#riley being bean shaped as always
wampabampa · 1 month
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Sorry I’ve been actually dead fr I’m just so tired😭😭
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comet-wire · 2 years
About my Muse-sona for the Hello Puppets muse AU (By @handeemuse , check out their rad stuff)!
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When the curse/spell overtakes them from the neck down, they were already somewhat excited, they become more excited because this means they are able to do their own body mods without any huge cost. They absolutely gave them self top surgery to be more flat and experience their own gender euphoria! I feel like they'd feel more like themselves after that point.
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Personally as a non-binary person I want to say as a reminder, not every trans person is able to bind, whether that be because they don't have the resources to do so or it's something physical/biological that prevents them from binding and/or getting the surgery. And trans people don't owe you any androgyny etc, everyone's gender expression is different! :)
Do not repost my art!! REBLOGS are appreciated!!
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Tried to have my parents help me decide a name but I'm even more stuck now so I'll update later when the decision is made 👍 Their original name candidates are:Nyx, Onyx and Nova. New suggestion by my bestie Mel:Dottie (🥺)
Body type update:
Notes: Whether or not it be because of the curse they are flatter now
They have always been meant to be on the chubbier side; specifically a triangle/pear body type!
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•Their hair is naturally black but they slapped some blue dye over it one night so in the light it'd give off a blue illusion aside from their highlights that are now just ✨blue✨ -definitely not basing this off my own experience when I had black hair/hj-
•They like to wear flowy things! Hence the ankle lengthed skirt and sometimes a shawl
•The rings on their ears can come off, they're ear cuffs! Those probably confused the puppets at first, I'd imagine they never seen someone take it off so they'd assume it's permanent but who knows
•theyre super into self expression hence the hair and nose ring (a symbol of rebellion) and they have a small sun and moon tattoo on their right wrist, although covered by their favorite sweater
•29 y/o-early 30s; non-binary demisexual/asexual
•former burnt out art student
•ironically they started out as a simple stage hand but later moved to the art department via encouragement of Nick
•probably leaves lil paper mache/origami frogs around the office
•unlikely friends with Owen because they hand him paper mache/origami frogs sometimes without saying a word or they just present them like "Dude calm down. Look. Frog." gentle melancholic chaos
•Has a tendency to pick up Nick like a wet cat because ✨manlet shaped✨
•Being more puppet like makes them feel ✨gender✨
•They came to the handeemen studio to continue giving kids a childhood, as they teetered off having a rocky childhood themselves
•They naturally have bushy eyebrows but shave them down to beans, but sometimes they just don't care and let them grow out
•I can see them being obsessed with space, so I can only imagine them and Riley infodumping about astronomy
Parent of Caleb
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musicrose29 · 3 years
Get Desirable Shape Effortlessly With Impactful Sarms
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Burn Fat The active ingredient in sarms is the anabolic compound known as stanozol which has been found to be extremely effective in burning fat. This compound is a combination of two different chemicals, namely, stanozol (which acts as a ligandrol) and arginine (which is a chemical that stimulates aerobic respiration). Both these chemicals are found to be extremely effective in burning fat. Apart from this, the burning effect of sarmol is due to the presence of lactic acid that forms when the body goes through aerobic respiration. Lactate is the product of lactic acid when the body is in a state of oxygenated exhaustion.
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Sarms is an anabolic steroid with an entourage of other anabolic steroids. Sarms anabolic effects are more profound than that of Epimedium or HGH (human growth hormone) which are the only other naturally occurring anabolic steroids. It can be said that sarms anabolic effects surpass those of methanol and ethylene glycol which are the common side-effects of other anabolic steroids. In fact, many athletes use Sarms regularly after they have undergone surgical treatments for sports such as body building.
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If you're looking for a supplement that can help build lean muscle mass while decreasing body fat, ostarine might be just what you're looking for. An amino acid with a reputation as being good for weight loss, ostarine can help the body use stored calories more efficiently. Taken in peptides uk - what is BPC157 Netherlands , ostarine works by increasing the effectiveness of insulin in the body. Insulin is necessary for the body to break down sugars and convert them into energy.
