#so I decided to scribble this and test out some new shading techniques
loulines · 3 years
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It's been 84 years since I last posted an art dedicated to both of them on Tumblr :')
We were ROBBED from an Ahsoka cameo in Episode 7, ugh, we need to see our Poncho Buddies together one more time! Dave, PLZ ;___;
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
Family Fun Day
The latest chapter of the Spider Stan AU is here!
Stanford came down to breakfast well-rested and refreshed Saturday morning. Fiddleford was supposed to get back tomorrow night and while Ford was still hurt that his best friend would lie to him, he was eager to finally start making some headway on the portal project. Stan, on the other hand, came into the kitchen looking as disheveled as his brother had ever seen him. There were dark bags under his eyes, and he was still wearing the same clothes he’d had on last night, now wrinkled as an old man. Ford figured this was approximately what he himself had looked like during finals week in college.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” The researcher asked his brother.
Stan gave a negative grunt and made a bee-line for the coffee maker.
“What kept you up?” Ford asked curiously.
His brother shrugged. “Readin’.”
“That’s… not like you.”
“Uh… couldn’t sleep. Started reading through some of your nerd stuff, hoping it’d bore me to sleep. Didn’t work.” Stan crossed his arms and glared at an innocuous spot on the ceiling.
“Oh. Well, if you need help sleeping in the future, I’ve developed some meditation techniques that have helped me.”
Stan took several long slurps of coffee and a few mouthfuls of cold cereal before responding. “Nah. I’m just too stressed.”
“Yes, meditation is meant to help with that.”
“We both been workin’ too hard! We needa take a day off and have some fun!” Stan continued right over his brother’s comment on meditation. “McWhozit’s been havin’ fun in California this whole time, playin’ with his kid, makin’ love to his wife. We deserve a break too!”
“I thought we had fun the other day while we were weight-testing the web shooters.”
“Well, sure, but that was mixin’ work an’ pleasure. I mean actually taking a break . No tests, no studies, no scientific observation. When’s the last time you did that?”
“Well, there was the night I spent at the Corduroy's cabin… although, it turned out to be haunted. I learned a great deal about ghosts, though.”
Stan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, that. That’s exactly the kind of thing I’m talkin’ about. Even when you’re supposed to be takin’ it easy, you end up doing research and/or almost dying. But not today! I officially declare this Family Fun Day! I’m gonna make sure you take a break. What do you do for fun in this hick town?”
Ford rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Well… there’s an arcade downtown. I hear they just got a new, cutting-edge game!”
Stan rolled his eyes. “Ugh, nerd stuff.”
“Oh, come on, there’s plenty of games where you punch things! You’ll love it!”
“Alright, fine. If that’s what you really wanna do, I’ll give it a shot.”
* * *
The arcade was small, dark, and noisy. Stan was honestly surprised his brother liked it here. He remembered his brother liking quiet, brightly lit places, like the window seat at the library, or an empty beach. The arcade was… overstimulating.
First, Ford dragged him over to what was apparently the newest and most popular game in the whole place. The art on the side of the cabinet showed a gorilla carrying off a damsel in distress, chased by a guy with a red hat and big mustache. It reminded Stan of one of his favorite Harry Claymore movies. Unfortunately, it seemed like every kid and nerd in town wanted to play this game.
“They really should devise a system where they can call up your number when it’s your turn to play.” Ford grumbled as he looked at the long line crowded around the console. “Well, I’m fairly sure that’s just a single-player anyway. Let’s find something cooperative.”
“Um, ok.” Stan followed his brother to another cabinet with no line. It was painted black, with the words BIRD FIGHT written in fancy script at the top, and a knight riding a beautiful white bird flying across the side. Stan watched the pixels move across the screen. “So in this game, you play as a sword-wielding knight… riding a swan?”
Ford scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “I know it’s silly, but it’s a really fun cooperative game.”
