librathefangirl · 10 months
You said this was after Mel broke the curse and killed his father. When the Supreme deity got revived, she mocked the sins, especially her daughter, how they were unable to save Mel and how pathetic and ironic it is that Mel got killed by the person he loves the most.
Ohhh~ I want Tristan (maybe with the event of 4koa?) to add on the pile. When Tristan was born, everyone was protective of him because he reminded them of Mel and mostly because he was the last piece of Mel.
Tristan grew up hearing Mel's adventures with the remaining sins, but no one told him how he died because the kingdom thinks if they told him that his mother killed his father, he would grew to despise her.
Zeldris tries to visit Tristan as much as possible because his brother's son needs to know he has an uncle, and like everyone else, he was the last piece of Mel. He didn't like Eli at all, he avoids or hiss at her everytime he sees her. He still holds a grudge of her for killing his brother despite Tristan's confusion of his uncle and mother's relationship. Zeldris didn't like talking about his brother and tired to avoid the topic everytime Tristan asked because he never got to hang out nor get to know him.
I leave the rest to you because I love how you rambled with ideas, and I love them!!!
You know what even more sadder in this au?
Is that Mel never got peace after the curse broke after killing his father, he never got to live in peace with Eli and his family :(((
saharthings asked: Gowther would be giving Tristan the story of the seven deadly sins, mainly his parents. He would see how much suffering his parents have went through especially his father. Although, it never shown his death because like everyone else, Gowther doesn't want Tristan to hate his mother.
(In reference to/continuation of this and this post)
Oh, you want rambling? Well then, let's see what I can do.
First of, yes, this is after the breaking of the curse and the death of the Demon King. That is, in a way, what creates the whole heartbreak of it all - the curse being broken means Meliodas is really dead-dead with no resurrection.
(Oh damn. When I think about it, it would be interesting to explore an AU to this AU, I guess you could call it, where the events in My Love, It Burns (bad ending) happens BEFORE the curse is broken. This would present a whole different kind of angst, because we all know Meliodas would brush it off because it's not like he can actually die and they've got a curse to break, but Elizabeth would be completely wrecked with the guilt and - Yeah, I might actually write this some day. Maybe?)
Okay, I got a little sidetracked. But! The curse is broken, Meliodas is dead. This would of course change everything about the fight against the Supreme Deity. There are so many things in Cursed by Light that depend on Meliodas and his relationships. He and Elizabeth are out on their honeymoon trip when they meet Zeldris and Gelda, he "convinces" Zeldris to let them come along to the Demon Realm, they all fight together against Dahlia and Dubs and thereby learn about the Supreme Deity's involvement, then they get back to Liones in time for Meliodas and Zeldris to kill her. This story would look completely different without Meliodas. Elizabeth would have no reason to go on the trip and wouldn't run into Zeldris and Gelda, her relationship with Zeldris would be even worse off than Meliodas' is in canon, Zeldris and Gelda would be forced to face Dahlia and Dubs alone, and Zeldris and Gelda's roles in the actual fight with the Supreme Deity would look different as they would in that case come there to face her alone without any involvement from Meliodas.
It's interesting to think about (and now I kinda wanna make a fic out of that too - but I would have to figure out how to write actual fight scenes first lol). I can definitely see the Supreme Deity being absolutely cruel against the remaining Sins and even more against Elizabeth. After everything Elizabeth did, after going against the Supreme Deity and the goddesses' principles, after choosing Meliodas time and time again, she was the one to kill him. The Supreme Deity would no doubt appreciate the irony of it. And then the Seven Deadly Sins? The famed order of knights, responsible for defeating the demon threat, kill the Demon King himself and end the war, well, they couldn't even keep their own captain alive. Oh... I think her gloating about Meliodas' demise would be the cause of her own fall. Because like the Sins and Elizabeth, yeah they might accept her talking shit about themselves - hello guilt and self-blame - but not each other and absolutely not Meliodas. Elizabeth would make good of that threat she gives in canon, that if the Supreme Deity doesn't stop hurting her family and friends, she will fight her. And fight her she does! Alongside Zeldris, who came after there to confront her after everything that happened in the Demon Realm.
That would be what determined Elizabeth and Zeldris' relationship going forward. But before we step further into the future, there's one more character I wanna talk about: Gelda.