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Increase in Physical Fitness Another of the main sarm's advantages is that it increases physical fitness. It has been found to help increase strength and build lean muscle mass. When combined with anabolic steroids, sarms helps in the development of large muscles. It is therefore effective in mass building as well as weight lifting.
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So, what does all this have to do with sarms anyway? The sarm contains lots of lecithin, as well as bromelain and arginine. These are the same ingredients contained in Bromelain, which is a type of seaweed. Studies have shown that taking a regular dosage of Bromelain can increase overall lean muscle tissue production by as much as forty per cent. Androsten has also been shown to increase output of testosterone.
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So, how does this help with improving physical fitness? As it turns out, the sarm is a partial amino acid which is also found in red meat, beans and nuts. It is thought that sarm can bind with the androgen receptors in the muscle tissue. Androsten is the steroid hormone that you find in higher quality meats, beef and poultry. Androsten is what you find in most whey powders and other supplements used for muscle building purposes. However, sarm can bind with the sterile, androsten, androgene hormones found in L-lysine and egg yolks, which are also used for athletic training.
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Sarms has a number of important characteristics that make it one of the best all round substances for increasing physical fitness and muscle mass. It increases the body's metabolic rate (the rate at which it burns calories and converts them into energy) by speeding up fat metabolism. Sarms also increases the intensity of each workout to permit rapid gains in weight and physical stamina. Some of the key sarms advantages include:
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Posted: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 17:20:00 GMT [source]
So the next question is, how do anabolic steroids work? Sarms have been shown to help the body produce its own anabolic steroids. When the body encounters resistance to anabolic steroids it converts the androgens into its own anabolic version called tri-nostrilins. This new chemical is called sarsaparilla and has been shown to be more effective at blocking androgen receptors than lecithin, thus increasing muscularity while reducing fat tissue.
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If you're looking for an anabolic steroid that's safe and gentle, warm is a good choice. You can buy it in powder form from most health and nutrition stores, and many manufacturers include it in their muscle building supplements. You can try combining it with other nutrients, or taking it orally in the form of a supplement. But take caution, because there are also some dangerous side effects associated with taking the wrong forms of sarm and other anabolic steroids.
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One of the most talked about benefits of Sarms is that it is anabolic. This means that it works to stimulate muscle growth by increasing levels of testosterone in the body. Testosterone plays a very important role in muscle growth and development. There are two types of testosterone, namely Androsten and testosterone. The former is the hormone that the body produces naturally while the latter is that produced by the testes. It is said that some people have a higher level of testosterone than others, and as such they can have more dramatic effects on their bodies such as increased muscle development, better recovery times between workouts, increased energy levels and more muscle mass.
So, what about using sarms for heart health? One large clinical trial comparing the effects of sarshara (used in India to treat high blood pressure) and dioxin (used to treat hypertension and other heart problems) showed that patients using sarshar/diosmin experienced no significant difference in heart rate between groups. The superiority of diosmin over sarshara was due to the fact that the former is marketed as a dietary supplement with fewer potential harmful side effects than the latter. In short, while there is some initial evidence that the use of sarsaparilla may reduce the risk of heart disease, more research is needed to determine whether it is truly a safe and effective treatment for cardiovascular diseases.
Of all the substances known, lecithin and sarms are the most closely related. Both contain fatty acids that are essential for normal cell function, and both help reduce the absorption of fat. Both lecithin and sarsaparilla are available in transdermally, which means they are taken into the body through the skin. However, transdermal lecithin takes longer to enter the cells, so you need to take them orally to maximize their effect.
Boost Your Testosterone Production In males, the testosterone hormone is primarily responsible for the formation of the reproductive organs such as the testicles, prostate and scrotum. Because of this, testosterone is essential in the process of muscle development. While it is possible for the testosterone to bind with the locals receptors, this process would not be as effective. Arms, as an internal naturally occurring blocker of the testosterone transaminase, has the ability to prevent testosterone from binding with the estrogenic, local s receptors. As a result, this prevents the development of gynecomastia or man boobs, which are caused by high levels of testosterone in men.
