#right way back by crownlands
yoursinfulurges · 2 years
House of Metals
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Martell!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
Summary: Some say the greatest battle a woman could ever face is motherhood, you on the other hand think that's bullshit... You're not so ready to trade your sword for an infant.
Your ethnicity is not specified and your features are never fully described, finally in this part we talk about your fucking giant snake.
Can be read as a oneshot but if you wish to read the previous parts my masterlist is pinned on my profile!
Word count: 4k
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Heaving a great sigh as you sat your place on the bed, you looked around the room in melancholy. The arid atmosphere was palpable, suffocating your skin and drying you out under the harsh environment. Furniture serving as more decor than anything else sat idly around your chambers, prompting a frown to befall on your face. You didn't know what caused such bitter feelings to blossom in the bellows of your stomach, but it all didn't feel right. 
Though honestly nothing truly did these days. Not your dress, not your hair, not the place you were supposed to call home. It all felt empty somehow, cold and lacking of comfort in every sense. The familiarity of the desert dunes no more as you come to recognize the Red Keep as your new definition of normal. It had been over a year now since you left the comforts of Sunspear, and despite having a hard time adjusting you were making it by. But with the constant pressure that oppressed you daily, living had been less than bearable. Preferring to spend your days in your chambers had become a constant routine now because of it.
You've always had a certain distaste for motherhood. The idea of spending nine long months carrying a child was something you never saw yourself enduring. Whilst you could never harboured animosity towards a defenseless child, you detest being so helpless, so debilitated. They say there is no greater battle than motherhood and childbirth, you begged to differ... 
Seeing yourself as a weapon shaped for combat, not a helpless maiden meant to spend her days locked up. The very idea of being bred never sat right with you. Opinions aside, you could bear the long months in wait of a child. At some point such fate was bound to happen but the gods have not blessed you yet. You knew it was your duty to provide the realm and Aemond with an heir, further carrying out the bloodlines of your great houses. And secretly, it would be rather nice to have a tiny version of the man you adored so much running around.
What a gift that would be. 
It was the societal pressure urging you to conceive children only for the good of the crown that you loathed so much. You would not bring innocent lives into the world just to have them be political vessels. Having experienced a life full of prejudice and misogynistic behaviors yourself because you were not born a male. That was a fate you did not want for your children. Growing up it had been hard to understand why you were treated so, but over the years the veil wore thin and people became more vocal for their distaste.
It was no secret that your mother had a difficult time conceiving, so with her healthy in mind your father thought it'd be best to stop trying for another. Leaving you as an only child, much to everyone's disappointment. You'd grown up with this treatment and have found your own ways of coping with it but as expected the Crownlands had their own ways of living. You knew this and have prepared yourself for it when you agreed to leave Dorne with Aemond. Though you had never expected them to have such backwards views on women. Had you have known you would have never left... 
Not that you'd reveal such thoughts to Aemond now, seeing that he was rather content and happy with being back home. So over the months you kept your mouth shut. You did not tell him how Queen Alicent already made preparations for a nursery, and never would you open your mouth about the rumours that circulated you both. How "battle had made you infertile" as the ladies in court claimed. Silly toothless assumptions with no backbone, you'd brush it off. But the callous words the men of the city watch whispered about you were seared onto the walls. Something along the lines of "the gods have finally punished the sand snake for her indulgence." You didn't know that meant but it bothered you... Regardless how the words annoyed you so, you'd endure it all just to see your love at ease... 
He was much happier here. Familiar and so well versed in the secrets of the palace and you cannot take that away from him. Despite the fact that this place was more of a hell hole than what meets the eye.
As it would seem, here in Kingslanding the only path for a woman is to be a highborn. A highborn meant to breed out heirs for their lord husband. And not everyone was rather pleased with your reputation. You've seen how they've mistreated women, powerful women like the princess and queen. And you've seen how they just stood there and took it. Whilst yes, you had no place to speak on how they ruled here you often found yourself shaking your head. If this was Sunspear you would never allow for such disrespect... however you were not in Sunspear... you were in Kingslanding and your duty, as said by many, was to produce Aemonds children. 
A duty you're not overly content with... Not ready to sacrifice your freedom just yet but it would seem that everyone expects it from you. Although it was not in your nature to go down without a fight. Deep down, you aren't opposed to having children, it was the idea of being just a mother that you hated so much. You wanted to be known for your glory and days in battle as the Queen of Dorne. Not Princess Y/n Martell, wife of Aemond Targaryen.... They used to call you the jewel of the desert and now you're known as nothing but the prince' barbaric wench. Your victories meant nothing here and without a child you meant nothing here... 
The thought made you uncomfortable in every sense, picking at the stray threads of your dress as you succumbed to the negative thoughts. You knew it wasn't wise to dwell on such ideas but it had been eating away at you for months on end now. All of it was so suffocating, you needed room to think, to breathe. Hence why you've chosen to lock yourself up in your chambers instead of facing the music. The overbearing sounds of gossip and chatter proving to be daggers in your ears. You know not how much longer you can endure the anxiety, having it consume your being till you're constantly on edge. 
You don't doubt that with the coming months, Queen Alicent's insistence on you producing a child would become rather imposing. And although you knew she meant well with the good of both houses in her heart, you felt like you were dying of asphyxiation. All of it was so smothering. The useless small talk with noble women, the constant need to uphold an illusion. You often found yourself biting back your tongue and making sure you acted appropriately for the sake of image. Perhaps in truth, the only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon was itself. Image was of great value here, so you've observed. The Targaryens were not perfect people, you never expected them to be but it was evident there was an underlining problem they tried to avoid desperately. Though you do not know what they were so afraid of, you stood in your place and did not get involved. 
It was rather puzzling to see a not-so-happy family try and act the part in front of the public. Back in Dorne the Martells never had to keep up such false illusions, you were peaceful people that truly loved one another. And despite your love for your dear husband, it was clear that the Targaryens were selfish people, all focused on themselves. You felt like a fish out of water and truthfully it was frightening. Your family had always been transparent with one another but here it would seem that everyone was divided in their own factions. All consumed in what they have to gain, moving in secret behind each other's backs. Was this the way of the dragon? Vulture and ophidian. Your father had always taught you that respect needed to be earned. Yet here in Kingslanding everyone demanded respect. And you weren't gifted with the patience to handle arrogance. 
Especially when it came from the mouths of the undeserving. How dare they speak such words about you. Your face twists into an ugly frown, suddenly turning angry and vengeful. Why were you the one hiding in your chambers like a meek prey? So caught up about frivolous gossip. Were you not the crowned heir. Suddenly you felt ridiculous, a myriad of emotions tackling you to the ground, constricting at your air ways like a boa. Malice, retribution, anger, spite. You felt it all, everything igniting the flames of your fury. They have no right to speak to you in such a way when they have not walked in your shoes. Perhaps all the suppressed emotions had finally over spilled but you suddenly couldn't find it yourself to give a fuck anymore. It was Aemond that truly worries you, what would he think of your newfound revelation. In his eye everything had been going so well, you were getting along with his mother and sister and in truth you were. But it came with the cost of losing yourself. 
"So deep in thought, my lovely wife... Helaena informed me that you weren't at breakfast today, may I ask why?" A voice calls out from behind you, causing you to turn and smile at the sight of your love. Making sure to do your best in erasing the remaining scowl on your face. 
"I didn't feel like eating this morning." Uttering the words plainly, you began walking towards him. It was true, your appetite had decreased tremendously these past coming weeks, only eating once or twice a day. 
"Again? That's the third time this week. Perhaps we should alert the Maesters..." Aemond says in concern, grabbing a hold of your hand to pull you out of the room. Immediately retracting your hand from him, you slap his grasp away when he tries to reach for you again, laughing at his silly behavior. 
"Nonsense! It's nothing truly." Shaking your head in a dismissive manner, you urge Aemond to sit by the fireplace. He lets you guide him, looking at you with a squinted eye as he tries to read your expression. You don't meet his gaze, finding it hard to for whatever reason. 
"I care about your well-being." He nods his head, finally yielding and taking his place on the armchair. Humming absent-mindedly to him, you brush a few stray hairs away from his face, taking the opportunity to observe his shape. He looks tired, more so emotionally than physically. It worried you to a certain degree as you knew he had a planchette for putting others needs first. Aemond pulls you down onto his lap by your waist, causing you to sit sideways on his thighs as you continue to fuss about his dishevelled shape. No doubt he just returned from dragonback. Your emotions from earlier dissipating.
"I am well." You say shortly, fixing the collar of his riding coat. 
"Hm...... I missed your old ways of dressing." Aemond hums in suspicion but says no more about it causing you to narrow your eyes at him. Looking down briefly to observe your gown, was there something wrong with it? You will admit it was unlike you, the dress thick in material compared to your fond silk and linens. The heat in Kingslanding was much more forgiving so you had decided on a dress with a high collar and long sleeves. 
"I thought it would be more proper if I adapted." Speaking the words simply. Not everyone cared for the way you dressed, deeming it as provocative. It was best to sacrifice your familiarity in exchange for sewed mouths. Although now you don't really give a fuck about others opinions, but Aemond grew up with these people and you can not have them thinking such crass things. It would tarnish his reputation and your honour. Gods forbid Aemond Targaryen beds with a snake. 
"Since when did you care about being proper?" His tone is much harsher now, the hostility directed at you foreign on his tongue. 
"Aemond...." You gave him a warning. You would not argue about this. 
"I do not want you to lose yourself, my jewel. Tell me, what troubles you?" You retreat within the confines of your mind at the mention of the name, my jewel. It’s hard to look him in the eye as the truth spills out, allowing yourself to be vulnerable to him. 
"It's just... I miss home.... I miss being treated like the heir, like the future Queen ---instead of a vessel meant to just produce. I know that makes me sound like a babe but I cannot stand being viewed as a property." 
All the worries, the fire, the hate, the insecurities it all comes spilling out from your mouth. You cannot do this anymore, you cannot keep pretending you are just his wife when you knew deep down you were meant for much more. Perhaps you had failed him in providing a child, but you cannot keep deceiving yourself that you were happy with the role you were given. Never would you question your love for Aemond but as the days drag on you begin to slip into depression. The darkness captivating you, swallowing your soul till you were nothing but a shell of the woman you were supposed to be. Your identity was not your own, feeling like a marionette dancing in the shoes of a doll. Being controlled by society and expectations. 
"Who prompted these emotions, my wife? Is it my mother? Is she bothering you?" Aemond panics for a moment, grabbing ahold of your hand to steady your shaking figure. You were visibly not well, for a while he's had speculations of your unhappiness and had tried his best to stand by you, but to hear the words from your mouth urges him into action. Aemond was aware of his mother's overbearing presumptions about you being of child, but he never thought it was to the point where you had begin to question your value. 
"No, no! Aemond it's not her, it's no one." Clarifying to him quickly, your heart melts at how protective he got immediately. 
"It's just... I am not ready to trade my sword for an infant... I would love to have your children! But I don't just want to be their mother. I want to be Queen of Dorne, I want to be remembered for me." Opening up to Aemond was no easy feat but you allow your walls to break down, revealing your inner most desires. 
"And you will be my sweet, regardless of whether or not we have children I never want to take away your weapons from you." The way he said weapons alluded to something much more, perhaps he was implying to power, you weren't certain. 
Aemond was aware how important it was for you to be in control of the dagger, and he would never make you give that up. You wield such great spirit and to see you so uncertain wounded him. He knows not who filled your head with such poison, extinguishing your fire but he would have their head for it. Aemond had never seen you like this, your once head strong persona gone and replaced with so much doubt. It hurts him, his heart aching as his mind searches for a way to make you feel better. 
"I truly do want to have your children...." The words came out as a whine without your intention but they were riddled with the absolute truth. 
"There is no rush, I do not blame you for drinking the tea." He looks at you with a soft gaze, now mirroring your gestures and tucking a few stray hairs away from your face. 
"Perhaps it is time to stop..." You have been drinking the moon tea for quite some time now. Not knowing when or why it started but it became a mutual understanding between you and Aemond. Or at least, if he had a problem with it not once did he speak on them and protested. 
"Perhaps it is time to go back to Sunspear. I've been thinking about it for quite some time and it would be better for us..." Eyes widening immediately at that, was he truly willing to sacrifice so much and make that decision for you? 
"Aemond I cannot ask that of you..." Shaking your head in protest, your eyes plead for him to think more carefully. 
"You aren't, I've decided on my own. You've sacrificed so much only for the people of the court to induce such poison in you, they do not deserve to have you. We'd be far better off at Sunspear." With a simple nod, he seemed so definitive about his decision. 
"What of your duties?" Raising a brow at him you question who would fill his role. 
"My duty is to be your husband, and if being here is hurting you then we can go at once. Aside from my mother I have no emotional ties with my family, unlike you. You left everything behind without question when you married me, you even left behind Nymeria... I can't even imagine if I had to leave Vhagar like that...." 
Your heart pounds at the mention of your beloved snake. Nymeria was previously deemed untamable, until she bowed to you... She was an old soul, having been around since the reign of her predecessor, Princess Nymeria herself. Over the years she moved unchallenged, growing large enough to circle kingdoms with her body. Nymeria was about the same size as Vhagar but three times longer, her skin black in colour serving as a warning to those that dared try her. 
They called her a monster, a great beast but she was neither of that. To you she was a dear friend, you were her first rider and it hurt to abandon her like that. But the journey to Kingslanding had its complications so it was best to leave her be. A bond with a snake was similar to a bond with a dragon, your souls interwoven with one another. Although Nymeria was intelligent she was an animal and she could not comprehend why you left her so. To feel her confusion and loneliness everyday had been agonising. 
The pain was almost enough to make you agree to Aemond's words, but you wanted him to understand the consequences of his absence. Yes, it filled you with great joy that he was so willing to leave at your command, his oblation not only comforting but also displaying his devotion to you. But he must be aware of what his hecatomb may bring. 
