#remain passive.
Morpheus is a truly fascinating character to look at from a moral perspective because he's such a dick but about 50% of the time it's on accident and the other 50% it's on purpose, but not because of any genuine hate or malice just... poorly directed sadness. Neither of these reasons make it okay, but they make it damn hard to see where the lines are regarding guilt, blame, and forgiveness. As if this isn't enough, hearing Morpheus' take on things (or appalling lack thereof) along with some others makes it even harder to grapple with.
When I'm analyzing this first 50%, I often come back around to asking whether someone should punished for something they didn't know was wrong, which is a normal hard and fast 'no', but this someone has had millinea to find out it is wrong and correct it and hasn't, which then pulls me into questioning where the ignorance becomes willful. Especially when the individual is so blindsided by the idea that there might even be something wrong. Morpheus is cold and aloof, which I put down to a general temperament thing; the problem is that he can't afford to be. This is, quite literally, a major reason why the series ends the way it does. He wasn't particularly mean to Lyta, just not very kind or understanding. He was busy and distracted and hurting and didn't explain what was going on or offer much sympathy (none in the comics). Is it okay that he did that? No. Do I understand why and feel sad that a trait that is innocuous to most was deadly to him? Yes, of course always, yes.
The other 50% where Morpheus is trying to hurt people, it's born out of his own hurt, as most cruelty is. He is not a malicious being; cruel, but not malicious. The way he treats Destruction is from his own wish to escape the weight of their existence and a frustration that someone did it, someone did it and he couldn't stop or join them. He doesn't actually hate Destruction, Dream clearly blames himself at least in part for his leaving and seems to miss him as much he wants to respect or exile him for the deciding to do so. He's on the fence about how to act and overcompensates by being desperately terrible, which is what he always fucking does. That's the worst part! I chose Destruction specifically as an example because the situation lays bare the core of his cruelty very, very well. Nada and Orpheus are good examples as well. Dream doesn't like not knowing what to do, doesn't like being scared and can't stand the idea of being thought of as anything less than perfectly confident and controlled at all times (wow, so healthy!). He doesn't want people to look at him and see someone who needs comfort so he doesn't let them look at all, and ensures they don't by pushing them away at the slightest offense. If they brush against an insecurity or hurt, he's trained himself to lash out rather than lick the wounds. He condemns Nada to Hell when she sees who he is and rejects him for it; He leaves Orpheus on an island for a thousand years because he reminded Dream that he can't fix everything, or even keep those he loves safe; He's so unforgiving and rude towards Destruction because he did what Dream desperately needed to do but couldn't.
Thing is, these are both fixable flaws with obvious sources, but he has spent so long living by them that he doesn't know any other way to do so. Maybe it makes me an apologist—I'm willing to acknowledge that I can tend to hold a warped perspective on things—but I see his core personal moral failings as holding himself to an ordinary standard of behavior when an extraordinary one is needed and feeling that somehow his power and suffering makes him better than just about everyone else (now think about that and Lucifer and lose your mind briefly.) He isn't, on the whole, awful and irredeemable. He's flawed and he's trying, but when one is endless there is very little room for such a thing.
Then I end up asking the question: did he deserve it? does anybody? And that's... hard. Morpheus caused real hurt and damage, intentional or not, across space and time. Does he deserve to die for it? I would like to say no, but I would also see reason in saying yes. The questions get big, applicabilty of death penalty and impact of intention on action big, and that's usually when I stop the train. The point of Morpheus' weird and complex morality is to drive the train straight into the sunset, which I fully encourage those who can do it safely to do but if I did, we would be here until tumblr was ash.
So I can't offer an answer with a neat little bow, or even a particularly persuasive argument as to the final moral determination of Morpheus as a character, but that wasn't necessarily my goal. I can tell you one thing for sure: he would majorly benefit from one (1) positive and healthy friendship.
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melrosing · 5 months
one thing I also find v frustrating in this fandom is that a 'passive' female character is considered somehow backwards, uninteresting, or unsympathetic. passive and active are just about what a character's relationship to the narrative is. it does itself not determine whether that relationship is an engaging one or not, or what degree of importance that character holds. women are often relegated to passive roles, so necessarily within ASOIAF there are going to be characters who operate from within them - and that is still worthy of commentary and engagement. it's great that we also have a high number of female characters with active roles, but that is not the only way to write interesting women. you can have whole fucking novels about passive characters and many of them are the best ever written so can we stop with the Barbie 2023 dir. Greta Gerwig level feminism im tired
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analexthatexists · 12 days
So about this whole “Reverting Nightmare back to Passive” stuff…
…Okay, I still emotionally fall for everyone this happens, but I’m also a little tired of how the reversion itself is done. I’m fine with the idea of Nightmare somehow transforming back into Passive, but the way it’s done is growing a little old to me.
Usually, it’s the corruption/goop melting away and revealing Passive’s body underneath it, safe and damage-free. And I like this idea, and I think it’s very cool from an artistic perspective, but…
…the number of times I’ve seen it is kind of shocking, maybe even ridiculous.
