#snake seastorm
sil3ntm0thart · 4 months
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enasallavellan · 3 years
Chapter 116
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The group fights more Carta and darkspawn.  Varric, adopter of grown adults, is being a mother hen.
Click on the links if you want to read to the music I listened to while writing each section.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Deep Roads Ambience (20 mins)
Enasal had always thought ruins had a sort of beauty to them - something about the way nature slowly retook what man had built; snaking roots breaking through stone and moss overtaking wood.  Walls gave way to vines and ceilings caved in with the weight of moss.  She wondered if the cavern was always open to the sky, or if it had simply collapsed into the gaping maw below their feet.  They crossed the bridge and followed the path up some stairs with little resistance, save a few stragglers that either hadn’t realized they were under attack or were locked out of the hiding places the rest of the Carta had sealed themselves away in.  
Enasal felt her mouth go slack for a few seconds as they turned to go down a walkway.  On her right was a wall of stone and water - banisters chiseled from the stone, decorated with elaborate carvings and braziers staggered along the rails.  Waterfalls cascaded down behind them, sprinkling water onto them as they passed.  On their left was a building spanning the length of the walkway, intricately carved just as the banister was, with doors settled into the walks at regular intervals.  
“We should search all the rooms.”  Bianca said, “See what information we can find - and flush out any holed-up carta.”
The door swung open easily, revealing a sort of throne room and a table piled with food.  They spread out to look for any clues, Enasal went to the grand chair that sat on a dais.  She ran her fingertips along the gold back - surely there was no way it could be a comfortable chair to sit in with all the bumps and grooves.
“Shit.”  Varric muttered, piece of parchment in hand, “Keep the ‘product’ up here so they can barricade down below.”  He tossed the paper back onto the table.  “Apparently. They’ve got a nice little darkspawn infestation.” 
Enasal came beside him to look at the paper, amazed that Varric could read the scrawl on the paper.
“Darkspawn, too?”  Bianca swore under her breath, “What did those idiots blow up?  Last time I was down here there weren’t any darkspawn.”
Varric shrugged, “They’re blowing shit up? I thought most self-respecting dwarfs knew better than that down here.”
“...Varric, your little elf friend is stealing food.”
Enasal looked up at the two of them, stuffing the collected food into her bag, “No I’m not.  They’re not going to need it anymore- no sense if letting it rot down here.  Varric, can I put some in your pack?  Less hunting and gathering.”
“And less crying on your part.”  Varric chuckled, “Yeah, fill it up.”
Enasal nodded, pushing a cheese round into a bit of free space, “This place is amazing.” she said.
“Seastorm, we have food back home.”  Varric chuckled. 
“No, I mean the furniture, the carving - the stained glass.  It’s still here after - oh, I don’t know, hundreds of years?”
“At least.”  Bianca agreed.
“It’s impressive.”  Enasal said, closing Varric’s pack and leading the way out. It was eerily quiet, save for the echo of their footsteps and the crashing of the waterfalls to their right.  The second door was locked, but Enasal was quick to whip out her lockpicks.
“She learn that from you?”
Varric chuckled, “No, Nightingale.”
Enasal was the first in, going straight to the desk and rifling through its contents. “Look at this, Varric.”  She held up the note, “Something about a ‘mechanism’.”  
Bianca glanced up from her post, “Mechanism?”  She kept her voice low, taking the parchment from Enasal and reading over it.   “Must be for some sort of lock - seems like someone thought it contained some treasure and others just wanted him to focus on the task at hand.”  She frowned, “But which door?”
“One I can't unlock?”  Enasal suggested.
Bianca chuckled and looked at Varric, “She really that good?”
“She’s pretty good, yeah.”
The path narrowed ahead, a boulder from above had crashed into the walkway, obliterating part of the walkway,  Enasal tilted her head, crouching behind the boulder and listening to the echos.  “I hear… something”  She whispered, “But I can’t tell what.”
“Most of the Carta has holed themselves up,” Varric said, “That means it could be giant spiders…. or darkspawn.”  He shook his head, pointing at her, “Do not let any of their blood get into you.  Eye, mouth, and wounds.”  
Enasal nodded.