"Aemond." You warned once more. 
"There you go again, putting me first. I truly think this would be better for us, and who cares about princely duties when I will be king alongside you. We can fly back to Dorne at sunset and be there by morning on Vhagar, just say the word." His hands caress your waist, as if trying to persuade you and the more you think about it the more he made a point. Perhaps Kingslanding didn't need you both at all, Aegon and Helaena were here and although they were a little inadequate, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon were just across the sea. You and Aemond would be better at Sunspear, and you were certain he would be treated right... 
"Maybe you're right... But tonight is too soon, we need to get our orders in affairs first and alert the king of our decision." Giving in to his proposal, you rose from his lap, beginning to pace the room as you continued your sentence. No doubt the king would want to give you guys a proper send off but you and Aemond would need to make it known that you'd prefer to leave silently. 
"That is best... And who knows, maybe once you're more comfortable we might actually start trying for a baby." Affirming your words, you turn to face  Aemond. The knowing look on his face implied that he wasn't just jesting, contrary to his tone. 
"Are you content with raising our children in the desert?" He smiles at your words, recognizing the woman he fell in love with. It had been a long while since you both had spoken to one another like this, the playful banter reminding him of your first meeting. 
"The desert made you lethal, they could use the life experience." Your husband held his head up high proud, certain that your children would be skilled in the ways of snakes with the roar of a dragon. 
"They'd be absolutely brutal, Aemond." 
"Perfect. The finest soldiers all of Westeros will ever see." He was rather sure of that fact, all this talk of raising children with you had made him yearn for a large family. Kids with your best aspects. And though he's never thought much of it since your wedding night, if you were willing to, he'd be more than happy to start a family with you. 
"Can you imagine it.... our children riding dragons and sand snakes." You whispered fondly, imagining a world you could build with Aemond. Giggling to yourself silently at the thought of little children having both a dragon and a giant snake by their side. By the gods, your offsprings will be terrorists... Though determining how that will be handled would have to come at a later date, for now you're content with just imagining. 
"I hope they have your hair..." Aemond spoke softly after a few moments, it was barely audible, the soft smile on his face prompted one to form on yours. 
"My hair?" It sounded so outrageous, why would he want your children to have your hair? You'd think he'd hold great pride in his silver mane. 
"Mhmm, it would be a change for once." You open your mouth to say something but the words get lost on you. Instead deciding to just look at him, oh how he was your entire world. You'd give your all just to make him happy. 
"Please do not say you hope they have my eyes." Aemond speaks, breaking you from your train of thought. 
"I wasn't!" You yell at him, laughing at his outrageous words. 
"The look on your face says otherwise, my dear." He's laughing with you now.
"hm... have you thought of names?" You prompt him as you start walking towards the bed. 
"Viserra and Vaelor." You think on it for a while, liking the way it rolled off your tongue. 
"Hmm.... Viserra and Vaelor, I love it..." Turning to face him, you catch your husband breaking into a grin. 
Finally settling in on an emotion you haven't felt for many moons, peace, as you watched the man you love so much get lost on the thought of kids. There was something rather touching about how open you both were to one another right now, and it makes you think. How did we get to here? Yes your marriage was entirely political but over time you had come to be grateful for what you and Aemond had.
To uncertain partners raised on different sides of the coin, to acquaintances greedy for one another's body. Eventually betrotheds figuring out the idea of love, and now this... Lovers planning a family. Maybe this was love, the imprint someone makes inside of your soul, the happiness they evoke from within you, how your whole world revolves around one another. Your story with Aemond was great and you couldn't have asked for a better tale. The promise of the future lingered in the air as you welcomed mirth with open arms. 
So he was not prince charming, but you did not care. Aemond Targaryen was a paradox made up of all the good and bad in his family. And it had been an honour to walk alongside him. Suddenly the fears of what hardships your children would have to face becomes irrelevant. It would not matter because you knew that you and Aemond will always be there to care for them and protect them. You were certain he would kill a hundred men that dared disrespect you or your daughter. Even take up the title kingslayer if your dignity was challenged.
To you Aemond was much more than a man with grey morals. He was your other half, he was your heart. And you were his jewel, you were the sapphire of his eye. A dragon and his snake. Although the future was uncertain it was clear that you were meant to burn together. A man inflamed with the abuse he experienced and a woman scorched from the fire she inflicted. Destiny had its plans for you both, a vortex of fate cradling your love as if it was the universe itself. You would create a safe haven for your children to come and burn any that tries to hurt them. Though they would not need the protection for long seeing as though they will be yours and Aemond's kids.
How your children would be absolute nightmares to the crown. You pray for the entire realm...
Part 1 Part 2 | More to come in the future....
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Authors note:
Sorry for the late update, my best friend and her boyfriend broke up and I had to emotionally support the both of them until he showed up at her house and got kicked out for trespassing 🥺 Jokes aside, that's a true story, anyways if this flops I'm throwing eggs at old people. I'm not overly proud of this part but this opens up a gateway for me to write about yours and Aemond's kids.
- Armoni
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: daemon targaryen x martell!reader
summary: a week after the tournament day, prince daemon and y/n became something more.
words: 2.8k
author's note: I personally hate the smut part, and I really think it sucks. I am truly sorry, guys :( also, I know Mysaria is from Essos and she understands high valyrian, but let's just ✨️ pretend ✨️ she doesn't. and I know dragonstone is literally inside a volcano BUT for the story's sake let's forget that. again, I am so sorry about the smut part. I love you all and thank you so much for the support y'all have given me on the first part. ❤️‍🩹
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. i hope you like it!
18+ warning
warnings: dub-con, rough sex, degradation kink, breeding kink, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), daemon being hot while speaking high valyrian, daemon being hot while dominant, daemon being daemon.
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"You never said we were coming to Dragonstone." Y/N muttered while getting out of Faora's back.
Daemon chuckled. It was kinda obvious that his plans wouldn't be shared so easily when he invited his wife to a dragon ride. The last few days they had spend together, the prince found himself very comfortable in her presence and discovered that he liked being with her. He thought that bringing her to meet their future home and the perfect place to consumate their marriage was a brilliant idea.
They watched the dragons be lead to the dragonpit, and the prince took the lady's hand in his, leading the way towards the castle.
Adjusting the cloak on her body, Y/N shaked a little bit. The castle was settled on the top of a mountain, and it was freezing cold. The south is even hotter than the Crownlands in west coast, and growing up in Sunspear, the capital and one of the warmest cities of Dorne, Y/N thought she could never get used to this kind of weather.
"Are you cold?" Daemon questioned, taking her closer to him and wrapping an arm behind her neck.
"A little, yes. I didn't thought it would be so cold, but it's a beautiful place. It's cloudy, I love it." She smiled. It was different from everywhere she had ever been, but she could definitely see why he loved that place.
The last three days, Daemon couldn't shut up about Dragonstone and how it was his favorite place on earth. He had been on Meereen, Volantis and Essos, but being trapped in a castle on the mountain was his favorite place on earth. He told her what his childhood was like, and showed himself to be real interested to know the same about hers. Y/N thought that perhaps it was too early to share memories with him.
Inside the castle, Daemon took Y/N's gloved hands in his and gave her a little tour. It was an enormous place, and even though it wasn't the kind of thought she wanted right now, her head showed her how perfect that place was to raise a family with Daemon. She wanted that, and it was her duty as a wife, but the non-stop gossip about the prince's mistress around King's Landing was making her feel a little bit insecure about their future. She knows that they need to discuss their relationship, but he seemed to be enjoying spending time with her the last few days, so she never talks about what's bothering her.
"Daemon!" Y/N turned around to the voice behind them.
"Fuck." He muttered under his breath. "Mysaria. I thought I told you to leave before my arrival."
The woman laughed humorless. She gazed at the princess from head to toe, narrowing her eyes as doing so. Y/N felt like cutting the woman's head with a sword for looking at her like that.
"Ao dōrī ivestretan issa aōha līve istan kesīr." Y/N turned to her husband, speaking in a language that his mistress couldn't understand. (You never told me your whore would be here.)
"She wasn't supposed to be here. I'll take care of it." He assured her, leaving the princess' side and grabbing Mysaria's arm.
Y/N went for the room at the end of the corridor. It was the biggest room inside the castle, and also it was Daemon's chambers. At first she looked at it with romantic eyes, watching scenarios that they could be living there through the years. But that easily crumbled once she remembered that his mistress had also been here. She knew that this shouldn't matter, he was a man and had his necessities. But she thought about how many women Daemon had brought there, and then she wondered why would he keep that one. One of the rumors around the capital is that he was planning to marry and have children with her, but King Viserys forbid his brother to do so. That was probably true.
She waited for Daemon to come, but then she heard the high pitched sound of Caraxes' roar. Y/N went to the window and saw the Rogue Pince on top of his dragon, with the woman behind him. She couldn't believe that he would leave her. It took a few hours before he was back again.
When he came into the room, he noticed her angry features. Daemon thought she looked really cute, but it was no time for compliments that would make her even more angry.
He broke the ice, knowing she wouldn't say a word before he explained himself. "I already told you, she wasn't supposed to be here."
"Where were you?" The princess questioned.
"You really don't want to know." He said with a little bit of annoyance.
"But I do, Daemon! I thought you left me here!" Y/N replied angrily.
"I would never do that. I took her back to Pentos." He tried to take the princess' hand but she smacked him off.
"What? Essos? You crossed the narrow sea?" Y/N frowned in confusion. She couldn't understand why would him do that.
"She's not here anymore, so it doesn't really matters." Daemon tried to get close but she stepped backwards.
"But it does! Why are we even here!?" Y/N snapped.
"I am the prince of Dragonstone! This is my home, our home! The last thing I want now is to talk about her while we're on the home of our future children!"
Y/N's mouth opened in shock. Now it was time to discuss what kind of relationship they had?
"Children? Daemon, what are you talking about? I don't even know what we have! Until last week I thought you hated the idea of being with me." Y/N chuckled in confusion, making the prince roll his eyes.
"Gods, don't be so fucking dramatic. I happen to like you, that's all. Would you rather I was here with Mysaria, leaving you hanging in the capital all alone?" He questioned.
Y/N clenched her jaw and fist, resisting the urge to punch her husband's royal face.
"What did you just say?" She took a step further, her face was an inch away from his.
"What I meant to say," He started, getting even more close to her where their lips almost touched, "is that I'm trying to start a life with you. We're married, after all."
"But that's not what I heard!" She said harshly.
Daemon's hand grabbed her by the throat, and his body crashed with hers when her back hit the wall behind her. Y/N gasped softly, a little bit astonish by his actions.
"Stop being so tough!" His said between gritted teeth, "Shut your fucking mouth and listen to your husband. That's what good wives do."
She chocked on her own words and pride, nodding to whatever he said, without questioning it. After getting to know the true Daemon Targaryen, she lost all the magic of a perfect prince that her mind created through the years. But now, Y/N couldn't understand why she have never felt so attracted to him. He was being rude and possessive, and somehow that turned her on.
"Why do you always have to act like this when you're with me? It's like you have fun arguing." Daemon whispered, prepping kisses on her neck.
"You're being unfair, we haven't argued in a week." The princess closed her eyes, losing herself to the touch of his soft lips.
"And yet you refuse to open yourself to me." His hands left her throat and went to her jaw, grabbing it tightly. "But not anymore. I shall make you give yourself entirely to me."
"Open your mouth for me, princess," He demanded.
Y/N did as he asked, and the prince bit his lip as he entered with his thumb into her aperture. The girl closed her lips around his finger, and sucked her cheeks, creating a vacuum. She licked his finger and softly bit the tip of it, which made him smirk. Daemon pulled his thumb out and wrapped her throat with his hand.
Daemon pulled her up, intertwining her legs around his waist. He walked through the room and tossed her body on the bed. Y/N watched him taking his clothes off and then getting on top of her.
"You have no idea about the things that I want to do with you, Y/N. The things that I want to make you feel."
Daemon started to go down her body touching her clothed pussy. The princess gasped at his touch and bit her bottom lip. Her nails were deep in the bed sheets and her heart was beating like a drum. His hands assaulted her trousers, until it met her panties' fabric.
"You are so wet, all for me. My good little princess." Daemon praised her in a low voice, while rubbing his thumb against her clothed clit, sending shivers down her body, "Tell me what you want, Y/N, I want to hear you."
The girl never felt something like that before. Her body was screaming to be touched. She craved his hands on her body, craved his mouth on her. She needed him to be fully inside her like she needed air to breathe.
"Please, Daemon" The princess moaned as he made circles with index finger on her clothed clit. "Please, make me yours" She begged.
"See, I don't think you understand, my little sand dragon." He whispered, leaving a soft kiss on her inner thigh after taking her trousers off, "You're already mine. Mine to do whatever the fuck I want."
He took off underwear, leaving her vulva uncovered. Daemon grabbed her waist and brought his face against her intimacy, making her shiver as she felt his cool breath touch the sensitive skin of her core. His thumb found her swollen clit, where he made slow circular moves and she moaned to his touch. The princess' hands brushed against his silver hair as his mouth touched her wet center. He made slow moves with his tongue, sliding it from her entrance to the clit. Y/N bit her lip as she moaned, feeling the ecstasy building inside her like she was about to come at any moment.
"Fuck, Daemon–" She tried to warn him but before she could finish her sentence, she came into in his mouth.
Daemon licked his lips before climbing up her body and fit himself between her legs. He helped her to take of her dress as her breathing was normalizing after the adrenaline. He lowered his boxers, freeing his hard cock from his underwear. He brushed his tip at her slit and fit into it. The girl could feel his length entering her slowly, while his hands found her breasts and squeezed them tightly. She whined to the contact as he began to move his hips back and forth in a slow rhythm. His mouth found her neck where he left kisses and hickeys, and extended it's actions to her chest right after. The Rogue Prince took her hard nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it. She rolled my eyes in pleasure as her nails raked his back. His thrusts started to get faster, making his hips snapped into hers while he moaned against her skin.
