#real petra 😞
deztryx · 5 months
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Edit: boris and petra
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sonofthesaiyans · 11 months
Hitch Wins! On to the Next Poll...
Before any more time passes, let's get things rolling for the next round, guys.
First things first.......the results of the last poll.
First let me just say I was rather disappointed at the lack of votes, guys. A mere 61 this time around. 😞
I expected a better turnout. Especially since it was a poll honoring AOT's forgotten girls, one of the main points of my page. And I heavily suspect it was because I had to repost my original poll that it came up weak.
In my experience, when something is reposted, it generates less views on the second go around. I have seen it on YouTube and elsewhere. And I would appreciate if such a trend didn't repeat itself here. I feel like the vote turnout would have been better if I didn't have to go back and do that due to an error, and I do know the original results played out differently as a consequence.
I just hope for better from now on. And for those who do vote, PLEASE REBLOG as you do. It would help tremendously.
Anyway, as I was saying.....our top three winners. The first with 26% of the vote....
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HITCH DREYSE! Not too surprising, she always seemed to be a favorite with most. One of the few members of the Military Police to actually develop a likable personality. And one of the few people to establish any real connection to Annie Leonhart which counts for something. She definitely could have benefitted from a larger role in the story. Seeing how she represents a badly underdeveloped faction within the Walls.
And at second place with just over 21% of the vote....
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NANABA! The masculine beauty of Squad Miche. This is a character who continues to grow on me. And as one of the few supporting scouts with any substantial amount of screentime, she is a fascinating character. Cool under pressure, headstrong, and a natural leader. I think we can all agree she deserved better in the long run. Justice for Squad Miche.
And in third with just shy of 20% of the vote...
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ISABEL MAGNOLIA! Levi's long lost friend and companion. The third of the main ladies to have an intimate and lasting impact on Levi Ackerman's life. Would have been fascinating to explore more of that unique friendship, seeing the connections he already has with Petra and Hange. She was the initial frontrunner before I had to repost the poll. Wonder how she would have fared otherwise. But she is truly the dark horse here, even in third place. I may have to do an Isabel Deserves Better post one of these days. Who doesn't love an energetic redhead?
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Poor Anka is dead last here. Didn't even crack 2% in this poll. 😔 Scoring less than Hannah Diamant And Rico Brzenska. Such a shame, I always thought she was cute and we deserved to see her in action. Please show her some love people. Because she got dealt a raw deal by Isayama. More on THAT one later....... 🔍🤔
To everyone who did vote and reblog, thank you! Let's hope for a stronger turnout this next go around.
Now, this week's poll......
In order to be fair, I am NOT including Levi as he is already plenty powerful. I also will NOT include Erwin Smith, as the controversial choice of giving Armin the serum over him I think speaks for itself. It's enough to assume that yes, there exists a vested interest in him coming back as a Titan Shifter already.
And yes I added Mikasa to the list. Let's pretend there was nothing that prohibited her from becoming a Titan, because frankly the so called Ackerpower is not well explained anyway. Also screw the canon, Isayama's rules don't apply here. Let's use a little imagination I say.
Well that is that. Please have at it people and please, REBLOG!
Let's see who comes out on top. 👍
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wlntrrz · 4 months
update your rentry or uh
The boogie man
Will eat yuo
and jesse and petra won’t be real😞 /j
-toe moh
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eagles-translated · 2 years
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Answering questions about Eagles 4x01 – Time and 4x02 – Valentines (Part 2/2)
I've gotten a lot of questions about what my thoughts on the two new episodes are, so I decided to compile them into one post so I can answer them all before the next episodes release! If you've sent in a question about season 4 recently that I haven't answered yet, it might be included in this post or the part 1 post! 🏒 Some of these questions are more general, but I included them anyway in an attempt to clear out my very cluttered inbox lmao so I hope you don't mind!
Season 4 questions
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The misunderstandings are most definitely tortuous to watch! But at the same time, I'm loving the drama of Amie thinking Elias ran off because of Klara so I don't mind too much haha.
I hope Amie will find out soon that Elias is struggling with eating because right now she seems totally oblivious about it.
I don't know if Elias will even explain the real reason for running off though, because he might be embarrassed about it and/or not want her to be worried for him. And Elias could even be believing that he still has things under control.
I'm bracing myself for the potential Elias and Amie depression this season 😞
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That could be pretty cool @gajana18! Or maybe even a scene between Petra and Mats discussing it? That could be an interesting conversation, and I would love to see some more Petra and Mats interaction since it's so rare for them to share a scene. I'm totally invested in them now too. That flashback scene at the beginning of 4x01 had no business being so good 😭
Now that Petra and Amie have gotten closer, I would definitely love a "girl-talk" scene between them where Petra tells Amie how she met Mats and considered him the love of her life before he broke her heart. And how long it took for her to get over him.
