#please show Ewan lmao
kaelatargaryen · 11 months
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kittimau · 2 years
Ok but can we discuss the series of expressions made by anakin and Obi wan when anakin is brought into the arena in the battle of geonosis scene because I’m literally OBSESSED with their faces in that scene lmao. Ewan and Hayden are so good at saying so much without saying anything at all and it’s THEE BEST
I wanted to answer this once I had gifs ready and GUESS WHAT? My friend @favoritedarkness made some for us! Slowed way tf down so we can see every microexpression.
I give you, The Disaster Duo:
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This is 100% Obi-Wan’s “you little shit” face.
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Anakin knows he fucked up. And that hopeful little smile at the end? Please.
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Master of Sass over here.
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And again with the puppy eyes. Holy praise kink, y’all. When I tell you this boi is needy.
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Your humiliation kink is showing, Kenobi. No, seriously. If you haven’t watched TCW, please do. Istg the man gets off on sarcasm, banter, and taunting his enemies.
Oh, and reckless behavior.
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I learned it from watching you!
I mean, how many dangerous stunts has Obi-Wan pulled? How many times has he been captured? Someone out there’s gotta be runnin’ a tally.
The eyeroll? That familiar petulant pout? He knows Obi-Wan does the same shit. Why can’t he cut Anakin some slack? Though tbh I think he is upset most by Obi-Wan’s disappointment.
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Can we argue about this later, Master?
You can tell Anakin went in there hoping for a pat on the back, a “thanks for coming to get me,” some kind of reassurance, despite knowing full well how Obi-Wan would actually respond. 😂
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Oh, shit.
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yukipri · 4 months
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Ngl this is sorta making me queasy with excitement/nervousness...
Especially coming right on the tail of:
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So even though I will likely be a clown (again) this time tomorrow, here's what I wrote out in the twitter thread above:
Please @/starwars Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2, this time with Ewan McGregor and Temuera Morrison as co-stars. There's closure now with Obi-Wan & Vader. Next, closure between the Jedi & the clones on Order 66, represented by the 2 we saw experience it first: Obi-Wan and Commander Cody
I know in the latest Obi-Wan comic, Obi-Wan basically goes "I miss Cody to this day, even though he tried to kill me. Ah well." And it just K*LLS me that that's it. Obi-Wan (and most the Jedi) have no clue that the clones were victims too.
Y'all are inserting Order 66 scenes in almost every show, so you can do it one more time, this time in an attempt to understand and gain closure. And this is a story that is genuinely best told through Obi-Wan and Cody. Palpatine sent the Order to Cody, first and most directly.
This is a story that doesn't need to mess with characters like Luke or Leia, who we know we'll see again. Cody is MIA as of TBB S2. Obi-Wan now also has some time after season 1, where we know he can't really be messing with Vader. This story can fit in well.
(heck, you can even insert more Clone Wars flashbacks, including young Ahsoka, you saw how much we all loved that in the Ahsoka show!) This show would let you share more about other clones and Jedi as well. Depending on how TBB S3 ends, we can have some connections there too.
PLUS! Temuera Morrison seems eager for a role. I'd love to see him again as Boba in TBOBF S2 (and have a whole 'nother pitch there), but Cody is a character that Tem personally originated in ROTS. He also had fantastic chemistry with Ewan as Jango!
So I'd love to see them share a screen again. (plus, age-wise, he's kinda closer to double-speed aged Cody than Boba?)
I could go on forever but…yes, please this.
(also can I help write it?😂😭🙏)
~~End Thread
But yeah, I know better than to get my hopes up, and I have been a clown about this many times before (including but not limited for the actual Obi-Wan S1 lmao).
So here I am with my clown mask ready: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
(Edit: added this in the tags but:
It does occur to me that another very possible route they could take an Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2 is doing something with Quinlan, since they left that very obvious thread open in S1.
BUT I would still prefer Cody & clones centric😭🙏)
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
I actually forgot that the show exists in her world. So not only is everyone going to think that award winning actor and heartthrob Ewan Mitchell has a secret girlfriend who is giving birth. while he’s cosplaying. But Ewan (actually aemond) is apparently horrible in real life. A raging misogynist to the female doctors and nurses (citadel only accepted men), talked down to everyone, even pulled a knife on his girlfriends mother. And don’t even get them started on all the accusations of witchcraft, someone even got it on video.
His publicist would have a field day with a video of him dressed as aemond (actually aemond).
LMAO PLEASE somewhere in england (probably) ewan is like ?????
but bestie idk if my heart will allow me to write aemond as such a raging misogynist asshole with a long dong meaty targ schlong.
like that is aegon, actually.
lemme pretend that, while in the delivery room and surrounded by women, aemond is chanting in his head, “every woman is an image of the Mother, to be spoken of with reverence.”
her best friend is fair game, tho. she must be punished for insulting his abilities as both a husband and father, questioning him and his wife’s lawful marriage, and then comparing him to some lowborn and common rat.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
Lmao I was not expecting you to appoint Ettore to the toilets for my precious ask 🤣 I was honestly expecting you to say a horror house or just a poorly built squeaky ferris wheel but the TOILETS?? oh my-
OK my next question for you is (please excise any typos I'm currently tipsy and don't know if I'm seeing straight) but my next question is more holiday themed, what kind of gift do you think Santa would leave for each of Ewans characters?
