#one of my wips definitely mentions it once or twice because i hate myself!
triptuckerisababe · 4 years
my least favorite piece of star trek lore that involves the nx-01 is that t’pol was the inspiration for the ferengi book/holoprogram “vulcan love slave”
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iraprince · 3 years
this might not be something you personally have difficulty with, but i was recently diagnosed with severe adhd and i was wondering if you had any tips regarding just like….drawing?? i have such a hard time getting started even though i usually end up feeling pretty stoked and happy with my work if i manage to get something down. i used to draw constantly as a kid to help me focus in class, but in my adult life i just feel like there are so many invisible barriers between myself and putting pencil to paper. i’m sure there are a lot of perfectionism issues involved as well, so i guess just any sort of advice in any of those areas would be greatly appreciated! your work is fantastic and i’m really grateful that you share adhd stuff as well!! have a great day! :o)
i actually have a LOT of difficulty with this -- i have more difficulty than i have advice, probably! but my advice always ends up boiling down to the same thing lately, and it sounds really hokey but i mean it as literally as possible bc it's the only thing that consistently works for me: be fucking nice to yourself!
for a long time the only solution i had to being Inexplicably Unable To Do Something was to yell at myself, bully myself, assume that i wasn't trying hard enough, and end up a miserable little ball of confusion and frustration. it was def worse before i was diagnosed, but it's definitely not gone (sometimes "i don't know why i can't just do it!" just gets replaced with "well, i know what the problem is, so why can't i find a way around it?!"). and after many many years of experience with the bullying reaction vs a much shorter time comparing this reaction to other, kinder approaches, i can say with a lot of confidence that handling it with internal yelling and shaming doesn't work, straight up. it's not helpful, and most of the time it makes things worse -- even if you manage to force yourself to complete a task once or twice like this, it's too exhausting and demoralizing to be sustainable. so, while you haven't mentioned frustration in your question, that's still where my mind goes as a first step: if you're experiencing distress or anger or embarrassment over running into those barriers over and over again, the first step is practicing being calm and forgiving, not immediately trying to find a way around it. once you hit the wall and you find you can calmly go "oh, okay! this isn't working. let's figure out why" instead of immediately launching into "what the fuck is WRONG with me????", finding solutions is a lot easier.
the times i've surprised myself by having things just suddenly Flow after a long period of struggling are usually brought about by a ton of excitement and enthusiasm! i get really into a rarepair and i'm gripped with the need to make my own content, or i make a new oc who i really love, or i get back into a piece of media i haven't touched in a while and get all charged up with excitement. you gotta feed the tank to make stuff, so setting time aside to consume stuff that inspires and excites you is just as important as setting the time aside to actually sit down and try to draw.
another thing that has helped me is trying to be really purposeful abt reminding myself WHY i draw; sometimes, especially since it's my job, the images i'm supposed to be making just turn into this big featureless stack of Tasks instead of me really thinking about + appreciating what i do and why i love it. when i'm in a rut with commissions, for example, sometimes before i even try to start working (or if i HAVE tried to start and it's just not happening), i stop and sit down with the wips and really LOOK at them. i go through them one at a time and point out things i like about them or what i'm looking forward to doing: "the pose came out so good on the first try and i want to see what it'll look like finished," or "detailing all this hair is going to be so fun and relaxing." when you get so caught up in the constant repeated thought of "i just want to DO something, i want to DRAW," especially when it's been days or weeks or months where you can't, i think you can unconsciously start replacing "i want to draw because it's fun and i like what i make" with "i want to draw because i keep failing to and i just want to prove i can still do it," and for me the latter thought is usually way more distressing than it is motivating.
and finally, a failsafe: sometimes, when i can remember to do it, my secret weapon is counting down at myself for the tiniest steps possible. like i'll literally say out loud, "on the count of five, i'm going to stand up and go get my sketchbook. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...." it has to be out loud and i think the reason it works is because like. if you say it out loud, reach five, and you don't do it, you feel astronomically goofy??? and then i just go from there: "on the count of 5, i'm going to find an empty page." "on the count of 5, i'm going to start sketching a head." it kind of forces through the executive dysfunction in a way i haven't really been able to replicate with anything else. it doesn't always work in a super meaningful way -- like, plenty of times i do like three steps and then i'm like "i hate this and i don't want to and i'm not gonna make anything good like this so i give up!" and then i just take the L for the afternoon. but when the "frozen in place, literally cannot stop just staring at the page" thing is the main issue, it might be enough of a push to get going!
