#orbán propaganda
egyedembegyedem · 11 months
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telaviv-delhi · 9 months
Jesz-O-Jesz, nemrég telefonált az Anyós, aki a Nagyon Nagy Tévéjét kapcsolgatva nevezetes horogkeresztény-fideszespropaganda fogyasztó és áldozat, hogy Orbánék szerint a vihar miatt itt a Hanyatló Kaliforniában már üresek az élelmiszerüzletek :)))
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Telex: Tárgyalása után, a bíróság előtt rögtön újra kipreparált egy propagandaplakátot a jogvédő aktivista
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kaoszkutato · 5 months
önmaga paródiája
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(A buborékokban szó szerinti idézetek az interjúból.)
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romanmigracs · 3 months
Telex: Amíg kiszolgálják, addig kéreget az a hogyishívják Zelenszkij – a magyar kormánypropaganda a határon túl is rohasztja a közvéleményt
Míg az RMDSZ demokratikus és Nyugat-barát álláspontot képvisel a jogállamiság és az orosz–ukrán konfliktus kérdésében, addig a magyar médiát fogyasztó romániai magyarok – különösen a székelyföldiek – hajlamosak a Fidesz érveit visszhangozni a felmérésekben, és például a román többséggel ellentétben, elsősorban Ukrajnát és a NATO-t hibáztatva a háború kirobbanásáért.
Átömlik Orbán barna szara Erdélybe, az erdélyi magyarok szellemi szintjét is alulmúló székelyek meg nagykanállal fogyasztják. Közben mdg csodálkoznak, hogy a fasiszta hülyeségekben hívő erdélyi magyarokat már a román liberálisok is utálják. Megérdemeljük a Trianon 2.0-át, de meg ám.
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orlissa · 1 year
Step away Alex Jones & co.!
A Hungarian news channel just blamed the USA for the Turkish/Syrian earthquake. As in “the USA used some machine to generate the earthquake”-blamed.
I’m absolutely... No, I have no words. This is beyond stupid and harmful.
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megtudommagyarazni · 3 months
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Negyvennégy év után ismét az olimpia a tét a magyar válogatottnak
Lánczi Tamás: Brüsszel tudatosan támadja a magyar szuverenitásvédelmi törvényt
Nemzetek Ligája: a botrány miatt módosult a helyszín
Ezért határolódtak el Karácsonytól a baloldali pártok
„Az EU vezetése képtelen egyensúlyt teremteni az érdekalapú és az értékalapú politizálás között”
Itt vannak a legújabb részletek a kormány új egyetemi ösztöndíjprogramjairól
Világszerte sikereket aratnak a Győri Balett művészei
Lehet-e felülmúlni a True Detective első évadát?
Állampapírok: százmilliárdok sorsa most a tét
Frusztrációt és szorongást okozott Donald Tusk kormánya
Orbán Balázs: Nem fogjuk engedni, hogy kitiltsák Tucker Carlsont Európából
Esélyleső: hogyan tovább az olaszok elleni drámai győzelem után?
Egy 170 kilós beteg elszállításához kértek segítséget a mentők
Ismét megfeledkezett a Római-parton élőkről Karácsony Gergely
...milyen pedofil kegyelmi botrány, tessen mondani...?
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electionsinhungary · 5 months
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A nagy propaganda öngól, avagy a képhamisítás művészete: Alex Soros óva int a fütyülős zenére való tánctól (Telex fotó)
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Javított propaganda: retusálták az óva intő kezét Alexnak, a Sorosgyuri updatenak (sk fotó)
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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orban1geci · 6 months
FIgyelem! A nyugalom megzavarására alkalmas képek és hangok!
Csak saját felelősségre!
Az orbán-rezsim és propaganda aljassága eddig is tudott volt, de így egyben, összeszedve elemi erejű és sokkoló.
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stickalittle · 28 days
megmosolyogtató a fideszesek világmagyarázata, ahogy megpróbálják összeállítani a körülöttük lévő világot a propaganda hazugságaiból.
Ismerős ember pályázott napelemre, be is fizette az önrészt, de nem épül nála semmi, mert az állam nem tolja bele a másik felét. Nincs rá pénze az államnak - mondják. Mert Brüsszel nem ad. És Brüsszel azért nem ad pénzt a napelemre, mert Orbán Viktor nem akarja támogatni a háborút. Ezt így összekombinálta a vakond a föld alatt. Szóval a napelem nincs felszerelve, a befizetett önrésznek már a szagát sem érzi, de nyilván most is lelkesen leszavazna a békegalamb pocaktábornokra, mert olyan hősiesen ellenáll Brüsszelnek, hogy egyedül csak a magyar nemzet szív.