(Bonus challenge: don't say coal for Ettore)
My immediate thought was coal, for god’s sake, you’ve scuppered me! 😭
Abraham - Brylcreem for his incredibly fancy hair
Aemond - talcum powder to aid in getting in and out of all that leather
Billy Taylor - no VPL underwear, to stop his pants from constantly showing through his trousers
Billy Washington - some cleaning spray and a set of sponges for his grimy flat
Ettore - mittens to stop all the inappropriate touching
Genyen - Personal Finance for Dummies, so he stops grifting others
Michael - a poster of Carol Vorderman
Osferth - scissors to sort his hair out
Tom Bennett - nicotine gum to help him kick the habit
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
Any books with pathetic man? I love pathetic men
I also love pathetic men!
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall. Now! Gracewood has good reasons for being pathetic, but he is... not in great shape when Viola meets (technically reunites but he doesn't know ssh) him. He's like, a PTSD-ridden, depressed war veteran who's def killing the pain with alcohol. And of course, he's also super pathetic over Viola. This book has a trans heroine, and he and Viola were besties before she faked her death in the Battle of Waterloo. He initially doesn't recognize her; but when he does, it's because he recognizes her FRECKLES. Tell me that isn't both romantic and incredibly "DUDE. GET UP. GET UP MAN."
Daring and the Duke by Sarah MacLean. Ewan is basically attempting to make up for some PRETTY abhorrent behavior, and he's flopping!
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas. I personally find Derek Craven very pathetic. Like, he's competent, but he's an emotional wreck. Again I say "you've had me like a drawn dog" is one of the most vivid descriptions of a boner in romance history. If someone said that to me I would marry him immediately.
Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas. Oh Kev. Oh Merripen. You self-loathing mess of a man. Honestly, one of the best moments in this book is when Kev requests a sex worker right after Win comes home, and Win has decided to visit him and DOES NOT KNOW THIS, and she's wearing a hood so she shows up like "hello!" and he thinks she's that sex worker and bends her over the table, only to realize it's Win and do like a six foot jump backwards. LOSER BEHAVIOR.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale. Obligatory "first sex scene is noncon" warning but dude Allegreto is like... SO dramatic. Like, he's a very effective assassin and all that. But he's also like "I hate myself please beat the shit out of me during" and she... acquiesces.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe. Preston Clarke does some truly pathetic groveling, and I personally love a hero who's like... pathetic AFTER we see what kind of competence he's capable of? Like, she destroys him.
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre. Not because the hero is a sub, but because he's a pathetic individual who enjoys being pathetic lol. There's a chess scene in this book that is..... so good.
All of heroes of Kings of Italy by Mila Finelli are pathetic, especially the first three. But special shoutout to Enzo D'Agostino (Mafia Madman) for being like *SIGH. SIGH. SIGH.* when Gia's not around... to the point that in a bonus scene you get his internal monologue where he's like SHE'S A SICKNESS. I LOVE HER SO MUCH and his brothers are like "he has a goldfish brain when she's not around, just let him go find her".
Aaaand Alessio Ricci in Mafia Target because he is the world's greatest sniper and he's sent in to kill this mob boss and then he sees the mob boss's son and is like "THAT. Is the hottest man I've EVER. Seen" and ruins the shot. Literally was too distracted by the hot man to do his job. (Also: Giulio being sickeningly hot saved his father's life and it is hilarious.)
New Camelot by Sierra Simone. Ash is not pathetic lol. Embry, my beautiful baby man, is DEEPLY PATHETIC and he knows it, and he hates it, and he loves it, and I LOVE HIM. Embry constantly being [belabored sigh] "you're probably wondering how I got here" in his POV chapters is one of my favorite things lmao.
Auden Guest from the Thornchapel series by Sierra Simone also deserves a callout, because though he is quite a dominant figure in a lot of ways, the amount of INSANE. SHIT. This man does and is like "is this being a good boyfriend? :)" .... deeply pathetic and desperate. (OOOOOH THERE'S A "LET'S DO A MOCK HUMAN SACRIFICE BUT SEXY" MOMENT IN THIS SERIES WHERE HE'S THE SACRIFICE. OH IT'S GOOD.)
The Master by Kresley Cole. Russian mafia book, the hero is a powerful billionaire and literally ends up staring at her through a window in the rain texting her like "WELL I HOPE YOU DO WELL ON YOUR TEST :("
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid. Shane and Ilya are both very pathetic over each other, even though they're super amazing athletes, even though Shane is like, a perfect player, even though Ilya is so charismatic and well-liked. I think Ilya even has a line where he calls himself pathetic because he's so in love that he's become a loser. Shane is like... very.......................... into being MANAGED lol................... and his internalized monologue is always like "here I go again, being an idiot".
Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole. This is, uh, definitely a dark book, but so good. The hero is introduced in a previous book, and you're like omg he's so dangerous, he's so competent. Then you get in his head and it's like a) he's super depressed b) he's incredibly traumatized c) he's basically being controlled by this organization via a crippling addiction d) he's so dead to the world that he doesn't even have hookups UNTIL HE MEETS HEEEER. Super enemies to lovers. He hates what she is (or does he?). There's a really delicious moment where she's like "you can touch me" but he doesn't want her to see his bare hands because he has super bad scars from the Trauma Thing... So he has her like, naked on a countertop, blindfolded with his tie, so he can touch her without her seeing his scars. AMAZING. I'm a Declan Chase apologist. Also??? Later in the book he's trying to get Regin back and takes advice from a) Thad, a seventeen-year-old boy who calls him "DC" (DC!!!!) and b) Lothaire, who at this point hasn't slept with anyone in like 3,000 years and is, it must be said, canonically CRAZY. Declan can't talk to girls.
Lothaire by Kresley Cole. I recommend Lothaire a lot but that's because it's everything. I don't know that I've ever read a scene as vividly pathetic as Lothaire being presented with the opportunity to sleep with his only supernatural equal (superior probably lol) at that time in the series, the stunningly gorgeous Nix, leaning in, being unable to kiss her, and like punching the wall and going "SHE'S RUINED ME!!!!!" He can't sleep without Ellie, he can't think without her, he can't even think of other women, he spends his evenings inhaling her pillow lmao. Also, on another level, he's deeply into puzzles, which isn't pathetic inherently but is when you realize he's like, one of the most feared characters in this universe and is actually like. That guy. Also, there's a scene where Ellie is tanning in a bikini and he traces (like, teleporting?) back to his apartment in order to grab a pair of sunglasses to see her better from the shadows. And then offers her crucial information in exchange for her moving the top a little each time to show him more skin. LOSER.
Moonglow by Kristen Callihan. Begins with our Victorian werewolf rake man having a... dysfunction... with a woman, after which he meets the heroine, who he's besotted with. At one point they're at a tavern and someone begins singing a song about his rumored performance issues and she's like *eyebrow raise*.
A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley. The hero is a demon who was the villain of the previous book, and he now has amnesia and begins the book getting his ass kicked by another demon, only for our heroine to run in and reluctantly save him. He does that thing where he's very powerful but also basically a baby, which is MY DEAL.
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson. Wynter is extremely powerful, but also an extremely sad loser man who makes elaborate ice sculptures of his ENTIRE DEAD FAMILY in order to like, have them around still lmao. When the heroine finds out she's like "this is so sad and sexy of you".
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rexismycopilot · 1 year
Rex, I just finished watching Long Way Up!! Rex!!! Please 😭😭😩♥️♥️♥️
I watch it as my comfort show! It’s so funny and it’s got such genuine moments 😭😭😭
When they go to that grocery store and they’re playing a movie Ewan is in lmao! And my partner and I laugh a lot about the moment when the woman asks Ewan to take a pic of her (without ewan lol).
But the most memorable part might be that janky boat lol
I love that show! I’m so glad you watched it!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Ewan Mitchell playing a 16 year old is the most unserious thing I’ve heard. They made up everyone’s ages lmao. how is Olivia playing their mom? It’s the magic of tv. There’s nothing to prove they’re going down the Helaemond route, but it’s not as outlandish as people want to argue. Whether it becomes canon or not, it’s so silly it makes people this mad.
Some actors can play characters varying wildly across ages; for others, it looks silly. Olivia can definitely play late-twenties-thirtysomethings. Judging by the show chronology, I think Alicent is supposed to be 14+2+10+6=32? Maybe add 1 or 2 more years at most. So it's believable for Olivia to play her, she was a teen mom! Jace & Luke also look appropriate for their ages.
But I can't look at the green!adult!children and believe they're teenagers in any way. Please, they're mid-twenties or early twenties AT THE VERY LEAST. 😭 They're aged up like Tommen because it would look goofy AF to have them carry out all of the plot looking like the cast of Harry Potter.
It's TV magic, like you said. Your brain will break if you dwell too much on it.
No one here can declare with 100% certainty what they intended to do, unless they can mind-read inside Ryan Condal's skull. We'll just have to wait and see. If it doesn't play out, big deal. People have shipped characters who never even shared a scene or looked at each other.
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Navigation Post for my Blog(s)
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About the Blogger:
Name: Crow or Jorja (pronounced like the state (Georgia))
Age: N/A (maybe later)
Birthday: March 11th 🩵
Gender: Demigirl
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Sexual orientation: Wish I fucking knew
Likes: my cats, my dog, art, music, books, Crime shows, the Victorian, Edwardian and Regency era's, rainy days, summer, snow, alone time <3, naps, Musicals, hoodies <33, Ewan McGregor <33333333
Dislikes: cold weather, velvet, loud noises and places, sarcasm (I don't understand it lmao), macaroni and cheese, loose clothes (except over the head hoodies)
I'm on the Autism Spectrum so if I don't understand something please be patient!
I'm trying to improve my writing habits and drawing techniques so tips are much appreciated!
(English is my first language I swear, I just suck at grammar, spelling and punctuation.)
