#pmp question
eduhubspot · 11 months
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 If you're aspiring to become a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®), you know that thorough preparation is key to passing the PMP exam. One effective way to enhance your readiness and boost your confidence is by utilising online test preparation resources. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages of PMP online tests, PMP mock exams,PMP practice tests, and PMP simulator , and discuss how they can significantly benefit your exam preparation journey.
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gokremtekir · 2 months
PMP Questions 51-60
Photo by Teona Swift on Pexels.com PMP Question 51 At a critical milestone in a development project, it is determined that implementation is two months behind schedule. The project manager is concerned that the root cause is lack of conformance to requirements in the design of the new billing system. More extensive measurements are taken to see if this is, in fact, the problem. Those…
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goldy098 · 1 year
The best way to prepare yourself for this exam is to prepare with PMP Exam Practice Questions and Live Testing Modules.
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simonsmith123 · 1 year
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marufkhanfreelancer · 2 years
AGILE PMP Questions and Answers | Agile Value Specific Questions | PMP S...
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blubushie · 1 month
Blu x reader. Mostly-silent car drive with music. Blu tells you about one of the many times he saw the life fade from a mans eyes in excruciating detail. Reader shows Blu a dead animal they found the other day. He thinks its cool then gives you encyclopedic knowledge of said animal. You get drinks together and Reader keeps their head on their shoulders ez. You two say goodbye that night and promise to keep in touch. This is a 10/10 social interaction in my mind. And theres no small talk or Reader will droproll out of the vehicle regardless of how fast youre going. Its graphic details of someones death or zilch.
Ok ok I'll write the first one to break the ice...
You meet him on the side of the Stuart Highway after flagging him down. He asks if you're a hitchhiker and you tell him yes. You notice he's a little bloody—red staining his hands and his rolled-up sleeves. You ask him if it's animal blood or people blood and he just laughs and tells you to get in the truck. You avoid looking at the rifle hanging in the rear window.
Despite your better judgement, you do.
The radio is some Australian country shit you've never heard of but he seems to be genuinely enjoying. He's tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the song.
You spend most the time talking but eventually say something that gets his attention. He perks up a little and flatly corrects you. If you argue with him he'll be a little tense and distant the rest of the night. If you engage or debate him he gets into it and seems to come out of his shell more. Maybe you even get a smile out of him.
He casually mentions some graphic details about his job as a PMP. It's a little out of the blue and he'll immediately apologise when he sees the look on your face about it. He won't bring it up again unless you press him but he seems fine talking about it, and loosens up a little when you start asking questions. It seems he enjoys being asked things and being given the ability to answer.
You point out a kangaroo on the side of the road. He squints and corrects you that it's a wallaroo. You ask what the difference is and he ends up going on a nonstop 10-minute spiel about the difference between kangaroos, wallaroos, and wallabies. It's the most words he says all night.
Someone overtakes you on the right without a signal and Blu mutters under his breath about how the guy's a dickhead. It's quiet and more a resigned huff and he won't say more. If you press him he'll quietly say that he hates irresponsible drivers.
Not even 5 minutes later he's asking you if you want a drink. If you say no he won't mention it. If you say yes he starts to pull over. "What are you doing?" "What, you think there's a pub out here? C'mon." He goes around to the passenger door and opens it for you and guides you to the back of the camper. The lock sticks but eventually it opens and he leads you in. It's small. It's very small.
He walks in and leans against his bedframe (the bed is surprisingly big) and asks what kind of drinks you like. If you say beer he'll raise a brow at you but get you a coldie from the fridge. If you say cocktails he'll ask if there's anything specific and make it for you. He's efficient and quick with cocktails but it's obvious your talking is distracting him if you're talking while he does it. He makes himself a quick old fashioned and settles at the table with you.
If you ask him if he should be drinking and driving he'll give you a look and assure you he can handle himself.
Most of your time spent drinking is him allowing you to talk about yourself. He's kind enough to give some sparse information about himself too. You find out he hunts feral animals for money, and that he likes fine whisky, and that he grew up in the outback. He doesn't offer much more information than that.
He's two drinks down when he mutters something about a "buzz" and says you should hit the road because if he drinks any more you'll be unable to drive.