“Are you kidding?” Stan laughed. “That’s the most intimidating thing I’ve ever seen! I tried to break into a mansion with swans on the grounds once. They gave me way more trouble than any guard dog ever did. I almost lost an eye!”
Stan struggled to learn the controls, despite Ford’s efforts to explain them to him. It had a control stick, but it only went left or right. To fly, you had to repeatedly tap the button to flap the swan’s wings. Stop flapping, and you would slowly descend.
“This is dumb.” Stan complained as he died a second time. “Why can’t I go up and down usin’ the stick thing? And how’d my guy get all the way on the other side of the screen all of a sudden!?”
“It’s a wrap around.” Ford replied, as though that meant something.
They made it through the first wave of enemies, mostly thanks to Ford, but it wasn’t long until Stan lost all four of his lives and he was stuck just watching his brother play, because he refused to waste more quarters on this thing. “This is too complicated.” He huffed.
“Well, let’s play something a little simpler.” Ford suggested. They wandered to the back of the arcade, Ford looking over all the different options, trying to decide which one Stan would enjoy. A light gray-and-black cabinet in a dark corner caught his eye. “Hmm, I haven’t seen this one before… Corner of Contradiction? Looks like a beat-em-up, I’m sure you’d enjoy that.”
The controls were certainly more straightforward than Bird Fight. There was a control stick to move your character around the screen, one button labeled “PUNCH”, the other labeled “JUMP”. Enemies always came in from the right side of the screen, so Stan didn’t have to split his attention as much either. He definitely took to this one much more quickly than the last game, but he was still clearly lagging behind Ford in skill. They made it through a whole level before Stan finally ran out of lives again, and Ford knelt down to add some more quarters to allow him to continue playing.
“Oh, what’s this?” The researcher paused when something caught his eye. When he stood back up, he was holding a small scrap of paper with some sort of symbols scribbled onto it. “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A…” He read out loud. “I suppose B could be the jump button…” Ford input the code, and suddenly both of their life counters read 30. “Fantastic!”
Stan groaned. “We’re gonna spend all day playin’ this game!”
“Aren’t you having fun?” Ford shot him a concerned glance.
“Well sure, but I don’t wanna stay here playin’ this one game through 30 lives, even if I am losing three of them a minute!”
Ford smirked. “You’re just jealous that I’m actually better than you at fighting for once.”
“Please.” Stan scoffed. “Pushin’ a button isn’t fighting. If any of these games were anything like real fighting, I’d cream you.”
Ford’s face lit up. “I think I know just the game!” Once again, he led Stan through the arcade, this time coming to a stop at a very old game cabinet decorated like the American Flag. Instead of buttons or a control stick, it had two red boxing gloves attached to levers. PIXELWEIGHT CHAMP by SHMEGA the sign at the top read.
Stan grinned and cracked his knuckles. “Now this is more like it!”
The gloves were a little small, obviously meant for children, but Stan managed to squeeze his hands in. It wasn’t exactly like real boxing, but he still preferred it to the clunky control sticks and buttons of the other games. This game could tell if he was punching up, down, or even swinging a hook! Ford, for his part, seemed happy to just stand and watch his brother play for a while.
Stan made it through several bouts before finally reaching the final boss. It was the first opponent the game had thrown at him that really gave him any trouble. It kept on dodging every blow he aimed at the computerized contender. Finally, in a fit of frustration, he fell back on his signature move.
“Left Hook!” he shouted.
The left-hand controller ripped out of the cabinet with a metallic shriek and a sputter of sparks.
The twins gaped at the broken and now lightly smoking game before them.
“Time to go.” Stan said quickly, dropping the broken controller on the floor.
* * *
“Welp, that was a disaster.” Stan grunted as they sped away in his car. “Hopefully nobody calls the cops.”
“Perhaps, but at least I finally found a game you had fun with.” Ford smiled as he jotted down the cheat code he’d learned earlier in his Journal.
