#should i dm her
scrambled-eggsed · 1 year
im too hot too drunk and too smart to be worrying about a girl i havent spoken with in months
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smittyw · 2 months
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tag two blondes who do fuckall
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aratype · 2 years
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so this verified lady just liked my story wbu
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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how about it guys . how we feeling today
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shima-draws · 7 months
My first ever DND session is tomorrow OOUGHHH I'm nervous but excited!!
I'm playing as a "human" ranger (put in quotes bc my character isn't actually human but is just masquerading as one), if you guys have any tips on what to do in a first session please let me know I'm going into this pretty much blind lol
It'll be a relatively short session (like 3 hours tops) and I honestly do not know what to expect so. Any advice is appreciated 🙏
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speltfields · 1 month
oh anon i looked for even a crumb of this ship in the tags to inspire the mind but all i learned is ur out at sea in a life raft all ur own. well here i am offering you a single glass of water for your troubles
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arkiwii · 9 months
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a heart of stone
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yardsards · 3 months
just read this part of the adventurer's bible and
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do you think toshiro was originally attracted to falin (whilst still being irritated by many of her same traits in laios) because he thought his father would find her interesting???
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maahtigor · 1 month
Okay. First of all.
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I did NOT expect 74 people to vote in the poll 😭🙏🙏🙏 (what the hell, where the fuck did y'all come from?????)
Second of all,,
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Just to state it here before I start yapping my ever living soul out, Shiver is an eastern tall-man, Frye is a beast-man (like Izutsumi) and Big Man is a kobold. I can get a bit more into their designs and headcanons in another post, but today I want to focus on the lore.
It allllllll roots back to Shiver and Frye's fathers, who were friends since lord knows when. They were a team of burglars, looters, thieves, whatever you may call them, but in the end of the day just let it be clear that they were BAD. And they engaged in BAD shit, like looting corpses in dungeons and stealing from people's houses.
One day, they hit a huge one, they got into the house of this really rich dude that turned out to traffic beast men and other illegal creatures. And the rich being rich and caring about their richness, the security was top notch, and let's just say they struggled to get out of the place alive. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They left in NO WAY empty handed.
While looting the place, Frye's father found a kobold cub, chained up inside a cage in the corner beside other creatures likely being sold illegally. He brought the cub with him, and after almost getting their asses turned into kebabs by traps everywhere, the two companions were like "holy FUCK i ain't ever ever ever doing this shit again man.,.,. Wgart the ehll,,,,,, I'm getting too old for this, hell naw!!!!!!!" and decided to settle down as (this time legal) and functioning members of society. Shiver's father opened a dojo, while Frye's father opened a restaurant.
However, the rich guy who owned the house was PISSED (and also happened to be a black magic user......... woah how unlucky of them) and as revenge for stealing his wealth and freeing their beast men, cursed Frye's expecting father, mending the soul of his firstborn with the soul of a monster. And alas, that's how the critter was born😋🙏🔥💯😭
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So yeah!!!!!!! Frye is a beast man just like Izutsumi is a beast man. They're the same typa monster, pretty much, except that Frye is a leopard instead of a housecat.
Anyway, back to the kobold pup; you guessed it, BIG MAN (or Big Dog?), being raised in the Onaga's restaurant, was always raised around the kitchen, both because he was genuinely interested in watching people cook and because he hoped to get food that fell from the floor lmfao-- as years went by, he started working as a server, apprentice, and eventually assistant chef of the family-ran restaurant. (So yeah, Biggie is the party's chef!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also has an incredible sense of smell when it comes to cooking btw, both because of genuine talent and because of his race).
Ironic to his early years as a burglar, Shiver's dad grew to become quite the overprotective father once his daughter started growing up, wanting her to do anything but follow his steps and become a criminal before the age of 20. That backfired though, because she started running off to hang out with Frye causing all sorts of trouble (and eventually dragged Big Dog into it all too). The three were raised almost like siblings, and later on joined together as a party and continued to cause all sorts of troubles inside dungeons, where they eventually bumped into the other idols and started this whoooole story years later.
(They weren't all like their fathers though, instead of keeping the money they got from dungeons to themselves they gave it to the poor, much like their canon bandit dynamics.)
Anyway, that's the end of the yapping session, I hope y'all enjoyed (and if you did, please enjoy this page I doodled while blasting ToyBox in my headphones 🦄🙏 perhaps I'll outline and color this one day, but not now because it's 1:30 in the morning while I'm typing this out.)
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worriedrat · 3 months
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leila for @buttertraits townie call . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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elialys · 4 months
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"There were a couple of scenes we tweaked quite a bit, particularly one where Lindsay, her boss, takes her home. And it's one of my favourite scenes in the show, actually.