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While peptides are pretty brilliant in their own right at creating skin-boosting proteins, they really come into their own when combined with active ingredients such as Vitamin C. In short, Vitamin C is helping to defend the cellular structures that peptides are working hard to create.
Build Muscle Mass Arginine in addition to stanozol also acts as a partial activator of the protein synthesis in the muscle tissues. This means that sarms can act as catalyst in the growth of muscles by stimulating the production of proteins. The production of proteins in the muscle tissues is an important step towards the hypertrophy of muscles. By acting as an activator, sarmolipids can greatly enhance muscle growth without impacting on protein synthesis.
Enhance Your Metabolism One of the major Sarms advantages is its ability to improve metabolism. Sarms act as a partial activator of the enzyme kinase A and thereby increase the rate of oxidation of fatty acids. This leads to an enhancement in the break down of fatty acids resulting in better utilization of energy in the lean muscle tissue. Ostarine is another component of sarmolipids that has been found to help in improving metabolism.
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Better Glucosamine With the help of glucosamine, a better blood supply as well as better nutrient distribution are some of the other benefits of consuming sarmolipids. Sarms together with its ingredients also play a vital role in preventing the breakdown of fatty tissues. It thus helps in protecting the lean muscle tissue against metabolic stress as well as promoting better health.
Because of its similarity to sarsaparilla, ostarine is often confused with another substance called carnosine. However, the two compounds are actually very different and don't really act in much the same way. In fact, carnosine, like anabolic steroids, acts on the anabolic hormone testosterone to increase its production. Sarm is found in red meat and certain dairy products. While its effects are still being studied, some experts believe that sarm can increase the metabolic rate and help the body burn more calories.
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beneath-our-masks · 5 years
Meet Our Characters: The Kid Heroes
Hey everyone! Here’s a questionnaire filled out for each of our OC’s! 5 were created by Mod Concerned, and 5 were created by Mod Ten. We love questions about (or for) our characters, so feel free to send them in!!
Current Taglist: @aconstantcrisis
Name: Siham Almasi/"Midorikiri" (they change it later but that's what it starts as)
Pronouns: They/Them
Nicknames: n/a?
Age: 14
Physical Description: Siham is a slightly thin but muscled hyperactive teenager. They're dark-skinned and wear hijab, and often like to dress in jeans and large sweatshirts.
Height: 5'5
Superpowers: None--they just use some heccin good swords
Strength: Determined! Will Survive! Will Do Good Things!
Weakness: Naïve. They don't ever really believe they could get hurt so they aren't cautious.
One Unique Thing: They're an absolute weeaboo.
Name: Riley O'Malley/”Bells” or “Whistles”
Pronouns: They/Them
Nicknames: Ry
Age: 17
Physical description or picture: Skinny androgynous child. Short black hair, usually shorter on the sides than on the top. Wears leggings/skinny jeans and larger, flowy shirts.
Height: 5'4
Superpowers: Emotion control
Strength: Hacking (into anything and everything - loves to break the law, it’s actually how they got onto the team)
Weakness: Bad at expressing themself - joker who makes others the butt of their jokes
One Unique Thing: They’re adopted and has a little sister they will kill for
Name: Dakota Lee/ "The Charging Bull"
Pronouns: He/Him
Nicknames: n/a
Age: 16
Physical description or picture: Dakota is, as Mod Concerned puts it, Dorito shaped. He's a big hunk of muscle whose hands are usually scraped up. His hair goes down to his shoulders and it's usually either down or in a low ponytail. Native American descent, tanned skin and dark brown hair. Usually wears t-shirts and jeans or if he's being Fancy a nicer shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Height: 5'8
Superpowers: Superhuman strength (especially when angry)
Strength: Punching. Realistically is very physically strong and is also pretty mentally strong.
Weakness: Tends to doubt himself; thinks of himself as a monster/brute and is very slow to trust as he assumes that others feel the same way.
One Unique Thing: His father was a Native American craftsman so Dakota picked up some of it, he likes to work with his hands and do super delicate things.
Name: Hakim Nazari/”Tanin”
Pronouns: He/Him
Nicknames: Haki or Ki  
Age: 18
Physical description or picture: Chubby boye, Middle-Eastern. Shorter black curly hair. Wears flannels and jeans mostly.
