#so i decided to treat myself >:3c
wayfayrr · 2 months
My love mine all mine
Continuation of I bet on losing dogs
It's my birthday so that means I get to treat myself by writing a continuation of my Roman Empire fic <3
It's a reverse Isekai but this time it's post the event that caused him to isekai, and he's got a bit more to deal with now - but he'll be fine because he's by your side, and he won't let anything change that there is so much lore going into this fic, so there might be more to come in this saga yet :3c
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I’m still here? 
No - no I’m not in Hyrule now, something feels different enough that I know that. If I was still in Hyrule then that ‘sky’ would be here if I wasn’t hallucinating him. Besides that though, something feels different, I’m not in as much pain although everything feels heavier. Almost - no don’t get your hopes up yet link.
Moving still takes a painful amount of effort, like my wounds are still there but now everything suddenly weighs triple on top of those. It was the shift from feeling floaty and detached to suddenly being forced back into a body, one that doesn’t feel like my own, that makes everything feel so undeniably real. Now it’s just a matter of opening my eyes to see what’s actually happened to me. 
The room I’m in looks so similar to [name’s] when we ended up here one time chasing the shadow, from what I can see lying down like this anyway. Don’t get your hopes up until you see them link. There’s a blanket over me too, the very same that they lent to me the first time I was here; the feeling of it over me makes it the fact that I can’t barely move somewhat more bearable as I let out a low groan. Which seemed to almost summon the person who’s probably responsible for taking me in. 
“link what the FUCK did you do?”
Wait, what do they me-
“how the HELL do I have memories of you being my best friend growing up now - I know I met you for the first time in hyrule. you aren't supposed to exist as a person here and yet.”
“[name] I don't -”
“I have the most vivid memory of everything. including having to pick you and sky up passed out on the street because apparently the two of you decided to go out on a bender or something - I don't know but I can remember it somehow.”
That rant seems to have cooled them off for now, not that they're mad just concerned… not that I'm not also. Those memories they mentioned too, I know what they're talking about; it's trippy. I have two sets of my life, one that I know is true and this other one that feels like a learned lie. A cover up. It feels similar to a backstory I learned to lie during espionage, but it's information about [name’s] world. Memories of a whole life lived here, like it's preparing me… or trying to adjust something new being forced into it that shouldn't be here.
“I don't - I think it's cause… I. You said sky is here too?” 
“Yeah, he's the reason I'm so certain these memories aren't real, he only got included when I found him when I went out to buy supplies for you. Something feels off about all of this, and I think you two have the answers I need.”
Did sky..? No he wouldn't have. Would he? 
“I think so too.”
“Can you tell me what you think it was?”
My voice is dead in my throat, I can't tell them what I did. They'll lose any respect they had for me won't they? I don't even know for certain if sky did the same… but I could have sworn he was there when I - I…He wouldn't have done that to himself, surely not. Even though I could've said the same for myself before everything.
“I… would prefer not to, if that's alright.”
“Okay link, I won't push you. Either way, it's nice to be back at your side even if it's slightly different than what I'm used to.”
That's all it takes to finally break my guard and for the tears to start flowing. I can finally rest, there isn’t any expectation of me here, no pressure to be the picture-perfect hero, no nothing. I can just exist here with my lover for the rest of our lives. 
“Can you tell me why everything feels so different now though?”
“Link, haven’t you been able to tell? You aren’t a Hylian anymore. Whatever you did, you’re a human now and you've got a whole recorded history here on earth. You and sky both. Speaking of him, he’s downstairs helping himself to stuff; been awake a lot longer than you have, should probably go check on him really. You feeling alright enough to come with me?”
Moving my limbs still feels different but now it isn’t impossible to move them and seeing the smile on [name’s] face from me just sitting up to move is more than worth the slight discomfort. Falling into their open arms is just another perk of it, being helped to my feet whilst being allowed to cling to them? It’s a dream come true. But despite this there’s something that doesn’t feel right, why is sky here… I’ll have to ask him myself. 
“S- why are you drinking all of my milk straight from the bottle sky?”
“...Wanna get drunk.”
“It's milk. You’re never going to get drunk off of drinking milk.”
