snowsays · 7 years
I was tagged by @basiltonn to do the answer 11 questions, then ask 11 more tag!! Thank you so much!!!! (even tho I have already read your questions and idk how the fuck to answer like half of them??? :’’’’D im sorro)
1) a song that changed you?
I.....don’t know?? I’m going to say Believer by Imagine Dragons because it’s awesome and I think it hits pretty close to everything that’s happening recently (actually I think it was written because of what’s happening recently), also El Aguante by Calle 13 because it’s so true??? And I feel especially in sync with that one because Calle 13 is a latino group and I’m latina too so even if I know that it is about humans in general I still feel like it’s especially directed to latinos, also when my friend told me about Take Me to Church’s meaning
But also I’m going to just tell u some songs that have special meanings for me just because of the feels: Luna by Juanes, Ciega, Sordomuda by Shakira, A Dios le Pido by Juanes, Latinoamérica by Calle 13 ft Totó la Momposina (because I can)
2) can you speak in any languages aside from English?
Yup, spanish (which is my first language), english (which I’ve been studying since I was like 3 y/o), and I recently (aka in february) started learning french (so I can present myself, other people, ask easy questions, and I know like 6 verbs + conjugations)
3) do you have a favourite inside joke? Can you explain it?
“Los restrooms!” aka that one time my mom, aunt, uncle, cousin, and I went to Disneyland but only my cousin and I knew english (basically everytime someone needed a restroom we would look around until we saw a sign that said “restrooms” and we would be like “this way! there is a sign that says restrooms!” so my mom, aunt and uncle learnt that restroom was baño (bathroom/restroom) and when they needed one they would say “donde hay un restroom??” (”where is the restroom?”) and eventually my cousin and I started doing it too and we would just say “miren! allá hay restrooms!” (”look! there are restrooms that way!”))
4) your psychic knows when and how you’ll die. Do you want her to tell you?
Heck no I’ve read enough greek myths to know that shit ain’t a good idea
5) would you ever even see a psychic?
maybe.....?? Like, out of curiosity and maybe if I asked an inocent enough question but I know it would probably still be a bad idea and I would be terrified as hell  (it would be interesting tho)
6) what’s your favourite joke?
A roman walks into a bar. He holds up two fingers and says “Five beers please”
7) #1 grammar pet peeve?
tbh my grammar is so fucked up and I don’t even know what is grammar at this point of my life (I mean, I know that I know but like, I can’t remember or pinpoint “this is grammar”) but, in spanish we always say “they and me” “rachel and I”, we always put ourselves last like, when you are talking about something you did with someone we say “Camilo y yo” (“Camilo and I”) or “Las Saras, Morales, Ashley, y yo” (”The Saras, Morales, Ashley, and I”) so when someone says “Yo y Sara” (which in english would be like “Me and Sara” and would be okay but in spanish its not and !!!! why??????) it makes me so uncomfortable like, it’s a rule guys!!! everyone learns that like in first grade!!! why cant you use it?? it exists for a reason?? why
Also I know I dont use commas sometimes or tildes (accents, like, exclamación, título, canción, that little ´ on the vocals) but my messages are still readable so it fucks me up when people write so bad that even I, who can decipher most messages, can’t understand what the fuck did they write
8) what’s something you do that bothers people but you won’t stop doing?
um.....swear maybe? I know it makes my mom go mad but I like it a lot (and I mean I can stop but still I feel like swearing makes me, me) so yeah. Also being messy, my mom hates it with her life (I got it from my dad)
Also Cari says he hates when I roll my eyes (suck it Cari rolling my eyes is a defense mechanism)
Also probably when I get all mad and shout like a mad man?
9) white, milk or dark chocolate?
Milk, then white, never dark (dark is the one that it’s all bitter right? I cant stand it ugh)
10) what’s your favourite memory from first grade?
First grade as in when I was six years old??? I can’t remember shit sorry
11) what’s a bandwagon that you’re ashamed you hopped on?
jum.... that one time that in the spanish harry potter fandom the fanfics where harry’s generation received videos from the marauders and the next gen where all the characters introduced themselves and Harry and everyone was like what the fuck those are my kids?? that’s what my dad was like?? whaaat
Well now my questions!