To answer your final question, I actually don't know if they'll do that much to wrap up Mats and Petra's history!
I would love to be proven wrong but I have this feeling that the Mats and Petra romance was just a depiction of how a teenage relationship that might seem like it will end forever can just as easily be lost and fade away with time. To me it doesn't feel like the writers are intending on doing that much development for them.
I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to Mats and Petra having a fairytale happy ending, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim. Or maybe they aren't? Maybe my Mats/Petra heart won't have to suffer? 🥺
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I loved that moment between Amie and Petra too. It was sweet to see Petra get so emotional when explaining that they still have each other, even if Michael wasn't in the picture.
You're definitely right—if Amie went to the US with Elias without her mom's support, it would just feel wrong of her to go. It would feel like Petra got abandoned again.
I'm hoping Petra will support Amie if she decides to go to the US. I can definitely see it being tough news for her, but I hope she'll be supportive.
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Ludde knew something was up between Elias and Amie for sure! He was pretty much the one who set them up, too.
I think Felicia might've seen it coming when she finds out. She'll probably react positively to her brother and best friend having found happiness together.
Klara's reaction, on the other hand, is a bit harder to predict. It would be a breath of fresh air to see her be immediately accepting of the relationship, but it would also be totally understandable if she isn't.
No matter the circumstances, it's weird to see your ex-boyfriend dating a close friend of yours. We also had a scene in 3x07 where Klara told Elias she felt lonely and hinted about giving the relationship another try. I would personally be a little embarrassed to find out that the person I told that to already had their eyes on someone else, so that could also factor into the reveal of Elias and Amie's relationship being a little awkward for Klara.
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Me too @lovelygirlinbleu! I hope we've got more cutesy Elias and Amie moments coming in the next few episodes.
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This was sent to me right before the season premiered, so I apologize for replying to it so late @lovelygirlinbleu! I love all your questions so please keep them coming, even if I answer them at a snail's pace haha.
My heart really breaks for Petra too. She's gone through so much heartache in her life. Not only was she abandoned by the person she probably regarded as her soulmate, but she was also abandoned by Michael and had to learn how to take care of a child when she was pretty much still a child herself. Then Amie grew up and left Petra as well to pursue a music career in Stockholm. Amie did come back, but I'm sure Petra had a tough time when she was left behind for a third time.
I think it's a little hard to see Petra understanding Mats's side based on Amie's (eventual) choices. Mats didn't just leave her on graduation day, but it also seems like he ghosted Petra with no explanation after. Consider their interactions in 1x07, when they found out Elias and Amie had driven to Karlskrona together.
Mats: I don’t know what [Elias] is doing. He’s been a little out of balance during the fall, but… But it’s not like him to do this. Not just leave like that. Petra: No? Mats: No, no. Petra: He probably gets it from his dad.
Then there's the scene where Petra explains her side of their story. Prior to this we didn't even know they had been involved with each other as teenagers, but now we also find out that Petra was utterly heartbroken by what Mats did to her.
Petra: Don’t you remember that we decided that I was gonna come over? I think I even bought a plane ticket. So sad! It was incredibly cowardly of you to let me wait. Couldn’t you just have dumped me right away? I waited and waited, but time passed and suddenly you were a pro and you’d met a new girlfriend. Who was Swedish. Her, too. And then you were in some TV show that everybody talked about all the time, the whole damned town. Yeah. Everybody talked about it. Fucking hell, I’m so tired of you. Do you know how long it took for me to get you out of my head?
I think Petra understood on some level that Mats was chasing his dreams and that he didn't intentionally set out to break Petra's heart like he did. In the flashback scene in 4x01, Mats is very quick to reassure Petra that she was still coming to the US to meet him and that he would be there waiting for her.
He promised her all these things, saying they would travel around the US and be happy together, but then just abandoned Petra. It must've been humiliating for Petra to buy that plane ticket and then end up not using it because Mats was a no-show.
Despite all that, she was in love with him and kept hoping Mats would one day show up in her life again. Even when Petra met Michael, she still couldn't get Mats out of her head. Then she had to find out from the media that Mats had gotten a new girlfriend and then started a family with her.
With all of the emotional turmoil Petra had to go through, it's more likely that she would want Amie to talk with Elias about what moving to the US would mean for their relationship (unless they've already decided that Elias is going there too).
