#snotlout & fishlegs
hoodeenie · 5 months
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the girls are fighting yeahhh!!
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revive-the-fandom · 2 months
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Tried to redesign the riders to be a little more believable? … as in convincing but not historically accurate? Tried taking the ac:Valhalla approach, I think they look kinda cool (pls ignore hiccup he was my test & I can’t get him to look any better but this is more abt design than polish I guess)
The helmets were kind of a nightmare and irl Viking’s defo wouldn’t wear any of those designs but I wanted it to still feel like their helmets. Snotlout esp needed his horns they’re too cute I’m sorry.
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sboochi · 2 months
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Even more dnd-inspired designs! You might recognize Hiccup from an old post, I redrew him to match my current style (this started as a game where I assigned not-first-choice classes to the characters, that's why he's a druid and not an artificer or smth else!)
See more: RotBTD / Rise of the Guardians / Red Shoes and the 7 dwarfs
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neytui · 5 months
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Some doodles of em :]
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fsheryy · 16 days
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lack of posting can be attributed to these freaks. you know what to do boys
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000marie198 · 6 months
The fact that the Httyd gang knows about the effect of dragon nip but they are never seen using it on any dragons throughout the franchise unless it's like a last resort or an emergency to stop extremely out of control, hostile dragons. They know that grass is like a drug for the dragons so they never use it against them even to try and train them. As if it is against their moral code to try the easiest way to tame any dragon.
Like, these kids know all these little perks about dragons that Hiccup learned in the first movie. The dragon nip, eels, moving spot of light, specific disabling scratch spots etc. And none of them uses these to befriend or train any dragons throughout the course of the franchise! Dragon nip is an emergency last resort for when they encounter a super aggressive dragon, eels are an absolute no, nobody used shiny laser light spot on any dragons post Httyd 1.
No, they befriend the dragons with trust. They'll only give a dragon scratches after asking permission that is telegraphed in their body language.
The riders respect dragons and there are so many little subtle things which show how they never treat these incredible amazing beings as if they are animals, they always treat them as individuals. As equals.
I love Httyd so much like you have no idea.
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avisisisis · 2 months
been rewatching rtte
toothless is called T multiple times, but the letter T doesn't exist in the alphabet of this world
i think hiccup was also called H???
hiccup went to the wedding of the man who tried to kill him and his family multiple times. no wonder he thought he could change drago's mind
snotlout is canonically a theater kid
"you're so small and cuddly" "please never say that again"
the twins are really smart, but they're also just stupid
hiccup straight up disappears when he's working on something
heather had a super noticeable crush on astrid
fishlegs got a love interest!! a plus size main character actually has a cool, badass love interest!
it was super hetnormative but it was cute
there was an island full of flying women who were implied to regularly commit cannibalism
hiccup taught all the riders how to fly with toothless, that's so sweet
everyone is a flat earther except for the twins
hiccup almost directly killed a lot of people
and killed a LOT more when destroying their ships
“scalding– cal..ding--" "toothle, plama bla!" was pretty much the funniest part of the entire series
dagur was bullied as a kid by a guy 8 years older than him who literally tattooed an imagine of him beating up little dagur in his arm??? What was that all about
actually we need to talk about how messed up everything about dagur is and about how the things that could've/did happen(ed) to him may be the reasons why he's Like That
just why was he imprisoned by the outcasts??? he didn't do anything to them directly
oof my brain is spiraling. "he loved you" "ig now we'll never know" what do you mean he didn't know if his dad loved him
there's a technically musical episode
tuffnut became hiccup's defense attorney and immediately got him the death sentence
hiccup regularly jumps off cliffs
he also jumped off a boat, with his arms tied and without toothless. just where did he think he was going
snotlout's annoying attitude is actually because spitelout pressures him too much and he feels like he has to be perfect for his dad :((
viggo is the best httyd villain change my mind (you can't, swords at sundown, you may bring backup but i will win on my own)
skrill comeback skrill comeback SKRILL COMEBACK!!!!
what is a boar pit???
oh my god i had missed this series so much. it has no right to be this funny
this was my childhood. it has forever shaped the way i am
berserker heather the unhinged >>>
actually good disability rep! yay
hiccup complains about his peg leg pinching him
he straight up cannot walk without it and it is shown many times
"well, there are the benefits of a metal leg" after it got caught in a bear trap
funny moments, like snotlout trying to steal it to use it as a weapon
the jokes!! toothless laughing at the jokes!!! hiccup being so fucking done with the twins, who are always making the jokes!
