snowsays · 7 years
I was tagged by @basiltonn to do the answer 11 questions, then ask 11 more tag!! Thank you so much!!!! (even tho I have already read your questions and idk how the fuck to answer like half of them??? :’’’’D im sorro)
1) a song that changed you?
I.....don’t know?? I’m going to say Believer by Imagine Dragons because it’s awesome and I think it hits pretty close to everything that’s happening recently (actually I think it was written because of what’s happening recently), also El Aguante by Calle 13 because it’s so true??? And I feel especially in sync with that one because Calle 13 is a latino group and I’m latina too so even if I know that it is about humans in general I still feel like it’s especially directed to latinos, also when my friend told me about Take Me to Church’s meaning
But also I’m going to just tell u some songs that have special meanings for me just because of the feels: Luna by Juanes, Ciega, Sordomuda by Shakira, A Dios le Pido by Juanes, Latinoamérica by Calle 13 ft Totó la Momposina (because I can)
2) can you speak in any languages aside from English?
Yup, spanish (which is my first language), english (which I’ve been studying since I was like 3 y/o), and I recently (aka in february) started learning french (so I can present myself, other people, ask easy questions, and I know like 6 verbs + conjugations)
3) do you have a favourite inside joke? Can you explain it?
“Los restrooms!” aka that one time my mom, aunt, uncle, cousin, and I went to Disneyland but only my cousin and I knew english (basically everytime someone needed a restroom we would look around until we saw a sign that said “restrooms” and we would be like “this way! there is a sign that says restrooms!” so my mom, aunt and uncle learnt that restroom was baño (bathroom/restroom) and when they needed one they would say “donde hay un restroom??” (”where is the restroom?”) and eventually my cousin and I started doing it too and we would just say “miren! allá hay restrooms!” (”look! there are restrooms that way!”))
4) your psychic knows when and how you’ll die. Do you want her to tell you?
Heck no I’ve read enough greek myths to know that shit ain’t a good idea
5) would you ever even see a psychic?
maybe.....?? Like, out of curiosity and maybe if I asked an inocent enough question but I know it would probably still be a bad idea and I would be terrified as hell  (it would be interesting tho)
6) what’s your favourite joke?
A roman walks into a bar. He holds up two fingers and says “Five beers please”
7) #1 grammar pet peeve?
tbh my grammar is so fucked up and I don’t even know what is grammar at this point of my life (I mean, I know that I know but like, I can’t remember or pinpoint “this is grammar”) but, in spanish we always say “they and me” “rachel and I”, we always put ourselves last like, when you are talking about something you did with someone we say “Camilo y yo” (“Camilo and I”) or “Las Saras, Morales, Ashley, y yo” (”The Saras, Morales, Ashley, and I”) so when someone says “Yo y Sara” (which in english would be like “Me and Sara” and would be okay but in spanish its not and !!!! why??????) it makes me so uncomfortable like, it’s a rule guys!!! everyone learns that like in first grade!!! why cant you use it?? it exists for a reason?? why
Also I know I dont use commas sometimes or tildes (accents, like, exclamación, título, canción, that little ´ on the vocals) but my messages are still readable so it fucks me up when people write so bad that even I, who can decipher most messages, can’t understand what the fuck did they write
8) what’s something you do that bothers people but you won’t stop doing?
um.....swear maybe? I know it makes my mom go mad but I like it a lot (and I mean I can stop but still I feel like swearing makes me, me) so yeah. Also being messy, my mom hates it with her life (I got it from my dad)
Also Cari says he hates when I roll my eyes (suck it Cari rolling my eyes is a defense mechanism)
Also probably when I get all mad and shout like a mad man?
9) white, milk or dark chocolate?
Milk, then white, never dark (dark is the one that it’s all bitter right? I cant stand it ugh)
10) what’s your favourite memory from first grade?
First grade as in when I was six years old??? I can’t remember shit sorry
11) what’s a bandwagon that you’re ashamed you hopped on?
jum.... that one time that in the spanish harry potter fandom the fanfics where harry’s generation received videos from the marauders and the next gen where all the characters introduced themselves and Harry and everyone was like what the fuck those are my kids?? that’s what my dad was like?? whaaat
Well now my questions!
Is there a certain smell/taste that brings memories from your past/childhood?
Something that you would love to do but terrifies you or someone else doesn’t let you try?
What kind of drunk are you? (Or do you think you would be, if you have never been drunk/have never tried alcohol?)
Tell me 5 songs that are special to you / that you love a lot
OTP? (and from where are them?)
