtoon for its lightheartedness and enjoys damian in it :) dont ask her about actual comics shell cry she only found out there was more than one robin like 3 days ago
misaki: her younger siblings made her watch batwheels LMAO but also i do think shes read some of her batgirl run and was like "woah comics arent as dumb as i thought"
aya: sometimes girls just like other cool looking girls who are also cute is that so wrong? would maybe lowkey kin her too
hina: well canon to her character shes always looking for boppin things and i think duke is very boppin to her! his unique abilities and him being still relatively new makes for so much potential and shes really into that! she also really loved we are robin
chisato: oracle babs stan she is SO secret about it tho she finds it unprofessional in her position to like these things
maya: also oracle stan :) she likes all the techy aspects of her character and well green character like cmon . i think maya and chisato talk about her when theyre taking breaks during practice
eve: these damn kids with swords . yeah i think she loves the difficulty he has being from the two families hes from and how he deals with the weight . cried when his robin run was canceled (me too eve)
yukina: you know her and cats . but i do think she really liked catwoman in batman 2022
sayo: had no interest until hina showed her some birds of prey comics . she just thinks helena is really cool and that jason fans are annoying LOL
lisa: big fan of the classic teen titans! i think dick is her second fav overall after donna
ako: ah we know this by now . biggest btas tim kinnie of all time no doubles doubles blocked on sight
rinko: okay this was so hard between cass and duke they are her two favs!!! but i can see her relating to cass a little more and for those reasons shed be rinkos fav :)
mashiro: just isnt her type of thing but she watches intently when a batman movie comes on during their movie nights
touko: why ofc! she thinks batwoman is the coolest ever!
nanami: idk . you ask her why she likes jason and she just hits you with a :3 like its anyones guess at this point
tsukushi: again just doesnt care and she cant keep track of anything they tell her . "wait huh batmans parents are dead when did that happen" type question halfway into one of toukos rambles 😭
rui: i just know these things okay look at her... i dont think shes big on comics/cartoons so the pennyworth tv show is probably her reason for him being her fav
rei: shed watch the dcau movies with tae and really enjoyed dicks character :)
rokka: waaay more into superfam but she enjoys damian after reading supersons :)
masuki: ITS NOT WHAT YOURE THINK . okay she likes jason as robin the most she thought he was cutesies and fun :) she also liked druglord villain type jason but thinks hes a total loser in recent years
pareo: hard to explain but i do think she sees parts of herself in dukes character and she really enjoys him for that :)
chu2: maybe im just tired from writing but if you kkow the two then you KNOW . shed read comics where damian is completely in the wrong like "why are they booing him hes right" 14 year olds will be kinnies ok
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 years
Simple question . ☕️ for egbert from stuck at home ….. need to know how people feel about this boy
oh??? you are asking me, former tumbler user ghosty-tricksters about mr egbert stuckathome, jonathan egbret stuckathome??? you ask me ???? lil ol me?????
okay. disclaimer that i havent read th source material in fucking forever. for obvious reasons, its fucking stuckathome webcomic. however. he is my favorite character. so he comes back and haunts me once in a blue moon. [long inhale] so i have 3 cosplays i learned to sew to make of him, and a shirt with his symbol on it that i wear practically on the daily. i like him a normal amount.
so listen. im absolutely Enamored with the way hes written. how hes just... some fucking guy out here, doing his best. but if i were to completely analyze him, we'd be here for hours, and i dont want to do that to anybody. so instead ill just talk about what he Means, what he Stands for.
the fact that hes so... "normal." is so important to me. especially in a cast of characters who are complete freaks (affectionate). to see him just... bring up the people close to him, just so genuinely close to so much of the cast... he's so important to all of his friends, and that means SO much to all of them. he's a dork. he's the best of all of us. he's so normal. he's dumb. he's the leader, of course, obviously he is.
and then... he's fucking heartbreaking. to see in real time exactly where those little cracks appear and grow in him is so fucking heartbreaking, seeing how he reacts to it, how he doesn't. his sadness is a quiet one. its nigh silent-- hell, he seems like he barely even cares when the worst strikes a lot of the time! but he does. he does so much. and he's so frustrated.
there's something about some kid going through the end of the world, losing everything, everything, even if it looks like it gets put back. it never does. it's all different, it all changes, it's all replaced. he'll never have it back. he doesn't even know who he'd be if it didn't happen. the thought that he could be anything other than just... floating through it all, somehow making it through, somehow somehow somehow, somehow he's alive.
and... then it's just over. the world, everything is breaking apart around you, then suddenly... it isnt. what do you do then? who are you then? you can't go back to normal. you never could. your whole life was dedicated to avoiding some tragedy or another-- the fact that there just isnt anymore just... of course it wouldn't sit right! the way he handles his emotions, how he handles going through actual tragedy, is fascinating for such a "normal" character. how he projects his emotions on other things, how unsatisfied with how he is despite his friends' insistence that yeah, of course john's the best of us. how he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
something about losing everything, having it replaced but its just not the same, putting your everything into the One Thing everyone tells you that you do well... and then losing that too. something about it, man.
i will never forgive the epilogues by the way
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andreeds · 5 years
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and for halloween, i was this delightful pinterest screenshot (brian david gilbert, sleep paralysis demon)
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sammyloomis · 4 years
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Five Years of Until Dawn Day 4: Favourite Fanwork
hhhh i dont like pickin specific thing cause im always scared im gonna upset someone by not pickin theirs :’] BUT i do have some All Time Faves to recommend (under the cut cause this might get long dfghjk)
The (Almost)s by TheIcyQueen okay,,,,, OKAY THIS FIC  IS GODLY ive sung its praises to literally everyone i possibly can and now im gonna do it here too as far as im concerned this fic is completely canon, and its an absolutley brillaint character study of josh, chris, ashley, sam from the night the twins disappear all the way til the end of the game and beyond im not gonna lie, its a long one, but its so so so worth it BUT if the length is really that daunting, then i also recommend another fic by the same author about this fabulous foursome ghost hunting for views on youtube and its VERY good
They Are The Night by orphan_account so a friend of mine actually wrote this one shot :’] unfortunatly she isnt online anymore, but i highly Highly recommend this lil story if ur interested in a wendikids au its basically an au where only josh got off the mountain that night and everyone else is stuck in the mines with nothing to eat but flamethrower guys corpse i just think its neat ;w;
The Blackwood Files by NyxRising so this is a fanmade youtube series where a bunch of cosplaying friends went out to an actual cabin for a week and shot a fun lil until dawn series :’] its a lil goofy, a lil silly, a lil weird listening to a bunch of british young adults badly do american accents BUT its a very fun watch imo and i have fond memories of it when it was being released ;w;
so now im gonna do a whole section where i just @ a bunch of people who just make good until dawn content in general cause im bad at specifics :’]
@queenofbaws - wrote the almosts which YES OKAY i already recd but PLEASE check out everythins shes ever wrote ever thank you @love-fireflysong - does some Incredibly cute chrashley fics and theyre just a joy to read ;w; @lunchador - fkn fabulous art style and has provided many climbing chrashley meals for me bon appetit @kiddoughbread - also an amazing art style that ive never seen anything like before @minhtblue - does more danganronpa stuff now but he used to be the fkn Backbone of this fandom and his until dawn art is amazing
theres Defo more i cant think of right now but PWEASE check out the people n stuff above 
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
is it really that surprising that minors ship beetlebabes? im an adult and dont ship it for obvious reasons but if i was like 14/15 i could very easily see myself projecting onto lydia and shipping it. That doesnt make it okay obviously but i think minors should be given some slack...