What doesn’t help is that, commonly in past versions of media, this change resulted from immense mental stress and guilt expressed by Nightmare, which is mischaracterization on plenty of levels. Nightmare should not feel guilt for the actions he’s made, especially when it comes to tormenting Dream. That’s…kind of why he’s the bad guy? That’s why Dream has to GROW AND ADAPT, realizing the Nightmare he saw as his brother is dead, so to suddenly reveal that Nightmare’s still there despite the corruption is…strange? I guess? So then what was the point of Dream’s adaption and growth? His whole character arc? Uncorrupting Nightmare can still work in favor of Dream’s arc, as the sudden whiplash of finally getting over his brother to his brother suddenly returning albeit with the constant threat of losing him again is…an interesting arc you could really work with if you’re good with writing. Additionally, Nightmare still retaining the mindset and personality of Corrupted yet having to deal with mortality and the sudden degrading of his power and Dream trying to help him work through it like he had to could make for something bittersweet. Dream would still have to accept that the original Nightmare is gone, but can still try and make the most of what remains of him, even if this “new” Nightmare will never come to accept his peace or comfort.
Over time, this concept of Passive visuals and visions within Corrupted Nightmare have changed, more so that Nightmare uses the visuals of Passive underneath him as methods of threatening and traumatizing Dream rather than signs of weakness or guilt. However, this is still not enough for me.
I want to torment this old man without the cliche “I feel sorry for everything I’ve done” routine. I want to make him suffer through mortality.
I believe I’ve seen this “Child Nightmare” idea that strips him of his power and presence, which while going through the same “reverting back to Passive with the goop melting away” process, it still differentiates itself by making the reason different; it doesn’t come from Nightmare experiencing guilt or regret and it happens out of his control.
Can someone please help me find that post by the way; I was trying to find and link it but I couldn’t and I forgot to like it :(
My take on a reversion AU would to, instead of having the goop wash away to reveal Passive underneath it, the opposite happens.
Let’s talk about The Lich from Adventure Time. He’s this big, menacing skeleton dude who means no good until Finn slaps him with whatever this gunk is, which begins making him grow organic matter and skin. This turns The Lich into a giant baby named Sweet Pea, who’s been (mostly) freed from his original self and ways. This was actually the thing that made me want to write all of this! The Lich and Nightmare already feel like very similar characters from how they act to parts of their design, so why not take this a step further?
Btw, that’s why I drew this ;)
Through unknown means, an outside force that could either be working alongside Dream or not curses Nightmare for whatever reason, suddenly forcefully (and rather painfully) sealing his body away into the body of the skeleton he had once killed for his own benefit. Have him live out the pains of mortality and despair that he had pushed Dream into without softening or hurting his characterization. Have him despise his newfound life, yet pushing help from others away even if it means he’s only hurting himself and his chances of turning back to normal. Have him use this form to his advantage to torment Dream, who’d still be on the path of getting over his brother’s death.
Because regardless of looks, this is still the corrupted guardian of negativity we’re talking about. He may LOOK like he’s been redeemed, and that without his power and weakened negative aura he’ll be nicer and more anxious, but that doesn’t necessarily means he has to be nor is. Looks can be deceiving, silly! And he’ll use those looks to his advantage. And yes, he would be immensely weaker than he originally was, but like Dream, Nightmare too, will adapt. He was already good at manipulating and controlling others, but a more unassuming form has only benefited him in this regard.
Because who expects a helpless bully victim to be capable of killing?
It’s the same mistake that hundreds of people have died to in the past.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
my toxic trait is that if someone tries to orient me while giving directions with anything other than cardinal directions, I will straight up stop wherever I am to be like "I don't know WHOSE fucking left you're talking about. try again."
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ojirocardigansniper · 5 months
ouguhhh just read the summary and article from this post about alexandre baril's work on suicidism (oppression of the suicidal) and the opening paragraph of the conclusion in the full article. thoughts. rotating
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i was thinking about the. thick white gloves. while reading. remembered that one post about how csa being horrifically taboo to talk about compounds survivors' trauma and shame and went Maybe something similar re: suicidality and suicide... the suffering multiplied by the silence, the risk of dismissal or instant change in perception in anyone you tell... and even in 'mental health' spaces the perception that suicide as a topic is dangerous to talk about- that it could be triggering instantly and automatically- is like. i think there's some paternalism there and there's some shamefear and there's some oversimplification and there's the fact that it plays well into the existing well-taught impulse to avoid the discomforting. but like. this post also about how getting through suicidality is maybe only possible by considering the option thoroughly. i am just thinking. idk. yall know me yall know i think about this topic a lot
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metanarrates · 7 months
no actually my friends and I were shocked at how often tlt had an excuse for its PROTAGONIST to not be included in the plot. she's not interested in the plot. she's been ordered to stay in the room while.harrow does plot. she has to be silent so other characters can talk plot around her while she doesn't participate. she's not interested in the plot again. and again. she almost died and is in a fugue state so she can't be included in the plot. she's not interested again. she's gonna be bored while other characters talk plot. what's that? she's taking action? just kidding. it got interrupted by something. also she doesn't care about the plot. She Got Fucked Up Again And Is In A Fugue State. She Doesn't Want To Do The Plot. She's Too Snarkily Disaffected. Fuck You.