You both go back upfront and he continues driving.
Eventually you fall asleep.
He wakes you up in the early morning and tells you he's dropping you off and can't take you further. Something about his job being dangerous. "This is where you get off, love. But I'm sure I'll see ya 'round, ay?"
He cracks a joke about not letting yourself get mugged and drives off.
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woklaza · 5 months
Looking At the Stars like we used to
09:12  Seven years ago, February, Shuji and Kashimura
You’re so annoying, Kashimura! 
Shuji scribbled on the piece of paper and expertly passed it to Kashimura, two desks diagonally in front. Kashimura glanced at the note and glared at Shuji—that bastard. Kashimura scrawled an angry sentence back.
I am NOT giving you the answer! You know how to solve that question anyway.
Kashimura scrunched up the note and threw it to Shuji. The paper flawlessly landed next to Shuji’s book.
Pft! Kashimura is so mean! I bet that’s why he’s still 150 cm tall!
Hobbit species. Replied Shuji simply. 
What an ass. Kashimura was about to write something (in all capitals) when he was suddenly called out by the teacher, looking sternly at him.
“Kashimura, what answer did you get to question three?” Asked the teacher, clearly knowing he had been passing notes with Shuji. The blackboard was full of expressions and equations Kashimura hadn’t noticed. Fuck.
“Fourteen to the power of seven.” Grumbled Kashimura, saying the first thing that came to his mind. The class erupted in snickers— attempts of trying not to laugh, but failing. How very annoying.
“Nowhere close.” Said the teacher, unimpressed. “If you are going to pass notes in my class, you need to know how to do your maths first. Now, will Shuji give us the answer?” The teacher peered at Kashimura’s “accomplice”.
“Negative six, sir.” Chirped Shuji happily. 
“Correct.” Said the teacher, but disappointed that he couldn’t tell Shuji off. 
Kashimura glared as Shuji smiled, all cocky. Why did Shuji even ask what the answer was when he knew it all along? 
“Hey, mackerel! It’s all your fault! Why did you even decide to pass me a note? It was a nice maths lesson too!” Kashimura continued to rant as Shuji poked his tongue out at him. It was 3:15, right after the final period of the day. Kashimura threw his satchel at Shuji’s head.
“Kashimura, you’re a psycho for liking Maths! And the teacher!” Shuji spoke lazily in his voice as if he didn’t even want to use his energy to talk with Kashimura.
“You son of a bitch.” Muttered Kashimura. Yes, he likes maths, mostly because he can irritate Shuji to entertain himself, but that always somehow gets reversed.
“Now, Kashimura, that’s not a nice thing to say!” Said Shuji, pouting his lips. He discreetly likes it when Kashimura swears, but it will be on his deathbed when he says it.
“Have I ever intended to be nice to you?” Said Kashumura icily, side-eyeing Shuji.
“Why are you talking to me then, chibi?” Teased Shuji, eyes wide with mockery.
“Stop. Calling. Me. A. Fucking. Chibi.” Growled Kashimura.
“I’m fourteen, I’m still growing~!” Mimicked Shuji sarcastically.
Kashimura didn’t speak, instead casting a glare. Whatever he says, Shuji always has a way of retorting.
“You going to that drama audition tomorrow? You know, the one Port Mafia is holding for six plays?” Asked Shuji, In an attempt to steer the conversation away. It was a bit stupid, considering the answer would be no. 
Kashimura is a Sheep actor, and the Sheep hates the Port Mafia productions. The Port Mafia Theatre Department has lots of successful productions, eight out of ten of their plays were recorded and released online. and even if you never saw their plays, you would have watched Port Mafia Products on TV. But the PMP was also known for hiring underage actors and involving sketchy deals. That was probably why The Sheep hated them. 
The Sheep was a small local company, consisting of little kids, it was almost like a drama workshop. Kashumura is a skilled actor, but Shuji personally thinks he is wasting talent in the Sheep. They usually do common plays in the town theatre, with storylines so dire they were funny. Chuuya was a Sheep actor, but still a tiny tot fifteen-year-old, so he had to go to school. Being in the Sheep made Chuuya quite popular at school, though. 
“Yeah.” Said Kashimura, surprised. “How did you know?”