Height: 5'8
Superpowers: Telekinesis, Body Transmutation, and Vitality Absorption.
Strength: Extremely empathetic, good planner
Weakness: Too soft
One Unique Thing: Likes video games
Name: Ha-eun Choi/ "Taeyang"
Pronouns: She/Her
Nicknames: Eun, Tae
Age: 15
Physical description or picture: Korean, long black hair that's usually in a high ponytail, pear-shaped, kind of short. Also is the flannel and jean queen.
Height: 5'3
Superpowers: Cosmic energies (Can do things like create black holes and flaming stars)
Strength: Compassion. She fully believes in not hating people and giving second chances, and interacting with people with understanding.
Weakness: She’s terrified of her powers, meaning her emotional flares make her powers flare, meaning she’s more afraid...vicious cycle
One Unique Thing: She got her superhero name from her father, who called her "my little star" (in Korean) when she started developing her powers
Name: Aeicekh (Ace)/ "The Ace"(They're an alien, so their given name is too difficult to pronounce and doesn't work super well in our language, so it's shortened always to Ace)
Pronouns: They/Them
Nicknames: Ace, if it counts
Age: 19 in human years, but since their species ages differently, they've got the maturity level of more a 13/14 year old
Physical description or picture: Pink slightly luminescent skin, eyes that look like sapphires, what we would consider a bit chubby. They have vestigial bits of skin that are sort of ears but not quite, they almost look like a bull's horns but move with Ace's emotions.
Height: 5'7
Superpowers: Flight, telepathy/telekinesis, pheromone manipulation (though they usually don't know that they do that)
Strength: Curious and persistent! If they don't get something, they'll study until they DO understand it and they are determined to figure out as much as they can.
Weakness: Inexperienced/immature. They're just a Baby on their home planet so they don't know things like how to control their powers as well.
One Unique Thing: Their planet doesn't have any mammals aside from Ace's species, so they think mammals are GREAT and love things like cats and dogs and mice.
Name: Kai Stanton/”Zephyr”
Pronouns: He/Him
Nicknames: n/a
Age: 19
Physical description or picture: Really skinny, hunched over guy, very pale. Short, dirty blond hair. Wears very cheap clothes, from Goodwill.
Height: 6'2 - 6'3
Superpowers: Regeneration, Phasing, Air Manipulation
Strength: Resilient
Weakness: Tends to lash out when he’s insecure/hurt/worried and hurts others around him
One Unique Thing: His parents and grandparents were heroes.
Name: Skyler Whittaker/"The Golden Beetle"
Pronouns: They/Them
Nicknames: Sky
Age: 15
Physical description or picture: Long, brown hair, usually in a ponytail, chubby, lighter skin. Dresses in cheaper clothes, no cohesive style.
Height: 5’5
Superpowers: Rodent/Insect Control, Substance Mimicry
Strength: Skyler does really really well in school, and is very smart.
Weakness: Skyler overthinks and overworks themselves.
One Unique Thing: They have pet rats and pet insects.
Name: Kira Williams/”Wisteria”
Pronouns: She/Her
Nicknames: Kiki
Age: 14
Physical description or picture: Vines for hair, usually down to her lower back. Her skin is a muddy brown, but she also has hues of dark green within it. It looks sort of like vitiligo. Likes to wear dresses. Not skinny, average body type.
Height: 5'0
Superpowers: Plant affinity, Technopathy
Strength: Sees the best in everyone, idealistic
Weakness: Perpetually nervous, anxious bean
One Unique Thing: Her family owns a plant shop
Name: Bayleigh Wood/ “The Mirror”
Pronouns: She/her
Nicknames: Bay
Age: 17
Physical description or picture: Small, leanly muscled girl (has some muscle bulk on the arms but that’s where most of it is), short, wavy blond hair that’s usually got some sort of different color at the tips/streaked into it. Usually wears her school uniform or exercise clothing.
Height: 5’4
Superpowers: Superhuman combat skill, power mimicry
Strength: Strong leader, ready to help people and be a proud hero
Weakness: Can be a little bit low on compassion to people who’ve hurt her and can hold grudges.