as always here's me going "oh oop no i dont have a lot sorry" and then rambling for paragraphs and paragraphs but by now we should be used to that. good luck, and remember 2 be patient + nice :D
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glcsowy-ed-blog · 5 years
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( the funny hat is not related to it whatsoever i just didn’t know what icon to post here so )
LET’S  START  WITH  THE  FACT  THAT  I  SEEM  TO  NOT  LEARN  FROM  MY  MISTAKES.  this  isn’t  the  first  time  this  happens  lmao.  see,  the  thing  with  me  is  that  you  can  easily  assume  that  THE  MORE  ACTIVE  I’M  HERE,  THE  MORE  I’M  TRYING  TO  RUN  FROM  SOME  REAL  LIFE  ISSUES.  and,  yeah,  i  guess  -  aren’t  we  all  ??  but  there  is  a  difference  in  treating  the  rpc  like  a  nice  hobby  to  de-stress  and  in  what  i’m  doing.  
IT’S  FUNNY,  BECAUSE  THIS  IS  EXACTLY  WHAT  I  HAD  TO  POST  ON  ONE  OF  MY  OTHER  RP  BLOGS  LIKE,  A  YEAR  AGO.  i  legit  thought  i  have  things  under  control  and  that  i’ll  be  able  to  keep  everything  in  balance  this  time.  when  i  started  this  blog,  i  was  in  a  pretty  good  mental  state,  actually.  WELL,  MAYBE  NOT,  BUT  -  GETTING  THERE,  DEFINITELY.  i  was  SO  SURE  things  are  going  to  be  different  this  time  around.
i  made  a  mistake  of  completely  hiding  from  the  issues  i  was  doing  a  pretty  good  job  of  fixing  up  until  recently.  it  wasn’t  a  step  back,  but  i  definitely  stopped  moving.  THIS  IS  STILL  PROGRESS,  IN  A  WAY  ??  thinking  back  to  what  i  was  doing  a  year  ago,  to  how  i  single  handedly  fucked  up  multiple  online�� friendships,  ( not  to  even  mention  rl  ones,  i’m  not  even  gonna  go  there  )  it’s  still  not  so  bad.  and  i  need  to  step  back  for  a  not  specified  amount  of  time  to  prevent  it  from  getting  bad.
this  is  the  part  where  i  explain  it  further  and  if  somebody  is  sensitive  /  triggered  by  mentions  of  alcohol,  drugs  and  depression,  this  is  your  warning  to  proceed  with  caution.
hi  my  name  is  jay  and  i  have  a  drinking  problem  (  hi  jay  )  and  i  also  have  a  diagnosed  bipolar  disorder  (  bye  jay  )  and  i  have  a  history  of  both  of  those  in  my  close  family.  i’m  nearly  5  months  sober  now  and  i’m  not  going  to  therapy  anymore,  neither  am  i  taking  meds,  which  was  a  personal  choice.  (  i  still  have  my  therapist’s  number  in  case  things  get  bad,  though  and  since  i’m  rly  set  on  getting  healthy,  i’m  not  gonna  be  a  dumbass  and  actually  reach  out  to  her  if  that’s  what  it  comes  to.  but  i  kinda  want  to  try  and  get  by  without  medication.  again,  a  personal  choice,  i  don’t  have  anything  against  meds  ;  the  opposite,  actually,  bcs  wasn’t  it  for  the  stabilizers  i  was  taking  last  year,  i  don’t  think  i’d  manage  to  get  myself  to  the  point  where  i  can  actually  start  working  on  this  on  my  own.  )
i  was  still  drinking  through  the  therapy  and  a  couple  of  months  after  it  ended.  i  took  my  meds  with  booze.  i  never  rly  mentioned  it  to  my  therapist,  either,  which  now  i  realize  was  a  big  red  flag,  since  i  opened  up  about  the  worst  shit.  
i  live  in  a  country  that  enables  drinking.  it’s  WEIRD  not  to  drink  here.  it’s  part  of  the  culture.  i  have  friends  younger  than  me  that  already  have  serious  medical  issues  linked  to  drinking.  (  i’m  only  turning  24  this  year  and  i’m  p  sure  my  liver  is  lowkey  rotting.  )  i  attended  a  wedding  recently  and  had  my  ““date””’s  dad  say  that  he  wished  that  i  gave  them  heads-up  about  the  fact  that  i  don’t  drink.  i  had  somebody  else  jokingly  say  that  i  will  have  to  fight  twice  as  hard  for  the  family’s  acceptance.  this  is  a  regular  functional  family.  it’s  just  the  fucking  culture.  