slack yeah sure i dont like to interact with minors in the same capacity as i do with the adults mostly because honestly the adults really are so much worse on the whole so i dont really have to deal with minors because it seems a lot of them keep to themselves
i dont however think that minors are exempt from being classified as problematic on the whole they are making the conscious decision to do something that is in fact problematic and im not going to just sit by and say oh its ok if you draw/write/consume content of a 30 year old man and a 15 year old girl as long as you yourself are a child like that isnt okay no matter who you are projections aside you can think critically and see why thats wrong and move away from the toxic aspects and focus on positive things instead
minors arent exempt from criticism i will definitely be softer with them and more understanding because as ive said previously ive been in their place before and i am pretty certain that a lot of opinions will change as they grow as mine did
it isnt cruel to point out that time moves forward and people change
i want the best for young people and to me the best means not engaging in content that could get them in trouble or hurt
the tricky thing with minors in fandom spaces is that simultaneously some of them want to be treated like adults but also they often back down and use their age as a barrier as if to say oh im immune to criticism because im a kid but then they talk about how theyre very mature and can handle all this content its honestly very confusing and hard to keep up with which is why i on the whole try to limit my interactions with too many minors outside of things like art or cosplay
again i say i want the best for people and i dont want people thinking fiction doesnt effect reality because it does for so so so many people and i really dont want more people like the really awful beetlebabes shippers out in the world for my sake and for the sake of future fandom people
no one has to listen to me though im a clearly slightly unhinged idiot on the internet im not your parent or guardian or anything i just have been where they are and i know that can do better
its true i am losing my touch and im sorry i should be done with my second job next week and maybe then i can return to form
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erasingworlds · 4 years
levi x bern is wholesome but what if we have levi x bern x simeon? >.>
( LEVI X BERN X SIMEON HCs ) because i am a twisted person that isn’t as good at writing fluff so hhh-- ---
|| >   obviously it would be levi and bern getting together first, geeking out and snuggling while watching animes only to fall asleep only to wake up thEY MISSED CLASSES AGAIN OOPS || >   one day when they overslept again, simeon decided to be a good person and bring some notes over since the only brother that levi shared that class with was mammon and hhhh, prob doesn’t take the best notes || >   plus he was probably also worried since this was the 3rd day of classes they missed??? but the bros said it was okay yet hello?? they haven’t even posted on any of their blogs so yeah simeon was kinda convinced they were lowkey rotting in some room || >   he tried levi’s room first, then went to berns and they hISSED AT THE BOI FOR BRINGING LIGHT INTO THE ROOM WHEN HE OPENED THE DOOR || >   turns out they were binging some series and, even tho bern tends to be the one with reason and gets levi to take breaks, she also was hooked and had lost track of time, 3 days worth of time apparently but eh a good show is good || >   he tries chastising them and telling them this wasn’t healthy until they literally were just like “watch an ep and you will understand” || >   after an ep he understood and was gone for the rest of the day, which isnt as bad but since he normally at least returns to purg. hall at night but didn’t luke was like “omfg demons finally ate one of us” || >   yeah simeon for once was the one getting lectured at by luke, which was also kinda funny since luke is, well, luke, but simeon figured he should just sit there and listen since he did make him worry and this was just out of him caring || >   once they got simeon to see the light, he was a bit more understanding and whenever they would poof again would he make copies of his notes and pass them along, asking for summaries of what they were watching since he didnt dare just sit there lost in tv again, that really sucked him in and made him real confused when he was out of that binging trance || >   eventually bern shyly kinda admits to levi that she thirsty for shoulders really likes hanging out with simeon too, just to test how levi would react and surprisingly levi was like “... huh, ditto... for a normie he okay--” and yo it was only after i used the strike over the thirst for shoulders control there that i realized theres already bullet point option there buT WE JUST GONNA CONTINUE WITH THIS FORMAT IM USING K COOL || >   obv since hes an angel tho, levi tells bern he kinda a no go for anything further than friends unless he falls and this is A FLUFF THING SO WE AINT GOING INTO THAT || >   but jokes on you it doesn’t get into that they just happily accept him as the third wheel and simeon is actually pretty chill with it since he enjoys spending time with them too, its a diff pace of things and he finds it kind of exciting even though he is constantly getting confused by the things they say || >   they totally make fun of him for it but eventually do explain it to him, which he appreciates || >   “ok boomer” “excuse me, what?” “pffft evEN NORMIES KNOW WHAT A BOOMER IS SIMEON HAHAHA” “?? i dont blow things up??? and if luke told you about that time i broke the radio i have an explanation-” “boomer just means youre old and bad with technology simeon it’s okay... but what about this radio?” || >   occasionally they end up going to purg hall which makes luke mad, but for the most part he just ends up falling asleep a lot earlier while they continue staying up watching shows, sometimes luke goes to solomon’s room to sleep if they are playing games tho || >   you can bet they managed to get simeon to cosplay and omfg did he look cute and awesome buT HE HAS SWORN THEM TO SECRECY OVER IT || >   doesn’t mean if you manage to steal one of their phones you wont see a whole ass album dedicated to simeon cosplay oop
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blog-in-a-corner · 6 years
Mystreet TES rewritten to fit the animated music video part 2
Hey what’s up gamers here’s the second part to my fic
Warning: i’m an idiot with the sense of humor of a banana
Aaron awoke to an unfamiliar room.
“This place…... it's….” Aaron muttered weakly.
“It's a shit hole” Aaron said.
And it was a shit hole.
“Oh you're finally fucking awake you sure took your sweet ass time” an unfamiliar woman said.
“Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” Aaron said.
“Your guardian angel uwu” the woman said.
“Oh so your like,my fairy godmother or some shit?” Aaron asked.
“What? No-where did you even get that from-ugh. Nevermind. Listen kid you gotta go back or else your gf is going to die” the woman said.
“Idk the rent back home is pretty damn high so I mean-” Aaron said.
“Bitch just go back to life if you don't want to get cucked by Zane” the woman said.
“Well shit Zane is the last person I would want to get cucked by. Fine I'll go” Aaron said.
“Alright then. My work here is done” the woman said.
“But you didn't do anything!” Aaron said
“Oh,didn't I?” the woman said.
“Yeah. You didn't” Aaron said.
“Oh. Well. See you in two seasons!” the woman said.
“WAIT WHAT AM I GOING TO DIE AGAIN-” Aaron said as the room began to fade.
Aaron….was coming back to….
“If he dies I take dibs on his car,it has seat warmers” said a voice so raspy it sounds like someone shoved sandpaper down their throat.
“I take dibs on his family inheritance!” said Emmalyn,or was it?
“No fair I wanted that!” said a voice that was trying too hard to be emo.
“Shut the fuck up you’re already rich” said the voice of a BTGGF(big tiddy goth gf).
“What the fuck is all of this about dibs?” Aaron said as he snapped wide awake.
Said the rest in unison.
“I-i'm alive!” Aaron said in shock.
“Dammit” Kim said.
“That's too bad” Lucinda said.
“How in the fuck did I wind up here? Last thing I remember is falling down a huge fucking cliff” Aaron said.
“Well after we found Zane he ran away because I was going to kick his ass but then he found your half dead corpse and Lucinda teleported us here and I accidentally dropped your head on one of the steps on the way up to your room” Garroth explained.
“Oh” Aaron said.
“Wait why the fuck is part of my shirt on my eyes?” Aaron asked.
“Your eyes looked cold so I put it on your eyes” Garroth said.
“How the fuck can someone's EYES look cold????” Aaron said.
“To be fair,you were half dead sooo” Lucinda said.
“Well I don't know about you guys but all of this fucking running and worrying and dying has gotten me hungry” Kim said,as she proceeded to tear off part of Garroth's hair and eat it like cotton candy. No one was bothered by this.
“Now that you bring it up I'm hungry too. I wonder if I still have any chicken nuggets left in my pocket” Aaron said rummaging through his pocket.
“And you don't???” Aaron said,as he pulled out of the picture of him and Aphmau from prom.
“Wait, Aphmau…..Ein…..Fuck! Aphmau I need to save her!” Aaron said as yote(past tense of “yeet”) from his bed.