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Content Posted on Each Blog:
Thediaryofcrowmartin: Misc blog, TV Shows, Art, Musicals (not Phantom), little tidbits of my life, celebrities. Anything I'm hyperfocused on. Also trying to write 👍
Theawkwardwriter64: Murdoch Mysteries
Avictorianwriter: Victorian Era/Edwardian Era/Regency Era stuff (not super active there)
Inmatew11a: Emilie Autumn (though I'm not as active there)
Thelesbianoftheopera: Phantom of the Opera
BookReadersCove: b o o k s
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Question: Are asks allowed?
Answer: ask button should be enabled for every blog, if it's not, give me a holler and I'll fix it! Ask any time of the day!
Subquestion: are anon asks allowed?
Answer: yes anons are allowed! But if someone uses anon to purposely say rude things then I'll be disabling it
Question: is everything safe to Reblog?
Answer: yep! I'll always disable reblogs if I don't want anyone reblogging the post!
Question: is there a dni list?
Answer: TERFS, Homophobes, Transphobes, literally just assholes and pricks in general can kindly fuck off </3
Question: Can we be mutuals?
Answer: absolutely! I love making new friends!
Question: How often are you online?
Answer: literally every day! I'll always try to let you guys know if I'm not gonna be online but I just know I'll end up forgetting
Question: Can I spam your asks?
Answer: Actually, yes. Please do! I'll try to answer right away as soon as I see it come up but again, I forget things or get distracted so I'll get to them as soon as possible (she says when she has two unanswered asks in her ask box)
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grvntld · 2 years
hallo im antok. i mean my name is not antok but yes im antok ya know like basta gets niyo na yOwn. okie.
eniwey, i just had a quick meeting with my boss and it's not rlly required but she asked me if i could somehow be active on my ig because brands slash partners will most probably search the person behind the wtvr and so it would rlly help if i hv some kind of an online presence of my own. i could post wtvr i want since it is my account. i guess i just hv to show that i am a real person and not a robot like meep mOrp, ya know. the thing is... technically, i am active on my ig. hehe. it's just not the ig that they know. lmao. am i making sense?¿?¿¿? basta ayOrn so i rlly hv to make buhay my first ig account which actually is my former main account and hv dubbed as my werq account two years ago; so if we are moots on there, dont be surprised. izz just me making a come back. awOw akala mo naman 👁👄👁
now here's the other thing: ang arti ko nga kasi diba lol kasi gusto ko coordinated feed ko so now i hv to like prep two feed kaartihans for my personal slash dump slash main kaartihan ig and now my werq ig too. jusko. ewan ko ba anong trip ko sa buhay pero sige ilalaban ko 'to HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA please pray for me and wish me well mwaps
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alabamasweettea · 2 months
about me + rules
hiya! call me sweet tea or tea! my blog used to be called purplegalaxydetective, but i decided to change it because i've had it since i joined; just time for a change yk
i am a wholehearted proshipper (if that bothers you, don't interact. i don't want your crap kay ly). i love dogs, cats, horses, and barry keoghan (and ed norton, and ewan mcgregor, and daniel bruhl, and david tennant, and jensen ackles—i could go on) and i love to write.
so i write. i write originals and fanfiction, mostly fem!reader but i'll do gender neutral if requested. writer's block hits hard sometimes, but i'll do my best to keep up with requests. smut requests are alright with me, but i can't find it in myself to make it super explicit lmao
i'm in school pretty much full time at the moment but i still try to find time to write. juggling is very difficult though. it's fine; i'm finee :'))
i mainly post about saltburn, supernatural, and various other characters/real people in the world. feel free to request characters from the fandoms on my masterlist, but keep in mind i haven't seen most of those movies/shows. no guarantees that i will write for characters from fandoms not on my masterlist. expect irregular updates and not many series.
okay so into rules! this is a mostly 18+ blog btw, anything tagged smut or having trigger warnings is minors DNI
what i will write: illegal stuff, underage stuff, innocent stuff, fandom ships, genderbent/swapped fandom ships, kinky stuff, animal stuff, somnophilia
what i won't write (please don't even request these): rape, non-con, edgy stuff like knives, kidnapping etc
anyways that's me and my blog! enjoy! :DD
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dulcewrites · 10 months
I want to discuss one thing very controversial yet interesting regarding both Aegon and Aemond. TGC said Aegon thinks his family hates him and he is a disappointment from day 1, while it's clear Alicent loves him even though she rarely showes it. Yes, I won't deny, her parenting style is not perfect, but she tries her best with Aegon. However, I fully understand why Aegon doesn't see it as her love. She yells at him, hits him and speaks harsh words to his face. And then there is one moment when Meleys threatens him and Alicent steps in. Yes, her love really shines in here. But I think overall Aegon has heard lots of harsh words and received harsh treatment and one moment with Meleys can't erase it. That's why he asks if she loves him. It's important to him, obviously, but on if he was sure, he wouldn't have asked. Alicent isn't good at communicating her love through words and Aegon craves positive words of affirmation.
