#originally i had taako doing a 3:< face but i think this is also very good
eyedovesart · 1 year
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back with more taagnus, this time from the blinkshark discord collab canvas. <3
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miamaroo · 6 years
Northern Migration- Chapter 25 (Notes+Preview)
Surprise! I’m updating about a week after my last update! Don’t get used to it, though. It’s only because I’ve been on break. I have classes again tomorrow, and finals seasons is about ready to slap me in the face. Hopefully you’ll see me again for the holidays. (Speaking of the holidays, we’re nearing the one year mark for when this fic first started wowza).
Like always, this is brimming with spoilers, so proceed forwards at your own risk.
I messed around with that Taako scene for ages, trying to make the first distilled look into his character. I have a lot of trouble writing him, especially since I’m always trying to find a happy mixture of what he’s like in the show, what he’s like in the fanon, and what he would be like in the universe of this fic. I did my best. I’m not one-hundred-percent happy with it, but considering I rewrote the entire scene right before posting, I think it’s functional.
Since the next chapter is already written, I know that I’m going to keep mentioning layers of clothing as being a status of wealth. This is a part of what I plan on doing with the future flashback chapter into their history on their home plane. I feel like I have to mention it so that you get an idea of how the cultures are different, but it’s also annoying because it’s hard for me to convey that this is a cultural aspect that supposed to be different from Faerun.
Apparently, eyeballs help keep the structure of your head. I also did not know that.
Everyone in the TAZ fandom is a coward for not giving Taako a beard, and I’m counting Justin in that. Artists who give him stubble can stay, but you’re all on thin ice.
One thing I’m trying to figure out is a balance between people recognizing Avi in his old age because they know him well, and people not recognizing him because, honestly, I see pictures of my own dad as a young man and he’s a completely different person.
When John says “give your hands now,” it’s a purposeful twist of Merle doing the exact same thing in chapter 5.
I know I said this before—but John’s philosophy is so close to being that of some hero that it’s honestly scary.
As a kid, as I started thinking about perspective and morality, I also realized that a lot of what we considered right or wrong can be manipulated by whose point of view we’re viewing it from. And, as a preteen, I used that as justification for a lot of bad things. A lot of how I’m writing John is just thinking about how someone could’ve manipulated me into thinking or doing anything, and just giving him the opportunity to get Stevie to think that way as well. Like John has no way of knowing about Piper repeating all of her dad’s bad political beliefs (remember Piper and Gansey from chapter 3?), but he gets people. And I think he would know that, in her situation, Stevie would be thinking about morality in a way that would be easily manipulated in his favor.
All that being said: you’re a lot of fun to write John, but fuck you.
I don’t know yet if I want John to be aware of the Seven Birds concept, but in case I do eventually decide that he does, Vultures is a very on the nose confession of what he ultimately wants Stevie to believe. If I decide to make it so that he never knows, then it’s just me (the author) making an on the point piece of foreshadowing of what his plans are going to be.
John is a bard. Fight me.
And here’s a thought: this is the first time in the story where Stevie gets to have fun and it’s not interrupted by plot bullshit.
Originally, Lucas was going to have the weird crush on Avi, and it was going to be something that was going to making Johann feel extra sure about never confessing, but Avi already has so many other shit going on that I had to redistribute some things.
That being said, Sloane and Avi having this bitter history together is very important to me. With Griffin wanting TAZ to be about found family, I sort of wanted to take the opportunity to explore the idea of two people who became family before it was ruined. Basically, since Lucretia didn’t destroyed her family (minus Taako being pissed), I had to destroy another family.
Avi being in debt to someone is the reoccurring theme of his life. He was in debt to the Hammerheads, then Sloane, and now Bane and Barry. This guy constantly owes other people things.
Things that are also very important to me: Ren being fiercely protective of all her friends.
I can’t remember if Merle in canon couldn’t remember if he made a sash or a belt, but I’m taking Clint’s endless confusion over the two as an excuse to make it so.