And I think because it is so ambiguous, because it is never commented on after, you couldn't put a scene like that into a modern day show without having some repercussion for it, or having her have a conversation about the specifics of that. But we very, very specifically did not want to do that, we wanted to simply present it. And then the audience has to live with it. And that's the uncomfortable part that they're living with." Anna Torv [x]
THE NEWSREADER | 1.02 "Once in a Lifetime"
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ceruleanthiing · 2 months
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The lineup 💪 (about half my Ninjago ocs, as of dragons rising) from left to right, Two-Worlds (she/her), Chloe (she/her), Alcyo (he/him), and Elapis (he/they).
a lil more abt them vv
Two-Worlds is a hent (speculative etymological ninjagan term for amphicyonids, aka bear-dogs… google em, they’re pretty cool and not extinct in the Ninjago universe in my mind palace/hc zone) hailing from my friend’s fan-realm called Creatura. She’s not actually supposed to be in a humanoid form, it was artificially induced via magic. Her true form is much larger and much more quadrupedal like other creaturans (who just look like oversized, strangely colored but otherwise normal animals). She prefers this form though because she was raised in Ninjago around exclusively humans and got some body dysmorphia out of it… and as for why she’s a cowboy, it’s because she felt like it. She’s been wandering the merged lands searching for her scattered friends and family.
Chloe is a Fangpyre serpentine, and she looks pretty lizard-y because for some reason Fangpyre are more monitor lizard-ish than snake-ish in my head. She’s got special interests in pop culture and history, particularly human pop culture and ways in which human and serpentine history interact. Girlie is like a walking archive. Since the merge she’s been wanting to digitize and transcribe what remains of non-digitized archives and libraries, as the merge has made her all the more aware of how often natural disasters can destroy physical/recorded history. She’s pretty thrilled that Lloyd’s letting her digitize/transcribe scrolls in the monastery.
Alcyo is a master of an element i Made The Fuck Up for fun: mist. It’s a running gag that ppl (including him way back when) hear there’s elements of smoke and mist and go “…what’s the difference?” lmao. He’s no fighter, but still wanted help/training to use his element, and that’s how he knew Ash. He’s a geosciences guy like me and has been freaking out over . Well. Everything (lol he inspired that post) since the merge. He’s been getting together with ppl like him from across the merged realms (that is, geosci, eco, etc ppl who are as alarmed as he is) in order to document all the shit going on with the planet now as well as try to plan remediation efforts. I imagine governments have been a bit hesitant to work with a rogue group of jittery sleep deprived scientists but they (Alcyo’s ppl) try. I imagine they are the ones making the new maps and shit like that as well. He just wants to go back to his old day jobs and see Ash again. Sorry buddy, you can only have one of those back lmao
Elapis is a hypnobrai who’s been friends with Chloe since childhood. They’re significantly more jaded and pessimistic than she is but they’ve always appreciated her encouragement to pursue music. He probably knows how to play quite a few instruments but he’s usually That Asshole With A Guitar in my brain lmao. He likes learning about other peoples as much as Chloe does though (albeit through music scenes rather than reading) which is why the two became friends. He doesn’t know where she’s gone since the merge and hopes he can see her again one day. He’s found her siblings but not her, and it’s been pretty frustrating. Other than that, they’ve passed the time by jamming with all sorts of people at the Crossroads. Arin and Sora might have seen them around, performing.
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dailyreko · 3 months
this was a real while back so tbh i can't remember everything you said but about 2p!reko... i think another thing is like. her identity and character is very tied with her being this masc leaning somewhat gnc woman. especially when she was younger she was very tomboyish and rough and tough etc. so like i think in a 2p au that would not be a thing. she'd probably be more fem leaning, maybe being very dainty or some such. but also that bc she was so tough she grew to want to protect others i think rather than push them away. so maybe if in 2p she wouldn't care about others and only herself? perhaps flipping her whole arc so its reversed. unsure there's a lot of directions to take it to and i have more to say but im about to clock into work lol so. food for thought.
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DAY 243: pondering... look in tags for thoughts
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boltlightning · 6 months
my fallout 4 experience so far is
piper: why does the sole survivor call you babygirl 🤨📸
nick valentine: how bout we stop talking for a while, eh?
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I think a lot about Costigan, former Prime Consector to whom Spahr was Prime Adsecla. They seem to have an amicable relationship, but since she's referred to a bit distantly as "Spahr's old boss", they don't seem particularly close. It's hard to tell precisely what their relationship is like since she's only mentioned in passing in one of the appendices and in 2.10.
Much is made of Spahr's influence on Phineas, so I've long wondered what her opinion is of all this as someone with much influence on Spahr. What does she think about Spahr and Phineas, and Spahr's court-martial, and all the rest? It's unclear at the moment whether Spahr took over from her, but given the timeline and his age, he probably did. Still, there is a line of succession on top of holding the same office: she mentored Spahr who mentored Phineas. It's interesting that she was all but certainly there in the Delta too.
It's a lineage of a sort between them three, and it's interesting to think of what may have been passed down, what choices and attitudes echo through them all, what qualities of character for better and worse unify them. I wonder whether she worries she did not prepare Spahr properly for all of this or whether she thinks herself as having no hand in any of it. I wonder if she recognizes Spahr in Phineas and herself in Spahr. I wonder if she can see her own fingerprints on Phineas.
I'd love to know more about her, and what she's like, and what Jonas was like under her mentorship, and what their relationship was then and is now. I'm always a huge fan of a mentorship lineage, and we know that she's around here somewhere. So, what does she think of this mess her protégé is in?
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dabidagoose · 11 months
Monét forgot troyann had waterwalk I mean. So true literally be like that. Spellcasting is inpossible
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