there's an episode where everyone is so sleep deprived they actually start spiraling
astrid becomes a happy go lucky girl, hugs snotlout and tells him he's handsome
the fucking mood swings snotlout got were insane
the twins were straight up just hallucinating
"i sent them to wash their dragons, how could they mess that up?" cut to heather falling on her face with a bucket full of water in her hands
fishlegs becomes so paranoid, he's yelling at everyone all the time
"don't you know the trapper's trap can trap the trapper?? ...oh gods, i must be losing it, i'm quoting dagur"
YOOOO VALKA!!!! it's so nice to see her
hiccup tried to murder dagur to stop him from getting to toothless, which is scary bc it shows just how far he's willing to go for his bff, but also funny because hiccup. that was not going to work
oh the hiccstrid slowburn, how i have missed you
the twins's made up language
there was a beach episode turned murder mystery and a musical episode held at gun point
hiccup has a whole little speech that he periodically gives astrid to remind her that the twins serve a purpose
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campichor · 2 months
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pov you just insulted the king of the wilderwest
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elshe · 19 days
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Dragon Lover = Cat Lover
They’re simultaneous.
So here I have the gang trying to lure a cat into their clubhouse with a fish. 💀 I think it’s a cute idea that they were all eating dinner as usual when Tuff pointed and said, “look it’s a cat!” and everyone got excited lol
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vairsmania · 1 year
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best friends
[Image ID: 
Five images. 
First image, Snotlout(left) is talking while gesturing with his left hand. Hiccup(right) is smiling and listening.
Second image, Fishlegs(left) is marvelling happily over a miniature toothless. Hiccup(right) is in shocked at his best friend being tiny. Toothless(on table) is calling Hiccup a muttonhead.
Third image, Ruffnut(left) is giving Hiccup(right) a fistbump. Both are smiling. 
Fourth image, Tuffnut(left) holding onto Hiccup's(right) shoulder, struggling to peer into the distance. Hiccup is silently judging him, looking at Ruffnut. Tuffnut’s sister Ruffnut is in the far back right calling his name next to Barf and Belch.
Fifth image, Hiccup(left) and Astrid(right) touching their index fingers together to callback the RTTE episode where they did so. They are smiling at each other. End ID.]
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dragonnnfly · 9 months
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Don’t correct me, just agree
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hoodeenie · 5 months
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🎊HAPPY belated NEW YEAR!!🎊
I know i’ve only been here for about a month but im looking forward to staying here for as long as im able to hehe🫶🫶
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liliannagordon · 1 month
one clue that i have whatch httyd 1 to many time is that i have notice that the house hiccup runs out of at the start of the film is not his house.
when we first she hiccup in the film he open and door then slams it befor a nightmare can burn him to death. when we see hiccup next he is running away from a burning bulding with fire around the door.
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umm yeah that not his house.
this his house.
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so what the F@#k was he doing in that house from the beginning of the film.
i dont need sleep
I need answers
is he running a side bussness were he cleans people house for them?
was the owner of the house baby sitting him?
did he get drunk and wake up in the wrong house?
Help me out guys maby together we can sovel this decade old mystery.
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garussy · 4 months
“I will take your leg/other leg” is the most common threat on dragons edge
It’s started with the death song episode when Snotlout yelled at Hiccup
Then Hiccup started saying it when he got upset
The twins took that as the green light to say it as well
Astrid said it next to Snotlout and Tuffnut
Fishlegs was the last to say it
Other merchants and dragon hunters hear them using it out in public and now it’s a common threat throughout the archipelago and beyond
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roshambo05 · 4 months
So I decided to rewatch RTTE because I felt like indulging in some childhood nostalgia. A few things to note:
- Snotlout and Fishlegs are dating. Good for them.
- The twins are the best characters. Still don't know wtf a boar pit is.
- I know those are supposed to be dragon scales on Ryker's shoulder and arm pads but they look like turtle shells I'm sorry--
- Actually good disability rep?? Hello??
- Hiccup how tf are you still alive?
- "Toothle plama bla" is perhaps the funniest thing in any piece of media ever.
- On the subject of Gruffnut: There's another one???
- How does Tuffnut know so many languages? Did these languages exist in this time period? If so who taught him? Is Tuffnut Odin in disguise? Would that make Ruffnut Loki?
- Hiccup is AuDHD. No I will not be taking comments at this time.
- Where tf did Hiccup get his dragon blade in midnight scrum? Why did he not use it to free himself or fend off his attackers? Also, on the subject of midnight scrum, how is this boy's neck not broken??
- I stan one (1) Heather the Unhinged. Go off queen. Feral bastard child.
- Ruffnut is actually super smart?? And cool?? What??
- I did not watch the series before this one so Dagur's entrance confused me so much at first. Who is this man and why does his beard look like that?? Please shave.
- Gonna punch Snotlout's dad. Gonna kick his fucking ass.
- Why is Viggo so aggressively British? And why is his brother Scottish? Come to think of it, there is no consistency in any of the accents.
- Sir, that is not a dragon, that is a Pokémon (you know exactly which dragon I'm talking about don't pretend you don't know)
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krattgirl124 · 1 year
I’m making a silly power point for a college event, I think you guys will like what I have so far
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Am I putting in more effort than I should? Probably.
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