I was going to write a scene where Davenport discovered that he can’t learn sign language, but I didn’t have the space and beyond just filling in a potential loophole, it didn’t really add more to Davenport. Like, he know he’s suffering. I don’t need to remind you that much.
The same goes for the cutting of a scene where Magnus is helping Julia learn how to walk. Again, there was a space issue and the fact that it wasn’t them actually making it up allowed me to feel like I can get around writing it. That being said, it still hurt to not write it. 
Also, hey! Only two relics left to this story! I still have to write like three more interlude chapters before we can even get cracking on that, but now you can see how much progress we’re actually making in this fic!
This is such a minor detail, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out if I want stoves to be a thing in this world or not. I know that I decided a long time ago that everyone was going to have hearths except for the Starblaster, which was going to be technologically advanced enough to have an actual stove, but there’s not enough cooking in this damn fic to convey that idea. And when it does come up, it’s at Lucas’s lab, which would also be advanced enough to have a stove, but not one as advanced as the Starblaster. AND I CAN’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO EVEN CONVEY THIS IDEA. One time, I thought I could emphasize how almost scared Julia was of the stove, but then I remembered that she has had a decade to get used to it. SO YEAH. I JUST DON’T KNOW.
I know that I have to acknowledge any reasonable feelings Julia would have involving becoming disabled, but I’m also trying to be careful to make sure it doesn’t come off as condescending or pitying towards disabled folks. I’m trying to strike a balance, and I’m never sure how well I’m doing with.
Julia’s prosthetic leg is based upon prosthetic legs used for runners in the Special Olympics. I am going to add a link to a reference here, but it’s late and I might forget. If you noticed that I forgot, tell me and I’ll add it.
Stevie likes snow because it’s snowing in parley. She likes rainbows because the black scars on John’s face is holographic.
Also, Lucretia is gay. She’s like, super duper gay. Supreme gay.
I feel like I put down what color Taako’s magic is somewhere in this fic, but I don’t feel like looking through the entire thing in search of it, so right now I’m just writing around having to state its color for as long as possible.
The item Taako used to make the hole in the floor is the Hole Thrower. Don’t ask me where he got it.
Originally, I had a scene like two chapters back where Taako saw Angus, thus making his comments about seeing a kid around make a lot more sense. However, I convinced myself to get a little sneakier about Angus being on the ship and then proceeded to forget about it. Considering how much effort I usually put into foreshadowing everything (and this is still without a written outline), I’m going to give myself a pass on the bad writing this time around.
Like I mentioned in the chapter notes, I’m off break now and starting finals, so next update will take a long time. Feel free to talk to me on here and generally strike up a friendship. I’m a very lonely person. Anyway, here’s the preview for the next chapter:
Angus McDonald sits with his hands folded calmly on his lap, fancy clothes unruffled as he looks up at the circle of adults surrounding him. It’s plain from the slight quirk in his brow that nothing about being held up in the Starblaster kitchen is by any means threatening. He sits, mouth in a tight line, as he waits for his turn to speak.
“You’re such a drama queen,” Lucretia says dully, pressing a bag of frozen peas to Taako’s face.
He takes it gladly, practically collapsed against the kitchen counter as he moans. Angus’s hardy kick was just enough to make a single drop of blood creep down from his nose. “I’m dying, Lucy. When I go, tell Merle he could fuck off.”
“Whatever I do to you?” Merle demands, turning from his job of standing by Davenport’s side to shout.
Davenport, all the while, has his arms folded over his chest. His eyes are set in a harsh glare that makes Angus shift in his seat. Every adult in the room Angus is pretty sure he can handle, but Davenport is somewhere on the level of a god. Flanking each of his sides is one of the Burnsides, with Magnus in a pair of paint-splattered work clothes and Julia in a chair, her prosthetic leg still in her daughter’s possession. The kid was ordered to leave the room, but Angus saw her creep back in, armed with the prosthetic leg and a set of paints. She claimed the corner directly across from him. Every now and then, Merle and Taako make gestures grand enough that Angus catches a glimpse of the girl watching him as a curious spectator.
