#scheduled this specifically for summertime. as a treat
thotful-opinions4u · 2 years
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Father Mulcahy's bare arms??
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monstrsball · 1 year
if you are bored how about you give me your headcanons for an OiSuga/IwaOiSuga beach date? Summer is coming, I need summer-y ramblings
gladly! i'll do this for iwaoisuga hehe <3
disclaimer: i have never been to an actual beach before as i live in a landlocked state. shout out to my mutuals (especially @kenmasdysphoriahoodie) who helped me with this ily
whenever their schedules align and they're able to get together over the summer, they always try to make at least one trip to the beach!! wherever they are <3 (probably even when it's not summer too, but i'm going to keep these hcs summer specific since that's what you asked for!)
the first time they all went to the beach together, suga ended up with a really nasty sunburn because he wasn't applying his sunscreen often enough
now, iwaizumi is always on top of making sure everyone is applying enough sunscreen and reapplying it every couple hours
even when he wears suncreen, suga always ends up with a few new moles at the end of the day. and iwa gets freckles on his shoulders.
oikawa has the worst sock tan lines lmao. he loathes this. they are honestly dreadful.
suga loves tide pools!!! he really likes looking at the crabs. iwa likes watching the tiny fish. oikawa is not as into it but he'll watch with them anyway
he's also the one who eventually redirects them because if left to their own devices, suga and iwa would just spend hours watching the animals
suga loves watermelon print! watermelon print swim trunks, watermelon print beach umbrella, watermelon print tote bag, etc. people think it's because he loves watermelon but it's really just because he associates watermelon with summertime
iwa says he's going a little overboard and suga goes "it's SUMMER, hajime" and iwa drops the subject (he does think it's a little cute)
they get invited to play beach volleyball with some people they run into and oikawa sort of forgets that he's not playing with other professional athletes and gets a little too into it
iwa tells him to dial it down but he also gets a little too into it when oikawa is setting for him. they treat this casual beach volleyball game like an Actual volleyball match. they play like they have something to lose
(suga gets a little too into it from the sidelines cheering them on when he's not playing)
so needless to say they only get to play a few rounds before the invitation to play is politely revoked lmao
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deepautumncolors · 10 months
💅🏻 ~Manicure Monday~ 💅🏻
Hi everyone! After sticking to a schedule of painting my nails every other week for the past several months, yesterday I decided to get them done at a salon. I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure, which was a nice break after doing them myself all year. The color I’m wearing is called Strawberry Margarita from the OPI Mexico Collection that came out in Spring 2006. It was a Christmas gift from my coworker who had me for Secret Santa last year, and I saved it for the summertime.
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The polish is a bright pink crème. It really does make me want to drink a Strawberry Margarita on the beach in Mexico! I can’t really describe the texture of the formula because I didn’t apply it myself, but it appears to be very smooth. This is what it looks like with two coats and a clear topcoat to give it that extra glossy look. I think it looks good on my skin tone because it’s a warm pink as opposed to a cool blue-based pink.
I just want to mention that I am not specifically wearing it because of the new Barbie movie; it’s just a coincidence that I happen to be wearing this color right after it came out. I had already decided to wear it this particular week when I made my schedule for the spring and summer several months ago. But I played with Barbies a LOT when I was younger, so I’m not embarrassed about it. I don’t have plans to see the movie as of right now, but if someone asks me to go see it with them, I will.
I only have one more new polish lined up for August, and then I’ll start getting into the transition colors for the fall!
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lawncareservicesblogs · 11 months
Lawn Care Tips for a Beautiful Yard Throughout the Year
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Introduction Every homeowner's dream is to have a beautiful, well-kept lawn. A healthy lawn not only improves the aesthetic attractiveness of your home, but it also provides a tranquil spot for leisure and recreation. A lovely lawn, on the other hand, demands frequent care and attention. This blog will offer you with key lawn care ideas and guide you through the seasonal requirements to ensure your lawn remains in great shape throughout the year, whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner.
Understanding the Fundamentals of Lawn Care To get started on your path to a beautiful lawn, you must first understand the fundamental concepts of lawn care. This involves recognizing the type of grass on your lawn and its individual requirements. Different grass kinds flourish in different climatic circumstances, so selecting the proper type for your region is critical. Proper mowing procedures, watering schedules, and fertilizer measures are all important in keeping a healthy lawn.
Lawn Care in the Spring Spring is an important season for lawn maintenance because it lays the groundwork for the rest of the year. It's time to prepare your grass for healthy growth when the temperatures increase and the soil thaws. Begin by removing any last season's debris, thatch, or dead grass. Aerate the soil to improve nutrient and water uptake. Healthy development will be promoted by overseeding barren sections and adding a balanced fertilizer. Watering on a regular basis, altering the mower height, and treating any pest or weed problems will help your lawn thrive over the spring season.
Summer Lawn Maintenance Summertime means higher temperatures and more stress on your lawn. Watering is essential to keep the grass from drying out. To reduce evaporation, water deeply but infrequently, ideally in the early morning. Mowing at a little higher height helps to shade the soil and save moisture. Inspect your grass on a regular basis for pests and illnesses, which thrive in the lawn care spring. Using a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer will offer your grass with the nutrients it needs to grow during this time.
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Autumn Lawn Maintenance Autumn lawn care is an important time to prepare your grass for the hard winter months. Raking fallen leaves on a regular basis keeps them from choking the grass and becoming a breeding ground for illnesses. Aeration and overseeding can aid in the restoration of damaged areas, resulting in a thick and healthy lawn the following spring. To encourage root growth, provide a phosphorus-rich fertilizer. As the weather cools, gradually lower the frequency of watering while providing thorough soaking to promote strong root development.
Using Professional Lawn Maintenance Services While the aforementioned tips are helpful for managing your lawn, it's also worth considering professional lawn care services. A reputable lawn care firm has the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to properly handle all elements of lawn upkeep. They may give personalized solutions depending on your lawn's specific needs, saving you time and effort.
Conclusion A well-kept lawn adds to the appearance of your property and creates a welcome atmosphere. You can keep your lawn healthy, vibrant, and ready to enjoy all year long by following the important lawn care near me advice mentioned in this blog and considering professional lawn care services. Begin adopting these strategies and watch your lawn develop into a beautiful outdoor haven.
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fosterbradley28 · 3 years
25 Fun Things to Do at the Beach
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It's always summertime somewhere, and for many people that means hitting up the local beach or visiting a beach town while on vacation. If you think that spending time at the beach is limited to just swimming, there's a lot more that you're missing out on! Here are some of the most fun things that you can do at the beach besides just going swimming.
1. Look for Dolphins
Many beaches all over the world offer the chance to see dolphins right from the shore if you know what you're looking for and when to look. Do a little bit of research to see if your beaches apply and, if so, check the best times to visit. Don't forget your camera.
2. Play on the Boardwalk
A lot of beaches also have accompanying boardwalks where you can play arcade games, ride rollercoasters, eat delicious and unhealthy amusement park food, just walk around, and even enjoy free summer concerts on the sand. Check their respective websites to see what will be featured on the day you'll be there.
3. Play Frisbee
Frisbee is a classic beach game that people never get tired of enjoying together. There's only one prop needed, and it's very easy (and cheap) to get. You can even play with your dogs (if you're on a pet-friendly beach). There are also more advanced versions like Frisbee golf, Ultimate Frisbee, and Aerobie, but the basic version will do just fine.
4. Go Hiking
Many beaches offer nearby trails where you can hike to or from the water. This offers great exercise, and the water is good for cooling down after the hike. On top of that, you get to catch some beautiful views while being immersed in nature.
5. Have a Picnic
There are always a lot of food vendors near popular beaches, but sometimes it's nice to pack yourself a picnic with fancy cheeses and fresh fruits and go indulge at the beach. If you're going with a big group, make it a fun (and delicious) potluck where everyone can contribute an easy dish a variety of foods makes for a great beach picnic.
6. Go Fishing
Fishing is one of the most relaxing things that you can do at the beach and something people have been doing for centuries. It's something that you can focus on or just leave in the backdrop—your choice. The best part is, you might catch your dinner!
7. Read Magazines
A beach vacation is supposed to be completely relaxing. Park yourself under a shady umbrella, enjoy the warm breeze, and read some magazines or indulge in a cheap novel. There may never be enough time during your regular schedule to flip through a magazine, so take advantage of the opportunity you have at the beach.
8. Go Window Shopping at the Little Seaside Shops
The majority of beaches are located in beach towns. A lot of these places are quaint and fun to explore or at least take a stroll through. These towns also typically have a bunch of little stores set up along the beach. Spend some time browsing when you're ready to get out of the sun. Stop and grab a sweet treat too maybe ice cream or salt water taffy.
9. Go Surfing
Surfing is a great water sport. Get out on the water and have an adventure instead of just being lazy. You can also dedicate an hour or two to take a surf lesson and then lounge for the rest of your time on the beach. You could also try any other kind of water sport, such as kayaking, jet-ski racing, waterskiing, or kitesurfing.
10. Have a Bonfire Party
Bonfires are a ton of fun. Make sure that your specific beach allows for fires, though. Many of them don't. For the ones that do, it's a lot of fun to have a nice fire going on a cool night. You can hold a gathering where friends and family come together to play music, have good conversation, dance, roast marshmallows, and just have a great time.
A bonfire is a great way to enjoy the beach at night with some hot chocolate, s'mores, and friends.
11. Go Topless
There's something really brave about getting naked in public. It's an experience that can make you feel courageous and bold it should be tried at least once. Of course, you have to make sure that you're doing this at a nude beach. Otherwise you're going to get into some serious trouble!