Full work on Ao3:
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trickstercourtaita · 3 months
AITA for feeling more connected to my mom's ex than my actual dad???
a while ago, my friends and I (M?22) started traveling around the feywild to find someone my friend M (M17) wanted to look for. it was a pretty easy quest on paper, but things got a lot more complicated when someone who'd been helping us out (F???) told me some pretty alarming shit about my stepdad (M???). he and my mom (F i'm not sure about her age, she's been in the feywild for a few pmp years) had been together for about 10 years or so, and he'd been helping us out until that point so i felt really conflicted about it. i decided to contact him and ask him about the accusations directly, and he admitted he did do questionable things in the past, but had changed since (which made sense to me at the time). we ended up traveling to a different destination that he recommended i go to because he had a job for me to do there, but when i tried to reach out to him again like he asked me to, i couldn't reach him (it's important to note he was also my warlock patron). it turns out that in my pact it said he'd only be able to be my patron while on the same plane as me, so my magic also disappeared. my party and i ended up finding ALL of our parents in this place, including my biological father (M i have no fucking clue) who immediately tried to kill me because he thought i was my stepdad. he didn't, but we ended up confronting my stepdad and won't be seeing him for a while. my mom seems happy, but i don't feel any connection to my bio dad at all. tbh i thought he decided to leave my mom and i for a long time so finding out he didn't is still something i'm adjusting to. i want to have a good relationship with my father, but it doesn't feel like he IS my father. when i think of my dad, the only person that comes to mind is my former-almost-stepdad, which i hate because he caused a LOT of hurt to the most important people in my life. i'm planning on visiting him in a few weeks or so (not sure exactly on the time), mostly to let him know how he hurt me, but i can't let go of the little bit of hope i have that my dad is still there. as for my bio dad, right now i don't really have any desire to get to know him better. my mom will probably get us to talk eventually, but i'm going to be honest and tell him i don't think we can ever be father and son in the way i think he wants us to. AITA???
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savipra · 1 year
Comprehensive PMP Study Guide for Myself
Understand the project management framework: Familiarize yourself with the different project management frameworks, such as Agile, hybrid, and predictive (waterfall). This will help you eliminate options that are not valid based on the framework being used in the question.
Know the process group and knowledge area mappings: Understand the relationship between the process groups (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing) and the knowledge areas (Integration, Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality, Resources, Communications, Risk, Procurement, Stakeholder). This knowledge will help you identify the appropriate process group and knowledge area relevant to the question.
Focus on situational questions: When encountering situational questions, read the last sentence (the main question) first before reading the entire prompt. This will guide you on what to do, what to do first, what should have been done, or what not to do. Pay attention to keywords like "most important," "least important," "likely," and "may/might/claims" to identify the nature of the question (risk or issue-related).
Serve as a servant leader: Adopt a servant leader mentality, thinking about the team's needs and facilitating effective communication. Consider face-to-face communication as the preferred option and prioritize training and coaching to empower team members.
Assess, review, and take action: Understand the sequence of steps in problem-solving and decision-making processes. Assess the situation, review relevant information or plans, and then take appropriate action or make informed decisions based on the assessment and review.
Follow formal change management processes: Recognize that any changes to the project should go through formal change management processes. Change requests should be approved following the appropriate procedures and never implemented without proper approval.
Utilize appropriate tools and techniques: Understand which tools and techniques are suitable for different project management aspects. For example, bottom-up estimation is best for cost estimation, prototypes are effective for demonstrations, and meetings and coaching are recommended for conflict resolution.
Adhere to project management principles: Remember key project management principles such as stakeholder engagement, quality control, following acceptance criteria for deliverables, and following formal project closure processes.
Communicate and collaborate effectively: Maintain open communication channels with the project management office (PMO), stakeholders, customers, and team members. Report project status and updates regularly to keep all parties informed.
Apply risk management practices: Identify and address risks throughout the project lifecycle. Update the risk register when new risks arise or when there are implications due to new laws or information from the internet.
Consider contractual and vendor management: If there are issues related to vendors, consult the appropriate department for guidance. Address vendor-related problems through meetings and brainstorming sessions with the team to find solutions.
