#spacecowboysstuff <3
ceykore · 3 years
could you help me figure something out? How does Sam feel about Ponk?
If he is willing to sadistically torture Ponk for a useless keycard than he obviously doesn't care about him, right? Then why did he throw himself off a fridge when Ponk said Foolish was attractive??? Does he care about Ponk as a person, is he using for some end goal?? He confuses me
how does sam feel about ponk? it's definitely complicated and i think the best way to answer that is to explain my thinking process in phases: before keycard conflict, after keycard conflict (but before the fridge incident), and after the fridge incident.
before the keycard conflict, ponk and sam had a steady relationship! featuring the infamous woo station, love was definitely alive and well. there were a few pranks here and there that made the relationship complicated and unsteady at times, but i wouldn't categorize those situations as bond-breaking. sam had very fond feelings for ponk at this time and vice versa!
after the keycard conflict, ponk had lost a canon life and been brutally tortured all by sam. sam did this for the safety of the prison and to ensure that there was no chance that dream would leave the prison through ponk's petty thievery. the keycard conflict solidifies one thing perfectly: sam cares more about the prison and keeping dream in there than anything and anyone else. even ponk. but here's the interesting thing, i think ponk and sam view this situation very differently (not in the way that sam believes that he did no wrong and ponk believes that he was wronged). ponk obviously left this situation hurt and mentally battered, feeling like he had lost a close confidant to a prison (like i get that pandora's vault is a baddie, but u didn't have to steal sam like that smh....), but i think sam viewed the conflict as another road bump in their relationship. to sam, he was simply doing his job to ensure that dream wouldn't have a chance at escaping, and did this job using any means necessary (or unnecessary). i don't know the correct word to describe it, but it almost feels like sam was disappointed by what ponk did... this is just to say that sam was hurt by ponk's actions, but not in the same way that ponk was hurt by sam's actions. after the keycard conflict, sam still tries to flirt with ponk and ponk gives in at times, still throwing shade and alluding to the whole situation... sam's feelings after the keycard conflict are still relatively positive towards ponk i think. definitely not the same way as it was before, but because sam doesn't see that he's done anything wrong, he's able to move on with ease and doesn't take into consideration what this might've done to their dynamic.... (i'm really conflicted about how to say this part so pardon if i sound a bit convoluted rn...)
after the fridge conflict, after ponk says that foolish is attractive, i think sam felt hurt by this comment judging based off of his reaction. i think sam still believed that he and ponk were on decent enough terms that they could flirt and chill like they used to but upon hearing that ponk thinks foolish is attractive,,,, this must've felt a bit heartbreaking. it's hard to judge this situation because it's, unfortunately, never brought up again :/ it almost feels like sam is desperate for affection... he's not getting any positive vibes from anyone around him so i think he's trying to seek it out from a source he knows to be reliable, ponk. so ponk saying that he prefers other people than sam, it hurts y'know... as for where we are currently in the story, it feels like sam is acting how he used to with ponk and gets a bit defensive (using this word lienently) whenever ponk brings up the keycard conflict. sam's feelings for ponk at this point are complicated but i think they're still relatively positive...
does sam still care about ponk? i think sam cares more about keeping dream in prison than anything. we've seen the extents that sam is willing to go to to make sure dream stays in prison, even if that means inflicting pain onto loved ones like ponk. sam still seems willing to help out ponk if needed, but if the prison is involved, sam would choose the prison 1000x over ponk. it's kinda like tunnel vision, only focusing on one thing and ignoring the bigger picture...
here are some notes i took while trying to answer this !
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berenstein · 3 years
are you going to do those cool charachter sheets for every dsmp character or is this a one time thing?
hi !!!! i definitely dont think im going to do everyone bc that would be like. more than 30 gifsets which is a bit out of my pay grade LOL but i am making some more. i already have two (one for dream and one for george, all will be under this tag) and im currently working on one for techno !!!! i dont really know who i am going to do from there...? if there was anyone you particularly wanted to see or if u just wanted to discuss what i wouldve put for them feel free to let me know :]
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ceykore · 3 years
here is a more serious question. Should C!Ponk ever truly forgive C!Sam for what he has done?
as google defines it, to forgive someone is to "stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake." i don't think c!ponk could or should do this.
c!sam has killed, tortured, and amputated c!ponk for 11 stolen, inactive keycards. this is not an equivalent exchange. it is easy to see from c!ponk's perspective that these actions are absurd. in the moment, they were extreme; in retrospect, still extreme. i think that no matter how you frame the situation, c!sam escalated it. c!ponk is in the wrong for stealing the key cards and should have given them back when he had the chance to, but didn't. that's on c!ponk. both could have approached that situation differently, but put their ideals before their personal feelings and in the end, c!ponk couldn't hold up and ended up losing more and gaining nothing positive from this situation. one could look at the past and see how the good may outweigh the bad....
yes, they enjoyed good times in the past (woo station, christmas, various times just hanging out) and some bad times (the fran incidents, blowing up lemon city, etc.), but consider the impact compared to what occurred on march 24th. c!ponk at some point would've consider c!sam a close friend and confidant. having someone so close to you, someone that you cared for, that you loved, do something so hurtful to you definitely complicates things. i'm sure that in ponk's backstory lore that will be coming out soon, we will see how they became so close and we'll be able to compare past c!sam and c!ponk to their current relationship/dynamic better but for now, let's speculate and conjure. i'm going to assume that they (still talking about the characters) were pretty close in the past (before the dsmp) so i can only imagine c!ponk just going back and forth in his head like "we used to sit by the beach and talk all day, but he chopped off my fucking arm?!??!" and "he would always be there for me when i needed something, whether it be a stick or a gold block, but stared me dead in the eyes as lava poured over me?!??". the good doesn't outweigh the bad for me...
there are not many things that c!sam could do for c!ponk that would absolve him of his past grievances. building c!ponk a prosthetic arm might help, but i can see that being a reminder of what happened and maybe make him feel weak because he has to rely on c!sam to build him an arm. vasts amounts of wealth wouldn't do much because c!ponk isn't too concerned about how many diamonds, emeralds, etc. he has. i also don't really see apologizing working in c!sam's favor either. this event had ripple effects. c!sam can apologize for his actions, but the things that c!ponk has had to go through after that (realizing that the person you cared for the most has changed so drastically, the missing limb, being reminded of what happened when he's close to lava or poison, seeing green/creepers and instantly being taken back to that moment) won't be resolved in such an easy way.
also considering the current state that c!sam's is in, i don't think he would apologize to c!ponk because he doesn't think what he did was wrong in any way. if c!sam were to apologize, it would feel out of character unless c!dream escaped prison and c!sam came to the realization that he shouldn't have gone to such extremes. (i say this because something i think might happen if c!dream escapes is c!sam feeling like he has no purpose and thinking retrospectively on his actions.) c!sam would have to undergo a lot of self-reflection to apologize to the ones he's hurt, and that may not happen for a long time...
tldr/conclusion: i don't think that c!ponk should forgive c!sam for the things he has done. the things that c!sam did to c!ponk scarred him physically and mentally and i'm not sure how you could forgive that. plus c!ponk is way too petty to get over the situation and c!sam is way too stubborn to apologize for the situation.
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ceykore · 3 years
a milkman au. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this from a minecraft roleplay
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neither did any of us lol
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