ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Personnel File Umami "Milly" Vermillion
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Position:  Chief Engineer Rank: Lieutenant Species: Prismatican Gender: Depositor Date of Birth: 2209 Age: 171 Place of Birth: Mosaic Reef, Iris
Height: 0.84 meters Weight: 31 kilograms Eye Color: Hex Code #0006ff "Deep Blue" Default Pigmentation: Hex Code #f53f0a "Vermillion" Family: #f1c232 "Yellow-Ochre" Ash (Spouse, Brood Carrier), #990000 "Crimson" Iron (Spouse, Gestator), #c90076 "Hot Pink" Cilantro Plant (Spouse, Nester), +8 more (Brood of Prismlings, age 76) Education: Mosaic Technical School of Advanced Mechanics (Class of 2249), Starfleet Academy (Class of 2257), Starfleet Medical (Class of 2310) Service Record: U.S.S. Enterprise, Ensign, Turbolift Maintenance Specialist (2261), U.S.S Heracles, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Transporter Chief (2278), U.S.S. Excelsior, Lieutenant, Jeffrey's Tube Efficiency Specialist (2301), Starfleet Academy, Internal Transport Systems Professor (2377), U.S.S. Tubman, Lieutenant, Chief Engineer (2378)
Background Story: The first Prismatican to join Starfleet after the planet Iris joined the Federation in 2240. A long and illustrious career in 23rd century engineering marked by vast improvements in transporter speeds and turbolift safety protocols for which Milly was the primary architect. Spent a little over a half century as a tenured professor as they and their mates raised their centurial brood of Prismlings to adulthood. Once their children reached adulthood they once again decided to reach for the stars, carrying over a century of teaching skills and transportation innovation with them to the U.S.S. Tubman.
Personality Profile: An incredibly chipper, patient, and polite officer with a long career in transportation, safety measures, and teaching. They have a strong affinity for humanoids, particularly young ones, that sets them apart from much of their culture. As they enter their species' approximation of old age, they seek to spend their golden years exploring the stars as they once did as a Prismling.
Physical Profile: Tall for a Prismatican but on the smaller side of Starfleet participating Federation members. Default coloration is commonly described as Vermillion, and their default scent is what humans would describe as a smokey/fatty scent known as "umami".
Special Notes: Requires complex personal translator equipment due to the Prismatican language's unique nature. As well as personal quarters accommodative for amphibious life. Side Note: I would like @plaguedoctorsnake for being partially responsible for this OC through their Pike x Reader request resulting in my fanfiction "Color Coded"!
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Oooo ask for Pike, how about pike and a non human (preferable gn or male please :) ) reader and how they would try and communicate if the universal translators go down whilst stuck in a turbo lift together? :D
Oooh what a FUN concept! 🤩 I’ll do my best! I got really creative when I heard the word “alien” I hope you like it!
Color Coded (Platonic Pike x Reader)
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Rating: E for Everyone!
Word Count: 1.1k
Content: SFW, Ops!Reader, Alien!Reader, Cadet!Reader, GN!Reader, budding friendship, author OG alien race, minor concussion, reader saves the day!, shenanigans, general cuteness (with stakes!)
Teaser: The language of your people is unique, even amongst Federation worlds. So much so that you need to have your own personal translator on hand. Sure would be a shame if a freak turbolift accident broke it or something!
It had been a long day of recalibrations and catching up on redundancy checks, but the Enterprise was back in peak condition. At least now you could finally go relax in your tank.
The turbolift doors whisked open hardly two floors after you’d started.
You straightened as much as your petite cephalopodic frame could manage, it was the Captain! A human you had only seen but had yet to meet!
“Oh! Hello Cadet! I’m Captain Christopher Pike. I apologize that I wasn’t able to meet you in person when you came aboard. I had some unexpected diplomatic duties on Starbase One.”
“No worries sir! I know you’re very busy!” You scented into your personal translator, turning dark blue then pink with humility and a little intimidation.
“Still, I try to make sure I get to meet everyone who comes aboard, especially someone as historic as you. You’re Starfleet’s first Prismatican correct? Your people communicate through color and olfactory sequences, unique even by Federation standards. How’s that personal translator working for you?”