Is there a certain smell/taste that brings memories from your past/childhood?
Something that you would love to do but terrifies you or someone else doesn’t let you try?
What kind of drunk are you? (Or do you think you would be, if you have never been drunk/have never tried alcohol?)
Tell me 5 songs that are special to you / that you love a lot
OTP? (and from where are them?)
What is your most listened spotify playlist? (or 8tracks, or from your phone) (also what are you listening to when you answer this question?)
How many watches do you own? Which one do you like the most?
Do you wear glasses? (Do you have to but don’t?)
Is there some clothing item that you love but can’t actually wear outside because it would be weird or inapropiate? (I for example love the t-shirt that I use when painting but can’t wear it because it’s baggy as hell and mostly paint splatters)
Something you are passionate about?
Favorite character from favorite show/book/movie? (from each of them??)
And I’m tagging some mutuals! (Even if we dont talk -which is propably the case- because I love this things and I want to learn about y’all) (also some non-mutuals so, sorry if this bothers you) (and also mutuals that only follow my hp sideblog, so if you dont know who this is, it’s Lune from @newtonscabander): 
@diggitydamnsebastianstan @troyaoisivan @mooifyourecows @sugar4ndroses @snapsthesnitch @padmapatilz @siriusisntdead @vanillasweet @ginnyweaslcy @magnschase​ @rowle​
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ghiblicottage · 7 years
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@knockingtheeleventhdoor @magnschase @thelemoniestgarb Thank youu ❤️❤️
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eyesupmarksman · 4 years
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Hi yes hello. 
One of my best friends in the entire world is a very talented artist who drew some OCs of mine. I was having such a bad day yesterday and this yeeted depression out the window <3 They’re everything I could have asked for x
Thank you @magnschase. I love you so much <3
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deamus · 7 years
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Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day! Okay, since the br thing was a flop (lmao) I decided to just do a follow forever thing. This’ll include all the blogs I follow, with my mutuals bolded, my favourite blogs italicized, and my favourite mutuals will be italicized and bolded. If I forgot anyone, just shoot me a message or an ask and I’ll make sure to add you immediately :)
Special Thanks:
@thepeculiaroutsider: Omg Jules, you were one of the first blogs I followed and one of the first good friends I’ve made on this site. You’ve helped me throughout the process of this blog, and also dealt with my dorky stuff and problems. Love youu <3
@ailecpaint: Ce!!! You’re such a sweetheart, and you’ve been with me for a long time. You’re one the best people on this site and deserve all the good in this world!
@newtscamandersniffler: Lisaaaaaa! Where should I start? Again, you were one of the first blogs I ever followed, and I’ve always aspired to, well, be you. You’re so kind and amazing, and I hope we can meet in the future to go the museum and the theme park you told me about xD Have a great day!
@mademoisellepeculiar: Dude, I absolutely love talking to you! Your writing is seriously amazing, and it’s a pleasure to help you with it :) Have an awesome day!
@vorona-raven: Okay, Mary, you’re actually one of the nicest and sweetest people I’ve ever met. You’re wonderful like omg! I hope you achieve your dreams, and have an amazing day!!
@azure-the-princess: Alexa, you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met. I absolutely love talking to you, and even if you don’t know it, you’ve helped me so much!! Have a wonderful day :)
Everyone else under the cut!
