#raoule my silly my funny guy :]]
solarpawbs · 3 months
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We'll start with Raoule! I've got too many pokemom ocs to pick from, they're all my babies :"]
-Raoule Witta Punches is a fobbit (fox/rabbit hybrid) who self-admitted to the Sparklecare hospital after a nervous breakdown. Under the impression the hospital would help them come up with different coping mechanisms for their various ailments, it was met with... varying results. Now, they just do their best to get through it all, nervous about most everything but determined none the less!
-Raoule is the jumpiest fobbit you'll ever meet! They're quick to yelp and scream at even the slightest hair of another person touching them. It will then quickly apologize, but politely insist you don't touch it alongside a shaky thumbs-up.
-Bro SHEDS!! Due to their supermegaitchyism, Raoule is often found scratching all over with both their front and back paws. Sometimes, a trail of pink and white fur is left behind them as they venture through the hospital.
-During its surgeries via the hospital staff, Raoule had its hands removed and reattached. Evidence of this can be seen in the stitching around either of its wrists. Due to this poor operation, Raoule now deals with permanent shaky hands, even when calm.
-Their ears are not just for show! Being a mix of a fox and a rabbit, their hearing is especially strong. They have a bad habit of eavesdropping...
-Their favourite colour is periwinkle :]]
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58, 48, 38, 29 for the personal questions ask game!
--Rain on Main
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Uhhh, either New York or London, so I can see a show on Broadway or the West End!
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
OH I had an answer for this before, but I forgot it... but maybe something funny, like a silly reference, or a song lyric, or a memory verse? OOOH or maybe that line from Les Mis, "To love another person is to see the face of God."
38) Where is your best friend?
A few hours away from where I am :(((
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
The Phantom of the Opera,
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Raoul de Chagny,
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and Hadley Fraser (I'm literally listening to one of his songs as I write this 😭).
I mean, POTO is my favorite musical now, as well as my new favorite book!! Like, being genuinely honest, ever since I listened to the album and started reading the book, I haven't really been able to stop thinking about either since. It's just so goshdang FUN. I actually consciously paused reading the book just before the end because I didn't want it to end 😭 (now the reason I haven't finished it yet is I just haven't had the time wjdhwhdb). But anyway I love the music (in the musical), and the story, and the THEMES WHDHWHDHWHDH, and the CHARACTERS especially. Raoul my baby boy, my beloved 😭😭😭 he doesn't deserve all the hate he gets :(( he's just a baby. a himbo. a precious little idiot. a golden retriever of a boy. who loves so so much and so so hard that it hurts 😭
And Hadley... well, I don't want to say I'm obsessed with him, because that sounds disrespectful. But... you've probably seen my simping hours posts 😭 but he genuinely seems to be a really sweet guy, and I really love his work!! His acting and singing abilities are absolutely incredible, and I love watching him perform. Do I also have a crush on him? Yes, but can you blame me 😭 i am but a simple teenage girl, and he is a good looking man 😭
Unique personal asks game!
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andrewlloydwebber · 1 year
phantom broadway last night
first of all, nehal joshi as andre my beloved. he is so energetic and frantic and FUNNY. he is so such a fanboy of carlotta, a perfect gentleman. for example, you could feel that he felt bad for christine during managers 2. i usually don't laugh at some of the manager's silliness but he got some good laughs out of me during the il muto ballet sequence (andre was struck with horrible stage fright and had no clue what to do!). also loved his frenetic cajoling of firmin on "your public needs you". anyway, best andre EVER.
first time seeing john riddle! i really adored him as well, such genuine passion and care for christine, so sweet and even during twisted every way, you could see raoul really does believe he's doing the right thing out of love for her. he's not toxic and manipulative ljke paul's raoul, john riddle actually took the time to craft his performance around seeing things from a team raoul perspective. which seems like a basic thing but i've seen so many raoul actors resent that they're not playing the phantom and just have awful or boring performances because of it. but john's actions were genuinely motivated and i just really love him as raoul.
last time i saw julia was with paul as raoul and she was a dull as dishwater christine. i much preferred her at this performance considering she had a great co-player in john, i think everyone had much more energy. i also preferred ben crawford this time around but i feel like he sings his vowels like an over dramatic cartoon parody of the phantom. i know others have commented on that.
elizabeth welch's hannibal princess acting is unmatched. her ensemble character is so ready to accept the role of elissa, had even been practicing the movements while carlotta is singing, and then it's all taken away from her when meg speaks up on behalf of christine.