“Quite well sir! Cadet Uhura and I have begun programming a software workaround that will hopefully allow me to patch into the universal translat-“
The turbolift froze in its tracks with a violent force that knocked the power out, and both of you off balance! You went flying and instinctively clung to the wall. The captain wasn’t so lucky, you heard him slam against the side of the lift with a grunt, and the sound of delicate metal crunching.
“Oh no.”
Unless the Captain was hiding a delicate piece of scientific equipment in his pocket, you could only guess what his unexpected dive had broken.
This was going to be a problem.
“Unh, are you alright Cadet?”
In the darkness you had no idea what he just said, you couldn't see him. You only felt movement, and with your scent resynthesizer crushed, you’d have to rely on lip reading. Thank goodness you took Federation Standard at the academy! But there was just one issue, it was pitch dark in here!
You skittered toward the where you knew the emergency switch was but the power came back on right as you reached for it, or where you had thought it was, turns out you were on the ceiling!
It seemed the Captain was surprised to find you there, he winced at the light. You tried to make yourself useful and open the ceiling hatch, but it was dented shut. You looked down and noticed something even more worrying, Captain Pike was bleeding!
You let go and landed right in front of him, turning red and trying to say ‘blood’ or at least scent it, not that you knew what human blood smelled like until just now.
“Ok, why… why do you smell like copper? What are you trying to, oh.”
Pike grazed his temple and noticed the red streak across his fingertips.
“Whelp, that explains why I was having such a hard time getting up. Is the turbolift actually tilted or… or is that just me?”
You tilted yourself to indicate that the turbolift was in fact almost sideways. The Captain nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose before reorienting himself towards the communications panel with a little help from you.
“We gotta talk to engineering, they’ll be able to get us out of here in no time.”
You sensed he was trying to be reassuring but you barely caught what he said, he wasn’t exactly looking at you. How were you going to tell him you could read lips? Would he even remember? He didn’t seem to be feeling too well.
“Engineering this is Captain Pike, status report?”
No response.
“Engineering, status report, what the hell happened out there?”
Still nothing.
“Captain to Bridge, Number One is everything alright?”
Captain Pike swallowed hard, Humans may not change color (much) when they were upset, but there were other ways to tell.
Hoping nothing bad had happened, you realized there was another possibility. You removed the cover panel of the communications hub. Ah! Just as you thought! The impact the turbolift took jostled some of the relay chips free.
It’d be an easy fix, if you had humanoid digits like the rest of the crew. Lesson learned, never leave your accommodations in Engineering!
You were going to have to show the Captain how to do it for you. You tapped the Captain on his shoulder, gesticulating to the chips.
“Ok, got it, how do we fix this?”
You turned orange then yellow, orange chip, yellow wire. Easy right?
“I don’t, I don’t follow.”
Apparently not.
You reminded yourself to be patient, he was your superior officer, and also, he hit his head pretty bad. Which couldn’t be good for somebody whose bones were on the inside. Human biology was so strange.
You pointed to the loose chip, and then to the wire, turning orange, then yellow again.
“Oh! Sorry, uh, I think, I miiiight have a concussion. Don’t worry though, I’ll be fine.” He grinned half-heartedly as he followed your directions.
You didn’t really believe him. But at least you knew what the thing that was wrong with him was called now! Maybe you should’ve taken a first aid course, fixing humanoids couldn’t be that different to fixing machines, right?
This process went on for a few minutes, there were a couple moments where he scared you a little by taking a while to respond or having to lean on the wall for a minute, but it got done. Wanting to be as much help as possible you pressed the comms button for him.
“Captain! Oh my god we’ve been looking all over for you, are you alright?!”
“I’m fine I- ugh, smells like battery acid, what’s wrong? Are you angry with me?”
“I’m sorry what was that Captain?”
“Okay, okay, okay I’m sorry. I might have a mild concussion, our new Cadet and I are trapped in a turbolift, hatch is damaged shut, not sure where we are…”
Oh no he'd zoned out again! You tapped the Captain on his leg, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“Captain? Chris?”