when  you’re  a  daily  drinker,  even  the  people  closest  to  you  don’t  really  notice.  it’s  like  the  boiling  frog  fable.  if  the  frog  is  put  into  boiling  water,  it  will  immediately  jump  out,  but  if  the  water  is  tepid  and  then  brought  to  boil  slowly,  the  frog  stays.  i  was  surrounded  by  frogs.  the  drinking  got  worse  gradually,  not  all  at  once.  i  hid  it  without  even  realizing  i’m  doing  it.  YOU  DON’T  REALIZE  YOU  DO  IT.  it  is  an  instinct.  throwing  the  bottles  out  into  the  bins  outside,  not  the  ones  at  home.  saying  you’ve  had  2,  when  you’ve  had  5.
it’s  not  an  edgy  thing,  even  though  if  you  talked  to  me  a  mere  year  ago,  i'd  meme  the  fuck  out  of  it.  ‘  whiskey  is  cheaper  than  therapy  !!  ’  and  all  that.  it’s  ugly,  it’s  sad,  it’s  toxic,  it’s  nothing  you  want  to  go  through.  you  don’t  want  that  killer  headache,  you  don’t  want  to  look  at  pictures  from  last  night’s  party  and  not  recognize  yourself,  you  don’t  want  to  throw  the  trash  out  and  have  it  make  clinking  glass  noises,  and  look  down  as  you  are  passing  people  with  it.  you  don’t  want  your  first  bf  to  tell  you  he  hates  you  when  you’re  drunk,  you  don’t  want  to  live  with  all  those  times  you  hurt  people  that  care  for  you.  alcohol  is  not  a  truth  serum,  it’s  an  asshole  serum.  it’s  fucking  gross.  you  don’t  want  to  not  be  able  to  talk  with  certain  people  without  having  a  drink  first,  you  don’t  want  to  look  at  them  and  wonder  if  that’s  going  to  be  you  in  +10  years.  (  is  it  a  good  time  to  gently  nudge  anyone  who  might  be  reading  this  and  having  similar  issues  ??  don’t  drink  to  feel  better,  the  older  you’ll  get,  the  less  edgy  and  romanticized,  and  more  pathetic  and  terrible  you’ll  feel.  )
last  december  i  managed  to  binge  drink  a  whole  month  away.  i’d  go  without  food  for  weeks,  drink  at  work,  it  was  the  worst  mania  case  of  my  entire  life.  i  let  my  guards  down  and  had  a  person  i  trusted  the  most  and  loved  with  all  my  heart  take  advantage  of  me.  it  was  new  years  eve.  i  was  in  denial  up  until  half  of  january,  still  keeping  in  touch  with  them  -  and  then  one  day  i  made  a  bet  with  a  friend  to  quit  drinking  for  a  month.  after  the  month  passed,  i  just  kept  on  going  with  it.  it’s  a  wip.  it’s  good, but  it’s  still  a  wip.  i’m  not  planning  to  get  back  to  it,  ever.
literally  nobody: me:  this  fucking  trainwreck  of  a  post
if  i  was  capable  of  talking  about  this  in  a  chill  personal  way,  this  post  wouldn’t  exist,  i’d  just  announce  the  hiatus  due  to  personal  reasons  and  be  done  with  it.  but  i  have  people  reaching  out  to  me,  friends  reaching  out  to  me  and  i’m  in  no  state  to  explain  shit  personally.  i’m  the  worst  at  this,  i  can’t  do  it,  so  i  decided  to  just  scream  into  the  void  and  hope  whoever  needs  to  read  this,  will.  lmao.
last  year  i  just  deleted  tf  out  of  all  my  blogs  and  burned  all  the  bridges  down,  but  since  i’m  doing  way  better  now  and  i’m  a  bit  more  reasonable  about  the  whole  thing,  i’ll  ghost  until  i  feel  ACTUALLY  GOOD  ENOUGH  to  maybe  treat  this  as  a  fucking  hobby  and  keep  things  in  balance.
i  love  you,  guys.  take  care  <3      
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o0o-chibaken-o0o · 7 years
Hello love, could you rec me your favourite 8th year fics on ao3?
Hello yourself! YES, I can absolutely do this and honestly I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life. I am OBSESSED with 8th year fics and I hope I can recommend at least a few you haven’t read already! :)
*warning*: This is an Extremely Long List. It is in literally no order because I love all of these fics so much it is as if they are my own children and I couldn’t possibly rank them
Unexpected Consequences by Lauren3210 (39K)- Harry was going back to school. He was going to play Quidditch, sleep in lessons, hang out with his friends, and generally just enjoy being a kid for a change. And he was also going to do it while being bonded with Malfoy, because apparently life was just going to continue throwing curveballs at him. Harry didn’t know why he expected anything different.This is one of the first fics I ever read and I still remember it clearly; it was THAT good! As an alternative to Azkaban, Draco is allowed to attend Hogwarts provided he agrees to a bond with Harry that makes him to do whatever Harry says. Naturally, once the feelings start this causes a lot of worrying and angst and klsfhd it’s just really really good! Also did I mention they share a private room? I know I can’t be the only one who lives for that.