The trio crept forward, wary of their footing and the sounds around them.  Enasal took point on Bianca’s suggestion, insisting an elf might pick up on sounds before she or Varric could.
“So.” Bianca whispered behind her, “This is what you do now?”
“Beg pardon?”  Varric whispered back.
“Skulking around in caves, shooting guys.”  The sound of a hand on leather, as if she had lightly slapped his shoulder, “Is this your day to day?”
He chuckled, quiet and nearly inaudible, “I usually try to avoid the caves.  And it typically involves keeping that one out of trouble and off cliffs.”
“Hey!”  Enasal whispered.
He grinned, “You know it’s-”
Enasal skidded to a stop and held up her hand, listening intently.
Scuffling and movement - followed by a gurgling growl.
“Darkspawn.”  Varric muttered, grabbing Enasal’s shoulder and repeating, “Don’t let any blood get on you.”
“I know.”
He sighed and readied Bianca, “I know we’re too close to the surface for this to really count as the Deep Roads.  But have I mentioned, I hate the Deep Roads?”
Enasal laughed, “You mention it anytime you go below sea level.”  She peeked around the corner, surveying the scene.  “They’re all just… kind of… me-aning?”
Varric did the same, “Meandering.”  
“That.”  She reached for her belt.  “I don’t want to risk throwing any of this fire - too much chance it’ll just go over the cliff.”  She grinned, “But if I give it a little roll, and you give it a little poke.”
He nodded, a smile stretching across his face.  He looked back to Bianca and winked, “Wish I could say, ‘watch this’, but you should probably close your eyes.”
“You two are-”
Varric aimed and Enasal rolled the flask to the center of the group.  A few noticed the sudden intrusion, but before they could react Varric loosed a bolt, shattering the flask and spewing fire in all directions.  It spread over the floor and spattered the walls, splashing onto the darkspawn and eliciting gurgling screams.
Enasal zeroed in on one of the darkspawn that had escaped the liquid fire - he was still stumbling and blinking from the sudden blaze of light.  She sank one blade into the a notch between back and breastplate, and the other through the neck, yanking the blades out to spin and slash across the face of a genlock, sinking her blade into its unarmored belly.
Behind her, a final darkspawn fell, an arrow through its eye.  
Enasal wiped her blades clean, sheathing them with shaking hands.
“You okay?”  Varric asked.
“That was…”  Enasal panted, “Intense.”
He took a closer look, “Didn’t get anything in your eyes?”
She shook her head.
“Any open wounds?  They didn’t get you-”
She smiled weakly, “I don’t have any open wounds, just some bruises, thanks to the armor.  Don't tell Cullen, he’ll start making me wear even more.”  She shook her head, “And no, they didn’t bite or scratch me. “
“She’s a big girl, Varric.”  Bianca laughed, “She can take care of herself.”
“I’m aware, but she’s never fought darkspawn before.”  He rubbed his forehead, “Give my girl a demon and she’ll make a corpse, but you know darkspawn are a different animal.”
Enasal looked up from the bodies on the ground, noticing another door.  She eased toward it - she could hear muffled voices and movement from inside.  As quietly as she could, she eased the door open a crack, just enough for the voices to sharpen into understandable speech.
“We need to slow them down.”  One dwarf insisted, “There’s been a lot of activity from the Inquisition in the Hinterlands - camps popping up everywhere.  We can’t let them figure out-”
“Sod it.”  Another snapped, “I’ve had enough of Inquisition meddling, I saw we-!”
That was when Bianca loosed an arrow into the dwarf’s neck, dropping him to the ground.  It was a blur of activity - flashing blades and swinging hammers.  There were so many, outfitted with heavy armor and even heavier weapons.  Enasal was on the defensive, parrying and jumping; not even trying to block with her arm guards or her blades.  
But she started slinging barriers, just a few here and there.  The display threw the Carta off, giving Bianca and Varric time to take down the final assailants.  
“What was that?” Bianca started,  “Varric, didn’t tell me you were a mage!”
“She’s not.” Varric chuckled, “She's just very talented with that glowing hand of hers.”
Enasal looked around the room, “Looks like this was the fun room.”  She knocked on one of the massive vats, a grin on her face.  