Davenport sighs, then nudges Magnus’s leg. At the cue, Magnus bends down into a squat, perfectly leveled with Angus’s eyes. “Angus. What are you doing here?”
“I—” Angus closes his mouth. He shifts until he’s back to the picture of innocence.
“We’re not mad at you,” Magnus says. “It’s just… we do a lot of dangerous things, and I’m sure your job as a consultant is plenty dangerous enough—”
Magnus pauses. “What?”
Angus preens. “If case you forgot, my name is Angus McDonald and I am the world’s greatest detective. If you’re trying to interrogate me, I suggest that you do your best to ensure that you’re coming in with the most accurate information.”
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eludum-a · 7 years
500 follower follow forever!
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it happened. god knows why so many of you are here, but apparently you like what i do, so... well, thank you! to everyone! but this is a very informal follow forever meant specifically for people i speak to regularly/people i consider my friends/people i feel i owe something to. i haven’t done anything like this since the 100 follower mark, so please bear with me. 
i felt like i needed to do this because, in the wise words of taako the wizard, “it doesn’t always have to be goof goof dildo. i’m traveling around with the boner squad and i never get to say... what i’m feeling! i have emotions!”
if you’re not here, please don’t feel like i don’t appreciate you! i only have the energy for so much love here in my body. if you’ve been inactive/are on hiatus, i might have missed you, and if we haven’t really talked a lot ooc, same thing applies.
(i have been working on this on and off for weeks. im so tired pls just let me be finished with it)
anyway, call outs below the cut!
@unsuspicious: cou, you send me so many baffling and strange images at all hours of the day. i had to lead up with this because where do you even get all those. anyway, you’re definitely the person i talk to the most every day, and it’s weird as shit to think that the last thing in tumblr messenger was me sending you the link to the discord channel. you’re a fantastic roleplayer when you actually roleplay and you’re fun to have around!
@hismalice: raz you are one of my favorite people on this god forsaken hell site and don’t ever forget that. if you need a reminder you can come back here and look at this and see this seal of approval, and also the mental image of me saying “no, fuck you” to your negative thoughts and then punching them in the face heaven slaying dragon fist style. if you ever wanna talk you know where to find me and it’s also ok if you don’t want to!! i’ll still be here regardless.
@cantalazarus: god bless the hinatatas, may they grow strong and powerful this year. amen. on a more real note: this is my official notice that i really appreciate you just... in general, as a person, even if im an asshole who has trouble with, like, Feelings and shit. so there’s that. same as with raz above, you obviously know where to find me whenever you wanna talk. and take as long as you need to recharge your batteries!! no rush
@mxssias: ALEX MY MAN... BOY... GUY! DUDE, PAL, WHATEVER. your naegi is LIT. i love the good good egg boy so much and you do him justice!! you don’t just focus on the lighter aspects of his character, but you recognize his various struggles as well! you’re also just a fun person to talk to and i’d love to do more naenami in the future of COURSE
@ayatsurii the sparkliest of cats! yo, sparkle, thank u for turning me on to pekonami because it’s so good and pure, and thank you also for trying to keep things from burning down in the chat when we get too rowdy (even if you’re not successful... we can’t be tamed). i look forward to future pekonami interactions!
@snappshot: sarah is wonderful at everything she does, sorry i dont make the rules. you’ve been around this blog for what feels like forever now?? first as mahiru (and your mahiru rly captured my heart) but also sayaka and kaede and your persona muses are equally wonderful! idk what i’d have done if you weren’t there to reassure me i was doing a good job. god bless sarah
@anemoia-avenoir / @ongakuvoices: rrrrrrrrIO! you’re lovely and you should know it. i know we don’t really talk much ooc but you definitely deserved a spot in here! your passion for your muses is incredible! your love for them shows in the details of your writing, and i know it can be frustrating sometimes to feel like you’re not good enough (believe me... i have been there many times), but believe me... you’re gonna do amazing things, i just know it.