And there is Aemond. Ewan said he has never felt unconditional love from his family and many people said he didn't understand Aemond because Alicent and Helaena love him. And again, it's very similar to Aegon's case, it's just that people are too stupid to notice it imo. Ewan said Aemond never FELT meaning in Aemond's mind they have never loved him for who he was. He didn't say they never showed him their love, he said he never felt like this so I think Alicent showed him her unconditional mind, but in Aemond's insecure mind it didn't look like unconditional. It has nothing to do with Alicent and her displays of affection towards him, more with Aemond's insecurities, how he always wanted to prove himself so then people will love him and since one could always prove himself just one more time to finally be enough, it's neverending list of his attempts to show he is worth of affection. I think he thinks himself as undeserving of love, that he can't get it freely, he has to earn it and it's neverending cycle imo. I think many people lack reading comprehension in these one and some understanding regarding how insecurities work. Doesn't matter how many times someone assures you that you're enough, in your mind it's still more to do, more love to receive once you'll try harder to gain it. It just shows how big capacity Aemond has for love and how much he craves to be loved. I understand you are not in the mood lately, but please don't delete this question, I'd like to know your opinion so badly especially after you wrote in one of your asks that in your opinion Aemond has a subconscious need to be loved.
Ngl this sat in my asks box for a minute bc I sort of didn’t know what to add??
Tbh I don’t think saying Aemond has a need to be loved needs more explanation??? From me… from you… from ewan who literally plays him. Mainly bc most people desire being liked, wanted, loved etc. it’s not a foreign concept even if there are people around who do claim to love them. If people don’t get that, maybe they just aren’t… smart or paying enough attention to his character. If they don’t get that a kid that was bullied, maimed with no justice, neglected by his father, and someone who had to depend on his equally anxious mother would not feel unconditionally loved, that’s on them. They are entitled to their own wrong opinion and as someone who likes show Aemond and enjoys my show Aemond bubble - irdgaf what they think 😭
As for Aegon… how can I put this without people on my ass about it lmao. I think the way people want to paint Alicent as this horrible person, who has this mortal flaw for not ‘treating her kids well’. But then you have the people that completely overlook her relationship with her children and the cycle of trauma that is being repeated. It’s hard because there is this stigma of women being defined by their relationship with their kids (especially their boys, and it’s even more compounded in a world like the one hotd is set in). Also very rigid confines of what qualifies someone as being a ‘good mother’. It often strips women of the life and feelings they have not only towards their children but outside of them. On the flip side, motherhood and how it drives her decision making is a big part of Alicent’s journey. Much of what she does is for her children. They are all she has. But the way Alicent became a mother is not something that should be pushed to the side just because she loves them. It is something that needs to be present when discussing how her kids are treated and or why they feel the way they do
I’m not saying this is what you are doing anon, so please don’t take this wrong, but there’s this weird rhetoric around how Alicent should be more kind towards her kids - mainly Aegon and Helaena (Aegon in specific). I think it is fair to say, whether you like him or not, he hasn’t necessarily endeared himself to Alicent. It’s ok to say that even if he is a character you enjoy. Maybe pre ep 8, you could make the argument she’s ‘too harsh’. But as someone with trauma of my own when it comes to assault, I don’t like policing behavior. Aegon is a personification of her pain and the tower she has been placed in; that is what makes his relationship with her interesting. She can’t stand him at times - she’ll go to the ends of the earth for him. Then post ep 8 Aegon…. it’s weird to me that on one hand people admonish her for not being mean enough, as if she has the power to like send him away or something. But at the same time, those same people call her cunt and saying he is no son of hers or the slap???
Imo the conversation rest less on Aegon, and what he deserves or what he is doing. Because when people talk about Aegon, very rarely is it just to talk about his behavior - it is to either to discuss how Alicent is the root of his pain or blame her not doing enough afterwards. It all comes back to how Alicent needs to do this or that to be a better mother. I simply don’t care enough to have the conversation with most people in this fandom bc ‘rape victim having a complicated relationship the products of said rape is ok and real’ and ‘everyone, including Aegon, is going through some sort of trauma’ can coexist. And lots of people don’t see that on either side. The way Alicent and Aegon feel about their relationship can coexist with each other.
Like just the fact the conversation seems to always be framed around ‘well Aegon recieved [insert treatment] from Alicent’ and ‘not Viserys also has something to do with Aegon acting the way he does and should be blamed for making Alicent have Aegon then leaving her to raise him alone’ says something imo
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months
✨✨✨✨✨ANGEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨
Okay hiii ~~ I’m dumping all these thoughts on you so be prepared 🤭
So like I said in my last message, I’ve been a very dark place recently where everything seems like it’s constantly hitting, but after asking for your advice, I took it to heart and really followed if, finding it really did help taking it one tiny step at a time with the simplest things. Life is still throwing every little shit it can find at me, but I’m dealing with it much much better, and I feel like I owe you some thanks to that, so again, I don’t think I can ever tell you how much I appreciate you and enjoy your presence!! I never got to respond to it, but I read your post recently and felt like this was more important to respond first.