“Yeah, but now we got nothin’ to do for the rest of the day. Yeesh, this car is like an oven.” Stan griped, rolling down the windows. “There a pool in this town?”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t recommend we go there.” Ford made a disgusted face. “It’s not exactly sanitary and I have reason to believe one of the life guards is a berserker.”
Stan grimaced. “Yeah, public pools are basically like underwater public busses. But it’s just so stinkin’ hot!”
Ford flipped absentmindedly through his Journal, suddenly stopping when a particular page caught his eye. “We should go to the beach!”
“I ain’t drivin three hours back to Portland just for the beach.”
“No, the beach at Lake Gravity Falls. It’s not exactly like the beach we grew up with but… it does remind me of home.”
“Alright, beach it is! Let’s swing back to your place and grab some swim stuff.”
* * *
The lakeside beach was very different from Glass Shard Beach. For one, it smelled a lot better. The shade of the surrounding cliffs and trees were much welcomed relief from the burning sun. Still, the gentle lapping waves of the lake were nothing compared to the majesty of the ocean. Ford didn’t have an extra pair of swim trunks, so Stan had to acquire some from the nearby bait and tackle shop while his brother wasn’t looking.
“Strange.” Ford mused as he observed the deserted lakeshore. “Given the extreme temperatures and the impending start of the school year, I expected this place to be packed.”
“It was, this mornin’.” The grizzled old lady who ran the bait and tackle shop wheezed ominously. “But somethin’ washed ashore that spooked ‘em all away!”
“What was it?” The researcher asked excitedly.
“Oh no you don’t!” Stan grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. “Family Fun Day, remember?”
“A giant tooth!” The woman cackled.
“Stanley, come on!” Ford pleaded.
“You need a break, genius!”
“Wasn’t this morning at the arcade enough?”
“Nope. Not for how long you’ve been without one. Now put on some sunblock. This tooth thingy will still be there tomorrow.”
“I bet you twenty dollars it won’t.”
“You should really know better than to bet against me by now.”
* * *
Stan found them a spot on the beach with plenty of shade from a large tree, with plenty of branches hanging over the water, and a couple of large fallen logs that made a good place to sit and leave their stuff without getting sand in everything.
“Y’know, it’s a good thing nobody else is here. Cuz look what I brought!” Stan pulled out one of the web shooters. “The world’s greatest rope swing!”
When Ford didn’t answer, he looked up to see his brother standing on the taller of the two logs, a pair of binoculars in hand, staring at a spot about a mile up the beach where Stan could see the giant tooth the old lady had mentioned. It was easily the size of his car. Ford stuffed the binoculars in his pocket, started a quick sketch in his Journal, and picked them up again for another look. Stan rolled his eyes with a sigh, put on the web shooter, and thwiped a line onto the binoculars, yanking them away with a flick of his wrist.
“Hey!” Ford whined.
“Hey yourself. We’re here to have fun, remember?”
“This is fun to me!” the researcher steamed.
“I know, nerd, but if you keep on working every day without takin’ a break every once in a while, even if it is fun for you, you’re gonna run yourself ragged!”
Ford grumbled, but he couldn’t help but see the sense in his brother’s words. He really hadn’t stopped studying and exploring and theorizing in the past six and a half years, not even for a day. And yet before Bill had proposed the idea of discovering the dimension of weirdness, he’d felt stuck in a rut. He still did, in some respects. Could it be due to burnout?
Still, he wasn’t about to tell Stan he was right. He put his Journal down with a beleaguered sigh. “It’s probably just something to do with the height-altering crystals.” He then looked up with a grin. “So, are you proposing a jumping contest?”
“You know it!” Stan shot a line up to the highest sturdy branch he could find hanging over the lake. “So, has this gauntlet got like, I dunno, a quick release button or something?”
“Actually, it should be waterproof.”
“Should be?”
“Well, I never got around to testing it.”
“Why does that not surprise me? Alright, I’ll take first swing.”