One Unique Thing: Is the usual driver of the team and has done some (kinda) stunt driving
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hannahkevin40 · 3 years
Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry
#wehave #hasbeen #booksread
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry), was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today we have Amanda Berry in our Designer Spotlight. She has some of the cutest designs I’ve seen, and has been featured in books and magazines. Amanda lives in the UK, in a town called Reading in Berkshire, about 40 miles west of London. I know you’ll enjoy learning more about her today! (Note – today’s discount code works in Amanda’s Etsy shop only – see the end!) All pattern links go to Etsy, all yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe.
Loopy: Hi Amanda! Thanks for being in our Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Amanda: Hi Loopy! I started knitting when I was about 6 years old and my Mum taught me the basics.  I also had a book called “A Ladybird Book About Knitting” which was a beginner guide aimed at children.  I remember using that book as I made a few scarves for my teddy bears.  But I didn’t start knitting properly until 20 years later when I was going through a difficult time and my therapist recommended some crafting.  I picked up the needles again and it reignited my passion for all things woolly.
Pippin the Mouse © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Knitting really is a wonderful way to destress, isn’t it? What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Amanda: I love making toys, I am just a big kid at heart!  I don’t have the patience to make a blanket or anything large scale, and I enjoy the challenge with toys of shaping and bringing the design to life.
Riley the Puppy © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: Your patterns and toys are some of the cutest I have ever seen. (Like that Peacock up there. I definitely need to make myself a Peacock!) What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Amanda: I recently made an Old English Sheepdog and it was made by knitting loops, and I really dislike knitting loops! I don’t know why, but knitting loops always makes my fingers sore; I was so happy when that dog was finished.
Farmer Drabble and Sheep © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: It’s good to challenge yourself, though, so that sounds like it was a good one. When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Amanda: I started designing in the late 2000’s.  I wanted to knit a toy for a gift but I couldn’t find a pattern I liked, so I designed my own.  I was encouraged to share the pattern and published my first designs in 2010.  
Fruits & Vegetables © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: I looked at your patterns and see Fruits and Vegetables as the first design listed. And it’s still as fun as ever! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Amanda: Griff the Dragon is one of my favourite toys, he’s really cheeky.  I also love making little knits like my Teeny Animals as they are great for using up odds and ends of yarn, and are super quick to knit for impatient people like me!
Eggy Chicks © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Those teeny tiny creations are adorabley! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Amanda: My favourite part is making up the toy seeing it come to life. I prefer to design as I knit so I have the flexibility to change ideas as I knit, so it is great at the end if my ideas actually worked!  The downside of working this way is sometimes the shaping doesn’t work so I have to frog and start again.  
Griff the Dragon © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: You must have to take really great notes as you design on the go like that. Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Amanda: I am now full-time designing which is fantastic.  When I started designing my knitting was crammed in during the evenings and I was also part-time working and studying for my degree at London College of Fashion.  That was really hard work, so after graduating in 2014 I chose to design full time and it has kept me really busy ever since.
Gerry Giraffe and Ziggy Zebra © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: I figured with the number of patterns you have, you must be doing it full time! Does anyone else in your family knit?
Amanda: It is just me now.  My husband doesn’t knit, but thankfully understands to wait until I reach the end of a row before asking me a question.
Teeny Animal Knits © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: It sounds like he has learned that lesson well! Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Amanda: I enjoy walking.  We have some lovely countryside near my home and (especially during these lockdowns) country walks keep me sane. I enjoy being out with nature, even if it is a grey rainy day.  It gives me some headspace which is so important in these Covid days.  I am not an avid reader, but I occasionally enjoy reading PG Wodehouse Jeeves and Wooster books, as they always make me chuckle.
Mr. Snowman © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade Superwash Sport)
Loopy: Your countryside really is beautiful, rain or shine. What a treat to have such lovely walkways close to your home. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Amanda: I would have breakfast in bed (cooked by someone else please!) – a large cup of coffee and baked beans with fried egg on toast, yum!  Then I would go to London for the day and visit a museum. I especially enjoy going to the British Museum, the V&A and the National Gallery. I would then have some food at the Southbank and browse the vintage book stalls. That would be a great day off.