“Don’t worry Chris, we’ll send someone to get you. I’ll fill you in on what happened AFTER you go to sickbay alright?”
You turned off the comms, ushering the Captain to sit down, he did so heavily.
“Guess it’s time to sit tight, you did, ow, you did good Cadet. Especially given the circumstances, sorry about that by the way, I’ll… somebody'll fix it. Hope I can return the favor.”
You turned bright yellow, it sure felt nice to be appreciated!
“Oh, okay, that’s minty, I’m guessing that means thank you?”
You know what? Close enough!
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
What if I told y’all I have an OC ship and crew in the works of my brain that I will not shut the fuck up about once I post the low-down and would love to be interrogated about soon?
Okay just as a teaser
A post Voyager LWD/Prodigy era alien crew (Trill, two Vulcans, a Klingon, a Cardassian raised by Bajorans from DS9 canon, a Ferengi and an OC alien race I call Prismatican)
In a ship specifically designed to discreetly escort refugees called Amnesty Class, this ship’s particular post-war mission to bust humanoid trafficking rings within Federation space.
Hold on to your tits y’all
The USS Tubman is about to come into orbit 😎
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
For the soft OC asks 🥰
Chief Milly
Originating from This Ask Game, feel free to participate! Soft OC asks for Chief Umami Vermillion coming right up!! Please reblog if you enjoyed!
Chief Milly!
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How does your OC React to affectionate gestures?
Jhadima Answers: Oh my gosh!! I'm not trying to be belittling when I say this because, I mean, I know better because other than them I am the shortest crew member aboard. Believe me I checked the ship's database, and they ARE senior staff so it would be disrespectful to say so but if I have permission to speak freely? They Are So CUTE!! One time I gave them a kiss on the forehead because they did me a HUGE favor and they just, they wiggled! Sometimes they go "oh gracious me!" or "goodness!" or something like that. They said thank you which I know is like, an earth mint smell and turning bright yellow. But this time, this time this time this time! They did this thing with their mouth(?) that made a little *pop* sound like blowing a kiss back! They're the sweetest, I love them.
What makes them blush?
Jhadima Answers: They don't really blush, I mean, they change color but not like we do, they do get flustered easy! Usually, even though they've been doing their job for like, a billion years, any time you tell them they're doing a really good job, or just, like, go even a little out of your way do something nice for them. They get all mushy like it's the first time anybody ever complimented them in their whole life! So it's really not that hard to make Chief Milly get all minty on you. *giggles*
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Do they have a comfort food, who makes it best?
Dr. Gavvrok Answers: I normally do the cooking whenever it's time to pull together a warrior's banquet for the senior staff. Ashayam- Commander Evaris has many talents but cooking is not one of them! Milly's got the taste of a Klingon warrior, I only wish the rest of the crew's taste would gain their courage! There is this deep sea eel worm delicacy from their world that is reminiscent of Gagh. Now, my family and I take Gagh very seriously, I am the only member of my family that hasn't made a career out of it to put it lightly. But it reminds us both of home, it's one thing to only be able to make such things for yourself, but two is an excuse to challenge the replicator a little! They've told me while it doesn't taste exactly like home, they enjoy the twist inherent to my people's culinary style even more! Which I am very honored to hear.
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Who knows how they like their favorite drink best?
Counselor T'Wan Answers: Prismaticans are amphibious, hydration is a constant and crucial need when a member of their species is spending extended time out of water. Prismaticans do not drink so much as breathe and absorb. They order a diffusion of oceanic minerals and a flora local to their home called "the breaching sunleaf" in bulk from the Hearth's Call replimat and have it sent down to engineering. They prefer it at about 26 degrees Celsius, same temperature as the water in their quarters. They often ask that I diffuse it myself, a common request from individuals of a more sentimental disposition. It brings them joy, a crucial emotion to the homeostasis of many non-Vulcans, which is the goal of my position here. Do you wish me to further digress on this topic? Or may I leave to continue distributing positive neurochemical responses to my patrons?
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