With the two of them distracted by each other, [name] still letting me cling to their arm thankfully, I get a proper look at him. It’s sky, it’s really sky, but he’s human. All of his scars are the same asides from a new one on his neck and a few burns on his hands ones that look like they come from holding a sword. Fi must have tried to stop him. The strangest thing is seeing him with short rounded ears though - I can’t imagine what I look like to him. This has to be the first time I’ve seen him trying so desperately to get drunk though, he saw you do it. He’s drinking to forget, like you have so many times in the past. 
“What do you mean of course I will. Why do you think milk bars were so popular in hyrule?”
“But you aren’t hylian now sky. You’re a human now, and we don’t get drunk from milk.”
“You - we… don’t? Ah. Well. That explains a lot of things then.”
“Did everyone think that I was an addict? Oh my, that explains the ‘interventions’ each of you had with me. Even my boyfriends thought I was an alcoholic.”
The sigh they let out before resting their head against me could make me an addict, as ironic as that is. Although that does bring up the question of how everything is going to be so different now, we’re going to have to relearn a lot of what we’ve always known as fact. But it’ll be by [name’s] side. And I’ll do anything to keep it this way.
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somer-writes · 2 months
gday campers i decided to do a fun thing where i do a monthly wrap up. so heres the second uhhhh somers dodecannual monthly beat down
WORD COUNT: 100,005 words.
WORKS (either new or continued): 59
MOST POPULAR: Twilight Prince
MY RECOMMENDATION: Lashings (extreme hurt/no comfort, reader discretion advised)
IN REVIEW: i am SO proud of myself for this month XD a few days i was like why tf did i take on both whump and fluff this month but I DID IT!! 58 PROMPTS IN 29 DAYS!!!
I could NOT have survived this month without @wanderlustmagician @needfantasticstories or @hotcheetohatredwastaken for their invaluable beta reading and soundboarding <3
Lashings is probably the darkest thing I've written?? until we get further along in demise >:3c and it WILL have a multi chapter recovery follow up
also March rings in the new posting schedule :D due to the double challenge of february, this schedule will be put into action the second week of march!
i also made A TON of new friends this month!! ily all and cannot name every one of you bc it would take way too long but you know who you are <3
ty so much to everyone who reads and engages and to this fandom as a whole for being so lovely <3
so excited to not be ill <3 probably going to treat myself this weekend :D
as always inbox is open so dont be shy :D i do bite actually though so plz make sure youve got a rabies shot bc i dont <3
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ghouljams · 3 days
scrolling through tumblr instead of doing my college paperwork (why do they need my immunization records? weirdos. thanks for accepting my application in like three days though) and sinking my teeth into fallout ghost bro (also you wouldn’t happen to have dorm advice would you im desperate)
i love seeing writers i follow taking these boys and pushing them that nice apocalyptic dark.. there’s something that itches my brain about fallout in particular and it’s feeding the worms bc truly anything can go with narrative depending on where you stick em. all that to say loooooooooove ur fallout stuff it’s living in my head forever now and you can’t get rid of me <3333 :3c
Fallout is such a great mix of post-apocalyptic but also there is a society to play with. It's fun writing darker fic with the boys, I like when they're a little fucked up. There are different morals out in the wasteland, you gotta draw your own lines in the sand, decide where you stand and where you aren't going. Ghost's prerogative is survival and revenge, we're just unlucky enough to owe him a debt and get carted along for the ride.
As for Dorm advice... Get flipflops for the showers if you have communal bathrooms. Leave your door open when you can the first week or so, that way people can say hi and you'll know when people are going for food; it's way easier to make friends over lunch/dinner. Don't worry if your roommate isn't your best friend, just try to be cordial with them. My freshman roommate fucking hated me, I ended up spending most of my time in my friend's room since they lived down the hall and my room was just where I slept and studied, it was fine.
Having a roommate agreement sounds silly but is really helpful if you're having any sort of dispute, you can point to the paper you both agreed on and say "look you said you wouldn't bring people back here without giving me a heads up" or whatever. On the other end of that, if your agreement says you'll alternate taking out the trash and your roommate hasn't taken it out, just take it out. It's easier to just do things yourself most of the time. Maybe it's because I'm an oldest child but I tend to just fix things myself when they bother me, trying to get other people to do shit is pointless 75% of the time.
Honestly most people treat the dorms as just a place to sleep and study. It's your home, but it's also not. Which always feels weird to say but you'll get used to it fast. Don't sweat too much about it.