THE AUDIENCE MEMBERS WERE SO RUDE. late seating during the auction, overture, hannibal (as late as carlotta's think of me). and a guy in my row made us get up during "managers 2" because he hadn't gotten back to his seat in time. i feel bad for the ushers because i know there's little they can do, but if you are late you should just go home and feel bad rather than distract and disrupt the people who made the effort to be at the show on time. i was so appalled that ushers were out with flashlights during the overture helping people find their seats, at least wait for a less iconic moment. i know it's probably shubert policy but seriously!!!!!!!!!!!
im back next saturday for what looks to be my penultimate show. after that i don't have plans until the april 15th 8pm show :/
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britishchick09 · 2 years
The Phantom of The Theater: A Wadlow Sibling Fic (part 2/2)
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the sibs have seen the phantom... and harold jr. is terrified! will the sibs be able to help him with his fear?
 “That was amazing!” Betty exclaimed as the siblings walked out of the theater forty minutes later. “Now I want to read the book.”
“It was a fine adaptation,” Helen agreed. “Well, except for the ending. In the book, Christine gives The Phantom a kiss and she lets her and Raoul go.”
“That chase scene was more exciting than some kiss,” Eugene said. “Although it’s funny how The Phantom can swim, yet he drowned at the end.” “I would’ve saved him.” Betty said.
“You would’ve saved a killer?”
“No, I would’ve saved a great organ player! He’d do wonders at church.”
Robert chuckled. “That wasn’t The Phantom, silly. It was the actual guy at the organ. I still can’t believe they’re taking it away.”
“It’s time for something modern, I guess,” Eugene said. “I don’t care if it stays or goes as long as the movie stays!”
“I don’t want the movie to stay!” Harold Jr. suddenly blurted out. “It was scary!”
“Some parts were,” Betty agreed. “Especially The Phantom’s face! Ooh, I almost dropped my popcorn at that!” Harold Jr. ran behind Robert, hiding himself behind his big brother’s leg with a squeak.
“Did that frighten you, Junior?” Robert asked, to which Harold Jr. nodded. “There’s nothing to be scared of-”
“Yes, there is. I saw it!”
Eugene gave Harold Jr’s hair a ruffle. “The Phantom isn’t real. He won’t hurt you.”
“But he was! I saw it!”
“No one’s face can really look like that,” Helen reassured her brother. “The worst they get is Eugene’s.”
Eugene and Harold Jr. gave her a look (both for different reasons).
“If it’s not real and his face isn’t real, then why did I see it?” Harold Jr. asked.
“Because it’s movie magic!” Betty replied.
“People use makeup to make themselves look different,” Helen added. “And Lon Chaney used a lot of it.”
Harold Jr. didn’t look convinced. Robert looked down at his baby brother. Then an idea sprung to life in his mind.
“Say, why don’t we go to the library?” he asked. “We can find a book to distract us from the movie.”
“And find the Phantom book!” Betty added.
Harold Jr. bristled at the mention of ‘phantom’.
“Would you like to go to the library, Junior?” Robert inquired gently.
Harold Jr. immediately cheered up. “Yeah! Let’s go far away from that scary phantom!”
 The siblings arrived at Hayner Public Library sixteen minutes later.
“We went down East Third Street and now we’re on East Fourth Street… Does that mean the theater is on East Second Street?” Harold Jr asked.
“I don’t think there’s a street called that,” Robert replied. “The theater is on East Broadway.”
“Where’s Second Street, then?”
“I don’t think there is one! But we can check on a map in here.” Robert was pleased to see that Harold Jr. wasn’t frightened anymore. It seemed like The Phantom had disappeared from his mind. He happily skipped into the library with the siblings.
Betty went to the front desk and told the librarian, “Do you have The Phantom of the Opera?”
Harold Jr. froze. “She means the book.” Eugene said before wandering off.
“Do you know who the author is?” the librarian asked Betty.
Betty looked at Helen. “Do you know who the author is?”
“It’s by Gaston Leroux.” Helen replied.
“Leroux… His works are in the card catalog.” the librarian replied, gesturing to a big set of drawers beside the desk.
Betty frowned. “...I think we’ll be here for a while.”
While she and Helen searched through the ‘L’ cards, Robert asked the librarian, “Do you have The Alton Evening Telegraph from September 1930?”
“Indeed we do,” the librarian replied. “The papers are in the back.”
Robert took Harold Jr. to the newspaper archive room. He searched through old issues of the newspaper while Harold Jr. watched curiously.