Gelda's place in this AU and the whole ordeal with Meliodas' death is another intriguing thing to think about. Because on one side, she sees firsthand the utter devastation Meliodas' death at the Elizabeth's hands causes Zeldris. On the other side, Meliodas and Elizabeth were the ones who freed her from her second seal and then saved Zeldris from the Demon King, not just when he possessed Zeldris body but also by killing the Demon King and releasing Zeldris from his influence and control. I also think she and Elizabeth have a deeper understanding for each other - she knows that Elizabeth would of course never willingly harm Meliodas, if she did that it was either an accident or because it was literally the only option she had. Gelda would be able to view the situation more objectively and not let her emotions cloud her ability to see it from Elizabeth or the Sins' perspective. I think she would push Zeldris to maintain a relationship with Elizabeth after Meliodas' death and especially after the news about baby Tristan.
Of course, Zeldris doesn't need much convincing to be a part of Tristan's life - but more about that later. First, let's talk a little about Tristan himself.
I don't know which alternative is worse: Elizabeth finding out she's pregnant with Meliodas' child after her magic kills him, or Elizabeth and Meliodas both already knowing she's pregnant when the attack happens. Ugh, so much angst, I love it. Or, third option, Bartra knew Elizabeth was pregnant because of his Vision but hadn't said anything yet because he wanted them to find out on their own and then Elizabeth had to find out alone because Meliodas' died before he could even find out he was going to be a father. So, so much angst potential in this AU.
Okay, but what about Tristan then? No matter how anyone finds out, Tristan is born and suddenly there's this last piece of Meliodas, completely free of all the pain and horror, in the world. So, Tristan grows up fiercely protected. Just like in canon, Tristan will constantly hear how much like his mother he looks. From outsiders. But when it comes to his family and even more his parents' family and friends, they look at him and they see Meliodas - which is not good for the guilt that none of them seem able to shake, and definitely makes their protectiveness of Tristan worse.
Tristan might never have gotten the chance to meet his father, but everyone around him certainly makes him feel alive. Tristan grows up surrounded by stories about his father; of how he saved the kingdom and the entirety of Britannia, of how he saved his family and friends in big and small ways, of how he was a demon and he was good, of how despite everything he went through he would always smile, of how his cooking could make even an immortal fear for his life. Tristan heard stories about the big things and the small things, the amazing things and the silly things. He heard stories about everything except how his father died. It was the one thing nobody would ever speak to him about - he was a hero, he died protecting this kingdom; never a how and never a who. Even when Gowther gifted him the story of his parents, that part was still missing.
As the years pass, Tristan gets even more stuck on that one missing story. Some might even say it turns into an obsession. But Tristan can't let it go; it's that one even that kept him from ever meeting his father. And he just doesn't get it. Why won't anyone tell him? There was definitely some horrible things that Gowther still showed him, so why not his father's death? Tristan is not stupid, with every avoided story, he realized that there's something more to it, there's something about how his father died that everyone is trying to keep from him.
(Okay, now I want to write THAT story too. Tristan's search for the truth about his father's death over the years, with a lot of focus on Zeldris' relationships with Tristan and Meliodas too. Because if anyone is going to stop treating him like a child it's Zeldris, if anyone is going to understand what it's like to never get to have a real relationship with Meliodas, it's Zeldris).
Now, about Zeldris. Like I said earlier, he doesn't need much convincing once the news about Tristan reaches them. He doesn't really want to be around Elizabeth (even if she did help him kill her own mother) or the remaining Seven Deadly Sins, but Tristan's his family. He's Meliodas' son. To Zeldris, as well, he's the last piece of Meliodas still alive in this world. And Zeldris needs him to know that he has an uncle, that his father had a family too. He wants Tristan to know about demons and see the beauty in those powers too. Most of all, he doesn't want Tristan to be ashed of his father's genes, he wants him to have the childhood and the family that both he and Meliodas were robbed of. That's what Meliodas would have wanted to. Zeldris might never have gotten to make up with his brother, to forgive him or even talk about everything they said or didn't say - he never got to have a relationship with his brother, but he can have one with his nephew. Zeldris visits Tristan as often as his own duties allow. As he grows older, Tristan sometimes visits him in the Demon Realm too. When Zeldris is in Liones he tries his best to avoid Elizabeth and anyone else of Meliodas' friends. Their relationship is still bad, but they all do their best to keep the bad blood hidden from Tristan - he still notices things. They all just want to make right by Meliodas.