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january-summers · 5 months
I just made myself giggle, and I’ve decided to share why and make it everyone’s problem >:3c
I kind of have this crack treated seriously AU that’s been floating in the back of my brain on an off for a while and it goes like this:
The alpha team from PFL (plus who ever makes it funnier) end up in a simulation of what we might consider a modern au, or at least a sitcom america suburbia version of a modern au.
How? Uhhhh, they were exploring possible forerunner ruins and Santa’s cousin never finished their system set up so their trials are, uhm, whatever I need them to be.
Anyway, in suburbia land Carolina and York are the newly wed couple who have just moved into the area (or cul de sac, we can put them on a dead end street) which is densely populated by the other Freelancers.
Wyoming and Florida live together.
(So do Washington and Maine because I still ship it damnit!)
They start to realise none of this is real and that they’re trapped but all attempts to forcibly wake others or escape end in escapades.
So on and so forth, and everyone gets to (is forced to by the simulation which makes them think this is real life) use their pre-PFL names.
Now, not all of them have names which we know, some we often fill in with head canons or borrowed headcanons, like I picked up Mattias for Maine from a fic and it stuck in my head, and I like Kathrine (Kathy) or Caroline for Carolina but then I realised I couldn’t remember if I knew if York had a name or not.
And this is why I was giggling:
My brain threw out the option “Newton York.”
How do they get out of there? Either my best adult ass man boy Wash is able to notice some stuff and find Santa’s cousin and ask them to knock it off. Or after a series of hilarious hijinks the street finally makes it to the big local festival which they have to save from disaster (normal sitcom disaster like vodka in the free punch, missing decorations/leading act, a stolen prize winning plant/animal) and the credits roll on their season finale because all they had to do was make it there without anyone dying which almost happened.
Santa’s cousin was just bored and wanted to play Suburbs & Sitcoms, the lamest of D&D variations.
… also I kind of need most of the Freelancers to take a ridiculously long time to realise that Maine’s “housemate” David, is Washington because he doesn’t take his helmet off very often and they were all convinced Wash is at least 7 years younger than he actually is.
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huntinglove · 26 days
❤️ + 🤍 for Charlie? :3c
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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❤️ Red ― What's your favorite thing about S/I?
"Oh man... Do I really have to only pick one thing? Well, I guess I really like how she... Makes me feel better about being myself."
"She didn't make fun of my... Condition and she was really sweet during our date! It was actually the first time someone treated me like that... The first time I wasn't made to feel weak or weird..."
🤍 White ― What is your favorite activity to do with S/I?
"Hehe, well we've only been together for a little while so I'm not too sure.. But I did really enjoy sharing a slice of cake with her, while we were on our date.."
"She decided to share it with me even though I got it for her, as an apology... It made me feel really special."
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kyeterna · 7 months
OC-tober day 11 prompt: colour palette
Hot cocoa and Helen with Efial from Cards Swords and Cups
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"Aren't you tired of the establishment treating you like garbage just because you were not born in one of the 'cool' families? Aren't you tired of the constant -unjust- justification of literal eugenics? Don't you wish things could be better? Join the struggle with us, disregard the rules of a game set up to fail, change your fate in the process. Overthrow the C-T.A."
Helen is her name. You would know that because of how infamous she's become at the campus. A reputation of a brute, crude mannerless woman who picks up fights with everyone she disagrees with, a punk. She does look pretty intimidating. You don't exactly disagree with what she is saying- she does have a point, you just don't really like the whole set up. Isn't she always a little... too extreme?
Efial is his name. He is a total John Doe. There is nothing noteworthy about him. Yet he stands besides Helen. Maybe things are more nuanced than rumours have them be.