"You're so fucking tight, princess," He whispered next to my ear.
Y/N turned their bodies on the bed, placing herself on top of him. She took control and looked at him underneath her, so impotent. The princess grabbed his hands and took them to the top of his head. Daemon started to groan while she was riding him, which sounded like music do her ears. It was enough for her to know she was giving him so much pleasure, moving her hips in different ways and motions, going up and down on his hard cock. For someone who was having sex for the first time, she was experienced. Her father made her take lessons with his whores back in Dorne, preparing her for this moment, where she woud pleasure her prince husband.
"You feel so good inside of me," She moaned into his ear to be provocative.
"You're having a great time, huh? Let me show you who's in command here," He freed himself from her hands and grabbed her hips tightly.
Daemon had his hands on her waist with his thumbs pressing into my sides. He buried his entire cock inside of her cunt, making her take every inch of him. She whined loudly, grabbing his shoulder trying not to lose her balance.
He moved his hips up and down, fucking her hard and going deeper in every thrust. Y/N moaned against his skin, when her mouth met his neck, leaving marks on his collarbone. She felt his thick length hitting her g-spot, making her bit my lip hard not to scream.
"Do you like that Y/N? I know you do. You take my cock so well, it's like you were made for me." He growled while pounding into her.
"I'm gonna cum, Daemon!" She cried out.
"Look at you, my slutty little princess taking me like a whore. I'm gonna cum inside you and make you swollen with my child. I bet you would love that, wouldn't you? You're gonna look so pretty when I make you fucking pregnant." He increased the pressure of his hands on her hips, grabbing it more tightly, where would probably bruise later.
His praisings and degradations were driving her insane. She could feel her second orgasm coming and she knew he was close too. Daemon started to slam himself inside her, making her come on his cock. He growled into her ear and kissed her mouth as he came inside her. Y/N felt him twitching through her walls, filling her with his seed.
She fell by his side and hugged his naked body, placing her head on his toned chest. Daemon gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, and closed his eyes in relaxation. They quickly fell asleep due tiredness.
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Her fingers slightly danced through his silver long hair, forming braids with it. She hummed a song, while Daemon played with their 2 year old daughter, Rhaenya. The young girl had curly silver hair, due the princess' Velaryon blood, and lilac eyes like hers and Daemon's. Since she was born, the prince decided to take a break on wars and anything that could risk his life. No one would thought that the Rogue Prince, Daemon Targaryen, loved being a parent.
Princess Y/N was 5 months pregnant of her second — and last — child. They came to the conclusion that being in a small family was for the best. In a political statement, they should have as many children as they can, so they can spread the Targaryen line. But, they lived comfortably being in a small family environment, away from the capital, the king and it's dramas, so no one could tell them how to live their lives.
"Emagon ao thought bē brōzāt?" Daemon asked softly, chuckling while Rhaenya played with his nose. (Have you thought about names?)
"Nyke emagon. Skoros bē ao?" Y/N smiled, finishing the fifth braid on his hair. (I have. What about you?)
"Nyke emagon issare otāpagon bē Daemor, isse case ziry iksos nykeā valonqar." Daemon smirked, bitting his daughter chubby cheek and making her yelp. (I have been thinking about Daemor, in case it's a boy.)
"Daemor? Skoros does bona poghash bē ao hae nykeā kepa?" Y/N laughed loudly, which made her child laugh too. Daemon frowned. (Daemor?What does that says about you as father?)
"Kostilus nyke tolī Targārien than nyke rattan naejot sagon. Nyke also thought bē Rhaegor." The prince rolled is eyes to his own sentence. (Perhaps I am more a Targaryen then I liked to be. I also thought about Rhaegor.)
"Nyke raqagon Rhaegor. Lo ziry iksos nykeā hāedar, nyke istan otāpagon bē Daerys." Y/N confessed. (I like Rhaegor. If it's a girl, I was thinking about Daerys.)
 "Sir, skoros does bona poghash bē ao hae nykeā muñnykeā?" Daemon said, getting a wicked giggle from his wife. (Now, what does that says about you as a mother?)
"Hae nykeā muñnykeā? Nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon. Hae nykeā ābrazȳrys, ziry poghash 'nyke jorrāelagon issa valzȳrys'" She kissed the top of his head, making the prince smile. (As a mother? I don't know. As a wife, it says "I love my husband'.)
"Avy jorrāelan, issa byka rizmon zaldrīzes." He turned around, facing her. (I love you, my little sand dragon.)
Daemon pecked her lips, making her smile even larger. The little girl wiggled her arms, asking for her mother embrace. The princess took the young in her arms and kissed her silver curls.
"Avy jorrāelan tolī." (I love you too.)
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visenyaism · 2 months
If the King Visenya Dance ends with Rhaenyra on the throne, who’s crowned after her? Just curious no worries if you haven’t thought about her?
Does Aegon IV still exist since Viserys was sent to Lys?
no i have a outline for this very silly conflict. buckle up under the readmore this is barely hinged and deeply unserious
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- Queen Rhaena (the lesbian) dies, names Saera as her successor at the last minute which no one wants to honor.
- Starts with Rhaenys on dragonstone, Baelon in KL, and Saera in Volantis headed to KL.
- Baelon still gets appendicitis and dies pretty early but everyone thinks it’s some kind of treachery.
- The war officially starts when Damon Targaryen runs into Corlys at Riverrun, trying to negotiate a betrothal between his daughter and some Muppet to back Rhaenys for the throne. fresh off of losing his father and currently consolidating support for his brother, Daemon wants someone to blame and kills Corlys.
- Daemon and Aegon (Viserys I) try to jump Rhaenys at Rook’s Rest, but she gets her way out of the trap and manages to take down Aegon’s dragon and severely injure him in the process. Aegon goes back to KL to rule and protect his daughter Rhaenyra, Daemon spends the rest of the time flying around the riverlands and lighting stuff on fire.
- while all of this is happening, there’s also an extended naval conflict between the Targannister faction, which exists, Viserra has a dragon(this is my mind palace i make the rules) and the Saera chaos faction. Two battles there:
1. combined Greyjoy/Triarchy chaos faction, almost successfully take Casterly Rock while Viserra is down by the gullet and little Jaeson (lol) tries to flee on his dragon at which point Saera’s daughter Aerea takes him down. However he just barely survives even though he loses his dragon, and the last man ended up killing Aerea, who is pinned down in enemy territory in the keep.
2. While trying to break the Triarchy blockade of the Gullet for her nephew who holds King’s Landing, Viserra and Saera have a dragon fight. Balerion is old and slow and unwieldy: takes a few scorpion bolts meant for Vermithor and goes down. Viserra and a severely injured Vermithor go down as well, some historians argue she was trying to save her drowning sister. Who knows.
- With both other factions, looking pretty bad, Rhaenys takes King’s Landing: Aegon (Viserys I) dies here, but his 10-year-old daughter Rhaenyra is able to see the city on her dragon. However, Syraxis very young at the time and takes a few hits which get infected and dies right after they makes it to the Eyrie.
- Daemon and Rhaenys kill each other over the gods eye on their parents’ dragons.
- Some variation of the storming of the dragonpit happens. Laenor and Laena successfully flee to Dragonstone, but Silverwing and Seasmoke do not :(
- No longer worried about being burned by Daemon. The Riverlands, Crownlands, and Stormlands forces are able to muster enough troops to actually get to Kings Landing and restore order.
- The war ends when they put Laenor on the throne. it ends with the wedding of Laenor and Rhaenyra to create some form of stability after everything.
- They have three kids “together.” Baela the Bdefiant, future mother of Daena Darksister, Jakey who dies in dorne with cregan stark, and Joffrey the religious freak.
- Laena stays in KL and later becomes master of coin.
- Saera’s son Viserys II is in Volantis and comes to King’s Landing with his wife Larra Rogare and their son Aegon to serve as Laenor and Jake and Joffrey’s hand after they extend an olive branch.
- The Targannister kids technically survived but lose their dragons so they’re just sort of like well you guys didn’t see any of that. we’re just lannisters now.
arc 2 of this absurd fire and blood revamp where everything is cringe in a way that’s specifically appeals to me complete
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Aegon x Reader
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Tags: Fluffish, royalty, modernroyalty, theprinceandme
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🔷Summary: You are studying in college and you fall for a mysterious boy named Aeg. Who hides a dark secret.
🔷Author's note: Based on the movie, the Prince and Me.
🔷Wordcount :3547
🔷Warnings: It is not a very dark or triggering fic. If you found something that upsets you, however let me know ill change the warnings
It is cold. It is so fucking cold. You keep repeating that in your head, as you cling your books to your chest, shielding them from the rain as you run over campus. Earlier today, your backpack committed the worst betrayal in history since centuries, and one of the straps ripped. So now you carry your books around. It is also a bit misty, darkish and overall not a fun time to be outside. 
You make out the sign of the building where your archeology class is taking place. You finally found it. Last year, they hosted it in the other building, much closer to your dorm. But for some reason, it now is in the new science building. You don’t know why, and you don’t have time to care. You cross the streets.
Perhaps without looking. Perhaps you look too late. Either way, a black, sleek, luxurious car with a dragon logo on the hood nearly hits you. You huff at the audacity of this asshole to drive that fast on college ground, and try to look in the car. The windows are blinded. You can’t see who is in it. They can see you however. You raise your middle finger, before you head off to class. You don’t notice the window rolling down and someone looking at you, with piercing bright blue eyes and a smirk on his lips.
The teacher forgave you for being late. You are a good student, and never would be late on purpose. She listened to your apologies and you explained to her the bag situation, which she understood, but also could laugh at. ‘’Why, you always have the worst of luck, don’t you?’’ she joked. Now you are reading your books, making assignments and studying an ancient old stone. 
The incident with the car has long left your mind. Your books are more interesting. Until the door of the classroom is opened and a handsome young man enters. You see him look at papers in his hand, which is likely his route and his schedule of where his classes are. He introduces himself as Aeg and to your horror he sits down right next to you, on the only free spot in class. He smells nice, like rain and aftershave. ‘’I’m Aeg.’’ He says, addressing you for the first time in your life. ‘’I’m uh, new.’’ His accent betrayed that he is from Westeros and from the Crownlands, like most students. You take one glance at him and see him looking back, your eyes meeting and your breath briefly stopped. He is gorgeous. Damn him.
‘’I can see that.’’ You reply, uninterested. You don’t need distractions. And Aeg, whoever he may be, is a distraction. You bend your head a bit further over your books, hoping to lose yourself in the magic of the Ancient Dornish statues you are studying. It does not happen, and to make things worse, Aeg is staring at you, full of interest and delight, a smirk on his lips as he studies you instead of the textbook.
‘’Don’t be like that. The teacher said I could sit with you. You are a nice girl. It’s literally what she said. I can use a friend. I’m new. I only have Cole with me.’’ He says. You sigh, and deep down you know you will regret this deeply. You know it.
‘’I am Ereys.’’ You say, ignoring the way his blue eyes keep piercing through your skin and skull. ‘’I study Archaeology. That’s what you should be doing, by the way.’’ You say. Aeg snorts, laughing loudly and draws more attention to your shared table. Embarrassed, you lower yourself a bit more, hoping to bury yourself in your books.
‘’I’m Aegon, but you can call me Aeg.’’ He says. ‘’I never studied Archaeology or history before. Perhaps you can tell me where we are with the studies, as well as tell me…’’ He smirks, looking at you a bit funnily. You raise a brow, confused.
‘’Do you have a boyfriend?’’ You don’t know where this question came from or how it is related to archelogy but you sure as hell don’t want to answer that weasel anymore.
You blow up. ‘’That’s none of your business. Go ask someone else.’’ To your horror, your voice is uncontrolled and even more eyes are glued on you and Aegon now.
He does not seem to even be slightly insulted, grinning at your rejection. ‘’Ah, come on, darling. Didn’t mean to insult you. Just a complement, sweetheart.’’ He says. His voice becomes a bit more serious and he sits up, instead of hanging in the chair. ‘’But if I truly insulted you, I apologize.’’
The rest of the class you are both silent, save for Aegon who keeps smirking and smiling at you, clearly trying to get you to let your walls down. You won’t let it happen. 
At long last, classes end and you are released.
That evening, it is your turn at the Red Dragon the local college bar to handle the crowd. Lots of students come to unwind, have a drink, a snack, and a flirt before their classes are back on in the morning. It earns decently, and your boss makes sure that everyone behaves or is kicked out of the bar. 
Two of your close friends, Jayne and Alysanna hang out near the bar, trying to get more details out of your summer. ‘’Come on! Tell me, did you at least hook up last summer?’’ Jayne asks, on her fourth martini of that night. Alysanna smacks her arm, berating her instantly, the mom friend of the group.
Bless her. ‘’Ereys is just busy. She can have any guy she wants to have. She chooses to focus on her studies.’’ Alys says, grinning. ‘’Like if she wanted, any guy would be on their knees.’’ You roll your eyes.
‘’Hear hear.’’ You comment, giving two waiting jocks with red dragon tunics both a beer and a sandwich you just made for them. They leave, and you watch them go to their friends at the table in the corner, likely returning to their games for that evening.
Jayne is not ready to let the conversation die. ‘’I mean, I saw what joined you at Archaeology class and I have to say; You have more willpower and restraint than me.’’ You frown at her words. Aeg is not a what, and how the hell did she know? She studies marine biology, which is 2 floors above you. No way she could have seen Aeg. No way unless…..
‘’Stop using that fucking app!’’ Alys grabs the phone from Jayne. ‘’It’s fucking dehumantising.’’ She has a point. Women, men, non binary, something or someone else: It does not matter, this app does not discriminate, if you’re hot, you get called a lot of things.