I would love to see Petra get some closure about this, though. Mats might've thought they were just high school sweethearts, but Mats has been stuck on Petra's mind for so long because everybody around her kept bringing him up.
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We do have Ludde who will probably attend that music school in England. I can also see Klara attending a business university if the GECED company shuts down, or maybe even pursue something in law.
Amie will most likely start making music in the US, so she probably won't be studying after she graduates.
Elias and Felicia are the question marks for me. As I've said before, I think it's unlikely that Elias will get drafted again after all the struggles he's had (and still has, since he seems to be struggling with an eating disorder right now).
I would love to see Elias pursue something else. Maybe he goes to film school since he seems to be interested in movies, or he'll pursue a sports education to perhaps work as a coach. I like the idea of Elias going to film school though—it would make perfect sense for him to go to the US with Amie in that case.
It's more difficult to speculate on Felicia and what she would do after graduation since she's said herself that she doesn't really know what she wants to do with her life. I can see her either staying in Oskarshamn and enjoying a quiet life, or maybe pursuing an education in psychology/fashion?
Season 1 questions
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To be honest, I never really thought anything of that shot where Elias turns around to look behind him before entering the school. I just saw it as him looking over his shoulder because he had almost the whole school staring at him and Felicia.
It would be really cute if he did turn around to look at Amie, though!
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That was such a weird (but funny) moment! It would be a fun throwback if they brought up that or their road trip to Karlskrona (or maybe even that time when Amie woke up at the Kroon house to the sight of Elias without a shirt).
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MR&F NaNo 2020 recap
initial goals: to write 50 000 words for muddy roads & foxgloves, OR finish 3 episodes
what i ended up accomplishing: 
writing 50 006 words
finishing episode 0, getting a big chunk of episodes 1 and 2 done + various scenes from other episodes
writing a chapter of my FinnPetra flower shop AU because that TOTALLY counts
writing 2 fluffy post-series prompts
some more thoughts about the last month and other fun things below the cut.
looking back, starting nano THE VERY SAME WEEK i started a new job working from home probably wasn’t the best idea lmao (not to mention, you know, *gestures vaguely* everything else).
more often than not i found the words were dragging, and i think a lot of it was due to brain being Tired from reading Big Fancy Academic Articles all day 😞
a lot of the writing that came out of this month was trash LET’S BE HONEST lmao. but it did help me figure out some plot points and character things i would have never known otherwise, so i have some good starting points for the second draft.
going forward, i’m gonna try to finish up the important parts of episodes 1 & 2 in the next few weeks, and then i’ll take a break from doing any “real” writing before i either start the second drafts of the first three episodes or continue the first drafts of the other episodes? we’ll see.
and now, some sexy graphs i made for funsies!
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if you’ve read this far, here’s some writing, as a treat 😌 this is from one of the post-series FinnPetra domestic fluff drabbles ehehe
“Hey,” Finneas interrupted. “Have you even had anything to eat yet?”
“No,” Petra admitted. “But I need to get this started as soon as possible and preferably finish it well in advance—”
Finneas started towards the fridge. “Eggs sound good?”
“What? No,” Petra protested. “You don’t have to make me anything. I’ll grab something later.”
“You need to eat,” he said firmly, flinging open the fridge door and rummaging through its contents. Taking out the carton of eggs and some butter, he added, "You won't be able to fill out those forms on an empty stomach. Where's your frying pan?"
Petra slipped her glasses back on and pouted at him. "I'm not telling you."
Finneas threw a glance at her over his shoulder and gave her a smirk before turning back to his search of the cupboards. "Why, are you mad because I'm right?"
He shook his head, amused, and pulled out the frying pan from the top of the stack. “Too bad,” he said. “You’re gonna get breakfast whether you’re mad at me or not.”
“You’re so obnoxious, plant boy,” Petra whined, watching him work the stove. 
“And you’re so stubborn, plant girl.”
finally, big thanks to everyone who followed my progress over the month, those who helped me brainstorm, those i did writing sprints (spronts?) with, and those who encouraged and validated me!! 💕 
mr&f taglist:
@wordsofpaintandsmoke @mqrginalia @ilikecoffeealotokay @fields-of-ink @suninks @aaaa-mpersand @piyawrites @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @jadeywrites @alicewestwater @quenvicky @lefttigerobservation @quilloftheclouds @llesbianwrites @chloeswords @themidnxghtwriter @writingbyjillian @etoileemacabre @aelenko @water-writings @nicopeppah @everything-pineapple-chan @zielenbloesem @summere21 @hope-hopefully-writes @thepeninthestone @santinas @talesofsorrowandofruin​ @medeaes @thelittlestspider @oceancold
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