What is your most listened spotify playlist? (or 8tracks, or from your phone) (also what are you listening to when you answer this question?)
How many watches do you own? Which one do you like the most?
Do you wear glasses? (Do you have to but don’t?)
Is there some clothing item that you love but can’t actually wear outside because it would be weird or inapropiate? (I for example love the t-shirt that I use when painting but can’t wear it because it’s baggy as hell and mostly paint splatters)
Something you are passionate about?
Favorite character from favorite show/book/movie? (from each of them??)
And I’m tagging some mutuals! (Even if we dont talk -which is propably the case- because I love this things and I want to learn about y’all) (also some non-mutuals so, sorry if this bothers you) (and also mutuals that only follow my hp sideblog, so if you dont know who this is, it’s Lune from @newtonscabander): 
@diggitydamnsebastianstan @troyaoisivan @mooifyourecows @sugar4ndroses @snapsthesnitch @padmapatilz @siriusisntdead @vanillasweet @ginnyweaslcy @magnschase​ @rowle​
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monsesdiaz · 7 years
peetaloved ; ithinkimightveinhaledyou ; snapsthesnitch ; givemetradegy ; you-are-the-standard ; rebeccapearson
@peetaloved ahh is the Margot?? hey girl :P I didn’t know you had a tumblr XD Just followed lol. Anyways, I’ve know Margot for the longest time and she’s amazing, super nice, and has the most amazing voice ever
@ithinkimightveinhaledyou I just started following them! I just scrolled through their blog and it’s great and I’ve reblogged a ton of their edits before as well, they’re super pretty
@snapsthesnitch ANGI
@you-are-the-standard I knew this URL sounded familiar!! Stones
@givemetradegy Lush!! Yet another person I’ve known since forever :P Laura is amazing and super talented! We haven’t spoken in ages (I feel like I’m saying this a lot whoops ;/) but she’ll always be a good friend
I already answered Amber in another ask!
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ohhmarauders · 9 years
thank you lovely! 
send me a colour
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bellgriffins · 9 years
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the first 10 people in your activity page! :)
aww this is cute!
sunflower fields
being home alone
chicken tenders and fries
sunny days
when people finALLY KISS IN A FIC
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lovelyssthefish · 11 years
Dammit, Katie.
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
I was tagged by this poopface sunshinedaisieswindmills
1. Do you watch/understand football?
I occasionally watch football. My understanding is limited. I root for whichever team has the nicest looking uniform. Unless Green Bay is playing. I desperately want a cheesehead hat. 
2. What are your favorite family traditions?
Christmas morning my mom makes breakfast burritos. Another tradition used to be going somewhere warm for Easter since my mom craves California Easters, but we've stopped going to the beach and now we go to amusement parks with my extended family instead. 
3. What book can you read over and over again?
The Phantom Tollbooth. It's such a clever little book and I think every person should be required to read it once in life. 
4. If your chapstick could sing a song, what would it be?
5. Is there a story behind your name? What is it?
Indeed there is. My parents were stationed in the Azores when my mom was pregnant with me. They were having a hard time coming up with a name they both liked so they gave up for a while. Then, one magical day, they watched a really terrible old movie entitled Krull. Old movies and tv shows were all they could ever watch out there so I guess I'm lucky I wasn't named after someone from Star Trek. Anyway, my name came from Krull. Sure they named me Alyssa, but I prefer Lyssa and that's the name of the useless princess and the creepy widow-of-the-web. 
6. What is your favorite winter activity?
It used to be sledding but I've become really attached to skiing. It's so exciting and it tightens my bum. Haha.
7. If you were a fictional character, who would you be?
... Katie asks the hard things. Uhm... I don't think I can answer this. If it's who I would want to be, I'd want to be someone freakin' awesome. If it's who I would be in regards to how I behave now, probably some fuddy-duddy like Sebastian (although, Sebastian is pretty damn awesome). 
8. What superpower would you like to have?
I would like to have the ability to travel through time. I could deal with only being able to go back in time and then back to where I came from, but seeing the future would be nice. Spoilers are my favorite :D
9. What would you consider your theme song?
I Like Big Butts 
10. My name is Draco Malfoy. I am a racist. I despise gingers and mudbloods. I hate ALL of Gryffindor house, and my parents work for the guy who killed your parents, do you want to be my friend?
Racism is bad, mmmmkay? 
11. What question would you ask me?
Why do you like to torture people with thought provoking questions? I feel like I was filling out a job application, and I'm so done with those. 
Questions for people who really don't want to answer/don't have time to answer.