12. Hula Hoop
Or play catch. Or jump rope. Or fly a kite. Engage in some sort of child's play, using cheap toys that you can pick up at a nearby store. This will bring back the wonder of what it was like to go to the beach as a kid. It's also just really fun and a great stress reliever.
13. Write Poetry
Bring a notebook with you and get carried away with your words and creativity. The beach has been inspiring poems and songs for centuries now, so you might as well join the tribe of people who like to write when they're by the water. Other creative writing options include starting that novel you've always wanted to write, or simply keeping a diary of your trip.
14. Meet People
Beaches are filled with people, so there's no reason that you can't make new friends. Games on the sand like volleyball make this easy, but there are lots of ways to meet people at the beach. Look online to see if there are any upcoming social gatherings or meet-ups at the beach.
15. Look for Seashells
You can troll the beach looking for seashells and colored glass. Take photos of the best shells so that you can research them when you get home, or make some shell art on the sand and take a photo to remember it by. Please keep in mind that in some places, it's illegal to take shells from the beach, and it's often highly discouraged in places where it's still technically legal.
16. Take Photographs
The beach is a great place for taking some beautiful photos. On top of that, those photos will be great memories to take home after the trip. Wander along with your digital camera, see what there is to see, and snap away.
17. Search for Historic Sites
Many beaches are located near places of historic importance, which are marked with monuments or signs. You can find these in the most unexpected of places. Keep an eye out for military batteries on the water, historic lighthouses, and old battlegrounds. This is another great opportunity for your camera as well.
18. Catch Up on Phone Calls
With cell phones working almost everywhere these days, you should have no problem getting connected to others at the beach. It's a great place to catch up on phone calls while getting a tan and everyone you call will be jealous because of where you are!
Of course, remember to be mindful of not speaking too loudly or obnoxiously. You may be in an outdoor public area, but so are many others—they're looking to relax and not unintentionally eavesdrop. Save the personal, private conversations for another time.
19. Look for Little Critters
Most people who go looking for animals at the beach are looking for whales, seals, or dolphins. Turn your focus to the little critters, like crabs, birds, and jellyfish. Spend the day seeing how many different animals you can count. Make it a goal and snap pictures for each one so you can catalog your findings.
20. Write Messages in the Sand
You can write them big or small. Say anything you want and then take a picture that will last forever. These pictures can be made into unique postcards to send to the folks back home.
21. Watch the Sunset
You could also watch the sunrise if you get there early enough. This activity is a favorite for many at the beach, as it should be, because it's such a breathtaking sight to see—you'll never tire of it. Take in the day (or morning) and reflect on what you've accomplished.
22. Celebrate a Holiday or Special Occasion
People often go to the beach to watch Fourth of July fireworks or to celebrate a honeymoon. There's nothing like the crashing waves and the sand between your toes to ring in a special occasion.
23. Daydream
You're sitting around at the beach with no commitments for the time being (at least, that's how it ideally should be) and nothing demanding your attention. That's a great time to just hang out and daydream a little bit. Envision what you want your life to look like in five or ten years, where you wish you could travel, or what you would do if you won the lottery. Let your mind and fantasies carry you away in the best way possible.
24. Relax
You don't have to daydream or take pictures or do anything really. You can just sit there and relax. Breathe, meditate, take a nap. Just be and relax. You're on vacation, after all!
25. Build a Sandcastle
This is a classic beach activity for kids and adults alike. From the simplest design to the most elaborate, sandcastles help you pass the time at the beach while doing something really creative and fun. Try Googling sandcastles for some inspiring ideas.
Don’t become too much of a beach bum. Instead of buying, rent it from the best  boat rental at Indian Rocks Beach, FL.
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dishsteam1 · 3 years
Hifu Facial Therapy
Hifu Skin Tightening Up & Body Sculpting
Skin Care Products.
Frown Lines & Deep Frown Lines.
I Cleaned Five Years Off My Face In Eight Weeks (by Drinking And Eat Collagen).
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Numerous nurses begin by providing non-prescription treatments such as dermal fillers, chemical skin peels off, PRP and also dermarollers as these can be carried out without the requirement of a prescriber. These profitable skin renewal as well as anti ageing therapies can still use wonderful outcomes to your clients without the demand for Botox. Micro-Botox injections for rosacea is unique per person, relying on a range of elements. So, to obtain a precise setting you back, you will need to schedule an examination with Dr Bong for him to design a bespoke package and resolve any type of issues that you have. Our prices are affordable, as well as your therapies will be accomplished by an international professional. We believe our individuals are worthy of the utmost safety and security in our treatment and we are devoted to offering dependable, secure, and also effective results.
HIFU Focal Ablation for PCa Offers Adequate Short-Term Cancer Control - Renal and Urology News
HIFU Focal Ablation for PCa Offers Adequate Short-Term Cancer Control.
Posted: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
This smooths the affected location as well as also stops wrinkles from creating as the muscles responsible have actually been briefly paralysed. Dermal fillers are made use of to add quantity to the afflicted location, it fills out the skin as well as therefore the line or crease goes away.
Non-surgical skin therapies at competitive prices, from facial lines and creases to advanced IPL hair removal. After it was kept in mind around 1990 that treatment of face 'tics' led to improvement in creases its use in cosmetic as well as medicalskin treatmentshas expanded drastically. Presently offered at the Hampton Clinic, Ultherapy is a non-invasive, ultrasound-based therapy made use of to activate the manufacturing of new collagen as well as elastin, in addition to tighten up muscle mass. " It gives the skin a lifted look and minimises fine lines and also creases", claims Dr Lorraine Hill. BOTOX click here to signup with hifu Hifu colleagen lift by blocking the communication in between the muscular tissues and the nerve endings. It is FDA authorized for the enhancement of fine lines as well as creases. Botox shots are most understood for their capacity to make great lines and creases disappear!
Without clear-cut cause, it has been notoriously hard to treat rosacea in the past, with topical therapies and also medicines providing little to no renovation for way too many clients. However, considering that 2015, micro-Botox shots have been located to be efficient in treating this problem, offering people effective symptomatic relief for 4-6 months. It is believed that Botox temporarily quits capillary dilating, as well as hence decreases the characteristic red and also flushed skin. It may also obstruct immune cells that are involved in the inflammatory feedback that aggravates rosacea. Today, crease relaxing injections are one of the most utilized medical aesthetic treatment with the equivalent of 1 in 100 people having the treatment annually in the UNITED STATES.
Skin Care Products.
When infused Botulinum Toxin commonly referred to as Botox ® is really effective at momentarily relaxing muscles. Botox ® is a preferred therapy that can drastically transform as well as revitalize your appearance, particularly when made use of in mix with other rejuvenation treatments, such as facial skin fillers.
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These are reviewed carefully throughout the appointment procedure to provide you a good idea of what can be achieved with such therapies. hifu face Gravesend will certainly continue to move in similarly that they did previously, and also moderate-severe lines will gradually look like they did before treatment.
Frown Lines & Deep Frown Lines.
There are numerous other treatments that may additionally be suitable to assist deal with crow's feet around the eyes, however, botulinum toxin is possibly one of the most preferred. Your initial check out will include an assessment throughout which we will certainly have the ability to talk about all the options available. It is used in millions of treatments each week across the world and also is very secure when administered by a competent medical professional. As an accountable professional, the clinician has to consider up whether botox therapy is suitable as well as risk-free, and the truth is that it varies from person to person. Desiring botox to 'treat' RBF, isn't always an invalid factor, however neither needs to an expert treat a client entirely for that grievance without an appropriate, all natural appointment. For example, the damaging psychological effect the individual is experiencing because of the trouble that a botox or fillers therapy may address is an extremely genuine aspect. Anti-wrinkle treatments can be utilized to treat a number of upper as well as lower face troubles connected with growth of wrinkles and also lines.
One location that people tend to become really knowledgeable about these furrows is on the temple. BioRePeelCl3 is an ingenious, two-phase, trademarked medical device with biostimulating, renewing and peeling result.
The therapy briefly lowers lines about as well as between the eyes, on the forehead and also around the mouth by loosening up the underlying muscle mass developing a smoother, a lot more vibrant appearance. The excellent result smoothes folds yet leaves natural expression. These are lines that are developed due to the face muscles getting in a specific means. The effects last from three to six months before the specific requirements another dosage. Botox depends on the botulinum contaminant obstructing the nerve signal to the affected area temporarily.
It is intended for topical application - without injection, without making use of needles, for the entire body, for individuals of any ages as well as with all skin types. For full treatment advised There is a collection of 5 treatments at intervals of two weeks.To preserve the impact, a "booster" treatment is suggested every 2 months. Thanks to innovative innovation, it is a year-round preparation and also can also be made use of safely in the summertime also. It is a terrific item for treating great lines around the eyes frequently known as crows feet.
Publication My Examination.
If you are looking at an efficient means to remove your creases you might need a combination of both. If there is one certain area on your face that's bothering you after that you might select in between the two.
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lorenzoglzn525-blog · 3 years
How Technology Is Changing How We Treat pest control near me
If you've got tree branches and bushes touching your house, you've basically developed a bridge for all way of insects to march right into your living space, such as ants, mice, squirrels, and even raccoons. Trim your the trees and shrubs that touch your house's boundary (keep at least a foot between the plant life and your home) or call a tree service business, advises Angie's List.
Spring, summertime, fall or winter, insects can be a big problem at any time of the year. Whether you want to protect your property against rodents, bugs, or wildlife, the best method to fight any unwanted visitors is by Click to find out more being prepared. With a couple of easy ideas, you can keep your house pest-free for good.