They (society) hate girlbosses like us (Helen) win. So they damage their reputation to deligitimise their causes. Sure, Helen might come off as unfriendly and kind of scary, but she is far from that. From a fantasy setting where magic, a talent reserved for few people is secret from the common populace. And with most mages being extremely conservative, there's even discrimination amongst mage classes both in economic terms and lineage terms. There are many flaws in the mage society and so she decided that if no one will fight for a better one, she will take the first step, and kind of started a student movement and became the face of said movement despite her wishes. The demands are simple "if non-mage populations can still be victimised by misuse of magic, they should at least know what happened. Use magic for the betterment of all humanity, not just mages. End the blatant discrimination of non-noble mages in all mage associated institutions" and more alike. Efial, while initially recruited as a normal member, has quickly become Helen's right hand man. On top of that they are great friends. I am sure nothing bad awaits them down the line-
From bweirdart's OC-tober prompt:
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While I am doing this challenge mostly to keep an archive of my characters on tumblr (and to incentivise myself to draw them), if you, person stumbling upon this post, are curious and wanna learn more, my askbox is open >:3c
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moonsmultimusings · 19 days
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
most of my muses tend to be picked up by me watching a show/playing a game and going "hey, i like that guy!" and then not having the self-control to stop myself from adding them- lmaO this has kind of always been the case, even before i started writing on tumblr!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
there's a lot of stuff i don't really like writing. i'm not a whump person, and i tend to be bad at writing aggressive dom top characters in general. i'm also uncomfortable with pregnancy as a topic, even if i love the idea of characters raising kids together for the found family sort of dynamic that can lead to.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
i'm a fan of both angst and fluff, mostly! i also really enjoy writing super detailed novella responses, getting deep into the weeds with a character and their thoughts. character explorations especially are fun. i think one of my favorite things to do with a long-running thread is to work in little surprises for my partner (that i have to stop myself from spoiling b/c i'm so excited about what i've got planned-)
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜ�� ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
i feel like a lot of my headcanons come from listening to music, tentatively linking it to characters, and then deciding that i'm going to strengthen that more by adding more details to a character. it's a plague, really.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
i tend to treat writing responses like doing homework in that sense: i listen to music, but only music without lyrics, or with lyrics that i can't understand. otherwise i get too distracted. lofi girl and synthwave boy are my best friends.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
generally speaking, i like to plan out the direction of things like threads. though when it comes to individual responses, i almost never plan them out before i sit down to write them. sometimes i'll stew on them for a bit, come up with a few ideas, and then navigate the process of writing my way up through those ideas.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
i do enjoy shipping! i don't have a lot of ongoing ships right now (because i usually find it hard to ask people if they want to ship with me since i don't have a lot of experience doing that lol) but i would love to have more <3
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
i go by moon online! not my real name, of course.
over 21! in RP terms, i fall in the range of 21-25.
april 20th. funny meme day, i know. the real comedy is when i'm not allowed to put my real birthday in when i'm filling out online forms b/c it will automatically get flagged as spam. it sounds crazy, but it's happened.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
mint green, my beloved <3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
ever??? super hard question. right now, i'd say i've been listening to so you wanna marry daisy a lot, and i can't really explain why? something about the vibes. but this is definitely subject to change lol
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
pretty sure it was weathering with you! i watched it w my partner :3
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i finally finished up the second season of spy x family! also with my partner. i,,, don't watch enough shows on my own lmaO
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
koi by hoshino gen. certified banger, btw.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
OOGH. probably fried rice or, like, garlic naan. i am a carb girlie through and through.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
kind of torn between spring and fall. i love the vibes of spring -- everything turning green again, the rain, the way everything's starting to warm up. it feels energizing, like a fresh start. but i also love the vibes of fall -- the sweaters as it starts to get cold, the crunchy leaves, and the pumpkin pie. why pick one when you can have both?
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
hehe. hehehe >:3c
tagged: stolen! tagging: steal it back, babes <3
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pawbeanies · 1 month
mm, thinking about slowly getting you all pliant without you realizing. i could wake up early to make some cookies, as ive been craving them lately and i love to share, so i make more than enough for the both of us. in the morning, when you're done with breakfast, i hand you a cookie and get one for myself. only difference is that mine doesn't have chocolate chips in it and when you point it out, i just say that i don't like chocolate, so i made two batches: one with and one without. it's simple enough to be accepted, because i truly don't like chocolate chips, so you think nothing of it. later on, i notice you looking a bit dizzy, so i offer you another cookie and some juice. to get your blood sugar up, yknow? I'm your knight; I'm meant to take care of you. but what i notice is that you keep getting more and more slightly off balance and clumsy as the day goes on, so i keep offering the sugary snacks. after the first handful of times, i get concerned, asking if you're feeling sick or if you're overworking yourself. my highness clearly isn't feeling well, so i clear your schedule and bring you to your chambers to rest. at this point, you're already spacey and a bit loopy and just want to cuddle with your knight. i mean, who am i to refuse? so i cuddle up with you and put a movie on, the both of us snaking on the remaining cookies. and the whole time, I'm teasing you about how clingy you're getting, how whiny you are, how you're putting up less and less of a fight as time goes on. at some point during the movie, you lose your ability to speak entirely, only whines and mumbles coming from your mouth when you want something because your mind is just so so fuzzy. it's not until you're good and gone that i reveal your cookies had more than chocolate in them :3c. i mean, you've just been working so hard lately and you've been being such a good prince, so i decided that you need a break for a little to just spend time with me, getting pampered and adored and not thinking about anything else. not that you could think about anything, with how foggy your head is. but it's okay, because you've got me with you. isn't that right? my darling royal boy <3
hgh. you. yyyouuu. i need you to know i saw this while getting ready for work this morning and its been stuck in my brain since!!! lkke!!! the WHOLE day this is a new form of torture. mean. mean. mean. ...