Jayne, however is…Jayne.‘’Nah-ah! How else am I supposed to know what hot guy is new on campus? Have you seen how massive this place is? I need the app!” You know that app. It’s created by some tech devs with a god complex and it basically tracks relation drama, hot new guys, anything you don’t want to get caught up in on campus.
You watch as Jayne takes of running in her heels, chased by Alys on her sneakers, and you are shocked to see how fast both are. Someone clears his throat and you are reminded you have a job.
‘’Two beer.’’ Oh no. You know that voice.
In front of you, is Aeg. He is wearing a dorky shirt which looks like someone with a high office job would wear. His hair is pushed back neatly and you assume he spent a few hours on it. And he smells nice. Again. Aeg seems to recognize you too, grinning and sitting down while you grab the beer from the fridge. ‘’You look damn good behind a bar.’’ He says. ‘’You seem at home here. Everywhere, really.’’
You place it in front of Aeg. ‘’That’ll be 8 coins.’’ You say. Aeg happily grins, giving you 10 coins instead of 8. He looks around him, before closing in, leaning on the bar with a drunken smirk and you know you are done for. ‘’Hey, uhm. I want to see your boobs.’’ You can’t have heard that one right.
‘’’Excuse you?’’ He is drunk but that is no excuse.
‘’It’ll be just for me.’’ He promises, in a bar, filled with people, cameras, phones, everyone. You back away, disgusted and grab the hose that is used to fill beer cups. Instead of giving him a piece of your mind, you decide that it's time for action. You press the spray button and spray Aeg in rich, brown beer, soaking his shirt. A man with dark black hair and a Dornish look jumps from his chair as if you offended him and rushes to Aeg, who is confused.
Your boss, Laenor interferes, addressing the man instead of Aeg. ‘’You. Take your friend out of my fucking bar. I heard what he said to my employee. We don’t want that kind of shit here, or anywhere. OK?’’
The man nods, and drags Aegon off away from you, and the bar. 
When you wake up, you have forgotten the incident with Aeg and the strange man. It is Saturday. You have no classes and you are relaxing, in bed, still snoozing peacefully….
Until someone is knocking at your door. You throw your bathrobe on, close it and open your door. You are surprised to see who’s there. He smiles at you. You try to slam the door in his face, but he sets one foot in the door. ‘’Please, let me explain.’’ He begs. ‘’I was a fucking asshole.’’
Ding ding ding! ‘’Yes. You were.’’ You try to kick him out once more. Aeg begins pouting, and you allow him in your dorm, knowing he won’t give up anyway. 
‘’I am sorry, Ereys. I got drunk real bad. I never would have said that if I was sober. But that is no excuse.’’ He looks at his shoes first, but halfway through his apology he looks at your face. ‘’Also my driver almost hit you, on the way to class.’’
You find that a bit odd. Does he have a driver? ‘’You have a driver?’’
Aeg pales. ‘’Eh, my friend, Cole. He studies here too. He dropped me off. He almost hit you though.’’ You think back of the fancy car and you know something is not adding up. Yet you accept Aegon’s apology of him and his…driver.
‘’Apology accepted.’’ You say. ‘’For one reason.’’ You add with a smirk. 
He looks a bit like a puppy that got hurt and you feel bad about making him do this. But someone has to do it. And it won’t be you for sure. ‘’Anything.’’ He begs, looking in your eyes with such sadness that can only be seen in Disney movies.
You cackle. ‘’Oh, I love it when souls say such things. Give me a moment.’’
‘’Souls?’’ Aegon mutters, as you push him out of the room so you can get dressed.
‘’Dragon drinks! Dragon drinks! It helps the pain and it helps you think! Dragon drinks!’’ A few moments later, you are sitting beneath a umbrella outside the Red Dragon, while Aegon is in costume, the red cursed dragon costume, advertising. 
While Aegon does your job, and he does it really well, you enjoy the water and study some books. Aegon sometimes tries to get close to you, but one glare and he knows he is pushing it. But then Aegon sees a passing crowd of students, and instead of bothering you, he tries to lure them to the bar. ‘’Roar!’’ You clutch at your heart, scared to death by his roar. ‘’You there! You all seem cool! Come here, drink, and forget school!’’ You see one girl take her phone out. Aegon beams, proud he did his job well.
Until she snaps a photo and walks away, laughing with her friends. You see Aegon’s confidence had a big hit and you feel a bit sad for the dragon. ‘’Don’t let it bother you. Just keep being you. You’re actually really good at this.’’ He isn’t.
But Aegon beams. ‘’Yeah? Oh, I don’t I have ever been…’’ He roars again, puffing his chest, and this time a few customers pass in front of the bar. Aegon roars again, dancing. You can see that he is from Westeros, indeed.
You beg the people with their eyes to please get a drink, and they do. Aegon cheers victorious as they walk in. ‘’This is actually really nice, Ereys. I don’t think I ever have done something this silly.’’ He confesses, smiling. ‘’Thank you for the opportunity.’’ 
You wave his praise away. ‘’Yeah, yeah.’’ He ignores you, focusing on a new group to lure in.
When you attend the bar later, there is a shocking surprise. You had just done your hair on a bun and put your best foot in front of the other, and mentally prepared yourself. But someone else is at the bar, wearing a black shirt, with jeans, and a namepin. He is leaning on the bar, smiling as girls crowd around him, ordering drinks just to get a talk with him. Aegon.
You march over to the girls. ‘’Hello. Aegon. This bar is for employees. You are a customer.’’ He grins, smirking at you, and checking you out at the same time. 
‘’I got a job.’’ He reveals. ‘’Say hello to your new coworker.’’ He winks. You should be happy, as you have come to like Aegon. But your heart cannot allow him too close.
You can’t work with his eyes on you. You look for Laenor and walk to him. ‘’Uhm, you gave Aegon a job?’’ You have no idea how to bring it gently, so you don’t.
Laenor laughs, nodding. ‘’Yeah, he was good in the dragon costume. He has passion and spirit, charisma and good looks. All things you need when running a bar.’’ A few girls giggle in the background and you are annoyed that you thought Aegon actually liked you. 
You don’t see that his eyes are glued on you, watching your every move, not even hearing the girls.
Laenor is not going to fire him. No way.  So you can either quit and say goodbye to your sweet cash or try to endure Aegon. You walk back to the bar and you notice that Aegon has been waiting for you. ‘’Girls. What shall it be?’’ You ask, preparing yourself for the drinks.
One girl with sunglasses inside huffs. ‘’We were in a conversation with Eggy.’’ She says, a bit whiny. ‘’Don’t you have a table to clean somewhere?’’ She asks, and her friends laugh.
You are ready to insult her back but Aegon beats you to it. ‘’Hey, that’s not cool. Ereys is right. This is a bar, not a zoo. You get drinks and pay or leave.’’ You are impressed at his maturity. 
‘’Thanks.’’ You mutter after they have left. You reach for an empty glass at the same time as Aegon and your fingers brush. 
He blushes. ‘’Anytime.’’
As months pass and you and Aegon only grow closer and closer. You are unaware you are in love with him, but he knows he is love with you. You are busy cleaning tables and he cleans the glasses that were used during the shift. While he is busy, you ask him questions that he needs to know for his upcoming test. 
‘’So, Nymeria’s statues. The big ones. What year?’’ You ask, as you clean some chewing gum from a table and nearly vomit.
But Aegon has improved. A lot. ‘’39 AC.’’ He grins. ‘’Easy peasy. Now for you: What did the writer Dynmeris meant with the sentence ‘’The sun cannot find the skies if the clouds are there?’’ You will so, so, so fail that literature class. Who cares? What sun? What clouds? Huh?
Gods help you.
‘’Uhm, it’s cloudy?’’ You guess. 
Aegon nods, and you know you have answered wrong but he is too kind to say it. Defeated, you sit down on a chair, grumpy. He joins you, planting his ass on the table you just cleaned. Thank god for jeans. ‘’It can be a metaphor. For many things. For how you don’t know if you don’t try, for how you cannot achieve dreams without effort, and how you, I suppose, cannot find love if your heart isn't open for it.’’ He looks at you expectedly You nod. ‘’You see, the clouds are the obstacle, and the sky is the goal. But what is the sun? What does it represent?’’ You listen a bit longer to his explanation, and you suddenly feel a bit stuck. Maybe you are the clouds. And Aegon the sun. And you keep yourself from happiness. You have become happier and less snappy around Aegon and everyone seems to know it except you.
You love him.
‘’Aeg?’’ You whisper, your face heated so hot that it might explode. You see him nod.
‘’Yeah?’’ he asks, just as tense and smiling, despite being terrified you can tell.
‘’I uh, want you to kiss me.’’ You confess.
Aeg closes the distance between the two of you and gently caresses your face, as your lips finally lock in a soft gentle kiss. You never felt more alive, and kiss him back, touching his face and feeling his soft hair. He breaks the kiss, smiling deeply. ‘’Does this mean we’re a thing?’’
Wow, he moves fast.
‘’Uhm, it means I like you a bit more.’’ You say, keeping it casual. Aegon grins, still sitting on the table. 
‘’I suppose I’ll just have to step up my game.’’ 
You would love to see what that looks like.
Months later.
Finals are here and you and Aegon are in the library. You are officially dating and have become girlfriend and boyfriend. You try to focus on your books, but your eyes keep going to Aegon, who keeps smirking at you from his book, clearly not reading a word. His hands move down your thigh, and his smirk becomes suggestive. You feel your desire grow as he leans in a bit closer and kisses your neck. You mutter something. You close your book and drag Aegon from his chair, dragging him up to the second floor of the library, where almost no one comes. Aegon catches on, smiling, deeply in love and caresses your face. ‘’I love you Ereys.’’ He mutters, and you don’t know if he says that because you are about to hook up or because he loves you. Yet you turn your mind and insecurities off, and take your shirt off. Aegon follows, kissing your lips and taking his belt off. You both are lost in the passion.
Until, a camera flash interrupts it all. You let out a shriek and Aegon acts in a split second. He pulls his shirt over your head, covering you as quickly as possible. Two cameramen have appeared. ‘’Prince Aegon! Is this what you are doing on college grounds? The people demand to know!’’ One of them shouts. You feel ill. It makes sense.
Stupid too.
Aegon does not allow you to remain there, frozen and hurt. He drags you with him, as you both run away, between large bookshelves as the obvious paparazzi chases you. ‘’Prince Aegon, over here! Who is this lady? Prince Aegon!’’ Aegon doesn’t answer them. Getting you to safety is his priority.
When you are both safe outside, it has started raining. ‘’What the fuck was that?’’ You ask, in tears. Aegon sighs. 
‘’I’m a Prince.’’ He says, and you never heard someone so upset that he is filthy rich. Cole. Cole is not his friend. He’s his bodyguard. Oh, oh you’re fucked. 
A prince. You laugh. You never mattered to him. If you did he would've been honest. ‘’A what?’’
‘’A prince. Of House Targaryen.’’ This is madness.
You shake your head, in disbelief. He reaches out to touch you, to feel your love, your warmth. ‘’Ereys-’’
‘’Get away from me! You lied to me!’’ You yell, as tears fall down your cheeks. Hurt, Aegon backs off. He lied to you. And now your chest will likely cover some Westerosi magazine somewhere. You will be mocked, ridiculed by gods, knows how many people? And your trust, the walls he brought down, they’re skyhigh, and you know you won’t ever let anyone else get a shot.
He sighs, staring at his shoes. ‘’I never meant for them to find me here. I really like you. More than I liked anyone.’’ He says as he too sniffles, crying. ‘’I never wanted that stupid crown. They keep following me, I had hoped for a fun experience, but I never expected to find you. I love you and I mean it.’’
You shake your head. ‘’I was right not to trust you. I was right.’’ You repeat as you try to keep from crying, as your heart bleeds. It bleeds out from your chest.  You take off running to your dorms and don’t look back.
i might make a part two if you guys dig it.
I got a busy mind and a lot on my hands So get out of my way And out of my hair Cause I'm going somewhere And I'm not in the mood for questions
And no I don't wanna talk I don't wanna get in too deep On whatever you think I am or do And I'm not in the mood for questions And if I was, I wouldn't let you in on the answers
Don't wanna lose my head I stand up straight I take a real deep breath I never asked for attention But now that I have your attention I will play my part I'll put on a face And with all my heart I never asked for attention But now that I have your attention I'll give you the best I can-
Attention Lyrcis what inspired the fic xD
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
In a world where Robb Stark wins his war and manages to consolidate his realm, with the 7K being no more, lets assume he also annexes the northern crownlands too, what kind of council or burocracy would he establish to govern and how much of your economic development plans could he reasonably carry out in his lifetime and how could he unify his 2 realms economy into a cohesive unit?
In a Stark victory scenario, I think annexing the northern Crownlands would be an overstretch and something of a distraction from more important tasks (like bringing the Iron Islands and the Vale into his sphere of influence so that he can govern a geographically, economically, and politically coherent kingdom/coalition of northern Westeros).
To quote King Robb:
"Duskendale, on the narrow sea? Why would they go to Duskendale?" He'd shook his head, bewildered. "A third of my foot, lost for Duskendale?"
What matters in a brand-new Kingdom of the North is things like whether Gulltown accepts silver coins minted in White Harbor with Robb's face on them as valid payment for debts and taxes, or whether the Ironborn agree to keep their reaving south of Ironman's Bay, or whether the Stark navy can keep the Trident open all the way to the Bay of Crabs so that the Riverlands can keep trading directly with Braavos.