“Why do you get the first swing?” Ford protested.
“Because I’m the one who’s used these things the most, and I’m the most likely to survive if something goes wrong.”
The researcher rolled his eyes, but let his brother proceed with the first swing. Stan ran down the beach, lept off one of the logs, and let the line swing him over the water, where he released the line and sailed forward into the lake with a resounding splash.
“How was that?” Stan asked as soon as he poked his head back out of the water.
“Amateurish!” Ford grinned smugly. “You weren’t even close to the maximum distance of your swing, and your release arc was shallow.”
“Alright, Dr. Physics, let’s see you do better!” Stan splashed him and then threw the web shooter to the shore.
Ford ran along the largest log, leaping off the end towards the water before firing the web shooter up at a high branch. The line held fast, and whipped him out over the water. Just at the farthest point of the pendulum swing, Ford swung his legs out for a little more momentum, then released the line, throwing himself in a long arc before finally crashing down into the lake. He’d almost doubled Stan’s distance.
“Hah!” Ford laughed triumphantly as he swam back to shore.
“Pch, I can do that.” Stan scoffed.
“Well then, why didn’t you?”
“Cuz I didn’t know how until you just showed me, genius.”
Stan’s second attempt followed Ford’s example. He ran along the log and jumped into the air, but he could jump much higher than his brother, and his enhanced senses allowed him to pinpoint exactly where the best place to anchor for his line would be in that split-second of air-time. As the line stretched over the water, Stan shifted his weight and his grip, basically throwing himself off the end of the swing. He practically flew over the water before splashing down, easily doubling his brother’s distance.
“The student has become the master.” Stan grinned when he saw Ford’s shocked expression. They continued to use the web shooters as a rope swing for another couple of hours, each of them improving their techniques to go higher and farther each time, although Ford could never beat Stan’s distance again. Eventually, the researcher gave up on improving his own distance, and set about figuring out how to help Stan break his own record.
“It’s all about momentum.” Ford explained. “You’ve already perfected throwing yourself off the line at the farthest point of the pendulum’s swing, in order to produce the farthest arc you can. In order for you to reach even further into the lake, you’ll need more momentum, and at this point, the best way to add more momentum is to chain together more swings.”
“So, like we were doin’ in the forest a few days ago?”
Stan felt his stomach churn at the memory of how the branch had snapped, how he’d unexpectedly started falling. He wasn’t exactly afraid of heights anymore… he was just afraid of being up high and something going wrong. Still, he’d really gotten the hang of swinging today, and chances were even if something did go wrong, he’d just splash down into the lake. That would be fine.
“Ok, I’ll give it a shot.”
Stan climbed up one of the big pine trees a few yards back from the beach, found a sturdy branch to stand on, picked out his first anchor, and leapt into the air. Time seemed to slow down as he reached the end of his first swing. He picked out another anchor over the lake, released his first line, and swung out above the water. He could feel his own weight pulling him forward even as he came to the end of his rope, the momentum Ford had been going on about. Stan just shifted to let the weight carry him on further, and let go of the line. The air rushed past him as he continued up another foot before gravity finally started to overcome his forward motion. When he finally splashed into the water, he was so far from the shore, his brother looked like a little doll.
“Hah, I’m gonna be half-way into the lake if I go any further!” Stan laughed when he finally made it back to shore.
“You probably could, if you got swinging fast enough. Or if we added more weight.”
“More weight, huh?” Stan mused.
“I suppose we could stick water bottles to you, like we did with the car, although I fear that may increase the risk of a bad belly-flop….” Ford trailed off as he saw his brother grinning mischievously at him. “What?”
“I know a way we can double our weight.”
“‘We’? Oh no, no, no, no. No!”
* * *
“The greatest mystery is how I let you talk me into these things.” Ford grumbled, clinging to his brother’s back like a baby monkey.
“Quit your whining, I’m the one who’s afraid of heights.”