whining whining my knight you BULLY .!!! why would i ever not take something from you. i trust you wholeheartedly and id never turn down a snack... especially choco?!?! you bully. you. you.
i think. id be a little worried if i'm out of it... clinging on you and relying on you a bit more than usual because i don't know why i feel so out of it. thankful for you when you clear my schedule and whisk me back to my room so we can snuggle...
mean. whining all stupid and crawling into your lap while you talk about what you did because i get clingy and needy. not even registering what you're saying while i snuggle up against you... burying my face in your neck and nuzzling into it and maybe even leaving some kisses while being all silly. when my head is fuzzy like that i get much more open and touchy and needy. i think i'd be kind of a handful honestly but could you blame me ??? when my dearest bravest strongest most loyal knight is treating me so well??
gh. actually i would like this one a lot. please? please? how many times can i say please before it sounds pathetic gksjfksf. please get me high and pamper me and we can snuggle and eat snacks and watch movies... preferable to doing work really
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veiledlinks-vn · 1 year
Hellu, everyone! I hope March has been treating you all well! ^^
Spring is still far away here, and the constant change in temperatures resulted in me catching a cold twice. So annoying...
Work has been going steady, though, and I thought it could be fun to share some of the progress I've done this month!
Almost all the variables have been coded for two character routes! The third needs more work, but there's been steady progress there as well.
While I use a lot of free assets for my backgrounds, I sometimes have to either buy assets or just make them myself. One of them was close to being bought, but I decided against it and made it myself instead. It still needs polishing, real life got in the way, but we'll get there!
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A little preview, wonder what this can be and where you find it. :3c
3. What will be a third of the future demo is almost completely proofread and coded. The other two thirds are drafted and will soon be edited.
4. Some of the sprites have gotten a few more facial expressions and outfits, with pleasing results. ^^
5. The probably last sprite got finished! I had a blast with that one and can't wait to show it in the game. ^^
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6. I also continue to do stuff in the wrong order and rewrote 4 larger sections, but they turned out much better (lesson for the day, kids, let things take time).
7. A good chunk of CG work has been done, but I don't want to say how much.
8. And of course, drafting and editing has been done, on older scripts as well as new ones.
That's it for now. I'm continuing on into April with more excitement (and hopefully less health issues). Take care, everyone!
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sucktacular · 8 months
babies first weed delivery from OCS today!! showing up.... at whenever the fuck the decide!! they didnt have my darling favorite Forbidden Fruit from Back40 :((( so I'm trying the ever descriptive "Indica Cartridge" from Community.... this shit better knock me the fuck out!!
i've been sucking on my old "mostly empty" vape carts like a pathetic little goblin for the past week so I'm so ready to get a fresssshhhh concentrated hit right to my brain
baby needs his little treat!!! I was SO GOOD this week and did SO MANY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!! Including call hospital back (oh god the receptionist KNEW IT WAS ME LOL), contact legal aid, clean my room and KEEP IT CLEAN, do dish, DID ALL MY BEDDING AND LAUNDRY!!!!, been taking frankie out for his grass eating adventures, putting some art I've had for months up on my wall, nearly finish my sewing project, etc etc etc. I've been a good boy and I have NO FOREHEAD KISSES TO SHOW FOR IT!! (partner is coming up this monday tho aaaaa >:3c!!!! its been a few weeks since i saw them)
oh and I also dragged my sleep schedule back but the lack of weed has been HELL on my sleep. been too awake to sleep and too sleepy to wake up. u_u so I'm stuck at fall asleep around 4/5am and wake up at 3pm. but thats SO much better than 9/10am sleep and 7/8pm wake :3
anyway i wait for my weed and i ponder once more if I can make myself draw... i want to draw some B art and have been wanting to for months but ive been so stuck in a slump. between social stuff going to HELL, my mental health being in the shitter, my enegry being at absolute 0 if not in the negatives, having other TANGIBLE projects i'd rather do but am also fighting for motivation to do (i prefer tangible projects over digital art but they are both wonderful), etc etc u_u it has NOT been happening wogh
me: woe is me i wish i liked my art more but i always see mistakes and HATE them so much me @ me: you stupid BITCH you have to take that and LEARN THEN and PRACTICE, you CANNOT JUST SIMPLY DWELL me: oh woe is me what if i can never draw as good as i want awoowoowoo me @ me: i hate you. die die die. draw your shit you stupid fuck (soft with love)
anyway uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh end.