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egyedembegyedem · 2 years
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Daniel Boris, Vladimir Putin's Nesting Dolls
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April 8, 2024
APR 09, 2024
On Sunday, Representative Michael R. Turner (R-OH), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said it is “absolutely true” that Republican members of Congress are parroting Russian propaganda. “We see directly coming from Russia attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union.
Turner was being questioned about an interview in which Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Russia specialist Julia Ioffe that “Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.” McCaul blamed right-wing media. When asked which Republicans he was talking about, McCaul answered that it is “obvious.” 
Catherine Belton and Joseph Menn reviewed more than 100 internal Kremlin documents from 2022 and 2023 obtained by a European intelligence service and reported in the Washington Post today that the Russian government is running “an ongoing campaign that seeks to influence congressional and other political debates to stoke anti-Ukraine sentiment.” Kremlin-backed trolls write fake “news articles, social media posts and comments that promote American isolationism, stir fear over the United States’ border security and attempt to amplify U.S. economic and racial tensions” while claiming that “Biden’s policies are leading the U.S. toward collapse.”
Aaron Blake pointed out in the Washington Post that Republicans are increasingly warning that Russian propaganda has fouled their party. Blake notes that Russia specialist Fiona Hill publicly told Republicans during the 2019 impeachment inquiry into Trump that they were repeating “politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests,” but Republicans angrily objected. 
Now Senators Mitt Romney (R-UT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and John Cornyn (R-TX) and a top aide to Senator Todd Young (R-IN), as well as former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and even Trump’s vice president Mike Pence, have warned about the party’s ties to Russia. Former Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) has said the Republican Party now has “a Putin wing.” 
Trump has hinted that he has a plan to end Russia’s war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Yesterday, Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, and Michael Birnbaum reported in the Washington Post on the details of that plan: he would accept Russian annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea and the Donbas region. He refuses to say how he would negotiate with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been adamant that Ukraine will not give up its territory to an invader, or Russia president Vladmir Putin, who has claimed all of Ukraine, but after meeting with Trump last month, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán said Trump told him he would accomplish “peace” by cutting off funds to Ukraine.
Trump’s team said Orbán’s comment was false, but it is worth noting that this plan echoes the one acknowledged by Trump’s 2016 campaign director Paul Manafort as the goal of Russian aid to Trump’s campaign.
Fiona Hill told the Washington Post reporters that Trump’s team “is thinking…that this is just a Ukraine-Russia thing…rather than one about the whole future of European security and the world order.”
Trump’s MAGA loyalists in the House of Representatives have held up funding for Ukraine for six months. Although a national security supplemental bill that would fund Ukraine has passed the Senate and would pass the House if it were brought to the floor, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) refuses to bring it to the floor. The House returns to work tomorrow after a two-week recess but is so backed up on work that Johnson is not expected to bring up the Ukraine measure this week.  
Clint Watts, the head of Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center, told the Washington Post’s Belton and Menn: “The impact of the Russian program over the last decade…is seen in the U.S. congressional debate over Ukraine aid…. They have had an impact in a strategic aggregate way.” 
The Trump loyalists echoing Russia who have taken control of the Republican Party appear to be hardening into a phalanx around the former president, but even as they do so, Trump himself appears to be crumbling. 
In the week since Trump posted a $175 million appeals bond, halting the seizure of his properties to satisfy the $454 million judgment against him and the Trump Organization, multiple problems with that bond have come to light. It is possible the bond isn’t worth anything at all, and New York attorney general Letitia James has filed papers to require Trump’s lawyers or the bond underwriter to show that it’s good within ten days. A hearing is set for April 22.
Meanwhile, Trump’s trial for election interference in 2016, when he paid people with damaging information to keep quiet before the election and falsified business records to hide those payments, is set to begin on April 15. Evidently very worried about this trial, Trump has already tried eight times to delay it until after November’s election, and today his lawyers tried yet again by requesting a delay so he could fight to get the trial moved to a different venue, but an appeals judge rejected the attempt.
Aside from Trump’s personal problems as a presidential candidate, the Republicans face strong headwinds because of their deeply unpopular opposition to abortion rights. Trump has openly bragged about being the instrument for ending the rights recognized in the United States since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. Since then, abortion bans are galvanizing opposition, and the Republicans are trying to find a message that can bring back angry voters without antagonizing the antiabortion white evangelicals who make up their base. 
After months of waffling on the issue, Trump today released a video trying to thread that needle by echoing the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Trump said in the video that states will decide the issue for themselves, a statement that simply reflects the Dobbs decision. 