“I'm not upset but you idiots need my help because plot conveniences!” Lucinda yelled after them. She breasted boobily to the stairs,and titted downwards.
“Anyway I'm off to raid Aaron's luggage and designate his entire will to myself”
“But what about Zane and the gas money-”
“FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THAT LITTLE SHIT BRING A NINE IRON KIM” Garroth cut Kim mid sentence as they both ran out of the shit hole of a lodge they were in.
“Sweet,free entertainment.” Kim said as they ran.
We snap back to Aaron running in the forest, like a car commercial. Fierce. Sexy. Powerful. Free. After what felt like hours(actually just 30 minutes) Aaron found Ein and Aphmau.
“Aphmau! Ein!” Aaron yelled.
“Aaron!” Ein yelled.
“EIN!” Aaron yelled.
“AARON!” Ein yelled.
“Aphmau! :^]” Aphmau said.
“Okay Aphmau you just ruined the fucking mood just kill him” Ein said.
“Hmph. Fine” Aphmau pouted.
Aphmau raised her knife and lunged at Aaron.
“It's time…...fOR MY EXTRA ULTRA SUPER SPECIAL DOUBLE TWIRL ANIME JUMP STAB!” Aphmau yelled,as she attempted to extra ultra super special double twirl anime jump stab Aaron.
Aaron grabs her wrist and accidentally twists it and shatters all of the bones in her arm.
“Oops sorry fuck” Aaron said.
Aaron noticed something off about bae.
“your eye……” Aaron muttered.
“Wait when the FUCK did she get bruised!?” Ein said.
Read the contract babe.
“Oh. Fuck” Ein said.
“EIN!” Aaron yelled as he ran as fast as a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird at top speed towards Ein.
“sHIT!” Ein screamed.
Aaron yeeted his entire body at Ein but Ein did a super Mario jump over Aaron but then Aaron used the entire force of his whole body to punch Ein into oblivion but Ein recovered and punched Aaron but broke his wrists in the process because he doesn't know how to punch then Aaron head butted Ein but he did it wrong so he hurt himself too and then Ein threw him into a tree and almost punched him again but in that moment Aaron unlocked ultra instinct and pushed him against a tree and de-evilized turned Ein into a human.
“NO NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS!” Ein screamed.
“Well my edgy anime backstory and murder eyes say I CAN” Aaron said as he left the forest.
“fUCK YOU SASUKE” Ein shouted after Aaron.
Aaron had completely left now.
“Fucking weeaboo”
“Well uh,I guess I'll go now? I was sort of expecting to die but I guess not. Plot convenience, you know how it is” Ein said as he walked away and into a Chick-fil-A.
“We've been running forever! Are we ever going to find Aaron?!” Kim said.
“Man I don't fucking know just keep running!” Lucinda said.
Finally,they had come across none other than Aphmau. Who else would it be, Brendan?
“Oh Aphmau! Why…...are you cosplaying Jasmine from Aladdin?” Zane asked.
“You and Aaron are into some weird fucking shit Aphmau” Garroth said in disgust.
“Grrrrr DIE!!!” Aphmau yelled as she attempted to extra ultra super special double twirl anime jump stab Garroth.
“Sweet! Another knife!” Garroth said as he totally ignored the fact that Aphmau was trying to kill him and grabbed the knife out of her hand.
“This is our chance!” Zane said.
Both Garroth and Zane grab Aphmau by the arms. Of course Kim and Lucinda do nothing but watch.
“Um,a little help?!” Zane said.
“Nah we're good lol” Lucinda said.
“Ugh,useless!” Zane said.
“Don’t worry! I'm sure Aaron will be here soon” Garroth said.
“I sure fucking hope so” Zane said.
After 3 (three( whole hours because that's how long anime fights take, Aaron arrives to the scene.
“Cut me some slack! I'm trying to make my death as sad and dramatic as possible!” Aaron said.
“Bold of you to assume your going to die permanently lmao” Lucinda said.
“Aaron,everyone knows you can't actually die. The least you can do is not make it at the inconvenience of everyone” Kim said.
“Ugh fine, release Aphmau” Aaron said.
Both Zane and Garroth release Aphmau at once. Aphmau proceeds to yeet herself at Aaron once more, picking up the knife she dropped on the ground in the process.
“OH CRAP MY KNIFE!!!” Garroth yelled.
Aphmau then stabs Aaron,but he pulls her closer.
“Aphmau…..” Aaron said.
“Hwo,,the fU,CK ArRE yuO,,r teEF gl,,OWI,Ng,,,” Aphmau asked.
“Nevermind that,i…..need to tell you something important……” Aaron said.
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“......smell like cheese dip”
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Aaron then proceeded to take a whole hour to fall to the ground dramatically.
“AAAROOOOOON” Aphmau screams.
“Well I guess Aaron is dead :/” Lucinda said.
“Press F” Zane said.
“Anyways I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry” Kim said,as she tore yet another piece of Garroth's hair and ate it like cotton candy.
“Maybe Aaron still has some chicken nuggets left in his pockets” Garroth said.
“Let's just go to Taco Bell” Lucinda said.
“TACO I LOVE CHEESY GORDITA” Aphmau yelled in excitement.
“But,what about Aaron?” Zane asked.
“Don't worry he'll just come back to life he always does” Garroth replied.
And so our heroes went off to Taco Bell, blissfully unaware of the fact that Aaron didn't kill Ein.
Sorry that's all the time we have left bye.
End uwu
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“Girls reactions to s/o proposing to then with a handmade ring they made?”
This was my first time writing one specifically for the girls so i hope its okay
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Kaede Akamatsu
Today was the day
You felt it in your heart
After all the time you had spent with your girlfriend, you knew the time was right
There was just something in your heart that made it obvious
Today was the day you were going to propose
Problem is, there’s only about 5 hours left in this day
You had spent the entire date with Kaede
Brunch in the morning, followed by a walk in the park, then you stopped by a music shop and finally it ended with watching a fireworks display
Although it wasn’t neccesarily a ‘special’ day it felt special to you
You knew Kaede well, so you knew that she would love the idea of a home-made ring
She had been giving little hints for a while that she was ready for a proposal
It seemed as if she had been nudging you on to do it even though she could have proposed herself
But you knew she wasn’t like that
You knew that she wanted to be proposed to
And you knew that she didn’t just want a normal proposal
She made it almost abnoxiously obvious that she wanted just one thing to stand out
Maybe you proposed on a special day! Or at a special place!
But you knew she never would have expected a handmade ring
She had always been into that sentimental sort of thing
at least you hoped it was
The two of you were laying in a field, surrounded by many others, observing the fireworks
Though, somehow, it felt as if it was just you and her
Noone else mattered
Nothing else mattered
Nothing but her
You dramatically looked over at her and gazed at her beautiful face as she looked up towards the sky with awe and wonder in her eyes
This is what they do in movies right?
You look over at your s/o dramatically and they somehow dont notice?
Maybe she did notice but she was playing along
You each had one earbud in and were listening to your favorite couple songs together
This is it
This is the moment
You felt your heart racing
You were sure you were about to explode
Sneakily, you changed the song that was currently playing to a different one
One you had just downloaded without telling Kaede the night before
It was a piano instrumental cover of her favorite song ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry
How fitting of the situation
She glanced over at you
You could see the pleased shock in her eyes
‘How fitting, s/o’
She turned back to the fireworks
But instead of looking at them, she just closed her eyes and began moving her head to the rhythm of the song
She seemed to love it
You used this as a distraction
As she was preoccupied with the song you took out your earbud, pulled the ring out of your pocket and knelt on one knee beside your lovely girlfriend
She hadn’t noticed at all
There were a wave of cheering from those around you, but Kaede didn’t notice anything
She was so enchanted with the song
Maybe you did TOO good of a job with the song
You tapped her gently on the shoulder
You didn’t want to be too gentle but also not too forceful
You realised how much you must have been panicing to have been so conflicted with a shoulder tap
The images were flowing through your mind after the shoulder tap
It was as if time had frozen
You saw her turning around, looking towards you with the ring in your hand and swooning into your arms
But, in reality, all you got was an index finger, signalling you too wait
She was way too into the song
She was too busy humming along to notice your proposal
So, you did what you had to
You pulled the earbud out from her ear
‘S/o! That was the best part! What are yo-’
She barely made it halfway through the sentence before she noticed what was happening
She looked up towards you, tears already forming in your eyes
You saw it as your cue to begin speaking
But before you even mustered a single word she had already wrapped her arms around you and was planting kisses all over your face, stopping in between to yell ‘YES! YES! YES!’