Two, I’m so saddened to hear you’re feeling a bit lost about the writing and fandom. I haven’t been on much trying to focus on my self so I don’t know much, but when I do check in every now and then, it does seem… quiet? I hope and think it’ll liven up the closer it comes to June. But regardless of that—
I ADORE YOUR WRITING. Your writing is some of the most thought-provoking, emotional pieces I’ve read, and it truly shows and reflects just how much heart and soul you put into it. I’ll be honest, there’s some times when I can’t read certain fics of yours because I’m not mentally in the right headspace for some, but— to me— it just reflects on how great and impactful your writing is!!! Idk if u remember, and this was when I newly started following you so I was like extra super nervous and shy lol, but the person that requested the jealous Ettore was me. I think I remember sending an anon back and thanking you bc I was impressed and thankful you accepted it, but also I was so shy my hands were shaking the entire time so it was a bit blurry lol. I remember literally fangirling and gushing to my two friends (one who doesn’t even care about Ewan lmao) about how I was so impressed and blown away by it!! Your Ettore series had me hooked (AND IM STILL NOT OVER HOW IT ENDED— I WILL NEVER RECOVER. I will sue you for my emotional damages 🥺)! The Aemond one where after a toxic relationship, the reader tries to escape and he doesn’t let her literally made me want to wallow in the despair. And the Michael Gavey one where I basically wrote an essay of how much I loved it is still one I think about way too much for it to be healthy— plus it’s given me some really crazy dreams 🤭 Those are just my top three! Much to say, I adore your writing. I adore the commitment and dedication you give and feed us. And most importantly, I adore you. Although selfishly I hope you continue, I hope you know no matter what you ever decide to do, I’ll always support and follow. I am a la loyal after all 🤭😂
In all seriousness, I hope life is treating you well, and i hope you’re being kind to yourself. I’m sending all my love and support!! Please stay safe and healthy. Much much much love to you, Ange 🩶🩶🩶
-Hannah Montana anon.
Post Scriptum:: this was insanely long and completely manic-produced, I am so so sorry !! ✨
I am so glad that my advice has helped a little and things are starting to improve for you. I hope they continue to get better!
I had no idea your were my jealous Ettore anon! I had so much fun writing that, thank you for sending it! And thank you for the kind words, they truly mean a lot. You have never been anything but kind and supportive to me, and I hope you realise how appreciated it is!
I've no plans to deactivate this blog. I enjoy reading other people's fics, and looking at all the pretty gifs. I just need to do something for myself that makes me feel better about my own creative output. I've no idea what that is yet, but I will figure it out!
Thank you for taking the time to check in. I hope the rest of your week is a good one. Sending so much love to you! xoxo
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Please do give us all your underrated romcom recs!!
For sure! Here are some I remember right now.
Ibiza--a Netflix movie, half "female friendship celebration", half romcom, the source of my URL. About an overworked uptight marketing girl (lmao...... real) who goes on business trip to Barcelona; her two best friends tag along and convince her to go to a club, where she has a chance encounter with celebrity DJ Leo West (Richard Madden at his best), after which she becomes convinced to follow him to his next show in Ibiza so they can hook up before her business meeting back in Barcelona. Unhinged, sexy, hilarious, everything people say Bridesmaids is, I love everyone in this movie and somehow none of the women are ever in true peril which is fabulous. Will leave you wanting to fall in love in a club/do something insane with your friends. Encapsulates the feelings of life changing travel better than anything.
Laggies--coming of age romantic comedy with some REEEEAL hits for MILLENNIAL MALLAISE, imo. Keira Knightley dips after freaking out when her boyfriend proposes; she has no life direction and ends up crashing with this teenage girl she just met. Teen girl's lawyer single dad (Sam Rockwell, sooooo sexy for some reason) quickly susses out that Keira is not a fellow teen but lets her stay anyway because she's got good vibes, his daughter clearly is desperate for a maternal figure of some sort, and he wants to bang Keira. Has a GREEEEAT impetuous makeout where he grabs her and she has to be like "I don't think you should fingerbang me in the street".
Down with Love--an early 2000s romcom satire starring Ewan MacGregor and Renee Zellweger at the height of their powers (fact: this movie is the sexiest I've ever found Ewan, as he's generally hit or miss for me). Honestly one of the smartest movies I've ever seen? Satirizes the Doris Day/Rock Hudson sex comedies of the 60s in this hyper-vibrant, gorgeous 1960s New York (the costumes and set design are insane). Puts Catcher Block, the slutty man reporter, in this Battle of the Sexes deal with Barbara Novak, the author of a huge hit book that basically tells women say down with love and prioritize their own pleasures (including sex), during which Barbara trashes Catcher specifically. The plot is iNSANE, I can't even really get into it. But there's also a genuine love story? If you like watching a slutty man get completely Stockholm Syndromed into falling for a crazy woman, this is it. Also, Sarah Paulson and David Hyde Pierce, literal gay icons, play the best friends who also fall in love.
Mrs. Winterbourne. Another fucking bonkers movie that has a bit of drama but also sexy uptight lusting-after-his-brother's-widow-but-not-really Brendan Fraser. This girl, who we're supposed to think is 18 but it's Ricki Lake and she's not, gets abandoned by her boyfriend after she gets pregnant. She ends up on a train with this nice couple, including a woman who's just as pregnant as she is. She admires the woman's wedding ring and the lady is like omg try it on because she's nice and also weird, and then THE TRAIN CRASHES. Our heroine wakes up and she's had her baby and the baby is fine but the nice couple is DEAD and she was wearing the ring and was pregnant so everyone thinks SHEEEE is Mrs. Winterborne. The dead guy's rich family never met his wife, so they welcome her and her baby with open arms and she kinda has to go with it? Anyway, Brendan is the dead guy's IDENTICAL TWIN (which means he was also the dead guy) and he immediately is like "this bitch is lying" but he's also falling for her against his own will??? Truly this movie is reverse Gorilla Twins.
