#st/ar tr/ek
snezi · 2 years
Part 1 of a new St/ar Tr/ek fic I started! This will eventually be Kirk/McCoy <3
*Disclaimer: I would like to give credit to @hessickjim, as their works are the inspiration for all snez spellings :)
Jim was fucked.
His throat had been scratchy and painful the night before, and his lungs had had a slight catch to them, so he went out of his way to get more than 5 hours of sleep that night to try to heal things up, figuring he’d be good as new in the morning.
Unfortunately, it turned out that those 2 extra hours of sleep were hardly the cure-all he’d hoped for, and were really more equivalent to slapping a bandaid on a gaping wound. He woke up to full-blown congestion: in his face, in his ears, in his chest. A persistent cough had settled in, a wheezy bark that made his trachea ache. But worst of all was his nose: it was itchy, and runny, and nearly hair-trigger sensitive.
“Hh’ASCHHhuh!” He sneezed explosively, and then groaned as he felt his nose immediately fill again.
For a fleeting second, he considered running to Bones. It was only recently that he was coming to terms with his feelings for his CMO, and the thought of being near the man, while also being fussed over and allowed to sleep all day (even if it was at the cost of a few hypos) sounded like heaven.
God, I must have a fever, too, Jim scoffed as he dragged himself out of bed.
The truth was, it didn’t matter what he wanted, because Dr. Leonard McCoy was insanely busy today. And really the whole week. The medbay had been overrun with scientists who had managed to give themselves some sort of painful, itchy rash that didn’t respond to normal medications, and Leonard was hell-bent on finding the cure.
So instead of bothering him, Jim vowed to just get through his shift and then go back to bed. They were cruising through space en route to their next planet, and weren’t due to arrive for another few days, so at least he wouldn’t have to do much. He could hide how he felt for a few hours, no problem!
With that, he shoved a clump of tissues into his pocket, and made his way up to the bridge.
Spock was already there, but thankfully seemed to be deep in conversation with Uhura, so Jim managed to sneak to his chair largely unobserved.
At least, until his traitorous nose betrayed him.
“HPMFSH! Hh'KGNx't!” He stifled hard into his fist, causing pain to shoot through his sinuses.
A chorus of “bless you”s sounded from around the bridge, and Jim felt his ears go pink as he nodded his thanks. Glancing back, he saw Spock start towards him, so he quickly swiveled forward and addressed the rest of his crew.
“Good morning everyone. If I could get the updates, please?” He quietly cleared his throat, trying to dispel some of the gravel coating his vocal cords.
He saw a few people exchange glances in surprise: on a normal day Jim would joke around with everyone first, making conversation or simply checking in, but today he was just too tired, and besides, every word he spoke made his nose twitch.
“Umm…nothing to report, sir,” Sulu finally responded. “We’re on track to reach our destination in 3.57 days.”
Kirk nodded appreciatively, knuckling at his nose. The rest of the crew gave similarly short updates as they moved to their stations.
Except for Spock. He lingered beside him, head cocked slightly as he asked, “Captain, are you alright?”
Jim smiled as convincingly as he could as he deflected. “Uh oh, emotions this early in the morning, Spock?”
The Vulcan flushed slightly but persisted. “I am merely inquiring as to why you have deviated from routine. Additionally, I believe I can hear your lungs-”
“I’m fine,” Jim interrupted quickly, not wanting the entire bridge to be regaled with how thick and congested his chest must sound to Spock’s superhuman ears.
“Should I comm Doct-”
“No! I’m fine,” he repeated hastily. “Now, how are your scans of the new planet going?”
Spock raised an eyebrow at him, pausing for a long moment before, thankfully, he let the matter drop. “They are progressing steadily.”
“Good. If you could continue with that, then, please…?” Jim suggested.
Spock’s disapproval was nearly palpable, his dark eyes piercing, but reluctantly, he made his way to his station.
Jim breathed a small sigh of relief, only to have it catch on the ever-present tickle in his throat. He coughed once, and then again much harder, but seeing Spock out of the corner of his eye, forced back the fit that threatened to spill out.
And so it went, for the majority of the shift: Jim struggling to suppress symptom after symptom under the Vulcan’s piercing gaze, while surreptitiously wiping his nose on his dwindling tissues - and then his sleeve once he ran out - whenever Spock’s back was turned.