“...I honestly thought you were over that. What with the climbing buildings and all.”
“Eh, it’s complicated. I’m still not great with heights, but if I have something sturdy to hold onto or a reliable way to catch myself, it doesn’t bother me as much.”
They reached the large branch that Stan had used for a jumping-off platform before. Stan lined up his first anchor while Ford tried his best not to throw his brother off-balance. “You ready?” The Spider Man asked.
Ford took a deep breath before nodding. “Ready.”
At first, it wasn’t too different from the rope swing, except now he was holding onto his brother’s shoulders for dear life. Then they reached the end of the first pendulum swing and Ford felt his stomach leap up as they briefly achieved weightlessness. Then the forward yank of the next line set his heart racing as they shot up, over the water. There was one final moment of weightlessness, and Ford let out a holler of delight before finally dunking into the water.
It was better than any roller-coaster.
They came up out of the water gasping and laughing, splashing and shouting with triumph. It wasn’t exactly half-way into the lake, but they’d certainly gone farther than ever before. Unfortunately, that also meant it was a much farther swim back to shore. By the time they got back, the sun was starting to set.
“Welp, better lay down and dry off in the sun while we still can.” Stan mused, pulling off the web shooter and trying to find a spot on the log that wasn’t covered in shade.
“Actually, I think I know a faster way to dry off.” Ford picked up the gauntlet and gave his brother a significant look.
“Really, you wanna go again?”
“Just the swinging bit. The air rushing past us will dry us off in no time.”
Stan rolled his eyes. “Alright, if you’re sure.”
The second time wasn’t nearly as scary to Ford, although he got the feeling Stan was still a little apprehensive about swinging with a passenger. Still, they swung through the trees together with little problem. It was thrilling. And while it certainly dried them off, the rushing air coupled with the dropping air temperature presented a new problem.
“Cccold!” Stan stuttered as they came to a stop back at the beach where they had left their things. He quickly changed back into his jeans and a jacket.
“We’ll have to remember to do this to dry off while the sun is still high, in the future.”
“Oh, so you’re sayin’ you’d do Family Fun Day again?”
Ford rolled his eyes, but smiled. “I’m sure you’ll force me to take breaks more often than once every six years.”
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danidolldesigns · 6 years
Plan With Me: June 2018
* This page may contain affiliate links – put simply I earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you make a purchase using the links provided – I will ONLY ever recommend products/services that I love & have tried & tested myself. Thank You for your support! *
It’s hard to believe June is here already!
 And June marks the anniversary that I truly realised that I was hooked on the Bullet Journal system.
For June I am simple planning techniques to setup for the month ahead. This setup is extremely functional rather than aesthetic. This is because, this month is quite busy for me and I really want to focus on my blog and looking after myself. So my initial setup was designed to help me do that. The only pen I used for this setup was the Teal shade of my favourite papermate ink joy gel pens.
Related: Take a look at this page dedicated to all my favourite bullet journal supplies!
Simple Planning
I’m trying simple planning this month. Usually, I’m always trying to think of a million things at once. Which makes simple planning impossible. But this month I’m attempting to chill out a bit more and just focus on a couple of things!
As you’ll see further down this post, I have not included a habit tracker this month. The first month since starting my Bujo that I haven’t had one!
I decided not to include a habit tracker this month because I want to focus on looking after myself a bit better and sometimes habit tracking can stress me out quite a bit. I tend to really beat myself up if I’m not hitting a habit everyday. So I decided I’d give it a miss this month and start again in July.
I also completely forgot to do a cover page! Great plan with me post this is turning out to be! I’m clearly very scatter brained this month!
Monthly Spread
My first spread for June is my monthly overview, I trialed this layout last month and I really enjoyed it. I like to be able to see the whole month in calendar form; rather than a vertical list down the page. I kept the boxes relatively small because I wanted lots of room around the calendar to add a bunch of lists and notes.