At first, Zeldris is one of the only people who won't talk about Meliodas with Tristan. He will tell him about the Demon Realm and about demons, but never about Meliodas. Not even when Tristan asks him about him. It doesn't last. As Tristan grows older, the questions increases. Zeldris still tries to avoid the topic, even gets into arguments with Tristan about it, until eventually... Eventually Zeldris can't avoid it anymore. He's forced to confront his own relationship with Meliodas. Because Tristan actually thinks Zeldris hates how big brother, that he doesn't miss him. Zeldris has missed Meliodas since long before he actually died. After that, Zeldris starts telling Tristan about Meliodas as well. Not about his death and not about the Meliodas that Britannia knew. He tells him about the Meliodas before all that, about growing up in the Demon Realm together, about going dragon hunting. He tells him about the few moments they actually got to have as brothers, about the Meliodas that Zeldris grew up looking up to and admiring.
Yeah, Meliodas never getting the peace with Elizabeth is the most cruel part about this AU, and what I kinda wanted to focus on with the bad ending. "After all these years, their parents had won." Because that's what happened. All Meliodas ever wanted was to live in peace with Elizabeth, but he died and he wasn't coming back, and thereby it was a reality he never got. But not only that, with Tristan added to it all, it makes it worse. Because Meliodas never got to see the family he left behind and Tristan never got to meet him. Even if Tristan tried to get into the Necropolis/City of the Dead he couldn't, because he has no shared memories with Meliodas.
And with that I'm gonna shut up before I'm hit with even more fic ideas (I already have sooo many - I mean I love it, I love writing them, but also ahhh)
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fanartfunart · 1 year
Amelie has officially adopted the bean (Adrien). Lmao
How do you rate my fanfiction? It's my gift you know
The peacock hero from another universe (fanfic).
lol awe, it's super cute! Good levels of silly and sweet <3
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sullina · 1 year
Slightly au where the demons can watch what is going on in 3000 years in the seal who ever holds it. So basically the TC and the other demons (or just TC tbh) watch Meliodas life in 16 years after he got a hold of the seal.
Imagine there surprise Meliodas suicidal tendency and how fuck up he really is in the head. During there watch Zeldris watch how his mate wanted to die and Meliodas sealing her which he is grateful.
saharthings asked: or meliodas reckless tendency (one of the post you made I think or it's just the other one)
16 years ago would be right after the downfall of Danafor, so they saw the human kingdom being destroyed and then Meliodas picking up the dragon handle and come to Liones with an infant Elizabeth.
Zeldris would not just be grateful that Meliodas spared Gelda and sealed her again to undo the seal when the time is right, but I think he would also be touched that Meliodas does care about him and his happiness. I think just seeing that happening is already going a long way to mend their relationship.
Meliodas was probably already more or less reckless 3000 years ago, or maybe he was just overconfident, but what the TC are seeing now is different. Now, Meliodas seems to almost be holding back and getting hurt in the process, and there are even times when he goes so far as to hide his wounds from his teammates but he doesn't use his his magic to tend to them either.
Fortunately, that mage, Merlin they'd learned, usually intervened before they got too serious, but still. It's just so unnecessary to even let them get this bad in the first place!
And then after the Sins are exiled and he opens a bar, I think the TC would also get insanely mad on Mels behalf at terrible Boar Hat customers. They'd be even more outraged at the fact that Mel just lets those customers treat him like that! He literally has more than enough power to just murder them in cold blood why isn't he doing that???
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berryberrydairy · 2 years
Birthday Party Tragedy
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TW // Blood, Death
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Based on the ask that I've received~
Thank you @saharthings for the ask ^o^ I'm currently writing a one-shot for this scene. Hopefully I can post it tomorrow.
Henry getting rid of William's first child.
Now both Henry and William each have 2 children.
Life is fair now.
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thishijabi · 10 years
hi gorgeous :) you look so pretty MASHALLAH I'm from Tunisia and I'll be so glad if we can become friends PS: I love your blog :*
Hii, beautiful. Thankyou for this lovely message, very sweet of you. 
Hella yeah. Its official, right at this moment we are friends. Message me anytime :)
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librathefangirl · 1 year
What do you think the sins and Zeldris thinks about Meliodas death at this point? I know the sins would be sad but won't blame but still be in 5 stages of grieve and Zeldris well... that would be a different story. I think he would be extremely angry that his brother died at the hands of Elizabeth. The same woman who made his brother suffer and had the audacity to be the one to kill him after what she had put him through :(((
This fanfic:
Love it!!!
This is actually not something I thought a lot about when I wrote this fic. Because A) the focus was on Elizabeth and her feelings, and B) the story doesn't really deal with what happens after Meliodas' death except the immediate aftermath - so this ask was a lot of fun!
Now, let's see if I can answer this somewhat organized. Also consider yourself warned, this is gonna get looong XD
Okay, so, the Sins.