As the final hour began to tick by, though, Jim found himself losing the battle against his cold more often than he won, and he was truly exhausted from the effort. His nose was running nearly non-stop, his lungs were burning with the need to cough, and he was freezing.
He crossed his arms over his chest for added warmth, leaned back against his chair, and let his eyes drift closed, just for a second…
He jerked awake some time later to Spock looming over him.
“Captain, I believe you would be more comfortable in your quarters,” the Vulcan murmured, bent in close this time to keep others from hearing. “It is obvious that you are not well.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he mumbled raspily, wiping sleep out of his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. How much longer is our shift?”
“13 minutes, certainly a timeframe short enough that you should not be missed,” Spock replied pointedly.
“Spock, I - Hih’IHDSCHh’uh!” Kirk jerked his arm up just in time to keep from spraying his First Officer. “IH’DZSCHH’uh!”
“My point precisely.”
“Mbost people say ‘bless you,’” Jim rolled his eyes, wincing as he heard the congestion seeping into his words. “Bud fide, you wid.”
He dragged his body out of his chair, trying not to groan at the ache in his muscles. The movement made black dots swim before his eyes, and he swayed.
Spock grabbed his arm in an instant, alarmed. “I will accompany you.”
Too tired to protest, Kirk merely nodded his thanks, and the two made their way to the turbolift. “Sulu, you habe the conn.”
The walk to his room wasn’t far, but by the time they made it there, the Captain felt ready to collapse, leaning more and more heavily on Spock as they progressed. Spock half-carried, and half-dragged, him to his bed, and he flopped down on it.
“Thagks, Spock,” Jim mumbled, face-down in his blankets.
“Do you require anything, Captain?” he asked.
Jim shook his head, launching into a painful coughing fit.
To his surprise, he felt Spock’s hand on his back, rubbing gently until he managed to regain control of his lungs.
“Please allow me to comm Dr. McCoy,” he murmured, and when Jim turned over to look at him he saw the Vulcan’s face pinched with concern.
He shook his head again. “I will, later. Just wadt to sleep for awhile first.”
Seeming to begrudgingly accept that, Spock nodded, and turned to leave the room. “Rest well, Jim.”
“Thagks, Spock,” he smiled, almost immediately falling into a deep sleep.
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taichissu · 1 year
wish there was a way on ao3 to sub to an author but only for like one fandom
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snezario · 10 months
i feel like i'm so out of sync w/ snzblr community - either super behind on getting into certain fandoms, in a realm of my own niche interest, or just constantly re-reading fics of once popular fandoms.
anyways if anyone wants to chat abt any of the following, please feel free to hmu bc my hyperfixations never end :~)
hou//se md (jam//es wils//on is the perfect subject for fics and you will never convince me otherwise)
jam//es bo//nd (took me a bit to get into, but i'm here and i'm not leaving any time soon)
musi//cal thea/tre or bro/adw//ay (i dream abt my fave performers with allergies or colds but only beetl//ejui//ce has fanfic potential for me)
st/ar tr//ek (my eternal love for bon//es will never be extinguished)
i'm also trying to get back into writing things again, but it's never been a strong suit of mine so we'll see how that goes...
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
S/I’s little personality description (like the fand//om wi//ki): 🌟
Freya is a polite, though typically reserved girl upon first impressions despite her pleasant demeanour. Her oddly formal manner of speaking and noticeable control over her tone and facial expression often are described as creepy or insincere amongst some of her peers and acquaintances — Freya acknowledges this as a way to put distance between her and others. Whether she sees this as a defensive mechanism or to exert superiority over others isn’t clearer-cut and seems to depend on the individual’s interpretation. As she’s foreign to Japan, she struggles with the use of honorifics and her language structures can be rather stiff when not communicating in English; this further attributes to her formal syntax and general reserved nature as she fears being judged for such an incapability or being seen as anything less than intelligent.
She’s quick to judge others, and can jump to rash conclusions due to her anxious nature and subsequent overthinking — though she only shares these points when relevant and is never directly accusatory; she can still be rather passive-aggressive. She doesn’t seem to have an intuitive knowledge of socialisation, and instead relies upon psychological theory and personal experiences to analyse or imitate someone’s behaviour and act accordingly. Freya is beyond competent in this field, and claims that the way she learned to analyse emotions and words was a heavy contributor to her becoming the Ultimate Orator despite the initial shortcomings of her predisposition.
