#sanji is lobster roll
helios-writings · 1 year
This took forever but it was soo worth it this was so fun!!
Ty beloved @namodawrites for the tag ily smooch ✨
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I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this (and u should it's cute) and the blank template and link to the character creator are under the cut!
Character maker
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nakunakunomi · 10 months
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Sunburn Characters featured: Luffy (One Piece), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: anonymous
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Luffy either was super serious and mature, doing his captainly duties and leading all those he cared about a step closer to sailing the entire world, a step closer to legendary treasure and a fairer word, or he had loaned out his three functioning braincels for Zoro for the day, and there was little to be done with him. 
Today had been one of the latter days, and your captain -and lover- had thought it a great idea to lay on deck like a starfish, soaking up the sun. To be fair, he wasn’t necessarily sunbathing, he was moreso sulking because most of the crew was too busy for shenanigans with him and on top of that, Sanji had told him to wait till dinnertime to eat. 
He hadn’t really accounted for the sun’s rays being extra potent today, and after an hour or three of sulking, instead of looking sunkissed- the way he usually did- he now looked more like a lobster ready to be devoured. You couldn’t believe your eyes when he first approached you, looking about as red as his little vest, surprisingly not in that much pain. You were very worried, immediately making a mental note to check if Chopper had any ointments or aloe in stock, but your worries were quickly waved away by Luffy, who just sat in front of you, laughing.
“Look y/n”, he said, pressing his finger onto a red arm, making white lines into the skin, “I can now draw on myself like this! Isn’t it fun? Shishishi”
You had to use all your might not to roll your eyes. Despite all his serious moments, your boyfriend could still be a real goof sometimes. “You absolute idiot. I’ll get Chopper to make something against these burns, and ask Sanji if he can fetch you water. This is not healthy, next thing you know you actually have a heatstroke.” 
Luffy’s face only lit up at your words, instead of the expected concer. “Whoah, I get early snacks and drinks AND a backrub with ointment? Should’ve laid in the sun much earlier!” 
You made a mental note not to get him that sulky again for a while.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 7 months
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@king-and-his-consorts asked: Zoro stepped up to where Ikkaku was sitting. The swordsman looked a little flustered and more than a little lost. He held two drinks in one hand and a plate of something in the other. "Uhm, hi." He gave her a disgruntled look before awkwardly sitting next to her. Pausing a moment before handing her one of the drinks. He set the plate down in front of her. Lobster rolls and blueberry tarts sat on the plate. "Idiot cook said I should come eat these with you. So, uh, here you go." Unprompted
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Ikkaku's attention was pulled from the little gadget she'd been working on by the swordsman's approach. The crew had insisted that, if she was going to spend her time working, it should at least be outside, and she'd agreed, though she'd opted to sit a fair bit down the beach from the rest of where the Hearts and Straw Hats had opted to play. Normally she'd gladly hang out with them all, but she'd wanted a bit of quiet, especially when she needed to focus and not get distracted by the alliance's shenanigans.
However, her stomach growled, and she realized that she'd clearly been working for quite some time. Probably through lunch, even. So she gratefully took the plate and drink and welcomed Zoro's company, though her eyebrows did shoot up in surprise when she heard his explanation.
"Sanji sent you? No offense, but I didn't expect him to trust you to bring something as valuable as food to a girl," she teased, though the surprise was genuine. While she'd long suspected that Zoro and Sanji's relationship wasn't as vitriolic as it initially appeared, she still knew the cook took both women and food seriously. Lobster rolls were even her favorite. Ikkaku had told him so and shared some family recipes. So why wouldn't Sanji deliver them, and the delicious-looking blueberry tarts, himself? And why would he tell Zoro to eat them with her?
If the engineer didn't know better, she'd think she'd fallen asleep at her workbench again and was just dreaming all of this.
Taking a big, unladylike bite of the seafood-filled bun, Ikkaku smiled at the nostalgic taste of home that filled her senses. Chewing reverently before swallowing, she smiled at Zoro. "You ever had a lobster roll before?" she asked. "I know most parts of the world lobster's some fancy dish, but where I'm from, it's considered 'poor people' food. Damn tasty, though, so guess we're eating better than some kings, huh?"
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diabelskoga · 3 months
"Hey, a little birdie told me it's your birthday," Ikkaku said, offering Sanji a small notebook. "Sorry it's a little last-minute, but I've put together some of the recipes from my home island. Maple candy, saltwater taffy, potato donuts, brioche bread, and lobster rolls." Thinking to herself, Ikkaku pressed a kiss to the cook's cheek. "Here. I know it's not much, but happy birthday!"
