#palestinians deserve so much better indigenous peoples deserve so much fucking better than what we have gotten
endtimers · 4 months
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this is so. i don't even have the words to express how mad this makes me. these people will never apply the word genocide to israel's extreme violence these last 75 days. they will never call it a genocide even though over 20,000 palestinians are dead. the only lives that count in their books are those of the settler colonists, many of whom were killed by their own military. there are so many things about the palestinian genocide that just make me sick and i don't want to take away from issues vastly more important than what one canadian party leader says but also i would die to ensure these people never see another day of peace in their lives for the deceitful rhetoric they spew
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twoelectrichearts · 3 months
Noah Schnapp is literally beyond evil. Like, spawn of satan level of evil. He only deserves to suffer for the rest of his existence. How dare he have empathy for innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine. First of all, there’s no such thing as innocent Israeli civilians. Second of all, you can't have empathy for both. Especially if he is a Zionist. All the Jewish people who identify as Zionists are evil. Israel has absolutely no right to exist and Jewish people have no right to exist in Israel. So many Jewish people who are Zionists claim that’s what Zionism means to them but they’re wrong. Zionism is pure evil. You can’t be Zionist and want peace and self determination for Palestinians. I’m not Jewish but I definitely know better than the Jewish Zionists who claim that. They’re all evil lying monsters. They want every Palestinian wiped off the face of the Earth. Hamas would never want such a thing. It’s not like they had a charter that said that about Jewish people. Even if they did, they supposedly recently changed it to Zionists instead so it’s all good now. Hamas is totally accepting of Jewish people now and would welcome them with open arms as long as they aren’t Zionist. Noah, if you’re a Zionist, don’t be anymore. You can change your evil ways. Hamas changed. Yeah, they may have killed civilians and taken hundreds hostage, they may have said October 7th was just the beginning and that it was going to happen over and over again, but they’re no longer antisemitic. They’re just anti Zionist so they’re good people now. You can change and be good too. You’re so young. There’s still hope for you. Stop lying and telling us how you want peace and self determination for Palestinians. We all know that’s not true. It can only be true if you aren’t Zionist.
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You liking something like this makes absolutely no sense if you’re Zionist. I bet you don’t even agree with it and just liked it by accident or something. It’s crazy how I even managed to come across this months ago considering nobody talked about it or brought it to light. You liking that sketch of people in the LGBTQ+ community simping over Hamas got so much attention and caused so much outrage though. Funny how the internet works. Anyways, as a bisexual, I was so offended by that video. Hamas are well known LGBTQ+ allies. How could you like that video as someone who’s gay? It’s probably because you’re lying about being gay too. Shame on you.
Last thing I’m gonna say is fuck Israel and fuck Israelis. That country and all the people living there are evil. They’re all colonizers and occupiers. It needs to cease to exist and all the people currently living there need to go back to where they originally came from. All of them came from Europe, right? That’s what I’ve been hearing. They all need to return to Europe. Gosh, why’d they ever leave there in the first place? I know Jewish people say otherwise but they’re wrong. They’re either lying or in denial. They’re not indigenous to Israel. They’re indigenous to Europe. Us non Jewish people really need to educate them more about their own history, religion, ethnicity, etc. We need to teach them what antisemitism actually is. A lot of them don’t seem to understand what it is. We do that to every other minority group that we aren’t apart of, right?
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hussyknee · 4 months
If y'all want to feel sympathy for the Israelis, you better have it for every single genocider. Slavers and settlers that scalped Natives and Nazis and Imperial Japan and Stalinists and Serbs and the British East India company and white nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists and Hindutvas and Assad's forces and and and.
People do not become genociders because of victimhood. The majority of the worst colonial empires were people who hadn't been oppressed themselves in centuries. Groups become genocidal because they have power and want to take their trauma or paranoia out on someone weaker than they are. Even the ones who aren't gleefully enthusiastic go along with it because the benefits and risks of dissent outweigh your moral conscience. You're not forced to make those choices. That's not what indoctination is. Indoctrination helps dehumanization. It's making it easy to silence every doubt and qualm and instinct for empathy and compassion. But you still choose. You make a conscious decision to see a human being as a vermin to be eradicated. It's easy to do that when you have no incentive to see them as human and no consequences for treating them accordingly.