The fireworks were still going off as this was happening
It felt so surreal
It truly felt like something out of a movie
Once she had recovered from her flustered state she laid out her hand to receive the ring
You slid the handmade ring onto her finger and it fit like a glove
‘D-Did you make this s/o?’
The shocking situation that had unfolded left you speechless, so you responded with a nod
Kaede was amazed by the piece
You truly had done an amazing job
I mean, after almost 5 months of working on it, it sure as hell better be amazing
After the response she went back to lacing you with kisses all over your face
She didn’t care what anyone else thought
It was just you and her tonight
Noone else mattered
Miu Iruma
You decided that you wanted to keep your proposal private
It was obviously the best choice
I mean, Iruma would just get way too flustered and embarrassed if you proposed to her in public
Plus, knowing Iruma, you wouldn’t be surprised if she said no for whatever reason
Fingers crossed nothing like that happens
You were at home when it all went down
Iruma was in the garage working on her new invention
Meanwhile, you were inside trying to reassure yourself that everything was going to go okay
Deep breaths, deep breaths
You can do this, you can do this
You were about to turn the handle for the garage when,
You heard your hopeful fiance in obvious distress
You ran into the room to find Iruma with her head down on the table and fist clenched
‘What’s wrong? Did something happen?’
‘I’m fucking missing a piece for my new invention and you’re not fucking helping by nagging me with your dumb stinky mouth’
You told her to calm down in an almost aggresive tone and you could see her physically crumble
‘S-Sorry s/o, I’m just not in the best of moods’
You asked her to describe the missing piece in the hopes that the two of you could find it, or even find something to replace it
She simply described it as being a small box shape with a removable lid and clear glass bottom
The two of you spent hours searching
But to no avail
Until you felt something
A slight pinch of pain in your foot
‘Why didn’t you wear shoes idiot’
You had stood on a piece of glass
There was next to no bleeding, it was mostly the shock that got you
Upon further inspection, you realised the glass had come from the missing piece, which had now been found in pieces
Iruma slammed her hands on the table
‘It took five fucking weeks for that piece to deliver’
You asked Iruma to calm down, and you pulled her close
It was sweet
The two of you were in some sort of pain, but together you blocked it all out
Until she grabbed your ‘private area’
‘IRUMA??!?’ you exclaimed
‘What’s that in your pocket s/o?’
You pulled out everything in your pocket where Iruma had intended to grab
or had she?
Some lint, a penny, and
Oh no
The box with your ring
Iruma screamed and grabbed the box out of your hand
‘This is perfect s/o! It’s just like the broken piece!’
Before you got the chance to even try to take it back off her, she had pulled the lid off in order to make sure it was similar enough to the missing piece
And to her shock she found a ring
An obviously homemade one
‘What sort of piece of shit is this? This is probably the worst fucking handmade thing I’ve ever seen! Kyahahah! Whoever made this needs some lessons from m-’
Handmade ring
In small container box
In s/o’s pocket
For once, Iruma was speechless
You gently took the ring away from her and began to kneel
As soon as you began that animation she was crumbling
‘Miu Iruma, you are the love of my life, the light in my heart, and the hope in my existence. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’
Iruma was crumbled up into a ball
‘R-Really s/o? You want to m-marry me?’
You responded with a reassuring nod
‘Kyahahahaha! I mean who fucking wouldn’t wanna marry me, Miu Iruma, SHSL Inventor! Kyahahah! Well I don’t wanna make you too fucking depressed so I’ll agree, BUT DONT FUCK IT UP’
why are you like this miu
You hugged her tight which shocked her egotistical self back into her fragile nature
You slid the ring onto her finger
She tried to look happy
But it’s hard when you have something you think is hideous on you
We can’t all be masters Miu
She looked up towards you, with the box still in her hand
‘Yes, Iruma?’
‘I’m still using this box for my invention’
of course you are
Tsumugi Shirogane
The time had come
You had finally built up enough courage to ask your girlfriend to marry you
You knew that Tsumugi loved DIY stuff
So you thought that a handmade ring would be perfect
Sure, you weren’t the best at crafts
But it’s mostly the thought that counts
It all took place at a convention
You thought this would be the perfect place to propose
It was the place Shirogane loved to be the most
You had the whole thing planned out and you went for it
Shirogane was on stage in one of her cosplays
You were backstage after helping her get prepared
She wasn’t nervous or anything but it was nice to have you there with her
However she had no clue what you had planned
You pulled out the handmade ring from your pocket and ran on-stage and knelt behind her
The crowd immediately started cheering
Some screamed with joy
Some whistled
Some yelled at Shirogane to turn around
She was so confused
I mean, she knew her cosplay was pretty good but she rarley got this much of a reaction
She still had no clue as to what was going on
Finally, one woman in the front row said ‘Turn around! Turn around!’
Shirogane assumed that she just wanted to see the back of the cosplay
So she did as she asked
And she was greeted by you
‘S/o what are you doing up here?’
It took her a while to process everything
On their knees?
With some kind of ball in their hand?
No wait
A ring?
Why does s/o have a r-
The realisation hit her hard
She fainted to the ground
Fuck this isnt how this was supposed to go
She was brought backstage
The crowd was going crazy
They were all really concerned but the show was forced to just continue with the next cosplays
Poor audience was left with an IRL cliffhanger
It took Shirogane about 2 minutes to wake up
‘What happened s/o?’
You didn’t know how to respond, so you just took the ring out again and showed it to her
‘Shirogane, will you marry me?’
Her face was pale white
You were afraid she was going to pass out again
She grabbed you and hugged fairly aggresively
She thought it was so romantic
She grabbed the ring and inspected it thoroughly
‘You… made this?’
You nodded proudly
You were so happy with how everything went
‘Oh… it’s… a... nice thought’
You looked at her and smiled awkwardly
You knew she was partially messing but you also knew that the ring was nowhere near what she could have done
‘Hey! It’s not like I’m a master crafter or something!’ you responded
‘Once we get back home, I’m gonna teach you something about crafting, because damn you need it’
godammit shirogane
Tenko Chabashira
‘Wanna go for another round s/o?’
Tenko put on her normal daily outfit and got up off of the ground
‘I’m a bit tuckered out actually, mind if we rest for a while?’
‘But it was so fun!!’
‘It’s not as fun when you’re against a master like you Tenko’
The two of you sat on a bench in the dojo after the fifth round of Neo Aikido in a row
you better not have been thinking of something else you nasty
It made Tenko so happy when you showed interest in her talent
She was scared of hurting you on accident but once you tell her its okay she gets right into it
Doing Aikido with you is the best thing she could ask for
It always ends up being her happiest memory
Although you aren’t really much competition for an Ultimate like her, its still fun to see Chabashira having so much fun and really getting into something she loves
She was such a natural beauty and that was evident from her somewhat graceful maneuvers in her sport
You looked over to her as she sat beside you sipping water from a bottle
Her hair was tied up into one massive ponytail
To her surprise you planted a kiss on her cheek to show your affection
She responded by spittaking her water out all over your face
She turned a bright shade of red as she apologized repeatedly for what just happened
You told her it was fine but she refused to stop helping you
She took a nearby towel and scrubbed your face with it
You chuckled at her obvious nervousness
This was why you loved her
Moments like this
Thats when you got your idea
You excused yourself, making the excuse that you were going to the bathroom
Really though you were heading out to your car to get something
A ring
You had thought of the idea a few months back
You knew Tenko was the one and you knew it was time you showed her that
One of the things you loved most about Tenko was how natural and organic she was
So, what could be better than a ring that matched her natural nature
You worked on a handmade ring built entirely by yourself to give to Tenko as an engagement ring
It was made of expensive wood which was sanded perfectly for ultimate comfort and encrusted with bits of sea shells which Tenko adored so much
The wood you purchased for it was similar to the wood used in the dojo she loves to train in so you thought it was perfect!