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birthday asks. ( accepting! )
Well, that little birdie would be spot on! His attention was on the small notebook, and then a curly eyebrow rose up. Recipes? His smile formed on his lips. Surprised that Ikkaku was giving him this, but it seemed like a good present for him, and a reasonable one at that. A cook needs more recipes! He opened it, skimming the pages, smiling at the instructions; all handwritten. Sanji will cherish this.
He opened his mouth to speak, then something soft came into contact, pressed to his cheek. A kiss. A dust of pink spreads along his cheeks, and Sanji almost became a gibberish mess.
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❝ I-- aah, bah, uhm. Than-Thank you, Ikkaku-chan! Th-thank you so ma-much! ❞
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jordan-rosaceae · 7 years
Bro AU meets the... Octopus?
It was a busy day in a 5 star restaurant, servers moving about with trays full of food and drink.  The atmosphere was warm and filled with the clinking of silverware and small talk.  In a back corner sat three brothers, triplets of the famous or infamous Vinsmoke family; Ichiji, Niji, and Sanji.
“How long has it been since we last met up and just talked?” Sanji was glad to see his bothers again, without the chaos of the rest of the Strawhat pirates nearby.
Ichiji shrugged his shoulders, “How have you been so far?”
Sanji swirled some freshly poured wine in its glass, “Been doing well.”
“What about that drop dead gorgeous swordsman?” Niji seemed to be giggling as he spaced out, which luckily blocked out Sanji’s sudden murderous aura.
Meanwhile, a young woman with brown hair and grey-blue eyes was checking under a few tables towards the back of the restaurant; a nervous glint in her eyes.
“Oh, where the hell did you go Oct-Tye?”
“Ah! Son of a-” Jordan stood and faced the male server, rubbing her now sore head with a slight pout. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
He rolled his eyes and motioned to the back corner, “Table 21 needs their food and I’m currently busy with a table of 30. And if you have enough time to pilfer under tablecloths then you have enough time to serve a table.”
With that said, the male server left.  Jordan worried her bottom lip and made her way to the kitchen, “I hope that octopus hasn’t gotten into any trouble.”
The cooks were busy; oil popping, salad flying, fire roaring. Crazy as ever.
Jordan looked about and couldn’t see the food for table 21 yet, so she waited... till a blue blur of movement caught her eye.  There, sitting on the head chef’s hat was a little blue octopus.
“That little-” As if sensing some impending wrath, the little guy looked back at her and tensed before jumping off and disappearing further in the kitchen.  “Get back here Oct-Tye!”
She slid over the window and went after the blue cephalopod.  Cue the sound of crashing pots and exclamations of pain for the next few minutes.
“What’s taking so long on our food?”
Just as these words left Ichiji’s lips, a young woman came over with a tray filled with covered dishes.  Her hair was in disarray and her uniform was dusted with flour.  Through the huffing and puffing, she put on her best smile for the triplets.
“Sorry about the wait gentlemen, had a little accident in the kitchen. Now, who ordered the lobster bisque?”
“I did. And I must say mademoiselle, it is an honor to bask in your radiant beauty.”
Sanji’s flirting completely went over her head, “Ah, thank you for the complement.”  She set the dish and took off the cover only to stare in stunned silence.
Everyone at the table couldn’t seem to utter a word at the bizarre scene.
“Is that octopus blue?” Almost as if Niji’s question was a trigger, the table exploded into chaos.  Oct-Tye leaped at Sanji’s face and stuck itself to him, a look of shear panic bringing tears to its eyes.
Jordan set the tray down on a nearby table and began to try and yank the poor thing off, “Oct-Tye, let go of him you damn stubborn sea creature!”
Niji couldn’t help but laugh at his younger brother’s misfortune... till Oct-Tye came off with a pop and went soaring over the table only to latch onto his own face.
Ichiji sighed and pulled out a book, picking up where he left off as the chaos unfolded around him.
A few minutes later, Jordan was holding onto a calmed down Oct-Tye and apologizing to the triplets, two of which had obvious red spots from the octopus's suction cups.
“Again, I am so sorry about Oct-Tye; he has problems with dark spaces. Please allow me to compensate you on a later date.”  She took out her notepad and wrote down a number, handing it off to the closest brother, Sanji.  “That has my den-den mushi number. The food today is on the house and again I am so sorry. Please have a wonderful day.”
She left the brother’s table and was scolding the octopus as she disappeared into the kitchen.
Sanji blinked and looked down at the paper in his hand, still trying to process what just happened.  Niji grinned and lightly jabbed his elbow into Sanji’s side, “Finally got a girl’s number, eh bro? Good on ya!”
Ichiji huffed in amusement, “Though I think he wishes it was under better circumstances.”
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