To make sure bugs avoid, take preliminary preventative measures. Stay on the lookout for any possible indications of an infestation. Carry out regular checks around your house, focusing your efforts on problem locations. Keep in mind all the locations these pests my hang out: attics, basements, laundry rooms, behind big home appliances, out in your garage, or even in your yard.
Above all else, stay vigilant. A problem is easier to conquer when you capture it early. As the season's pass, weather and time can take a toll on your house. This likewise develops chances and entrances for possible insect intrusions. Routine home maintenance is crucial for keeping undesirable creatures out.
Seal up fractures, fix any screens that have holes, and cover any areas that might attract insects into your house. When trying to find the best house, insects normally require two things: water and food source. When it pertains to rodents, they will follow a water source. Lots of insects look for out wet, cool places and mosquitoes require stagnant pools to breed.
Inspect any possible areas water might pool and sit after a heavy rain, like birdbaths or garden devices. Leaking pipes, seamless gutters, and damp spaces are all draws, so make sure to perform routine maintenance on your house to dissuade undesirable home guests. The kitchen is among the most essential rooms in your house; not only for you and your family.
Keep the cooking area neat and tidy up completely after meals. It's also an excellent concept to keep food to one room of the home, so there aren't any unforeseen visitors popping up all over your house. Maintain your food storage by putting it in sealed containers, consisting of pet food. It's likewise a great concept to keep trash in a sealed container too.
In addition to keeping food contained, it's important that you tidy up any mess. Pests grow in unclean, neglected areas. Attics and basements are their preferred locations to hideaway. Likewise, no matter how hard we attempt, it is possible that we might miss some crumbs in day-to-day cleaning. If possible, vacuum daily and perform a deep cleansing on your home at least once on a monthly basis or more.
Keep it tidy. Just as crucial as a well-kept house is a maintained yard. A lot of bugs flourish in overgrown yards: ticks, mosquitoes, stink bugs, and more. Frequently cut your yard and tend to your garden. Don't let your overgrowth get out of hand. Overgrown areas are also a draw to lots of wild animals and rodents.
In some cases we are our own worst enemies, specifically when it concerns bringing prospective pests into our home. Insects can frequently wind up inside merely by latching on to you, your animals, or anything you move inside your home. Be conscious of what you bring into your home, from groceries to outside decoration.
Ticks can easily get onto animals or clothes, and bed bugs can conceal away in your baggage. Thoroughly examine anything you bring into your house to keep insects out. Insects are typically drawn to source of lights. Whether it's a floodlight or a deck light, light brings in bugs. To keep them outside, just shut off the lights near your home, especially near any entryways like windows and doors.
Wood stacks serve as a dark, cool place for several pests and wildlife to conceal. Some, like termites, can be rather devastating, while snakes can perhaps threaten. If you do keep wood, keep it a minimum of 20 feet from your home. An easy draw for any outdoors intruders is your garbage.
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Keep the lids locked if possible. Furthermore, routinely clean out your trash cans to keep flies away. Whether you have actually experienced an invasion or if you wish to take additional preventative measures, scheduling regular assessments with a pest control professional can help protect your residential or commercial property. While it's essential to keep on top of your house's upkeep, it's still possible to experience pest issues.
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sparkzonnutra · 4 years
Top Essential Body Care Tips
Top essential body care tips – Are you often worried about your skin? Does your skin suffer a lot with skin damages? Here, no need to worry anymore. We would like to give you some top essential body care tips. So that you can come to come to learn about the basic factors and routine that one needs to follow. Because if you do not care for the body then you can face several health-related issues.
Loving yourself is the greatest revolution. So, you need to hold on to your body and skin health. You need to care for yourself with some basic things that one can do on a daily basis. Plus the essentials tips we will provide you will definitely give better results and make your body feel healthy inside and appear great outside. Now, take a look at the article below and learn more about the skincare tips for summer inIndia.
Protect your skin from the sun
Firstly, one of the most essential ways to take care of your skin is to shield in under the sun. The lifetime of sun exposure can cause signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, etc. Plus the harmful sun rays can also increase the risk of skin cancer. So, you need to take extra care of your skin under the sun. In which wearing sunscreen would be the best thing for you could have and apply under the sun.
For better protection you should:
Use sunscreen – Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Then appeal it generously and reapply it after every two to three hours. Or more often if you are swimming or perspiring then you must remember to apply sunscreen more on the body.
Seek the shade – By avoiding the sun between 10 to 4, when the sun rays are the strongest. Then we must suggest you wear sunscreen all over again and shield your skin more often to protect it from the UV rays.
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·         Wear protective clothing – Well, you know how much the sun during the summertime affects our skin. With lots of damages inside and sunburn from the outside as well. So, we would like to suggest you cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts. Plus the pants and wide-brimmed hats as well to be sure. In addition, suppose laundry additives that will give you clothing and an additional layer of ultraviolet from the various number of washings. Plus the special sun-protective clothing is specifically designed to block the ultraviolet UVA and UVB rays.
Treat your skin gently and carefully
Well, because daily dealing with dirty and pollution can make your skin filled with unwanted particles. For which the daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. So, you need to keep it gentle and well-balanced. Here, check out the essentials below:
Limit your bath time – In which using hot water and long showers or baths can remove the natural oil from your skin. So take a limited bath or shower time. And you must use Luke warm water instead of hot.
Say no to strong soaps – Because the strong soaps and detergent can strip the natural oil of your skin. So, other than this you use the mild one for your bath.
Shave the hair carefully – In order to protect and lubricate your skin, first apply the shaving cream, lotion, or gel before shaving. In addition, for the closest shave, use a clean and sharp razor. Further, shave in the direction of the hair grows and not against it.
Pat dry – Meanwhile after washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin with a dry towel. This will help your skin’s moisture remains under the skin.
Moisturize the dry skin – Well, if your skin is drier, then use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Then for daily use, you must buy for the one that contains the SPF factor. This come first for a better skincare routine.
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Eat a healthy diet
Essentially, a healthy diet can help you to feel healthy from inside. And as you know that a healthy outside starts from a healthy inside. For which eating lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein is the best source for a healthy body? Well, yes. According to the researchers, some studies show that a well-balanced diet, low fats, refined carbs, healthy state of mind, and enough rest can actually make you healthier. And for those who drink alcohol and smoke often will come to find the worst effects on the body. So quit smoking.
Therefore, these are the natural skin tips and the perfect answer for how to take care of your body skin. Because you know how much we travel today. A hard life and a busy schedule can affect your body. So, with this basic but healthy skincare routine at home will help you a lot.
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Wedding Celebration Food as well as Beverage
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With many points to organize in the lead as much as your wedding, it may just be an excellent idea to maintain wedding event food as well as beverage uncomplicated. But to ensure your and also your visitor's palate is satisfied, choosing seasonal, as well as excellent quality food, are the best things you could do. Not tough to do - and still budget-friendly.
The hardest part of choosing what food as well as a drink to have for your wedding event is trying to fit everybody's preferences. You ought to select a menu that provides a range of tastes to ensure that most of your guests will enjoy their food, looking back at your wedding as rather remarkable.
There are lots of choices for food at your function; however, we have tightened it down to 3 to assist you in deciding extra quickly. You can have canapés - junk food -, a buffet or a take a seat lunch or dinner, depending on when your function is.
The financial situation as well as food
During harder mean times, a buffet could be a good option as it's most inexpensive. There's an excellent range of foods you can pick if you choose the meal, to ensure that it does not matter if your visitors are vegetarians, vegans or meat enthusiasts, they can choose whatever they such as.
Canapes are typically the much more expensive option, so if you select canapés, you may like to take a look around before you choose a food selection. Bear in mind that some guests might not have had breakfast, so it would possibly not be an excellent concept for them to drink on a vacant or near-empty stomach.
As a necessary regulation, enable about six canapés per person (before lunch) and also 14 or more each (for rinks and canapés functions only). A right combination of canapés to select for your guests would undoubtedly contain fifty percent hot and also half cold canapés, with at the very least 30 percent vegetarian as well as ten vegans. Make confident that you have qualified staff who can inform your guests what the canapés are. See to it; they are well oriented before they perform their function. Attempt not to choose canapés that are difficult to eat, as you and also your guests can end up with quite a mess.
Make your life much easier by selecting basic entrees that are simple to consume as well as utilize seasonal produce. If you wish to fit every person, a chilly, vegan dish is the best you can select below. It's likewise effortless to eat as well as can be worked as soon as everybody is seated.
Main dish
If you choose to have a buffet for your wedding celebration, it's an excellent concept to inform your staff when each table can go and also accumulate their food to stop congestion as well as considerable turmoil. If you have chosen to have a sit-down lunch or supper, a dish that is quickly ready as well as can be offered on a single plate will undoubtedly make the job a whole lot much easier for both cooks and also team.
Like the meal, consider the time of year your function will undoubtedly be held to determine the most effective tasting produce. Your guests will most definitely be satisfied with their meals if they are made from seasonal produce. Consider basic concepts such as the fact many people probably won't wish to eat a cold dish if it's the middle of icy wintertime. Alternatively, a large pork roast may make your guest's gland overproduce if you choose this meal in the middle of a sweltering summer.
Understand any of your guests' 토토사이트 hatreds ensure you have choices for them. Chefs will usually accommodate such requests. Likewise, understand age. Senior people, as well as kids, most likely won't consume as much.
While your selection of treatment will undoubtedly be valued if it is enormously indulgent, attempt not to overdo it with your desserts as well as do not make them also productive. Generally, specific plates served at the tables are the and most convenient way to offer dessert.