You retrieved the ring from your car and returned back inside to find Tenko talking to herself
You peeked in out of curiosity
It was difficult to hear but you could make out some words
‘Dont do that again Tenko. Dont scare them off. Sit up straight, talk confidently, dont let them lose interest’
Was she talking about you?
You quietly stepped into the room
The floorboards underneath you creaked, startling Tenko
‘AAA S/O YOU SCA- I mean, you startled me s/o!’
Tenko was acting odd
It seems that shes trying to change how she acts to make you like her more
You decided not to confront her immediately but instead wanted to wait until she seemed a little more comfortable
‘Wanna go for another round of Aikido Tenko?’
Her eyes fluttered at your request
She popped up from her seat cheerfully and marched over to the other side of the fighting area
You started battling and she was obviously going to win from moment 1
But you tried your hardest anyways!
Sadly, it was to no avail
She had tossed you a mile away within the first minute
But that was exactly as you planned
As soon as you landed from being tossed you let out a scream
It was the loudest scream you’ve ever done and at surely alarmed other people
You closed your eyes to make it seem more real but you peeked through your left to make sure Tenko was alarmed
You saw her sprint towards you faster than anything youve seen before
She jumped down beside you and picked your head up, placing it on your lap
She was already in tears
‘I’m okay’
She was holding her head down on your lap with full force
She placed your head down gently and rose to get some water
Before she had moved from your side however you grabbed ahold of her hand
She turned back in shock and slight disbelief as you got up into one knee
You began to reach into your pocket
You grabbed onto the ring, your other hand still laced in Chabashiras
You presented the ring
She stared down to it and froze
Her hand felt limp in yours
She must have been in shock
Oh well, thats normal
I mean it is a big surprise to be proposed to all of a su-
Tenko’s body fell and hit the floor with a massive thud
You dropped everything and crawled over to her, not even bothering to stand up and walk in your desperation
You knelt beside her and held her face
‘Tenko? You okay? Can you hear me Tenko?’
She wasnt responding
You sat her up and grabbed some water from nearby that she was drinking earlier
You opened her mouth and fed the water to her
Slowly, one sip at a time, careful
She started coughing, at least it was a sign she was concious
Her eyes fluttered open for the second time in an hour
She was laying in your arm as she asked you what had happened
You smiled to her and explained everything
Well, you left out one part
‘B-But, why did I faint? Tenko never faints!’
Again, you pulled out the ring
She stared at it for even longer
‘Do you like it Ten-’
ill take that as a yes
And you thought your scream was loud
She grabbed hold of your head and hugged it into her breasts
She was squeezing as tight as she could
It was almost too tight
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
‘Can you...let me go,,p lease i ..cant breathe’
She truly was the light of your life
She grabbed the ring from the ground where it had landed when she held you
Even you didnt expect her to be this enthusiastic
I dont think she even expected it either
With one last scream she grabbed your head and planted a kiss on your lips
Then she pulled you back in for another hug, this one even tighter than before
who needs to breathe anyways right?
Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi has just returned home from a long days work
Although she enjoyed her job cleaning, some days it tired her out so much
She was looking forwards to coming home to be greeted with a cup of tea and a good book
She parked in the driveway only to notice that your car was missing
She assumed that you had gone to the store to buy groceries or just grab something to eat
But something in her mind made her suspect something
Ignoring the strange feeling, she unlocked the door and strolled inside
She was greeted with a freshly made cup of tea as she had hoped for
However, along with that luck was some bad luck
Aswell as a cup of tea she was also greeted by a disgraceful mess all over the place
She had never seen such a mess in her entire time living with you
You weren’t usually this messy
This combined with your absence really put her on edge
She was hoping for a relaxing evening but now faces even more work
Although she wanted to ignore the mess and wait for you to get home to clean it, she could help herself and before she knew it she was vacuuming and sweeping and washing and-
‘Ugh’ she sighed
She had barely gotten a quarters way through before she took her first rest
Instead of using this resting period to relax and take everything off her mind, instead she used it to examine the area
From the looks of things, this mess was in no way accidental
Dirt in rare places, clothes everywhere except where they were supposed to be, messes in hard to reach places
This was absolutely done on purpose
But why?
Kirumi tossed a few ideas around in her head
Perhaps you were upset and wanted to annoy her? Maybe you were having abad day and needed to take your anger out? Or maybe you were pranking her and were secretly recording her?
She glanced at each corner of the room but made no contact with any cameras
She sighed as she let her gaze drift across the excuse of a room
Eventually, she decided to call you
In the hope of getting an explanation for the mess
She pulled out her phone and rang your number
No response
She put away her phone
Her feelings of frustration had turned to concern
If this was a prank it was certainly not funny
Theres no need to be concerned
She had to convince herself of that much
Her head began to spin with different possibilities marching around in her mind
In a slight mental daze she grabbed a drink of water and sat down
As she began to return to normal she figured she might as well spend her time doing something to distract herself
So, she returned to her cleaning
You had just finished up
You thanked your friend as you said goodbye and climbed into your car
Looking down into your palms, you smiled
Right there, laying in your hands was a masterpiece
6 months of labour, 30 hours a week, and a large sum of money went into this beauty
A wonderfully made encrusted ring made all by yours truly
with a little help from your friends of course
It was perfect
No, it was better than perfect
You placed it to the side and started your car
Destination: Home
The nerves began to hit you on the drive home from your friends house
All the possibilities were marching through your mind
What if she doesnt like it? What if shes annoyed? What if she isnt home? Did everything go to plan
You stopped on the side of the road for a second and tried to regain your composure
This was a big deal
A lot of effort had gone into this, both from you and from others, and you couldnt dissapoint
‘You have reached your destination’
Before you knew it, you were home
You hadnt informed Kirumi that you were going to be gone for a while
That was part of the surprise
You slowly got out of your car, trying to make as little noise as physically possible
There was slight dread in your steps as you tiptoed to the door
Before you opened it you did some last-minute practicing
So first you greet her, explain the mess, get her to go to the bedroom, she finds a mess, cleans it up, finds the rings box underneath, you say her name, she turns, you propose
Got it
The nerves you felt were almost paralyzing
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out
You pushed yourself forward so you couldnt hesitate anymore
You practically slammed the door open and strolled on in, trying desperately not to break down or mess up
You found Tojo sitting hunched over a cup of tea
She was obviously exhausted but was putting her ability to hide it to use
She hadnt even noticed you were there until you greeted her with a timid ‘hello’
She was slightly startled, which was obvious from her slight jump
It was rare to catch her off guard like that
‘Oh, greetings s/o. I see you have returned. Where were you?’
You explained to her that a friend had an emergency and you rushed over to help
It hurt to lie to her but it was for the better, it was all going to pay off
‘Sorry about the mess by the way. A racoon got in and I got scared’
She raised an eyebrow to you, which showed her obvious disbelief
to be fair it WAS a pretty horrible lie
‘Well then, I’m going to head to bed for a rest. There is food in the oven if you would like anything.’
You thanked her and she walked confidently to the bedroom
You could tell though that it was fake confidence and all she wanted to do was curl up and sleep for 43 days
Everything was going to plan surprisingly
She made it to the doorway connecting the living area to the bedroom
That’s when she saw yet another pile of clothes laying at her feet
She sighed, containg her frustration
She picked up the clothes in one go and placed them in a nearby basket to be sorted later
When she looked back to where the former mess had been she noticed a small object
She debated ignoring it but her curiosity got the better of her
She reached down and picked up the object
A box?