For fuck's sake, stop using the Holocaust as an excuse for Zionists. Half of them are converts or the children of converts who never lived the Jewish generational legacy of persecution. Most of their families migrated from places where they had a perfectly comfortable lives, and the other half was born in Israel and never knew what being a marginalized minority was like. Israelis are literally the least oppressed Jews in the known world. They victimize Palestinians because colonizers and oppressors live in mortal fear of the people they colonize and oppress, because they KNOW that they're crushing them and have to manufacture all sorts of narratives to rationalize and justify that they're actually the good guys.
Colonization and genocide is a result of power. I and a lot of other BIPOC have been traumatized by Zionists before we ever knew the word for them, because they keep taking out their paranoia of Jewish hate on Black people, Natives, immigrants, Muslims and Arabs and every kind of racial minority that have no systemic power to hurt them. They have such a foothold in the Jewish communities of Europe and its settler colonies (Australia, the Americas), because white Jews have assimilated into whiteness. However conditional their acceptance among white Christians, they have the same racial and institutional power over Black and brown colonized people. Which makes it easy for them to choose Zionism— the legitimizing of white colonial anxiety in place of fear of their oppressor. Antisemitism is their ready and convenient way to rationalize the racism and Islamphobia and racial superiority they already have.
Do you think Jews are the only people who have ever been genocided? The Holocaust was not exceptional, it was exceptionalized by the Western powers to launder their own atrocities that far outstripped Nazi Germany. Look at what they're doing with Ukraine. They're being genocided and colonized and they deserve empathy and help against Russia. But the West isn't concerned about Armenia the same way even though it's also an Eastern European country. They definitely weren't concerned about any of the other countries Russia has attacked or helped genocide (like Syria). Including Ukraine itself before all this. Putin has been attacking Donbas since 2014.
So why now? They care about who's genociding Ukraine, not about Ukrainians. Russia under Putin is very much a threat to NATO and Ukraine is bordered by NATO countries. The Western PR machine still had to make Ukrainians white, because Slavs are ethnically marginalized in Western Europe, and even North America to a lesser degree. They have white privilege over all Asians and Africans and Indigenous people because the colour system of race is based on European colonization, but they have only conditional whiteness in the imperial sphere of both the US and Russia. But because they're ethnically European, the US and Western Europe was able to launch a PR "Look They're Just Like Us!" campaign to elevate them to full whiteness, so that their own citizens would actually give a shit about this country they'd barely heard of before. That's why we're all more concerned about Ukraine than any other Eastern Europeans (we're all conditioned into white supremacy). After that, the US went around thumping its own chest for a full year and half, trying to launder its military image after the twenty year Muslim genocide that was the War on Terror (still ongoing).
This is exactly what they did with European Jews. High-ho, somebody victimized by the Enemy! Dust them off and lookie! They're European! People will give a shit that we liberated them if we make them all white! But uh, do we really want five million Jewish refugees in here? Oh I know, we'll thrown in with those crazy Jewish terrorists that were giving the Brits so much trouble, and give them a state! They're also from Europe after all, and Civilized™, unlike the savages!
And then the liberated Jews accepted doing exactly what the Nazis did to them. Not because they had to! They could have just lived in Palestine, that whole region of the Levant was pretty secular and multicultural. But they didn't see Arabs as human beings! Because Europeans are taught to see Black and brown people as servants and savages! They massacred Palestinians and took the place over because they could and then called it the War of Independence. The first people they victimized after that? Were Arab Jews. They colluded with Arab nationalists to have them ethnically cleansed entirely out of their countries and scooped them up to create a labouring underclass! Put them up in such squalid conditions that scores died!
And did those people look around and realize white Jews were their oppressors and they had far more in common with Palestinians? No. They threw in with their oppressors to help make Palestinians lives a generational nightmare. Because power and assimilation! This is the exact same reason why Zionists has been trying to cosy up to Nazis since before Hitler.
(Oh and by the way? Germans never regretted the Nazis or the Holocaust. The Americans "denazification" was a dead fail. They just used Israel to make a whole dog and pony show of how very sorry they were and how it was a Dark Moment in Their History™ (because nothing they've ever done to colonized people counts). They paid reparations because the West made them, but they never got over the massive post-war genocide the Allies subjected their people to, or the way they carved up the country like a Christmas turkey. But again, did they hold Britain, France, US and Russia responsible for it? Did they acknowledge that the most severe cases of post-war violence came from American GIs? Of course not. Obviously the biggest threat was...the Poles.)