@malchancevilain YOU STILL OWE ME 15 DOLLARS AND I AIM TO COLLECT, GREG GRIMALDIS. NO MATTER WHERE IN THE MULTIVERSE YOU ARE. ahem. we share a lot of common interests, watchy, and i really do love your luckgami, like, a lot. i love how different his background is without changing who he is fundamentally as a person, aka a snob
@shpionaz: *insert obligatory ‘like a boss’ joke here* ok now that we’ve gotten that over with,,, im so grateful i got a chance to play out the oumanami brotp interactions with you because that was on my wishlist almost as soon as i found out about their sprite similarities and we didn’t even have to try, it just happened. you’re first ouma in my heart forever and i can’t wait to do some things with your oc too!!
@gambogeish: it’s kind of ironic how i didn’t finish twewy until we became friends, when it was first gifted to me by my boyfriend... it’s probably just the difference in maturity/gaming ability from then to now, but ANYWAY: i am so glad to have met you. you’re one of the first people in the community i’ve really connected with, and you’re an awesome person who i’d love to roleplay with regardless of muse. i’ve got a virtual high five right here waiting for you. o/
@pseudxcode syd, god bless your chihiro, honestly. he’s such a sweet little guy and i love his interactions with chiaki! of course i’ve always been a fan of these two together (even when she’s NOT an AI created by him), because their talents complement each other so well! they’re good for each other. i’d love to see more chiaki & chihiro action, especially if it involves chiaki encouraging him and reassuring him that he’s not as weak as he thinks he is.
@kibcu / @krclowa we only recently started talking but you’re such a welcome addition to thotchat, liz! take that as you will. this one’s probably gonna be a bit short but im looking forward to platonic naenami interactions and ur sonia too! aunty nanami’s gonna babysit the hell out of those naegi kids (aka give them all smartphones and sit back and relax)
@synthxsizxr GOOD IDOL, BEST SISTER, AKI LOVES HER HARU even if she really doesnt understand the idol lifestyle like, at all. chi, you yourself are very sweet and kind, it’s wonderful having you here in this community! i hope you’re having a lot of fun with your talentswap chiaki and i hope 
@relixum / @lxckyclovers: i hope you two don’t mind that i put you together here. i know you’ve been busy with school lately (good luck with that, by the way!!) but i didn’t want you to think i forgot about you! you guys make a mom/dad/parental unit so proud. you’re wonderful writers and i hope you find happiness wherever you go. *bob belcher voice* you’re my family and i love you but you’re terrible, you’re all terrible.
@tcndcrloins levi you’re the other constant presence in thotchat and you’re such a fun person to have around. you’re so welcoming and comfortable in a sense that i never feel like i’m bothering you, and thats a pretty incredibly accomplishment considering how often i convince myself im annoying. get those drafts done, i believe in you!!
@delinqueon avery, you were probably the first person within the community i talked to one on one, and thank god you approached me because at that point i never would have had the courage to speak up! your leon is such a delight to interact with and so are your other characters. one day you’ll get me back for making you read the bee movie script out loud for fifteen minutes.... one day
@betraycd last but not least, first i have to thank fin for my current editing software that i still have yet to figure out even 10% of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but i’ll get there! fin, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i absolutely adore your souda, all of the time and effort you’ve put into his characterization and how you don’t ignore the uglier parts of his personality. he’s a lovely flawed boy and you really do him justice!
after word:
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like any community with more than a few people, there have been ups and downs in the path few months. i wanted to add here as a general shout out that i have never felt so welcome and loved in a community that i originally would have thought would be more disjointed than what you might find on a forum. like, i’ve changed a lot thanks to you guys! i’ve been able to get over some of the hurdles of my social anxiety (i didnt jump over them so much as drag myself across the ground and painfully crawl over them) and i just... i feel good? i feel like people like me? there are still times where my anxiety insists i’m nothing but a useless burden, but i actually... feel like people enjoy having me around? holy shit!
i made some really cool new friends and got to know a different kind of roleplay community. im overall incredibly grateful for this wild and weird journey i’ve been on, and the journey certainly isn’t over by any means! i hope to keep seeing you guys around!
these words really arent even enough to express my gratitude. i havent been to some really dark places, but there for a while i felt like i was almost completely alone. i simply wasn’t connecting with other people like i wanted to. about 3-4 years ago i lost contact with (long story) my roleplay partners of 4 years and it wasn’t an easy thing to recover from, but i’m here now and it’s just... really good! incredible, even!