Right Hand Red by lumosed_quill (73K)- Harry felt Malfoy’s breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.Another of the first ever fics I read (and reread!) and MAN IS IT FUCKING AMAZING. The lust starts right from the beginning and there are *lots* of party games and a secret relationship and sweet moments and teaching of patronus charms and *sigh* I just want to go read it again right now!
Lumos by birdsofshore (41.5K)- Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.FABULOUS fic in which they are roommates and then Draco wanks and then Harry wanks and then Draco and Harry wank at the same time, and then there are feelings!! A thousand times yes.
Strange Bathfellows by Bixgirl1 (27.5K)- It started with a bath. Or a potions accident. Or maybe it started before that, but who can tell anymore.Featuring: Uncomfortable wanking, more comfortable wanking, mutual wanking, bath sharing, inappropriate betting, secret shagging, those secrets at Hogwarts that everyone knows, and oblivious Harry who knows one thing: he’s falling in love.Harry and Draco being forced to share a bath is everything I never knew I needed until I was blessed enough to find this fic. @bixgirl1 has MANY truly ✨FABULOUS✨ eighth year fics (for example Instruction for a Misplaced Slytherin (8.5K) in which Draco teaches Harry about sex and In Evidence of Magical Theory (43.5K), which features forced bonding) and you should definitely read them all, but Strange Bathfellows remains my favorite! :)
He Was He and I Was Bunny by bryoneybrynn (37.5K)- The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?This fic combines two of my favorite tropes: eighth year and animagus transformations! And just… Harry is a freaking bunny??? A bunny who Draco pets and loves and OMG I’m melting just thinking about it.
Tug-O-Want by dysonrules (16.5K)- Harry is back at Hogwarts minding his own business when he finds himself magically drawn to Draco Malfoy. Over and over again.*Something* is making Harry feel a tug that keeps leading him to Draco and I don’t want to spoil anything but honestly isn’t that enough for you to be already hooked???
Don’t Think Twice (series) by firethesound (all together 28.5K)- Harry was just trying to get away for a while. He didn’t mean to get trapped in the Prefect’s Bath with Draco Malfoy.Were you perhaps interested in some porn, anon? Because this series is INCREDIBLY hot! Harry, under the invisibility cloak, finds himself trapped with Draco, who is doing some very interesting and compelling things to himself with a very interesting and compelling object. Unfortunately, the series is incomplete and last updated in 2014 but (and keep in mind I usually can’t stand reading WIPs) it’s totally worth the read anyway because PORN guys, PORN
How to Handle an Enemy and Turnabout is Fair Play by who_la_hoop  (18.5K)- Everyone knows that it’s no fun playing truth or dare with a Slytherin. But add a little Veritaserum, a scheming duo of Slytherin girls and surprising things can be revealed. Particularly about the fine line between love and hate…MORE PORN, and honestly some of the hottest I’ve ever read (and quite kinky!). I remember exactly where I was the moment I realized that I probably should have saved this one for when I was not in such a very public place. And as a bonus (ha), there’s plot too!! It is just oh-so-delicious! And the sequel is just as good! Again though, the series is not technically complete. But while I would be overjoyed to see another sequel someday, the two works stand well on their own and shouldn’t leave you unsatisfied at all! (Also I just reread them both while making this list because I couldn’t stop myself and they’re also super funny???? And just? great????)Also I should note that who_la_hoop is one of my all-time favorite writers and I already mentioned Written on the Heart (in which Draco has a soul mark with Harry’s name) in my angst-with-a-happy-ending list. It is also eighth year! And there are more great eighth year fics by her, read them allllll!
At the End of the Day by sara_holmes (7.5K)- No brooms, a distinct lack of balls, no comprehension of the offside rule and a Malfoy who apparently has magic feet. Harry never knew this stupid game could be so much fun.This is a short, really lovely fic that stands out to me because of its plot being so different from that of most eighth-year fics! In a good way though, because who doesn’t love a bit of Harry watching Draco be really really good at football?? Shirts vs skins anybody? ;)Also I already recced Mental by sara_holmes in my slow-burn rec list, but it absolutely deserves mention here too because it is one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE eighth year fics of all time! Also Get Some (link to google drive) which is not on AO3, but which IS absolutely fucking brilliant! Harry is drawn to Draco because he’s the only one after the war who refuses to put up with Harry’s shit.
Let Me Be Your Voice by Queenie_Mab (47.5K)- As the hero of the revolution, Harry leads the wizarding world in its efforts to rebuild; but first old wounds must be tended, rifts caused by hate mended, and his history with Draco Malfoy seems like the perfect place to start.This fic is great. First Harry finds a very *ahem* interesting use for Draco’s wand. And then when they get to school Draco isn’t talking for some reason (ooo intrigue!), and Harry is Very Concerned. Plenty of UST, some hurt/comfort, some kink, just really great!