I did some back-reading through various economic development posts to see what I'd said in the past about the tricky scenario of how one balances the interests of multiple kingdoms in pursuing economic development. One of the things I'm noticing is that there are some reforms where there is real issues with competition/duplication of efforts (a Kingdom of the North can probably only support one Bank, one canal scheme, one sub-treasury system, one purchasing/marketing cooperative, etc.), some reforms where individual kingdoms can pursue their own goals but where there would be an issue about how the king balances the rewards he's doling out between the kingdoms (do you put your marginal dragon into winter schools and greenhouses for the North or church schools for the Riverlands or roads for the Vale?), and some where every kingdom can pitch in in a common effort (if there's going to be one sub-treasury plan, you're going to need a network of granaries along waterways from the Last River down to the Trident, the same information about how to improve agricultural productivity can be shared between the North, the Riverlands, and the Vale basically for free, etc).
That being said, one of the major political challenges of the Kingdom of the North was always going to be how you balance the interests of the component kingdoms and make everyone feel like the central government is giving them a fair deal and being attentive to their interests - and as you say, forging them into a cohesive economy would go a long way into doing that. So for example, one priority should be in working out reciprocity in trade between the newly-chartered cities. It certainly helps that a bunch of them (White Harbor, Gulltown, Maidenpool, Lord Harroway's Town, Saltpans) are along the same coast of the Narrow Sea or just upriver from the Narrow Sea, which makes close trade links more likely. However, you're going to want to make formal legal arrangements that, when it comes to port fees and staple fees and warehousing fees and the like, all of the North's cities agree to set them as low as possible for other Northern cities (if not an outright zollverein), and that burgher rights are transferrable between cities and that city ordinances will be honored by other cities, and so on.
In terms of "council or burocracy would he establish to govern," Robb was already taking a decent first step to bolster Lord Paramount Edmure Tully by appointing Brynden the Blackfish as Warden of the Southern Marches.
As I've written before, issuing city charters would be a crucial element of governing the Riverlands effectively. Giving Maidenpool, Lord Harroway's Town, Stoney Sept, Fairmarket, and Seagard a combination of economic and political self-governance would paradoxically allow King Robb to project royal authority more effectively - especially when it comes to generating revenue and manpower and enforcement of economic regulations.
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mybeautifuldelirium · 2 years
Centuries Apart Part 2 || Aemond Targaryen x got!Reader
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CHAPTER LIST (plz read or it might not make much sense)
A/N: here’s part 2 lovelies xx hope you enjoy how the story unfolds
Lmk if u want part 3
Summary: How are Y/N and Aemond going to react to their betrothal and will Y/N learn how to adapt and survive in this era of ambition and cruelty and can she learn to tolerate her husband to be?
Warnings: angst, forced marriage, idk if this would be considered incest tbh lol
“Perhaps becoming your wife and bearing your heirs will keep her faithful” Otto grinned, caressing Y/N’s silver locks.
These words, these damned words, they echoed through the throne room like a curse, all faces, once again staring in disbelief.
“Father, you don’t mean this” Alicent’s eyes widened as she walked in front of her younger son as if trying to protect him from a dangerous beast “You won’t sacrifice my son to this witch”
“Mother” Aemond whispered, gently placing his hand on Alicent’s shoulder “With all due respect, grandfather, don’t you believe there are more favorable options for a union that could actually bring forth valuable allies?” The prince scowled with disgust as he glanced at Y/N.
“The decision is final and I believe, his grace, king Aegon would agree to its benefits” Otto raised his voice, turning his head towards the young king with a stern look on his face.
“And what makes you believe I’d agree to this?” Y/N finally spoke up in disbelief, after the initial shock of the news had just washed away “I’m a Targaryen princess, the blood of the dragon, not a slave or a broodmare for sale. This was never part of my offer of alliance-”
“Silence woman” Aegon stood up from the throne, making his way towards the girl “We are being merciful enough to spare your life and put our trust in your guidance. You are to marry my brother and pledge your loyalty to the crown if you so value our house’s future, as you claim” he smirked, locking his gaze with Aemond’s displeased one “Right, dear brother?”
The one eyed prince scoffed at the king’s words, the very same king who moments ago was desperately begging him for help to flee the Crownlands, now playing the part of a ruler. But Aemond knew better than to disobey the crown, he nodded and gave an almost unnoticeable bow to Aegon before storming out of the hall, the same way he had entered.
“It is settled then, the wedding will take place in a fortnight” Otto smirked deviously “Lady Y/N we will be sure to provide you with a maid and a private chamber, that is until you are to share the one of your future husband”
The girl wanted to protest, she wanted to scream or run far away, she had seen what her sister had endured after being sold as a bride to Khal Drogo and now this same fate seemed to come upon her. This was not how things were supposed to go, none of this was according to her plan but she knew there was no way back she knew that this was her only chance to change the fate of House Targaryen.
Her chambers were modest in size yet still lavishly decorated with gold and expensive fabrics. Y/N was sitting on the small daybed, gazing through the window. Her whole life she had dreamed of living in this very castle, the home of her ancestors that was taken away from her family, but now this beautiful childhood dream had turned into a cruel curse.
“M-my lady” the timid voice of a young girl brought the princess back from her thoughts “I-I’m Lysa, I was appointed to serve as your maid”
She looked no older than five and ten, a scrawny thing with golden locks, tied into two simple braids.
“That won’t be necessary” Y/N mumbled, returning her attention towards the view from the window “I’m perfectly capable of handling myself”
“Please my lady, the hand will punish me if I defy his orders” Lysa fell to her knees, her eyes filled with desperation and dread “I promise to be loyal and serve you faithfully”
These words made Y/N stand up from her spot and approach the young girl, perhaps having someone loyal by her side, could prove beneficial in this realm of ambition and cruelty “Ok then, but you’re to serve only me, you’ll be my eyes and ears in this castle, I am to know everything that goes on and I will swear to protect you” she whispered, a slight smirk playing on her lips. If they wanted her to play a part of their game by their rules, she was sure to do so.
“Of course my lady, I promise, thank you” Lysa hastily nodded in relief.
A feast was to be held in honor of the new king, a deceitful attempt to bring forth alliances from the noble houses.
“Your dress for the feast, my lady” Lysa entered Y/N’s chambers, holding a simple emerald green gown with gold stitchings “Her grace, queen Alicent chose it for you”
“I want another dress, bring me the dressmaker” the princess furrowed her brows “Those are not the colors of my house”
“But, t-the queen”
“You serve me, Lysa. Don’t you forget our deal” Y/N whispered, a dark smile lingering on her lips.
An elegant black dress with striking red embroidery was the one she chose, her silver looks tied into intricate braids, mimicking the ones her sister Daenerys always used to wear. Many heads were turned as Y/N entered the great hall, all curious eyes, staring at the unknown Targaryen maiden.
She looked over at the table of the royal family, meeting the disapproving gaze of Alicent.
“Ah, glad to have you join us, lady Y/N” Aegon sneered “Why don’t you sit by your future husband”
The girl mumbled something under her breath as she took her seat besides Aemond who was yet to acknowledge her presence.
“I see you’ve worn a different dress” the queen flashed a fake smile “Was the one I sent, perhaps not to your likings?”
“It was a lovely garment, your grace, but I deem it more appropriate to represent the colors of my house as you do yours” Y/N grinned slyly, taking a sip of her wine.
“I think you look ravishing in it, my lady” Aegon smirked “Don’t you agree dear brother? Or perhaps you’d rather see your lovely betrothed without it?” he laughed, nudging at the younger prince’s arm.
Y/N cringed at the indecorous remark, briefly glancing at Aemond who seemed uninterested in the whole ordeal, yet she could have sworn that just moments ago, he had been eyeing her.
“Let’s have a toast to the betrothal of my beloved brother” Aegon stood up lifting his golden goblet “May you have a very progenitive marriage” he glanced at Y/N with a sly grin.
“Thank you, your grace, I would also like to toast to my future wife who is at last to become a true member of house Targaryen” Aemond smirked deviously, finally allowing his gaze to openly travel to Y/N’s face.
This crude insinuation ignited a fire of rage in the young princess as she abruptly got up, splashing her wine at Aemond’s smug face.
The entirety of the hall fell silent, Y/N could almost feel Alicent and Otto’s angry stares burning holes on her back while Aegon was sniggering like a child.
The realization of what she had done in front of all those noble houses suddenly hit her and before the prince was able to curse her out, she was kneeling before him with a small rag in her hand.
“Oh, forgive my clumsiness, my prince, here, allow me to help you” the girl innocently batted her eyelashes at the one eyed prince who was staring back at her in disbelief.
Promptly, the feast endured, people long forgotten about the incident. While Y/N was wiping away the wine off Aemond’s face, she carefully examined his features. His expression was blank but she could sense the anger and humiliation through his presence.
Her eyes fell on the deep scar, appearing from under his eyepatch, she had heard tales of how the infamous Targaryen prince had lost his eye and she knew of the precious sapphire that had taken its place, making her wonder if she’d ever see it.
As she gently slid the rag near the scar, unexpectedly, Aemond’s hand firmly grabbed hers.
“Be careful next time, my lady, this ‘clumsiness’ could cost you much one day” he smirked
“I’m not a mere lady, my prince, I’m a princess” Y/N hissed, abruptly pulling her hand from his grip.
The remainder of the feast was rather uneventful in comparison to the prior affairs. Y/N had decided to take a small stroll through the keep in hopes of clearing her mind, oh how she wished Dany could be there with her. The princess’s eyes welled up at the thought of her sister but something or rather someone lurking in the shadows brought her back to reality.
“Up so late, dear bride” the dreadfully familiar voice of Aemond echoed through the corridor as he revealed himself “Don’t you deem inappropriate for a betrothed lady to wander alone at this hour?” His taunting words sent shivers down her back.
“I don’t believe I shall need your permission, my prince”
“Oh but you do, am I not to be your lord husband?” He sneered, twisting a silver lock of her hair between his pale fingers “You got what you wanted, didn’t you? At least now your babes will be true Targaryens”
“Gaomagon daor tymagon lēda nyke, ñuha dārilaros. Kesā jiōragon zaltan” (do not toy with me, my prince; you will get burned) Y/N spat, taking a step towards him.
For a mere second, a look of disbelief washed over Aemond’s face, but he was quick to pull back his composure.
“Oh, sīr īlva riña gīmigon se Valyrīha ēngos?” (oh, so our lady knows the Valyrian tongue?) the prince inquired, the sly smirk returning on his lips.
“Dōrī nārhēdegon, ñuha dārilaros, eman se ānogar hen zaldrīzes isse nyke. Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys issa” (never forget, my prince, I have the blood of the dragon. Valyrian is my mother tongue) she deviously grinned back at him before heading back towards her chambers. ‘Twas a game, she was prepared to play.
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15-lizards · 9 months
Okay, odd ask on the fashion thing, but how do you think that Westerosi fashion would develop given a XVII/XVIII century advancement? I've been looking over some stuff and Jacobean and Baroque fashions seem so right in place. Feel free to go crazy with whatever prospective historical developments could happen in that time frame - I really enjoy your headcanons and was curious if you had any ideas on how Westerosi fashion traditions could progress past the Tudor/XVI century trappings of the modern timeline!
Okay I’ve always been too scared to do anything past the 1600s bc that gets into like Industrial Revolution territory but I’ve always kinda wanted to just for shits and gigs…
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If we want to get really crazy we can start talking ab pannier skirts, the peak of ridiculous indulgent fashion. This would probably be way past the current events of the book like a good 30-40 years. After somebody takes the throne or abolishes the monarchy or smthn. Very ornate style that probably originates in the westerlands and becomes popular in the reach and vale, popular among ladies from newly risen families who want to show off their new wealth. Also kind of obsessed with this as a “Targaryen in decline but still trying to hang on to their status” type of look so we see the vision
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For a slightly more subdued look, the skirts would be far flatter in the hips, though there’s still some volume. A natural-ish waist, square neck, and elbow length sleeves are seen as both practicable but also can been fashionable, and easily decorated in a manner of ways. Lace and frills and embroidery being the most popular. Easily and more widely produced in a more advanced era (Industrial Revolution in Westeros incoming) so everyone from middle class women to queens can wear this look, though it’s probably most popular in the crownlands/lower riverlands/anywhere where the climate is average
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For the common folk and lower classes, clothing becomes more accessible as well. So most tavern owners and farmers aren’t wearing clothes that are literally disintegrating off their body anymore, with wider production of fabrics they can afford to have neater and cleaner clothes, and even brighter colors too. The start of mass production means a lot can be made for cheap, allowing lower class women to buy and make the clothes that imitate women of higher standing (this is just turning into a Westerosi Industrial rev headcanon sorry). Skirts are still shorter, shoes are sturdy and better made, aprons are common, and fitted jackets with shawls/fichus are worn for practicality during work
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Hair is a very diverse affair. There’s a thousand different styles depending on class and location, but what’s the same is that there’s always a lot of volume. Even with the common women that wear caps and bonnets, hair is combed back and ruffed up so that it’s given a more voluminous outline. Some wealthy daring women like to wear theirs big or have their curls down or sometimes both, this is very popular in the reach to look wild-chic. Some just like to roll it and pin it for a sleeker look, and some like to let perfect curls hang down their necks with more curls pinned to their heads with ribbons and bows and frills
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catofadifferentcolor · 8 months
Terrible Fic Idea #69: Game of Thrones, but make it Anne Boleyn
Reflecting on it the other morning, I realized that most of my female Jon Snow fics characterize her as reluctant - or at best indifferent - to her future spouse. And this makes sense, as in many of these cases the future is spouse is a man her father's age who she's never met before, and it feels truer to the character for her to be less than thrilled with her future.
So naturally I thought: what if she wasn't reluctant? Or: what if female Jon Snow as greedy and licentious as bastards were said to be?
Aka: The Wolf Queen Fic
Just imagine it:
Lyanna Stark dies in childbed. Her brother names the child Annette and claims her daughter for his own.
This daughter has a drop more dragonblood than canon, or perhaps she just internalizes all hateful, cruel things Catelyn and the Faith of the Seven say about wanton, faithless, murderous bastards. Either way, Annette decides to use her failings to rise as high as she possibly can, and if that means a little bit of murder and whoring, so be it.