This was a dodge. In the video, Trump appealed to the antiabortion loyalists by telling the ghoulish lie that women are “executing” their babies even after birth. He also ignored that Republicans are already calling for a national ban, extremist antiabortion Texas judge Matthew Kacsmaryk has tried to take the common abortion drug mifepristone off the national market by challenging its FDA approval, and legislatures in many Republican-dominated states are refusing to implement the will of the people to protect abortion rights even after they have voted for such protections. 
Still, antiabortion leaders, including Mike Pence, immediately slammed Trump’s statement.
The video did, though, make an enormously interesting and unintended point: Trump is communicating with voters outside his carefully curated bubble almost exclusively through videos, even on a topic as important as abortion. At rallies, his speeches have become erratic and wandering, with occasional slurred words, and observers have wondered how he would present to more general audiences. It appears that his team has concluded that he will not present well and that general audiences must see him in carefully curated settings, like this apparently heavily edited video.
The Trump takeover of the Republican National Committee (RNC) also appears to be in trouble. This weekend, Trump claimed to have raised $50 million in a single night from billionaires, but that number is conveniently a little more than double the new record of what President Joe Biden raised at an event last week with former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and it is long past time for everyone to stop believing anything Trump says about money. 
More to the point, The Guardian’s Hugo Lowell reported today that the RNC’s aggressive purge of the staff to guarantee that positions are held only by Trump loyalists means that “the RNC has been left without people with deep knowledge of election operations at the Republican party’s central committee.” Lowell notes this lack is especially apparent on the RNC’s data team, which is being moved from Washington, D.C., to Palm Beach, Florida, near Mar-a-Lago.
And yet Trump loyalists continue to block aid to Ukraine, threatening the existence of the rules-based international order that has helped to prevent war since World War II. Last week, even Trump’s former secretary of state Mike Pompeo warned Speaker Johnson against “abandoning our Allies at this time of great need, when they are staring down enemies of the free world.”
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kaoszkutato · 10 months
június 27
"Vlagyimir Putyin nem háborús bűnös" - jelentette ki Orbán Viktor a június 27-én a német Bildben megjelent interjújában.
Legyen itt egy történet aznapról.
Ő itt Victoria Amelina, ukrán író, az ukrán PEN tagja, a New York nevű kis ukrán település táblája előtt, ahol megalapította a New York-i Irodalmi Fesztivált.
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A háború miatt az ő élete is felfordult. Az ukrán költők képeivel díszített táskájával a vállán itt éppen nem egy irodalmi rendezvényre indult, hanem megnézni és megörökíteni az oroszok által bombázott Harkivot. Belefogott egy könyvbe, melyben az oroszok háborús bűneit dokumentálta.
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Ennek a munkának a során fedezte fel az oroszok által elhurcolt és meggyilkolt Volodymyr Vakulenko naplóját. Vakulenko költő, gyerekkönyvíró volt, egy 14 éves fia maradt árván. Június 22-én részt vett naplóból készült könyv bemutatóján, melynek ő írta az előszavát.
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Június 24-én egy kijevi művészeti esten olvasott fel költeményeket.
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Június 27-én kolumbiai írók és újságírók csoportjával felkeresték a felszabadított Kapytolivkét, ahonnan Vakulenkót elhurcolták. A képen a kis falu könyvtárosát éppen a kolumbiai író, Héctor Abad Faciolince köszönti. Ahogy a képet készítő Victoria a bejegyzésében írta: "It feels like a solidarity hug from America Latina for Ukraine 💛💙".
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Aznap este beültek egy étterembe. Kramatorszkban. Pizzázni. Igen, abba az étterembe, amit az oroszok rakétával támadtak meg.
Tegnap este jelentették be, hogy hiába küzdöttek Victoria életéért, meghalt.
Egy 12 éves kisfiú maradt árván utána, akivel ősszel terveztek Párizsba költözni a Columbia University ösztöndíjával.
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Julia és Anna Akszencsenkó, a mindössze 14 éves ikerpár is az áldozatok között volt. „Egy orosz rakéta megállította két angyal szívének dobbanását" - írta róluk megemlékezésében a város önkormányzata.
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Ezek pedig honfitársaink kommentjei egy magyar nyelvű orosz propaganda-oldalon a rakétatámadásról szóló bejegyzés alatt.
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Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Orbán Viktor a pokol tüzén fog elégni, és remélem, hogy oda is ugyanúgy tömegek fogják követni, ahogyan a nagygyűléseire is.