When learning to trust those around her, the polite “perfect” image of herself quickly crumbles and she starts to express herself in a more passionate manner, her way of speaking much looser to the point of it bordering on nonsensical as her mind thinks faster than she speaks. Freya is an enjoyer of bad puns, pop culture, cooking, the arts, true crime, and the occult — much of which she speaks in great detail when comfortable. To those she’s close to, she is protective, loyal, and thoughtful towards, but also very sensitive to if she thinks she’s done something wrong. When her guard is down, she’s really just a naïve and excitable child who’s rather loving and affectionate when appropriate.
Her lonely, pressured upbringing makes her rather sympathetic to her childhood friend though later “rival”, Byakuya — being able to gain an understanding of human connection and sympathy through one another’s similarities and differences to upbringings/ experiences that are on “different sides of the same coin”. Later, they grow closer to then become lovers (though in Trial 2 Mo//nokuma remarks Byakuya always harboured a protective and softer instinct when it came to her). Their understanding of one another and their inherit differences catalyse growth in each other, having an intimacy where they emotionally heal together from traumatic family upbringing.
Freya was only scouted as an Ultimate due to H//ope’s Pe//ak scouting Byakuya — as upon recognising him they learned of her being his academic rival for a period at their former high school.
Obligatory D//GR profile information
Blood Type: O
Height: 175cm (5’9”)
Weight: 65 Kilograms
Birthday: 11th November
Chest Size: 96cm
Likes: Drawing, Pop-culture
Dislikes: Cold Weather
Status: Alive
Her and Byakuya are one of the two pairs to attended the same former high school, the other being Sakura and Peko.
Freya makes many references to pop-culture in her later F//TE’s and school mode interactions. Though some are from popular anime (Dra//gon Ba//ll, Poké//mon, etc.) most are from Western shows such as St//ar Wa//rs, St//ar Tr//ek, and Do//ctor Who.
She is the only character in the franchise with naturally curly hair, though it is said she straightens the tops of her tendrils and sets her hair in a particular way when she sleeps. In a F//TE she mentions that she spends too much time braiding/ doing her hair up and grows frustrated at how it never quite meets her standards of neatness regardless of her efforts.
—> She states many people want to see what her hair looks like out, but her perfectionistic attitude and sensory issues deny that request. It’s implied her family says this, though Byakuya is inferred to having an interest when she recalls him giving her curling mousse and never giving an explanation: “He just stared blankly at me without talking, but I’ve known him long enough to know it’s a bit of an affectionate look for him.”. Her hair is inches below her waist straightened.
She is confirmed to wear light and simple makeup and has minor skin issues. Many of her F//TEs allude to a strong insecurity in her looks despite how she’s had positive reception towards her appearance.
Like Byakuya, she hates inappropriate subject matter.
She is commented on having large “doe” eyes, though due to stylistic limitations this doesn’t show clearly.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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star-temeraire · 4 years
I don’t just want disabled characters who are palatable to an abled audience. 
I also want characters who make able-bodied people uncomfortable. I want characters who are going to challenge the way abled people view us, not just in a ~ohh disability makes us accomplish things differently~ but in a way that forces abled people to acknolledge their ableism.
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jedie · 4 years
Tumblr media
what if i....
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snezi · 1 year
Hi @my-snz-blog! I’m your secret Santa this year! I wrote you a tiny Star Trek fic featuring Kirk and McCoy - I wasn’t sure what your preferred pairings were, so I hope that’s okay! :) Snz spellings are inspired by hessickjim.
(Also tagging @softsnzstuff to be sure this gets to you!)
Midterms were finally over at the Starfleet academy, and Jim was pumped! After days of all-nighters and practically being glued to the chair in the library, slogging through brain-boggling amounts of material, he couldn’t wait to see Bones again and go out for some drinks. They had a long weekend now, since they always got a short fall break after exams, and Jim was determined to have as much fun as was humanly possible.
The air had turned bitterly cold lately, and Jim could see his breath as he hurried across campus towards Leonard’s room. The biting frost combined with the euphoria of the break had Kirk feeling electric. Had it really only been 3 days since he’d seen the man? It felt more like an eternity.