“Why are we here, Big Brother?” he wanted to know.
“There’s something I want to show you,” Robert said before discovering something. “Here it is!”
It was an article called ‘The Life Story of Lon Chaney’. Next to the pretty heading was a good looking man… and a wicked one!
“Who’s that?” Harold Jr. asked, pointing to the first man.
“That’s Lon Chaney.” Robert replied. Harold Jr’s finger moved to the other man. “And who’s that?”
“That’s Lon Chaney!” Robert chuckled at Harold Jr’s confused look. “He’s wearing makeup in the second one. But you can still tell it’s him. His eyes are the same.”
Harold Jr. peered at the eyes of both men. “Those are The Phantom’s eyes!”
“Yes, they are! And look at that,” Robert pointed to a photo in the middle of the article, which showed Lon Chaney with a big tray of makeup. “That’s how he became The Phantom and the other guy.”
“Wow… Helen was right!”
Robert chuckled. “See? He doesn’t really look like that. He’s just playing a character for a movie.”
Harold Jr. smiled. “He looks nice under all that makeup. He’s a person like me!” He looked at Robert. “And a person like you, Big Brother.”
“Yes, a person like all of us. Even The Phantom. People see him and think he’s a monster, but he’s just a regular guy underneath.”
“Like how you’re a giant who’s a regular guy… overneath. I never thought of The Phantom like that. He’s not as scary as anymore,” Harold Jr. gave Robert a hug. “Thanks, Big Brother!”
Robert smiled. “You’re very welcome, Harold Jr.”
Harold Jr. looked at the newspaper article and added, “And thanks, Lon Chaney! You’re not as scary as I thought.”
0 notes
Month of New Operatic Works #11: La vie parisienne (Lyon, 2008): Reactions, Part I
Yes, it’s technically an operetta. No, I don’t care. Yes, I was going to watch L’Orfeo tonight but I am apparently in a bit of a Mood so nada on that.
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(also there is apparently a lead tenor named Raoul so I will be making jokes about that)
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it ain’t Paris without collective action
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the lady (not pictured) has such a good announcer voice
also this is the exact Traveling Vibe back when we could... :(
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if you are a tenor named Raoul then you are legally obligated to be in a love triangle and not handle it well and have a friendship destroyed because of it
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omg she’s so pretty
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well oof to both of you guys
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“could you please hold off I’m shaving on my break?!”
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I mean sure why not
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well looks like you two made up good for you
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tfw you run into your former servant
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I’d like to be a Parisian tour guide
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(Raoul The Adorable Tenor Dumbass [Offenbach Version] threw his illegal cigarette on the floor immediately before this)
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trading off jobs
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yes because your name is Raoul and you are an Adorable Tenor Dumbass
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that’ll end well oh yes it will
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(also props on the Swedish)
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omg bahahahahaha
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we love some fun background dancers
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oh no she has forty-four lost bags
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that’s fun
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“I think that’s our guy”
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd got ‘im
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at least they got some of the bags
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I cannot anymore
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umm what
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street ballet!
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they’re also cute although the audio and video are now somewhat out of sync
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how do you steal a single boot?
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Area Driver is just throwing luggage lol
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yup you just got yourself into a three-month gig buddy
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wink winkity wink wink
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umm what are you doing there
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hey, for a Raoul, he’s very resourceful
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can’t argue with that
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de Chagny or de Nangis? you gotta specify
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well this is awkward
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just a silly little fake major doing his silly little walk
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such as “what kind of major am I? I’m a major-domo”
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I love him
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this is too great
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what even is happening
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this is so stupid and funny and I love it
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wri0thesley · 4 years
As a theater student, which roles in which plays best suit your f/os, and which would be coerced into doing it?
HAHAHA this idea is so funny to me dfnkjbgfnkbg
prosciutto is a skye masterson (guys and dolls) type!! suave, sophisticated, finds himself falling in love when he never expected to. he needs to be a little bit coerced, but honestly the ego boost and the costumes do it for him and he ends up loving it. other possible roles for him: gomez in the addams family musical, fred graham (kiss me kate), carl-magnuss (a little night music) . baritenor
abbacchio is the bad-boy type, unfortunately the fact that he’s a bass gets in the way a lot. ends up in old-age makeup a lot of the time. javert in les miserables type. he does not appreciate the irony. other roles: judge turpin (sweeney todd), rochester (jane eyre: the musical), the beast (beauty and the beast). bass who can stretch to baritone.