Once more, take care of seasons. If you're having your wedding throughout the summertime, it's most likely an excellent concept not to have puddings that may melt or collapse, or are unbelievably abundant and also bulky. Often couples select to have their wedding celebration cake as the dessert. This is both a cost-effective and useful alternative, but there are several dessert concepts you can have.
Treats are also the perfect dish to be more attractive. Add coulis, berries, or sauces to the gifts to make them just that little additional tempting.
Coffee as well as tea
Since not everyone will have coffee or tea, it may save from making the tables much less cluttered by not laying down cups as well as saucers. Having a separate table for coffee and tea is the best thing to do here. It will additionally motivate your guests to relocate off their schedule as well as circulate as well as hang out. You may like to add a plate of petit four or slices of wedding celebration cake on this table.
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pamelucky-blog · 6 years
Tips For Finding Reliable And Trustworthy Prescription-Free Online Pharmacies
Like I said, I have been using them for 3 years - problem free. In addition, the employer is unable to deduct the premiums as a business expense but does receive the death proceeds tax free. Employers are less likely to provide employees with disability income benefits than with either life insurance or medical expense benefits. While credentialing does not guarantee the provision of quality medical care, it is an important indicator of the managed care company's commitment to provide high-quality levels of care for plan members. Choose a CPAP medical kit with a humidifier as you will need to control the dry or moist air delivered to you. I'll star first twith the stuff that I got from Beautybay, I got a new curl enhancer because summertime it's almost here and I always let my hair dry naturally at summer, for me that means curly hair. Health, Dental, Basic Life, Health Care Spending Account and Dependent Care Spending Account become effective the first of the month following 30 days of employment. Whether you are a CEO or an hourly worker, no Coloradan should ever be asked to make the false choice between employment and health. An open-ended HMO is by far the most common form and is the HMO industry's response to the demand for more consumer flexibility in the choice of providers, even though it increases costs somewhat. Online shoppers appreciate the expansive, in-stock inventory of products we carry from top brand names that they’ve loved and trusted for years: Accu-Check, MaxiVision, Vicks, Covergirl, Aquaphor and many more. And unlike regular pharmacies, we offer many of our products in bulk, giving you an even greater discount. Studies show that most Republicans want the law nullified and have even turned it into a religious issue which absolutely baffles me. Really the best schedule for blood sugar control is to have regularly scheduled three balanced meals with two snacks in between. My friend used an equal ratio of CBD to THC and after just a week, his blood pressure was down, his bowel movements were much more regular, and it helped with his lactose intolerance. 7. Find out more about carbohydrate counting and portion sizes. But seriously, the good thing about road nursing is that eventually I'll gain the patient's trust and wring the truth out of them. By the way, if your order has been opened by Customs for inspection but is sent to you that is a good sign so don't worry about that unless you are buying a prohibited drug of course. They just need to send a wire transfer or money order upfront to pay for some equipment or educational materials before they can get started, but these never arrive, and there is no actual job. In the absence of leadership coming from Washington, we need to think outside the box and lead the charge ourselves to bring universal health coverage to Colorado. What have been described as the earliest "health insurance" plans were in reality disability income coverage. Because federally qualified HMOs cannot fully use experience rating (particularly on a retrospective basis), drugstore online only nonfederally qualified HMOs are often used in multiple-option plans. U.S. However, they are not comparable in selection to U.S. Trinidad's most notable contribution to world culture, however, may be the steel drum ("pan"). There will be a shifting emphasis from micromanaging episodes of care for an entire population to proactively managing each member's continuous health status, using the patient care model that most effectively addresses each member's specific needs. Mining of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies typically involves using computational power to support the network in return for a reward. 8. No pain, no gain. While many types of internet fraud can target virtually anyone with access to a computer, many are crafted specifically with the elderly in mind. Contributions by an individual employee are considered payments for personal disability income insurance and are not tax deductible. Where the worker continues to be off work for the entire time because of the injury or illness, these days are clearly appropriately included in the day count. No. Liberty HealthShare is not health insurance. I don’t know why helping people afford health insurance will be deemed illegal. Them: OK - we know you so we'll do it your way. The cost of treating cancer patients takes up a large, and increasing proportion of the government health budget. Since BIDMC already has a PHR offered to all its patients, this requirement is actually an easier workflow than providing inpatient record summaries upon demand via a manual process. 36. Submit reportable lab data - The Stage 1 menu set requirement was a single transaction. In Australia, it is mandatory to have a month and year stamped on the packaging. We had the pest control man tell our neighbors about the dog poo and how that was what caused the rats to move into the area. He is lying, I tell you. It is a phony war directed to the wrong causes and punishing the wrong people. It was later used by the Navy and Air Force to help pilots stay alert on long missions.
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fosterbradley28 · 3 years
25 Fun Things to Do at the Beach
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It's always summertime somewhere, and for many people that means hitting up the local beach or visiting a beach town while on vacation. If you think that spending time at the beach is limited to just swimming, there's a lot more that you're missing out on! Here are some of the most fun things that you can do at the beach besides just going swimming.
1. Look for Dolphins
Many beaches all over the world offer the chance to see dolphins right from the shore if you know what you're looking for and when to look. Do a little bit of research to see if your beaches apply and, if so, check the best times to visit. Don't forget your camera!
2. Play on the Boardwalk
A lot of beaches also have accompanying boardwalks where you can play arcade games, ride rollercoasters, eat delicious and unhealthy amusement park food, just walk around, and even enjoy free summer concerts on the sand. Check their respective websites to see what will be featured on the day you'll be there.
3. Play Frisbee
Frisbee is a classic beach game that people never get tired of enjoying together. There's only one prop needed, and it's very easy (and cheap) to get. You can even play with your dogs (if you're on a pet-friendly beach). There are also more advanced versions like Frisbee golf, Ultimate Frisbee, and Aerobie, but the basic version will do just fine.
4. Go Hiking
Many beaches offer nearby trails where you can hike to or from the water. This offers great exercise, and the water is good for cooling down after the hike. On top of that, you get to catch some beautiful views while being immersed in nature.
5. Have a Picnic
There are always a lot of food vendors near popular beaches, but sometimes it's nice to pack yourself a picnic with fancy cheeses and fresh fruits and go indulge at the beach. If you're going with a big group, make it a fun (and delicious) potluck where everyone can contribute an easy dish a variety of foods makes for a great beach picnic.
6. Go Fishing
Fishing is one of the most relaxing things that you can do at the beach and something people have been doing for centuries. It's something that you can focus on or just leave in the backdrop—your choice. The best part is, you might catch your dinner!
7. Read Magazines
A beach vacation is supposed to be completely relaxing. Park yourself under a shady umbrella, enjoy the warm breeze, and read some magazines or indulge in a cheap novel. There may never be enough time during your regular schedule to flip through a magazine, so take advantage of the opportunity you have at the beach.
8. Go Window Shopping at the Little Seaside Shops
The majority of beaches are located in beach towns. A lot of these places are quaint and fun to explore—or at least take a stroll through. These towns also typically have a bunch of little stores set up along the beach. Spend some time browsing when you're ready to get out of the sun. Stop and grab a sweet treat too—maybe ice cream or salt water taffy.
9. Go Surfing
Surfing is a great water sport. Get out on the water and have an adventure instead of just being lazy. You can also dedicate an hour or two to take a surf lesson and then lounge for the rest of your time on the beach. You could also try any other kind of water sport, such as kayaking, jet-ski racing, waterskiing, or kitesurfing.
10. Have a Bonfire Party
Bonfires are a ton of fun. Make sure that your specific beach allows for fires, though. Many of them don't. For the ones that do, it's a lot of fun to have a nice fire going on a cool night. You can hold a gathering where friends and family come together to play music, have good conversation, dance, roast marshmallows, and just have a great time.
11. Go Topless
There's something really brave about getting naked in public. It's an experience that can make you feel courageous and bold—it should be tried at least once. Of course, you have to make sure that you're doing this at a nude beach. Otherwise you're going to get into some serious trouble!
12. Hula Hoop
Or play catch. Or jump rope. Or fly a kite. Engage in some sort of child's play, using cheap toys that you can pick up at a nearby store. This will bring back the wonder of what it was like to go to the beach as a kid. It's also just really fun and a great stress reliever.
13. Write Poetry
Bring a notebook with you and get carried away with your words and creativity. The beach has been inspiring poems and songs for centuries now, so you might as well join the tribe of people who like to write when they're by the water. Other creative writing options include starting that novel you've always wanted to write, or simply keeping a diary of your trip.
14. Meet People
Beaches are filled with people, so there's no reason that you can't make new friends. Games on the sand—like volleyball—make this easy, but there are lots of ways to meet people at the beach. Look online to see if there are any upcoming social gatherings or meet-ups at the beach.
15. Look for Seashells
You can troll the beach looking for seashells and colored glass. Take photos of the best shells so that you can research them when you get home, or make some shell art on the sand and take a photo to remember it by. Please keep in mind that in some places, it's illegal to take shells from the beach, and it's often highly discouraged in places where it's still technically legal.
16. Take Photographs
The beach is a great place for taking some beautiful photos. On top of that, those photos will be great memories to take home after the trip. Wander along with your digital camera, see what there is to see, and snap away.
17. Search for Historic Sites
Many beaches are located near places of historic importance, which are marked with monuments or signs. You can find these in the most unexpected of places. Keep an eye out for military batteries on the water, historic lighthouses, and old battlegrounds. This is another great opportunity for your camera as well.
18. Catch Up on Phone Calls
With cell phones working almost everywhere these days, you should have no problem getting connected to others at the beach. It's a great place to catch up on phone calls while getting a tan and everyone you call will be jealous because of where you are!