‘Monthly tasks’ is a section I’ve recently been using. In this space I list the tasks that I like to complete, at the very least, once or twice a month. This saves me from having to fit these tasks into weekly and daily spreads all the time and I can just do them at some point when I have time. I recommend giving this idea a go because I find it so helpful and it’s easy to keep track of.
Gratitude & Social Tracker
Next up is my gratitude page. I love this page and have been using it since I started bullet journalling. Each month I write a title of some sort in the middle of the page so I have lots of room around it to add the things I’m grateful for. This month the title is ‘All The Things’.
Then, throughout the month, when I’m particularly grateful for something, I jot it down around the title. Sometimes with a little doodle. The things I write are not always the ‘obvious’ things I’m grateful for; sometimes it’s random little things that have made me smile.
Sometimes it's random little things that have made me smile. Click To Tweet
Cuddles with my cat, ice-cream and sunshine are some of the little things that have made the list in previous months haha.
I really like this page idea because it’s such a good reminder that there is always something to be grateful for. Its nice looking back over all my gratitude logs and having a collection of good memories; that might well of been forgotten if they weren’t on these lists.
On the other side of this spread I added a social media tracker. I’ve never really paid much attention to my social stats but I thought it would be nice to be able to see any progress I make over the next few months.
Especially now my blog is up and running, it’s important for me to know if people are enjoying the content I’m creating. I’ve never used a social media tracker before so it’ll be interesting to see how I get on with it and whether I find it helpful. Doesn’t really fit in with the simple planning thing I’m trying this month haha. But I figured, while I’m keeping the rest of this set up simple, I might as well try something new.
Times To Post & Social Media Schedule
The next spread I created for June is also social media based.
On the left I’ve made a page to keep track of which times are best to post to social media. With some space at the bottom of the page to jot down anything else I learn about social media.
On the right is a social schedule. I intend to fill this out with what content I post to which social media and on what day of the week. I’d like to be more structured and keep to a schedule once I start really pushing my blog out. For example, on one day every week I want to post an inspirational quote or two, on another day I want to share what I’ve been working on lately. Whether that’s an art project, working in my Bujo, stuff I’ve done for this blog, etc. I’m all about being organised so this is a great way for me to keep on target.
Next up is a page I’ve titled ‘media kit notes’. Because, to speak the obvious, I want to take notes on media kits haha. I want to create my own media kit soon, when I’ve actually got some stats to share! Haha. I wanted to scribble ideas on how I want it to look and which stats I want to include.
I will, at some point soon, be offering media kit design services too so keep an eye out for that!
Things To Do For GDPR!
The last spread before getting to the weeklys is a page I made to write down everything I needed to do in preparation for the new GDPR law.
For those of you who don’t know, GDPR is a new law that came into affect May 25th 2018. Its main purpose is to ensure the protection of personal data and to make the collection of personal data transparent and with consent. As a blogger this new law means I needed to update my privacy policy and a whole bunch of other things as well; to make sure this site complies with the new law.
There was a lot of things to do and check up on and my brain just got so frazzled with all the information. I need to make a list (obviously lol) so I could check off what I’d done and what I still needed to do. I don’t have a picture of this page as it contains some of my own personal data.
Weekly Spread
That’s all the pages I’ve included at the begin of this month. The next page is the first weekly of the month. I kept it super simple this month. I literally just drew out 7 boxes, one for every day of the week. Dated each box and added the days of the week. That’s pretty much it.
Like I said at the begin of this post, this month needed to be more functional than decorative. I may add some more decorations as the month goes on; but for now this setup is exactly what I need it to be.
Do you ever just need a month of minimalist planning? Click To Tweet
Do you ever try simple planning?
Do overly decorated planner spreads inspire you or just overwhelm you?
I love to decorate my planner but this month I gave it a miss!
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Don’t Break The Chain – Habit Building Challenge
The post Plan With Me: June 2018 appeared first on Dani Doll Designs.
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