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diogenesz2020portugal · 7 months
Arról miért nem beszél senki, hogy Iványiék évekig levonták de nem fizették be a dolgozók jarulékait?
Ha nem egy Prosti Srácokból, Agyar Nemzetből, HÖRRTv-ből és más propaganda termékekből tájékozódó anonként sunnyogó jobber lennél, a kérdést így tennéd fel a saját profilod nevén: Arról miért nem beszél a kormánypárti propagandisták közül senki, hogy Iványiék fontosabbnak tartják a legelesettebbekkel foglalkozó intézményeik fenntartását, mint hogy befizessék annak az államnak maffiának a járulékokat, akik 12 milliárd forinttal tartoznak nekik?
Persze így kiderülne az állam Orbán végtelen aljassága.
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mariacallous · 1 month
When Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga resigned abruptly last month, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lost one of his star protégés. 
The media-savvy Varga had been due to lead Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party into the European election and was one of the best-known Hungarian politicians in Brussels. 
But as she has retreated from the spotlight, her ex-husband, former Fidesz official Péter Magyar, has emerged as a real thorn in Orbán’s side.
On Tuesday, after weeks of attacking Orbán online and in public, Magyar released a tape of his ex-wife Varga apparently incriminating members of Orbán’s inner circle in a corruption scandal. 
Magyar claims the two-minute recording, taped last year, proves that Orbán’s powerful Cabinet chief Antal Rogán tampered with documents related to a sprawling corruption dispute involving Pál Völner, a former state secretary in the justice ministry when Varga was minister. Völner resigned in 2021 after prosecutors accused him of taking bribes. 
The sensational release of the tape — which Magyar presented to the prosecutor’s office in Budapest before a sea of cameras Tuesday — is the latest twist in a drama that has transfixed Hungary and provided a rare moment of dissent against Orbán’s iron grip on the country’s political system. 
“This shows that the justice system is under political influence, that key figures tampered with the investigations, and that Varga knew this,” said opposition politician Katalin Cseh, a Hungarian member of the European Parliament.
“This is very clear evidence that the Hungarian justice system is not free and not independent,” she added. “It is also one of the first cases when someone from Orbán’s inner circle has spoken out.” 
A spokesman for the Hungarian government, Zoltán Kovács, dismissed Magyar’s claims, accusing the former Fidesz official of harrassing his ex-wife.
Varga, who said in February that she was retiring from public life, issued a statement on social media Tuesday saying she was “appalled” by Magyar’s release of the tape, accusing him of blackmail and domestic violence. 
She said she had been “terrorized” by her then-husband, and had told him what he wanted to hear on the tape.
Orbán’s new nemesis 
Magyar, a former Fidesz apparatchik and trained lawyer, is best known as Varga’s ex-husband.
The couple, who share three children, was often cast as a model nuclear family in glossy magazine features in a country whose government prizes “traditional” family values. Magyar, who served on state boards and worked in various roles for the administration, including in Brussels during Hungary’s last EU presidency, previously spoke about stepping back from his career to look after their young children when Varga’s career was taking off. 
Following their divorce last year, Varga had been expected to move to Brussels as an MEP after the European election. 
But since the double resignation of Varga and President Katalin Novák in February over a disputed sex-abuse pardon case, Magyar has emerged as a major voice of dissent in Hungary, and has announced plans to form a new political party. 
In February he resigned from the board of MBH Bank, accusing Orbán’s government of “hiding behind the skirts of women” by effectively scapegoating Varga and Novák. The former president had pardoned a man who had forced children to retract allegations of abuse by the director of a children’s home, while Varga had signed off on the pardon.
On March 15, Hungary’s national day, Magyar held an anti-government rally in central Budapest attended by thousands of people, where he accused Fidesz of spending the equivalent of hundreds of millions of euros annually on propaganda. 
Magyar said he had tried to convince Varga to accompany him to the prosecutor’s office; he was slated to give media interviews and hold another rally following the tape’s release later on Tuesday. 
Despite Magyar’s rapid emergence as a political force, Hungary’s opposition has until now failed to dent Orbán’s grip on the country’s politics. In the last parliamentary election in April 2022, its disparate opposition forces rallied around a single figure, Péter Márki-Zay, who ran on an anti-Fidesz platform. Orbán’s party was ultimately returned for a fourth consecutive term.
According to opposition MEP Cseh, Magyar’s intervention could signal a broader push against Orbán.
“Many people are beginning to think that something is starting to crumble within the system,” she said. “I hope that more former government insiders speak out and embrace the fact that there is life outside the system. There is a great need for them to take this risk.”
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