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cosmosiscollective · 2 months
Is it really a second chance, Or am I stumbling on my first? This glitched, broken mind's dance- All reflected and refracted In vampire's thirst.
There is a world outside that is so blurry and grainy. It truly doesn't feel like my own life! To be broke, truly destitute- And yet to know a mother's love. These are things that feel foreign to me. As does this female body.
But at you, my new and yet old "boyfriend" Or so the others like to call us I steal a glance I would face this personal hell Over 9,000 times In order to be with you Perhaps in time their teasing will become true For now, we wait in the awkward, silent moment In order to find out
But know that I am willing to brave this world outside In order to be with you
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pinkfey · 12 days
i often think about how liberals water down leftist terminology to make it more palatable for conservatives. “abolish the police” became “defund the police” and both historically and now “from the river to the sea, palestine will be free” is too “radical” of a statement because it leaves no room for their two-state solution.
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qsmprambling · 9 months
Admins please give Bad some lore he's so bored he's gonna literally join the Federation 😆
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serpenteve · 1 year
thinking about how alina starkov was written to be such a bland generic YA protagonist so that any reader could relate to her but that in and of itself makes her one of the least relatable characters because she doesn't come across like a fully dimensional human being that makes decisions you can understand but rather like the author's selectively sentient plot device?
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natsmagi · 1 year
i know you know homestuck and this has been eating away at me so i need to know. do you think eichi is a passive class or an active class
i dont think theres necessarily a clear cut answer here so im interested to hear your thoughts
(or any other enstars classpecting thoughts in general lmao. i dont check your blog often so idk what you may have touched on before)
but honestly id probably say passive ?? like. eichis actions have been incredibly selfish, but theyre selfish in a way where he wants to help others. eichis actions havent exactly benefited him in the end, and iirc actives work more for their own gain while passives benefit others. i think his class being a passive one would be a cute and unexpected turn of events for everyone, as everyone probably would've expected an active class of him. i enjoy subversions......... and i feel like him being of a passive class could lead to some very interesting moments and challenge both his character and his class, were these aspects to be featured in a story
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softness-shelter · 1 year
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Decided to write down names, as we tend to forget. One or two names I just made up on the spot...as a couple did not have them yet. 🌙
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falllpoutboy · 7 months
idk whats going on with selwyn in asoiaf but he better not be a secret targ loyalist. hell FAWKING no
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essektheylyss · 1 year
#I do think anyone is allowed to complain on their own blog but like#at a certain point if you're going to other people and aggressively demanding that they share your opinions#or putting your complaints on the content you want people to reblog whether it's art or gifsets or fics#and then you're viciously mad that people aren't engaging with that? or worse being all haughty about people blocking you?#this fandom really needs to get it through their heads that blocking is for curating your space#and that someone getting fed up with them over something is not them 'winning'#I'm sure people have blocked me cuz they were fed up with my chatter! that's fine! I'm annoying and I will continue to be annoying!#I am on the annoying chatter website! and everyone has different annoyances that they enjoy vs will not tolerate!#but if all you're doing is being passive aggressive (or outright aggressive) on your fandom content? people won't wanna hear it!#I have a very low tolerance for 'I'm going to make creative content passive aggressively but also expect you to appreciate my ~art~.'#if it doesn't have to do with the art I find it irritating and if it does have to do with the art the art better be damn convincing.#complaining to complain is fine but the moment you want me to share and/or endorse your complaints you better fucking convince me.#frankly most people I talk to in fandom are ones who will actually go hard building an argument for their positions#and like. just shitting on a different thing without any actual context taken into account is not an argument.#if you don't wanna do that that's literally fine! but at that point you don't get to complain when people remain unswayed.#and you especially don't get to get mad that other people are enjoying canon or even just something different.
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iftitah · 7 months
hi do y'all remember lj
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37q · 2 years
ok somebody else said it already so now im feeling more comfortable to express this. i love that anthony bourdain post abt eating on a date because it describes my wife to a T but also like ummmmm idk how to say this i feel alienated from its conflation of beauty with someones sense of ease around food. its his own personal sentiment of course but when everyone else signs off on it too it kinda makes me feel like there remains a larger stigma in my circle around those who are mundanely neurotic, particularly regarding the relationship between someones emotional liberation, their attractiveness, and food. its worthwhile to associate dietary autonomy with personal and even civic autonomy, but adding beauty or desire into it works as both a celebration for those who can get to that point of personal emancipation and punishment for those who still suffer imo! so at the very least if you see this post before you reblog it please tag it with like eating disorder or something because it just makes me feel eternally ugly and unrecoverable :)
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