1. What show has tumblr inspired you to watch? Don't lie, I know there's at least one. 
2. What song gets stuck in your head the most?
3. If you could live in any other country, which one would you choose? Why? 
4. What type of pet did you dream about having when you were a kid? 
5. Who's the one person you really want to talk to right now?
6. If I stop at six questions will you forgive me for being lazy?
7. I decided not to chance it. What was your favorite part of 2012? Something personal or something global, doesn't matter which.
8. Would you prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
9. Plain milk or chocolate milk? 
10. Which section of a bookstore do you head to first?
11. Time to order take-out. What's your first choice?
And now for tagging people... I'm sorry for doing this to you guys. But hey, new friend making time. 
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bejeweledantihero · 11 years
I promise i tagged you for a reason! Pretty please don't ignore =]
So i know that it's really easy to miss posts on your dash, especially text posts because sometimes they just don't catch your eye. So i wanted to tag you guys specifically because I love you guys and i would really like to do something personal for each of you for Christmas/whatever holiday you celebrate! [And even if you celebrate nothing, please just go with it okay?!]
I know it's silly probably, but I'm not always good with words, or at least i don't think i am... And sometimes it's just hard for me to properly express how much each of you means to me, and how thankful i am to call you my friend. So i turn to fanart. It's just easier sometimes to make you something, something that is just for you.
So that's why I'm tagging you guys. So that you can give me an art request!
I've decided to do the screencap meme that is floating around:
So you can pick one of those categories + any fandom I'm familiar with.
OR you can request any combinations of the following: [So basically no limit on what you request, as long as it's not like a crazy big amount of stuff!]
Icons - [just specify if you want them to be 100x100 or if you're fine with 200x200] Picspam banners - *Examples- 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // Don't worry about specific size specifications. [I like to start off with a pretty big canvas and then resize to a smaller, tumblr friendly size once i have the finished product.] You can let me know stuff like- "No larger than 550x600" or "No smaller than 350x400" if you'd like! Or you can just leave it up to me, fine by me =] Banners - *I haven't made banners that weren't for fanpop spots [size range is 800x100] in forever, so I'm not sure how good these would be but I'm still willing to give it a shot! And you can always ask for a fanpop size banner! [Oh yeah, if you do request a regular banner, please give me a general idea for size. You don't have to be specific, just "no bigger than ______." or "no smaller than ______." Fanpop banners - It doesn't actually have to be for Fanpop, but if you like those size banners, just tell me "I want a 'fanpop' banner of Jake & Peyton". Other - If there's something you've seen me do before that I'm forgetting, and there's probably at least 1 or 2 things I'm blanking on, just ask me about it! The only thing I'm not really keen to do are wallpapers. I've never thought i was very good at them.
And just to give you guys an idea/refresher of some of my styles, here are some recent things I've done:
Icons- 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 //
'Fanpop' banners- 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 //
So drop in to my ask box and leave me your requests! Or you can just make a post with your request(s) and tag me. I track the tag- damonkeptelenaalive
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snapsthesnitch · 12 years
shaded-earth answered your question: desperate mode on.
i can’t get rid of it either! will you let me know if you find a solution? :)
Sure! but I don't think there is one :( I'm closing my blog :'(:'(
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waifujunkrat · 12 years
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kazsinej · 12 years
doctor who or once upon a time?
Doctor Who :)
Although I do love OUAT very, very much
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ok, I'll give you this letters (my name lol): A N G I
A: Never had one, sadly...N: Topshop!!1!1!1!! Except it's so expensive and I'm broke so~G: straight/bisexual...I don't really know...I prefer guys but girls are so hot...I love everyoneI: Only my ears, but I want like a tiny bird tattoo on my shoulder. My mother would murder me...Thanks bb! x
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mspadfoot · 12 years
You are worth every word of love. worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful, Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don't even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love.
Aw thank you
Messages like these always put a smile on my face. 
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kazsinej · 12 years
You are worth every word of love. worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful, Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don't even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love.
Thank you! This is so sweet!
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rebeccapearson · 12 years
5 favourite characters: Jess, Lorelai, Luke, Paris, Rory
3 OTPs: Jess/Rory, Luke/Lorelai, Jackson/Sookie
Funniest character: Kirk (Pretty much everybody though)
Prettiest character: Lorelai
Most bad-ass character: Jess
Character I’d like as my BFF: Lorelai
Character that’s ruined my life: Jess and Lorelai (for different reasons :P)
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msphalangearchive · 12 years
happy birthday :)!
Thank youu!
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jacesmarks · 12 years
Happy birthday! :):)
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bellamygrifffins · 12 years
happy birthday!! :)
thank you Angi!!
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