Don’t mind if I keep your tie (and your heart, babe) by Ingi (21.5K)- The Eighth year common room has a parrot in it, courtesy of McGonagall and her mad search for interhouse bonding.Most of the time, it’s just there, until one day it repeats “Potter has a damn fine arse.” And the Slytherins know exactly who the parrot’s mimicking…Draco is not amused.All of the eighth years are sharing a common room with a literal parrot. Need I really say more?
Good Company by Greenflares (8K)- With Hermione and Ron always together, Harry’s return to Hogwarts to complete his education isn’t exactly fun. Somehow, it’s his unlikely friendship with Malfoy that keeps him sane.This fic is pretty short, but something about it made me absolutely fall in love and fangirl all over it for days! I wanted to read it again immediately upon finishing! For some inexplicable reason it also gave me this sense of nostalgia for High School and falling in love as a teenager, which I was alllll about. Definitely read this one if you haven’t.
Love Comes Tumbling by taradiane (22K)- ‘Harry’s thoughts were of how much he would have done differently with Malfoy over the years, and of Dumbledore’s final words to the other boy … “It is my mercy, and not yours, that matters now.” Maybe, Harry wondered, he could find some mercy, too, and give Malfoy the second chance that Dumbledore had believed him worthy of.’Basically Draco is being ostracized, and Harry notices and wants to help. Ron and especially Hermione are not very understanding, but Harry doesn’t let that stop him from befriending Draco! There is some angst, and slow-burn, and the Room of Requirement and coming out and…just yes!
1,000 Points From Gryffindor by blithelybonny (25K)- The story of how Harry Potter single-handedly lost Gryffindor the House Cup while attempting to have a “normal” year at Hogwarts. Featuring Harry’s suspicious nature turned up to eleven again, a new DADA teacher who is so not here for Harry’s fame, multiple detentions, Slytherins being sneaky, Hufflepuffs being sneakier, and the mystery of Draco Malfoy’s hoodie because seriously Hermione who gave that to him and is he wearing it just to torment me? This is ridiculous!AAGH DRACO MALFOY IS WEARING A HUFFLEPUFF HOODIE???!?!? Does this idea intrigue you as much as it does Harry?? Don’t you just NEED to know WHY?? If you want to solve this particular mystery you’ll just have to read this amazing fic!
In Your Arms, Rests My World by loveglowsinthedark (24K)- Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy’s forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it.“You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”UGH THIS FIC! I honestly should have recced this one on the heavy angst with a happy ending list because it is SO ANGSTY there is the middle and I HATED IT and I HATE @l0vegl0wsinthedark FOR DOING IT TO ME (read: amazing, beautifully written fic with tons of feels and I was SO SO invested and I loved it so much; go read it ASAP so you can cry with me). Tip: while reading, keep in mind that there is a super fluffy short sequel that will soothe all of your pain! Warning for rape (not h/d).
The Owl Who Came for Christmas by dracogotgame (17.5K)- Draco has a debt to pay off, no matter what Potter thinks. And he has a Very Good Idea to go along with it. Things don’t go as planned.OMGGGG Draco is an animagus and guess what he becomes?! Srsly, guess!!! Okay, I’ll tell you. An OWL, a lovely fucking OWL who delivers very sweet presents to Harry and eilwryudksj it’s just so cute and lovely and sweet!!
Also I just want to recommend every single eighth-year fic by Faithwood, who is in my opinion the queen of fluff (and often fluffy smut)! If you sort eighth-year HD fics by kudos on AO3, hers make up about half of the front page so OBVIOUSLY they are all required reading! 
And lastly(!!) idk if this violates some sort of etiquette, but I thought I’d mention that I myself have written three fics, and they are all eighth year! Unbearable is really short and fluffy and about Draco being dared to kiss Harry, All You Want for Christmas is Me features Draco wearing nothing but a big red ribbon, and His Little Something is basically a bunch of Harry failing to resist slutty Draco and me indulging my HUGE (heh) love of size kink. And…I think they’re…good? I hope? Read them and let me know?? ;D
Wow this became SO LONG and yet there are still about a billion other eighth year fics that I could rec! But I’ll stop here and keep this list mildly readable :D ENJOY!! 😁😁😁
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jngukie · 7 years
i was tagged by @floofyeol! idk if this is a blessing or a curse let’s find out.
some of these fics have been in drafts for ages? so tbh i don’t even know if i will post them but hey we’ll see. (so assume for now that none of these will be posted—except when stated otherwise with an *)
the first couple will be ships. the later ones are reader-inserts. all are still protected by the Creative Commons license.