If you really see all those TikTok videos of families dancing to their genocide songs, taunting starving and dehydrated Palestinians and teens lampooning Palestinian mothers grieving their dead children and think "they're also victims because Western imperialists exploited their fear and made them into monsters" then I don't even know what to say to you. That level of infantilization, wilful ignorance and need to turn sadism into victimhood is breathtakingly racist and paternalistic. Even if you believe #Not All Israelis, the point is there's enough Israelis. Also what is even there to feel sorry for?? Are Israelis about to be turned out and shot in the streets? Starve to death? Have their limbs amputated without anesthetic and still die of sepsis? Literally what??
Emotions are signifiers of your own internal biases and perspectives. They aren't indicative of justice or morality. We can't move through a deeply unequal world and believe that compassion is having the same responses, judgements and feelings for everyone. It's not empathy you're feeling for Israelis, it's conditioned philosemitism and casual racism against Palestinians. If you actually followed the videos and images and news coming out of Palestine, you would feel about as sympathetic towards them as Nazis. You would understand that this kind of atrocity doesn't come from trauma or having been victims. It comes from having zero consequences for doing them. It comes from unchecked, gleeful, sadistic power.
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floralovebot · 5 months
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I was on instagram and saw this random pro-israel thread and i just,,, i feel so sick. honestly there was a point where i thought "this has to be some weirdo trying to rage bait people right?" but no this bitch is genuinely just like that
I'm sure there are tons of people who could dissect this much better than I can but the one thing that I really want to say is I fucking hate how so many zionists act like they're the only ones being rational, composed, and "civilized" in this discussion. Like first, Palestinians have the full right to be angry and not rational when you're bombing them. Second, the audacity to side with a genocidal apartheid state that is actively gunning to kill every single person in Palestine and threatening the rest of the Middle East,, and then act like YOU are the one who's being normal and rational??? Like... I'm not surprised to see a zionist be that entitled and it's almost humorous how far up your own ass you have to be to not see it for yourself.
Siding with the genocidal maniacs who have been murdering Palestinians for decades and then getting Offended when people call you out for yknow. siding with the murderers. Acting like you're coming from good faith when you say out loud that you support the murderers. "... view details of the conflict differently" meaning "I'm a brainwashed zionist who blindly believes everything the Israeli government says out of fear of the Palestinian boogeyman and won't do any critical thinking on why that's an issue". Centering this entire conversation on the Hamas group and acting like Palestinian civilians deserve to be bombed, murdered, raped, torn apart, and erased just because of a quote unquote terrorist group that Israel literally helped to create and ONLY exists in response to Israel's violent occupation and murder of Palestinians.
"Israel works very hard to evacuate civilians." Yeah? Telling them to go somewhere safe and then bombing those areas too? Being oh so gracious and giving them a couple of hours to leave their homeland forever and never be able to go back? After Israeli civilians cheer and fantasize about building hotels and theme parks over the graves of thousands of innocent people? "There were unspeakable war crimes committed against Israel". Oh yeah I get it now. War crimes and murder only matter when it's Israel but not when it's Palestine. Thanks for putting that so clearly!
"I think there's a lot of trust that needs to be built up before that is possible. You can't live side by side with people you believe want to kill you." Wow, it's almost like that's a perfect reading of how Palestinians feel after decades of being murdered by the Israeli state oh oh what? No, she was talking about Israel? Oh yeah okay.
The audacity to treat Palestinians like children who can't help themselves around the cookies like BITCH you are insane. Outwardly saying that Palestinian people can't be trusted to act normal in society. The exact same rhetoric that white people used to justify not freeing enslaved people. The same rhetoric they used to justify not giving land back to indigenous people. The same rhetoric used to bomb Vietnam and Japan. It's almost like violent colonizers have a history of viewing their victims as violent, uncontrollable savages who would immediately do to their colonizers what was done to them. That fear of violent Palestinians is your own spiritual guilt haunting you for supporting their murder and oppression. That will live with you no matter what happens to the people of Palestine or the state of Israel.
I just... I'm sorry for ranting about this random ass person on a failing app they probably only used so they wouldn't get ratioed on twitter but something about it just really got to me. The only comfort is that their replies were littered with people calling them out and,,, attempting to educate them.
It's ironic that so many of their gotchas for why we should support Israel could actually be applied to Palestine and these zionists just,, never get that? They never see the irony. They don't get it. They refuse to get it. How anyone could listen to this and think this is a rational person who doesn't support genocide is beyond me. This is 101 genocidal colonizer.
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