diavolo is a pretty clear baritone; sometimes, though, weirdly, he seems to access a whole other part of him and he manages some really beautiful tenor notes. it’s amazing how that happens, huh? my first thought for him was hades in hadestown. however, please also consider darryl in witches of eastwick, the phantom in phantom. he’s good at scratchy character voices; would make a great beetlejuice if only he could bring himself to be ‘silly’ onstage. he doesn’t like being looked at that much but in this au he puts up with stage fright. 
sorbet is also a bass; he’s a much more imposing type figure than abbacchio, though. abbacchio can pass for a romantic lead and he cannot. they end up in competition sometimes. sorbet’s mainly doing this to keep gelato company and happy. amuse me by imagining him as: lurch (addams family musical), the childcatcher (chitty chitty bang bang), frollo (notre dame de paris), cladwell in urinetown. plays a lot of supporting characters, not a fan of the spotlight.
normally, i like to imagine that gelato can’t sing a note. in a musical theatre au, though, he’s a tenor. pretty, high, clear, soaring voice - ruffled blonde hair, able to make himself look boyish on a whim . . . yeah, gelato’s got this whole thing locked down. gets to play every sweet tenor boy you can imagine; anthony in sweeney todd, raoul in phantom, jack in newsies . . . but also, please imagine the absolute manic delight he’d get from playing gabe in next to normal. 
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ick25 · 5 years
The problem with Megaman NT Warrior Axess.
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As some of you already know, I finished reviewing the first season of the Rockman.EXE anime aka Megaman Nt Warrior. People have been asking me if I am planning to review the next season of the show that is Axess. The truth is that I have mixed feelings towards Axess because it is very different from the first season. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the show and I know the anime wouldn’t have been successful without Axess. There are a lot of things that I like, but also a lot of things that I don’t like, and if I were to review the episodes in order, it would be best if I got some issues I have with this season out of the way to avoid unnecessary ranting. (Unless you guys like my ranting for some reason)
1. The tone.
I personally like to call Axess the “experimental” season because it feels like it doesn’t even know if it should become a more mature anime or keep the innocent and sometimes goofy nature of the first season. One moment it has some silly situations and funny new characters, and in the next we have our beloved characters going through emotional traumas and being threaten with guns! Not space era guns like the ones the Net Agents had, but real guns. The biggest examples are Enzan and Mariko-sensei. For a kids action show, we get a lot of unnecessary drama, specially between Mariko and her long lost sister who she thought had died many years ago, only to come back and die in front of her twice, or having someone mistake her for Yuriko. I just think they could’ve written something better.
2. Unrecognizable past.
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Axess tries to be a little more mature in tone and as a result it completely rewrites the first season like it never happened, at least, not in the way we remember. Changes like the plug-in PETs being replaced by the Advanced PETs that were just starting development in one of the last episodes of the previous season. However, they do mention the N-1 Grand Prix, Netto’s first meeting with Raoul, and the fact that Forte is now walking around in the real world in the former Gospel leader robot body, so that means the first season did happen, but differently? Going back to the tone issue, we get this conflict between Enzan and Blues who becomes corrupted by a Dark Chip that I personally find pretty boring because, one, we already know that Enzan cares about Blues ever since the Pharaohman incident, and two, I don’t care about this “new” Enzan enough to be interested in his life story more than the other characters. (Read the end of my review of episode 55 to see what I mean by new.) If the first season did happen, then why do we need to go into Enzan’s consciousness to see why Blues means so much to him, he didn’t seem to care much before the N-1, did he just forgot? He actually tells Netto after Rockman was deleted that he used to believe that Navis were just data. Some of the events from the first season don’t fit in well with Axess’s storyline making it very confusing.
3. Getting rid of old characters.
Another change was suddenly getting rid of some of the characters in the very first episode. Throughout the first season we follow the adventures of Netto and his group of friends comprised of Meiru, Dekao, Yaito and Tohru, as well as their Net Navis, but in Axess, Dekao suddenly decides to move to Jawaii to train with the Ex-WWW (who I don’t need to remind you that they are bad people) and leaves his little brother Chisao in Japan for some reason. Yaito moves back to Kingland to continue her studies or something, but then what was the point in moving to Japan from England (Kingland before it was a thing) in the first place?. And Tohru.... Well, he is still around, but let’s just say that he is not part of the group as much as before. Speaking of Tohru, Iceman gets a downgrade, he is now viewed more like a small child who hangs around with another small child like character, and less of a competent Navi that is capable of helping Rockman and the others to fight, which becomes very uncomfortable if you are used to his voice from the Dub.