What could be in here?
She opened the lid to reveal a velvet fabric covering the bottom of the box with a horizontal slit in the middle
She gasped
Her head was spinning both from shock and exhaustion
Theres no way
This is a dream
But then she say your silhouette, standing in the doorway in front of her
She snapped up and stood up straight in front of you
‘S/o what is the meaning of this?’
You looked her in the eyes, never breaking contact
You felt tears forming in your eyes
Slowly and steadily you crept down onto one knee
Tojo covered her mouth with her hand, refusing to let anything come out that could ruin the moment
‘Tojo Kirumi, will you be my wife?’
She stared down at you
Eventually, she removed her hand from her face and began to take off her gloves
She gleamed towards you and embraced you with a hug
‘Yes s/o, and thank you.’
She let you out of her grasp to inspect the ring
It was… breath-taking
She was truly astounded by the intricate detail that was featured on the priceless item
She placed it onto her finger and put it up towards the light
‘It is… truly astounding s/o’
She truly was over the moon with joy at what had just occurred
But that excitement was still covered with exhaustion
You both caught eachother drifting away at moments
Your eyes were beginning to close by themselves and yawns were a regular occurence
You looked at eachother, smiled, and decided to call it a night
Kirumi placed the ring on her bedside locker so it would be the first thing shed see in the morning
Hopefully then you’ll both be more enthusiatic
Maki Harukawa
Maki was never much of the romantic type
Despite assumptions that as the SHSL Nursery Teacher she was cutesy and romantic, she was in reality the polar opposite
Anything you had ever tried was greeted with a pained sigh or straight up refusal
But it wasnt going to be like that this time
This time was going to be special
You were working on a true masterpiece
Maki was never really fond of expensive and luxurious items so you decided to get her something from the heart
You, as Maki’s talentless s/o, were creating a handmade ring to propose to Maki with
From the heart and from the soul
You had the design laid out, the materials bought and the majority of the ring made
The only thing left was… the presentation
You gave no time to procrastinate and waste time
You decided that as soon as you were happy with the piece and it was completely finished you would propose to your girlfriend with it
So thats what you went and did
It was noon on a Friday
Maki was finishing up her shift at the nursery and you planned to come and collect her
You wanted to propose to her in front of others, so she got the attention she truly deserved
But you also were scared to do it in front of some people in particular as Maki didnt do too well with strangers
So whats better than the audience being full of toddlers and a few mothers?
Most of the mothers are probably married so they would most likely cheer and applaud
The plan was in motion
You climbed out of your car and strolled on into the building where your future fiancee awaited
Her class was 1-B
You walked through the door and were greeted by twin toddlers and their mothers talking with Maki
She saw you from the corner of her eye and put her finger up to you to inform you to wait
By her request you sat down on a bright green wicker chair while Maki spoke with the parents
You scanned the room and saw that it was filled with toddlers and their parents
There was a lot more that you were expecting
And in that moment, horrible possibilities rushed into your head
To distract yourself, you described everything in the room
A clock, its blue, the hands have faces, it is 11:56. On Friday, kids go home at 12. That must be why theres so many parents here.
Oh look, a rattle at my feet, its blue and purple, it makes loud sounds, it has a picture of a flower on it, looks like a rose
You repeated this with other objects as you tried to calm yourself
It worked surprisingly well
Actually, it worked too well
You were so distratced that you hadnt noticed Maki standing in front of you
She snapped her fingers and managed to awaken you from the slight daze you were in
This is it, this is the moment
Maki’s mouth started moving but you couldnt understand anything coming out of it
‘Sorry?’ you asked, hoping she would repeat
‘I said what are you doing inside? You could have waited in the car for me. I’ll be a few more minutes’
She began to walk away but you swiftly grabbed her hand
She turned back in complete shock
‘S/o? What are you doing?’
This is it, this is the moment
You placed your palm on the carpet floor and you lowered yourself onto one knee
Your right knee, it slightly cracked from being in its sitting position for so long
This whole time you were staring into Maki’s eyes
Her face seemed emotionless and she hadn’t changed her stance whatsoever
But you forgot about that and focused just on her eyes
You stared right into them as if they were the only thing imaginable
This is it, this is the moment
You reached your hand behind you into your rear pocket
You hadnt stored the ring in a box
You fumbled for a bit, understandable considering the situation you were in
Eventually you got the ring out of your pocket and it was now in your hands
Her eyes
This is it, this is the moment
As your eyes focused on hers, you heard the silent mumbles of adults whispering
In reality, they were cheers, but you had blocked the noises out
Any other sense was numbed
All that mattered was sight
The sight of Maki
This is it, this is the moment
‘Maki Harukawa, you have made me the happiest person in the universe. When we first met I truly believed I was in love at first sight. I have never had-
Ears ringing
Ding ding ding
Ding ding ding ding ding
School bells
Nursery closed
My face hurts
Why does my face hurt
My hands
Theyre empty
My mouth
Its empty
My heart
Its empty
This is it, this is the moment
You looked up from your crouched position
There was a group around you
Only one was close, and they had their hand on your shoulder
The rest were further, hands covering their mouths, eyes taped open
‘Maki?’ you timidly mustered out to the figure touching you
‘Would you like some water dear?’
It was an elderly woman, or at least thats what she sounded like
It must be Maki’s fellow teacher
‘What happened? Where… wheres Maki?’
You heard the woman sigh
‘Maki is… gone home. She told me to ask you not to go into the bedroom for the weekend’
‘Did something happen?’
The woman seemed shocked
‘You must not remember due to the force of her hit’
Her hit? Maki made a hit? What genre was it?
kill me
‘You proposed to Maki and… well, she didnt take it well’
The words stabbed you like a blade
You sunk down into a ball on the floor
Your eyes began to water and impaired your vision even further
All you could see in front of you was the outline of a toy
Blue and purple
With a flower on it
A rose
How romantic
You blocked out most of the ride home
It was the couple Maki had been talking to before that escorted you home
They hugged you and said a few things like ‘if you need anything contact us’
But you didnt pay much attention
All you could focus on were her eyes
Her piercing red gaze
You walked through the door to your house with no hesitation
Just another normal day
Immediately you strolled over to the bedroom, thinking nothing of it
All you wanted to do was lie down and rest
You tried the doorknob
You tried again
You knocked
You knocked again, called out to Maki, apologized, you tried everything
You lowered yourself down and peeked through the keyhole
She had blocked it out with something
You kicked the door in frustration
Is this what grief is?
Is this what despair is?
Defeated, you planted your head against the door, looking down
You reached your hand into your pocket, hoping to find a restart button
But instead, a ring
This ring
The one that changed everything
With one last try, with one last bit of hope, you slid the ring under the doorframe
You waited
Waiting forever
Ill wait forever
However long
For you
Dont leave me
This is it, this is the moment
The finishing moment
The beginning of the end
Himiko Yumeno
Yumeno never wanted to go anywhere
Her idea of a perfect date was staying inside practicing her spells and watching TV
But you knew there was always something inside her that wished she liked more social situations
She had no motivation to dress up nice and go out on a proper date
She already had to endure enough dates like that when you two started dating
She thought that would be the end of it
She hoped it would be the end of it
But she also hoped it wouldn’t
So, in order to encourage her, you prepared the whole date yourself
You bought a dress online for her, you booked the restaurant you were going to and you planned out a complete schedule to hopefully persuade your girlfriend
‘Uhnnnn s/ooooooo’ she groaned
You grabbed her hands and pulled her up from the couch as she tried desperately to resist
She failed
You showed her the details of the date and everything you had planned out
You could tell she didn’t want to go, but also that she didn’t want to let you down
You knew it was the delivery person at the door
As you turned back to ask Himiko to get the door, you saw that she had already slumped back down onto the couch
With a sigh, you strolled to the door and signed the relevaant papers
You could feel Yumeno’s curious glares on the back of your neck
She was obviously interested in what was happening but didn’t want to admit it
Once you shut the door she asked who was at the door
You didn’t answer
‘S/ooo don’t ignore me!’