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sizzleitupofficial · 7 years
Glutton’s Fork Special
“What?!” I hear you cry, looking wildly at his post, “There’s another recipe?! Already?! But how?!” 
I know, I know - I’m as surprised as you all are, trust me. I’m not usually this ardently productive, especially when the fate of the world isn’t even at stake or anything. But I found inspiration from all of my fans and your fabulous support of my work! 
Also, I’m, like, a really really good chef. But we knew that. 
I’ll admit, finding the inspiration to crank out another platinum record award winning culinary chart topper took a bit of doing.  I wanted to keep this fantasy Michelin star shower going, but nothing was coming to me. It sucked! 
But then that moment of terrible frustration and annoyance at unsolved puzzles reminded me of something - my adventures! Specifically, mine (and Magnus and Merle’s) heroic and arduously long jaunt through Lucas Miller’s crystalline hell lab. Which reminded me of the second least awful moment in there (second only to my tentacle hentai spectacular ft The Actual Grim Reaper). And what better way to...mmm...crystalize...this wonderful moment than to share it all with you in the form of a far less deadly recipe! That’s right folks, today’s dish is...
Glutton’s Fork Special - The Philosopher's Stone
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I’ll go ahead and throw a disclaimer on this one right now and cut off that frantic message you’re about to send me - don’t worry, this is only one version of this dish.  There will be a vegetarian friendly version, The Falafeler’s Stone, at some later date. Probably also a version of The Philosopher's Scone. Because if a single moment can produce multiple Merle-level puns, then on my honor as an adventurer and a celebrity chef, I’m pretty obligated to make all of them.  
Moving on.  This one is a bit more complex than the last, so I hope you’ve gotten a chance to level up and throw some more points towards your wis modifier, so keep up.
Now, as you know if you’ve been keeping up with my adventures, the Glutton’s Fork is a magical object possessed by the burly man himself, Magnus. It has the power to convert non-magical objects into tasty, good good foodstuffs. Now, if the fantasy costco is all sold out of forks, gloves, and anciently powerful magical relics that can destroy the world, and you AREN’T a high level meat wizard, then you’ll have to make this one up the hard way. 
By cooking! But don’t worry, Taako is here to guide you! Let’s get started.
*Note: recipe is for 8 servings, be sure to convert down if you want to make less*
4 1/2 cups finely chopped mushrooms
7 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp minced garlic
2 tsp oregano
2 tsp rosemary
2 tbsp red wine (Taako prefers a fine merlot)
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp juniper berries
4 slices swiss cheese
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 eggs
4 sheets puff pastry (store bought is fine, don’t even sweat it!)
4 boneless chicken breasts
Before you do anything else! Get that oven preheating to 400F so it’ll be nice and hot for you later in the evening.
Alright, so first you want to make sure you get all those little fungi chopped up very very small. Use your SlapChopTM! Or, just, you know, a knife. You should have about 4.5 cups when you’re all done chopping.  Throw that in a mixing dish, and then toss in 3 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tsp rosemary, the oregano, and the red wine (set that bottle aside, we’ll be using it later. So try not to sip on all of it before we’re done. Wink.) 
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Throw in a dash of salt and pepper, and stir until you’ve got it all nice and mixed! Then, transfer that directly to a pan, drop in some fresh thyme sprigs for flare, fireball that sweet baby and simmer over high heat until all the excess liquid has evaporated/ Boom!