A - C @a-marry-blr, @a-pecu1iar-blog, @abracadrabbles, @abroholos, @accio-shitpost, @achillespatrochlus, @actuallypjo, @aestheticalhornedserpent, @aestheticalravenclaw, @aestheticalslytherin, @aestheticalthunderbird, @ailecpaint, @alexanderlafayette, @alexfierrno, @alicelongbottom, @aliciavspinnet, @almost-a-marauder, @alxfierro, @amazingphil, @angelinajohnson, @apeculiarchildofmissperegrine, @aphorhdite, @apistxn, @aristiotles, @athenaowl1, @aurxoracy, @averypeculiarperegrine, @ax3battery, @azure-the-princess, @badhpideas, @barb0610, @barryallhan, @bauderlaire, @beastsandfantasticthings, @beeboyofficial, @bellatrrix, @blacksistrs, @blue-bronze, @bluefireflyart, @bluepizza77, @blushingpotato, @bluueelf, @blvckevans, @bookwormravenclawgirl, @brighttestwitch, @broomstickprongs, @calig-o, @cassianahdor, @cedrcdiggcry, @cedricdiggory, @cedricdiggoury, @chocobro-daydreams, @chocobros, @chovchang, @cleverbrighthermione, @confundo, @cookiecreation, @crispyninjadonut, @crowneddrarry, @cruvcio, @curllyshepard, @cursedmalfoy
D - F
@dailyhermionegranger, @dailypotterheads,@dailyprophet, @dailypurnell, @dailywizarding, @dailywizardingworld, @dallasgallantwinston, @danisnotonfire, @darlingships, @deanthomasfinnigan, @dearremuslupin, @deer-evans, @diagonally, @dorkabeth, @dracomalfoyl, @drarrymore, @drawing-sherlock, @drerry, @driacomalfoy, @drocomalfoy, @dxmbledoresarmy, @egdramaqueen, @elizabethschxyler, @emmabloomin, @eno-olive, @enochocupcake, @enochs-humunculi, @enochs-sheep-heart, @enorace, @euphemiapottcr, @europeanmuffin, @facethefandom, @factsforravenclaw, @falloutboy, @fandomsordeath, @fangirlingatthreeam, @fantastc-hogwarts, @fantastic-newt, @fantasticallyimaginedbeasts, @fantasticbeastsimagines, @fantastlcbeasts, @fcntasticbeasts, @fcrbiddenfcrest, @fffrauenfeld, @ficna, @fierrochase, @finniganthomas, @fionaandhugh, @fionafrauenfeld, @fjrebolt, @fleurdelaccvr, @fleurrdelacour, @fleurxdelacourr, @flintwoodandco, @flintxwood, @forpeculiarchildren, @fredweazlcy, @fuck-yeah-middle-earth, @fuckitsharam
G - I
@gayforhorace, @gdricgryffindor, @getmeoutofthisfandom, @ginevraweaslvy, @ginnyeweasley, @ginnys, @ginnyweaslly, @glnnyweaslcy, @gnvraweasley, @griffindors, @gryffndor, @gxnnyweasley, @hagridsrubeus, @hai-i-am-chloe, @harrypotterhousequotes, @harrypotternetwork, @harrypottersource, @hclenaravenclaw, @hemmingsignal, @herhmione, @hermionegrangcr, @hermionesmenacinglook, @hermionsgrangers, @herrmione, @hey-its-barry, @hey-its-me-enoch, @hogsmecd, @hogwarts-houses-as, @hogwartshousehabits, @hogwartsincorrectquotes, @hogwartsnetwork, @hollowheart, @horace-somnosson, @horacesomnusson, @hp-moods, @hpaesthetic, @hpaesthetics, @hpconversations, @hpcreationsnet, @hpdailly, @hpotterr, @hprarepairnet, @hpwocnetwork, @hufflepufffiona, @hugcredence, @hughapiston, @hughfiona, @hughthebeekid, @hyppogriff, @icyalthea, @ilvermorny, @ilvermornyideas, @imaginingcredence, @imperio-imagines, @incorrectdeatheaterquotes, @incorrectmphfpcquotes, @incorrectpercyjacksonquotes, @inner-jedi, @inravenclawtower, @insecurefrenchfry, @introverthouseparty, @its-harrypooter, @itsbronwynbruntely
J - N
@jacobpcrtman, @jamespotterdefensenet, @jamespottrr, @jamespottuh, @jamessblacks, @jilys, @jk-destroyed-our-best-gay-ships, @jugheadjiones, @julessia, @jumpgoldstein, @justdutchthings, @jvmespottxr, @kartsie, @katiebells, @kingofghosts, @klauscamander, @knight-bus, @kyrfiore, @leejordannw, @library-of-peculiars, @lifeasamarauder, @lilyevansquad, @lilyevians, @lilyflowerevans, @longbottomed, @loona-lovegood, @lostloop, @lumox, @lunalocegood, @lunarenoch, @lunascamandersbowtruckle, @lunascope, @lunegoods, @lunxlovely, @luxiusmalfoy, @lyvd19, @mademoisellepeculiar, @magnschase, @malfioy, @mannerscafe, @maraudre, @marshmeellow, @marty-the-meme, @marxuderz, @melinamancn, @meraudurs, @mettagrine, @mill-nullings, @millardisbae, @millardnxllings, @miones​, @mischiefmanagednet​, @mischievousweasleys​, @miss-wrens-menagerie​, @missdensmore​, @missemmabloom1940​, @misslunafreya​, @missperegrinedits​, @misssyndrigast​, @misswinchester221b​, @mistlecho​, @mlafoy​, @mollocko​, @mollyprewett​, @momwyn​, @montiagues​, @moony-themarauder​, @muggleinhogwarts​, @mxllardnxllings​, @mxrcusflint​, @my-peculiar-blog​, @mysticnifflersonice​, @narcissxblack​, @narcsisa​, @nargles​, @nevilledefensenet​, @nevillxes​, @newt-and-his-beasts​, @newt-scamander-niffler​, @newtscamandersniffler​, @newttinas​, @nicodamnangelo​, @noah-czernyy​, @norikoxsonozaki​, @notdoingyourhomeworkweasley​, @noxinfinitum​
O - R
, @oblviqte, @ocaptainxmycaptain, @officialbrendonurie, @ohnewtynewt, @oliveeelephanta, @oliverwvvd, @olivetheflyingirl, @orlandobloom, @overheard-at-hogwarts, @owvlery​, @pacifistpadme​, @padfootd​, @padmapatilz​, @padmaspatil​, @panicatthedisco​, @pansyparquinson​, @parsio​, @parvati-patil​, @pcctters​, @pctter​, @pe-q-liar​, @peculiairties​, @peculiar-facts​, @peculiarheadcannons​, @peculiarish​, @peculiarmoony​, @peculiarolive​, @petuniaevans​, @pipabething​, @potterful​, @potterheadravenclaw05​, @potterimagines101​, @pottersource​, @potthr​,  @prcyjackscn​, @prcyjakcson​, @primrosie​, @princeskittles21​, @professorlockhart​, @profoundlyartsynerd​, @prompt-ffxv​, @prongslilypadfoot​, @psychoticfoodaddict​, @pureoutsiderstrash​, @purnellpizza​, @puveblood​, @queenayles​, @queenie-and-the-goldsteins​, @queeniegldstein​, @queeniesgoldstein​, @queenis​, @quidditchplayer​. @rachelfuckingdare​, @ransomriggs​, @ravenclaw-headcanons​, @ravenclaw-with-coffeemug, @ravenclawaesthetics, @ravenclawbesties, @ravenspuff, @ravnclaws, @rcmusluqin, @remushlupin, @remustonksteddy, @remuz, @rgulusblxck, @ri-ddikulus, @rickyxpickering, @roxannweasley, @rustofstardust, @rvenaravenclaw, @rvnclawss​, @rxd-squirrels​, @rxvxnclaw​
S - T
@sassyferret​, @scamandernevt​, @scorpiusmlfy​, @scteumsempra​, @seaweedbrain2017​, @seaweedbrainjackson​, @she-who-nailed-it​, @shitslytherinssay​, @shriekingshxck​, @siriusbllck​, @siriusblsck​, @slutformphfpc​, @slyfflendor​, @slytherindragonfly​, @slytheringryfinndor​, @smolenoch​, @solangelgo​, @solangelo​, @solangeloismymoonlight​, @solarryisreal​, @somnusson​, @sophiemaximoff-nullings​, @sophiemsdraws​, @sparklingnifflers​, @stars-everlasting​, @starvvars​, @staygold-ponyboycurtis​, @stupidbananas​, @sweetpeculiarity​, @syndrigastee​, @syndrigastidreamer​, @syndrigastidreams​, @taneax​, @teamannabeth​, @teddylupi​, @tedtonks​, @thatonepeculiargirl​, @thcodorcnott​, @the-houses-of-hogwarts​, @thehogwartsdormitories​, @thehornedserpenthouse​, @theinvisibleboymill​, @themaraudera​, @themuggleway​, @thepeculiarnet, @thepeculiaroutsider​, @thepreppypeculiar​, @thepsychoshadow​, @thequeenfangirl​, @therevivalist​, @thesniffler​, @thesortinghatinreallife, @thingsaboutravenclaws, @thunderbird-house, @timeturnr, @tina-goldstn, @tinagoldsteinscamander, @tonksnymphdora​, @totally-ravenclaw, @totallycorrectmcgaquotes, @totallycorrectpjo, @trailofmist, @trialofapollo​, @troyesivan, @twentyonepilots, @tyleroakley​
U - Z
@vernondursley, @veronika35, @victorkrvm, @viria, @voldemxrt, @vorona-raven, @wallacebloom, @warren-kenneth-worthington-iii, @weareravenclaws, @weascleys, @weosley, @wizardingworlddaily,@writingforfinalfantasyxv, @xbooksxandxbooks, @xoravenclaw, @xsecretsfrostx, @xsecrets-frost, @xstrawberryxsimmerx, @ymbrynesandpeculiars, @yutsumune, @zonnkos
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alensko · 7 years
I got tagged by @cactuarkitty, thanks!