As a young girl, Annette imagines this taking the shape of marrying a rich widower who is looking for companionship rather than children - there are a couple wealthy traveling merchants who make their way to Winterfell each year with potential.
Then news comes of King Robert heading north - and Annette can only see opportunity. There are bound to be many rich lords among the king's party. Even if she can't secure a marriage, becoming mistress to a wealthy lord from the Westerlands would be a thousand times better than the wife a well-off merchant.
The first time King Robert catches sight of her, Annette realizes she has the potential to rise higher than she ever dreamed - if she plays it right. All she has to do is get the king's attention and keep the king's attention. If she moves slowly, lets him think he's seducing her, plays up her Stark honor in such as way that she won't sleep with him without the assurance of marriage... (If, in short, she takes the Anne Boleyn route.)
Things go wildly well in the beginning. Ned doesn't see it as anything more than his best friend paying attention to his children, and so allows - even encourages - Annette to spend time with Robert on the journey back south. Cersei's complaints and insults are viewed as the healthy paranoia of a woman who's been betrayed by her husband so many times she can't see avuncular interest for what it is.
Fast-forward by about a year, until things are in a holding pattern as Annette refuses to give in until she has a cloak and a crown and Robert begins actively searching for ways out of his marriage to Cersei. Only then does Ned realize what's been going on and tries to send Annette back to Winterfell. This should result in a massive fight that ends with Annette being the most truthful she ever is in this story. This should amount to: 1) she's spent her entire life hated for Ned's choice to have an affair, as if she ever asked to be born; and 2) no matter what she does, the world will always think the worst of her, so why not take the path of least resistance?
Ned tries to be understanding, but eventually Annette manages to get him sent back to Winterfell and a more sympathetic lord made Hand of the King - "It's a shame Father has to return home soon, but Winter is Coming and the Lord of Winterfell must prepare." Perhaps she's granted a title in the Crownlands or a place in Cersei's retinue as an excuse for to remain behind when her father and sister return home.
Annette's whispers with Robert fall along similar lines - "I think our children will take after you. After all, you and your brothers share such a similar look." "Cersei's brats all take after her." "How curious! I've always heard it said Baratheon blood runs strong! Just look at the Queen Who Never Was! Even her grandsons had the Baratheon look after three generations of Valyrian marriages!" - and - "It seems queer to me that you need a college of septons to approve a divorce in the south. In the North, if who people wish to divorce, they simply must state their intention in front of their neighbors and that is that." And so on.
Cersei tries to have Robert and Annette killed in turn to secure her position and those of her children. All her attempts fail, with the last leading back to her with just enough evidence to be her downfall. She is executed for adultery and treason. Her children are declared bastards, with Joffrey being sent to the Wall and the other two returned to their grandfather until they're older.
(Jofrrey runs from the Wall at the first opportunity to raise an army against the pretender Orys only to be quietly caught and beheaded for desertion. Marcella becomes a famed septa along the lines of Hildegard of Bigen. Tommen ends up Princess Cassandra's maester.)
Robert and Annette marry in a lavish ceremony three months later.
Annette manages to hold Robert's attention for the next five years of marriage - including birth to two daughters, Cassandra and Argella - and is pregnant for a third time when Robert's vices manage to catch up with him a little later than in canon.
There is immediate controversy at court. Should they crown four-year-old Cassandra right away? Should they wait for Annette, six months pregnant, to give birth in case it's a son? If it's not a son, should they offer the crown to Stannis?
But Annette has not been idle during her marriage. She knew Robert was likely to die sooner rather than later and had been sewing seeds for this very occasion. She manages to get herself named regent, gives birth to a son - Orys, who will be king from birth until his death nearly a century later, - and generally shows herself to be more than a pretty face.
...my idea starts to run out of steam around here. After Orys birth Annette manages to stay in power and rule the country until he comes of age despite many attempts from rivals and detractors to unseat her. When Orys takes the crown for himself, his mother remains one of his most trusted advisors - and rules the kingdom when he heads north c. 315 AC to fight the Others a generation later than canon.
Annette should be grudgingly respected - admired even - in the manner of Olenna Tyrell, and be considered the most beautiful woman in Westeros well into her fifties. When she finally dies, even her enemies mourn, knowing that they've lost an opponent who only made them better players of the game.
Bonuses include: 1) An exploration of bastardy in Westeros, particularly with regards to the base motivations attributed to bastards - greed, duplicity, lust - and how society often leaves them with no other option but to live down to expectations to survive; 2) Annette's relationships with most of her family never quite recovering after her seduction of King Robert becomes clear. Sansa in particular thinks her crown was stolen and becomes embittered, never quite appreciating the gentle Northern lord she ends up marrying. Only Rickon doesn't hold her actions against her and eventually becomes Commander of Orys' Kingsguard; and 3) An exploration of female power in Westeros, particularly when that power is gained via "typical female means" - i.e., seduction, rumor, and poison - instead of traditionally male means - i.e., at the end of a sword.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Bastard of Winterfell | Daemon the Destroyer | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Elia the Magnificent | Jon the Fair | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Queen of Nightingales | Red Queen | Rhaegar the Righteous | River Queen | Shiera Snowbird | Visneya the Victorious | Wolf Queen
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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ravellaarryns · 6 months
who: @jaehaerysiitargaryen what and when: literally right after the incident with graham royce and the mystery opponent, queen ravella of house targaryen is seen speaking with king jaehaerys targaryen amongst the stands.
the sound of lance against lance was almost deafening, ear-splitting amongst the sounds of the screams and the gasps that filled the stalls. her orbs of ice need not have even glimpsed over to the sight of the knights of the vale, whose man graham royce had always been, long before the crown had put forced upon his head as a result of actions orchestrated by herself, his brother axell, and his close companion domeric stone. it had been the three of them that caused the indirect murder of the falcon king as a result of his own ambitions, and it was graham royce who knew her head all too well.
who knew the shadow that would be cast over the entirety of the realm the moment the crown sat upon her head. and he was right.
and it was when the champion turned on his steed and charged again did the true chaos begin; there was multiple people of out their seats, wondering whether they were witnessing a madman and the attempted murder of a king consort. she saw the figure of graham royce slip from his horse, in a way he should not have; she did not watch to see whether he had been trampled by the horses, and saw various colours spread across the playing field. the knights, the squires; and her own orbs shot towards the dragon king.
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all knew of the tensions of their realms; the vale of arryn had not hesitated to speak of the presence of the dragon within the mountains of the moon. only days earlier, deimos velaryon had spoken to the king himself - in which he had been made abundantly clear the dragon would be going nowhere. her eyes flickered over the playing fields again, half expecting to see the king consort of the vale trampled, but instead she found him standing in the dust. how he always seemed able to rise from the worst. with that look on his face.
she were on her feet after making eye contact with the dragon king. she only indicated towards the champion that was being surrounded by guards and squires alike, for this was more than game spirit; the man had attempted to murder a king, and use the joust as an excuse. she heard jack grafton yell about foul play as she moved down the stands, rising the bottom of her skirts as she sped by it. she felt as though she were spinning on the ice again.
"your grace." ravella spoke, her tone clearly half in shock, and half increasingly furious in that numb, cold way she often did. she did not look towards his queen consort, speaking directly to the reigning sovereign. "it is imperative you transfer rights to withhold to the knights of the vale." the attack had happened upon the lands of the crownlands, but it would be the knights of the vale alongside the master of laws that tried attempted regicide in the vale of arryn. as was ancient custom.
they had begun to walk toward the scene where she saw multiple men forcing the removal of the man's helmet, turning back towards graham - who was speaking with high commander, the lord commander and the master of ships. she maintained eye contact with him. "do you know of him, your grace?" she asked, as the man's helmet was forced. she resisted the urge to spit in his face, and to dig her nails into his eyes until they popped. "his name. get me his name." she directed to the surrounding knights, but her voice. her voice boomed. it was deep, with the accent of the mountains of the moon.
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greenhikingboots · 5 months
I was going to ask about the little mermaid bc I want it, but I NEED to know what "the catalog" is???
Related to this post. Hello, friend. I can tell you a bit about both, though it's difficult to stick to "a bit" rather than spoil it all. :) In the Little Mermaid AU, Jon is half human, half merman. He has webbed fingers and toes as well as gills on his neck which allow him to breathe underwater. Because of this (and because of lingering resentments his late father caused), he's an outcast at the Red Keep, the castle from which his half-brother Aegon rules over his island kingdom, the Crownlands. Meanwhile, in the Sea of Westeros, a betrothal has just been announced. Mermaid Sansa Stark, daughter of the Warden of the North, and merman Joffrey Baratheon, prince and heir to the throne, are to be married later in the year. Sansa thought she'd be excited to marry the prince, but she soon realizes she isn't at all. She isn't ready to leave home. Though her father has forbidden it in the past, she travels to the surface of the sea to be alone and process her feelings. Aaaaaand that's enough of that for now. As for The Catalog - oh boy. The original idea has branched into several ideas, and I need to pin down a clearer direction if I ever want to make progress. But what can I tell you about it? Ummmm... It's my one and only example of catching the Hockey!Jon bug. His reputation has been tarnished by his famous ex-girlfriend, Daenerys Stormborn, and he may even get suspended from playing due to her false accusations. Naturally, his publicist or PR rep or whoever thinks fake dating a sweet, normal girl could help repair the damage. Tropes galore! Specifically, "The Catalog" refers to my idea for a dating website, or maybe a website that's more... scandalous than that. See, I have this headcanon about Shae and/or Ros, former sex workers, creating The Catalog as a way to help women do that kind of work from a more empowered position. The Catalog may not sound like an empowering name, but it's inspired by something I read about legal prostitution throughout history and wealthy, generous women who helped build schools and restore cities after catastrophes. I can't find the correct links back right now, go figure, but I think there was something about a French booklet of prostitutes refereed to as "le catalogue." I have a whole backstory that leads Sansa to be on a website like this. But Jon's rep contacts her within, like, 24-48 hours of her making a profile, before she's done anything more than message with a few people, and they have her take it down once she agrees to fake date Jon. The rep thinks they've saved this "sweet, normal girl" from a life of ruin and that Sansa should be thankful. What they don't know is she's got other skeletons in the closet, ones she's not admitting because she needs the money she'll be paid for fake dating Jon. Wahla! You picked the two WIPs that occupy my brain the most often. How'd you know to do that, @cellsshapedlikestars?
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genz420 · 1 year
Beauty of Scars & Flowers - Chapter 2: The Heart Tree.
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The Red Keep is a marvel of a castle, but it is nothing compared to Harrenhal.  Lyanna knew that her life would be different now, here she is, nothing more than the orphan Strong, but at Harrenhal, she is considered the castle Lady.  She had gotten the biggest room that wasn’t affected by the original burning and the fire of the castle, but here she knew that her living quarters were going to be a downgrade.  
She had heard stories about the Red Keep before, but the amount of the Seven-Pointed Star surprised her.  From what she can remember from her lessons with her maester that the Targaryen family honoured their Valyrian heritage, but the Red Keep seemed like a second Sept of Baelor.  
Larys had been quick to show Lyanna around, wanting to save time showing her around.  Larys wanted a few things from Lyanna when she was in the Red Keep.  All Larys wants from her is for her to represent their house and show the people of the court that the next Lady Strong was, in fact, strong and unlike her father, to gain a husband and return to Harrenhal, and finally for her to befriend the Princess Helaena and become the princesses friend.
Lyanna had different plans for her time in the capital, she knew she needed to find a husband and wouldn’t mind gaining a friend, but she mostly wanted to study the flowers and plants that are native to the Crownlands while she could.  Alys had raised her to love the flowers and plants of the Riverlands and even made the maester teach everything he knew about botany to her, and Lyanna is proud of her vase knowledge; she bets that she could name flowers from Drone if they were shown to her.  
Larys and the Queen had been right about Helaena and Lyanna getting along; both of the young women having a fascination for things that people often do not care for.  Helaena with her insects and Lyanna with her flowers and plants.   The two highborn had made plans to meet again; Helaena was happy that someone had a shared fascination with her hobbies and didn’t dismiss them or have a false interest.  
Helaena had been so kind as to get the maester to give Lyanna one of his books on the botany of the Crowlands, wanting her to feel at home and telling her that she hopes Lyanna would be able to teach her something new the next time they sit together.  
Lyanna could have gone back to her small chambers or tried to find her uncle, but she would wanted to be acquainted with her new home, wanting to go to the one place she knew would feel like she is back in the safety of Harrenhal.  The Godswood that is within the Red Keep is rather sad compared to the ones of the Riverlands.  Back in Harrenhal, the Godswood itself is over twenty acres, and the other ones that she had visited would also take her breath away, the large weirwoods that would be the centre of attention of her place of worship but here in the south, the Heart Tree isn’t even a weirwood but rather a great oak.  
Lyanna had thought that no one would be in the Godswood; from her understanding, few people followed the old ways in the Crownlands.  So, going to read her new book there while she hides from her uncle seemed like the best idea.  She had not expected anyone to be there, much less the rider of the great Vhagar and the one-eyed prince. 
Lyanna had been in her thoughts as she entered the Godswoods, judging it when she had bumped into the man.  It took her only a second to see who it was, and she thanked herself that she hadn’t gotten mad at the person or yelled at them.  
Quickly bowing her head down to the prince before looking back at him, his violet eyes staring back at her and Lyanna just knows that the prince is judging her as she had just been judging the Godswood.  
“Forgive me, My Prince. I didn’t think that anyone would be here,” Lyanna finally gets out, her words rushed, and she feels like a rock on her chest as she holds eye contact with the prince.  
“Why?” The prince asks, his voice smooth and matches his cold and intimidating presence.    
This is the second Targyaen she has met, and she must say that she would rather be in the presence of Helaena than her brother.  Helaena has a friendly and welcoming vibe about her, one that makes Lyanna feel welcomed and safe, but Aemond doesn’t.  His gaze feels like he is staring into her very soul and knows everything about her just from the simple words they exchanged. 