Blast from the Past--another Brendan Fraser movie you kinda have to see to believe. Basically, Sissy Spacek and Christopher Walken are a couple in the early 60s and Walken is a scientist who believes the earth is going to devolve into a nuclear armageddon, so he's built this bunker for him and his pregnant wife underground. He thinks nuclear war has begun, and rushes underground with said wife, and their son is born and raised into this perfectly preserved 1962 world. He's Brendan. Anyway, 30+ years later, he surfaces into the real world as 90s era Brendan Fraser, which means, hot, and is completely naive and gets led around by jaded girl Alicia Silverstone, who falls in love with him and wants to take his virginity REAL BAD.
My Fake Boyfriend. A truly wacky little gay romcom about Keiynan Londsale creating this ideal fake dating profile and his best friend living vicariously through it, which becomes complicated when Keiynan meets a guy he actually wants to be with.
Fire Island. I don't know how underrated this is? Maybe at large. Anyway, it's just a really fun modern queer Pride and Prejudice retelling with multiple super good couples and a greeeat Mr. Darcy.
Bros--I know that Billy Eichner is annoying and went all headass about this... but tbh, though it's not without issues, this is a very fun romcom with a sweet love story at the core that doesn't fuck around with adult issues like questions re: monogamy
Imagine Me and You--again, I don't know how underrated this is, I feel like it's Thee Lesbian Romcom in some circles, and it's imperfect, but I dooo love it. It's one of the few movies that sells love at first sight. It's dated but it's fun. Also. Lena Headey.
Always Be My Maybe--has everything I want; attractive people having sex, drama, childhood friends to "forget my number" to lovers, Keanu Reeves playing hIMSELF. I feel like this got decent recognition, but nowhere near what it deserved. If you haven't seen it, Ali Wong and Randall Park are childhood friends, his mom dies and he becomes super depressed when they're teens, right after they lose their virginities to each other (or she loses it to him? at least one is a virgin and neither knows shit about sex) and then feelings are hurt immediately after and they come back into each other's orbit years later when she's a celerity chef and he's like, her HVAC repairman lol. They rekindle the friendship but there's mooore.
Love, Rosie--I have my quibbles with this one, but I also have a soft spot for it because... childhood friend drama. Sam Claflin and Lily Collins are best friends since literal toddlerhood, he's clearly got feelings for her in high school but she fucks a random on graduation night and gets pregnant and doesn't tell Sam because she doesn't want him to stay behind and help her as he has a scholarship to Harvard med. Sloooow burn with lots of tension and angst and some charming found family vibes.
Palm Springs--again, debatable on how underrated it is because it's very much critically acclaimed, but this movie is never in the conversations Set It Up is waved into and it's actually excellent, so... Cristin Millioti (SHOULD be a romcom queen by RIGHT) is at her sister's wedding and goes off to hook up with random stranger Andy Samberg because she's a messy bitch. After a series of wacky events, she gets sucked into a time loop that Andy has been in for literal years, where they're reliving the same day over and over. A lot of crazy shit happens, hijinks are had, and they fall into (complicated) love. A chaotic favorite.
P.S. I Love You--I feel like this dog has had its day to an extent, but it was actually dragged when it came out, and I remember this because I remember going "why?? It's great". The only Gerard Butler movie worth seeing besides 300, probably, this stars Hilary Swank as a young widow whose husband (said Butler) recently died of a long term illness and left her a letter per month, telling her what to do in the first year after his death. The supporting cast is GREAT (Kathy Bates made me weep), it's both very funny and incredibly sad and uplifting and raw, Hilary fucks Lucky Charms Jeffrey Dean Morgan (the Irish accents in this are Bad but it's much better than Leap Year) and the ending subverts expectations in a great way.
Brown Sugar--This is obviously a very popular movie (MY DIVOOOOORCE) but I don't think it's upheld to the same status as The Best Man franchise and I always see Love & Basketball recommended over it and that seems wrong. Taye Diggs and and Sanaa Lathan play childhood friends who now work in hiphop adjacent industries and struggle with both authenticity and how badly they wanna bone each other. THEN HE GETS ENGAGED. This one is messy, with cheating and hurt feelings and real adult issues, but it also has one of the funniest scenes committed to celluloid so.
Music and Lyrics--a Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore CLASSIC that actually reads like a romance novel onscreen. Hugh Grant is a washed up 80s pop star who wants to land a gig writing a bop for a pop princess, but he can only do the music, not the lyrics. He finds out unexpectedly that the weird chick watering his plants (Drew) is a good little lyricist and they begin working together, which leads to... love. Has a genuinely great grovel, I gotta say.
Just Like Heaven--cheesy, but the spot I have for it is soft (weird). Mark Ruffalo is a sad widower who's moved into a new apartment, only to find out that it is haunted by the GHOOOOST of the woman who was in his apartment beforehand (Reese Witherspoon) (there is a happy ending). It's of AN ERA.