slide it up in here: chapter 10* pairing(s): jikook, namjin, yoonseok genre: humour, crack, drama, angst tags/warnings: texting, college au, slightly filthy, innuendoes, Awkward Jeon Jungkook™, slowburn, self-esteem issues, self-hatred, implied/referenced homophobia, everyone is a mess™
gguki: [image attached] gguki: what should i do with it chimothy: um chimothy: dude idk if i’m entitled to give you suggestions but chimothy: i mean you could always just stick it in the ass???????
or jungkook accidentally sends a stranger a picture of his roommate’s brand new dildo
the (9)7 wonders of the world
tol: ok here’s the plan dabs 24/7: yugyeom no offence but your plans kinda suck muscle pig: ^^ what bambam said muscle pig: i don’t trust you anymore tol: wow that hurt tol: but i promise you this one will be better dabs 24/7: don’t do it kook tol: it won’t backfire in any way
untilted vhope pairing(s): vhope, namjin genre: humour, fluff tags/warnings: college au, skype dates, profanity, neurobiology/pyschology major!namjoon, ra!jin, music major!yoongi (i think), some major!hoseok, and high schooler!tae, tbh idrk bc i haven’t finished writing it lmao
When Jung Hoseok signed up for college, he didn’t think he’d end up on academic probation so soon. Hell, he’d never guess he’d have friends who would use him as a fucking lab rat for their atrocious experiments. He definitely did not expect to fall in love with his resident advisor’s little brother—and then proceed to sneak into said resident advisor’s room and hack his computer just to have one more Skype date with the little brother. Without getting caught by said resident advisor. Yeah—he’s a little stressed, to say the least.
→ a continuation of It’s Burning Up in Here.
He didn’t sign up for this. He thought college would be a great idea—who would pass up the opportunity for ultimate freedom and youthful stupidity? No, he was ecstatic for college—but he definitely hadn’t signed up to be the fucking victim for his resident advisor’s boyfriend’s experiments.
“Hoseok-ssi, please stay still or otherwise this will hurt. A lot,” Namjoon begged as his friend Yoongi tried to hold him down on the fragile coffee table.
“That’s not what your needle’s saying! You said it was a harmless experiment! You said I’d be fine!”
“You will be! I just need practice drawing blood once—”
“You’ve never even done this before?” Hoseok shrieked, writhing some more. Yoongi growled in frustration and flung his entire weight onto Hoseok’s body—and thus effectively snapping the legs of the coffee table and sending them down towards the floor.
His advisor ran into the room then, eyes wide in alarm while holding a skillet filled with half-cooked meat, his creased white apron reading World’s Best Dad! in pretty cursive pink. “What the hell is going on here?”
untitled taekook* pairing(s): taekook, yoonjin genre: fluff, angst, humour, crack tags/warnings: restaurant au, running away, mentions of nudity, exhibitionism, does getting caught dancing naked in your room count as exhibitionism idek, mention of mpreg, but there’s no actual mpreg, i mean it’s the sims it’s not real, many many references to the male organ, but sorry folks no smut (A/N: this is literally what i have in my docs wow i’m such a nerd for preparing ao3 tags LMAO)
The last thing Jungkook expected after running away to Seoul is to score a private live viewing of Naked_Neighbour_Dancing_In_His_Bedroom.mov—and then proceed to bump into him when he’s not-so-naked. And then also manage to greet him with a slap. It also probably doesn’t help that Nude Neighbour is his new boss. All in all, Jungkook just maybe kinda wants to die. (But of course Seokjin isn’t gonna allow him, so he’s just going to suffer—for now.)
He sighs, turning his head to gaze out of the window, only to freeze when he realises his view isn’t exactly the most… decent.
Because across from his small studio apartment window is a perfect view of a larger apartment in the building across, and currently, the tenant (he hopes the boy’s the tenant) is enthusiastically dancing through his room completely naked, dinglehopper fully on display. He’s mouthing the words to some song, throwing a finger up in the air as he shuts his eyes and nods his head as though the music (Jungkook thinks there’s music) blasting in his room is speaking to him on a spiritual level.
Jungkook’s face is bright red when he finally breaks out of his trance, and he wishes he wasn’t so bad at reacting appropriately to inappropriate situations so he could at least have saved himself from adding a thirty-second clip of Nude Neighbour to his collection of non-digital memories. He rushes to the window and pulls the curtains close, fingers stiff as he tries to rid his brain of such scandalous images.
At least he was hot.