“Why what, My Prince?” Lyanna asks; never in her life has she felt so embarrassed, her face and chest warm and no doubt that she is as red as the Targaryen dragon.  
Lyanna is used to making people a mess, to have the stab boys or blacksmiths fumble over their words when she is near, but the prince seems to have that effect on her.  Her hands are sweaty, and a lump forming in her throat as she matches the eye contact with the one-eyed prince.  His beauty, much like his sister, was not of this realm.  Lyanna would even argue that the prince is far prettier than his sister, probably because of his sense of confidence and his pin-straight poster.  
She had heard all about the incident that caused the young prince to lose his eye, claiming the mighty Vhagar in exchange for it, and Lyanna had also heard the rumours that the prince had called one of the princes “Lord Strong.”  Lyanna prays to all the gods that the prince doesn’t hold ill feelings towards her for the so-called Strong boy's actions.  
“Why would you think that nobody would be here?” Aemond clarifies his question.   
He comes to the Godswood because it is usually void of people, and for once, he can relax without the people staring at him like he is a three-headed dragon or, rather, a prince with only one eye.  But the unfamiliar lady doesn’t know that.  
“Well, the main faith here is the Seven, not the old gods, so I thought that if I was going to run into anyone here, then it would be my uncle, but he has adopted the faith of the seven because of her grace.  It is not bad; it is an interesting religion, but the old ways are important to our family, and I am talking way too much.  Forgive me, My Prince,”  Lyanna rambles on, slightly cursing herself as she embarrasses herself in front of the prince.  
Aemond stares at Lyanna; sure, he finds the ramble funny, but his expression remains the same.  So the lady is the niece of an important member of the court that knows his mother, but as he tries to remember his mother's close circle, he can’t see any resemblance that the lady has to anyone.  
Aemond looks at Lyanna over again, trying to see if he can spot a sigil or any other parts of her outfit that would give away her house.  But the jewellery she wears is nothing but amber stones, and the colour of her dress matches no house he is familiar with.  Even the flowers that sit perfectly in her hair give no indication of her loyalties.  
The book in her arms catches his attention, and Lyanna follows his gaze toward the book.  It is clear that the book belongs to the maester of the keep, with the Targaryen sigil and the grand maesters name below it.   
Lyanna is quick to offer the book to Aemond, who takes it from her hold as he inspects it.  The prince reads over the cover, looking between the book and Lyanna as she folds her hands in front of her as waits to get it back. 
“And why does a lady like yourself have one of the maesters books on botany?” Aemond asks as he inspects the book, he knows the maester collection well and has seen this book on the shelves before, but he could never bring himself to pick it up because he knows that it would bore him to no end.  
“I have studied it since I was a little girl; my home and the surrendering areas are rich with different plants and flowers,”  Lyanna answers, hoping to the gods that her answer is good enough for the prince.  “Your sister gifted it for me to read,”
Aemond takes note of the mention of his sister; if she had been kind to the lady before him, then he would mind his words and try not to offend or scare the young lady.  
“I can’t say that I have read this book, My Lady..?”
“Strong.  I’m Lyanna Strong, daughter of the late Ser Harwin Strong and Lady Malorie Darry,” Lyanna tells him, and by all the gods, she swears that she can see him recoil at the mention of her house and father.  It seems that the prince still has some sour feelings towards the suspected basterds of Harwin Strong.
If Aemond had to guess what house she was from, it would not have been House Strong, with no pug nose or towering stature.  The biggest thing that stands out about Lyanna is the mess of the freckles on her face and from her cheeks, lips, nose, and forehead.  A trait that comes from the Andals and the First men rather than the Valyrians, from what Aemond knows; his siblings and him had also been graced with the markings but not to the extent of Lyanna. 
But as Aemond takes a longer look at Lyanna, the more he can spot traits that she must have gotten from her father, the dark brown mess of curls on her head and the matching brown eyes.  Aemond cannot help but feel uneasy in his stomach as he notices her hair, the same mess of curls that Lucerys had inherited.  
“Hmm,” Aemond lets out as he gazes up and down Lyanna's frame.   “From the Strongs that I have met, I can’t say that you look like one,”
Lyanna doesn’t know whether or not she should be offended by the prince's words.  She knows what he is implying, but part of her has no energy to defend her father's honour. What had he done for her besides die and pushed the responsibility of being the lady of Harrenhal onto her at such a young age? 
Alys had told her that she looked more like her mother's side of the family than her father, and she is rather grateful for that.  Gods know it would be much harder to find a husband if she was Harwin Breakbones reincarnated.  
“May I have the book back?” Lyanna asks as she gestures towards the book still in his hands. The truth is that she wants to leave the prince and maybe try to find another place void of people. She doesn’t want to deal with the people of the court yet, nor her uncle. 
“Of course, My Lady,” Aemond answers as he hands the book back to Lyanna, watching her hug it against her chest. “I would hate to deprive you of your holy place; you are more than welcome to join me in my reading,”
Lyanna looks around the Godswood, the one place where she feels somewhat safe and somewhere her gods can protect her.  Nodding her head as she looks back to the prince, it would have been a different answer if it had been the other prince, for she would never allow herself to be alone in a room with the eldest prince.  She, like many others, has heard rumours of Aegon's habits and part of her fears him.  
Aemond doesn’t know why he offered for her to join him, doesn’t know why he is being so nice to a Strong, but maybe he just wants the company of someone who isn’t part of his family or in their service.   To have someone keep him company, even if they are just silently reading, would be refreshing.  The fact that Lyanna also doesn’t seem fazed by his eye patch is also an appreciated fact.   
“So the fierce prince Aemond reads books about…” Lyanna starts as she glances at the book in his arms, she had been able to see the word Benifer before, and now she can see that the title has to do with the accounts of the grand maester Benifer.  “The histories of Maegor the Cruel, I’m guessing,”
Aemond watches Lyanna turn her back towards him, moving towards the giant Heart Tree, and he follows after her, wanting to continue their conversation before he moves to the small side room to start his reading. 
“Grand Maesters Benifer accounts of Maegor's reign, yes,” Aemond comfires as Lyanns looks back to him, a beautiful smile on her face as she nods at his words.  
“Well, I hate to keep you from such a fascinating book,” Lyanna jokes as she bows her head down as a sign of respect before straightening herself as she was taught to do. “My Prince,” 
Aemond gives a curt nod before leaving Lyanna and going to his usual seat, but as he looks back, he notes how the soon-to-be lady of Harrenhal has made herself comfortable at the base of the Heart Tree.  
The two sit in the Godswood, one focusing on their book and only looking up to inspect the plants around the base of the heart tree when the other keeps catching themselves looking towards the other rather than their book.  
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dtyfp2 · 26 days
The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships
The Great War
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Princess Helen was 5 and 10 when the remnants of House Reyne stole her right off the Kings road, killing a member of the Kingsguard and 5 other guards travelling with her.
She had been on her way to visit her grandfather at Casterly Rock, she had fallen asleep in her carriage and woken to the sound of swords being drawn and yelling. Luckily, she was not harmed in the initial capture.
When word got out she was taken, every great lord in the entirety of the seven kingdoms sent men to fight for her release, some without even being asked. Surprisingly, Dorne sent a solid third of its army, with Prince Doran claiming the princess had been nothing but pleasant when she had visited a few years ago, and that the stealing of little girls was cowardly. The North sent men, the Riverlands sent men, the Vale, the Westerlands, the Crownlands, the Reach, even the Ironborn. War ships were launched for the first time since Robert’s rebellion, they were launched enmasse, so much so that the royal recorders couldn’t even count them all. Never in the history of the Westeros had the 7 Kingdoms come together like they had for their Princess Helen.
Even Robert had come out from his castle, joining the army that grew outside Castamere’s walls. With all seven kingdoms united for the first time in its history, many were beginning to call them the “great army”.
“…They have my daughter!” Robert yells, his fist coming down on the table so hard that the men around feared the table had cracked. Robert grew tired of hearing the men bicker on how to best save the princess, he wanted his daughter safe and next to him as soon as possible.
“The Reyne’s should’ve been killed years ago, you should’ve killed then all,” Robert grits as he turns his head over to Tywin, who has called all his banners the moment he heard what had happened.
Tywin bites his tongue. The Reyne that took you was a bastard son of the last Lord, nobody knew he existed. Now, the bastard demands his birthright, along with some sell swords and bandits he’s somehow recruited to his cause.
“We cannot storm the doors, we cannot be certain they wouldn’t just kill the princess when they realize there’s no way out for them,” Lord Jon Arryn calms everyone as he brings the focus back to their plan.
“We cannot starve them out, the princess will surely be the first to perish,” Jon continues.
Ser Barristan stands guard in the tent. He has listened to these great nobles argue for hours, he has watched Robert’s anger flare. Behind his anger however, was only a father worried about his daughter. Ser Barristan worries too, like a father, he had wanted to escort you to Casterly Rock but he was needed at the Red Keep when a Dorne ambassador had come to treat with the King. The same ambassador later had returned to Dorne in record time when Princess Helen was taken, and he later returned with nearly 300 ships and 10,000 men. Ser Selmy regrets that he hadn’t gone, you would be safe if he had gone. He was starting to get antsy, standing around while his charge was in danger did not suit him.
No one in the tent said what they were all thinking, they couldn’t even be sure the princess was still alive. It had been nearly an entire moon cycle since she was taken. They were running out of time.
“My King,” Ser Barristan steps forward. All eyes turn to him.
“The Lord Hand is right, we cannot storm the castle and we cannot wait any longer. Allow me to infiltrate the castle, I will get in and bring the Princess home,” Ser Barristan suggests, volunteering himself for what seemed to be a suicide mission.
“We have no idea how many men they have inside,” Renly Baratheon crosses his arms as he glances over at Ser Selmy. Despite his age, he was still one of the greatest knights in Westeros.
“I know, my Lord,” Ser Selmy nods, his head held high.
“You’ve done the same for Aerys Targaryen once, haven’t you?” Stannis asks, never having completely trusted the Lord Commander.
“Yes, once,” Ser Selmy answers simply. Not even when Aerys was taken, did the realm come together like this. But they did for Helen.
Robert thinks it over.
“You want to go alone?” Robert asks.
“Less chance of getting caught, your grace. Less danger to the Princess,” Barristan answers.
Robert orders everyone to get out, leaving Ser Barristan alone with the King.
For the first time in a long time, Robert looks vulnerable. Barristan didn’t think Robert was a great king, not by a long shot, but he couldn’t ever say Robert did not love his children, his eldest especially.
“If you save Helen, I’d forever be in your debt.”
Barristan doesn’t wear his armour, he brings only his sword as he climbs over the wall.
He stays close to the wall, hiding in the shadows as he carefully ascends the staircase. He had already killed 3 men, guards who had gotten in his way.
Ser Barristan had never been inside the castle, but Tywin had offered a quick layout as he readied himself to enter. She was likely to be held near the center, to be watched from all sides.
Ser Barristan finds her tied up in the middle of, what seemed to be, the great dining hall. She seemed to be asleep, unharmed for the most part.
She was being guarded by one man, who Ser Barristan makes quick work of, slitting his throat from the behind. The muffled gasping and gurgling wakes the princess, whose mouth opens to scream before she recognizes Ser Barristan.
“Hush Princess, it’s only me. Are you hurt? Have they hurt you?” He asks as he kneels down before you, cutting the rope to free you as you stare at the bloody man in front of you. You struggle for words, unable to come up with anything until Ser Selmy forces you to look at him.
“Princess, did they hurt you?” He repeats. You shake your head as he ushers you up, glancing around as he pulls you.
“Stay close to me princess, I’m going to get you out of here,” he promises you. You keep hold of his shirt in one hand so you don’t lose him, hiding behind him at every shadow and turn. You don’t dare look back in fear your captors would be behind you.
“The Princess is escaping!”
You were spotted. Ser Barristan throws a knife, right through the head of the man who spotted you, but not before he could warn the others.
“Run princess,” Ser Barristan exclaims. He grabs your hand and takes off, not bothering to hide anymore as the yells and orders of Reyne men fill the castle. Barristan pushes you in front of him as they send arrows your way. You scream as one flies by your head. You hear Barristan grunt behind you. He had been hit, but he ran all the same. He swings his sword occasionally, cutting down any man that got in your way, but he stays with you.
You run so hard you can feel your lungs feel dry. Your heart aches for reprieved, but your legs continue loving. He leads you outside along the wall, where a rope was attached. You glance over the edge towards the ocean, the sea so packed with ships that you can barely see the water. Were they all here for you?
You’re stopped when a soldier blocks your path. You fear this is the end, for you cannot go forward nor backward. But just as he raises his sword and you shut your eyes, you can hear a screech and then screaming. When you open them, Balerion is on top of the man, plucking out his eyes as his long talons scrap down the side of your attackers face. You cover your mouth with your hand, half to quell the scream, half so you don’t puke at the sight in front of you.
“We must keep going princess,” Ser Barristan says as he grabs your arm, forcing you to step over the, now, dead man as you continue on.
“There are men down there, they’ll keep you safe. Go, I’ll hold them back,” Ser Barristan tells you as he shoves the rope into your hand. There isn’t even time to argue, you don’t even have time to beg him to go with you. He’s forced to raise his sword to fight off some Reyne men as you meagrely climb down. Balerion stays with him, from what you can hear, but you cannot see. As you get closer to the bottom, Ser Meryn Trant is quick to drag you away, despite the fact you kick and scream, wishing to wait for Barristan.
Back at camp, your father waits.
“Father!” You weep openly, finally you can weep. You hadn’t allowed yourself to cry in the presence of your captors, you did not want to appear weak. You were a princess, you couldn’t be.
You jump into your father’s embrace, crying as he holds you, gently shushing you. He asks if they hurt you, and you can only shake your head.