I definitely agree with you there, they would be upset, sad, caught in their own grief, but they wouldn't blame Elizabeth. However, I do think they would blame themselves. Meliodas knew what he/they were doing, and he would have done it all again, if it meant the others lived. And the Sins know this, because they know Meliodas. He sacrificed himself for them - that's something that would weigh heavily on them. They all got ambushed and overwhelmed, they failed to defeat their enemies and that resulted in Elizabeth having to use her move and Meliodas dying because of it. Just like Elizabeth, they too would be haunted by the what-ifs, the constant question if they could have saved him if they'd just done something differently.
And! This is also the second time they had to watch Meliodas die, unable to do anything to help him. Except this time, with the curse broken, he is truly dead. I think Merlin especially would struggle with that. She's known him for 3,000 years, through all the years of the curse. After the Ten Commandments killed him, she alone knew that he would eventually resurrect. I think both she and Elizabeth, given their respective pasts with Meliodas, would have a hard time with the fact that he really won't come back to them this time, no matter how much time passes.
I also wanna take a moment to talk about Ban before we move on to Zeldris. Ban and Meliodas' relationship is definitely one of my favorites in the anime, and it only gets better along the way! I mean, through secret reveals, murder attempt, literal death, their bond just gets stronger. And that's not even mentioning the millennia they spent together in Purgatory. Which I think is especially noteworthy in this scenario, since that means that except for Elizabeth and Merlin Ban is the one with the longest history with Meliodas. Personally I think Ban would be mostly angry - maybe even get stuck in that stage of grief - because to me it seems like that's the emotion he most easily falls back to when faced with things like this. He wouldn't blame her, but I think he would be angry at Elizabeth and even more at Meliodas himself, for doing this. Which I also think would make him even more angry at himself - he tried to kill Meliodas once in an attempt to save Elaine, who the hell is he to judge?? We saw how angry Ban was at his helplessness when Meliodas lost his emotions, at how he couldn't do anything to help him. I think it would be like that, except so much worse this time. That time, Meliodas was still there (not himself, but there), and in the end, Ban could help him (go to Purgatory to find his emotions). This time, there's nothing that can be done.
Now then... Zeldris...
His relationship with Meliodas' is such complex, but since this is taking place after the curse is broken, they're also in a better place than they have been in literally 3,000 years. Now, as with many of my fics, it gets a little fuzzy about how in line with canon this takes place, but... Even if Zeldris isn't ready to call Meliodas is brother yet, I think he would at least be entertaining, in his own mind at least, the potential of a relationship they now can have. Their father is dead, they're free to choice their own lives. For the first time, Zeldris was faced with the possibility of actually getting his big brother back, of getting to actually talk and bond with him as he always wanted. And then Meliodas is killed. It's heartbreaking to think about, and I think Zeldris would struggle a lot with that grief. He lost his brother all over again and now he will never be able to forgive Meliodas for what he did all those years ago or rebuild their relationship.
Zeldris, like Merlin and Elizabeth, would also struggle with the finality of Meliodas' death. Growing up like they did, with Meliodas being this big-shot demon, the demon even goddesses feared, the next Demon King, and on top of that just being Zeldris' big brother that he looked up to so much, gave Zeldris a (in a way) skewed view. I think that back then, to Zeldris, Meliodas seemed almost invincible. And no matter how his opinion changed, 3,000 years later, Meliodas was still there, unchanged and hopelessly himself, and then Zeldris helped kill him, but Meliodas still came back. So, I think that it would be a hard pill to swallow for him as well that Meliodas truly is gone this time.
As for his feelings about Elizabeth's role in Meliodas death -well, obviously he would be angry. I think most people would be angry if someone was the cause behind their brother's death. That being said, given that this takes place after the curse is broken, I don't think Zeldris would have been as angry as if this had happened earlier because I believe his view on Elizabeth has changed. Still, unlike the Sins, Zeldris doesn't actually know her and while they see the Demon King as the root of all Meliodas' suffering, to Zeldris Elizabeth is still the one who pulled his brother away from the demons and set off the start for all of his suffering.
Another thing that's worth thinking about in this scenario is how did Zeldris find out about Meliodas' death. Did he find out by himself? Did Merlin or one of the other Sins tell him? Or was Elizabeth herself the one who told him? If Elizabeth was the one who told him, I think his anger would be more directed at her. Because she would then also be directly connected to not only Meliodas' death but to Zeldris finding out about it as well. Also, I doubt Elizabeth in her own guilt would explain and phrase the event in the same way that the Sins would. If instead Merlin or any of the Sins would tell him, someone who doesn't hold Elizabeth responsible for his death the way she herself does, then I think Zeldris anger would be more directed against the enemies who actually attacked them and brought forth the events leading to Meliodas' death.