Of course, remember to be mindful of not speaking too loudly or obnoxiously. You may be in an outdoor public area, but so are many others—they're looking to relax and not unintentionally eavesdrop. Save the personal, private conversations for another time.
19. Look for Little Critters
Most people who go looking for animals at the beach are looking for whales, seals, or dolphins. Turn your focus to the little critters, like crabs, birds, and jellyfish. Spend the day seeing how many different animals you can count. Make it a goal and snap pictures for each one so you can catalog your findings.
20. Write Messages in the Sand
You can write them big or small. Say anything you want and then take a picture that will last forever. These pictures can be made into unique postcards to send to the folks back home.
21. Watch the Sunset
You could also watch the sunrise if you get there early enough. This activity is a favorite for many at the beach, as it should be, because it's such a breathtaking sight to see you'll never tire of it. Take in the day (or morning) and reflect on what you've accomplished.
22. Celebrate a Holiday or Special Occasion
People often go to the beach to watch Fourth of July fireworks or to celebrate a honeymoon. There's nothing like the crashing waves and the sand between your toes to ring in a special occasion.
23. Daydream
You're sitting around at the beach with no commitments for the time being (at least, that's how it ideally should be) and nothing demanding your attention. That's a great time to just hang out and daydream a little bit. Envision what you want your life to look like in five or ten years, where you wish you could travel, or what you would do if you won the lottery. Let your mind and fantasies carry you away in the best way possible.
24. Relax
You don't have to daydream or take pictures or do anything really. You can just sit there and relax. Breathe, meditate, take a nap. Just be and relax. You're on vacation, after all!
25. Build a Sandcastle
This is a classic beach activity for kids and adults alike. From the simplest design to the most elaborate, sandcastles help you pass the time at the beach while doing something really creative and fun. Try Googling sandcastles for some inspiring ideas.
The truth of the matter is that going to the beach is going to be fun, no matter what you do there. You're getting away from real life for a bit and you'll hopefully enjoy a scenic travel destination or at least just get away from home and go to your town's local beach. It's just nice to know that there are plenty of things to do besides suntan and swim while you're there.
Renting a boat is much easier and fun than you think  Not everybody can afford to buy a boat because owning a boat involves a lot of expenditure and maintenance. Companies providing boat rental at Indian Rocks Beach, FL have a variety of boats available in different shapes and sizes for every need and requirement.
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larrytcamp · 4 years
The Top 10 Events in August in Toronto
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August may signify summer season pertaining to an end for some individuals, however it's still a great time to take pleasure in many enjoyable points to do in Toronto. This month in particular takes place to be jam-packed with festivities and locations to drink and eat. Whether you enjoy food festivals, music, cultural events, or night markets, Ontario's rural resources has all of it in August.
Note: A number of these events have been changed or terminated in 2020. Inspect information listed below as well as event sites to learn more.
01 of 10 Waterfront Night Market
This event has actually been delayed for 2020.
Make your way to among Toronto's biggest evening markets for home entertainment and also Oriental road food at the yearly Waterside Evening Market. The popular three-night summer season occasion happens at Ontario Place, West Island. You can expect more than 120 vendors offering all sort of pan-Asian road snacks, along with music, live entertainment, as well as social events.
02 of 10 Taste of the Danforth
This occasion has actually been terminated for 2020.
Preference of the Danforth, among Canada's biggest road festivals, brings in more than 1.5 million site visitors every year in honor of the Danforth district's Greek heritage. There is usually tons of food-- Greek, certainly, yet the vendors will certainly likewise represent the culinary diversity of the location, so your taste will certainly remain in for a reward. In addition to filling up on scrumptious food from street-side vendors, try to find lots of online family-friendly entertainment, a sports zone, lots of cost-free activities, and also an area just for youngsters.
03 of 10 Toronto Food Vehicle Event
Image courtesy of Toronto Food Vehicle Event This occasion has been delayed for 2020.
There's something about buying products from a food vehicle that seems to make eating more enjoyable, specifically in the summer. People of all ages can have their pick from a few of the very best mobile dining establishments in the city in August at the Toronto Food Truck Celebration. Greater than 50 food trucks converge on Woodbine Park for 4 days. Bring your hunger and also treat on every little thing from hamburgers and also poutine to dumplings, arepas, barbequed cheese, and also much more.
04 of 10 Poise JerkFest
If you like things spicy, include Poise JerkFest to your listing of points to do in Toronto, which will certainly be held essentially on August 8 and also 9 in 2020. For this year, you can pre-order your food and select it up at the curb of details services or get it supplied to your home. A host of suppliers will certainly supply their take on jerk specials, normally including vegan fare. You can additionally anticipate headlining acts, local performers, and also cooking demonstrations. For even more information on the schedule as well as neighborhood performers, see the event internet site or Facebook page.
05 of 10 Toronto Cider Event
This occasion has actually been terminated for 2020.
Those ages 19 and up can commemorate completion of summer by drinking on over 100 type of cider made from the most effective apple expanding areas in Canada and around the globe. The Toronto Cider Festival happens over 2 days at Sherbourne Common.
Your ticket commonly obtains you a celebratory cup and 4 sample tokens to begin the day of cider tasting. There will certainly additionally be online entertainment, a waterfront video game zone, a photo exhibition, an outdoor fire pit, and food vehicles if you obtain starving.
06 of 10 Vegandale Food and also Consume Event
Vegandale, a Toronto city block loaded with vegan items and also foods, is additionally the name of a consuming and also drinking experience devoid of pet products. The event is occurring at Historic Ft York and also Garrison Common on August 8, 2020. Expect every little thing from hamburgers to beverages to pleasant treats. The all-ages celebration also features live music by a DJ, games and free gifts, as well as a bar with alcohol for those 19 as well as above.
07 of 10 TAIWANfest
From August 28-30, 2020, TAIWANfest will present "The Survived," an online platform for one of the biggest Mandarin/English cultural occasions in Canada. In partnership with the Harbourfront Centre, the event will certainly celebrate the food, arts, and also society of Taiwan. The cost-free three-day event changes online for 2020, with highlights such as The Island and also Maple Fallen leave live-streamed symphony concert, art exhibitions, artist talks, food demos, as well as extra.
08 of 10 Sweetery
Any person with a severe sweet tooth will certainly intend to look into Sweetery, Toronto's only food festival to focus exclusively on treat and sweet deals with. The two-day event happening in David Pecaut Square includes bakeshops, patisseries, dessert and cake shops, and other organisations from throughout Toronto showcasing their finest confections. Visitors additionally delight in music performances by local musicians.
09 of 10 FAN EXPO Canada
This event has actually been postponed until August of 2021, yet a restricted version gathering will certainly take place in November of 2020.
FOLLOWER EXPO Canada: LIMITED VERSION, the largest comics, sci-fi, scary, anime, and gaming occasion in Canada, will happen from November 6-8, 2020, at the City Toronto Convention Centre. This gathering will be restricted to 25,000 tickets. Guests will certainly delight in exhibitors, family-friendly events as well as destinations, and world-famous celebs.
10 of 10 Canadian National Event
A sure sign of summertime involving an end is the start of the Canadian National Exhibit in late August and also very early September. Get your yearly solution of flights, examination your luck playing circus games, see some real-time music, or see the food structure to fill out on deep-fried goodies of all kinds. There's something at the CNE for every age as well as rate of interest level. Beer fans will certainly wish to take a look at Craft Beer Fest happening in tandem with Food Truck Frenzy. The CNE also holds the Indoor Lantern Celebration, believed to be one of the world's largest.
The post “10 Outdoor Winter Activities In Toronto” was originally seen on tripsavvy.com
Naturopath Toronto - Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND
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Best Snow Removal Contractor Services and Cost in Omaha NE | MCC Cleaning Omaha
More Information: http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/snow-removal-contractor-services.html
Snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE: Looking for snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE? MCC Cleaning Omaha is the source for responsible for commercial grounds situated in climates that experience winter weather, managing snow and ice is just one more aspect of overall landscape management. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Snow removal Contractor Services around Omaha NE.We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Snow Removal Contractor
 Snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE: For property owners and managers responsible for commercial grounds situated in climates that experience winter weather, managing snow and ice is just one more aspect of overall landscape management. As business owners ourselves, MCC Cleaning Omaha Owner-Operators understand the strain treacherous conditions can place on continuing business as usual. We also recognize that not every company functions on a nine-to-five, Monday through Friday schedule.
 With more than 250 locations stretching from coast to coast, when you partner with us you know you’ve got the best four-season, round-the-clock commercial grounds care management team in the nation and we’re making your landscape our top priority.
 MCC Cleaning Omaha everywhere are on a mission to be responsive and to be there looking out for you before the freezing precipitation even begins. But our commitment to achieving 100% customer retention means we’ll also stay the course with you while the storm is raging, and we’ll be there to see our duties through to the very end, properly managing the snow and ice left behind.
 When a blizzard or ice storm is looming, you’ll breathe a little easier with the knowledge that your winter weather warriors will be there as long as it takes to make sure your steps, sidewalks, and parking lots are safe. Contact us today and find out how we can make your job a whole lot easier.
 Your Insured Snow and Ice Management Specialists
 Snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE: You’ll also be glad to know every MCC Cleaning Omaha location stays current on local ordinances or requirements, and we’re always happy to provide a certificate of insurance when requested.
We know how much more challenging it can be to continue safe, profitable operations when a winter storm is on the horizon. Slick, icy, or snow packed roads, driveways, and walkways threaten the safety of employees, customers, and tenants. Even more, a thick coating of ice and heavy snowfall can also be very damaging to your property and your landscape, all while creating an entirely new set of liability concerns.