His face is redder now—if that’s even possible. “Fuck me,” he whispers, and then flushes even more. “Wait, no. Don’t fuck me. That’s not what—why am I even talking to myself. Agh.”
take these words out of my lungs (and set them free) pairing(s): vmin genre: angst, fluff tags/warnings: major character death, suicide attempt, depression, body image issues, depressed!jimin, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, ambiguous original character that appears for like five seconds, high school au
three pounds. that’s how much he’s gained since he last stepped on the scale, the dictator that rules over his life. he stares at the numbers again, frowning at the digits glaring up at him. perhaps there was a mistake; maybe the scale is rigged or jammed or simply broken. he couldn’t have possibly gained three pounds in a span of two days. hasn’t he been walking around his neighbourhood enough?
he sighs, stepping off the scale and turning around to flush the toilet before washing his hands. even the cold water burns his skin, and he wishes he could melt through the cracks on the floor. would he slim down then? would he finally be skinny enough?
“jimin!” he hears his mother call, and he forces his way from the sink, sneaking out his parent’s bathroom and into the living room outside. their apartment is small but cozy. jimin hates it.
untitled kim seokjin* pairing(s): platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: anxiety, depression, eating disorder, negative body image perception, lapslock (lower case)
honestly, he can’t remember what it’s like to live anymore.
breathe in. breathe out.
three lucky charms. four cereal pieces. seven bits down the drain.
he smiles, staring at the milk-stained sink as the spoon clatters against metal, bowl turned upside down. it’s ugly—white ink staining burnt grey like liquid cobwebs feeding on rust. it looks exactly as how he feels: dirty, wasted, trash. one-seventy-nine centimetres down the drain.
untitled kim taehyung pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader genre: fluff, humour, probably angst bc knowing me tags/warnings: (sor far) nudity, profanity
Kim Taehyung has no regrets. Sure, he probably should’ve thought twice before he spent all of his money on BIGBANG merch just to show Jungkook that yes, he’s the bigger fanboy, and sure, he definitely should’ve listened to Jimin when he warned Taehyung that no, he shouldn’t eat three whole pizza pies by himself, but that doesn’t mean he regrets any of his decisions. Even though blowing all his earnings on people he’ll never meet did cause him to starve for a good or so month.
(Thank god for ramyeon.)
So, no, Jimin, he doesn’t regret running out of the shower butt naked when he heard her singing on her way to the second floor of their co-ed dorm, doesn’t regret shouting, “I love your voice!” before she screamed, “Oh my god, you’re naked!” And he definitely doesn’t regret yelling, “Oh, shit!” into Oblivion before sprinting back into the bathroom to resume the hot shower he abandoned.
“For fuck’s sake, Taehyung,” Jimin says to him once Taehyung’s finished recounting the story, the two of them lying side by side on Jimin’s bed. “You’re going to get us kicked out.”
“I should probably say hi,” Taehyung muses, blinking at the ceiling. “Do you think she remembers me?”
Jimin glances down, and snickers. “With how small your dick is, she probably does.”
untitled park jimin pairing(s): Park Jimin/Reader genre: fluff tags/warnings: (so far) blind!reader
He is an angel; and she doesn’t need to see to believe. She fathoms his widespread wings as he gently picks her up, worriedly and urgently asking for her health, voice so soft it touches her skin like silk on smooth glass. His eyes must be crinkled in the corners, a smile stuttering through apologies, heart too warm for the human hand to touch. She imagines what he looks like, faintly deciding through his rapid Korean that he must be chesnut if not vanilla, not in skin but in connotation because he sounds and smells and feels like home.
Her pause is a millennia long, and she hears him repeat himself again, the sound of melting marshmallow oozing out of beautiful lips: “Are you alright?”
She produces a smile, feathery and light, eyes glassy and the world continues to remain black. “I’m fine,” she replies, and her voice is cracked from its lack of use; she hasn’t met anyone worth talking to in what feels like a century. Another smile reappears, much strained than what she’s used to, and she picks herself up from where the concrete lay, the dust falling from her voile skirt. “No damage done.”
untitled kim taehyung #2* pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader, platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: i think it’s schizophrenia?, mental illnesses, depression
There is a moment when time stands still. It’s fleeting, escaping the moment your fingers curl around it and pull. But it is during this moment happiness enraptures you with its warm hug as your heart thunders against your chest—the steady thump, thump, thump of a snare drum awakening. It is during this moment pain ceases to exist.
But after, everything will come rushing back.
i have more but these are the ones that are decent, at the very least.
to pass the torch on, i’ll tag @minmelly @kinky-koreans @pasteljeonggukk @haneulismykoreanname @rnjmnster and anyone else who wants to do it! (if you don’t, no pressure. good luck to you and your writing!)