Olive the Owl © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash Aran)
Loopy: Well I did not know there was such a thing as Vintage Book Stalls. I think I would be lost in there all day! Last set of questions: Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
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Amanda: Morning once I have had my first coffee.  Coffee, never tea (it gives me a headache).  English please, anything vegetarian with an egg is great.  Multi-colours, I am a fan of stripes.
Beeper the Robot © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Amanda: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my little ramblings.   I hope you are all keeping safe out there, and happy knitting! 
Pocket Monkey © Amanda Berry (Sandnes Garn Smart)
Amanda is offering 20% off one pattern of your choice from her ETSY Pattern Store with the code: LOOPY20
This code is valid 3/19-26, 2021.
I’ve already bought Beeper, but definitely need to make Mr. Snowman, Griff the Dragon, and Pippin.
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By: Sheri Berger Title: Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry Sourced From: blog.theloopyewe.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry Published Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 15:00:00 +0000 source https://blog.theloopyewe.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry source https://victoriamark932.blogspot.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry.html
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laylaanthony40 · 3 years
Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry
#wehave #hasbeen #booksread
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry), was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today we have Amanda Berry in our Designer Spotlight. She has some of the cutest designs I’ve seen, and has been featured in books and magazines. Amanda lives in the UK, in a town called Reading in Berkshire, about 40 miles west of London. I know you’ll enjoy learning more about her today! (Note – today’s discount code works in Amanda’s Etsy shop only – see the end!) All pattern links go to Etsy, all yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe.
Loopy: Hi Amanda! Thanks for being in our Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Amanda: Hi Loopy! I started knitting when I was about 6 years old and my Mum taught me the basics.  I also had a book called “A Ladybird Book About Knitting” which was a beginner guide aimed at children.  I remember using that book as I made a few scarves for my teddy bears.  But I didn’t start knitting properly until 20 years later when I was going through a difficult time and my therapist recommended some crafting.  I picked up the needles again and it reignited my passion for all things woolly.
Pippin the Mouse © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Knitting really is a wonderful way to destress, isn’t it? What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Amanda: I love making toys, I am just a big kid at heart!  I don’t have the patience to make a blanket or anything large scale, and I enjoy the challenge with toys of shaping and bringing the design to life.
Riley the Puppy © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: Your patterns and toys are some of the cutest I have ever seen. (Like that Peacock up there. I definitely need to make myself a Peacock!) What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Amanda: I recently made an Old English Sheepdog and it was made by knitting loops, and I really dislike knitting loops! I don’t know why, but knitting loops always makes my fingers sore; I was so happy when that dog was finished.
Farmer Drabble and Sheep © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: It’s good to challenge yourself, though, so that sounds like it was a good one. When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Amanda: I started designing in the late 2000’s.  I wanted to knit a toy for a gift but I couldn’t find a pattern I liked, so I designed my own.  I was encouraged to share the pattern and published my first designs in 2010.  
Fruits & Vegetables © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: I looked at your patterns and see Fruits and Vegetables as the first design listed. And it’s still as fun as ever! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Amanda: Griff the Dragon is one of my favourite toys, he’s really cheeky.  I also love making little knits like my Teeny Animals as they are great for using up odds and ends of yarn, and are super quick to knit for impatient people like me!
Eggy Chicks © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Those teeny tiny creations are adorabley! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Amanda: My favourite part is making up the toy seeing it come to life. I prefer to design as I knit so I have the flexibility to change ideas as I knit, so it is great at the end if my ideas actually worked!  The downside of working this way is sometimes the shaping doesn’t work so I have to frog and start again.  
Griff the Dragon © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: You must have to take really great notes as you design on the go like that. Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Amanda: I am now full-time designing which is fantastic.  When I started designing my knitting was crammed in during the evenings and I was also part-time working and studying for my degree at London College of Fashion.  That was really hard work, so after graduating in 2014 I chose to design full time and it has kept me really busy ever since.