Moonstruck--should not be underrated because Cher won an actual Oscar for it, but many people don't seem to talk about it today? Probably because of the hero, but OVERLOOK THAT. Cher is a widow who's just gotten engaged to this one dude who's Just Fine, and she wants to make sure his brother, one-handed Nicolas Cage, goes to the wedding. Except oops, she ends up fucking him right after they meet because one-handed Nic Cage has the juice, I guess? He gives this big speech, she says he's a wolf, it's great and verrrrrry Eyetalian American.
Faraway--I just saw this and it is PURE. GOLD. A middle-aged wife and mother loses her own mother and finds out her husband is having an emotional affair at the same time. So she goes to this little house in Croatia that her mother secretly owned, without telling ANYONE. Except oops, there is a squatter in the house, and it's a MAAAAN. Funny, sexy, a great example of two attractive middle-aged people who look like attractive middle-aged people falling in love. A real "find yourself at any age", uplifting movie that made my heart so warm.
Austenland--not super underrated, but fun. Keri Russell is a Jane Austen lunatic who goes to an Austen-themed resort and ends up encountering her own Darcy type.... But is he just playing a part??? Jennifer Coolidge is also in this. Being excellent.
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zaricats · 3 years
Tagged by @fab-wolf-in-the-gloom !!!! Love you!
name/nickname: eliza!
gender: woman, she/her, though I'm not bothered by they/them
star sign: leo, but just on the edge of virgo
height: 5' 3" on a good day lmao
birthday: august 22nd! So a little ways away
fave bands/musicians: orville peck, oingo boingo, cosmo sheldrake, and I will always have a soft spot for fall out boy
song stuck in my head: well this question put favorite record by fall out boy in my head so... there ya go
last movie: "penelope" which I HATED I do NOT reccomend
last show: clone wars! 11/10 DO reccomend
when I created this blog: idk probably 2013?
last thing I googled: "ewan mcgregor robin hood" which kindly informed me that this doesnt exist and I was in fact thinking of jack the giant slayer
other blogs: I have a drag race one, @narcoleptic-drag-queen, and an art blog, @freyjart !!!!
do I get asks: yes! Mostly from friends, but still fun
following: oh my god please dont make me look
instrument: none lmao I have no musical talent
why I chose this url: when zari was turned into a cat on legends it was ICONIC and i needed a url to honor it
nationality: american!
average hours of sleep: 6 on weekdays and 10 on weekends lmao
lucky number: 6
what I'm wearing: a flannel, t shirt, and jeans!
dream trip: IRELAND. PLEASE.
favorite food: sushi, but a frappe and fries will do in a pinch
favorite song: probably winds change by orville peck?? Its SO good
top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: alright. Middle-Earth. Star Wars but ONLY pre-clone wars. And ATLA
Tagging: @exit-the-horizon , @dykerory , @deputy-ajay-ghale , @calico-fiction , and @freykitten !!!!
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colinfirth · 3 years
TAGGED BY: the incomparable @day​😍
TAGGING: @ewan-mcgregor @timothyolyphant @javier-pena @robintunney​ @sarahspaulson @samaraweaving @ngoveronicas & anyone who wants to - if you don’t want to do it too, no biggie hahaa 
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Georgia (No nickname - please do not call me Gigi or Georgie, God knows people have tried lol) Gender: F Star sign: Sagittarius, baby!! Height:  5′ 6" Time: 9:02am Birthday: December 17th (coming up soonnnn :D) Favorite Bands: Caamp, Foster The People, Kozad (y'all should check them out, fr - 'Backseat Driving'!!!!), The Strokes, Epik High, BTS, Jannabi Favorite Solo artists: DEAN, Ruel, Harry Styles, Samm Henshaw, Jelani Aryeh, Janelle Monae, Tom Misch, Still Woozy, Dominic Fike, Gabrielle Aplin, Childish Gambino, UMI Song stuck in my head: Hallucinogenics - Matt Maeson Last Movie: Up (bc I'm planning on giffing it LMAO) Last Show: The Mandalorian (hehe) When did I create this blog: July 2020 What do I post: Lots of things (I know lately there's been a lot of Pedro but... I mean, it's PEDRO) - movies and TV shows in 99.9% GIF form Last thing googled: "Board Games for Adults" (xmas gift ideas for people I don't even care about -gag-) Other blogs: Nope Do I get asks: ...... Let's not talk about it Why I chose my url: A very kind person offered it to me and momma ain't raise no fool Following: 64 Followers: A little more to go to 200 Average hours of sleep: Around 7 because any less than that, I am non-functional Lucky number: 11 and 6 Instruments: A little bit of guitar but that's about it haha What am I wearing: An old college T-shirt and shorts (I run super hot) Dream job: Film Director/Screenwriter Dream trip: At this point? Anywhere Favorite food: Mashed potatoes (bc I am a child) Nationality: I am, for better or for worse, an American Favorite song: (Loaded question...) Lately, 'Stella Brown' - Jelani Aryeh, 'I Been' - Berhana feat. Crush, 'UGH' - BTS, 'Respect' - BTS Last book read: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (I'm rereading the series :D) Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: HP, LOTR, and... I can't think of a third one hahaha
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