“Oh, my darling princess, I was so worried,” your father sighs as he holds you. He brings you over to the Maester to be checked, and many high lords come to set eyes on you, though you worry for Ser Barristan. You worry so terribly you fear you may become sick.
Balerion finds you as Maester Pycelle gently wraps your wrist, which began to ache and pain after being tied up for so long. Your falcon sits beside you, bloody from his battles, daring anyone to come near you. To ease your own anxiety, you gently pet your falcon as you blink back tears.
It’s daybreak when Ser Barristan is brought. He has suffered worse than an arrow to the back, for he had been cut with swords. His face was bruised and bloody, but he was alive and standing, which was more than he could say for his opponents. Your grandfather obliterated the rest of the Reyne’s as you sat by Barristan’s side.
After the Maesters, and Ser Barristan, assures you that he will be alright, you allow yourself to be taken by some ladies to be washed and cleaned. You make it your personal mission to thank the men that have come all this way, even drafting letters for them to take back to their liege Lords. You find the Dornish ambassador and thank him profusely, and he promises to deliver your letter to Prince Doran as he departs back to Dorne.
“…have all these men come for me?” You ask your father as you look out onto the bay, so filled to the brim with ships you wondered how they may all leave.
“You are their Princess, they should come whenever you need aid,” your father answers as he places his hand on your shoulder.
“There must be a thousand ships, father,” you think out loud.
It is after the men see you, face sunken with past fear-though it somehow makes your beauty more pronounced- that they begin to call you, “the face that launched a thousand ships.”
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casterlygldcs · 4 months
who: @lysarrrogare when and where: following an introduction to the rightful heir of house roggare via king jaehaerys of house targaryen, king tyland lannister sits with lysarr rogare. the setting is within the lannister apartments of the red keep, and is an obviously formal affair; there remain guards of both houses on either side of the doors. in terms of the political sphere, tyland lannister has made his alliance with the riverlands abundantly clear through the announcement of guinevere lannister's betrothal to casimir tully.
there remained some distant sound of flutes from the rooms deeper into the apartments, where the court of the westerlands dined with one another - there was no denying the sense of spirit that seemed to come over the individual courtiers of the realm, to see the crown placed upon the brow of jaehaerys targaryen had ensured it felt as though the dance of dragons had truly come to an end. whilst tyland had extended his own hand and influence during the reign of queen daenaerys, in suggesting the use of the bank of casterly as opposed to the iron bank of braavos, jaehaerys was too cunning to accept money from the lannisters - for to do so, was the beginning of a greater, more complicated matter entirely.
"it is said that the lysene spring has placed your revenue higher than even the iron bank." as close to a compliment as one could come, and yet tyland lannister was commenting on mere fact: the lyseni were challenging the established banking authority across the narrow sea. and if tyland lannister could make judgement, the key holders would not be glad to hear of such a move. it were intriguing to the lion king, that the rogares of lys would focus on making an enemy of the riverlands - when their closer associate, the iron bank of braavos, held more of a threat than before. they would not appreciate being challenged, as tyland himself would not appreciate being challenged on this side of the narrow sea.
there were rumours spreading, of the braavosi being involved in the attack on the rogares in lys. that the political assassinations which were so common place in courts such as braavos and lys had come to a head due to the financial power of both mighty houses. tyland hismelf intended on keeping his hands washed of the matter, for the blood that would stain his hands would instead be of a matter. fighting for valyrians for ten years had made one lesson abundantly clear - focus on one's own first, always.
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now the green king needed a method to repay the debts owed to house lannister, the debts that had been amassed by his cousin when she was queen: and he would find a way to do it sooner rather than later. was that part of the reason why the valryians of lys had found such comfort and belonging within the halls of the red keep? would tyland be receiving money from the lyseni, in the great benefits of their mighty spring, and then it were up to the targaryens to pay back the lyseni? tyland looked at the man that sat across from him with a gaze that made it clear he was working out what to make of the man that sat across from him: as much as he looked like a targaryen, he was not one.
there was a difference between the valyrians of westeros, and the valyrians from across the narrow sea: pivotal differences, such as that of bloodlines and inheritance. two forms of money, the old and the new, both made the world spin; and tyland was adamant in his understanding of the world and the view of it. "how do you intend on dealing with the braavosi?" tyland asked, clearly steering clear from the matter of the riverlands - though they would get to that mention. the riverlands was a region the lannisters had invested money in, a region they would soon extend influence over; gaining them a larger amount of land, stretching up the neck with the north, and the crownlands, and the vale.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
Which asoiaf characters would like chocolate?
WELL chocolate in Westeros wouldn't look like the chocolate you buy in stores. Chocolate - or cacao in its original form - was used as a drink for most of history because actually making chocolate sweets is kind of a laborious process even with a steam engine and cultivating cacao is much harder than most people realize (that's......um, probably why it's so infamously tied to slave labor eeven in the modern day. shout out tooney's chocolate tho). it was considered a delicacy but the spaniards hated the bitterness of it originally, so they added honey, and then understood why half the americas had lost their damn mind over cacao. so while it’s likely there’s some sort of chocolate in Terros, they probably drink it!
Arianne Martell/Dornish chocolate - there’s two types of “chilate” drinks (this one is central american the other is mexican), I think Arianne would like the spicier version, which involves adding chilies to spice it (and you use a masa drink base like atolli, mix that with the cacao, then add chilies), and I think she would make Myrcella drink it super spicy just to fuck with her and then pull out a sweeter version when Myrcella is like “oh you think you’re so slick making fun of me bc i’m white well you’re right give me the honey”
Myrcella - I think she’d love a good cinnamony drink ya kno. The other version of chilate is served cold, basically the same concept cinnamon and sugar. I think she’d find it very refreshing with the hot Dornish weather.
Tyrion/Westerlands/Crownlands - another way they drank cacao is using the bitter white part of the bean as a fermented sugar for alcoholic drinks and personally, not only do I think the tricksters of House Lannister would be allllll over that, I think Tyrion specifically got introduced by Genna and brought it back in style everywhere he could because he loved it.
Cersei Lannister - refuses to partake because Robert also thought the chocolate alcohol was tasty BUT she WILL drink the version of it that the Spaniards loved which was spicy but add vanilla AND honey AND sugar, and it gave all those spaniards a lil tummy ache, and it definitely makes Robert’s stomach hurt but Cersei will down a keg of it without blinking on spite alone.
Sansa Stark - the second chilate drink, the one Myrcella likes, I think Sansa would also love that. Rice milk + cinnamon + chocolate + sugar girlies, besties for life, plus it’s usually eaten with a fritter of some sort and we know Sansa loves her lil cakes.
Ned Stark/The North - one of the earliest ways of using cacao was to use the whites as part of a frothy, bitter drink and I think that screams Northerners to me and I think Ned would unironically love how bitter it is. He makes sure to invest in some bee agriculture when Cat moves north so she can have honey tho
The Reach/Alicent Hightower - the fact that one of the popes said that drinking a chocolate drink doesn’t count as breaking a fast is so funny so i FULLY believe that the Faith went WILD AF for chocolate, which means Alicent introduced it to KL and got half the population hooked bc it’s the only think she and Aemond can drink when they fast so they need a constant supply just in case they gotta be super catholic about something
Baelor the Blessed - real talk though, a drink made with masa & water or rice & milk, is probably more filling and a little better for your body, so Baelor drank chocolate drinks but ONLY the spicy kind because it was punishing to his white people sensibilities
Naerys - I can’t imagine she did much fasting considering how sick she was but we know she was religious AND close to Baelor, so she’d like drinking it to feel closer to her faith and Baelor. Plus, again, both Spain and Indigenous Americans thought chocolate was the shit they used it during religious ceremonies and considered it a delicacy, so I can see chocolate really catching on in court after having back to back Alicent/Baelor/Naerys chugging it all the time.
Ser Duncan the Tall - chocolate is very much a rich people (or religious) delicacy pre industrial revolution so Dunk likely hadn't had any until after he meets Egg. I like to think he had like the chocolate milk type drink and it rewrote his brain chemistry lmao. I actually think it's likely that Egg shies away from it and sees it as sort of an example of the social stratification between the nobility and smallfolk, but probably couldn't help but get Dunk some every time he could.
Daenerys - Dany definitely takes it spicy and cold, I really think she'd get a kick out of it, she seems very interested in trying different flavor profiles and I think the play of flavors in typical chocolate drinks would fascinate her.
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thevelaryons · 2 years
The similarities between Corlys and his youngest son are well known, but one underrated parallel that I never see brought up, is their tendency to seek reconciliation rather than drawing out a conflict with their enemies. 
Whatever monarch Corlys serves, his advice always follows the same pattern:
Cognizant of all these threats, Queen Rhaenyra’s Hand, old Lord Corlys Velaryon, suggested to Her Grace that the time had come to talk. He urged the queen to offer pardons to Lords Baratheon, Hightower, and Lannister if they would bend their knees, swear fealty, and offer hostages to the Iron Throne. The Sea Snake proposed to let the Faith take charge of Dowager Queen Alicent and Queen Helaena, so that they might spend the remainder of their lives in prayer and contemplation. Helaena’s daughter, Jaehaera, could be made his own ward, and in due time be married to Prince Aegon the Younger, binding the two halves of House Targaryen together once again.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant
He wanted pardons not only for himself, but for all those who had fought for Queen Rhaenyra, and demanded further that Aegon the Younger be given Princess Jaehaera’s hand in marriage, so the two of them might jointly be proclaimed King Aegon’s heirs. “The realm has been split asunder,” he said. “We must needs join it back together.”
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: The Short, Sad Reign of Aegon II
Once more it fell to Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides, to plead for peace, pardon, and reconciliation. “The killing has gone on too long,” the old man said.
— Fire & Blood, Aftermath: The Hour of the Wolf
Alyn, following Corlys’ example, also prefers to make peace offerings with former enemies:
Ser Vaemond’s sons Daemion and Daeron took their claim to the council in King’s Landing. When the Hand and the regents ruled against them, they wisely chose to accept the decision and be reconciled with Lord Alyn, who rewarded them with lands on Driftmark on the condition that they contribute ships to his fleet.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Hooded Hand
Three of the “silent five” had died during the Dance, fighting for Aegon II against Rhaenyra…but two survived, together with Ser Vaemond’s sons, and all came forward now, insisting that they had more right to Driftmark than “this bastard of Hull, whose mother was a mouse.”
However, the plot to murder their young lord went awry when the guards at Castle Driftmark proved loyal to the Sea Snake’s memory and his chosen heir. Ser Malentine was slain during the attempt; his brother captured. Condemned to death, Ser Rhogar saved his head by taking the black.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Hooded Hand
Though never formally constituted as a Great Council, the gathering of the lords in 136 AC was the largest assembly of nobles in the Seven Kingdoms since the Old King had summoned the lords of the realm to Harrenhal in 101 AC. King’s Landing was soon full to the point of bursting, to the delight of the city’s innkeeps, whores, and merchants.
Most of those attending came from the crownlands, the riverlands, the stormlands…and the Vale, where Lord Oakenfist and Bloody Ben Blackwood had at last forced the Gilded Falcon, the Mad Heir, the Bronze Giant, and all their supporters to bend the knee and do homage to Joffrey Arryn as their liege (Gunthor Royce, Quenton Corbray, and Isembard Arryn were amongst those accompanying Lord Alyn to the gathering, along with Lord Arryn himself).
Then up stood Oakenfist, to offer the name of Isembard Arryn, the Gilded Falcon of the Vale.
— Fire & Blood, The Lysene Spring and the End of Regency
Reuniting the different branches of the Velaryon family, allowing his would-be killer to live and join the Night’s Watch instead, granting honors to former rebels as a way to assist the Crown. The Sea Snake would most certainly be proud of his successor. :’)
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gcuienveres · 11 months
who: @cerissalefford where: the private apartments of guinevere lannister within the castle of highgarden, in the run up to the westerlands departure from the kingdom of the reach. this is set following lord eren marbrand's recent visit to the princess, and before the wedding of lenora lefford to jaehaerys targaryen.
it was her that had called for the lady of golden tooth to emerge from the side chamber that fateful day, pushing aside the heavy curtains where she had been holding the very thing guinevere found the most precious in this world. what leo lefford did not see after his departure and the door swung shut, was the sound of gasps and the raw emotive reaction that came with the household seeing what had become of one of their own. it was cerissa that had brought with her a white sheet from guinevere's own bed.
"and lady lefford is soon to be princess of the crownlands."
"and the stormlands."
and it was that sheet that guinevere herself draped over the corpse of the boy until the silent sisters arrived to take the body. he had died a martyr in her eyes. he would be blessed with salvation and peace for his suffering. for the injustice he had faced at the hands of a blade. the sound of her own knife against the plate broke her from her thoughts, before she dropped the cuttry against porcelin. there were many women that sat in another room, no doubt talking among themselves as she dined alone.
flickering her gaze through a veiled curtain, she saw cerissa sat alone. staring at her hands. her lips opened slightly, as though she wished to say something that would never come out. so instead, she called her name, just as she had done all those days ago.
"come and join me." she wanted to eat alone. she would not.
she had sent the lord commander a message requesting the information of origin for the choir boy, so she may forward her condolences to his family. condolences, and a purse of that tainted gold that would help them cover the money he no doubt would have sent back to help provide for whoever put a roof over his head. was that not how they fixed all in this cursed world?
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she would wait a reasonable amount of time before seeing the lord commander once again, reminding him of the request. she would ensure he remembered the look on the boys face as the life seemed to lift from his body, and his soul leave him right before their eyes. she wondered what was behind the eyes of her youngest cousin upon hearing the sounds of what had happened, only noting that something was off in the way she seemed more jumpy than usual in the days that followed.
"i thought to save you from their constant buzzing. surely you hear enough about the wedding amongst your family."
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