Gerry Giraffe and Ziggy Zebra © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: I figured with the number of patterns you have, you must be doing it full time! Does anyone else in your family knit?
Amanda: It is just me now.  My husband doesn’t knit, but thankfully understands to wait until I reach the end of a row before asking me a question.
Teeny Animal Knits © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: It sounds like he has learned that lesson well! Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Amanda: I enjoy walking.  We have some lovely countryside near my home and (especially during these lockdowns) country walks keep me sane. I enjoy being out with nature, even if it is a grey rainy day.  It gives me some headspace which is so important in these Covid days.  I am not an avid reader, but I occasionally enjoy reading PG Wodehouse Jeeves and Wooster books, as they always make me chuckle.
Mr. Snowman © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade Superwash Sport)
Loopy: Your countryside really is beautiful, rain or shine. What a treat to have such lovely walkways close to your home. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Amanda: I would have breakfast in bed (cooked by someone else please!) – a large cup of coffee and baked beans with fried egg on toast, yum!  Then I would go to London for the day and visit a museum. I especially enjoy going to the British Museum, the V&A and the National Gallery. I would then have some food at the Southbank and browse the vintage book stalls. That would be a great day off.
Olive the Owl © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash Aran)
Loopy: Well I did not know there was such a thing as Vintage Book Stalls. I think I would be lost in there all day! Last set of questions: Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
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Amanda: Morning once I have had my first coffee.  Coffee, never tea (it gives me a headache).  English please, anything vegetarian with an egg is great.  Multi-colours, I am a fan of stripes.
Beeper the Robot © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Amanda: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my little ramblings.   I hope you are all keeping safe out there, and happy knitting! 
Pocket Monkey © Amanda Berry (Sandnes Garn Smart)
Amanda is offering 20% off one pattern of your choice from her ETSY Pattern Store with the code: LOOPY20
This code is valid 3/19-26, 2021.
I’ve already bought Beeper, but definitely need to make Mr. Snowman, Griff the Dragon, and Pippin.
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By: Sheri Berger Title: Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry Sourced From: blog.theloopyewe.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry Published Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 15:00:00 +0000 Via https://blog.theloopyewe.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry
source https://victoriamark932.weebly.com/blog/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry
0 notes
victoriamark932 · 3 years
Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry
#wehave #hasbeen #booksread
(This post, Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry), was originally written and published by The Loopy Ewe. © TheLoopyEwe, 2021)
Today we have Amanda Berry in our Designer Spotlight. She has some of the cutest designs I’ve seen, and has been featured in books and magazines. Amanda lives in the UK, in a town called Reading in Berkshire, about 40 miles west of London. I know you’ll enjoy learning more about her today! (Note – today’s discount code works in Amanda’s Etsy shop only – see the end!) All pattern links go to Etsy, all yarn links go to The Loopy Ewe.
Loopy: Hi Amanda! Thanks for being in our Spotlight today. How long have you been a knitter and who taught you to knit?
Amanda: Hi Loopy! I started knitting when I was about 6 years old and my Mum taught me the basics.  I also had a book called “A Ladybird Book About Knitting” which was a beginner guide aimed at children.  I remember using that book as I made a few scarves for my teddy bears.  But I didn’t start knitting properly until 20 years later when I was going through a difficult time and my therapist recommended some crafting.  I picked up the needles again and it reignited my passion for all things woolly.
Pippin the Mouse © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Knitting really is a wonderful way to destress, isn’t it? What is your favorite type of item to knit?
Amanda: I love making toys, I am just a big kid at heart!  I don’t have the patience to make a blanket or anything large scale, and I enjoy the challenge with toys of shaping and bringing the design to life.
Riley the Puppy © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: Your patterns and toys are some of the cutest I have ever seen. (Like that Peacock up there. I definitely need to make myself a Peacock!) What is the most challenging thing that you have knit to date?
Amanda: I recently made an Old English Sheepdog and it was made by knitting loops, and I really dislike knitting loops! I don’t know why, but knitting loops always makes my fingers sore; I was so happy when that dog was finished.