“Seastorm…”  Varric said, “You're gonna want to hear this.”   He held a piece of parchment up, reading it aloud, “ ‘The soldiers call themselves the Inquisition, they’ve been helping the refugees near Redcliff.  Poking around a fair bit too, though they haven’t come near us.  They have someone with a trick for closing those rifts.  Claims she’s some sort of prophet, Zealous…’”  He glanced up at Enasal, wincing, “‘Zealous nugshit if you ask me.  Must be one fast-talking’  - you don’t need to hear that word -  ‘to get a bunch of humans to fall for that.  Not sure what she’s after, but if those mercenaries do their job, we won’t have a problem.  Still, be careful out there’.”
“I didn’t trick anyone!”  Enasal argued.
“I know you didn't.”  He assured her, “I’m just reading what they said.”
“Varric, come look at this.”  Bianca was kneeling by a door at the back of the room, somehow tuck away despite its massive size.  I”I think this is the door that other letter was talking about.”  She ran her fingers over the door, finding a bare rod on the edge, “It’s definitely missing something.”
Varric frowned, “Think there’s anything worth looking into?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know -  can’t figure out away around it.  We need the missing parts - I think it's a gear or maybe a turning wheel.
“Like this?”’  Enasal called from behind, heaving a massive gear off the floor - it was nearly the size of her torso, and clearly heavy with all the effort it was taking for her to haul it over.
Bianca looked it over, her gaze shifting back to the door.  “This is it.”  She said, relieving Enasal of her burden and nesting it onto the rod.  It slid into place with a click, and Bianca started to wind it.  However, when it seemed to reach its max, it whirled back to its original position, nearly taking Bianca’s hand with it.
“It’s no use.”  She said, looking at the still-empty rod on the other side of the door.  “It needs the other one.”
“We’ll keep an eye out.”  Enasal promised, “But we should get going.”
They crossed another chasm and searched the rooms there.  Mostly ledgers and letters of little consequence.  But one room sent the group quiet; two stone caskets lay inside, the air in the room still and stagnant as their long-gone occupants. 
“Look.” Enasal whispered, “Over there.”
A gear sat propped against one of the caskets.
“Guess whoever hid them figured most dwarfs wouldn’t go tramping around a burial site - even the Carta.”  He chuckled, “Probably worried about the Ancestors bringing the ceiling down on them.”
Enasal nodded, taking a step toward the caskets, but hesitating - should she really disturb the sleeping dwarves that lay before her?
“Nothings gonna come out and grab you.”  Varric laughed, “And neither of us are going to be offended.”  To prove his point, he strode into the room and grabbed the gear off the floor.  “Things seem quiet for now and it’s not too far - let’s see what’s behind that door.”
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Read the full fic at my A03 here!
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seoexpert332 · 4 years
Traveling To London? Try A Car To Get Around
later you're planning a trip to London, you might not initially think nearly hiring a car. After all, the middle of London is packed similar to attractions such as the London Eye, Madame Tussauds, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, and many well-known museums and art galleries.
However, if you photograph album a employ car for your trip, you can study some of the places on the outskirts of the city. If you are taking your family upon a London car hire holiday, you can visit several theme parks in the London area, each of which is packed subsequently rides and attractions to save everyone entertained. Chauffeur Hire London
In this article, we'll be looking at what you can see and accomplish if you visit Chessington World of Adventures as share of your London car hire holiday.
London Car hire - Chessington World of Adventures
Chessington World of Adventures incorporates a theme park, a zoo and a other Sea simulation centre, and it's easy to get there in your London employ car. If you pick in the works your employ car at Heathrow Airport, it will unaided take you about half an hour to get to Chessington. You can park your rental car at Chessington World of Adventure free of charge.
The theme park at Chessington is separated into nine areas: Beanoland; forbidden Kingdom; estate of the Dragons; market Square; Mexicana; Mystic East; Pirates Cove; Toytown; and Transylvania.
Thrill-seekers will love rides as soon as the "Rattlesnake" rollercoaster and the "Black Buccaneer" pirate boat ride. You can moreover acknowledge a trip upon the "Runaway Train", fly through the ventilate on the "Vampire" coaster or receive to the water upon "Seastorm". There are large quantity of rides for teen children as with ease and they will love the Toytown area, where they can ride above ground elephants on "Flying Jumbos" or drive one of Toadie's insane Cars.