Bounding up the stairs to the private room, he rapped quickly on the door.
“Who is it?” Called a voice that almost sounded…hoarse?
“Bones…?” Jim replied hesitantly, slightly confused. “It’s me!”
A shuffling from inside, and then Leonard appeared, opening the door only part way. He looked haggard, his eyes red-rimmed, face pale, and hair mussed. He clutched a quilt around his shoulders.
For a moment, Jim just stood there in shock. “Whoa, Bones, you look like hell.”
The older man scoffed out a laugh that quickly turned into a dry, raspy cough. “You say the nicest things to me,” he muttered, his voice gravelly. “Whadda ya want?”
“Well, I haven’t seen you in forever, so I wanted to check on you! And also to see if you wanted to go out tonight. But never mind that, we can just hang out here!”
He took a step toward Leonard, who immediately pulled the door further closed. “I don’t think so. I don’t want…want you c-catching…thi-hhhhhh’AHSCHHhuuh!” He ducked away, releasing a massive sneeze into his quilt-covered arm, blinking blearily in the aftermath.
“Bless you,” Kirk winced.
The sick man released a garbled, scraping sound as he cleared his throat. “As I said, I don’t want you catching this.”
“Yeah, you sound terrible. Which is why you need me around to help! I’ll be fine! Please?” He unleashed his best big-blue-puppy-eyes look.
“Absolutely n-no-hhhuh’AHTCSHhu!” This second sneeze bent the med student nearly in half, his grip on the door the only thing keeping him upright.
Jim quickly ducked under Leonard’s arm, keeping it around his neck while wrapping his own arm around his waist. “Easy, Bones. Why don’t you sit down?”
Forced to keep the blanket clamped to his mouth and nose in the aftermath of his drenching, messy sneeze, the med student had no choice but to relent. Jim gently guided him back to his bed, where he immediately grabbed a wad of tissues and cleaned up.
“I’m serious, kid, you should get out of here,” he rasped again, before dissolving into a crackly coughing fit that made his lungs ache.
It hurt Jim’s heart to see him like this. He rubbed circles into Bones’s chest until the fit abated, and the man leaned back against his headboard, looking spent.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he insisted, his blue eyes meeting Leonard’s hazel ones.
Something vulnerable seemed to flash through the older man’s gaze, but before he could respond, he succumbed to another fit of coughing that refused to subside. Jim ran to get a glass of water, his heart rate spiking as icy tendrils of anxiety gripped his gut. What if Bones needed medical attention? He was no doctor! Would he even be able to convince him to go?
The cold water seemed to help, though, and finally Leonard got control of his lungs back.
“Can I get you anything? More water? Tea? Medicine?” Kirk asked, a bit more frantically than he intended.
Still breathing raggedly, Bones reached out and grabbed his wrist, momentarily halting his spiraling thoughts. “I’m alright, darlin’.”
“But maybe we should go to the clinic? What if you get worse?” Jim murmured, biting down hard on his bottom lip.
Leonard frowned. “Hey, don’t do that. C’mere.” He opened his arms and Jim dove into them, snuggling his face into Bones’s neck as he enveloped them both in the blanket. “What’s got you so worked up, now, hmm?”
“You’re sick, Bones,” Jim mumbled, reflexively squeezing him tighter. “I’m worried about you.”
The older man affectionately ruffled Jim’s hair, grateful he couldn’t see how much he was blushing. “You know, you can be pretty sweet when you’re not being a huge pain in my ass,” he teased.
Jim swatted him, grinning in spite of himself. “I’m serious.”
“And I appreciate your concern, darlin’. I’ve got a nasty bug, but that’s all it is. Okay?”
Jim leaned back to look searchingly into Leonard’s eyes, brow pinched in a slight frown. “You do feel really warm, though, Bones,” he fretted, placing a palm to his forehead, and then the back of his hand to the hollow of his neck. “I’m going to grab a cold cloth.”
Before McCoy could protest, he had leapt up and sprinted into the bathroom.
“Slow down, kid, before you trip and fall!” Leonard groused, a few tickly coughs bursting out after.
Completely ignoring the scolding, Jim came running back into the room, skidding to a stop next to the bed. He carefully folded the wet rag, and gently laid it against the back of Leonard’s neck.