Silence again
You heard her rustling on the couch
Most likely getting into a new pouting position
Just then you strutted in, holding the dress behind your back
You saw her sit up and desperately try to look around your body to get a look at what you were hiding
‘You know you COULD get up and walk around me to see?’ you remarked
She frowned towards you and burrowed her eyes as she desperately attempted to hold back her intrigue over the suspicious item you had hidden behind your back
You knew she disliked being teased so you gave the present to her immediately
It was a beautiful and elegant light blue dress with silver gems lacing the collar and cuffs
It was amazing
At least to you it was
You looked at Himiko as she glanced at the dress
You swear you saw her eyes glisten for a while
She must be hiding her true feelings
All you had to do was reveal them
While Himiko was busy doing nothing while laying on the couch, you were getting everything prepared for the date of a lifetime
And the cherry on top of the cake for the evening?
A proposal
You picked up a small wooden box which had contained a secret handmade ring for about 3 months now
You knew Himiko wasn’t really bothered with owning anything expensive or designer
She thought all of it just looked gaudy and ugly
So, you made her something of the complete opposite
A beautifully hand-crafted ring which was soon to rest on your girlfriends tiny finger
Hours passed in what felt like minutes
Before you knew it you were dining in the local restaurant
There you were, dressed in an amazing outfit with an even more amazing person sitting across from you
You looked towards your girlfriend hoping to see a gleaming face full of joy
But instead you got a short girl complaining that there were no chicken nuggets on the menu
She seemed completely uninterested and bored throughout the entire date
She didn’t even try to act like she was enjoying this
You predicted this reaction though
You didn’t want it to happen, but of course it did
The two of you had just finished dessert when she finally asked the question that had probably been on her mind for a few hours now
‘Can we go now?’
With a sign you nodded and asked for the bill
She offered to pay for some of it at least but you wouldn’t let her
You both stood up and were about to leave until you stepped in front of her
‘S/o? Let’s go what are you doing?’
This is the moment
This will make this date memorable
You went down on one knee
Yumeno genuinely had no idea what was going on
There were whispers and cheers coming from around you as people began to realise what was happening
‘Himiko Yumeno…’
It finally hit her
‘Will you…’
This isnt happening this isnt happening whats going on this is why i dont do dates aaaa whats happening is he tying his shoe are we going home what what what
‘...marry me?’
You pulled out the ring you had been storing in your shoe
You looked her in the eyes but her gaze was fixed solely on the ring
The rest of the people in the restaurant had now began chanting ‘YES YES YES’
Himiko looked around at everyone
All the attention was on her
She was unsure
It hurt you a little that she still seemed hesitant
You still thought she was holding back her true feelings
And just then,
She jumped into your arms and you held her close
There was an uproar of cheers all around the pair of you as you kissed eachother with more passion than ever
You had succeeded
You knew that her bored and lazy side wasnt the only thing to her
Of course, you still loved her lazy side
And you never wanted it to end
But it was nice to reveal another side to her
And she was grateful that you managed to do just that
Because she had been trying her entire life
Thats how she got the heart to shout out ‘YES’
Because you were the one she needed
And now you were hers, and she was yours
Angie Yonaga
You decided you wanted to propose on one of the biggest nights of Angie’s life
To make it, yknow, even more memorable!
She was asked by a local art gallery to display her art in her own section
What they forgot to add was that the section was an entire floor!
Because of Angie’s love of art and crafts, you thought that it would be cute if you tried to make something handmade
You knew it wasn’t gonna be up to Angie’s standards but you thought it’d be nice nonetheless
You spent weeks working on the piece while Angie organised her big day
Of course you occasionally helped Angie with her set-up but it was never too necessary
I mean, the girl is so carefree and is never stressed
You envy her because of it
You spent every free hour you could working on the piece
It had to be perfect for her!
Only the best for Angie!
Well, maybe not perfect
But good enough
At least by your standards
The day finally came
And it came a lot faster than you had anticipated
Weeks had gone by and Angie was just about finishing up her entire display
Meanwhile you barely had the ring halfway done
Throughout the course of the time you had you had made 3 rings and thrown away all of them
But there was no going back on this one
It was pretty bad to be honest
It was sloppily made and made of wood
You had hoped to paint it but Angie had already taken her equipment to the art gallery
You had considered delaying the proposal for another day where you could either attain enough skill to make a better ring or enough money to buy one that makes up for lack of thought with shininess
You kept the ring with you just in case to the ceremony
It was a fancy dress ceremony
You were dressed in your best outfit
One that you knew Angie liked
You walked in alone as Angie had arrived earlier for preperations
However you were immediately swept away to Angie’s working area where she was doing some last minute shenanigans
You were going to scare her but you could sense some slight frustration in her presence
So you let her be
Instead, you tapped her on the shoulder
She turned slowly, almost as if she was annoyed by your presence
But when she saw it was you she was filled with her usual joy
‘Yay! Hiya s/o! How do you like Angie’s display?’
You told her you hadn’t seen much or any at all yet
‘Awh s/o! You’re really missing out~’
You asked if there was anything you could do to help out
‘Ummm not really s/o. Just do whatever’
You stayed with her the entire time which made her happy
Well, happier than normal
You joined her as she prayed to her God a few times or luck
She left at one point to get changed into her dress
You took this as an opportunity to finish designing the ring
Luckily she had been storing practically everything in that room so you had a lot of options
You stuck to just chiseling it a bit more to get a perfect shape
You were about to put on a varnish coat when you heard her voice
‘OwO? What are you doing s/o?’
You turned around in a panic
But before you could come up with a witty response, your mouth just dropped to the floor
You stared at her for ages in her beautiful sparkly gold dress
It was perfect on her
She looked absolutely stunning
You told her everything you were thinking and she blushed
You saw her face change to realisation
She had to go talk on stage about her exhibit now
She never showed her nervousness but she always felt it
You knew this, and you comforted her and reassured her everything was going to go smoothly
She asked you to go help get the audience gathered while she did some literally last minute work
You left without a second thought
mostly cos the only thought you had was how damn sexy angie looked in that dress
You had done as Angie asked and the audience was all gathered
You heard as Angie was called by the host to come out onto the stage
It was only then that you realised she was supposed to show a demonstration on how to artistically improve an object
You feared that she had forgotten as well
During your thoughts you missed her walking out on stage
She was now at a table on the stage, with a mic attatched to her beautiful dress
You made sure to keep an eye out for anyone looking at anything but her eyes and hands for too long
Everything was going smoothly
Until the host began to speak again
‘And now Ms Angie Yonaga will demonstrate and object she can artistically improve’
Her face said it all
She had no clue
She looked towards the host in confusion
‘A demonstration? Angie knew of no such thing. God never told me that!’
The audience began to mumble and you made eye contact with Angie
You could see her worry, but then
Her face lit up and you’re pretty sure her dress glowed a little more too
She ran off stage and some of the audience began to gasp
But you knew what she was doing
Well, you didn’t
But you knew she knew what she was doing
There were a few loud bangs and a comedically timed cat screech until Angie came back out on stage
She had something in her hand
It looked small
You were too far back to see
Why the hell didn’t you get V.I.P seeting?
Then, Angie began to speak
‘Uhh sorry for the wait but God gave me an idea! I don’t know where this came form but I found a poorly-made wooden ring backstage which I am going to improve for you!’
oh no
why this
She was about to strike the ring with a chisel when the host yelled out
‘Wait! Before Ms Yonaga does anything, does anyone claim ownership to the ring?’
what do you do what do you do what do you do
In the spur of the moment
You raised your hand
‘Yes, you there in the awfully fitted outfit, is this yours?’