Chessington Zoo opened in 1931 and is now home to more than 400 animals. You can look Sumatran tigers, Persian leopards, Asiatic lions and gorillas upon the Trail of the Kings; watch Californian sealions play-act at Sealion Bay; enjoy watching the monkeys in the Monkey and Bird Garden; or get going on near to spiders, snakes and lizards in the Creepy Caves.
The Sea excitement centre at Chessington opened in 2008. Its 250,000 litre aquarium is home to many interchange marine creatures, including clownfish, stingrays and sharks.
There are a number of food outlets at Chessington World of Adventures and there are along with souvenir shops throughout the park. If you are travelling like juvenile children, you can along with understand advantage of the park's extra "Kidspotter" service, which allows you to hire a tag which will track your child via GPS and mobile tracking technology, making it easy for you to be reunited subsequently them if they acquire lost.
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nordpol-blog · 6 years
Great Benefits Of Getting A Chauffeured Car Service
When you're planning a visit to London, you might not originally consider selecting a car. All things considered, the heart of London is set with attractions including the London Attention, Madame Tussauds, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, and many popular museums and art galleries. Nevertheless, if you book a employ car for the trip, you can examine a number of the areas on the outskirts of the city. If you are taking your loved ones on a London car employ holiday, you are able to visit a few theme parks in the London place, all of which will be packed with tours and attractions to keep every one entertained. In this informative article, we'll be looking at what you can see and do if you visit Chessington World of Ventures as part of your London tour service . London Vehicle Hire - Chessington Earth of Ventures Chessington Earth of Ventures features a theme park, a zoo and a brand new Beach Life middle, and it's easy to obtain there in your London hire car. If you pick up your hire car at Heathrow Airport, it will only take you about around 30 minutes to get at Chessington. You are able to park your rental car at Chessington World of Experience free of charge. The design park at Chessington is divided into nine areas: Beanoland; Forbidden Empire; Area of the Dragons; Market Sq; Mexicana; Mystic East; Pirates Cove; Toytown; and Transylvania. Thrill-seekers will like tours such as the "Rattlesnake" whirlwind and the "Black Buccaneer" pirate vessel ride. You may also vacation on the "Runaway Train", travel through the air on the "Vampire" coaster or decide to try the water on "Seastorm ".There are lots of flights for young children as properly and they will enjoy the Toytown place, where they can ride flying elephants on "Traveling Jumbos" or travel among Toadie's Crazy Cars. Chessington Zoo opened in 1931 and has become house to more than 400 animals. You can see Sumatran tigers, Persian leopards, Asiatic tigers and gorillas on the Walk of the Kings; watch Californian sealions conduct at Sealion Bay; enjoy watching the apes in the Horse and Bird Yard; or get in close proximity to spiders, snakes and lizards in the Scary Caves. The Beach Life Heart at Chessington exposed in 2008. Their 250,000 litre aquarium is house to many various marine animals, including clownfish, stingrays and sharks. You will find several food shops at Chessington World of Journeys and additionally, there are souvenir shops through the park. If you should be exploring with young kids, you may also make the most of the park's new "Kidspotter" support, which enables you to hire a draw which will monitor your child via GPS and portable monitoring technology, rendering it easy for you yourself to be reunited with them if they get lost. The best thing about visiting Chessington World of Adventures as part of an automobile hire holiday is that you could look at the park when you want to, and never having to rely on public transport. It's an easy task to hire a car in London, as well. easyCar, the web, low cost Europe car employ consultant, offers some very nice cheap car rental offers and has car hire offices in cities and at significant airports across the world, including London.
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sil3ntm0thart · 2 months
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sil3ntm0thart · 3 months
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lil chibi heads/icons for memes
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sil3ntm0thart · 3 months
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sil3ntm0thart · 5 months
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the clownfish
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sil3ntm0thart · 4 months
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sil3ntm0thart · 2 months
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sil3ntm0thart · 4 months
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character fusions
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sil3ntm0thart · 3 months
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sil3ntm0thart · 6 months
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a little silly
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sil3ntm0thart · 12 hours
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got to play the etrian odyssey remakes
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