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sunsetsarsatequila · 9 months
WIP Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
my god @feelymeely it's been ages since i wrote anything and it was THAT piece with leon and sienna. i swear i'll finish writing this filth at some point. but for now i'll treat y'all to a whole section of it :3c
"You've been so good to me, Leon," Sienna murmured into his ear. "Isn't that right?" Leon quickly nodded before gulping in a deep breath.
"Well,I must have done something right to be getting all this." Leon responded with his usual dry humor, making Sienna chuckle. Leon had said he'd be up for whatever she wanted to try, and she planned on treating him good. He turned his head to face her as he tried to chase Sienna's lips with his own. Sienna leant back to postpone Leon's pleasure a little longer. She noticed the slight pout on his lips, and it reminded her of when they'd first met. He'd really had such a boyish, puppy dog look back then. 
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Leon asked. Sienna nodded. There'd been a lull in testing on her for the past couple of weeks so she'd thankfully managed to get some strength back.
"I won't push myself too hard, I promise. Besides, tonight is all about making you feel good." Sienna shifted the focus away from herself. She didn't want to think about the numerous bruises and scars littered across her body that Leon hadn't seen. No, she'd protect that secret from him for as long as she lived. Leon, who took the whole weight of the world on his shoulders when it was never his responsibility. Her Leon.
She gave in to his desires, and her own. A brief kiss was all she allowed Leon before she pulled away again. She would tease him a bit first, she'd decide. And then she'd reward him for his patience, and make him forget about everything. All of the shit they'd been through and all of the shit yet to come, so that only she remained. Maybe she'd be able to forget, too.
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gideongrovel · 11 months
Really proud of myself of the times when I really get in the drawing zone, and crank out the full sketch and do the line work in one go! 💪🏾😤 Probably just gonna go with short wig for Chop, his classic s.onny.bono wig-do,,,, was nice to see some of yall say new wig style tho will keep that in mind for future art pieces :3c also blowing a lil kiss to the one person who voted no wig /p
I kinda wasn't sure about making a pride piece or not since I thought it would make me too sad I can't actually go with Chop to a real pride,,,, but its actually been really healing and nice drawing it, I'm feeling all smiley looking at what i got so far,,, it feels real enough to me!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
ALSO I mentioned this like a day or two ago? But I did decide "fuck it" so there is a lil k.ink in the art, as a treat! (pun that will be funnier a couple days from now),,,, tho I'm making more then one vers of the art so people can still reblog the "mild" one if they feel uncomfy 💀
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cloversdreams · 1 year
Why I grailed my servants :3c (spoiler, the answer is love)
ENG companion to my JP list
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MY KING!! MY LOVE!! The number one character I spoil most across both games!! I bought his scale figure before I ever even touched the game. His design is just perfection. He's seriously the reason I'm addicted to this godforsaken game now. I. Love. Him.
Robin Hood
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Robin carried my ass through soo much of the early game. I adore him, his personality, and the pretty final art (not this summer one which is also great). He's been through the whole game with me, just like Ozy, and has a special place in my heart because of it. He's currently my only low rarity servant grailed on EN.
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Ok but like. I loooove him!! His design, his personality, ughhh. Yes, please. They hit me right where it hurt and I thanked them for it. Every time I see him in game I just "!!". And every time he smiles I swear I could fly. Feed me all the Achilles content, I'll gladly slorp it up. I AM READY FOR THAT SUMMER OUTFIT.
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I can't imagine it's possible not to love him like... did you close your eyes during his moments in story/events? Completely ignore his interludes? Please he's just soo good. Whether as a bestie or boyfren, he'd treat me right. 15/10. Immaculate vibes and impeccable fashion sense.