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librathefangirl · 11 months
If this was the story that was presented in nnt last chapter (I can imagine the previous chapter would be the sins going there separated ways and the next is 10 years into the future that we were told that Mel died), then we would be left shock being informed that Mel died, and Internet would be booming with this information!!!
Like wth happened to him?!
Did Nakaba just killed the most lovable character?!
In 4koa, when Arthur was revealed to be the villain, people speculated that Arthur must be the one who killed Mel somehow, only left terrified when it was revealed that ELI! Was the one who killed him! That would explain the characters' behaviors toward Eli, especially Zeldris!
Meliodas is frequently mentioned in the squeal.
A mystery of the past, a footnote of history.
(This is in reference to this post)
Oh that would have been brutal!!
Like they were all set to live happily ever after. The threat is gone, Liones and Britannia are safe. Meliodas is back (emotions and all), Elizabeth isn't dying and the Demon King is dead and gone, for good. They should have been happy -and then BAM!
Meliodas is dead.
I can just imagine the chaos that would have broken out in the fandom (and not the good kind). Personally I would have absolutely lost it! Meliodas died?? WTF NAKABA ACTUALLY KILLED HIM?!?! Who did it? What happened??
And then there's the mystery of it all. Just imagine the theories! Even after it's revealed that it was Elizabeth who killed him, the whole story is still not explained because the characters won't talk about it - especially not with Elizabeth, especially not with Tristan. It'd be like with Meliodas' past all over again, except so much worse this time. Because we would know the he died and that it was Elizabeth who killed him, but it still would be a mystery seen through glimpses and throwaway lines.
Like you said, after the reveal that it was Elizabeth and not Arthur or some other enemy, other things would make sense. Elizabeth's behavior, the other characters' behavior and their behavior towards her (and towards and regarding Tristan). And not to mention Zeldris! The last time we see him, Meliodas and Elizabeth and the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins save him from the Demon King and together they kill him. He leaves with a smile at his brother. Then we meet him again after Meliodas' death and all that progress and potential for a future good relationship with his brother is gone.
(I'll probably get more into the Zeldris and Tristan of it all in the other ask you sent).
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librathefangirl · 9 months
You know what would have been worse if after Meliodas died, Merlin decided to betray the sins and reawakening chaos. Worst luck the sins have, gosh...
I can imagine them not forgiving Merlin, but will help her when Cath attacked them. I'm pretty sure during the conversation, Diane got angry and demanded if she knew there captain was gonna die and if it was part of the plan and demanded what Meliodas is to her and just basically used him
But about the reveal of Meliodas death, I can imagine Zeldris, the one revealing it when both him and Elizabeth got an argument infront of everyone or the enemy that attacked the sins and made Elizabeth used that move that ultimately killed Meliodas, revealed it to them
(Previous posts about the My Love, It Burns AU: part 1, part 2, part 3)
Oh god, that would have been absolutely BRUTAL. It really would have ended up being a lose-lose situation for the Sins, whatever they do they would lose another sin. Either they wouldn't have helped Merlin and Cath could have killed her, or they do help her and - well, there's not really any going back after what she did.
But they would still help her. Because they're the Seven Deadly Sins, that's what they do. That's what they're supposed to do.
Like you say, I definitely think there would have been a lot of anger and hurt between the remaining Sins and Merlin, even worse than in canon. Especially after what is revealed about Merlin's past with Meliodas and her actions, they would have demanded answers. What did Meliodas mean to her? How could she use him - and them - like this? Did she know that he would die?
At the same time I think there would have been a certain desperation - not another one, they couldn't lose another one. And even if things can't ever go back to how it was before and even if they're hurt by what she's done, they still would help her. Because she's a part of the Seven Deadly Sins and they won't let her die (even by the consequences of her own actions).
Oh man, there are so much potential with the reveal of how Meliodas died. So many different possibilities, so much angst.
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fanartfunart · 1 year
Can we talk about how the mlb cast are acting like that there Adrien is the same one on the screen?
Its cute tbh.
Lol it's adorable. They're all besties
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berryberrydairy · 2 years
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After seeing the voicelines @saharthings sent, I had the urge to draw smth for this au.
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berryberrydairy · 2 years
Hello it's me Saharthings :D
Hello there! Hope you're doing well. :)
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