“Damn that’s cold,” the med student hissed, wincing as a shiver suddenly ripped through him.
He barely had time to open his arms again before Jim was diving back into place against his chest.
“I’m sorry, Bones,” Kirk murmured softly, clutching him tightly. “I wish I was better at taking care of you.”
Leonard wrapped his arms around him, heart melting. “Hey, now, you’re doing great. I’m really alright, darlin’, okay?” He nudged Jim a bit, forcing him to sit up and meet his gaze.
Those big blue eyes were so trusting, it nearly broke Leonard’s heart. “Okay,” Kirk said.
“Good. Now, I don’t…w-wait, Jim-” But it was too late, Jim had already curled back into Bones’s neck, and any attempt to pry him off was not happening. Bones quickly covered Jim’s head and face with the quilt before he snapped to the side with a large, “HHH’MFFSSHHuh!”
“Bless you, Bones,” Jim smiled, peeking out from the blanket cocoon.
Leonard flushed as he sniffled wetly. “Ugh. You are definitely going to catch this.”
“Worth it,” Jim replied, hugging him tighter as he leaned up to kiss Bones’s cheek.
If anyone asked, his blush was definitely from the fever…
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
All I’m gonna end up doing tonight before bed is daydreaming and watching st/at tr/ek on Netflix. And u know what. I’m ok with that
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snezario · 4 months
been putting off making a pinned post, but it's finally happening!! call me mal or fiend (vox's little slut, jk unless...) idc. i used to go by a different name on the blue forum but i don't feel like mentioning it here. you can ask if you're really interested
biromantic, demisexual, & agender
18+; they/them pronouns
DMs and asks are generally open, unless you're weird/invasive
current fandoms: ha/zbi/n ho/tel, ja/mes bo/nd, hou/se m/d, st/ar tr/ek
ships: rad/iost/atic, stev/eto/ny, bo/ndq, hou/sewils/on, ki/rkmc/coy
likes: i used to be a complete illness nut, but i've become more of an allergy hoe as of late
neutral: coughing & noseblowing
not a fan: mess, emeto, & super explicit sexual content
i'm more a fandom person than anything so OC's aren't rly my jam. i also quite prefer fics over wavs. i LOVE art but it tends to be a bit of a rarity for my chosen fandoms?
i don't write as much as i used to but sometimes i just get in the Mood. all my drabbles/fics can be found here
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ethereousdelirious · 4 years
Anyone else immediately able to tell when an actor/VA is fighting a head cold/allergies? Like one episode will sound slightly Off and you KNOW because you were LISTENING FOR IT even on some subconscious level and you're just AWARE
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mwagneto · 3 years
I forgot Leonard Nimoy was in an episode of columbo so for a second i thought you just suddenly remembered he existed
FDJDJSJCHSHX yeah tbh. just a general awareness of his existence
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quality-ghost · 3 years
I dont exactly see why omegaverse is hot cause it seems like a nightmare. If you're not a beta you either get into uncontrollable heats (that in some cases can KILL you) or be a magnet for those uncontrollable horn beasts. hell some stories have the 'omegas' treated even worse. Just. Bad vibes all around - amii
to think the entire trope began because of the way Vul/cans mate in St/ar Tr/ek
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baywindowed · 7 years
why are we discussing s.tar w.ars it is not may the 4th
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tigerkinksfa · 2 years
Would u guys wanna see my St/ar Tr//ek ocs??
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bauchief · 7 years
ok  but  one  of  my  main  inspirations ?  ?    ?   searching  for  their  partner ,   trying  to  “ re - create ”  them  using  old  bones  dry  as  day  and  dusty  clothes  found  in  a  house  half  devoured  when  the  sky  reached  down ,   hungry ,   but  they  create  each  other  according  to  memories  of  a  meeting  that  hasn’t  happened  yet ;   the  past  dissecting  the  present  searching  for  the  future   the  way  we  stomp  through  abandoned  farmhouses  pretending  we  can  understand  strangers’  lives  better  than  our  own ;   dust  to  dust  only  these  bones  talk  back ;   scavengers  take  trophies  and  photos  of  derelict  structures  like  these  places  keep  pieces  of  lost  children  and  hikers  in  return 
       also  did  i  mention  i’m  high  on  my  cold / flu  meds  
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