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The only Arthur for me!! Until he gets an alter... then I'll admit that I have two hands. For now, I use both to hug this goodest boy. I constantly think about how he won that poll for nicest face. Over allll the waifus. It's what he deserves. The goal for next year is to NP5 him, wish me luck!!
Arjuna Alter
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I really liked his design and when he finally dropped I went hard on his banner (also because Karna was on the same one and I figured either SSR was a win at the time lol). Fun fact: he's the first limited five star I've gotten to NP5 :0
Zhuge Liang Lord El-Melloi II Waver Velvet
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Waaaaaver. Nuff said. No, but really, he's just an exhausted dork with the hots for one of the thiccest men I've ever seen in my life and then he adopts a daughter who ends up taking care of him cause he's a big loser like... What's not to love?? Righttt, there's the whole being one of the best supports in the game I guess. Mostly the other things, though.
Summer Kiara
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She'd kick my ass and I'd thank her. 1000% smitten. First wooman I grailed in EN!!
Ashiya Douman
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Newest grail let's gooo!! My poor little meow meow. Such crimes he has committed. I make no excuses for him I'm the first one to call him terrible. Damn if I'm not a sucker for that body though. I want him to lie in my lap so I can pet him like a content cat. He will probably bite me but honestly that's all just foreplay in the end.
On our way to 2k gold Fous as well as bond ten!! I'm actually reading through the story so no final ascension art yet, but you know as soon as that bitch is unlocked I'll equip it!! I AM WEAK.
Since there aren't as many chars as the other list, I will also add thoughts on potential future grail candidates for this account:
Santa Karna
I am positively smitten with the first (and prob only) male Santa. From his incredible design to his animations, I can't get enough. My desire to grail him is impossible to ignore at this point and I've already resigned myself to the fact that it's going to happen.
Saber Astolfo
I don't even know what happened but I suddenly grew a crazy fondness for Astolfo seemingly overnight. Especially his saber unit. He's so stinking cute. I love his animations so much ugh. He's a good boy and deserves love.
Wife. Honestly she's just so fricken gorgeous. One of my top fav female char designs in game for sure. She deserves at least a silver card. I'll have to decide whether or not to go all the way to gold.
I have love for him and his pretty final ascension. His interactions with Master once he's summonable are all so precious imo. I don't know... he's got a cute smile and I'm weak, okay??
Assuming I can actually get her at some point... Dragon Wife. Nuff said.
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madeimpact · 2 years
9, 16, 18 :3c
Munday for multiple muses || @veiliisms || Accepting
9. Which of your muses would get along well with each other?
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Oh, Madoka and Lucas would easily befriend, like, most of my muses, and they themselves would be besties for sure. Shinji could totally use a friend like those two. Hop and Kazuya would also really get along on the basis of both being really big fans of battling and really having to push to be good at battling, not having the natural talent of the protag ( even tho Hop decides to pursue other things ). Kazuya and Red is an interesting idea, but I feel like if Kazuya met Red he’d just combust on the spot.
There’s just so many possible combinations with the number of muses I have, I feel like most of them would get along with each other. I should probably make an on-blog relationship chart. It’d be funny lmao
16. Do you have more OCs or more canon muses?
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Definitely more canons. OC havers are so powerful and I’ve got a handful myself, but my brain likes to pick a character from whatever media I’m obsessing over at any given moment and be like “THAT ONE. I’m adopting that one”
18. Is there a muse you’re considering making right now?
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Mmmm this feels like almost the same question as muses I’d like to write? But “making” implies OCs to me. I’ve thought about a Pokémon OC who treats ghosts like you’d probably expect someone to treat fairies. They’re like “aaa my little scrunglies 🥰” meanwhile there’s just. A Mismagius getting ready to steal your soul LMAO. But on the other hand that’s just Allister to a degree KDHFSLKJDGN
I guess I’m picturing more like, goblin goth child who acts cutesy and fawns over ghosts like they’re a Skitty or something. Definitely laughs like “huhu~!” Slightly different vibe. Maybe one day I’ll actually flesh out the concept more but for now it’s just a character I’ve thought about in passing.
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toumin · 5 years
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New Watch!!!
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maggins · 2 years
got my first paycheck from new job so i decided to treat myself a lil further >:3c
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