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yi-dashi-a · 7 years
Woah! Another Blog Update - The Actual Important Edition
//Wassup? It’s ya boi Yi-Mun here with the latest in the Master Yi Update extravaganza. Featuring me actually dusting off my headcanons and correcting them all for once. Honestly it hasn’t been that bad, given that the new Wukong lore is essentially dateless, but certainly the long term story goal of the blog has changed since the lore drop.
But without further ado, let me basically present the changelog of things that have been amended. It reads like that because I was basically writing it as I went
         Basic Headcanons  ||  In-depth Headcanons  ||  The Blog Dossier
The TL;DR is as follows
~~ Changed the justification for Yi coming to the mainland. No more stowaway-ing (though this might change depending on whether I want to run with the idea that the Ionian War, whether on a technicality or no, is still an active conflict) no more post-isolation Heimerdinger feels (at least in the previous form), and no more going to the Great Barrier to meet Wukong (of course).
~~ Changed Yi's age. Currently I list it as 56 but it could really be a leeway of five to ten years on that. It will depend on how I feel about it in the future, and the drabbles / stories I tell about Yi in the times to come. I had changed his age previously with the Hextech lore drop but backtracked on it. Now I feel it’s more than likely he is an older man.
~~ Adjusted family ages to go along with Yi's age. Yi Papa and Yi Grandpapa remain unchanged, if only because their ages are already fantastical as it stands, but the womenfolk of the Yi clan are certainly a lot more mature as corpses. Yi would have also known his nieces and nephews in this incarnation of himself, but I have yet to add anything about them. I have not yet mused to myself on the implications of ageing forward Yi’s sisters and their families.
~~ A soft nerf to his telekinesis ability. Because the Jade Dadao is no longer the canon sword, Yi's ability to lift things is by proxy lessened by the fact he should be only able to lift his weight + the weight of his canon sword. From what I've been able to gather though the Splash Sword is still a good 20+ pounds in weight. It's not 60+ any more though.
~~ Removed all references to soul binding of the blade to a Master. It was a justification for the fact I had math'd a jade sword of Yi's size to be too heavy to wield without magical assistance. The sword is still relatively heavy, more than twice the weight of something like a Zweihänder, but I feel it could be at least be wielded efficiently with the Wuju Style (thx true damage) alone.
~~ Added basically flavour text to align Yi's travel habits with what I can infer from the new lore. It's basically the same though. Yi likes to travel, and hates feeling cooped up in one place for too long. Less mountain climbing to be had though. More frolicking finding symbolism amongst flowers.
~~ Also more helping out a war-torn country, since that seems to be Wu and Yi's goal moving forward. Yi is no longer an alien to Ionia, and can be found there with basically no justification as to why he is there. The previous restrictions on RPs set in Ionia now only apply to Shon-Xan, or Yi's home province, solely.
~~ Changed the location of his isolation from Mountain to Glade. Because you know. That's literally canon. As such my active blog viewer count description texts have also changed.
~~ Added details about the Wuju School and its history. I've been wanting to do this since Jhin dropped on the scene, but with Yi playing a more active part in teaching at the school now seems like a good time to do it. Details were removed too pending more thought on the matters. Most notably the ages associated with when Yi mastered the various Wuju techniques. I haven't delved that deep into the timeline as of yet.
~~ Removed mentions of Wukong's roaming away from Yi, at least from the headcanon pages. It definitely seems like he hangs around Yi as much as he can, and has been doing so for years. In fact, I am pondering setting up a sideblog for him just for the peace of mind that I am RPing Yi right by having a Wukong close by. Still want muh monkey sons tho. Bring me all the Wu blogs.
~~ Adjusted ages in regards to when Yi interacted with Heimerdinger in order to acquire the lenses, though not by much. I like the thought of the lenses being over 30 years old. Lends more to them being an emergent technology for their time, but not so much now.
~~ Also adjusted minor details / wording in regards to the lenses, most notably removing references to Yi's soul bound blade. They function exactly the same as previously though, pending a lore update in regards to them.
~~ Updated ability descriptions as per what they currently are in game. Despite following the changes to Yi on the PBE when that was happening I never actually updated the headcanon page descriptions of them >.>
~~ Spell check, spell check, spell check, spell check, spell check! Gosh I did not spell check my headcanon pages when I last updated them.
                                    CHECKLIST OF THINGS I                                     STILL HAVE TO CHANGE
☑ Headcanons   ☐ Blog Timeline   ☐ Blog Story Thus Far   ☐ Lore Page (???)
☐ Relationship Page   ☐ Further refinements and such
I’ll reblog this post as it grows with changes so as to centralise everything, but for now this is all I have the power and energy to handle right now. Don’t expect the characterisation to change for Yi much, if at all, but I’ll let you infer any changes when you actually RP with me :3
But yeah this is all WIPidy WIP, so please be patient as I get everything straight and (hopefully) return to form with RPing.
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