The Net Agents are replaced with the Net Police as they were probably viewed as too silly for the new mature Rockman anime. So Axess sends them abroad with nothing but their space era guns only to return for a couple of episodes, one to remind us of the love triangle between Mariko-sensei, Higure and Masa as Commander Beef, and another just for Rockman to get Wood Soul from Woodman, which replaces the Style change in Axess.
4. Cross Fusion.
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A drastic change, however, comes in the form of Cross Fusion. It might be hard to believe, considering all my CF design ideas, but I am not a fan of this concept. My theory is that Cross Fusion is a bold move the writers made to make the show more action like and appealing to young boys. In America, super hero cartoons are very popular, so in order to profit a little from that, the series had to be slightly modified to include more super hero transformation sequences and make the audience relate to Netto by fusing him with Rockman. Because Rockman is a computer program, kids can’t really relate to him, so they passed that torch onto Netto who basically takes over the show as the hero.
I don’t like this because I love Rockman, he is my hero and the main character, I never cared if I could relate to him or not, you relate with Netto as the human who develops a bond with an A.I. program that is loyal, always does the right thing, and does what he can to protect his friends. The whole point of the show is that they are best friends and their bond is what makes them a strong team, but even if Cross Fusion claims to be the result of that bond, it mostly just feels like it’s just Netto wearing Rockman as an armor.
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There is also the problem with the action scenes in Cross Fusion. Not only do we get the same formula over and over again in Axess, but the battles are not as good as the ones in the Cyberworld. When you see Rockman fight, he jumps around, evades attacks, delivers punches and kicks when it’s necesary, making his fights entertaining. Netto on the other hand... Doesn’t really know how to fight, he relies more on brute force, the power of his chips, and almost never dodges attacks, the only thing that CF battles have going for them is the amount of damage they bring to the real world.
Anyway, these are just my opinions, but I’ll let you decide whether or not I review the Axess episodes in order, or have me review certain episodes from that or other seasons of Rockman.EXE.
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bands-and-hobbits · 6 years
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POTO TIME!!!!! I went on the Saturday night showing (3/3-2018) with the main cast on. This was my first time seeing poto live and aside from the 25th anniv. I've only seen scenes here and there with other Phantoms (mainly theme song, motn and final lair) so I'm not well versed in which blocking is standard etc. ANYWHO, let's start with the least impressive one of the trio; Jeremy Taylor as Raoul. He was "meh". And it really saddens me, because I wanted to love him, and did during his little scene in Think of Me, but in all his scenes after, I felt like he only stood around with a bland face. Granted, Raoul isn't the deepest character, but still! I did not buy him being in love with Christine, and definetly not in love enough to go into Erik's lair to get her back. At most, this Raoul would volonteer in a search party, because he's a good guy and a girl is missing. Jeremy had a great voice, but that's unfortunately it, for me. He did have a funny moment after Madame Giry leads him down in the tunnels. She has left and he looked down with an expression that said "right. time to go and save christine" *rips shirt open clark kent style* "perfect!" I chuckled. Kelly Mathieson as Christine; OH. MY. GOD!!!! WHAT A VOICE!!! WHAT AN ACTOR!!!! WHAT A DANCER!!!! SHE HAD IT ALL!!! I kept my eyes out for her during the Hannibal scene and she did pointe. Granted, the program says she grew up as a dancer, but I didn't get a chance to look at the program until afterwards. GOD, her voice!!! So clear, so wonderful!! And she held up all parts of Christine very well, the supershy girl growing confident in Think of Me, hypnotised during the first lair, so sad at Wishing, and her breakdown during Twisted, I wanted to rush on stage and give her a hug!!! And her Aminta could've gotten this ace ass in bed with ease. The only weird thing Kelly did was that she threw her clothes around a couple times?? She did it at least 3 times, and while I can't remember what she wore the first time, the second time was during Wishing, when she had her back towards the audience. When Kelly turned around to face us again, she grabbed the side of the cloak and threw it out. Since it's so billowy, it worked. The third time tho, was with the Aminta dress. Kelly grabbed the top layer (and got some petticoat with it) and flung it around in one of those can-can moves. The result was silly rather than seductive. Speaking of dresses, that Star Princess dress is FLOOF. I love it and I want it. MOVING ONTO THE BIG GUY, BEN LEWIS. OH!!! MY!