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney
Coffee or tea: Neither
Books or movies: Books
Windows or Mac: Mac
DC or Marvel: Marvel
Xbox or PlayStation: Xbox
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age
Night owl or early riser: Definitely a night owl lmao
Cards or chess: Cards
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Vans or Converse: Converse I guess?
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Trevelyan
Fluff or angst: Fluff
Beach or forest: Beach
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Clear Skies or Rain: Clear skies. The rain gets old after a while
Cooking or eating out: Eating out
Spicy food or mild food: Mild
Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas
Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot (and no the winter coats and ACs are not an option): A little too cold. I hate being too hot ugh
If you could have a superpower, what would it be: hmmmm I have to say I want to be able to breathe underwater tbh
Animation or Live action: Animation
Paragon or renegade? Paragon, tho mostly I end up doing Paragade
Baths or Showers: Showers
Percy Jackson or Harry Potter: Percy Jackson (this is my question!)
I tag: @annaveth, @zoenightstars, @hufflevpuff, @olympusisbleeding, @janeshepnerd, @cloneshepard, @demlgodly, @anglaziegler, @spacedivaas, @prometheuis, @brittperry, @sister-ryder, @keeith, @keshnakmor, @ariatlaok,  @gaywardun, @cullencurlyford, @faelenko, @sirenrhys, @galacticgreywarden, @ghcstflower, @lukersea, @magnschase, @kaurou, @talktothemabari, @preatoreyna
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breakbleheavens · 9 years
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Practice for a larger version for a school project!
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cryinganime · 9 years
i can’t believe magnschase listens to country 
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ayeleye · 9 years
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I heard someone turns 18 today 😎 Happy Birthday Simone!!!! Don't get too drunk magnschase xx
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magnschase is probably the prettiest person i've ever seen in my life honestly wow + she's one of the best artists i know
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Okay you've seen what I look like- dark blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin !! I play several instruments, I draw, I love history and English. I love to read books, and stuff. Also, you can use minor gods / goddesses if I fit any of them!! :D
Come join me in Cabin 7 Simone. O: Apollo is who i’d think of as your godly parent!
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ghiblicottage · 7 years
tagged by @knockingtheeleventhdoor <33
Relationship Status : single Lipstick or chapstick : chapstick Last song I listened : lemonade by cocorosie Top 3 characters : noora sætre, cassian andor, riza hawkeye Top 3 shows : skam, the get down, fullmetal alchemist
i tag @kayascodelorio @maisiewilliaims @magnschase @thelemoniestgarb @ravenclawcs and @percabethfrazel :*
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knock · 9 years
Saturday here too!!! Happy birthday!!
Thank you so much, friend!😊
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mlnseoks · 9 years
 ok question how do u actually propose to someone
*gets down on knee* Will u marry me
yes but that wasnt the question lmao
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alensko · 9 years
Noicccee URL (I still need to buy the rest of the books) B)
thanks babe B)
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breakbleheavens · 9 years
Hey guys! Recently I received requests for a pjo and lok crossover edit. I need your help in sorting them into cabins.
reblog this post to spread the word
fill out this form
Thank you so much!!!
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cryinganime · 9 years
me:*insults my girlfriends music*
me: i love my girlfriend n her terrible music 
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