Prioritize smaller tasks before bigger actions: When faced with a decision on what the project manager should do next or first, ensure that preliminary actions like problem assessment, plan review, or meetings with the team are completed before making decisions on larger tasks like change requests or project closure.
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pmpublishers01 · 6 months
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PM Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (PMP) is a leading publishing house of educational school books. PMP books incorporate the projected NEP 2020, NIPUN BHARAT and NCF 2022 guidelines by MHRD, Gol, the Department of School Education & Literacy, MoE, Gol, and NCERT respectively. For providing cost-effective quality books, the prescribed curriculum framed by NCERT/ SCERT based for the CBSE, ICSE and other state boards forms a basis for us to cater to the needs of all stakeholders. In a short span of time, the house has created a niche amongst educators. More than 4000 established schools both in India and abroad have already appreciated the significant presence of our books. The books are supported with the latest technology like AR Apps, Multimedia, Assessment Tools, Question Paper Generator, and Quiz Generator. Explore more
Links: https://www.pmpublishers.in/
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eduhubspot · 11 months
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foxqueen-katarian · 2 years
On a much smaller, personal, and less world ending scale, Essek recombining the Luxon is just a mini-Calamity.
Like, God trapped outside of the PMP is released, it’s motivated by Wizard Hubris and lack of faith in the god, the Wizard in question suffers, Ghor Dranus is a pivotal location.
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gokremtekir · 3 months
PMP Question 41-50
Question 41 Who is accountable for the Product Backlog when it comes to content and order? Abone İçeriği A- The product owner and developers B- The product owner C- The scrum master D- Customer stakeholders In Scrum, the Product Backlog is a prioritized list of all the features, enhancements, and fixes that constitute the changes to be made to the product. It is the responsibility of the…
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goldy098 · 1 year
Our professional organization for Project Management seeking to get expertise in Project management skills. One of the best ways to prepare for the PMP Exam is to regularly practice PMP Exam Practice Questions and Live Testing Modules.
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simonsmith123 · 1 year
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mathiesenblake07 · 1 year
Pmp Certification Coaching In London Boot Camp Training For Pmp Exam Prep
It offers an intense studying setting to the attendees for their PMP exam preparation and is scheduled once each month. This program is for practicing project managers from London who need to take up the Project Management Professional certification , from the Project Management Institute . Throughout sap abab course uk , delegates will also find out about the way to obtain ASE Software and set up on Linux, with perceive the interface of Adaptive Server.
These can be used as acceptable relying on the type of work being carried out. Mobile execution of selecting permits warehouse operators to carry out various kinds of choosing scenarios in real-time, such as pallet choosing, delivery-based carton/piece selecting and pack, e-commerce (multi-order) choosing, packing and loading. Furthermore, the multiple steps of the despatch course of, such as packing and loading, may be included in this time window calculation.
Module-6 Sap Bw/4 Hana
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In many situations, this kind of automation can present a compelling return on investment, though sometimes for new-build warehouses.
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The system supports you with the planned and environment friendly processing of all logistics processes in your warehouse complex.
It manages organisational sources and supplies to speed up productiveness and cut back costs.
The scholar shall be connecting to our Live virtual classroom where they are going to be able work together with the coach. At iTraining London, we provide career-focused professional certification coaching that helps the scholars to achieve the actual working expertise. Our instructors are extremely expert with industry experience of a few years, working in a best and renowned organization.
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We are recognized by Forrester as a pacesetter amongst SAP companies providers, by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant for SAP S/4HANA Application Services, Worldwide and by IDC as a frontrunner in Worldwide SAP Next-Generation Implementation Services. We're the first to collaborate with SAP to develop its S/4HANA and CX core enterprise software program suite—the most far-reaching program in our +40-year relationship. Join a staff that has won 120+ SAP awards in the final 5 years—more than some other SAP partner. The course was very nicely designed and the coach owing to his vast experience could assist us perceive the topic in a really simplified method. We supply a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee to all of our training individuals . This guarantee covers you if you're not happy with any aspect of PMP® Certification Training. Contact us at inside 24 hours from the time when the primary session of Bootcamp training begins. Furthermore, there will be exam-solving classes the place a mock examination is solved in real-time by our instructors.
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