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's gonna be in my top 3 forever. Partly because first Phantom-bias, mostly because HOLY SHIT MY EMOTIONS. IT WAS A SOBFEST Y'ALL. I sobbed, Christine sobbed, Erik sobbed 10 times. Ben has the deeper voice I prefer in Phantoms and although I was not impressed with him in LND (mostly because LND itself and awful camera angles) he is TENFOLDS better in poto. Ben cried twice in the first act, the first time was right after he finished Stranger than you dreamt it (and omg seeing him crawl on the floor towards Christine and Christine desperatly crawling away from him hnnnnnnng EMOTIONS!! (Ben actually grabbed Kelly's ankle and she pulled both legs up into fetal status to get away from him it was scary as heck)). The second time was on the angel and my emotions killed me. Again. Backtracking a bit to motn because there were two moments that caught my attention: the first was actually a LACK of moment, I not see the self-caress Erik's supposed to do. There were a couple of moments where Christine blocked Erik from my view, but I could still see his hands. Maybe Ben forgot? 🤷‍♀️ The second was a moment when Christine was gazing ahead/slightly to the left and Erik was creeping up on her from her right. Ben wasn't hunched per se, but he wasn't standing straight. Him creeping like that looked so predatory, but also like he was approaching with caution. I know that sounds like a paradox, but it was as if Erik treated Christine like she was something new, and extremely fragile. Like he wanted to explore her as he'd never been that /close/ to a woman before, but the simplest touch would scare her away. Back to creeping, the MOMENT Christine started turning her head towards Erik, Ben snapped his body straight and pushed out his chest and it was very intimidating especially with their height difference. Oh, and he absolutely nailed everything in motn. Such a powerhouse. Skipping forwards to Masquerade, the Red Death costume continues to creep me the fuck out. I can barely watch that part in the 25th because the skull mask gives me the hibbie jibbies. One cool thing was that Ben was exactly in tune with the beat, and for each beat he would take a step down. Small rythmic things like that gives me immence satisfaction. The managers didn't quite catch the opera sheets but that's a human mistake. And seeing Ben dead drop under the stage was cool but also terrifying and I wouldn't do it for all the money in the world. (I think it was here they used flames as a distraction and I felt that heat on row 6!!! Pity those front rowers, I know exactly how they must've felt *flashbacks to muse's the 2nd law stadium tour* Oh god, I've been writing this review for an hour 😳 soon done, i promise, as we go on to the Big Event aka Final Lair aka LET THE SOBFEST BEGIN I think the best way to describe final lair was semi-violent? Like, Erik pulled Christine around roughly when putting on the veil, and got close up in her face when he sang "an eternity with this" and when Christine was on the ground he grabbed and pulled her hair a few times. Oh, and when Erik said "you try my patience" he MEANT IT! One very interesting thing (and which I saw a youtube commentator mentioning it being unique for them) was that Ben doesn't sit up when opening and lowering the gate. He keeps his nonchalant sitting post, and as the commentator said, "it's surprisingly effective in showing that slight pettiness and sense of unwhorthiness." and I agree 100%. The blocking seemed normal, Kelly wasn't the most agressive in keeping Erik away from Raoul, but it was effective. After the big kiss things got really interesting and the sobbing began. Erik got the candle, and watching Christine the entire time, he lunged out at Raoul with the candle to see her reaction. My eyes were glued to Ben but her reaction must've shown that she was completely lost to Erik, because the next lunge cut the rope, and Ben cried doing it. And from there he doesn't stop crying and I swear to god, it sounded like Ben's voice would crack from the tears at any moment. RIGHT IN THE FEELS. AGAIN. My eyes were still glued on Ben, but when I looked over quickly to Raoul and Christine it was Raoul that did his best (and failing) to drag Christine away from the lair rather than the opposite. I read that scene and Kelly's acting as Christine not wanting to leave Erik for the mob to find, because even after all the shit he's pulled on her, he's still a living thing and doesn't deserve the fate the mob will provide. They do leave and has barely left the stage when Erik B R E A K S D O W N. COMPLETELY. Again, sounded like his voice would break any second, and again, right in them feels. AND CHRISTINE STILL HAS TO COME BACK AND LEAVE THE RING AND PLEASE LEAVE ME HERE TO DIE THANK YOU When Christine leaves again Erik went down on his knees, picked up the veil and just hugged it, still sobbing and I was digging my grave Here's a link to final lair audio with Ben and Amy Manford as Christine, skip to 8:15 and you'll also hear the first lunge Ben does towards Raoul. https://youtu.be/dPX4K6RjBu4 HAVE FUN WITH THE FEELINGS
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