 Mitigate Unnecessary Risks on Your Property
 Snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE: As a matter of fact, risk management is probably the biggest reason to have a reliable snow and ice management contractor in place. That means it’s important as a facility or property manager that you look to the future now instead of waiting until you have an immediate need to remove snow and de-ice frozen surfaces. You don’t need the added liability of injury from falls or accidents that resulted from a delayed response from your snow crew especially when it could have been prevented had you not procrastinate. The only way to ensure you won’t be placed at the end of a long waiting list when winter weather is on the way is to make sure you’re already on your inclement weather management team's schedule. The best way to accomplish this is to start making your winter weather preparedness plan in June or July.
 Yes, we realize winter weather is the furthest thing from anyone’s mind during the summertime, and most people don’t even want to think about preparing for a big snowstorm while they’re enjoying family and vacation time, but the summer is actually the best time to start preparing for wintertime.
 Contact MCC Cleaning Omaha today. We’ll start working with you to build a comprehensive winter weather plan so we can make sure none of us will be taken by surprise when the snow starts accumulating.
 We’ll perform a site inspection of your commercial property to designate the priority areas that should be serviced first. We’ll literally map out what areas to prioritize, which ones to pre-treat, and where to stack snow to ensure there will be adequate drainage when it melts.
 We’ll also plot the locations of your trees, bushes, shrubs, and any hardscapes that our crews should be aware of to avoid damage when the entire landscape is hidden under a thick blanket of snow. Finally, we will document expectations as to when MCC Cleaning Omaha should start carrying out winter weather services on your grounds, whether it’s at the first sign of falling snow or several inches in.
All of this information is integral to our ability to secure the right equipment and crew members so we can properly execute in the most responsive and efficient manner to keep your operation running smoothly.
 MCC Cleaning Omaha Takes Action Ahead of the Winter Storm
 Snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE: Even when major blizzard conditions are imminent, you won’t be stressing about it since your snow and ice management team is already in action. And you didn’t even have to make a call, because MCC Cleaning Omaha tracks conditions using 24/7 weather notifications and real-time storm activity technology. This enables us to pre-treat surfaces in preparation for impending ice and snow to prevent them from glazing over and becoming dangerous. Of course, when the wintry precipitation starts to accumulate, we’ll be there plowing and shoveling with speed and efficiency, no matter the hour or day of the week
 Some of the snow and ice management services regularly included in our snow and ice management contracts are:
 ●       Weather monitoring, utilizing the latest meteorological technology which enables us to be proactive and stay ahead of the inclement weather
●       Pre-treatment of surfaces, including parking lots, walkways, driveways, and outdoor stairs–your MCC Cleaning Omaha experts will choose a treatment that will be most effective against the temperature and type of precipitation expected, so you can be sure any granular or liquid surface treatments we use will be the safest and most efficient for your situation.
●       Shoveling snow and ice to open sidewalks and pathways so pedestrians are safely able to traverse your property
●       Snow plowing, to make way for vehicles as well as foot traffic on parking lots and roadways
●       Apply ice-control products
●       24/7 Emergency service, with the promise that we will be there day or night performing snow and ice maintenance, based on the terms of our customer agreement
 Contact your MCC Cleaning Omaha service provider to find out how we can incorporate snow and ice maintenance into your commercial landscape management program. Let’s create your strategic storm plan today, so together we can keep your business moving right along regardless of the weather.
 Snow Removal contractor Costs
 What are the Average Costs of Snow Removal Services?
 The national average cost of snow removal is $115.
Typically, most companies charge between $52 and $186, with the lower end being $35 and the higher end hovering around $402.
That said, the snow removal cost is relative and depends on a number of factors as below:
 Although the size of your driveway will affect the snow removal costs, it’s applicable only in bigger increments.
 For instance, the difference between a four-car driveway and one-car driveway probably won’t be too much. But if your driveway is much longer or is made up of gravel, then the snow removal costs will certainly be higher.
 The cost will also depend on the condition of your driveway. If it’s curvy or steep, then the snow removal costs may increase. This is because it’ll take a plow longer to clear the snow on such driveways than on a standard straight and short driveway.
 Snow Removal Equipment
 Snow removal contractor services near Omaha NE: Different snow removal companies will utilize different methods to clear your walkway, sidewalk or driveway.
For instance, a snow thrower or blower will take less time than shoveling, effectively keeping the cost down.
However, the snow removal equipment that they choose will also depend on the conditions, the size and the type of area that needs to be cleared.
 Removal Frequency
 Some snow removal companies charge for a specific amount of clearings. If you surpass that amount, then the cost will increase for the season.
Essentially, most companies charge per season, per plow or for one-time removal services offered. So find out the cost of each before you hire a local snow removal company.
 When will my street be plowed?
During a snow event, City roads are plowed according to a priority system aimed at supporting the greater public safety and public transportation access.
 Priority 1: maintain accessibility for emergency vehicles and transit vehicles on collector, arterial and emergency and bus routes that connect major sections of the community.
 Priority 2: maintain safe travel routes and accessibility for vehicles on non-arterial and collector routes that provide access to school sites, community care facilities, fire stations, hospitals, police stations, and the central business districts. Clearing these routes may be advanced or delayed depending on the weather event’s intensity, severity or duration.
 Priority 3: maintain safe travel routes and accessibility for vehicles on all remaining routes. Clearing these routes may be advanced or delayed depending on the weather event’s intensity, severity or duration.
 Why did the plow fill my driveway with snow?
Our plows are set to push snow to the right to remove it from the roadway. The best way you can ensure that snow doesn’t get pushed back onto your driveway or sidewalk by the plow is to pile snow on the right side of the driveway (when facing the street) when shoveling.
 Why can’t I just shovel snow onto the road for the plow to pick it up?
Shoveling snow onto the road contributes to unsafe driving and walking conditions and increases the cost of providing winter road maintenance. If you shovel your snow into the roadway, you may be subject to a fine under
 Should I move my basketball hoop?
Basketball hoops, especially when left in route, can be an obstacle that will make snow removal more difficult for our plows. We ask that you please move them onto your private property when snow starts to fall.
 Why hasn’t my road been salted yet? It’s very icy!
All roads are salted according to the same priority route system as plowing. However, it’s also possible that if there was any rain or wet snow, it may have washed away the brining mixture.
 Does the City plow curb to curb?
Yes, wherever possible the City will attempt to plow curb to curb. If residents can park their vehicles in their driveways during snow events, this will help to ensure that our plows can clear curb to curb.
 Why can’t the City remove snow instead of piling it up?
Similar to most other Lower Mainland municipalities, the City of Coquitlam does not currently have resources for snow removal, snow plowing. Under normal winter weather circumstances, our warmer climate means that snow typically doesn’t last very long and removal isn’t necessary.
 What if I have a medical emergency and can’t get out of my house?
If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. Emergency services will coordinate with the City, if necessary.
 What if I have a regular medical condition and I need to be able to get out of my house in order to receive treatment or medical attention?
We sympathize with your situation. However, the City must prioritize resources through the community in order to serve the needs of the greater community. We recommend you plan ahead, as possible.
 How much of my taxes goes towards snow removal every year?
According to the 2018 budget for extreme weather, the average household pays approximately $14 per year for snow removal.
 ●       Snow Removal Contractor Near Omaha NE
●       Snow Removal Vehicles
●       Snow Removal Tools
●       Snow Removal Companies
●       Snow Removal Salt
●       Snow Removal Vehicles Types Omaha NE
●       Home Snow Removal Equipment
●       Creative Snow Removal Ideas
●       Snow Removal Prices
●       Tahoe Snow Removal Cost
●       Residential Snow Removal Prices Omaha
●       How Much To Charge For Snow Shoveling
●       Snow Removal
●       Driveway Snow Plow Cost
●       Cost To Remove Snow Omaha NE
●       Snow Removal Profit Margin
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Tokyo Restaurants Primed for the Olympics Face a Summer Without Tourists
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The iconic Omoide Yokocho in Tokyo where restaurants are closed | Frank Striegl
Without the promise of Olympic-sized crowds, tourist-focused restaurants and ramen shops are struggling to survive
Note: Frank Striegl runs Tokyo Ramen Tours, a tour company that has business relationships with multiple sources in this story.
Two months ago, Tokyo’s hospitality industry felt a swell of optimism about 2020. It’d already been a banner year — inbound tourism to Japan was surging (up more than 250 percent since 2012) — and the swell would be punctuated by the Summer Olympic Games in July. The city’s 150,000 restaurants were preparing for another massive wave of domestic and international visitors, with crowds expected to reach nearly 10 million, and Goldman Sachs projecting $5 billion in additional spending.
That optimism quickly transformed to uncertainty and dread when cases of COVID-19 began to spread around the world. For a while, some Tokyoites held out hope that the Olympics might take place as scheduled — it was months away. But on March 24 the International Olympic Committee announced it was officially postponing the games a full year, until July 2021. Combined with the national emergency declaration announced on April 7 — which technically allows restaurants to remain open but puts limits on hours and other aspects of operations — it’s been an unfathomable double whammy for an economy that already contracted in Q4 last year.