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While that’s sizzling away, go ahead and cut those big ol’ chickies into slightly smaller chickies. Like about half size, so if you start with four, you should now have eight.  Now, all breasts are different and sometimes one is a different size than the other, and that’s ok! They’re all good, so use your judgement whether or not you need to size up or down more. 
OK now just fucking punch them. No, I’m serious, punch those fucking hunks of poultry like they’ve done you wrong. Get dunked on, you stupid chicken, catch these fists! I used Bigby’s hand just to be sure they really got the works, because you want to flatten these chumps out a little. Also, when I think about Lucas Miller’s stupid sinusy face and his stupid lab I get frustrated! It’s therapeutic!   Sprinkle salt and pepper on the wound, too, while your at it.
Go back to your mixing bowl and throw in the rest of your liquid ingredients and seasoning (so 4 tbsp of live oil, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp rosemary, and the balsamic vinegar). Wanna guess what happens next? Can you solve my marinade puzzle? Yeah that’s right, dump the chicken in and lather up, my dude. Infuse those sweet flavors. Transfer those meaty hunks into a hot hot pan, and then cook covered for two minutes on each side. 
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You still with me? Hey, hey, stay focused here. Focus on the sound of my voice. Or, well, the sound you imagine to be my voice as you read this riveting instructional narrative. We’re almost there, pumpkin, you can do it. 
Next, get your puff pastry sheets and roll them out to about 1/4cm thick. If you aren’t able to determine what a decimal of a centimeter looks like with magic elf eyes, honestly just take your best guesstimate. I know that other professional chefs are cringing at the mere concept of inexact measurements, but listen baby, that’s cooking. Just be sure it isn’t too thick, or else it won’t cook all the way and you’ll have a super disappointing uncooking pastry layer. And it will haunt you for weeks, feeding off your insecurity and self-esteem issues. So just avoid that situation entirely, ya dig? Cut those appropriately thin pastry sheets in half, so you have eight total pieces. 
Lay them out and dab the sides with a bit of eggwash.  Now, grab those sauteed spores and put a spoonful, or ~2 tbsp, in the center of each.  Then delicately and loving place a chicken piece, followed by half a slice of the swiss cheese, and then another spoonful of mushrooms so it’s all stacked up pretty.
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Wrap it up, tucking the sides under and pinching them closed. Wrap it tight in a piece of plastic wrap to really get it all held together and squeeze out any unfortunate air bubbles. 
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Brush with some egg wash on top, and then put in a greased baking dish. Pop it in the oven at 400F for 20 minutes. Then, turn the broiler on to 500F and bake for an additional 2 minutes, or until the top of the pastry is beautiful, browned, and glistening. 
Oh boy I’m getting hyped up! 
While your tasty meat packages are baking, grab the pan you had your chicken in. Remember way back to when you had your chicken in a pan? One of the many irons on the fire that is both the many steps of this recipe and also the literal fire with irons on it? Grab it. I’m sure you noticed there were still some juices hanging out in there, huh? Well there should be, and waste not want not, let’s make some baller berry sauce! 
I don’t think the actual Philosopher's stone Magnus ate had a delightful Juniper berry sauce, but would it be a TRUE Taako Original if it didn’t have that extra bit of flair and class? That’s what I thought! 
Now, this is real easy. Get the pan on a low heat, splash in some of that red wine you’ve been keeping nearby (let’s say about a quarter cup), and then 1/2 cup of water. Don’t forget the juniper berries (just about a tablespoons worth) to really drive how how fucking high class this sauce is. Slowly whisk in 1 tbsp of flour until smooth, and then let simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. 
Ding! That’s the sound of your perfect inner timer going off! Take out your big stuffed pastry. Give it a sec to cool, and then serve it up with side of choice (chaboi went with some healthy steamed green beans)! 
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Absolutely beautiful! Dig in and enjoy, you don’t even have to worry about that wisdom saving throw, I promise. Yeah, this was a “Magnus ate the Philosopher's Stone” joke if you’d forgotten. I may be bias, but I think my version is way better; plus, you don’t need transmutation magic to get it back out again. 
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