Farmer Drabble and Sheep © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: It’s good to challenge yourself, though, so that sounds like it was a good one. When did you start designing, and what spurred that interest?
Amanda: I started designing in the late 2000’s.  I wanted to knit a toy for a gift but I couldn’t find a pattern I liked, so I designed my own.  I was encouraged to share the pattern and published my first designs in 2010.  
Fruits & Vegetables © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: I looked at your patterns and see Fruits and Vegetables as the first design listed. And it’s still as fun as ever! Do you have a favorite pattern that you’ve designed?
Amanda: Griff the Dragon is one of my favourite toys, he’s really cheeky.  I also love making little knits like my Teeny Animals as they are great for using up odds and ends of yarn, and are super quick to knit for impatient people like me!
Eggy Chicks © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: Those teeny tiny creations are adorabley! What is your favorite part of your designing? And your not-so-favorite part?
Amanda: My favourite part is making up the toy seeing it come to life. I prefer to design as I knit so I have the flexibility to change ideas as I knit, so it is great at the end if my ideas actually worked!  The downside of working this way is sometimes the shaping doesn’t work so I have to frog and start again.  
Griff the Dragon © Amanda Berry (try it in Sandnes Garn Smart)
Loopy: You must have to take really great notes as you design on the go like that. Do you do this business full-time, or on the side?  And is that hard? Do you have other jobs outside of pattern designing?
Amanda: I am now full-time designing which is fantastic.  When I started designing my knitting was crammed in during the evenings and I was also part-time working and studying for my degree at London College of Fashion.  That was really hard work, so after graduating in 2014 I chose to design full time and it has kept me really busy ever since.
Gerry Giraffe and Ziggy Zebra © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: I figured with the number of patterns you have, you must be doing it full time! Does anyone else in your family knit?
Amanda: It is just me now.  My husband doesn’t knit, but thankfully understands to wait until I reach the end of a row before asking me a question.
Teeny Animal Knits © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: It sounds like he has learned that lesson well! Are there other hobbies that you enjoy?
Amanda: I enjoy walking.  We have some lovely countryside near my home and (especially during these lockdowns) country walks keep me sane. I enjoy being out with nature, even if it is a grey rainy day.  It gives me some headspace which is so important in these Covid days.  I am not an avid reader, but I occasionally enjoy reading PG Wodehouse Jeeves and Wooster books, as they always make me chuckle.
Mr. Snowman © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade Superwash Sport)
Loopy: Your countryside really is beautiful, rain or shine. What a treat to have such lovely walkways close to your home. What would be your favorite way to spend a day off?
Amanda: I would have breakfast in bed (cooked by someone else please!) – a large cup of coffee and baked beans with fried egg on toast, yum!  Then I would go to London for the day and visit a museum. I especially enjoy going to the British Museum, the V&A and the National Gallery. I would then have some food at the Southbank and browse the vintage book stalls. That would be a great day off.
Olive the Owl © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash Aran)
Loopy: Well I did not know there was such a thing as Vintage Book Stalls. I think I would be lost in there all day! Last set of questions: Morning or Night person? Coffee or Tea? English or Continental? Solids or Multicolors?
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Amanda: Morning once I have had my first coffee.  Coffee, never tea (it gives me a headache).  English please, anything vegetarian with an egg is great.  Multi-colours, I am a fan of stripes.
Beeper the Robot © Amanda Berry (try it in Cascade 220 Superwash)
Loopy: Anything else you’d like to add?
Amanda: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my little ramblings.   I hope you are all keeping safe out there, and happy knitting! 
Pocket Monkey © Amanda Berry (Sandnes Garn Smart)
Amanda is offering 20% off one pattern of your choice from her ETSY Pattern Store with the code: LOOPY20
This code is valid 3/19-26, 2021.
I’ve already bought Beeper, but definitely need to make Mr. Snowman, Griff the Dragon, and Pippin.
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By: Sheri Berger Title: Designer Spotlight: Amanda Berry Sourced From: blog.theloopyewe.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry Published Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 15:00:00 +0000 source https://blog.theloopyewe.com/2021/03/designer-spotlight-amanda-berry
0 notes