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A shuttered restaurant on Omoide Yokocho with a hand-written closed sign
Like most of the world’s major thoroughfares today, Tokyo’s iconic Omoide Yokocho (Memory Lane) in the touristy Shinjuku area appears startlingly empty. The narrow alley of miniature counter-seat bars and yakitori restaurants that usually buzzes with tourists during the spring’s cherry blossom season is currently a ghost town, lined with shuttered restaurants and hand-scrawled “closed” signs taped to the doors. Reports show that bankruptcies in the hospitality industry are already mounting. Vendors at the famous Tsukiji fish market have reportedly lost between 70-80 percent of their business, and one local sushi chef told CNN that the economic damage already surpasses the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
While some restaurants have successfully pivoted to delivery, take-out culture is not as well established in Tokyo as one might think. While grab-and-go food options abound, there is still a strong emphasis on traditional family meals cooked at home, and many locals live in small apartments where they don’t want to deal with excess trash from deliveries. Until recently, pizza and Chinese restaurants still made up the majority of take-out options, with many other restaurants eschewing delivery for fear their food would deteriorate in quality or even become unsafe to eat. Then, as businesses flooded onto UberEats in March, without substantial user growth, the platform became crowded and impossibly competitive.
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Outside Regamen, where English-language advertisements draw customers
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Staff at ramen restaurant Regamen
For restaurants whose business model relied primarily on tourists, or the incoming wave of tourists for the Olympics, delivery wasn’t much of an option anyway. Bocata is a 12-seat Spanish bocadillo restaurant in Tokyo’s Yutenji neighborhood. Owner Takahiro Katsumura was hoping to draw Spanish nationals looking for a taste of home during the Olympics, but the emergency declaration saw his weekend sales decline by 50 percent, and he was eventually forced to close altogether, at least for now. “There is a big chance that I might even have to close permanently if this situation drags on well into the rest of the year,” says Katsumura-san.
The themey Ninja Restaurant, which recreates an Edo-era village complete with ninja performances, treated visitors in Shinjuku to dinner and a show for almost 20 years before it recently closed its doors permanently. While the restaurant still runs a branch in Akasaka, if the situation worsens, it may too be forced to close.
Ramen restaurants in particular have felt the pinch — ramen has become the go-to dish for foreigners visiting Japan, and many operators made huge investments in expectation of an Olympics influx, costs they now have to absorb. Okumura-san owns Shinbu Sakiya, a ramen restaurant in the tourist-heavy Shibuya area of Tokyo, not far from the famously swarmed pedestrian crossing. Okumura-san expected the Olympics to bring record-breaking revenue, projecting a 135 percent increase in business in July and August alone. Instead, sales have trended sharply in the other direction, with year-over-year revenue down in March by $62,000 USD and April set to decline by $83,000 USD.
But the damage had been done. In preparation for the Olympics, Okumura-san revamped his menu with foreigners in mind, advertising vegan, gluten-free ramen, and “non-pork” (chicken and fish) ramen options, and cranking up social media marketing to attract non-Japanese diners. He also bought a snazzy touch-screen ticket machine with six different languages. Those investments weren’t cheap — gluten-free noodles cost 350-400 yen per 100 grams, eight times the cost of standard ramen noodles (about 50 yen for 100 grams), but they only have a shelf life of six months (if the current situation goes on past summer, he’ll have to toss them). And that ticket machine cost around $37,000 USD, double what a standard machine might cost; it’s a luxury he can no longer afford.
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A sign outside Shinbu Sakiya advertising a new menu of ramen options
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Sign advertising vegetarian dumplings outside Kourakuen
Across the street from Shinbu Sakiya, a branch of the ramen chain Kourakuen recently introduced vegetarian gyoza dumplings aimed specifically at foreigners (only an estimated 3.8 percent of Japanese are vegetarian). A custom-printed “Recommended Menu” sign out front advertises the new plant-based options in both English and Chinese. Similar investments were made by another ramen shop, Regamen, which opened in October in the Kita-Sando area not far from the new Olympic stadium. A fresh bright paint job and new English signage — “YES, WE’RE OPEN” — were meant to draw visitors. The owners also paid to print both English and Chinese-language menus, and spent time training the staff to field special substitution requests from tourists. Now, the team is trying re-focusing on catering to locals.
When he’s not operating his shop Ramen Emoto in the up-and-coming neighborhood of Naka-Meguro, Emoto-san is busy receiving tourists on ramen walking tours through the city. [Disclosure: These are through the writers’ company, Tokyo Ramen Tours]. For the Olympics, he had begun planning a special “nagashi tsukemen” event, a take on the classic summertime experience of nagashi somen, in which guests snap up noodles as they race down a bamboo shoot. “I was definitely expecting more sales,” says Emoto-san, who also printed English menus for the occasion. “Since there had been an actual increase in tourists up to now, I think people across the country had really high hopes.”
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Emoto-san of Emoto Ramen
Some restaurateurs remain positive about the future. “If we think about the coronavirus situation, it’s a good thing that the Olympics were postponed,” says Okumura-san, adding he’s thankful that the Olympics are just delayed, not canceled altogether. Emoto-san agrees. “With the virus still spreading around the world, business uncertainty will remain. We’ll just have to do our best to prepare until the Olympics is safely held next year. I’m hoping things return to normal around the world soon.”
Frank Striegl is a Filipino American born in Tokyo and raised on ramen. He consumes over 300 bowls of ramen a year while running his blog, 5 AM Ramen, and Tokyo Ramen Tours for visitors to Japan.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/34HJJ9M https://ift.tt/2XIlNBK
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The iconic Omoide Yokocho in Tokyo where restaurants are closed | Frank Striegl
Without the promise of Olympic-sized crowds, tourist-focused restaurants and ramen shops are struggling to survive
Note: Frank Striegl runs Tokyo Ramen Tours, a tour company that has business relationships with multiple sources in this story.
Two months ago, Tokyo’s hospitality industry felt a swell of optimism about 2020. It’d already been a banner year — inbound tourism to Japan was surging (up more than 250 percent since 2012) — and the swell would be punctuated by the Summer Olympic Games in July. The city’s 150,000 restaurants were preparing for another massive wave of domestic and international visitors, with crowds expected to reach nearly 10 million, and Goldman Sachs projecting $5 billion in additional spending.
That optimism quickly transformed to uncertainty and dread when cases of COVID-19 began to spread around the world. For a while, some Tokyoites held out hope that the Olympics might take place as scheduled — it was months away. But on March 24 the International Olympic Committee announced it was officially postponing the games a full year, until July 2021. Combined with the national emergency declaration announced on April 7 — which technically allows restaurants to remain open but puts limits on hours and other aspects of operations — it’s been an unfathomable double whammy for an economy that already contracted in Q4 last year.
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A shuttered restaurant on Omoide Yokocho with a hand-written closed sign
Like most of the world’s major thoroughfares today, Tokyo’s iconic Omoide Yokocho (Memory Lane) in the touristy Shinjuku area appears startlingly empty. The narrow alley of miniature counter-seat bars and yakitori restaurants that usually buzzes with tourists during the spring’s cherry blossom season is currently a ghost town, lined with shuttered restaurants and hand-scrawled “closed” signs taped to the doors. Reports show that bankruptcies in the hospitality industry are already mounting. Vendors at the famous Tsukiji fish market have reportedly lost between 70-80 percent of their business, and one local sushi chef told CNN that the economic damage already surpasses the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
While some restaurants have successfully pivoted to delivery, take-out culture is not as well established in Tokyo as one might think. While grab-and-go food options abound, there is still a strong emphasis on traditional family meals cooked at home, and many locals live in small apartments where they don’t want to deal with excess trash from deliveries. Until recently, pizza and Chinese restaurants still made up the majority of take-out options, with many other restaurants eschewing delivery for fear their food would deteriorate in quality or even become unsafe to eat. Then, as businesses flooded onto UberEats in March, without substantial user growth, the platform became crowded and impossibly competitive.
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Outside Regamen, where English-language advertisements draw customers
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Staff at ramen restaurant Regamen
For restaurants whose business model relied primarily on tourists, or the incoming wave of tourists for the Olympics, delivery wasn’t much of an option anyway. Bocata is a 12-seat Spanish bocadillo restaurant in Tokyo’s Yutenji neighborhood. Owner Takahiro Katsumura was hoping to draw Spanish nationals looking for a taste of home during the Olympics, but the emergency declaration saw his weekend sales decline by 50 percent, and he was eventually forced to close altogether, at least for now. “There is a big chance that I might even have to close permanently if this situation drags on well into the rest of the year,” says Katsumura-san.
The themey Ninja Restaurant, which recreates an Edo-era village complete with ninja performances, treated visitors in Shinjuku to dinner and a show for almost 20 years before it recently closed its doors permanently. While the restaurant still runs a branch in Akasaka, if the situation worsens, it may too be forced to close.
Ramen restaurants in particular have felt the pinch — ramen has become the go-to dish for foreigners visiting Japan, and many operators made huge investments in expectation of an Olympics influx, costs they now have to absorb. Okumura-san owns Shinbu Sakiya, a ramen restaurant in the tourist-heavy Shibuya area of Tokyo, not far from the famously swarmed pedestrian crossing. Okumura-san expected the Olympics to bring record-breaking revenue, projecting a 135 percent increase in business in July and August alone. Instead, sales have trended sharply in the other direction, with year-over-year revenue down in March by $62,000 USD and April set to decline by $83,000 USD.
But the damage had been done. In preparation for the Olympics, Okumura-san revamped his menu with foreigners in mind, advertising vegan, gluten-free ramen, and “non-pork” (chicken and fish) ramen options, and cranking up social media marketing to attract non-Japanese diners. He also bought a snazzy touch-screen ticket machine with six different languages. Those investments weren’t cheap — gluten-free noodles cost 350-400 yen per 100 grams, eight times the cost of standard ramen noodles (about 50 yen for 100 grams), but they only have a shelf life of six months (if the current situation goes on past summer, he’ll have to toss them). And that ticket machine cost around $37,000 USD, double what a standard machine might cost; it’s a luxury he can no longer afford.