Without saying anything you made you way through the crowd and proceeded to walk on stage
what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing
You wondered if Angie was having the same thoughts as you in the moment
She surprisingly hadn’t said anything yet
You made your way up beside her and took the ring from her grasp
‘OwO? S/o? What are you doing?’
Without speaking a single word you got down on one knee
The entire audience began cheering and cooing
Angie looked both confused and shocked
‘Angie, you make me the happiest person on Earth. I could go on forever but we have an audience and a show to do, so ill make it quick. Angie Yonaga, will you marry me?’
She went quiet and the audience began chanting ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’
‘say yes hippie girl’
Then, she finally said a word
Maybe not an actual word
The silence she was living made the room tense, and made you begin to sweat
‘Umm, let me ask God and see what he thinks!’
The room went quiet
‘Just kidding! Nyahaha~ I don’t need to ask God to say yes!’
Everyone in the vicinity began cheering as you rose to hug and kiss your fiance
Now that’s a show
You tried to slide the ring onto Angie’s finger
Keyword: Tried
It wouldn’t go on properly
‘Uwah!! Whoever made this isn’t very talented’
You sighed but Angie didn’t let you feel down
She grabbed the ring from you and began meddling with it
It would’ve seemed disrespectful if it were done by anyone else but Angie
She began working on the ring to make it fit her finger
She said it needed a lot more than just that to be done to it, but God says that it’s the thought that counts in it
god is best wingman
Once she was done modifying the ring she called you back over to place it on her finger
And this time, It fit perfectly!
The crowd cheered again
Everything ended perfectly!
The crowd was happy
You were happy 
But more importantly, Angie was happy
Well, more than usual
pls dont destroy me cos of this im not very good at speaking owo ;-;
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nucliufsilver · 7 years
lil bit of a rant to all the people i dont talk to anymore
1.yknow honestly, for what its worth you did make me a better person, before i became friends with you i didnt really know what manners were, i was confused on what was right or wrong and you opened my eyes to a lot of things i probably would hate right now if i hadnt met you, examples, gay marriage, cosplay, different ways to love, transgenders etc. and that was all fine and dandy, i really loved you for that, always so kind and thoughtful of others, but i think in return i corrupted you a bit too, as a result i turned out to be a bad guy, granted i did some shit that had no excuse but so did you and bitch dont try and blow that off on me. you made me FEEL toxic, i was never going to be good enough, i was never going to be a better person, i was never going to be as nice as you or as caring, everyone would only ever see me as this toxic, stern, scary person and the sadest part of that? that actually came true lmao, no one cares for me, im alone, ive got a solid 1 friend and it isnt even fucking you because you decided i wasnt worth it and you hated me despite me trying so hard to connect back with you, all you ever did was shut me out and tell me i wasnt good enough, bitch. 
2. fuck i loved you so much, but i had no fucking idea how to show it. i know im not allowed to talk to you anymore, but before i rant off about what you did to me i really really need you to understand that i will always fucking love you, and im so so so fucking sorry for hurting you like i did, it was all i ever knew. you taught me so fucking much, you taught me its okay to open up to people and let them see my dark sides, you taught me its okay to be myself and to share my opinions, and if people didnt like that, that was okay too, you taught me how to love even though it was quite a wild ride and i didnt even figure it out until 6 months after we broke up. you taught me there was so much more i had to learn about myself before i brought other people into my life and i will always be grateful to have had you for so long. but holy fuck did you ever make me feel like shit. i fucking hated you, you never listened to what i had to say and when id say it you never believed me either, i get it was a mental thing but YOU NEEDED TO LEARN HOW TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOURSELF. you made me feel gross and like i will never be a good boyfriend ever. how could i be? if i wasnt good enough for you ill never be good enough for anyone, not only that but holy fuck do you know how to run your mouth. after we broke up so many people were telling me on anon that i was toxic and gross and so much worse. i had to hide from the world for months, couldnt even go to cons for awhile because of it. i know you needed support, but at what cost? fuck you.
3. you just straight up pissed me the fuck off. you still do, I WAS NEVER FUCKING OBLIGATED TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND, YOU WERE THE ONE WHO HAD THAT FANTASY, IM SORRY I DIDNT LIKE YOU AS MUCH AS OTHER PEOPLE BUT I NEVER DID YOU WRONG AT ALL, YET YOU STILL WENT AND TALKED SHIT BEHIND MY BACK. you hold the biggest grudges holy fuck you have no fucking chill, even your dad agreed with me and if that doesnt say youre being an immature fuck off then i have no idea what does. honestly ive never met anyone ive hated more than you, you tell people theyre fat BUT HAVE YOU LOOKED IN A FUCKING MIRROR? you make me want to throw up everytime i see you, you cant complain about being fat yet nEVER DO JACK SHIT TO SOLVE THAT LITTLE PROBLEM, ALL YOU EVER DO IS FUCKING COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR LIFE BUT YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING TO SOLVE IT. so maybe take a look at yourself and think about where youre going in life because honestly? a reality check here, you dont have ANYTHING. whoops
4. i never intended to lose you, im not even sure what i did to you? i never got closure. i never really got anything from you honestly, when i look back i just felt used, like i was just there to pass the time and you couldve left at any point. you were my everything, i didnt have anything else but you. i wish i couldve done something to change the course but i think i did everything i could, as far as my story goes you were putting me off for your girlfriend, i felt alone so i started to talk with other people, you got jealous and then one day, you were gone, didnt want anything to do with me, gossiped with others about how awful i was. what did i do to you to deserve this? what did i do to any of you? i was TERRIFIED to go to school for MONTHS because i could feel your glares as id pass by, i could feel the rumors spreading through the school, i could feel the hate, its been almost a year and i still barely speak in school and my english teacher actually tried to send me to a counselor. i still dont feel worthy to speak, or look up from the ground, or join any clubs, or go anywhere near the japanese room. i dont allow myself to do anything besides sit alone at the third floor BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO CAUSE MORE TROUBLE FOR YOU. sometimes i think about going to your hangout place just to fuck with you some more. did you know the last time we talked, when you told me you never wanted to see me again, i actually broke a locker out of frustration, i didnt want to fucking lose you. why. why did this have to happen to us. what happened. 
5. i dont even know what to say to you, honestly you saved me. i felt safe, for the first time in months i felt like i finally deserved something for myself, and i took that chance, i spent HOURS listening to you talk about things, just random stuff, i worked hard, i finally knew how love was supposed to work and i was able to use that on you, and everything was fucking perfect. this is still pretty recent so even now im crying typing this out. i miss you, i miss you, i miss you so much. why did you leave? im nothing. i loved you so much, you were the first person i truly opened up to like that since jayce, you made me forget jayce, and now i just dont know what to do. what am i supposed to do? how do i fix myself now that youre gone, i dont trust myself to fall in love, i havent even thought about dating since January because a huge part of me is still hoping youll come back apologizing, saying you miss me, and me being the biggest idiot would just forgive you on the spot. how am i supposed to move on when you left too fast for me to even blink. one day you just stopped replying, i dont know what changed, i want you back. im not as happy, im not the same. who am i now? what am i supposed to do, just please talk to me and give me some closure at least, i need it in order to move on, because i still fucking love you with all my being and i will never be able to find anyone better for me than you and i honest to god believe that. 
6. i have nothing to say to you anymore, you have no right to claim me, you have no mark anymore, you cant tell me what i can and cant do anymore, whoever you think you are to me, fucking forget it because YOU left ME, and it fucked me up, youre the real reason for all my problems, everything can be traced back to you, you left me and you have NO right to waltz back into my life without an apology expecting me to love you like youre still something to me. youre nothing. i hate you. and the moment i turn 18 youre gonna find out just exactly how much i hate you, i have no remorse or love for you, there wont be any pity, and once im done speaking with you itll be my turn to leave, only this time it will be forever, thank you and good fucking bye bitch.
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