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A sign outside Shinbu Sakiya advertising a new menu of ramen options
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Sign advertising vegetarian dumplings outside Kourakuen
Across the street from Shinbu Sakiya, a branch of the ramen chain Kourakuen recently introduced vegetarian gyoza dumplings aimed specifically at foreigners (only an estimated 3.8 percent of Japanese are vegetarian). A custom-printed “Recommended Menu” sign out front advertises the new plant-based options in both English and Chinese. Similar investments were made by another ramen shop, Regamen, which opened in October in the Kita-Sando area not far from the new Olympic stadium. A fresh bright paint job and new English signage — “YES, WE’RE OPEN” — were meant to draw visitors. The owners also paid to print both English and Chinese-language menus, and spent time training the staff to field special substitution requests from tourists. Now, the team is trying re-focusing on catering to locals.
When he’s not operating his shop Ramen Emoto in the up-and-coming neighborhood of Naka-Meguro, Emoto-san is busy receiving tourists on ramen walking tours through the city. [Disclosure: These are through the writers’ company, Tokyo Ramen Tours]. For the Olympics, he had begun planning a special “nagashi tsukemen” event, a take on the classic summertime experience of nagashi somen, in which guests snap up noodles as they race down a bamboo shoot. “I was definitely expecting more sales,” says Emoto-san, who also printed English menus for the occasion. “Since there had been an actual increase in tourists up to now, I think people across the country had really high hopes.”
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Emoto-san of Emoto Ramen
Some restaurateurs remain positive about the future. “If we think about the coronavirus situation, it’s a good thing that the Olympics were postponed,” says Okumura-san, adding he’s thankful that the Olympics are just delayed, not canceled altogether. Emoto-san agrees. “With the virus still spreading around the world, business uncertainty will remain. We’ll just have to do our best to prepare until the Olympics is safely held next year. I’m hoping things return to normal around the world soon.”
Frank Striegl is a Filipino American born in Tokyo and raised on ramen. He consumes over 300 bowls of ramen a year while running his blog, 5 AM Ramen, and Tokyo Ramen Tours for visitors to Japan.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/34HJJ9M via Blogger https://ift.tt/3cAREc3
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whatnotmemes · 7 years
--------------------------------Chris Fleming ‘Car Rants’ Sentence Starters some may be nsfw or triggering. change pronouns as needed.
Adventure Dad “It is such a turn off to see a family have scheduled fun.” “Witnessing an adventure family in the throes of an outdoor activity makes me want to put myself in a pelican’s mouth and tell him ‘Just drive.’” “The smile of a father with three sons- all of whom snowboard- is so confrontational, it reads as indecent exposure.” “Connecticut is like the high-schooler wrestling with whether or not he can pull off a baseball cap.” “You know that kind of ‘I’m gonna go through a shoplifting phase and get away with it’ shade of blonde.” “You’re looking at me like a greeter at the Apple store.”
The Majesty of Homophobes (& Makeup Tutorials) “The thing I’ve always admired about townie homophobes is how effortlessly they hold a beer can.” “This is the kind of body you look at and you’re like ‘he’d probably be okay in space without a space suit.’” “I almost envy that beer can- to be held like that.” “That’s the next Pixar movie right there. The story of one homophobe with the cards stacked against him on a journey to prove that he is just as backwards thinking and emotionally repressed as his crew.” “She’s one of those girls who looks like she might be lip gloss disguised as a person.” “I happen to have really big pores. As you can see, I have two really big pores here at the bottom of my nose.” “They call me Popcorn _____; I don’t know why. I know why. I eat all the popcorn.” “What I love about this eyeshadow is it says ‘the only song I’ve ever heard is Pour Some Sugar On Me and I’m not sure where Seattle is.’” “This is a great blush if you’re serious about robbing a TGI Fridays.”
What To Do If Your Boyfriend Proposes on Christmas Eve “This may seem harsh, but he needs to be treated like the night lizard that he is.” “It’s a partnership. You think Ben snuck up on Jerry one day with a waffle cone and took a knee?” “For a guy who thinks that musicals are ‘kinda gay,’ you’re behaving a lot like the kind of guy that Rogers and Hammerstein would dream up while sixty-nining on a piano.” “Nothing gives me the heebies and the jeebies like when the boyfriend consults the parents before he consults her.” “Unless you rode out of your mother’s uterus on a BMX bike, popping a wheelie, there is no excuse to be named Zach.” “Quiche is just pizza that went to private school.” “The Boston Globe should be written in size 72 comic sans. You get more information by reading the cover of Cat Fancy.”
Theater Kids “Theater kids keep to themselves for most of the year- giving each other back rubs in black box theaters or three-way kissing at cast parties in Chinese buffets- but every so often, when Broadway goes Hollywood, they will descend upon Regal Cinemas like locusts in jazz flats.” “If you ever see a theater girl in a sling, just know that it was a Frozen soundtrack related fender bender.” “It’s like Minotaur; you don’t wanna make it mad but you certainly don’t wanna turn it on.” “Enlisting your facebook friends to help you choose your headshots is on the same moral level as taking people and keeping them prisoner in your house for fifteen years.”
Jimmy Buffett “Everyone thinks the biggest threat to America right now is ISIS, North Korea, global warming. Nope, it’s Jimmy Buffett.” “On the eve of your fiftieth birthday, Jimmy Buffett slides down your chimney and tries to convince you to throw in the towel.” “Let’s get fat tonight. Shit out your dreams in a TGI Friday’s.” “Get in a fistfight with your son at an Applebee’s. When the waitress breaks it up, plant one on her cheek and complain about the president.” “Quit your day job and help me throw chicken nuggets at my neighbor’s fruity son.” “Every day is a vacation when you are a huge fuck up.” “I used to have dreams and hopes and ambitions, and now look at me. I’m at a poolside bar and I couldn’t name a book if I had to.”
D Batteries “Anything that requires D batteries needs to get over itself.” “Here is a list of things that would make sense to power using a D battery: a mini cooper, a small plane, Bjork, a Carnival cruise ship, a fucking lighthouse, Disneyworld.” “I would have bought neither and saved the money for a cruise where I can get close enough to suck on the coral reef and tell a platypus my secrets.” “I need to you to make it near a popsicle because I want that summertime vibe because I miss summer and I miss my girls.” “Everyone talks about how great the working conditions are at Google but no one will go into specifics. What does that mean? One word: Pokemon. They’ve bred Pokemon.” “Wait until Diglett realizes he doesn’t have a mouth. Then you’re gonna have to call up Laura Dern and Dennis Nedry ‘cause you’re gonna be in a whole world of bullshit.”
Halloween Candy Countdown “What kind of a prude eats a Crunch bar? You might as well just eat toast.” “Charleston Chews should be sold at Home Depot in the lumber section.” “This is a candy that predates women’s suffrage and it tastes like it.” “I feel like Area 51 is just 3 Muskateers headquarters and it’s where they keep their filling.”
Blocking Your Ears in Public “I’m talking about the kind of guy you’d see at a Home Depot kneeling down in the lumber section, just praying that his son’s not bi.” “She is in the eighth ring of Dante’s Inferno where you have to jack off a Minotaur while eating a jalapeno.” “I firmly believe that president Michelle Obama and first lady Joe Biden should send them to Epcot center to live and die on the teacup ride.” “You can’t name yourself The Edge, especially when you look like a shut in trying to muster up the courage to go to a little league game.”
Baby Got Back brings out the worst in people “Does everyone think that they’re the only person who knows all the lyrics to Baby Got Back?” “Look, I’m happy that you know all the lyrics but please don’t scream them into my cheeks.” “The pride and rage that these people are feeling; it’s a real cole slaw of emotions.” “I’m just alone on the dance floor. I’m in the middle of what, to a non-English speaker must look like a prison riot.” “Everyone’s looking at me like I’m at an Eyes Wide Shut party uninvited.”
Purple Cauliflower “Barney’s stuck under the veggies and only his pubes are showing." “We gotta get Barney out of here! Let’s not make Baby Bop a widow tonight!” “We’re gonna have to make Grimace breed with a cauliflower.” “This is not a veggie. This is an STI that Tinky Winky picked up in a jacuzzi.”
NYU “Oh my god, NYU? Lena Dunham’s crabs went there.” “If only we could find a way, as a nation, to harness the power of the erections that NYU students have about going to NYU.” “NYU is just girls in fedoras trying to get addicted to cigarettes.” “Whenever anyone gets to the end of those Buzzfeed quizzes, their laptop camera should just miraculously turn on, forcing them to confront that haunting, pasty image of themselves.” “Why do I look like an owl prostitute?” “I am thrilled to announce that I have a five year unpaid internship changing Marina Abramovic’s diaper.”
Bread Bowl “Panera is just McDonald’s that studied abroad in France and came back wearing a beret and cigarette jeans, thinking it’s the shit because it got fingered by a mime.” “Was nobody gonna tell me that a bread bowl is just a Trojan horse for soup?” “Who owns Panera? Ashton Kunis?” “I need to see an angry movie. I need to watch Hercules, I’m so mad right now.” “Somebody call Wayne Brady ‘cause I’m gonna die tonight! I don’t know why I brought Wayne Brady into it but I did.” “Ben Folds’ music is just him screaming people’s names, banging his elbows against a baby grand.” “I love to get post traumatic stress during my lunch.” “Somebody send me into space because I can’t be a part of this world anymore. It’s getting too embarrassing.” “If I wanted to be publicly humiliated, I would stand outside Macy’s and announce that my husband doesn’t have a happy trail but that my daughter does.”
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